Table of Contents

  • What is a Fake Crypto Exchange?
  • Biggest Fake Crypto Exchange Incidents
  • List of Fake Crypto Exchanges and Scammers
  • Identifying Fake Crypto Exchanges
  • Protecting Yourself from Crypto Scams
  • Choosing Legitimate Cryptocurrency Exchanges
  • Wrap-Up

The cryptocurrency industry is currently witnessing another explosive growth, with digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum seeing another price explosion and gaining more mainstream adoption.

As more people are investing in crypto, cryptocurrency exchanges are emerging as a convenient platform for investors and traders to buy, sell, and trade these crypto assets.

However, the rise of crypto exchanges has also attracted nefarious agents seeking to exploit unsuspecting users through fake crypto exchanges and scams.

In this article, we will go through the ultimate list of fake crypto exchanges, shedding light on the common tactics used by these fraudulent platforms. We will also give you some valuable tips and strategies to help you identify and avoid falling victim to these scams, ensuring the safety of your hard-earned crypto investments.

What is a Fake Crypto Exchange?


Fake crypto exchanges are exactly what they sound like - fraudulent platforms masquerading as legitimate cryptocurrency trading platforms, luring unsuspecting investors into depositing their digital assets and funds. These scammers use a variety of tactics to deceive users and ultimately take off with their valuable crypto investments.

One common tactic fake crypto exchanges use is phishing scams. Scammers create fake websites that mimic the appearance and branding of reputable exchanges. Unsuspecting users are tricked into entering their login credentials or private keys, granting the scammers direct access to their crypto wallets and funds.

Another prevalent strategy is the exit scam, where the fake crypto exchange operators abruptly shut down the platform and disappear with all the deposited cryptocurrencies. These scams usually promise unrealistic returns or investment opportunities to initially attract users, only to disappear without a trace after accumulating enough funds.

Perhaps the most common type of scam involving fake crypto exchanges is the pig butchering scam, where scammers combine crypto romance scams with investment scams to defraud people out of their crypto investments with the use of fake crypto exchanges and fake crypto apps.

Fake crypto exchanges pose significant risks beyond financial losses. Victims may also fall prey to identity theft, as these scams often involve collecting personal information under false pretenses. Additionally, users’ devices can be compromised by malware or viruses distributed through these fake crypto exchanges, putting their digital assets and personal data at risk.

It’s also worth noting that engaging with fake crypto exchanges can result in complete loss of invested funds, as well as potential legal and financial repercussions. These scams not only undermine the trust and integrity of the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole but also pose severe threats to individuals’ financial well-being and cybersecurity.

Biggest Fake Crypto Exchange Incidents


The crypto industry has witnessed several high-profile incidents involving fake crypto exchanges. Here are some of the most recent, notorious cases:

WEX Exchange (formerly BTC-e): WEX Exchange emerged after the shutdown of the infamous BTC-e exchange in 2017. Accused of being a successor to BTC-e, WEX was allegedly involved in money laundering activities. In 2018, the exchange went offline, and its operator disappeared with users' funds, estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars in digital assets.

QuadrigaCX: QuadrigaCX, a Canadian cryptocurrency exchange, collapsed in 2019 after the supposed death of its founder, Gerald Cotten. It was later revealed that Cotten had mismanaged and misappropriated users' funds, and the exchange owed its customers around $190 million in cryptocurrencies. The incident raised questions about the exchange's security practices and the lack of proper auditing.

PlusToken: PlusToken was a fraudulent cryptocurrency project that operated as a Ponzi scheme disguised as a cryptocurrency wallet and investment platform. Active between 2018 and 2019, PlusToken is believed to have defrauded investors of over $5.7 billion, making it one of the largest cryptocurrency scams in history. The platform promised high returns for holding and investing in its token, but it was later revealed to be a fake exchange.

Tether/Bitfinex Controversy: While not a fake exchange per se, the controversy surrounding Tether and Bitfinex, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, has been a major incident in the crypto space. Tether, a stablecoin issuer, has been accused of lacking proper reserves to back its tokens and potentially engaging in market manipulation. In 2019, the New York Attorney General's office alleged that Bitfinex had covered up the loss of $850 million in customer and corporate funds.

Turkish Crypto Exchange Thodex: In 2021, the Turkish cryptocurrency exchange Thodex went offline, and its CEO, Faruk Fatih Özer, reportedly fled the country with around $2 billion in users' funds. The incident sparked outrage and prompted investigations by Turkish authorities, highlighting the risks associated with unregulated and potentially fraudulent cryptocurrency exchanges.

List of Fake Crypto Exchanges and Scammers

The crypto industry has fallen prey to numerous fake crypto exchanges over the years. In this section, we’ll go through a comprehensive list of known fake crypto exchanges, and take a look into how they work:

A phishing site impersonates a legitimate cryptocurrency wallet service to steal users' login credentials and private keys.

A fraudulent platform claiming to offer automated trading bots and promising unrealistic returns on Bitcoin investments.

A phishing site mimicking a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, luring users into entering their sensitive information.

A phishing site disguised as an online casino, targeting cryptocurrency users.

A fake exchange website designed to steal users' login credentials and funds.

A phishing site impersonating a legitimate cryptocurrency project, aiming to steal users' private keys and digital assets.


A fraudulent cryptocurrency project that operated as a Ponzi scheme, defrauding investors of over $5.7 billion.


A Ponzi scheme disguised as a digital asset investment platform, promising unrealistic returns on cryptocurrency investments.


A notorious Ponzi scheme collapsed in 2018, leaving investors with losses worth billions of dollars.


A scam that promised high returns by investing in cryptocurrency mining hardware but never delivered the promised equipment or returns.


A fraudulent investment platform that claimed to offer high-yield returns on cryptocurrency investments but turned out to be a Ponzi scheme.


A Ponzi scheme masquerading as a cryptocurrency investment platform, promising unrealistic returns and bonuses.

WEX Exchange (formerly BTC-e)

A fake exchange accused of money laundering activities that ultimately shut down and disappeared with users' funds.


A Canadian cryptocurrency exchange that collapsed in 2019, owing customers around $190 million in cryptocurrencies.


A Turkish cryptocurrency exchange whose CEO allegedly fled the country with around $2 billion in users' funds.

A fake cryptocurrency exchange that claimed to be associated with the infamous WEX Exchange, engaged in an exit scam after collecting user funds.

A fraudulent platform that promised investors the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin mining rigs but disappeared with the funds.

A fake cryptocurrency wallet and exchange platform that abruptly shut down, leaving users unable to access their funds.

Pines Investor Scam

A fraudulent investment scheme that promised returns through cryptocurrency trading but turned out to be a Ponzi scheme. Scam

A fake cryptocurrency project that claimed to offer a blockchain-based social media platform but turned out to be a Ponzi scheme, defrauding investors of millions of dollars.

A phishing site impersonating the legitimate exchange, aiming to steal user credentials.

A fake cryptocurrency trading platform that promised unrealistic profits through automated trading bots.


A fraudulent cryptocurrency project that claimed to be a decentralized Universal Basic Income (UBI) but turned out to be a Ponzi scheme.


A Ponzi scheme that promised investors high returns through a cryptocurrency mining operation but never delivered.


A decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that was hacked in 2017 led to the theft of users' funds and the platform's eventual shutdown.

A fake cryptocurrency wallet service that disappeared with users' funds after promising secure storage and trading features.

Sheep Crypto Scam

A scam targeting the Chinese community involving fake cryptocurrency investment platforms promising guaranteed returns.

Bitcoin Revolution

A fraudulent cryptocurrency trading platform that used fake celebrity endorsem*nts to lure victims into investing.

Apyeth Gifts (

The website claimed to offer a free NFT but tricked victims into entering their crypto wallet passcode, leading to the theft of their crypto assets. (Entity Impersonating CoinW)

A fake crypto exchange that lured victims to invest in crypto assets, resulting in a $45,000 loss for one victim.

A fake crypto mining platform that tricked victims into making deposits, leading to the theft of their funds.

A fraudulent crypto wallet application prompted victims to transfer their crypto assets, which were stolen.

A fake crypto exchange that persuaded a victim to invest over $300,000, which was eventually lost.

A fake trading platform that promised high returns but prevented victims from withdrawing their funds, demanding additional fees. and

Fake crypto exchanges where victims deposited funds but were unable to withdraw, with suspicions of trading fake crypto tokens.

A fake trading platform that tricked a victim into depositing funds and paying additional fees, resulting in a $6,000 loss.

A fake crypto exchange that persuaded a victim to invest over $1.5 million but ultimately froze their account and prevented withdrawals. and

Fraudulent platforms that claimed to double investors' cryptocurrency but were likely part of a livestream scam.

A fake trading platform associated with a romance scam, where victims were instructed to pay fees and taxes but were unable to withdraw funds.

A fake crypto exchange that froze victims' accounts and demanded additional deposits to unlock them.


A fake crypto exchange associated with a romance scam, where the victim was persuaded to invest by a person they met online.

Suniths Smith Gowda

An individual who persuaded a victim to transfer funds under the guise of investing in Ethereum but cut off contact after receiving the money.

JessicaPTrades (Jessica)

A romance scam involving a fake crypto trading "coach" who instructed the victim to deposit funds on a fraudulent platform and pay various fees.

John Joseph Travolta Imposter

Multiple accounts impersonating a famous actor, convincing a victim to send Bitcoin and gift cards.

Amead Digital Currency Co. LTD (

A fake crypto exchange that lured victims to invest, demanded additional fees, and ultimately locked accounts preventing withdrawals.

A fake crypto exchange that displayed inflated account balances and demanded more deposits to allow withdrawals.

Coinegg (

Fake crypto exchange associated with a pig butchering scam, where victims were persuaded to invest large sums of money but were unable to withdraw funds.

ExNow (ExNow-Digital Currency Exchange)

A fake crypto exchange that demanded upfront tax payments before allowing withdrawals, resulting in victims losing their investments.

Kenskr AI (

AI investment platform froze victims' accounts and demanded additional payments for taxes and deposits, ultimately leading to the loss of funds.

MindStone Technology Ltd (

A fake crypto exchange where victims deposited funds but were unable to withdraw them.

Whitcoin Pro Exchange (

A fake crypto exchange that accused victims of money laundering and demanded payments to release their funds.

Coin Pro X US (

Fake crypto exchange associated with a hacking scam where victims were lured to invest but were unable to withdraw their funds.

X Coin Trading (

Suspected fake crypto exchange with a disclaimer warning against depositing funds.

Sundell Ltd (

Fraudulent gold trading platform that lured victims to invest large sums but prevented withdrawals by demanding additional tax payments.

FX Alliance Traders (,

A fake crypto exchange that promised high yields on crypto assets but stole people's money instead.

Fake crypto exchange associated with a pig butchering scam, where the victim was coached to invest and was unable to withdraw funds without paying additional taxes.

A fake crypto exchange that gained access to the victim's crypto wallet and drained their funds.


Fake crypto exchange associated with a romance scam, where the victim's account was frozen, and they were demanded to deposit more funds.

A fake crypto exchange that continually demanded additional payments for taxes, fees, and deposits, preventing the victim from withdrawing funds.

Bityard (,

A fake crypto exchange that claimed to collect taxes on behalf of the IRS and prevented withdrawals until taxes were paid.

Moodysfx Global Limited (

Fake crypto exchange associated with a pig butchering scam, where the victim was persuaded to deposit large sums but was unable to withdraw funds.

A fake crypto exchange that displayed inflated profits and demanded additional payments for taxes and commissions.

Julysil (,,,,,,

A fake crypto exchange that claimed to be under review and demanded payment for priority review, preventing withdrawals.

MT7 Coin (

A fake crypto exchange that demands additional payments as a prerequisite for withdrawals.

Fake crypto exchange that shut down, resulting in the victim losing their invested Bitcoin.

Entity Impersonating Radiant Capital (,

Imposter website attempting to gain access to the victim's crypto wallets and assets.

Dahua Top VIP (,,

A fake crypto exchange that demanded additional payments for taxes and fees, preventing withdrawals.

Bitcoin Vest Cloud (, Cryptovestcloud)

Fake crypto exchange associated with a pig butchering scam, where the victim was instructed to invest and pay additional fees for withdrawals.

Unix FX Trades (

A fake crypto exchange that was associated with a pig butchering scam, where the victim was coached to invest and continuously demanded to pay commissions and additional fees.

Crystal Linkz FX (

Fake crypto exchange associated with a liquidity mining scam, where the victim was continually demanded to pay additional fees and upgrades, ultimately preventing withdrawals. (Entity impersonating Korean Crypto Exchange

Fake crypto exchange associated with pig butchering scams, where victims were persuaded to invest and were unable to withdraw funds without paying additional taxes and fees.

CME Coin VIP (,

Fake crypto exchange associated with a romance scam, where the victim was unable to withdraw funds after making initial small withdrawals.

Bitglobal (Bit Global Options,,

Fake crypto exchange associated with a pig butchering scam, where the victim was denied withdrawals until paying an "IRS tax."

Entity Impersonating (,

Fraudulent websites impersonating the exchange, where the victim was persuaded to invest and was unable to withdraw funds without paying additional taxes.

Entity Impersonating Coinhako (

Imposter website impersonating the Coinhako exchange, where the victim was persuaded to invest and was unable to withdraw funds without paying additional fees.

Hong Kong Selead Group Limited (

Fake crypto exchange associated with a pig butchering scam, where the victim was persuaded to invest large sums but was unable to withdraw funds without paying additional taxes.

Copper Crypto (Entity Impersonating Copper Technologies)

Imposter entity impersonating Copper Technologies, where the victim was instructed to transfer funds but was unable to withdraw them without paying additional taxes.

File Coins Foundation (

A scam where the victim was lured with promises of "fast profits in Bitcoin investments" and was convinced to invest money, but eventually asked to pay a "profit tax" before withdrawing their supposed profits.

Win Coining (

A "pig butchering" scam where victims were convinced to invest in a crypto trading platform, shown fake profits, and then asked to pay fees to withdraw their funds.

Defi Protocol (,

A liquidity mining scam where the victim was lured into investing in a fake "defi protocol" platform, shown fake mining rewards, and then asked to pay taxes and additional investments before their funds were taken.

The Big Mars (

A website advertising a fake "5000BTC Giveaway" that lured victims into sending Bitcoin with the promise of receiving a multiplied amount in return (an advance fee scam). and

Fraudulent crypto trading platforms used in a "pig butchering" scam. Victims were convinced to install apps and invest, shown fake profits, and then asked to pay additional fees to unblock their accounts.

Aspro ex (

A fake crypto exchange used in a "pig butchering" scam, where victims were promised high returns on investments and "transaction nodes". Funds were eventually locked, and the website became inaccessible.

88 Trading LLC (Impersonating DBS Banking app)

A scam involving impersonating a legitimate banking app from Singapore. Victims were tricked into sending crypto assets to the scammer's wallet under the guise of a legitimate investment platform.

Energise Trade (

A fake crypto exchange used in a "pig butchering" scam. Victims were convinced to trade on the platform, shown fake profits, and then asked to pay taxes and additional fees before being unable to withdraw funds.


A fake crypto exchange used in a "pig butchering" scam. Victims were lured into investing large sums of money, shown fake profits, and then asked to pay additional fees to "unfreeze" their accounts.

Bitcoin Bonus (,,

An advance-fee scam involving fake Bitcoin mining platforms. Victims were shown fictitious account balances and asked to pay fees to withdraw funds, which they never received.

A16Zcrypto (,,

A fake crypto exchange impersonating the legitimate venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz ( Victims were convinced to invest and trade on the platform, shown fake profits, and then asked to pay penalties or fees before being unable to withdraw their funds.

BC Group (,,

A fake crypto exchange used in a "pig butchering" scam. Victims were convinced to invest and trade on the platform, shown fake profits, and then asked to pay various fees and taxes before being unable to withdraw funds. (Impersonating Changelly exchange)

A fake crypto exchange impersonating the legitimate cryptocurrency exchange Changelly ( Victims were lured to invest and trade on the fake platform, shown fictitious profits, and then had their accounts blocked when trying to withdraw funds.


A fake crypto exchange potentially impersonating the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). Victims were convinced to invest and trade on the platform, shown fake profits, and then asked to pay various fees and taxes before being unable to withdraw funds.

A fake trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam involving romance fraud. Victims were lured into investing in fake "spot gold trading" on the platform.

Foundry Pro Node Mining (

A fake crypto exchange claiming to offer "node mining" and "swap contracts" for trading Bitcoin. Victims were shown fake profits and then asked to pay various fees before being unable to withdraw funds.

OpenSoil / Open Soil X (

A fraudulent trading platform claiming to offer "arbitrage trades" but with no evidence of actual trading occurring. Victims were unable to withdraw their funds, and the website is no longer operational.

Claims: Falsely claimed to be approved by a non-existent "California Banking Regulatory Commission".

247 Trade Growth (

A fraudulent trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam. Victims were shown fictitious profits on the platform but then asked to pay various withdrawal fees and upgrade fees before being unable to access their funds.

Entity impersonating Prosperous Group Ltd (,

An impersonation scam where scammers posed as representatives of a legitimate company to gain victims' trust and convince them to invest in fraudulent platforms. (HOO Tech Ltd)

A potentially fraudulent trading platform where victims' funds were converted into an obscure token, rendering their accounts valueless.

NYMEX (Impersonating New York Mercantile Exchange)

A fraudulent trading platform impersonating the legitimate New York Mercantile Exchange. Victims were convinced to invest large sums of money but unable to withdraw their supposed profits when trying.

BakerySwap (

A fraudulent website promoting a crypto "staking" scam promising unrealistic returns of 718%. Victims' tokens were stolen when connecting their wallets.

AnaBrokersTrade / Becky Bitcoin Analyst Trader

An impersonation scam where scammers hacked victims' Instagram accounts and posed as "analysts" or "traders" to convince victims to send funds.

Entity impersonating Benito Revilla (

A fraudulent website impersonating a legitimate broker-dealer agent to lure victims into an investment scam promising profits in 10 days.

Rapid Forex Trade (

A fraudulent trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam involving Bitcoin mining. Victims were shown fictitious profits but were unable to withdraw funds without paying additional fees.

A potentially fraudulent DeFi trading platform where victims' funds were effectively frozen by claims of "anti-money laundering" concerns and demands for further deposits to enable withdrawals.

Mana Pool (,

A fraudulent decentralized trading platform that defrauded victims by continuously demanding payment of exorbitant "fees" and "deposits" in order to allow withdrawals of supposed profits.

Entity impersonating legitimate platforms (Coinbase,

Scammers posed as representatives of legitimate crypto exchanges like Coinbase and to gain victims' trust and convince them to transfer funds.

ETH Finance (

A fraudulent trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam, where victims were shown fictitious profits but then asked to pay "taxes" before being able to withdraw funds.

Hydefieco (

A fraudulent platform luring victims with promises of qualifying for lucrative "token drops" if certain investment goals were met, but actually just stealing victims' funds.

OS Option Exchange (

A fraudulent trading platform where victims sent funds but were unable to withdraw supposed profits.

Tahoe Digital Exchange (

A fraudulent exchange used in a "pig butchering" romance scam, where the victim was promised big returns but then asked to pay taxes and additional fees before funds were frozen.

Uniswap.LLC (

An impersonation of the legitimate Uniswap platform, used to lure victims into a fraudulent "liquidity mining pool" investment promising high returns but unable to withdraw funds.

A fraudulent trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam where victims were shown fictitious profits but continually asked to pay additional fees to withdraw funds.

Penzo Limited (

A fraudulent trading platform where scammers demonstrated fake investment profits to victims before claiming the victims lost all their money due to "bad trades".

Wintermute impersonation (

A fraudulent website impersonating the legitimate Wintermute platform, used to convince victims to transfer cryptocurrency for fraudulent "liquidity pool" investments.

Unison FX Limited (

A fraudulent trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam involving fake "insider trading signals" where the victim's account was eventually drained.

Reliable Option Trade (

A fraudulent trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam involving continuous requests for more deposits, with promises of being able to withdraw funds after paying fees.

RB Hood (,,

A fraudulent trading platform impersonating Robinhood, used to continuously extract more funds from victims under the guise of paying "taxes" to enable withdrawals.

Dilong Trading Limited / Affirm Rich Trading Company Limited

Fraudulent trading platforms that were part of a "pig butchering" cryptocurrency investment scam.

Infinity Option (

A fraudulent trading platform where victims deposited Bitcoin but were then extorted for more funds.

GE Chains (

A fraudulent trading platform where victims were relentlessly pressured to deposit more funds and pay excessive "commissions" and "taxes" in order to withdraw supposed profits.

Tony Alin Trading Firm (

A fraudulent platform demanding continuous deposits from victims for supposed "investment" fees, but never delivering any returns.

MUFG Pro (,

A fraudulent trading platform used in a "pig butchering" scam, where victims were shown fictitious profits but continuously asked to pay exorbitant "taxes" and "freezing fees" before being unable to withdraw funds.

Trade 1960 (

A fraudulent trading platform where victims were lured into depositing funds but then denied withdrawals or asked to pay excessive "broker fees" to access their supposed profits.

These are among the most common fake crypto exchanges. Unfortunately, these are not all of them, and we’ll keep updating the list as new fake crypto exchanges emerge.

Identifying Fake Crypto Exchanges


The cryptocurrency landscape is constantly changing, and as an investor, it’s critical that you remain vigilant and equip yourself with knowledge to identify fake crypto exchanges and scams easily.

Here are some common red flags to watch out for when evaluating a cryptocurrency exchange:

  • Lack of Licensing and Regulation: Reputable exchanges are typically licensed and regulated by relevant authorities. If an exchange cannot provide information about its licensing and regulatory compliance, it should raise immediate suspicion.
  • Unrealistic Promises: Be wary of exchanges that promise guaranteed returns or excessively high profits. These are often tactics used by scammers to lure unsuspecting victims with the promise of easy money.
  • Suspicious Website Design: Poorly designed websites, typos, and low-quality branding can be indicators of a fake crypto exchange. Legitimate platforms typically invest in professional web design and user experience.
  • Pressure Tactics: If an exchange employs aggressive marketing tactics, such as persistent calls or emails urging you to invest immediately, it could be a sign of a scam attempting to create a sense of urgency.
  • Requests for Private Keys or Seed Phrases: No legitimate exchange should ever ask for your private keys or seed phrases. These are crucial pieces of information that grant access to your cryptocurrency wallets and funds.

You should also consider the following tips to verify the legitimacy of a crypto exchange:

  • Check for Regulatory Compliance: Investigate whether the exchange is registered and compliant with relevant regulatory bodies in the jurisdictions where it operates.
  • Read Reviews and Feedback: Consult reputable online forums, review websites, and industry publications for user feedback and expert opinions on the exchange.
  • Contact Customer Support: Reach out to the exchange's customer support team and assess their responsiveness, professionalism, and ability to address your concerns.
  • Verify Security Measures: Ensure that the exchange implements robust security measures, such as two-factor authentication, cold storage for funds, and encrypted communication protocols.
  • Prioritize Established and Reputable Exchanges: When possible, opt for well-known and established exchanges with a proven track record of trustworthiness and reliable service.

Remember, being cautious and conducting proper research when dealing with cryptocurrency exchanges is the difference between keeping your finances safe and facing financial ruin. Keep these tips in mind when dealing with crypto exchanges to significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to fake crypto exchanges and scams.

Protecting Yourself from Crypto Scams


Apart from looking out for red flags associated with fake crypto exchanges and verifying the legitimacy of other crypto exchanges, you have to prioritize security on your end and adopt best practices to protect yourself from falling victim to a fake crypto exchange.

Here are some tips to protect your assets from nefarious actors:

  • Use reputable crypto exchanges: First and foremost, it’s crucial to use reputable and regulated cryptocurrency exchanges. These platforms typically go through rigorous scrutiny and comply with industry standards and regulations, providing an additional layer of security and consumer protection.

Avoid using obscure or unregulated exchanges, as they may be more susceptible to scams or fund mismanagement.

  • Enabling multi-factor authentication: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a crucial step in securing your cryptocurrency accounts and wallets. MFA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring more than one form of verification, such as a one-time code or biometric authentication, in addition to your password. This measure can help prevent unauthorized access to your accounts, even if your password is compromised.
  • Maintain proper security hygiene: Equally important is following cybersecurity best practices. This includes using strong and unique passwords for each account, keeping your software and devices up-to-date with the latest security practices, and being cautious when sharing personal and financial information online.

Additionally, it’s good practice to use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software to protect your devices from potential threats.

  • Contact authorities immediately: If you suspect that you have encountered a crypto scam or a fake crypto exchange, report the incident to the relevant authorities. This not only helps protect others from falling victim to the same scam but also aids in the investigation and potential prosecution of the perpetrators. You can report suspected scams to government agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), as well as industry organizations and cybersecurity firms specializing in cryptocurrency fraud, like TechForing.
  • Stay informed: Staying informed about the latest trends and tactics employed by crypto scammers is also essential. Regularly consult reputable sources, such as industry publications, forums, and cybersecurity advisories, to stay up-to-date with emerging threats and best practices for protecting your digital assets.

Always remember, the cryptocurrency ecosystem is constantly evolving. New scams and fraudulent activities may emerge at any time. You must keep up with the industry trends to avoid becoming the next statistic to crypto scams.

Choosing Legitimate Cryptocurrency Exchanges


Among the proliferation of crypto scams and fake crypto exchanges, it’s essential to be able to recognize the signs of legitimate and trustworthy cryptocurrency trading platforms. Here are some key factors to look for that can help distinguish legitimate platforms from fraudulent ones:

  • Transparent Fees: Reputable exchanges are upfront about their trading fees, withdrawal fees, and other associated costs. They clearly outline their fee structure, avoiding any hidden or excessive charges.
  • Strong Security Measures: Trustworthy exchanges prioritize the security of their users' funds and personal information. Look for exchanges that implement robust security protocols, such as cold storage for the majority of user funds, two-factor authentication (2FA), and encrypted communication channels.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Legitimate exchanges operate in compliance with relevant regulations and licensing requirements in the jurisdictions where they operate. They typically undergo regular audits and adhere to anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) practices.
  • Responsive Customer Support: A reliable exchange should have a dedicated customer support team that is responsive, knowledgeable, and able to address user inquiries and concerns in a timely and professional manner.
  • User Reviews and Reputation: Research user reviews and feedback from reputable sources to gauge the exchange's reputation within the cryptocurrency community. Positive reviews and a solid track record can be good indicators of a trustworthy platform.
  • Robust Trading Features: Legitimate exchanges often offer a comprehensive range of trading features, such as advanced order types, charting tools, and support for multiple cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.
  • Insurance and Secure Storage: Some exchanges may offer insurance policies or utilize secure cold storage solutions to protect user funds from potential hacks or security breaches.

By prioritizing exchanges with these characteristics, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to fake crypto exchanges and scams. While it’s important to remember that no platform is immune to risk, it’s always advisable to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before entrusting your digital assets to any exchange.


The rise of fake crypto exchanges and scams has dealt a severe blow to the finances of many people and to the credibility and security of the crypto industry as a whole. However, by staying vigilant, prioritizing security measures, and conducting thorough research, you can effectively combat these scammers and protect your valuable investments.

If you ever find yourself ensnared by a fake crypto exchange or any other cryptocurrency scam, or if you need guidance on how to secure your digital assets, TechForing is ready to help. Our team of experts specializes in providing comprehensive crypto scam recovery services, offering invaluable consultation to help you regain control over your crypto assets and safeguard your investments for the future.


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What are the fake crypto platforms? ›

Key Consumer links
Primary SubjectScam TypeWebsite
Nasdaqon.comFraudulent Trading Platform Romance Scam Pig Butchering Scam
Dartya.comFraudulent Trading Platform
I Texus Trade itexustrade.comFraudulent Trading Platform Pig Butchering Scam Imposter Scam
28 more rows

How can you tell a fake crypto exchange? ›

These are often tactics used by scammers to lure unsuspecting victims with the promise of easy money. Suspicious Website Design: Poorly designed websites, typos, and low-quality branding can be indicators of a fake crypto exchange. Legitimate platforms typically invest in professional web design and user experience.

How can I recover my money from a fake bitcoin investment website? ›

Although it doesn't assure fund recovery, it's also best to report the cryptocurrency scam to your area's designated law enforcement authorities. Typically, when you report a crypto scam, the government will track down the criminals and get your funds back for you. Hence, don't hesitate to work with your government.

How to spot a crypto scammer? ›

Besides trolling for victims on social media or messaging apps, here are 10 other telltale signs an online trading platform is a fraud:
  1. It isn't registered to trade forex, futures, or options.
  2. Trades crypto, but not registered as a money service business.
  3. No physical address, it's clearly fake, or offshore.

What is the most trusted crypto website? ›

Best crypto exchanges and apps
  • BYDFi: Best for advanced trading.
  • Binance.US: Best for trading bitcoin.
  • Interactive Brokers: Best for crypto stocks and funds.
  • Kraken: Best for customer service.
  • Bitstamp: Best for beginning traders.
  • Uphold: Best for trading fiat currencies.
  • Gemini: Best for availability in all 50 states.

How to check if a trading platform is legit? ›

Visit FINRA BrokerCheck or call FINRA at (800) 289-9999. Also contact your state securities regulator. Check SEC Action Lookup tool for formal actions that the SEC has brought against individuals.

How to trace a Bitcoin scammer? ›

Blockchain surveillance systems can collect metadata to look out for IP addresses linked to specific payments. An IP address may shed light on the fraudster's physical location when a given transaction was made.

Can I get my Bitcoin back from someone who scammed me? ›

In most cases, once BTC is sent to a scammer, it is nearly impossible to recover the funds. It is important to be cautious and do thorough research before investing in any ICO or sending BTC to anyone online.

Do banks refund scammed money? ›

If you've transferred money to someone because of a scam

This type of scam is known as an 'authorised push payment'. Your bank or building society should reimburse you if it's registered with the Lending Standards Board under their Contingent Reimbursem*nt Model Code (CRM Code).

Can you go to jail for crypto scamming? ›

A conviction under the false pretenses statute could result in anywhere from 60 days in jail to 30 years in prison and $500 to $10,000 in fines depending on the amount in controversy.

What is the FBI warning on cryptocurrency? ›

The FBI warns Americans against using cryptocurrency money transmitting services that are not registered as Money Services Businesses ( MSB ) according to United States federal law ( 31 U.S.C.

Can you sue a crypto scammer? ›

Devastating Cryptocurrency Losses

You may be able to recover your losses through a lawsuit or arbitration claim if your losses were caused by a company's negligence. Our cryptocurrency lawsuit attorneys can help you understand your rights and your potential for recovery.

What is the safest crypto platform? ›

If you are looking to trade on a highly secure, regulated crypto exchange that offers a large number of supported cryptocurrencies, Gemini is your go-to choice. If you are looking to trade a wide range of new and small-cap crypto tokens, BitMart is arguably the best choice.

How to check if a website is legit? ›

How to check if a website is legit? To check if a website is legitimate, look for indications of authenticity, such as a secure HTTPS connection, a clear privacy policy listed on the site, contact information for the website owner, and positive reviews or ratings from other users.

How do I find new legit crypto? ›

Using several sources to vet a cryptocurrency is the best way to find a new one to invest in. Exchanges, data aggregators, and social media are some of the quickest methods for finding a new cryptocurrency. Tools like KryptView and BSCCheck can help you decide which coins are better than others.

Is crypto com a fake app? › is a safe cryptocurrency exchange platform due to its robust security infrastructure. First, the platform employs multi-factor authentication (MFA), which adds an additional layer of security by requiring multiple forms of verification before granting account access.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.