What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (2024)

Analyst Jason Williams has introduced an intriguing concept he calls “Plug in Payouts,” envisioning ordinary investors benefiting financially from the proliferation of public EV charging stations.

He claims investors could make over $26,000 annually through this model as charging networks grow. While intriguing, the idea warrants further scrutiny.

Williams hints at lucrative stock plays in EV-related companies and talks of wealthy backers and oil giants already strategically involved.

But who is Jason Williams and does his pitch truly hold water? This article will analyze his background, the Wealth Advisory service, and the legitimacy of his “Plug in Payouts” opportunity.

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What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (2)
  • Jason Williams’ “Plug in Payouts” pitch centers on earning income from electric vehicle charging stations as they proliferate.
  • He claims you could make $26,280 annually from collecting small fees each time an EV charges. Wealthy investors and oil companies are already involved.
  • Williams recommends investing in certain EV-related companies benefitting from government funding under the Inflation Reduction Act. This could yield up to $34,200 he says.
  • To get his stock picks, you need to join his Wealth Advisory newsletter service, where he uncovers overlooked opportunities.
  • Williams has worked on Wall Street and built a network of CEOs and billionaires to gain insights into the income streams of the ultra-wealthy.
  • While Williams presents intriguing concepts, any stock tips or income claims should be scrutinized and require thorough individual research before investing.
  • VERDICT: The broader trend of expanding EV infrastructure is legitimate, but the approach promises easy passive income realistically. Assess risks and align them with your investment strategy before committing capital.

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In his presentation, Jason Williams envisions a transformative shift in income opportunities tied to the proliferation of charging stations for electric vehicles. According to him, the increasing prevalence of charging infrastructure is creating a novel income stream.

What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (3)

This concept suggests that individuals can potentially generate income each time an electric car is plugged in for charging and that’s where the “plug in payouts” phenomenon comes from.

The underlying idea is rooted in the growing demand for electric vehicles and the corresponding need for a robust charging infrastructure. As more charging stations are established, Jason Williams sees this as not only supporting the widespread adoption of electric cars but also as a unique avenue for individuals to participate in the electric vehicle ecosystem.

By capitalizing on the trend of expanding charging networks, you could potentially tap into a revenue stream linked to the utilization of these charging stations.

This perspective reflects a forward-thinking approach, aligning with the evolving landscape of sustainable transportation and the increasing reliance on electric vehicles. Ultimately, Jason Williams sees “plug-in payouts” as a strategic and innovative way for individuals to participate in the economic opportunities emerging within the electric vehicle industry.

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Jason asserts that while the earnings per electric car charging session may seem modest, the cumulative impact of these fractions can be substantial.

He illustrates this point with a practical example, suggesting that even collecting a mere $0.05 every minute can result in a noteworthy income stream.

Therefore, if you were to accumulate this seemingly small amount consistently, it translates to $72 per day.

Extrapolating further, this would amount to $2,190 per month or an impressive $26,280 annually. The idea is that by tapping into the incremental earnings generated from multiple electric car charging sessions, you could cultivate a significant and relatively effortless source of passive income over time.

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Jason reveals that, until recently, discussions about plug-in payouts were confined to an exclusive circle comprising affluent investors and global oil companies. The exclusivity of this information suggests that it was not widely known or discussed among the general public.

To underscore the exclusiveness of this knowledge, Jason mentions notable figures within this elite circle, such as David Shaw, with a net worth of $7.5 billion; Paul Tudor Jones, whose net worth stands at $7.3 billion; and Israel Englander, boasting a substantial net worth of $11.5 billion.

By highlighting these high-profile individuals, Jason emphasizes the exclusive nature of the insights and discussions surrounding plug-in payouts, suggesting that this information was previously shared among a select group of wealthy investors and influential figures and he is now bringing it forth to us to get us involved too.

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Besides the wealthy investors, Jason also reveals the involvement of oil giants like Royal Dutch Shell and Mitsui in the growing trend of charging stations.

This development seems counterintuitive, given that traditional oil companies might be considered among the last to recognize and seize opportunities in the electric vehicle sector.

However, according to Jason, their venture into the charging station trend has proven highly successful.

The unexpected success of these oil companies that are busy putting money into the electric vehicle infrastructure gained significant attention from leading financial news publications.

Notably, in December 2022, Yahoo Finance reported on this venture, describing it as an “extraordinary achievement” that continues to soar to even higher heights. This acknowledgment from a reputable financial news source underscores the significance and success of the strategic move made by Royal Dutch Shell and Mitsui, marking a noteworthy shift in their approach and adaptation to evolving industry trends.

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Jason suggests that a significant trend in the electric vehicle (EV) sector was initiated by an official U.S. government directive concealed within the late-2022 Inflation Reduction Act.

This directive allocated $7.5 billion of public funds specifically towards a crucial segment of the national EV network.

Jason is pointing out that this substantial financial injection is directed towards a select group of EV-related companies that he is recommending for investment.

By becoming a shareholder in these recommended firms, Jason suggests that you may potentially receive returns in the form of checks or direct deposits into your bank account.

He goes on to mention that investors have the opportunity to collect up to $34,200 within a year through their investments in these EV-related companies.

This information implies that the government directive, the financial allocation, and Jason’s recommended investments are interconnected, presenting a potential financial opportunity for investors in the evolving landscape of the electric vehicle industry.

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Jason has compiled a comprehensive report titled “Plug-in Payouts: Get Paid Every Time an Electric Car Plugs In,” providing in-depth insights into the “plug-in payouts” investment opportunity.

What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (4)

The report delves into the specifics of how you can capitalize on the opportunity.

For those interested in obtaining a free copy of this report, the prerequisite is to sign up for Jason’s flagship service, The Wealth Advisory.

This service offers exclusive content, expert insights, and investment recommendations curated by Jason, making it a valuable resource for individuals seeking to navigate and capitalize on emerging trends in the financial market, particularly those related to the tech industry.

By subscribing to The Wealth Advisory, you can gain access to this specialized report, equipping you with the necessary knowledge to invest.

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Electric vehicle charging has skyrocketed into a major industry, with companies like ABB leading the pack. This Swiss electrical equipment giant has carved out a significant spot in the EV charging market, snagging crucial deals with top automakers such as Ford and General Motors.

Their expansion mirrors the booming demand for accessible and efficient electric vehicle infrastructure.

Other heavy-hitters shaping the landscape include ChargePoint and Blink Charging, both of whom are focused on building extensive networks across North America. As they roll out more stations, their presence bolsters investor confidence in this rapidly growing sector.

These established entities aren’t just creating charging points; they’re powering up a future where electric cars become the norm on our roads.

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Jason Williams, an investment analyst and Harvard Business School graduate, commenced his career as an investment banker for Morgan Stanley.

What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (5)

Notable for his contributions to presentations such as Warehouse Wealth, Newton Battery, and The Ethereum Killer, Williams’s financial journey extends beyond his academic background.

Having worked at prominent Wall Street banks in the 2000s, Williams gained insight into the clandestine income streams leveraged by the ultra-wealthy to enhance their fortunes.

This experience became the foundation for building a robust network comprising CEOs, billionaire investors, startup founders, and serial entrepreneurs.

Williams attributes his success to this network, which aids him in uncovering exceptional investment opportunities for followers at Angel Publishing.

Specializing in divulging opportunities often overlooked by mainstream financial media, Williams focuses on revealing hidden gems that have the potential to yield substantial returns, marking his niche in the financial landscape.

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The Wealth Advisory serves as a platform through which he shares insights and recommendations on income-generating opportunities worldwide.

Within this service, Jason explores a diverse range of income plays, covering areas such as dividend stocks, alternative asset plays, and novel opportunities.

He says this on the official page:

“But we’re convinced that an individual investor can safely and easily grow his or her wealth 20% to 25% a year using the proper low-risk investments. We also know the tax advantages of dividend income (taxed at a 15% rate) just can’t be overstated.

So, whether you’ve already retired, are a few years away, or have decades to invest…

You can confidently grow your wealth regardless of the risks to the economy or stock market.

This perspective is the driving force behind The Wealth Advisory — long-term positions in growth-oriented and income-generating investments.”

The Plug-in Payouts pitch appears to suggest that Jason is currently looking into the electric vehicle industry (and charging stations).

Further explaining his approach, he says:

“It’s a somewhat common belief that to get the best returns from dividend stocks, you simply have to seek out the highest reliable dividend and you’ll be set.

Unfortunately, that theory doesn’t hold up.

Let’s take a look…

If you put $5,000 into a $50 stock that pays 8% a year and held it 20 years, your investment would be worth $24,377.

That’s a 487% gain.

Not bad. But it could be a lot better… That same $5K in a stock that pays just 3% — but grows that payment at 20% a year — would be worth $4,055,388 after 20 years.

That’s a phenomenal 81,327% gain.”

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Speaking of his track record with the Wealth Advisory, Jason Williams has quite a bit to say.

He says that the Wealth Advisory has consistently outperformed the S&P High Dividend Index since its inception.

To illustrate this point, he says that if an individual had invested $10,000 into the S&P High Dividend Index in 2016, the current value would be approximately $15,030.

In contrast, if the same amount had been invested in a portfolio recommended by The Wealth Advisory, the value would have grown to a significantly higher $48,877.

This substantial difference in returns suggests that The Wealth Advisory’s investment recommendations have proven to be more lucrative compared to the performance of the S&P High Dividend Index over the specified period.

The statement implies that the newsletter’s strategies and stock picks have been successful in generating higher returns for investors who followed its guidance during this time frame.

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When you enroll in The Wealth Advisory today, you unlock a comprehensive package that includes:

  1. 12 Monthly Issues: Receive in-depth analyses of new income opportunities with significant potential. Jason provides insights directly to your inbox each month, guiding you through various avenues for potential financial growth.
  2. Special Reports: Jason keeps you informed with special reports on exceptionally lucrative or time-sensitive opportunities. As soon as these reports are published, they’re promptly sent your way, ensuring you stay ahead in the investment game.
  3. Weekly Market Updates: Navigate the markets in real-time with Jason’s weekly updates. These updates are designed to help you capitalize on time-sensitive opportunities as they arise, providing timely and actionable information.
  4. Video Series — Top 10 Profitable Opportunities: Delve into The Wealth Advisory’s video series where Jason shares his insights on the 10 most profitable income opportunities. With a focus on 25–30 different income streams, Jason believes these opportunities can potentially yield life-changing returns every month.
  5. Angel Publishing’s VIP Member Service: Benefit from a dedicated VIP member service team at Angel Publishing. Whether you have questions about your membership, billing, or any other concerns, the team is available Monday through Friday via phone or email, providing responsive support.
  6. Access to Report Archives and Real-Time Portfolio: Gain exclusive access to a wealth of information by exploring the report archives covering a decade of Jason’s insights. Keep track of the real-time portfolio page on the website, allowing you to stay informed about ongoing developments and recommendations.

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Irregulars Quick Take

The Wealth Advisory’s “Irregulars Quick Take” is an exclusive feature for paid members who are keen on getting ahead with electric vehicle market investments. Subscribers receive concise summaries of the hottest stocks, handpicked by Jason Williams.

These briefings cut through the noise to deliver sharp insights into special companies poised to capitalize on the booming EV charging sector. With these updates, investors can stay informed about new ev charging stations and potential income payments that come from investing in this rapidly growing field.

Members look forward to these quick takes because they distill complex financial statements and investment research into actionable investing advice. Rather than wading through pages of analysis, subscribers get targeted information focused on prime profits from installing EV chargers as part of a larger movement towards EV infrastructure enhancement incentivized by recent federal directives.

The value here lies not just in saving time but in making timely decisions bolstered by expert guidance from a trusted personal investment advisor like Jason Williams.

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In addition to the mentioned benefits, subscribers receive two exclusive special reports.

One is titled “Overseas Plug-in Payouts: Ride the Wave of Cash Spreading Around the World.”

What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (6)

Jason Williams conducted a thorough examination of the global landscape and identified Japan and France as being in a remarkably similar position to the U.S. regarding Electric Vehicle (EV) opportunities.

According to Jason, these countries boast a few lucrative “cash cows” obligated to share their EV charging profits, amassing significant wealth.

The profits from these ventures are staggering, totaling an impressive $997.5 million annually. The special report provides comprehensive details on these investment opportunities, offering subscribers valuable insights into potential lucrative ventures in the EV charging sector.

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The second one is titled “How to ‘Backdoor’ America’s Top Fortune 500 Accounts.”

What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (7)

This report delves into a company known for consistently generating substantial cash flow. The company regularly distributes significant income to everyday investors through property payments received from major corporations such as Walmart, Starbucks, and GM.

What sets this opportunity apart is the management team’s exceptional skill in maximizing cash extraction from these large corporations. Remarkably, the income payments not only remain consistent on a monthly basis but also experience quarterly increases. Impressively, the company has maintained a flawless record of monthly payments since its founding in 1969 and has consistently raised quarterly payments since 1997.

For comprehensive insights into this lucrative venture and its reliable income streams, interested individuals can find detailed information in the provided special report.

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Jason Williams’ Plug-in Payouts presentation offers a legitimate investment opportunity, aligning with the ongoing green revolution in America driven by a push toward widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs).

While certain states, like California, have been particularly proactive in this shift, the overall trend across the nation is moving towards embracing EVs.

The White House has introduced favorable measures to encourage companies to contribute to the development of a comprehensive EV charging network.

The objective is to establish 500,000 publicly accessible EV chargers by the year 2030.

Additionally, there’s a noteworthy provision under U.S. Code 30C, known as the “alternative-fuel vehicle refueling infrastructure tax credit,” which, as of January 2023, significantly reduces the cost of installing new EV charging stations for eligible companies. These companies can now claim a tax credit of up to $100,000 per unit installed.

Considering these government incentives and the broader shift towards electric vehicles, Jason’s pitch is grounded in tangible opportunities within the evolving market. The discussion about leveraging these incentives for investment purposes is not only plausible but also reflects a strategic approach aligned with the current landscape and policy frameworks.

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Jason Williams’ enthusiasm for the development of EV charging infrastructure and the potential benefits for companies and shareholders is credible. He reveals that electric vehicle (EV) charging stations present a significant brand-new income stream, one often overlooked by average investors.

However, you must know that these investments are not guaranteed to perform well. In fact, this should not be considered personalized financial advice.

Before following Jason’s advice, it’s advisable to thoroughly examine his strategy and ensure that it aligns with your financial goals and investment approach.

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Since he emphasizes investing in income opportunities, it suggests a focus on established companies within the sector.

Also, bear in mind that all investments come with inherent risks, and there’s a possibility of losing money. Therefore, it’s prudent not to invest more than you can afford to lose.

Practicing diligence, understanding the associated risks, and aligning investments with individual financial circ*mstances are key aspects of making informed and responsible investment decisions.

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Plug-in payouts involve earning money from investments related to the EV charger buildout and operate like regular payouts that get paid every time they generate income.

No, Plug In Payouts should not be seen as personalized financial advice; they are general insights meant for a broad audience and do not take into account individual financial situations.

While no investment is immune to market crashes, diversifying your portfolio with opportunities such as EV charger buildouts can provide some level of protection against significant concern during these times.

Wealth advisory experts like Jason Williams offer guidance on how to potentially maximize profits from these types of investments to the maximum extent permitted by law.

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What are Plug In Payouts & How To Invest? (2024)
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