How to use cryptocurrency safely: A guide to cryptocurrency safety (2024)

Since the advent of Bitcoin in 2009, the global cryptocurrency market has grown significantly, attracting a wide range of investors. But despite this, the cryptocurrency market is hardly regulated, prone to volatility, and vulnerable to both scammers and cybercriminals. It’s imperative to keep your funds safe, and in this guide, we outline top tips for using cryptocurrency safely, including how to protect crypto from hackers and how to protect your crypto wallet.

What are the security risks associated with cryptocurrency?

It’s essential to be aware of cryptocurrency security risks. These include:

: For example, you might receive an email threatening to reveal compromising photos of you if you don’t pay a ransom in Bitcoin. Or you might receive a suspicious message congratulating you for winning a rare or a large amount of crypto. Crypto scams are prevalent, so be aware of malicious actors that could be attempting to steal your money.

Limited legal protections: Whereas payments with traditional debit or credit cards typically offer certain security features, crypto doesn’t. For example, with some card payments, you may not be liable for fraudulent purchases made in your name. This isn’t usually the case with cryptocurrency. If you lose money to a crypto scammer, you are unlikely to get it back.

You can’t take back a cryptocurrency transaction: Cryptocurrencies typically use blockchain technology to create a secure, public, and un-editable ledger of transactions. This technology provides security benefits but also means that crypto transactions are generally not reversible after the fact. If you pay someone with crypto, there’s typically no third party you can appeal to process a refund if things go sour.

These are just some of the security risks associated with cryptocurrency, but there are others that continue to arise as the crypto landscape evolves – so it’s important to stay informed.

Cryptocurrency safety tips

Here are our top tips to help you understand crypto wallet safety, crypto password safety, and how to use digital currency safely.

Carry out crypto research

Before getting involved with cryptocurrency, it’s important to become knowledgeable about it. That means researching the different types of cryptocurrencies, each blockchain, and what types of software to use. It also means keeping up to date with the latest cryptocurrency scams and learning about crypto safety tips like these. Online cryptocurrency forums can be useful places to get ideas and tips to supplement your own research.

Use a crypto wallet

Storing most of your crypto in a secure wallet should give you some protection from theft. A crypto wallet is a software product or physical device that stores the keys to your cryptocurrency accounts. Crypto wallets allow you to transfer funds between crypto types and make transactions while keeping your investments protected. There are various types of cryptocurrency wallets, so research which one is best for you and your accounts.

Use two factor authentication for your exchange

When you first buy cryptocurrency, it will usually be in an exchange account. If a hacker obtains access to this account, they can withdraw your crypto to a wallet address under their own control. One of the best ways to thwart these attacks is to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for withdrawals in your exchange app. 2FA requires you to input a code from your phone every time you make a crypto withdrawal. If you don’t have 2FA enabled, you have to rely on the security of your email address and password to protect your crypto – reducing your protection against cyber criminals.

Check your crypto accounts regularly

By monitoring your crypto accounts regularly, you can keep an eye on any suspicious transactions, as well as bots that monitor the state of your wallet and notify you about any transactions Keeping up to date with crypto news means that in the event of a breach, you can make a timely report of any losses you may have had. For added security and protection, it’s a good idea to change your login credentials regularly.

Be wary of suspicious emails

Hackers often use social engineering to enact crypto scams. This can include using phishing emails to gain access to users’ crypto accounts. When receiving emails, be wary of addresses that seem slightly off, odd spelling and grammar mistakes, and any links or attachments added to the message. Stay away from supposed giveaways on social media, and always double-check any crypto website or app. Being cautious and alert when you are online is an important step to ensuring your account safety.

How to use cryptocurrency safely: A guide to cryptocurrency safety (1)

Withdraw your cryptocurrency

Exchanges often have millions of dollars’ worth of crypto stored in them. This makes them attractive targets for scammers. You can minimize your exposure to this risk by withdrawing your cryptocurrency from the exchange. To do this, you’ll need to download a wallet and set it up on your PC, then instruct your exchange to send your crypto to your new wallet address. Once you’ve done this, an attacker can no longer steal your crypto by gaining access to your exchange account or hacking the exchange itself. Instead, the attacker would effectively need to compromise your PC or steal your private key to get to your crypto. Withdrawing your crypto can be a simple and effective way to reduce the threat of crypto theft.

Use strong passwords to protect your crypto

The longer the password, the more difficult it is to crack. If a password has both capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, then it’s even more difficult to crack. Avoid using the same password on multiple platforms and remember to change your passwords periodically. You can read more about strong passwords here. If you struggle to remember your passwords, don't store them in plain text. Instead, consider getting a secure password manager.

Avoid public Wi-Fi when carrying out crypto transactions

When you’re away from home and need to connect to the internet, free public Wi-Fi at a restaurant or coffee shop may seem like a convenient option. However, when you’re carrying out sensitive transactions such as crypto trading, it’s advisable to avoid public Wi-Fi. One of the risks of public Wi-Fi is that people nearby can potentially intercept your internet traffic. They can use the information they receive to determine if you are visiting crypto sites. In some circ*mstances, they may even be able to view your transactions.

That won’t necessarily allow them to steal your crypto, but a scammer may decide to pay a lot more attention to you if they see you making high-value crypto transactions or simply browsing crypto sites.

Use secure internet for crypto trading

Using secure internet to log into your crypto accounts means more than avoiding public Wi-Fi networks and staying away from suspicious sites. If you do most of your crypto trading from home, you should set up a basic security infrastructure. This means making sure your internet is secure by testing your firewall for weaknesses and ensuring your anti-malware software is set up properly and up to date. It also means creating a strong password for your wireless router—most of them come with default passwords. Enable network encryption, disable network name broadcasting, and make sure to always keep your router software up to date. Find out more about setting up a home network securely here.

Use a hardware wallet if possible

One of the best ways to protect your crypto is to use a hardware wallet, a USB device that can store your key vault. It is designed so your seed words cannot be moved out of the device unencrypted. A hardware wallet has no internet connection, so it’s extremely difficult for an attacker to infect it with malware.

Each time you transact using a hardware wallet, you have to connect it to your PC or mobile device through USB or Bluetooth. A signature is produced from within the wallet and sent to your internet-connected device, which allows you to carry out transactions without exposing your key to a possibly malware-infected device. Hardware wallets also have PIN codes, so the attacker would have difficulty obtaining your crypto even if your wallet is physically stolen. That said, if you lose your hardware wallet or it is stolen, then it’s advisable to transfer your crypto out of the wallet’s address as soon as you can.

The main disadvantages to hardware wallets are inconvenience and cost. Hardware wallet transactions often take longer than software ones, and depending on where you keep your wallet, you may have to take time getting it from wherever it’s stored. So, if you’re only storing a small amount of crypto, then you may not want to spend money on a hardware wallet. If you have a significant cryptocurrency holding, then it may be worth it.

Check URLs to avoid fake crypto software

A common scam used to steal crypto is to deceive a person into downloading a fake wallet or trick them into using a fake application. For example, scammers may offer fake versions of the popular Ethereum wallet, MetaMask. They might even advertise these fake wallets on Facebook or Google.

The best way to avoid this type of scam is to only download a wallet from the developer’s official website, which means avoiding click-through advertisem*nts on search engines or social media sites. You may also want to avoid using searches in Google Play or the iOS App Store to find wallets, since these stores have been known unintentionally to display fake wallets near the top of search results. Most developers offer direct links to their mobile wallets from their official websites, so using a mobile app store search engine usually isn’t necessary anyway.

Back up your seed words properly

When you download wallet software and start to set it up, you are usually asked to back up your seed words. Also known as a ‘secret recovery phrase’ or ‘master key’, seed words are a series of words used to cryptographically derive all your account keys. You can use your seed words to recover your accounts if your device crashes. Anyone who has access to your seed words has access to every account tied to these words.

If you’re new to crypto or simply in a hurry, then you may be tempted to skip this step or simply take a screenshot to use as a backup. But this isn’t a good idea. A better approach is to write down your seed words on a physical piece of paper and store the paper in a safe place where it can’t be destroyed. If you’re worried about losing your physical copy, you can even write down your words on multiple pieces of paper and store them in different secret hiding spots. Some people use fireproof, waterproof safes for storing your seed words. The important point is to store them on a physical thing that can’t be erased.

Don’t enter your seed words on a website

If you use a browser-extension wallet, it will ask you for your crypto password frequently. If you close your browser and reopen it, it will ask for your password. If you step away for a few minutes, your wallet will close, and will ask for your password when you come back. But a browser-extension wallet such as Metamask, Coinbase wallet, or Brave wallet will ask for your seed words only the first time it is installed.

If you are browsing the web and come across a window that resembles your wallet and asks for your seed words, be aware that it could be a malicious website. The safest way to deal with this is to close the tab and clear your browser’s cache. If you think your wallet is malfunctioning, then you can uninstall it and reinstall it from a blank browser page. That should help ensure you are really interacting with your wallet and not a web app on a particular page.

Use a good quality VPN

Another way to avoid attention from scammers is to subscribe to a VPN service. A good VPN will encrypt your communications and hide your online activities from potential intruders, while hiding all cryptographic activities from your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

A risk with any kind of online transaction, including crypto transactions, is man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. A VPN can help prevent these attacks. In an MITM attack, the hacker breaks your connection with a website you are visiting and injects their own device between you and the site. They then pass on your data to the site you intend to interact with, making it appear that you are connected as normal. But now they can monitor everything you are doing.

The information a scammer gets may tip them off that you are a crypto user, which may lead to them using other methods to get to your crypto investments, such as showing you fake sites or convincing you to install a fake wallet. Using a VPN can provide useful protection.

Related products:

  • Kaspersky Premium
  • Kaspersky Password Manager
  • Kaspersky Secure Connection

Further reading:

  • What is cryptocurrency and how does it work
  • How to avoid NFT scams
  • What is cryptojacking and how does it work
How to use cryptocurrency safely: A guide to cryptocurrency safety (2024)


How to use cryptocurrency safely: A guide to cryptocurrency safety? ›

Use 2 Factor Authentication (such as a password and a phrase, a fingerprint, or a confirmation text). Safeguard your passwords and do not repeat them or share them. Maintain your own private key for your digital wallet. Store your digital funds in a secure wallet.

How to use crypto safely? ›

Crypto Safety: The Basics of Protecting Your Crypto
  1. Use two-factor authentication (2FA) on your wallets and exchange.
  2. Withdraw your crypto from your exchange to a wallet.
  3. Write down the seed words for your wallet on a piece of paper, but store it safely.
  4. Use strong passwords every time.
Feb 8, 2024

How does cryptocurrency work and is it safe? ›

Cryptocurrency is digital money that doesn't require a bank or financial institution to verify transactions and can be used for purchases or as an investment. Transactions are then verified and recorded on a blockchain, an unchangeable ledger that tracks and records assets and trades.

How do you actually use cryptocurrency? ›

You can buy cryptocurrency with fiat money on cryptocurrency exchanges or apps. You send and receive payments using a cryptocurrency wallet. You can use any wallet compatible with the cryptocurrency and exchange you choose. A growing list of online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores accept cryptocurrency as payment.

How to use cryptocurrency for beginners? ›

For beginners wondering how to start, follow these five steps:
  1. Choose what cryptocurrency to invest in.
  2. Choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange.
  3. Explore storage and digital wallet options.
  4. Decide how much to invest.
  5. Stay informed and manage your investments wisely.
May 1, 2024

How do I cash out crypto safely? ›

How to cash out your crypto or Bitcoin
  1. Use an exchange to sell crypto. One of the easiest ways to cash out your cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is to use a centralized exchange such as Coinbase. ...
  2. Use your broker to sell crypto. ...
  3. Go with a peer-to-peer trade. ...
  4. Cash out at a Bitcoin ATM. ...
  5. Trade one crypto for another and then cash out.
Feb 9, 2024

Is crypto safe for beginners? ›

Cryptocurrencies may be more secure than other types of currency, and riskier in others. Before buying or selling crypto, you'll want to be aware of potential scams and other pitfalls to look out for.

Can you lose real money with crypto? ›

While not all cryptos are same, they all pose high risks and are speculative as an investment. You should never invest money into crypto that you can't afford to lose. If you decide to invest in crypto then you should be prepared to lose all your money.

Does crypto use real money? ›

It's a peer-to-peer system that can enable anyone anywhere to send and receive payments. Instead of being physical money carried around and exchanged in the real world, cryptocurrency payments exist purely as digital entries to an online database describing specific transactions.

Is your money safe in crypto? ›

Only invest money you can afford to lose. There are no guarantees in any investment, be it stocks or cryptocurrencies. However, since cryptocurrencies are so new and uncertain, they carry more risk than traditional investments. The wisest thing to do is to invest only what you can afford to lose.

How do you turn cryptocurrency into real money? ›

Here are five ways you can cash out your crypto or Bitcoin.
  1. Use an exchange to sell crypto.
  2. Use your broker to sell crypto.
  3. Go with a peer-to-peer trade.
  4. Cash out at a Bitcoin ATM.
  5. Trade one crypto for another and then cash out.
  6. Bottom line.
Feb 9, 2024

How does crypto make you money? ›

Some cryptocurrencies offer their owners the opportunity to earn passive income through a process called staking. Crypto staking involves using your cryptocurrencies to help verify transactions on a blockchain protocol. Though staking has its risks, it can allow you to grow your crypto holdings without buying more.

How do you spend crypto in real life? ›

Step 5: Convert Cryptocurrency to Fiat. If you need to convert your cryptocurrency into fiat money, use a crypto exchange service. You can sell your cryptocurrency on the exchange. After that, withdraw the fiat currency to your bank account or use a crypto debit card that converts crypto to fiat at the time of sale.

How does cryptocurrency work step by step? ›

Cryptocurrency transactions occur through electronic messages that are sent to the entire network with instructions about the transaction. The instructions include information such as the electronic addresses of the parties involved, the quantity of currency to be traded, and a time stamp.

What is crypto for dummies? ›

Crypto, short for cryptocurrency, is a digital asset secured using cryptography, an encryption system. It is designed to work as a medium of exchange and is not controlled by any government or institution.

How much should I put into crypto as a beginner? ›

Most financial experts recommend limiting crypto exposure to less than 5% of your total portfolio. Crypto is considered a high-risk asset class. Limiting allocation helps manage overall volatility and risk. Those new to crypto investing may start with 1% to 2% as an introduction.

What is the safest way to invest in crypto? ›

Cold wallets.

Cold crypto wallets aren't connected to the internet, making them your most secure option for holding cryptocurrency. They take the form of external devices, like a USB drive or a hard drive.

What happens if you invest $100 in bitcoin today? ›

Investing $100 in Bitcoin alone is not likely to make you wealthy. The price of Bitcoin is highly volatile and can fluctuate significantly in short periods. While it is possible to see significant returns in a short time, it is also possible to lose a substantial amount just as quickly.

Where is the safest place to put your crypto? ›

The answer to the question “what is the safest way to store crypto” is a self-custody cold storage wallet. As covered earlier, options include hardware wallets and paper wallets. But that's not to say that holding 100% of funds in cold storage is right for everyone.

Is my money safe in crypto? ›

While not all cryptos are same, they all pose high risks and are speculative as an investment. You should never invest money into crypto that you can't afford to lose. If you decide to invest in crypto then you should be prepared to lose all your money.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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