Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 28, 2023 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 28,2023


·Mon.27 Nov. Project Odin EBS Imminent: Today some devices in theUS received a Presidential Alert and others a National Alert, while Starlinkfired up new segments.

·TheCalm before the Storm? What happens when a blockade(threat) is dismantled & removed? “You’ll find out.” CHILDren used asshields. Manufactured crimes of perjury? FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER. …Q Mon. 27 Nov.

·Mon.27 Nov. FBI record allegedly reveals then-VP Biden wasengaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national.

·DeepState Simpsons “predicted” there will be no Internet for awhile.

·BankingCrisis: Bank Runs; Wells Fargo, Bank of America RatingsDowngraded; Banks Close 100 branches last week; Personal Accounts being closed,or monies witheld without reason

·ABroke Cabal-Run US Inc. was sending $8 Billion worth ofMilitary Aid to Deep State Israel.

A. Judy Note on What WeThink We Know as of Mon. 27 Nov. 2023:

·The Mainstream Media is runand paid for by the Illuminati Deep State Cabal so their Rothschild CentralBanker’s Khazarian Mafia could have complete control over both the narrativeand counter narrative of the news.

·Since 1871 the Khazarian Mafia has been funded by US Taxpayers through the Deep State’s privately owned FederalReserve and Internal Revenue Service, plus by utilizing the Wall Street sellingand trading of bonds based on people’s Birth and Death certificates and Social Securitynumbers.

·To gain even more monies this 150 year old Rothschild Chattel& Debt Slavery System based on a now-fiatUS Dollar, promiscuously printed monies at will to fund both sides of perpetualFalse Flag Wars such as in Ukraine and Palestine.

·The ultimate goal was to put The People in so much debt, plus spend enough of their fiat monies that it would close bankswhile disseminating the World Economy.

·That way the Deep State could install the “Great Reset” – a digital fiat currency to control people’s bank accountsand dictate what they could spend, including whether or not they could buyessentials such as food. “By controlling the money supply, you control theWorld.”

·Saved by the White Hats:Sovereign countries of the World by way of the BRICS Alliance and White HatMilitary, have installed their own gold/asset-backed currencies through a“Global Currency Reset,” or GCR (as opposed to the “Great Reset”).

·On 1 Jan. 2024 the GCRwas scheduled to be fully installed at which time The People of the World willnot only be relieved of debt to the Cabal, but will gain back control of theirown lives.


·Fri.17 Nov. midnight the Green Light turned on for the GlobalCurrency Reset.

·Sun.19 Nov. at 3pm EST the Global Currency Reset and GlobalFinancial System ISO20022 went live.

·Asof Mon. 20 Nov. US Government Bonds were now worthless,the Federal Reserve literally had no monies, any bank not ISO20022 compliantwas out of business, resulting in Banks failures Worldwide.

·Mon.27 Nov. the Bond Market was set to collapse. Q said: “BlackoutNecessary.” Project Looking Glass:Knowing what will happen on November 27th

·Tues.28 Nov. 6pm UTC Rapture Date: Shocking Revelation: Q's Knowledgeof the Rapture Date

·AQ Clock on Telegram put up at 4:50 MST on Sun. 26 Nov. stated:Q, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming,” with a Clock reading 1 day, 18 hours, 19min, indicating the GCR could happen Wed.morning 29 Nov.

·Atsome point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X,New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.

·OnMon. 1 Jan. allgold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with eachother; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SSR&R payments would start on a monthly basis.

·Inthree to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer“universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. Theamount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employmentlevel and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work ifthey can.

C.Global Currency Reset:

·Anew website, registered on 11-17-2023 has popped up with acountdown that ends 10am EST on Wed. 29Nov. Who knows what this might lead to - but the US Debt Clock countdownalso appears to end this coming Sun. 3Dec.

·Mon.27 Nov. TNT Call: Everyone this morning is saying this isour final week of waiting. Iraq is saying to the citizens that the dollarcrisis is about to be over. The RV was expected before sunrise today. The timesfor the next 3 attempts have been set up. It could be at any moment in the next24 hours. Banks have scheduled people (that they have a relationship with) tocome in on Wednesday. Everyone believes it will happen before Friday, whichmakes sense because a lot of US government employees go on holiday starting inmid-December. Tony said to ask for the highest rate for the dinar and dong.$28.50 is the highest they’ll give for the dinar. He knows someone who got $12for the dong a while back.

·Bankstory from a TNT member who had an appointment at his bank yesterday to exchange:The dinar rate at the banks yesterday was $3.86, the person negotiated $28.50.The dong was 0.47 and they negotiated a higher rate. They were offered0.00000011 on the Zim ($11 million per 100T note), 0.33 on the Bolivar, $1.67on the Rupiah. They could not negotiate a higher rate for these. It might bepossible to get a higher Zim rate depending on the amount you have. Thecurrency was counted, verified with a black light, placed in a plastic bag andsigned off on. The 1% exchange fee was waived due to the volume of currenciesexchanged. An NDA for him and his wife would have to be signed before he couldget the money. It didn’t go through (it was too early), so he was told to comeback this evening.

·Sat.25 Nov. Thomas: If you don't receive an email then you will call an 800# and they will askyou for your email address send it to you and your on your way. Very safe andsecure. Process millions in hours.

·Sat.25 Nov. Bearded Patriot: The ONLY exception regarding thecurrency being paid in full at your appointment is that if your currency is an“extreme amount” they MAY traunch your currency funds over a small period oftime (over a few months is what I have been told). What that “extreme amount”is will be up to the exchange center

·Fri.24 Nov. New guaranteed income programs were launching in fourstates across the US. A total of $18,745 million will be handed out to peopleand families with no strings attached in Georgia, Florida, Maryland andCalifornia.

·Mon.27 Nov. The QFS Revolution: SWIFT –> AIIB –> CIPS = QFS

·Mon.27 Nov. Basel III: The End! Redemption News – Exposing theQuantum Finance Structure (QFS) and GESARA’s New Era – Currency Revaluation andRedemption in a Surveillance State

D.Global Financial Crisis:

·Mon.27 Nov. Situation Update - NOV 27, 2023 - China FinancialGiant Collapses! - Mike Adams

·Mon.27 Nov. Epic Economist: More Problems With The Banks: WellsFargo, Bank of America Have All Had Their Ratings Downgraded

·Sun.26 Nov. Close to 100 Bank Branches closed last week. BothJP Morgan Chase and PNC Banks have filed to close over a dozen branches each,with 64 other US Bank Branches having filed to shut down in a Single Week—AreYou Affected?

·Mon.27 Nov.: A family in Atlanta says thousands of dollars in their Wells Fargoaccount has vanished– and the banking giant says reimbursem*nt is not happening.

E.Restored Republics:

·Mon.27 Nov. URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems,Project Odin, and the Inevitable Call for the Emergency Broadcast System

·Mon.27 Nov. White Hat Intel: Some devices today in USA received a“Presidential Alert.” Others received a “National Alert.” Apple has recentlybeen in hot water in China as a “security threat.” Rumors still abound thatElon and Tim Cook will strike a deal for absorption of Apple into “X”-Brand ofcompanies. Starlink fired up new segments today as well. Multiple forces vyingfor control. #DarktoLight #WWG1WGA. “There is a war for your DNA” …Q

·Mon.27 Nov. Khazarian Mafia Wants to Surrender, Asks for Amnesty, Fulford: Mon. 27 Nov. White Hats INTEL ShadowWar: All Evidence of Military Special Ops Protecting President Trump, CIC – TheGreat Military Game!

F.Mon. 27 Nov. Thomas:

·Wolverine’scontactsin South America, Asia and Europeare amazing.Not middle management,rather people at thehighestlevel responsible for making funds available downstreamformillions of people.Because of the scope of their responsibly they have tobe told what was going on. The same goes for the people I speak withdaily.

·TheMilitary Handlers are out of intelligence units. Their jobis to feed specific information to large figures with weekly public calls. Youknow their names.

·Somelike Fleming were completely scripted.

·MtGoathad four different people who wrote under that by-line. These are the publictalking heads.

·Theirmonetization programs depend on a Redemption Center Model. Sothey keep telling you this is how it works twice a week. That has been going onfor years.

·From2005 to 2015 they were trying to work with the CabalRothschild/ Rockefeller worldwide banking Cartel.

·InDecember of 2014 when the Cabal Banks reneged on contractsto release Revaluation funds to the people, the old Chinese families and WhiteHat Military executed the Nuclear option / total destruction and replacement ofthe World’s banking financial system.

·Since2019 a fully functional QFS was running side by side with theold SWIFT System ‘till a few months back when the QFS fully replaced theoldsystem.

·Thebanks lost control of the money. The dark money wasgoneforever. Money laundering, gone. Arms and Drug money can't prove legalprovenance.Those funds can't get into the system any more.

·Since2019 groups and individuals have been advised quietly that theywill be processed via the QFS PORTAL to gain access to their funds.They'veeliminated paymasters touching anybody's money.

·Bymaking a direct to the Sovereign individual payout systemvs sit in a bank and be processed by human hands that will get salty after afew days of seeing Joe and Mary average becoming millionaires hour afterhour.The old system is not coming back.

·TheQFS IS SAFE AND FAST and has replaced Babylonian bankingforever.

·Mostall currency holders are General Public with no Contract Rates,just International Rates.

G.The Real News for Mon. 27 Nov. 2023:

·Pope& Charles both 13 day mourning periods for their deaths.Both going to United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) on Thurs. 30 Nov. in Dubai. Symbol of KingDeath is Currency Change on Earth – same day as XRP Private Meeting. Williamdissolves the UK Royals. …Whiplash347

·Jan.6BREAKING! Explosive Legal Battle: Former President Trump has Filed SeveralLegal Motions to Dismiss the Jan. 6, The Case that Rocks the Nation

·The US is being invaded at the southern border according to General Mike Flynn and ColonelDouglas MacGregor. There are 100,000 military aged Chinese nationals (males)loyal to the Chinese Communist Party in the US who need to be deported.Money is being taken from the police and schools to put illegals into luxuryhotels. Millions and millions (perhaps 30 million) people in the USillegally are getting medical care and other benefits, more in monthly incomefrom the govt than US citizens who paid into the system.

·Mon. 27 Nov. Benjamin Fulford:Be Warned, This Is a Complete Disaster!!

·PopeFrancis hosts transgender group for Vatican luncheon. Many ofthem are Latin American migrants and work as prostitutes, according to AP.

·Mon.27 Nov. Treason, It’s About to go Down:

·Mon.27 Nov. Dec. 1 EBS: December 1st EBS:

·Mon.27 Nov. Coup Happening: Alert! U.S. Senator Drops Bombshellon Literal Coup Happening Right Now!

·Mon.27 Nov. SGAnon Drops Bombshells:

·Mon.27 Nov. Missing US Money Found:

·Mon.27 Nov. Situation Update Major Arrests Coming:

·Mon.27 Nov. Deep State Failed, Now They Pushing Assassination:

H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ andAdrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s ThreeGorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·Didyou know that LSD and hippies were invented by the CIA in the 1960s?No? Well, the idea was to hook kids on sex, drugs and rock & roll (hey, itworked!), so the would hot overthrow the Military Industrial Complex.Accomplices in this diabolical scheme were, in England, the Beatles and, inAmerica, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa and other residents of Laurel Canyon in L.A.

I. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·ModernaEngaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines:

·WHODirector General Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus is not a doctor. His appointment tothe organization's top post was controversial because in his former position asEthiopia's health minister, Gebreyesus was accused of covering up three majorepidemics. As Ethiopia's former health minister, he was accusedof covering up a possible cholera epidemic. Before his appointment, he was ahigh-ranking member of the Tigray People's Liberation Front, a violent andcorrupt political group responsible for many crimes, including bombings,kidnappings, torture and murder. During his tenure as Ethiopia's healthminister, the current WHO director was closely associated with the GatesFoundation and the Clinton Foundation. The support of two powerful globalfoundations and the patronage of the Chinese Communist Party led him to thepost of WHO General Director.

·Swine Flu Spreading in both Pigs and Humans:

·ModernaAdmits Jabs Cause Cancer, Billions of DNA Fragments in Vials: Stanley Plotkin is the Godfather ofvaccines. He is alsoa consultant to Moderna, one of the main manufacturers of the Covid vaccine. Heis under oath admitting to the use of fetal tissue from aborted babies. He alsosays he'll gladly go to hell for what he's done.

·Mon.27 Nov. FBI, CDC Refuse Investigate:

J. Biden Crime Family:

·Mon. 27 Nov. Fox News Maria Bartiromo: "So who is running the show here? Does[Biden] know what's going on or is he being directed by President Obama?"Rep. Richard McCormick: "He definitely doesn't know what's going on,whether he's being directed by Obama or some other staff members. He doesn't have any strategy. He doesn't haveany sort of education or ability to interpret new data."

·Mon.27 Nov. 1 Hour Ago: James Comer Made HUGE Announcement

K. Wed. 22 Nov. Pentagon official from Georgia arrested in undercover human traffickingsting.

·COWETA COUNTY, Ga. - An undercover human trafficking sting inCoweta County led to the arrest of 26 people, including a local man who hasbeen identified as a top children’s education official with the Pentagon.According to the military publication Stars and Stripes, 64-year-old StephenHovanic of Sharpsburg is the chief of staff for Defense Department schools inthe United States. The Coweta County Sheriff’s Office charged him withpandering, which is a misdemeanor in Georgia. Deputies say he allegedlysolicited sex from an undercover officer in a motel room where the departmenthad set up the two-day human trafficking operation. During the sting, 26 peoplewere arrested for crimes that included pandering, prostitution and pimping,according to deputies. The sheriff’s office also says six women who theyidentified as victims of human trafficking were offered help. Deputies say thehuman trafficking investigation continues and more arrests and charges arepossible.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 28, 2023 (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.