What does deficit spending require a government to do? a. Lay off workers b. Cut taxes c. Take on debt d. Hire more workers | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Business Financial ratios


What does deficit spending require a government to do?

a. Lay off workers

b. Cut taxes

c. Take on debt

d. Hire more workers


Debt refers to taking money for some time at a fixed interest rate. Usually, when people do not have enough money to spend, they borrow money. Similarly banks, governments also borrow money when they are out of funds.

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The correct answer is C) Take on debt.

The government does more spending than generating revenue. It is called a fiscal deficit. When the government...

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What does deficit spending require a government to do? a. Lay off workers b. Cut taxes c. Take on debt d. Hire more workers | Homework.Study.com (1)

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What Is Debt Ratio? - Calculation & Overview


Chapter 8/ Lesson 15


Debt ratio is the amount of assets compared to the amount of liabilities an organization has. Explore the overview of debt ratios, good and bad debt ratios, and how to calculate them.

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  • Fill in the blank: Fiscal policies that favor increasing government spending rather than adjusting taxes are called.
  • What's the difference between revenue deficit, fiscal deficit, budgetary deficit and primary deficit?
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  • Which of the following fiscal policies is likely to be most effective when the economy is experiencing an inflationary gap? A. The government decreases taxes and keeps spending unchanged. B. The government increases spending and keeps taxes unchanged. C.
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  • a. What is a government budget deficit? b. How does the federal budget deficit affect the economy? c. How does it affect the level of investment and interest rates? d. How does it affect the individual consumer? Give at least three examples.
  • The national debt is the amount: A) by which government tax revenue exceed outlays in a given year B) of debt outstanding that arises from past budget deficits C) by which government outlays exceed tax revenue in a given year D) of government outlays summ
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  • Which of the following was not a cause of the U.S. budget deficits in the 1980s? a. recessions in the early 1980s b. a substantial increase in government spending c. expansion of existing government programs d. a substantial decrease in tax rates e. a rel
  • Which of the following would help a government reduce an inflationary output gap? a. raise the tax rate and increase government spending b. reduce the tax rate and decrease government spending c. raise the tax rate and decrease government spending d. redu
  • Which statements accurately describe debts and deficits? Check all that apply. A) Debt is free and does not affect a government. B) A government's budget deficit causes debt to increase. C) A government's budget deficit causes debt to decrease. D) Deb

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What does deficit spending require a government to do?  a. Lay off workers  b. Cut taxes  c. Take on debt  d. Hire more workers | Homework.Study.com (2024)
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