Farming | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (2024)

Souls Every Main Boss Room

The simplest and most lucrative method for farming souls is to bossrush through every mandatory boss and then continue into NG+. When optimized, each run takes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours and nets a whopping 1.2 mil on just NG+ with no soul boosting items. If you already have or do not care to obtain boss items throughSoul Transposition, boss souls can be exchanged for additional souls. It is also important to note that every NG+, the player can receive 5 free levels fromYoel of Londorafter meeting him after the Vordt fight.

Souls Lothric Castle Bonfire

Probably the best and easiest farming spot. Just kill the knight right next to the bonfire, rest, and repeat. If you use Shield of Want, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring, Symbol of Avarice and the Mendicant's Staff (just switch to it right after you killed the knight) you'll receive 5900 souls per run (approximately 15-20 seconds) and a load of items (use the Covetous Gold Serpent Ringto optimize this method!) you can sell afterwards for even more souls. On a SL 100 build 240,000 souls per 10 minutes are no problem to achieve.

Large Titanite Shard Lothric CastleBonfire

Chance of dropping Sunlight Medal, Ember and Titanite Chunk as well. Repeatedly kill the LothricKnight walking away. Using the Symbol of Avaricehere is also ideal as you are right next to the bonfire. 2-3 Great Chaos Fire Orbswill kill the knight with the Witch's Ring.

Also a good place to farm souls.With the Symbol of Avarice, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring, and Shield of Wantthis method yields 15000 souls/min, including stopping to pick up items. (With Coventous Serpent Silver Ring and Shield of Want, including picking up items: about ~95k souls per 10 minutes) Large Titanite Shards can be sold to Shrine Handmaiden for 300 souls each, so full stack (99) is worth nearly 30k souls.

Souls Anor Londo Bonfire

One of the best places for souls. Go up the stairs from the Bonfire, lure down the first Spear Silver Knight. Once dealt with lure down the Sword Silver Knight. Go right through the arch to encounter a red eye Sword Silver Knight.With Covetous Silver Serpent Ring, Shield of Want, and the Symbol of Avarice, killing the spear and sword knight on the stairs gets you 9900, and takes 32-45 seconds as a SL100 pyromancer. The red eye will give you 7920, totaling 17820, but will add 15-25 seconds per run. I found that if youcan quickly(within 25sec) kill the first 2, it's worth it to add the 3rd. If the RNG givesyoutrouble on the first 2, just skip the 3rd and run back to bonfire.

With Black Bow of Pharis and Hawk Ring: go up the stairs, aggro spear knight, return down, then use bow to hit sword knight at the top of the stairs. Silver Knights can't cross the bridge connecting bonfire area and stairs, so while they are standing there you can safely aggro red-eyed Silver Knight using a bow so he will fall to death. Then deal with two knights you've lured first. Great Chaos Fire Orb is especially effective as you can hit them both and deal additional damage by pool.

Per Run: 17.82k 10 Minutes:184k. 1 Hour:1.1M

Very high chance to drop Silver Knight Armor. Drop rate for shards seems to be about30% Large Titanite Shard 70% Titanite Shard.

Souls and Titanite Shards (lower chance for Large)

Pontiff Sulivahn Bonfire Good place to farm souls before taking on Anor Londo. With Covetous Silver Serpent Ring and Shield of Want it nets17160 per run. From bonfire proceed to the elvevator shortcut. On the bridge kill all Deacons, run down the stair where the two hostile NPC's were and kill two Giants. Powerful weapon is recomended (was using FUGS and they went down in 3-4 hits). Should take around 1min 30s to 3mins. Souls Dragon-Kin Mausoleum Bonfire One of the best souls farming spots for STR/DEX builds. Right next to the bonfire (at the base of the stairs), a summoned knight will appear. This knight will net you a base of 4000 souls. As long as you don't kill the bellringer that is above you, the knight will continue to respawn infinitely making it possible to stay here forever and farm.
1. A good strategy is to, equip Hornet Ring, a high AR large weapon (BIS Dragonslayer Greataxe+5 add. light. dmg. vs knights or BKGA +5), then simply backstab the knight as soon as the summoning sound cue ends and the light begins to fade.
2. It's not suggested to use Red Tearstone Ring and Dragon Torso Roar. You will probably one shot the knight but you won't be able to equip and efficiently use the step 3 farming items.
3. Equipping all available souls farming items will grant you a 9504 souls in 20 s, which makes it 1710 thousand souls in an hour. Start with a Silver Serpent Ringthan equip Shield of Wantin your left hand (you don't need to two-hand a weapon since there is no bonus in DS3) and a Symbol of Avariceto your head. Also, equip a Mendicant's Staff(no need for stats to have a bonus) as your secondary right-hand weapon. Now, when you kill the knight, switch your main right-hand weapon with this staff, to gain the additional bonus and achieve those 9504 souls (don't worry you have plenty of time). Souls, Large Titanite Shards and Titanite Chunks Grand Archives Bonfire

90.000 Souls in NG.

UseCovetous Silver Serpent Ring,Symbol of Avarice(equip right before you engage to save HP on the way up),Shield of Want(as your shield) andMendicant's Staff(equiped as your secondary right hand weapon). The trick here is to switch to your mendicant's staff just as the knight dies so that all the aforementioned items are "out" when the souls counter updates, this will give you 30.000 souls pr. kill in NG alone.

Use the elevator up to where the Twin Princes boss is located but instead of crossing the bridge go upstairs and farm the 3 winged knights (Backstab fishing them is very easy since they have slow attacks). They seem to drop large titanite shards guaranteed and even some chunks. Use homeward bone or coiled sword fragment to get back to bonfire after every clear and send the elevator down everytime you get up to get the run as fast as possible. They also drop 1 titanite slab the first time you kill all 3 of them in one go, but only the first time. If you're having trouble killing these three, try using the Rapport pyromancy for easy kills.


Grand Archives Bonfire

Run straight into the archives and head towards the first pool of wax with the three scholars surrounding it, you will need to melee one down along the way. I use word of god miracle with both miracle boosting rings equipped and the +5 faith ring to one shot the entire pack. Make sure to use the unfaltering skill so they don't interrupt your cast. Coiled sword fragment back to the bonfire when they are dead and repeat. The entire run takes about 45 secs and nets 15k souls. Best method I've found so far. Souls Keep Ruins Bonfire

A good early game spot for sorcerers or pyromancers. Turn around and kill the three Ghrus near the bonfire, then run out onto the bridge and look right. Note the three Elder Ghrus off in the distance. Jump out onto the rocks bordering the path and walk to the third one. Now take out your binoculars or your bow, aim at the nearestElder Ghru, and fire off an arrow or a long-range sorcery. A well-aimed Soul Spear will aggro the nearest and leftmost Elder Ghru, which can either save time or doom you depending on your damage output at the moment. Let the Ghru come into lock-on range and pound it with fire or magic; repeat for the other two Elders. Nets about 6k, or 10k with the Covetous Silver Serpent and the Symbol of Avarice. Also yields a decent supply of Embers and (Large) Titanite Shardsif you really feel like leaping into the poisonous muck and boning homeward or running around; I usually don't.


Dark Set(Shrine Handmaid pays 500 souls fore very piece)

Farron Keep Perimeter Bonfire

Two routes here, fast/easy and longer/harder. Fast route - Turn around from bonfire and kill the three enemies with their backs to you before you get to crystal lizard. A single run takes about 30 seconds and nets ~1200 souls with Covetous Silver Serpent ring. Long route - Walk forward and stand in doorway until Darkwraith breaks off and attacks. Deal with him and stick to the right, killing enemies along the way and eventually circling back around to the left where the other Darkwraith will be fighting enemies and easy to finish off. Takes between 2-3 minutes per run, nets ~2600 souls with CSS ring.

There's also a bow technique. Hawk Ring and Black Bow of Pharis are recommended. Dash through doors and before Darkwraiths can see you hide behind a big tree. Then aggro enemies at the distance by shooting at them. Ghrus sitting on stairs near Abbyss' Watchers bonfire can't be aimed normally, only aiming higher works due to long distance. Aggroed Ghrus will rush at Darkwraiths, which will rest upon Abbyss' Watchers doors after dealing with all ghrus. You have free time to use rusted coins before attacking weakened (but it is possible to even kill one of Darkraiths in that way) Darkwraiths after running through doors which them can't pass.

Souls Boss Cooping

Putting a white sign of coop is one of the best ways of easy farming souls (specially in late game), most bosses are insanely easy with 2-3 people (even with the boss scaling) and long range attacks like spells can make some bosses a joke.

Equipping theCovetous Silver Serpent Ring and the shield of want is recommended, andfor even more one can always equipthe symbol of avarice, bosses usually give you more than enough time to equip it when they die, making it really worth as it will increase 50%.

The Boreal Dancer its a pretty decent one as it can be accessed at nearly any point of the game, and if beaten in coop, drops 15.000 souls (27.000 with ring+symbol+shield)

Souls, Large Titanite Shard and Titanite Chunk

Lothric Castle

Twin Princes Bonfire

This is especially viable for Sorcerer who are able to one shoot the Knights outside the Lothric, Young Prince bossfight. Head outside and shoot a Crystal Soul Spear into the back of the four Knights walking down the stairs, nets you 17-20k/min. After testing several farmspots I still think that this is the fastest way to earn Souls as a Lategame Sorcerer. See this video for how to do it.

Souls Grand Archives Bonfire

Take the shortcut lift to the top, go on the roof of the grand archives, then kill the 3 winged knights (30k/min in NG+, didn't test in NG)

Fastest souls I've found is this at >100k/min in NG. Avarice, CSSR+3, Shield of Want, and Mendicant's Staff. take the elevator and rapport the twin axe knight, then go to the left and bait the 3rd knight towards the fight. Then rapport the one that the axe knight is fighting, and once its all over and done with rapport the final knight and use spells with the staff or hit it with the shield. My average run is 2:10 with 214,813 souls and some winged knight gear/titanite.


Yhorm the giant's bonfire

(Profaned capital bonfire if boss hasn't been defeated)

The white robed jailers and the gargoyles outside of Yhorm's boss room provide alot of souls for relatively little risk. Just make sure you don't end up fighting the gargoyles with the jailers aggro'd and you'll have yourself with a 20K souls, 2-3 minute, low risk run.

(Large Titanite Shard)

Church of Yorshka bonfire

When spawning at the bonfire, take the exit to your left (not the one where you go down the stairs). Keep left and head for the hole in the balustrade. Drop down on theBoreal Immolator (Irithyllian Fire Witch) with a drop attack and, if necessary, give her a few more punches. Head up the stairs and back to the bonfire. Takes around 45s and yields 3564 souls per run with Covetous Silver Serpent Ring, Symbol of Avarice and Shield of Want. While the souls yield may be mediocre to low in comparison to other spots, it is a no-brain run also suitable for lower levels. You can easily stunlock the enemy after your drop attack and finish him off. Also you have a chance for large Titanite Shards. On PS4, the homeward miracle offers no advantage, because loading time takes as long as running back.


Archdragon Peak

This is the fastest and easiest way to farm souls I've found up to now. You have to put at least 48 in intelligence, and equip the four items to increase soul rate (as the Mendicant's Staff will be your main weapon, reinforce it in order to one shot the snakes). The only spell you have to use is crystal soul spear.

Once you are at the bonfire, turn back, lock the snake on the right. Here, you have to kill two snakes simultaneously (with a correct position, the spear will kill the second one too). Then simply kill the snake on the left, and go back to the bonfire.

In NG: 11k per run (12s.) / 500k for 10min / more than 3 milion/hour


Archdragon Peak (Dragon-kin Mausoleum Bonfire)

This is one way that was found orginally by Oroboro, and is quite easy and effective. Starting from the bonfire, in the first room you enter there is a Serpent-Sorcerer who will infinitly spawn a summon across the room. This summon can be farmed for 4000 souls each and 4400 with CSS. The Sorcerer will not attack you so long as you stay around the summon area. It should be noted that with decent timing (Just not to soon) you can backstab for massive damage and kill in one or two hits following for a fairly efficent farming. Once the summon is dead, he is resummoned within about 5-10 sec.

In NG(equipped w/Symbol of Avarice, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring, Shield of Want and switching to the Mendicant's Staff before gaining the souls): 9,504 per kill(20 second cycle) / 28K per minute / 1.7M per hour


Great Belfry

Unequip all armor (unless you have Symbol of Avarice) in order forreach max speed. Run across walkway by the bell and hit the Man-Serpent Summoner until he is one hit away from death. Wait for him to summon the rapier champion and then kill him. Kill the rapier champion and repeat. If you want to boost souls gained, equip Shield of Want in left hand and Mendicant's Staff in second right hand slot. As soon as you get the final hit on the Man-Serpent Summoner, swap to it then switch back to main weapon and do the same for the rapier champion. Equip Covetous Silver Serpent Ring.

Souls Lothric Castle Bonfire

Requirements: 45INT, Soul Stream.

At the lothric bonfire. if you have soul stream you can kill both the lothric knights in one shot and make it back to the bonfire in less than 10 seconds. with symbol of aravice, shield of want, and silver serpent ring+3 you can make12k/run. 72k per minute. 4.3 million per hour. takes a little time to get into a good rhythmn but it becomes very consistent

Farming | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (2024)
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