Qualified Dividends (2024)

What are dividends and how can they impact taxes?

When a corporation earns a profit, it can choose todistribute a portion of this profit as dividends – asreturns or rewards for its shareholders. While regular dividends are paid outperiodically or on pre-set dates, companies can also pay out special dividendswhen they have earned high profits. Dividends are classified into qualified dividends andunqualified dividends, or ordinary dividends. Dividends are most commonly paidout in cash, but they can be in stocks or another type of property.

Dividendscan help you grow your investment income. Qualified dividends and ordinary dividends havedifferent holding periods requirement for taxes and different dividend taxrates, which can affect your tax rate. It is important to know the differencein dividends, so that you know how to minimize taxes.

Whatare qualified dividends?

Qualified dividends are paid bydomestic and qualified foreign corporations during a tax year. They are subjectto the maximum tax rates of 0%, 15%, or 20% that apply for long term capitalgains. Qualified dividend tax rates for individuals, trusts, and estates are at15%.

For those individuals with an income tax rate of 10% or15%, capitalgains tax becomes zero. These are shown on your Form 1099-DIV. Regulardividends paid to shareholders are usually qualified dividends and are subject to the lowercapital gain taxes while ordinary dividends are taxed at the higher regularordinary income tax rate.

Qualified Dividends (1)

Holdingperiod requirement

To enjoy the lower tax rate for the qualified dividends,investors need to meet aminimum holding period rule by the IRS. The amount of time differsfor the type of stock you hold.

For commonstocks, the shares must be held for more than 60 days during a121-day period that begins 60 days before the ex-dividend date. This is thefirst date which the stock price does not include the upcoming dividend payment.In order to receive the upcoming dividend, the holder has to own the sharesbefore the ex-dividend date. The minimum 60-day holding period rule alsoapplies to mutual funds.

For preferred stocks, the shares have to be held for over90 days during a 181-day period that begins 90 days before the ex-dividenddate.

Whatare Ordinary Dividends?

The most common form of distribution by a company or amutual fund is an ordinary dividend. Regular dividends are generally classifiedas such unless the corporation or mutual fund company states otherwise.

According to FINRAand S&P Dow Jones, about 84% of large-cap companies in theS&P 500 index pay dividends compared to around 70% and 54% for the mid-capand small-cap companies. The S&P 500 dividend yieldmost recent data was at 1.9%. If you want to search internationally, the Euro Stoxx 600 in Europe offers an enticing3.7% dividend yield.

When a company has excess profits that they want todistribute to their shareholders, the company’s board of directors“declare” a dividend, and the company will announce the amount andthe date that the regular dividends will be paid out during earnings calls orpress releases. Companies usually set a dividend policy to pay out their cashover time. Apart from regular dividends, companies can also pay out specialdividends, which are usually a one-time payment.

As they are paid out from the company’s profits orearnings, ordinary dividends have differentdividend tax rates than qualified dividends. These dividends are taxed asinvestment income at the ordinary income tax rate and not at capitalgains, which are the profits earned when you purchase an investment at a lowerprice than you sell.

Regulardividends as investment strategy

In the low-return world today, investors have been hungryfor investments that can give them a steady or growing cashflow. High regulardividend-paying stocks, in addition to fixed income, are important additions toa well-balancedportfolio. Apart from the traditional high yielding stocks in the utilities,telecoms, or consumer staples sector, you can spot higher dividend-payingstocks in the technology and financial sectors as well as real estateinvestment trusts and master limited partnerships. Not all dividends arecreated equal, and preferably, you want to find investments that will pay out qualified dividends, whichwill enjoy a lower dividend tax rate.

Requirementsfor Qualified Dividends

To be classified as qualified dividends and be taxed at a lower dividendtax rate, they must satisfycertain requirements:

  • Paid bydomestic corporations or qualified foreign companies that trade on the U.S.stock exchanges or are incorporated in a U.S. possession.
  • Must beordinary dividends and are not capital gains distributions or dividends fromtax-exempt entities.
  • Met the minimumholding period requirement: more than 60 days during the 121-day periodstarting 60 days prior to the ex-dividend date for common stocks and more than90 days during the 181-day period starting 90 days before the ex-dividend datefor preferred stocks.

Ordinaryvs. Qualified Dividends

If the above criteria are not met, then the dividendsbecome unqualified, and unqualified dividends are taxed at the higher ordinaryincome tax rate rather than the lower dividend tax rate for qualified dividends.

QualifiedDividend Tax Rate

The IRS classifies capitalgains into short-term for assets that are held less than one yearand long term for assets that are held over a year. Given the different holdingperiods, short-term capital gains are treated as ordinary income while longterm gains are taxed at a lower preferential rate.

Qualified dividends and sale ofcertain assets that are held over a year qualify for long term capital gainstax rate and are taxed at 0%, 15%, or 20% based on your income bracket andfiling status. If your income is below the threshold for taxes, you pay zero.Tax-efficient strategies when selling securities can also be used to optimize taxes.

This tax rule does not apply to assets such ascollectibles, art, precious metals, jewelry, antiques, and other items. Theyare taxed at the ordinary income tax rate depending on your tax bracket,subject to a cap of 28%. The other exception is real estate and deduction.Investors can deduct depreciation on their property from their taxes over time,thus reducing the home purchase price. When the property is sold, thatdepreciated amount is treated as recapture and will be taxed at 25% while therest of the gain will be taxed at 0%, 15%, or 20%.

CapitalGains Tax Calculations

There are four steps to calculate your capital gains taxes:

  1. Pick out the investments and positions that have capital gains or losses.
  2. Determinewhether the gains and losses are short-term or long-term.
  3. Come up witha net gain or loss for short-term and long-term. Calculate the overall netfigure if you have a gain in one and a loss in the other. If both categoriesare gains, keep them separate.
  4. Apply theappropriate tax rate including the net investment income tax rate to the final results.

Certain net investment income of individuals, estates,and trusts with income above the legal threshold willincur the Net Investment Income Tax rate of 3.8%.

Qualified Dividends (2)


Dividendsthat do not qualify as qualified dividends include the following:

  • Real estate investment trusts
  • Master limited partnerships
  • Dividends paid on employee stock options orsavings or money market accounts
  • Dividends paid by tax-exempt organizations

Unqualified dividends are taxed at the ordinary incomerate for your tax bracket and are higher than the dividend tax rate for qualified dividends.

TaxBrackets and Tax Rates

The U.S. tax system is a progressive one, and the IRS adjuststhe tax brackets for each filing category by inflation each year. The adjustedgross income (AGI) taxbrackets and various tax rates for 2019 including qualifieddividends tax rate are as follows:

Ordinary income and dividend tax rate Single Married filing jointly Heads of household
10%from $0 to $9,700from $0 to $19,400from $0 to $13,850
12%from $9,701 to $39,475from $19,401 to $78,950from $13,851 to $52,850
22%from $39,476 to $84,200from $78,951 to $168,400from $52,851 to $84,200
24%from $84,201 to $160,725from $168,401 to $321,450 from $84,201 to $160,700
35%from $204,101 to $510,300from $408,201 to $612,350from $204,101 to $510,300
37%over $510,300over $612,350over $510,300


All dividend income, whether qualified dividends or not, is taxable and needsto be reported on your tax return. Your stockbrokers will send you the year-end 1099-DIV, if you have dividendstotaling $10 or more from any entity, specifying which dividends belong toordinary or qualified. If you have an ownership in a partnership or Scorporation, dividends will be reported on your Schedule K1.

ReducingTaxes on Qualified Dividends

There are many ways to reduce your taxes for qualified dividends and otherlong-term investments. Some of the strategies involve financial planning andtiming, where possible. Seek the assistance of tax professionals to help inmaximizing tax benefits and clarifying IRS rules. Here are some examples ofways to help minimize taxes:

  1. Take the time to plan the sale of your investment well as you do not need to incur taxes until you sell.
  2. Try to retain your investments for over a year unless the fundamentals for that investment have clearly deteriorated.
  3. Be aware of dividends that do not qualify and of your qualified dividends tax rate bracket.
  4. Offset your capital losses against gains before year-end which is also known as tax loss harvesting.
  5. Consider your taxable income level before you sell any winning investments so that you can enjoy the lowest tax rates possible.
  6. Put your investments in tax-deferred investment accounts such as IRAs and 401(k) plans and in tax-free accounts such as a Roth IRA or Roth 401 (k).
Qualified Dividends (3)

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Tax and Legal Advice Disclaimer. M1 Finance and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice.

Qualified Dividends (2024)


What qualifies as a qualified dividend? ›

To be a qualified dividend, the payout must be made by a U.S. company or a foreign company that trades in the U.S. or has a tax treaty with the U.S. That part is simple enough to understand.

How do you avoid tax on qualified dividends? ›

Your “qualified” dividends may be taxed at 0% if your taxable income falls below $44,625 (if single or Married Filing Separately), $59,750 (if Head of Household), or $89,250 (if (Married Filing Jointly or qualifying widow/widower) (tax year 2023). Above those thresholds, the qualified dividend tax rate is 15%.

Do I report qualified or ordinary dividends? ›

Whereas ordinary dividends are taxable as ordinary income, qualified dividends that meet certain requirements are taxed at lower capital gain rates. The payer of the dividend is required to correctly identify each type and amount of dividend for you when reporting them on your Form 1099-DIV for tax purposes.

How much dividend income is tax free? ›

Qualified Dividend Taxes
Dividend Tax Rate, 2022
Filing Status0% Tax Rate20% Tax Rate
Single$0 to $41,675$459,751 or more
Married Filing Jointly$0 to $83,350$517,201 or more
Married Filing Separately$0 to $41,675$258,601 or more
1 more row

How do you know if a stock is qualified for dividends? ›

In order to be a dividend to be qualifying, it must meet three requirements.
  1. It must be paid by the common stock of a U.S. company or a qualifying foreign company.
  2. It must not be exempt from qualifying dividend treatment according to IRS rules. ...
  3. The required holding period for the stock has been met.

Are dividends taxed if reinvested? ›

The IRS considers any dividends you receive as taxable income, whether you reinvest them or not. When you reinvest dividends, for tax purposes you are essentially receiving the dividend and then using it to purchase more shares.

What stock dividends are not taxable? ›

If shares are held in a retirement account, stock dividends and stock splits are not taxed as they are earned. 1 Generally, in a nonretirement brokerage account, any income is taxable in the year it is received.

Can you live off qualified dividends? ›

Creating a diversified portfolio, understanding the implications of dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) and being aware of tax efficiency are vital steps in maximizing dividend income while minimizing risks. The dream of living off dividends is attainable with the right financial planning and investment strategy.

How to avoid double taxation on dividends? ›

How to Avoid Double Taxation
  1. Retaining corporate earnings. You can avoid double taxation by keeping profits in the business rather than distributing it to shareholders as dividends. ...
  2. Pay salaries instead of dividends. You can distribute profit as salaries or bonuses instead of as dividends. ...
  3. Split income.
Mar 12, 2024

How do I show qualified dividends on my tax return? ›

Qualified dividends are reported on Form 1099-DIV in line 1b or column 1b. However, not all dividends reported on those lines may have met the holding period requirement. Those non-qualified dividends, as well as other ordinary dividends, may be taxed at your ordinary income tax rate, which can be as high as 37%.

How much tax will I pay on dividends? ›

Outside of any tax-sheltered investments and the dividend allowance, the dividend tax rates are: 8.75% for basic rate taxpayers. 33.75% for higher rate taxpayers. 39.35% for additional rate taxpayers.

Do I need to report dividends under $600? ›

When to Use Form 1099-DIV, and When Not to. Unless you received $10 or more in dividends from some type of financial institution, you will not receive a Form 1099-DIV. Companies do not have to report dividends received to you on a Form 1099-DIV unless they have paid you $600 or more.

How much dividend is exempt from income tax? ›

Prior to Assessment Year 2020–21, a shareholder receiving a dividend from a domestic company would not be required to pay tax on it because it was exempt from tax under Section 10(34) of the Act, subject to Section 115BBDA, which provides that dividends exceeding Rs. 10 lakh are subject to taxation.

Do qualified dividends increase your tax bracket? ›

Qualified dividends are taxed at capital gain rates of 0%, 15%, or 20%, depending on your tax bracket. If you are: In the 10% or 12% tax bracket, your qualified dividends are taxed at 0%, In the 22%, 24%, 32%, or 35% tax bracket, your qualified dividends are taxed at 15%, and.

How to avoid tax on dividend income? ›

If your total dividend income is less than Rs. 5,000 in a financial year, then TDS will not apply to your interest income received. 2. You can submit Form 15G/15H to the company or mutual fund declaring that your total income for the financial year is below the taxable limit.

What qualifies as eligible dividends? ›

Eligible dividends are issued from a corporation up to the amount sitting in the GRIP pool. Eligible dividends are "grossed-up" to reflect corporate income earned, and then a dividend tax credit is included to reflect the higher rate of corporate taxes paid.

Are dividends taxed when declared or paid? ›

Investors pay taxes on the dividend the year it is announced, not the year they are paid the dividend.

Is AT&T a qualified dividend? ›

Let's start with the simplest and most common dividend most investors are faced with, qualified dividends from C-corps such as Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and AT&T (T). Note that most U.S. mutual fund dividends are also qualified.

Are preferred stock dividends qualified? ›

Preferred dividends are qualified if they meet several criteria. The one investors need to be most aware of is the holding period, or how long you've owned the stock. Meet the holding period requirement, and you'll usually owe a lot less in taxes on your dividends.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.