CRAN: Available Packages By Name (2024)

A3Accurate, Adaptable, and Accessible Error Metrics for PredictiveModelsAalenJohansenConditional Aalen-Johansen EstimationAATtoolsReliability and Scoring Routines for the Approach-Avoidance TaskABACUSApps Based Activities for Communicating and UnderstandingStatisticsabasequenceCoding 'ABA' Patterns for Sequence DataabbreviateReadable String AbbreviationabcTools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)abc.dataData Only: Tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)ABC.RAPArray Based CpG Region Analysis PipelineABCanalysisComputed ABC AnalysisabclassAngle-Based Large-Margin ClassifiersABCoptimImplementation of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) OptimizationABCp2Approximate Bayesian Computational Model for Estimating P2abcrfApproximate Bayesian Computation via Random ForestsabcrldaAsymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear DiscriminantAnalysisabctoolsTools for ABC AnalysesabdThe Analysis of Biological DataabdivAlpha and Beta Diversity MeasuresabeAugmented Backward EliminationaberranceDetect Aberrant Behavior in Test DataabessFast Best Subset SelectionabglassoAdaptive Bayesian Graphical LassoABHgenotypeREasy Visualization of ABH GenotypesabindCombine Multidimensional ArraysabjDataDatabases Used Routinely by the Brazilian JurimetricsAssociationabjutilsUseful Tools for Jurimetrical Analysis Used by the BrazilianJurimetrics AssociationablassoArellano-Bond LASSO Estimator for Dynamic Linear Panel ModelsABMAgent Based Model Simulation FrameworkabmRAgent-Based Models in RabnModelling Multivariate Data with Additive Bayesian NetworksabnormalityMeasure a Subject's Abnormality with Respect to a ReferencePopulationabodOutlierAngle-Based Outlier DetectionABPSThe Abnormal Blood Profile Score to Detect Blood Dopingabseil'C++' Header Files from 'Abseil'absorberVariable Selection in Nonparametric Models using B-SplinesabstrR Interface to the A/B Street Transport System SimulationSoftwareabstractrAn R-Shiny Application for Creating Visual AbstractsABSurvTDCSurvival Analysis using Time Dependent Covariate for AnimalBreedingabtestBayesian A/B TestingabundantHigh-Dimensional Principal Fitted Components and AbundantRegressionAc3netInferring Directional Conservative Causal Core Gene NetworksACAAbrupt Change-Point or Aberration Detection in Point SeriesAcademicThemesColour Plots with Palettes from Academic InstitutionsacademictwitteRAccess the Twitter Academic Research Product Track V2 APIEndpointaccExploring Accelerometer DataaccaA Canonical Correlation Analysis with Inferential GuarantiesaccelerometryFunctions for Processing Accelerometer DataaccelmissingMissing Value Imputation for Accelerometer DataAccelStabAccelerated Stability Kinetic ModellingacceptThe Acute COPD Exacerbation Prediction Tool (ACCEPT)AcceptanceSamplingCreation and Evaluation of Acceptance Sampling PlansAcceptRejectAcceptance-Rejection Method for Generating Pseudo-RandomObservationsaccessibilityTransport Accessibility MeasuresaccessrCommand Line Tools to Produce Accessible Documents using 'RMarkdown'accessrmdImproving the Accessibility of 'rmarkdown' DocumentsaccrualBayesian Accrual PredictionaccrualPlotAccrual Plots and Predictions for Clinical TrialsaccSDAAccelerated Sparse Discriminant AnalysisaccucorNatural Abundance Correction of Mass Spectrometer DataaccumulateSplit-Apply-Combine with Dynamic GroupsacdcqueryQuery the Attentional Control Data CollectionacdcRAgro-Climatic Data by CountyACDmTools for Autoregressive Conditional Duration ModelsACE.CoCoAnalysis of Correlated High-Dimensional Expression (ACE) Dataace2fastqACE File to FASTQ ConverteracebayesOptimal Bayesian Experimental Design using the ACE AlgorithmaceEditorThe 'Ace' Editor as a HTML WidgetACEPAnalisis Computacional de Eventos de ProtestaacepackACE and AVAS for Selecting Multiple Regression TransformationsACEsearch'ACE' Search Engine APIACEsimFitACE Kin Pair Data Simulations and Model FittingACEtEstimating Dynamic Heritability and Twin Model ComparisonacfMPeriodRobust Estimation of the ACF from the M-PeriodogramAchillesAchilles Data Source CharacterizationacidAnalysing Conditional Income Distributionsacled.apiAutomated Retrieval of ACLED Conflict Event DataACNEAffymetrix SNP Probe-Summarization using Non-Negative MatrixFactorizationacnrAnnotated Copy-Number RegionsacopulaModelling Dependence with Multivariate Archimax (or anyUser-Defined Continuous) CopulasAcousticNDLCodeRCoding Sound Files for Use with NDLacpAutoregressive Conditional PoissonacroA Tool for Automating the Statistical Disclosure Control ofResearch OutputsacronameEngine for Acronyms and InitialismsAcrossTicA Cost-Minimal Regular Spanning Subgraph with TreeClustacsDownload, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey andDecennial Data from the US CensusacssAlgorithmic Complexity for Short Stringsacss.dataData Only: Algorithmic Complexity of Short Strings (Computed viaCoding Theorem Method)ACSWRA Companion Package for the Book "A Course in Statistics with R"actAligned Corpus ToolkitACTCDAsymptotic Classification Theory for Cognitive DiagnosisActCRExtract Circadian Rhythms Metrics from Actigraphy DataactelAcoustic Telemetry Data AnalysisActFragActivity Fragmentation Metrics Extracted from Minute LevelActivity DataactilifecountsGenerate Activity Counts from Raw Accelerometer DataactivAnalyzerA 'Shiny' App to Analyze Accelerometer-Measured Daily PhysicalBehavior DataactivatrUtilities for Parsing and Plotting ActivitiesActiveDriverFinding Cancer Driver Proteins with Enriched Mutations inPost-Translational Modification SitesactivegpGaussian Process Based Design and Analysis for the ActiveSubspace MethodActivePathwaysIntegrative Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Multivariate OmicsDataactivityAnimal Activity StatisticsActivityIndexActivity Index Calculation using Raw 'Accelerometry' DataactivPALAdvanced Processing and Chart Generation from activPAL EventsFilesactLiferCreating Actuarial Life TablesactogrammrRead in Activity Data and Plot ActogramsactuarActuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed DistributionsactuaREHandling Hierarchically Structured Risk Factors using RandomEffects ModelsActuarialMComputation of Actuarial Measures Using Bell G FamilyactuaryrDevelop Actuarial ModelsactxpsCreate Actuarial Experience Studies: Prepare Data, SummarizeResults, and Create ReportsAcuityViewA Package for Displaying Visual Scenes as They May Appear to anAnimal with Lower Acuityacumos'Acumos' R InterfaceACVOptimal Out-of-Sample Forecast Evaluation and Testing underStationarityACWRAcute Chronic Workload Ratio CalculationadaThe R Package Ada for Stochastic BoostingadabagApplies Multiclass AdaBoost.M1, SAMME and BaggingadaceEstimator of the Adherer Average Causal EffectadagioDiscrete and Global Optimization RoutinesadaHuberAdaptive Huber Estimation and RegressionadamethodsArchetypoid Algorithms and Anomaly DetectionadanaAdaptive Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Hybrid GeneticOptimizationAdapSampAdaptive Sampling Algorithmsadapt4pvAdaptive Approaches for Signal Detection in PharmacovigilanceadaptalintCheck Code Style PainlesslyadaptDiagBayesian Adaptive Designs for Diagnostic TrialsAdaptGaussGaussian Mixture Models (GMM)adaptiveGPCAAdaptive Generalized PCAadaptivetauTau-Leaping Stochastic SimulationadaptIVPTAdaptive Bioequivalence Design for In-Vitro Permeation TestsadaptMCMCImplementation of a Generic Adaptive Monte Carlo Markov ChainSampleradaptMTAdaptive P-Value Thresholding for Multiple Hypothesis Testingwith Side InformationadaptrAdaptive Trial SimulatorADAPTSAutomated Deconvolution Augmentation of Profiles for TissueSpecific CellsadaptsmoFMRIAdaptive Smoothing of FMRI DataadaptTestAdaptive Two-Stage TestsadaRA Fast 'WHATWG' Compliant URL ParserAdaSamplingAdaptive Sampling for Positive Unlabeled and Label NoiseLearningadbcdrivermanager'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') Driver Manageradbcpostgresql'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'PostgreSQL' Driveradbcsqlite'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'SQLite' Driveradbi'DBI' Compliant Database Access Using 'ADBC'adcCalculate Antecedent Discharge ConditionsADCTAdaptive Design in Clinical Trialsadd2ggplotAdd to 'ggplot2'addhazBinomial and Multinomial Additive Hazard ModelsaddhazardFit Additive Hazards Models for Survival AnalysisaddinsJoaoMeloAddins Made of Joao MeloaddinslistDiscover and Install Useful RStudio AddinsaddinsOutline'RStudio' Addins for Show Outline of a R Markdown/'LaTeX'ProjectadditiveBindings for Additive TidyModelsadditiveDEAAdditive Data Envelopment Analysis ModelsadditivityTestsAdditivity Tests in the Two Way Anova with Single Sub-ClassNumbersaddregAdditive Regression for Discrete DataaddScalesAdds Labeled Center Line and Scale Lines/Regions to TrellisPlotsADDTAnalysis of Accelerated Destructive Degradation Test Dataade4Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methodsin Environmental Sciencesade4TkGUI'ade4' Tcl/Tk Graphical User InterfaceadeaAlternate DEA PackageadegenetExploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic DataadegraphicsAn S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation ofMultivariate DataadehabitatHRHome Range EstimationadehabitatHSAnalysis of Habitat Selection by AnimalsadehabitatLTAnalysis of Animal MovementsadehabitatMATools to Deal with Raster MapsadephyloExploratory Analyses for the Phylogenetic Comparative MethodadeproA 'shiny' Application for the (Audio-)Visualization of AdverseEvent ProfilesadeptAdaptive Empirical Pattern TransformationadeptdataAccelerometry Data SetsAdequacyModelAdequacy of Probabilistic Models and General PurposeOptimizationADERData Analysis in EcologyadespatialMultivariate Multiscale Spatial AnalysisadestrEstimation in Optimal Adaptive Two-Stage DesignsadfExplorerImport from and Export to Amiga Disk FilesadformRGet Adform Ads Data via the '' APIADGofTestAnderson-Darling GoF testadheRenceRXAssess Medication Adherence from Pharmaceutical Claims DataAdhereRAdherence to MedicationsAdhereRVizAdherence to MedicationsadimproAdaptive Smoothing of Digital ImagesadivAnalysis of DiversityadjclustAdjacency-Constrained Clustering of a Block-Diagonal SimilarityMatrixadjROCComputing Sensitivity at a Fix Value of Specificity and ViceVersa as Well as Bootstrap Metrics for ROC CurvesadjSURVCIParameter and Adjusted Probability Estimation for Right-CensoredDataadjustedcranlogsRemove Automated and Repeated Downloads from 'RStudio' 'CRAN'Download LogsadjustedCurvesConfounder-Adjusted Survival Curves and Cumulative IncidenceFunctionsadklakedataAdirondack Long-Term Lake DataadliftAn Adaptive Lifting Scheme AlgorithmADLPAccident and Development Period Adjusted Linear Pools forActuarial Stochastic ReservingadmiralADaM in R Asset Libraryadmiral.testTest Data for the 'admiral' PackageadmiraldevUtility Functions and Development Tools for the Admiral PackageFamilyadmiraloncoOncology Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset LibraryadmiralophthaADaM in R Asset Library - OphthalmologyadmiralvaccineVaccine Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset LibraryadmiscAdrian Dusa's MiscellaneousAdMitAdaptive Mixture of Student-t DistributionsadmixPackage Admix for Admixture (aka Contamination) ModelsadmixrAn Interface for Running 'ADMIXTOOLS' AnalysesADMMAlgorithms using Alternating Direction Method of MultipliersadmmDensestSubmatrixAlternating Direction Method of Multipliers to Solve DenseDubmatrix ProblemADMMsigmaPenalized Precision Matrix Estimation via ADMMadmtoolsEstimate and Manipulate Age-Depth ModelsADMURAncient Demographic Modelling Using RadiocarbonadnutsNo-U-Turn MCMC Sampling for 'ADMB' ModelsadobeanalyticsrR Client for 'Adobe Analytics' API 2.0adoptrAdaptive Optimal Two-Stage DesignsADPAdoption Probability, Triers and Users Rate of a New ProductADPclustFast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak DetectionADPFUse Least Squares Polynomial Regression and Statistical Testingto Improve Savitzky-GolayadproclusAdditive Profile Clustering AlgorithmsadpssDesign and Analysis of Locally or Globally Efficient AdaptiveDesignsadsSpatial Point Patterns AnalysisadsDataHubRGoogle Ads Data Hub API ClientADTSATime Series AnalysisAdvancedBasketballStatsAdvanced Basketball StatisticsAdvBinomAppsUpper Clopper-Pearson Confidence Limits for Burn-in Studiesunder Additional Available InformationAdvDif4Solving 1D Advection Bi-Flux Diffusion EquationadventrInteractive R Tutorials to Accompany Field (2016), "An Adventurein Statistics"ADVICEAutomatic Direct Variable Selection via Interrupted CoefficientEstimationadwAngular Distance Weighting InterpolationadwaveWavelet Analysis of Genomic Data from Admixed PopulationsadwordsRAccess the 'Google Adwords' APIaeddoAutomated and Early Detection of Disease OutbreaksAEDForecastingChange Point Analysis in ARIMA ForecastingaedseoAutomated and Early Detection of Seasonal Epidemic OnsetAEenrichAdverse Event Enrichment TestsAEPStatistical Modelling for Asymmetric Exponential PowerDistributionAERApplied Econometrics with RAeRobiologyA Computational Tool for Aerobiological DataAeroSampleREstimate Aerosol Particle Collection Through Sample LinesAFModel-Based Estimation of Confounder-Adjusted AttributableFractionsafcGeneralized Discrimination ScoreafcoloursGovernment Analysis Function Recommended Accessible ColourPaletteafdxDiagnosis Performance Using Attributable FractionafexAnalysis of Factorial ExperimentsAFFECTAccelerated Functional Failure Time Model withError-Contaminated Survival TimesaffinityRaster Georeferencing, Grid Affine Transforms, Cell AbstractionaffinitymatrixEstimation of Affinity MatrixaffluenceIndexAffluence (Richness) IndicesAFheritabilityThe Attributable Fraction (AF) Described as a Function ofDisease Heritability, Prevalence and Intervention SpecificFactorsAFMAtomic Force Microscope Image AnalysisafmToolkitFunctions for Atomic Force Microscope Force-Distance CurvesAnalysisafptTools for Modelling of Animal Flight PerformanceAFRToolkit for Regression Analysis of Kazakhstan Banking SectorDataafricamonitorAfrica Macroeconomic Monitor Database APIaftgeeAccelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized EstimatingEquationsafthdAccelerated Failure Time for High Dimensional Data with MCMCaftR2R-Squared Measure under Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) ModelsafttestModel Diagnostics for Accelerated Failure Time Modelsag5ToolsToolbox for Downloading and Extracting Copernicus AgERA5 DataagcountsCalculate 'ActiGraph' Counts from Accelerometer DataAGDAnalysis of Growth DataagegAge Grouping Functionsagena.aiR Wrapper for '' APIageutilsCollection of Functions for Working with Age IntervalsagfhAgnostic Fay-Herriot Model for Small Area StatisticsagghooAggregated Hold-Out Cross ValidationAggregateRAggregate Numeric, Date and Categorical Variablesaggregationp-Value Aggregation MethodsaggTreesAggregation TreesaggutilsUtilities for Aggregating Probabilistic ForecastsAGHmatrixRelationship Matrices for Diploid and Autopolyploid SpeciesaghqAdaptive Gauss Hermite Quadrature for Bayesian InferenceaglmAccurate Generalized Linear ModelagopAggregation Operators and Preordered SetsAGPRISAGricultural PRoductivity in SpaceagReeVarious Methods for Measuring AgreementAgreementIntervalAgreement Interval of Two Measurement MethodsagricolaeStatistical Procedures for Agricultural ResearchagricolaeplotrVisualization of Design of Experiments from the 'agricolae'PackageagridatAgricultural DatasetsagrifeatureAgriculture Image FeatureagriTutorialTutorial Analysis of Some Agricultural ExperimentsagriutilitiesUtilities for Data Analysis in AgricultureagriwaterEvapotranspiration and Energy Fluxes Spatial AnalysisagrmtCalculate Concentration and Dispersion in Ordered Rating ScalesAgroRExperimental Statistics and Graphics for Agricultural SciencesAgroRegRegression Analysis Linear and Nonlinear for AgricultureagrostabStability Analysis for Agricultural ResearchAgroTechData Analysis of Pesticide Application TechnologyagsCrosswalk Municipality and District Statistics in GermanyagtboostAdaptive and Automatic Gradient Boosting Computationsagua'tidymodels' Integration with 'h2o'agvgdAn R Implementation of the 'Align-GVGD' MethodahazRegularization for Semiparametric Additive Hazards RegressionAHMAdditive Heredity Model: Method for the Mixture-of-MixturesExperimentsAHMbookFunctions and Data for the Book 'Applied Hierarchical Modelingin Ecology' Vols 1 and 2ahMLEMethods for the Additive Hazard ModelahnrAn Implementation of the Artificial Hydrocarbon NetworksAhoCorasickTrieFast Searching for Multiple Keywords in Multiple TextsAHPGaussianNew Multicriteria Method: AHPGaussianAHPhybridAHP Hybrid MethodahpsurveyAnalytic Hierarchy Process for Survey DataAHPtoolsConsistency in the Analytic Hierarchy Processahptopsis2nHybrid Method for Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM)AHPWRCompute Analytic Hierarchy ProcessAHSurvFlexible Parametric Accelerated Hazards ModelsahwCalculates Continuous Time Likelihood Ratio Weights AssumingMultiplicative Intensity Models and Additive Hazard ModelsaIcTesting for Compositional Pathologies in DatasetsAICcmodavgModel Selection and Multimodel Inference Based on (Q)AIC(c)AICcPermanovaModel Selection of PERMANOVA Models Using AICcAIDBox-Cox Power TransformationaidarTools for Reading AIDA FilesaidesAdditive Information & Details of Evidence SynthesisaifeducationArtificial Intelligence for EducationaihumanExperimental Evaluation of Algorithm-Assisted HumanDecision-MakingaimPlotCreate Pie Like Plot for Completenessaimsir17Irish Weather Observing Stations Hourly Records for 2017aionArchaeological Time SeriesAIPWAugmented Inverse Probability WeightingairAI Assistant to Write and Understand R Codeaire.zmvmDownload Mexico City Pollution, Wind, and Temperature DataairGRSuite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-RunoffModellingairGRdatasetsHydro-Meteorological Catchments Datasets for the 'airGR'PackagesairGRdatassimEnsemble-Based Data Assimilation with GR Hydrological ModelsairGRiwrm'airGR' Integrated Water Resource ManagementairGRteachingTeaching Hydrological Modelling with the GR Rainfall-RunoffModels ('Shiny' Interface Included)aiRlyR Wrapper for 'Airly' APIAirMonitorAir Quality Data AnalysisairnowRetrieve 'AirNow' Air Quality Observations and ForecastsairportrConvenience Tools for Working with Airport DataairportsData on AirportsairqualityESAir Quality Measurements in Spain from 2011 to 2018airrAIRR Data Representation Reference LibraryairtEvaluation of Algorithm Collections Using Item Response TheoryaiRthermoAtmospheric Thermodynamics and VisualizationaisophAdditive Isotonic Proportional Hazards ModelAIUQAb Initio Uncertainty QuantificationajvAnother JSON Schema ValidatorakcAutomatic Knowledge ClassificationAkeAssociated Kernel EstimationsakiFlaggerFlags Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)akimaInterpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced DataakmbiclustAlternating K-Means BiclusteringalabamaConstrained Nonlinear OptimizationalakazamImmunoglobulin Clonal Lineage and Diversity AnalysisalarmdataDownload, Merge, and Process Redistricting DataALassoSurvICAdaptive Lasso for the Cox Regression with Interval Censored andPossibly Left Truncated DataalbatrossPARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission MatricesalbopictusAge-Structured Population Dynamics ModelalcyonSpatial Network AnalysisaldThe Asymmetric Laplace DistributionALDqrQuantile Regression Using Asymmetric Laplace DistributionaldvmmAdjusted Limited Dependent Variable Mixture ModelsaleInterpretable Machine Learning and Statistical Inference withAccumulated Local Effects (ALE)ALEPlotAccumulated Local Effects (ALE) Plots and Partial Dependence(PD) PlotsALFAM2Dynamic Model of Ammonia Emission from Field-Applied ManureaLFQEstimating Absolute Protein Quantities from Label-Free LC-MS/MSProteomics DataalfrConnectivity to 'Alfresco' Content Management RepositoriesalfredDownloading Time Series from ALFRED Database for VariousVintagesalgaeClassifyTools to Standardize Phytoplankton Taxonomic Data and PerformFunctional Group ClassificationsAlgDesignAlgorithmic Experimental DesignAlgebraicHaploPackageHaplotype Two Snips Out of a Paired Group of PatientsalgoImplement an Address Search Auto Completion Menu on 'Shiny' TextInputs Using the 'Algolia Places' 'Javascript' LibraryalgorithmiaAllows you to Easily Interact with the Algorithmia Platformaliases2entrezConverts Human gene symbols to entrez IDsalienEstimate Invasive and Alien Species (IAS) Introduction RatesalignA Modified DTW Algorithm for Stratigraphic Time Series AlignmentalkahestPre-Processing XY Data from Experimental MethodsallcontributorsAcknowledge all Contributors to a ProjectalleHapAllele Imputation and Haplotype Reconstruction from PedigreeDatabasesallelematchIdentifying Unique Multilocus Genotypes where Genotyping Errorand Missing Data may be PresentAlleleRetainAllele Retention, Inbreeding, and DemographyAlleleShiftPredict and Visualize Population-Level Changes in AlleleFrequencies in Response to Climate ChangeAllelicSeriesAllelic Series TestallestimatesEffect Estimates from All ModelsAllMetricsCalculating Multiple Performance Metrics of a Prediction ModelallMTAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Maintenance Therapy AnalysisallofusInterface for 'All of Us' Researcher WorkbenchallomrRemoving Allometric Effects of Body Size in MorphologicalAnalysisAllspiceRNA-Seq Profile ClassifieralluvialAlluvial DiagramsalmanacTools for Working with Recurrence RulesaloneDatasets from the Survival TV Series AlonealookrModel Classifier for Binary ClassificationaloomAll Leave-One-Out ModelsalpacaFit GLM's with High-Dimensional k-Way Fixed Effectsalpha.correction.bhBenjamini-Hochberg Alpha CorrectionalphabetrAlgorithms for High-Throughput Sequencing of Antigen-Specific TCellsalphaciConfidence Intervals for Coefficient Alpha and StandardizedAlphaalphahullGeneralization of the Convex Hull of a Sample of Points in thePlanealphaNSet Alpha Based on Sample Size Using Bayes FactorsalphaOutlierObtain Alpha-Outlier Regions for Well-Known ProbabilityDistributionsAlphaPartPartition/Decomposition of Breeding Values by Paths ofInformationalphashape3dImplementation of the 3D Alpha-Shape for the Reconstruction of3D Sets from a Point CloudAlphaSimRBreeding Program SimulationsalphastableInference for Stable DistributionalphavantagerLightweight Interface to the Alpha Vantage APIalqrfeAdaptive Lasso Quantile Regression with Fixed Effectsalr4Data to Accompany Applied Linear Regression 4th EditionALSMultivariate Curve Resolution Alternating Least Squares(MCR-ALS)ALSCPCAccelerated line search algorithm for simultaneous orthogonaltransformation of several positive definite symmetric matricesto nearly diagonal formaltadataAPI Wrapper for Altadata.ioaltairInterface to 'Altair'altdocPackage Documentation Websites with 'Quarto', 'Docsify','Docute', or 'MkDocs'AlteredPQRDetection of Altered Protein Quantitative RelationshipsaltfuelrProvides an Interface to the NREL Alternate Fuels LocatoraltmetaAlternative Meta-Analysis MethodsALToptOptimal Experimental Designs for Accelerated Life TestingaltR2Alternative Estimators to Adjusted R-SquaredALUESAgricultural Land Use Evaluation SystemamanidaMeta-Analysis for Non-Integral DataamanpgAlternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCAamapAnother Multidimensional Analysis PackageamapGeocodeAn Interface to the 'AutoNavi Maps' API Geocoding ServicesamaproThin Wrapper for Mapping Library 'AMap'AMAPVoxLiDAR Data VoxelisationamazonadsRGet Amazon Ads Data via the '' APIamazons3RGet Amazon S3 Data via the '' APIamazonspRGet Amazon Sp Data via the '' APIamberr'Amber' Electronic Data Capture ClientambientA Generator of Multidimensional NoiseambitSimulation and Estimation of Ambit ProcessesAMCPA Model Comparison PerspectiveAMCTestmakeRGenerate LaTeX Code for Auto-Multiple-Choice (AMC)AmeliaA Program for Missing DataamelieAnomaly Detection with Normal Probability FunctionsamenAdditive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks andRelational DataamerifluxrInterface to 'AmeriFlux' Data ServicesamerikaAmerican Politics-Inspired Color Palette GeneratorAmesHousingThe Ames Iowa Housing DataamiChecks for Various Computing EnvironmentsAmigaFFHCommodore Amiga File Format HandlerAMIMCompute the Adjusted Market Inefficiency MeasureammiBayesBayesian Ammi Model for Continuous DataammistabilityAdditive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction ModelStability ParametersAMModelsAdaptive Management Model ManagerAmmoniaConcentrationUn-Ionized Ammonia ConcentrationaMNLFAAutomated Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis Using 'M-plus'AmoudSurvTractable Parametric Odds-Based Regression ModelsampStatistical Test for the Multivariate Point Null HypothesesampdAn Algorithm for Automatic Peak Detection in Noisy Periodic andQuasi-Periodic SignalsAmpGramPrediction of Antimicrobial PeptidesampirPredict Antimicrobial PeptidesAMPLEShiny Apps to Support Capacity Building on Harvest Control RulesAmpliconDuoStatistical Analysis of Amplicon Data of the Same Sample toIdentify ArtefactsAMRAntimicrobial Resistance Data AnalysisamregtestRuns Allelematch Regression TestsamtAnimal Movement ToolsAmyloGramPrediction of Amyloid ProteinsanabelAnalysis of Binding Events + lAnaCoDaAnalysis of Codon Data under Stationarity using a BayesianFrameworkAnacondaTargeted Differential and Global Enrichment Analysis ofTaxonomic Rank by Shared AsvsanacorSimple and Canonical Correspondence AnalysisanalogseaInterface to 'DigitalOcean'analogueAnalogue and Weighted Averaging Methods for PalaeoecologyAnalysisLinExploratory Data AnalysisanalyzerData Analysis and Automated R Notebook GenerationAnanseSeuratConstruct ANANSE GRN-Analysis SeuratAncestryMapperAssigning Ancestry Based on Population ReferencesAnchorRegressionPerform AnchorRegressionandConstruct Natural-Language Lists with InternationalizationandrewsVarious Andrews CurvesAndromedaAsynchronous Disk-Based Representation of Massive DataandurinhaMake Spectroscopic Data Processing EasieranesrakeANES Raking ImplementationAnglerCreelSurveySimulationSimulate a Bus Route Creel Survey of AnglersangstromsTools for 'ROMS' the Regional Ocean Modeling SystemaniDomInferring Dominance Hierarchies and Estimating Uncertaintyanim.plotsSimple Animated Plots for RanimalEKFExtended Kalman Filters for Animal MovementAnimalHabitatNetworkNetworks Characterising the Physical Configurations of AnimalHabitatsanimateA Web-Based Graphics Device for Animated VisualisationsanimationA Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to CreateAnimationsanimbookVisualizing Changes in Performance Measures and DemographicAffiliations using Animationanimint2Animated Interactive Grammar of GraphicsanimlA Collection of ML Tools for Conservation ResearchanipathsAnimation of Multiple Trajectories with UncertaintyaniSNAStatistical Network Analysis of Animal Social NetworksaniviewAnimate Shiny and R Markdown Content when it Comes into ViewanMCCompute High Dimensional Orthant ProbabilitiesANN2Artificial Neural Networks for Anomaly Detectionanndata'anndata' for RannmatrixAnnotated Matrix: Matrices with Persistent Row and ColumnAnnotationsAnnoProbeAnnotate the Gene Symbols for Probes in Expression ArrayannotaterAnnotate Package Load CallsAnnotationBustRExtract Subsequences from GenBank AnnotationsannotatorImage Annotation and Polygon Outlining using Free DrawingAnnuityRIRAnnuity Random Interest RatesanocvaA Non-Parametric Statistical Test to Compare ClusteringStructuresANOFAAnalyses of Frequency DataANOMAnalysis of MeansanomalizeTidy Anomaly DetectionanomalyDetecting Anomalies in DataANOPAAnalyses of Proportions using Anscombe TransformANOVAIREVAInteractive Document for Working with Analysis of VarianceANOVAShinyInteractive Document for Working with Analysis of VarianceANOVAShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Analysis of VarianceanovirAnalysis of VirulenceanscombiserCreate Datasets with Identical Summary StatisticsANSM5Functions and Data for the Book "Applied NonparametricStatistical Methods", 5th EditionAntAngioCOOLAnti-Angiogenic Peptide PredictionantaresEditObjectEdit an 'Antares' SimulationantaresProcessing'Antares' Results ProcessingantaresReadImport, Manipulate and Explore the Results of an 'Antares'SimulationantaresVizAntares VisualizationsanthroComputation of the WHO Child Growth StandardsanthroplusComputation of the WHO 2007 References for School-Age Childrenand Adolescents (5 to 19 Years)AnthropMMDAn R Package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)AnthropometryStatistical Methods for Anthropometric DataAntibodyTitersAntibody Titer Analysis of Vaccinated PatientsanticlustSubset Partitioning via AnticlusteringantitrustTools for Antitrust PractitionersantiwordExtract Text from Microsoft Word DocumentsAntMANAnthology of Mixture Analysis ToolsAnxietySleepSleep Quality and Anxiety in ConfinementanybadgerCreate Custom Pipeline BadgesanyflightsQuery 'nycflights13'-Like Air Travel Data for Given Years andAirportsanyLibInstall and Load Any Package from CRAN, Bioconductor or GithubanytimeAnything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' ConverteraoAlternating OptimizationaodAnalysis of Overdispersed Dataaods3Analysis of Overdispersed Data using S3 MethodsaoosAnother Object Orientation SystemaopdataData from the 'Access to Opportunities Project (AOP)'AoptbdtvcA-Optimal Block Designs for Comparing Test Treatments withControlsaoristicGenerates Aoristic Probability DistributionsaorsfAccelerated Oblique Random ForestsaosAnimate on Scroll Library for 'shiny'AOV1RInference in the Balanced One-Way ANOVA Model with Random FactorAovBayClassic, Nonparametric and Bayesian One-Way Analysis of VariancePanelapaFormat Outputs of Statistical Tests According to APA Guidelinesapache.sedonaR Interface for Apache SedonaApacheLogProcessorProcess the Apache Web Server Log FilesAPackOfTheClonesVisualization of Clonal Expansion for Single Cell ImmuneProfilesapaTablesCreate American Psychological Association (APA) Style TablesapaTextCreate R Markdown Text for Results in the Style of the AmericanPsychological Association (APA)apcAge-Period-Cohort AnalysisAPCalignResolving Plant Taxon Names Using the Australian Plant CensusAPCanalysisAnalysis of Unreplicated Orthogonal Experiments using AllPossible ComparisonsapcfAdapted Pair Correlation FunctionAPCIA New Age-Period-Cohort Model for Describing and InvestigatingInter-Cohort Differences and Life Course DynamicsapclusterAffinity Propagation ClusteringaPCoACovariate Adjusted PCoA PlotAPCtoolsRoutines for Descriptive and Model-Based APC AnalysisapdesignAn Implementation of the Additive Polynomial Design MatrixapeAnalyses of Phylogenetics and EvolutionaPEARAdvanced Pathway Enrichment Analysis RepresentationapercuQuick Look at your DataapexPhylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene DataapexcharterCreate Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'ApexCharts'LibraryAPFrMultiple Testing Approach using Average Power Function (APF) andBayes FDR Robust EstimationaphidAnalysis with Profile Hidden Markov ModelsaphyloStatistical Inference and Prediction of Annotations inPhylogenetic Treesapi2lmFunctions and Data Sets for the Book "A Progressive Introductionto Linear Models"APISAuto-Adaptive Parentage Inference Software Tolerant to MissingParentsapisensrInterface to 'episensr' for Sensitivity Analysis ofEpidemiological Resultsaplore3Datasets from Hosmer, Lemeshow and Sturdivant, "Applied LogisticRegression" (3rd Ed., 2013)aplotDecorate a 'ggplot' with Associated InformationaplotExtraCreating Composite Plots using 'aplot'aplpackAnother Plot Package: 'Bagplots', 'Iconplots', 'Summaryplots',Slider Functions and OthersapmxAutomated Population Pharmaco*kinetic Dataset AssemblyapngConvert Png Files into Animated PngApoderoidesPrioritize and Delete Erroneous Taxa in a Large PhylogeneticTreeapolloTools for Choice Model Estimation and ApplicationApollonius2D Apollonius GraphsappeearsInterface to 'AppEEARS' NASA Web ServicesAPPEstimationAdjusted Prediction Model Performance EstimationappleadsRGet Apple Search Ads Data via the '' APIappler'Apple App Store' and 'iTunes' Data ExtractionapplicableA Compilation of Applicability Domain MethodsAppliedPredictiveModelingFunctions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling'appnnAmyloid Propensity Prediction Neural NetworkapportionApportion SeatsappRioriCode and Obtain Customized Planned Comparisons with 'appRiori'approximatorBayesian Prediction of Complex Computer CodesapproxmatchApproximately Optimal Fine Balance Matching with Multiple GroupsapproxOTApproximate and Exact Optimal Transport MethodsappsflyeRGet Data from 'Appsflyer' via the '' APIappsheetAn Interface to the 'AppSheet' APIaprean3Datasets from Draper and Smith "Applied Regression Analysis"(3rd Ed., 1998)aprofAmdahl's Profiler, Directed Optimization Made EasyapsimxInspect, Read, Edit and Run 'APSIM' "Next Generation" and'APSIM' ClassicaptAsymmetric Price TransmissionAPtoolsAverage Positive Predictive Values (AP) for Binary Outcomes andCensored Event TimesapyramidVisualize Population Pyramids Aggregated by AgeAQEvalAir Quality EvaluationAQLSchemesRetrieving Acceptance Sampling SchemesaqpAlgorithms for Quantitative PedologyAquaBEHEREstimation of Rainy Season Calendar and Soil Water Balance forAgricultureAQuadtreeConfidentiality of Spatial Point DataAquaEnvIntegrated Development Toolbox for Aquatic Chemical ModelGenerationAQualityWater and Measurements QualityAquaticLifeHistoryLife History Analysis ToolsaquodomAccess to Aquo domaintables from R (Dutch)ARAnother Look at the Acceptance-Rejection Methodar.matrixSimulate Auto Regressive Data from Precision Matriciesarabic2kansujiConvert Arabic Numerals to KansujiarabicStemRArabic Stemmer for Text AnalysisaraknoARAchnid KNowledge OnlineArArReduxRigorous Data Reduction and Error Propagation of Ar40 / Ar39DataarcAssociation Rule ClassificationARCensRegFitting Univariate Censored Linear Regression Model withAutoregressive ErrorsarcgeocoderGeocoding with the 'ArcGIS' REST API ServicearcgisArcGIS Location Services Meta-PackagearcgisgeocodeA Robust Interface to ArcGIS 'Geocoding Services'arcgislayersAn Interface to ArcGIS Data ServicesarcgisplacesSearch for POIs using ArcGIS 'Places Service'arcgisutilsArcGIS Utility FunctionsArchaeoPhases.datasetData Sets for 'ArchaeoPhases' VignettesarchdataExample Datasets from Archaeological ResearcharcheofragRefitting and Spatial Analysis in ArchaeologyarcheoVizVisualisation, Exploration, and Web Communication ofArchaeological Spatial DataarchetypalFinds the Archetypal Analysis of a Data FramearchetyperAn Archetype for Data Mining and Data Science ProjectsarchetypesArchetypal AnalysisarchiDARTPlant Root System Architecture Analysis Using DART and RSMLFilesarchiveMulti-Format Archive and Compression SupportarchiveRetrieverRetrieve Archived Web Pages from the 'Internet Archive'archivistTools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objectsarchivist.githubTools for Archiving, Managing and Sharing R Objects via GitHubArCoArtificial Counterfactual PackageARco*krigAutoregressive co*kriging Models for Multifidelity CodesarcpbfProcess ArcGIS Protocol Buffer FeatureCollectionsarcpullrPull Data from an 'ArcGIS REST' APIarcpyInterface to 'ArcGIS' 'Python' ModulesarctoolsProcessing and Physical Activity Summaries of Minute LevelActivity DataArDecTime Series Autoregressive-Based DecompositionARDECOAnnual Regional Database of the European Commission (ARDECO)ARDLARDL, ECM and Bounds-Test for Cointegrationardl.nardlLinear and Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models:General-to-Specific ApproachardsCreates Analysis Results DatasetsareaCalculate Area of Triangles and PolygonsareabiplotArea BiplotarealAreal Weighted InterpolationarealDBHarmonise and Integrate Heterogeneous Areal DataareaplotPlot Stacked Areas and Confidence Bands as Filled Polygonsarena2rPlots, Summary Statistics and Tools for Arena Simulation UsersarenarArena for the Exploration and Comparison of any ML ModelsarfAdversarial Random ForestsarfimaFractional ARIMA (and Other Long Memory) Time Series ModelingargoAccurate Estimation of Influenza Epidemics using Google SearchDataargoFloatsAnalysis of Oceanographic Argo FloatsargonDashArgon Shiny Dashboard TemplateargonRR Interface to Argon HTML DesignARGOSAutomatic Regression for Governing Equations (ARGOS)argosfilterArgos Locations FilterargparseCommand Line Optional and Positional Argument ParserargparserCommand-Line Argument ParserargusRandom Variate Generator for the Argus DistributionARHTAdaptable Regularized Hotelling's T^2 Test for High-DimensionalDataariAutomated R InstructorARIbrainAll-Resolution InferencearicodeEfficient Computations of Standard Clustering ComparisonMeasuresAriGaMyANNSVRHybrid ARIMA-GARCH and Two Specially Designed ML-Based Modelsarima2Likelihood Based Inference for ARIMA ModelingARIMAANNTime Series Forecasting using ARIMA-ANN Hybrid ModelarkdbArchive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat FilesarkheTools for Cleaning Rectangular DataarmData Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/HierarchicalModelsARMALSTMFitting of Hybrid ARMA-LSTM ModelsarmsppAdaptive Rejection Metropolis Sampling (ARMS) via 'Rcpp'arnie"Arnie" box office records 1982-2014AROCCovariate-Adjusted Receiver Operating Characteristic CurveInferencearoma.affymetrixAnalysis of Large Affymetrix Microarray Data Setsaroma.apdA Probe-Level Data File Format Used by 'aroma.affymetrix'[deprecated]aroma.cnCopy-Number Analysis of Large Microarray Data Setsaroma.coreCore Methods and Classes Used by 'aroma.*' Packages Part of theAroma FrameworkArothronGeometric Morphometric Methods and Virtual Anthropology ToolsARPALDataRetrieving and Analyzing Air Quality and Weather Data from ARPALombardiaARpLMECCensored Mixed-Effects Models with Different CorrelationStructuresARPobservationTools for Simulating Direct Behavioral Observation RecordingProcedures Based on Alternating Renewal ProcessesarprAdvanced R PipesaRpsDCAArps Decline Curve Analysis in RarrangementsFast Generators and Iterators for Permutations, Combinations,Integer Partitions and CompositionsarrApplyApply a Function to a Margin of an ArrayarrayhelpersConvenience Functions for ArraysarrowIntegration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'arsAdaptive Rejection SamplingarseArea of Resilience to Stress EventarsenalAn Arsenal of 'R' Functions for Large-Scale StatisticalSummariesARTAligned Rank Transform for Nonparametric Factorial AnalysisartfimaARTFIMA Model EstimationarthistoryArt History Textbook DataARTofRTo Insert Title, Divider, and Block of CommentsARToolAligned Rank TransformartpackCreates Generative Art DataaRtsyGenerative Art with 'ggplot2'arulesMining Association Rules and Frequent ItemsetsarulesCBAClassification Based on Association RulesarulesNBMinerMining NB-Frequent Itemsets and NB-Precise RulesarulesSequencesMining Frequent SequencesarulesVizVisualizing Association Rules and Frequent ItemsetsARUtoolsManagement and Processing of Autonomous Recording Unit (ARU)DataaRxivInterface to the arXiv APIasaurData Sets for "Applied Survival Analysis Using R""asbioA Collection of Statistical Tools for BiologistsascentTrainingAscent Training DatasetsasciiExport R Objects to Several Markup LanguagesasciicastCreate 'Ascii' Screen Casts from R ScriptsasciichartrLightweight ASCII Line GraphsasciirulerRender an ASCII RulerasciiSetupReaderReads Fixed-Width ASCII Data Files (.txt or .dat) that HaveAccompanying Setup Files (.sps or .sas)ascotraceRSimulate the Spread of Ascochyta Blight in ChickpeaasdSimulations for Adaptive Seamless DesignsasdreaderReading ASD Binary Files in RASGS.foyerInterface to the Australian Statistical Geography StandardashDavid Scott's ASH RoutinesashapesamplerGenerating Alpha ShapesashrMethods for Adaptive Shrinkage, using Empirical BayesashtApplied Statistical Hypothesis TestsAsioHeaders'Asio' C++ Header FilesaskgptAsking GPT About R StuffaskpassPassword Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSHaslibInterface to the Algorithm Selection Benchmark LibraryasmOptimal Convex M-Estimation for Linear Regression via AntitonicScore MatchingASMapLinkage Map Construction using the MSTmap AlgorithmasmbPLSPredicting and Classifying Patient Phenotypes with Multi-OmicsDataasnipeAnimal Social Network Inference and Permutations for EcologistsaspaceFunctions for Estimating Centrographic StatisticsaspectA General Framework for Multivariate Analysis with OptimalScalingaspiAnalysis of Symmetry of Parasitic InfectionsasplineSpline Regression with Adaptive Knot SelectionaSPUAdaptive Sum of Powered Score TestasremlPlusAugments 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models and PackagesGenerally in Exploring Prediction DifferencesASRgenomicsComplementary Genomic FunctionsASSAApplied Singular Spectrum Analysis (ASSA)assertValidate Function ArgumentsassertableVerbose Assertions for Tabular Data (Data.frames andData.tables)assertionsSimple Assertions for Beautiful and Customisable Error MessagesassertrAssertive Programming for R Analysis PipelinesassertthatEasy Pre and Post AssertionsassessorAssessment Tools for Regression Models with Discrete andSemicontinuous OutcomesAssetAllocationBacktesting Simple Asset Allocation StrategiesAssetCorrEstimating Asset Correlations from Default DataAssetPricingOptimal Pricing of Assets with Fixed Expiry DateassignPOPPopulation Assignment using Genetic, Non-Genetic or IntegratedData in a Machine Learning FrameworkassignRInfer Geographic Origin from Isotopic DataassistA Suite of R Functions Implementing Spline Smoothing TechniquesASSISTantAdaptive Subgroup Selection in Group Sequential TrialsAssocAFCAllele Frequency ComparisonAssocBinMeasuring Association with Recursive BinningassocIndImplements New and Existing Association Indices for ConstructingAnimal Social NetworksAssocTestsGenetic Association StudiesassortnetCalculate the Assortativity Coefficient of Weighted and BinaryNetworksASTAge-Spatial-Temporal Modelast2astTranslates an R Function to a C++ FunctionasterAster Modelsaster2Aster ModelsasteRiskComputation of Satellite PositionAsthmaNHANESAsthma Data Sets from NHANESastrochronA Computational Tool for AstrochronologyastrodatRAstronomical DataastroFnsAstronomy: Time and Position Functions, Misc. UtilitiesastsaApplied Statistical Time Series AnalysisasusAdaptive SURE Thresholding Using Side InformationASVStochastic Volatility Models with or without LeverageAsyKKernel Density EstimationasylumData on Asylum and Resettlement for the UKasymLDAsymmetric Linkage Disequilibrium (ALD) for Polymorphic GeneticDataAsymmetricSORDsAsymmetric Second Order Rotatable Designs (AsymmetricSORDs)asymmetryMultidimensional Scaling of Asymmetric Proximitiesasymmetry.measuresAsymmetry Measures for Probability Density FunctionsasympTestA Simple R Package for Classical Parametric Statistical Testsand Confidence Intervals in Large SamplesasymptorEstimate Asymptomatic Cases via Capture/Recapture MethodsasyncCoroutines: Generators / Yield, Async / Await, and StreamsAsynchLongRegression Analysis of Sparse Asynchronous Longitudinal DataataAutomated Test AssemblyatableCreate Tables for Reporting Clinical TrialsATAforecastingAutomatic Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using the AtaMethodatakrigArea-to-Area KrigingATboundsBounding Treatment Effects by Limited Information PoolingAteMeVsAverage Treatment Effects with Measurement Error and VariableSelection for ConfoundersatimeAsymptotic TimingatlasStanford 'ATLAS' Search Engine APIAtlasMakerMake Multiple 'leaflet' Maps in 'Shiny'AtmChileDownload Air Quality and Meteorological Information of ChileatmoptAnalysis-of-Marginal-Tail-MeansATNrRun Allometric Trophic Networks Modelsatom4RTools to Handle and Publish Metadata as 'Atom' XML FormatatpolRATPOL Grid ImplementationATRAlternative Tree RepresentationatRiskAt-RiskatrrrWrapper for the 'AT' Protocol Behind 'Bluesky'aTSAAlternative Time Series AnalysisattachmentDeal with DependenciesattemptTools for Defensive ProgrammingattentionSelf-Attention AlgorithmattenuationCorrecting for Attenuation Due to Measurement ErrorattribAttributable Burden of DiseaseAUCThreshold Independent Performance Measures for ProbabilisticClassifiersauctestrStatistical Testing for AUC DataauctionrEstimate First-Price Auction ModelaudioAudio Interface for RaudiometryStandard Conform Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) PlotsauditBounds for Accounting PopulationsauditorModel Audit - Verification, Validation, and Error AnalysisaudrexAutomatic Dynamic Regression using Extreme Gradient BoostingaudubonJapanese Text Processing ToolsaugmentedRCBDAnalysis of Augmented Randomised Complete Block DesignsaugSIMEXAnalysis of Data with Mixed Measurement Error andMisclassification in CovariatesaukeBird Data Extraction and Processing in RaumArea Under Minimum of False Positives and NegativesAurieLSHGaussianCreates a Neighbourhood Using Locality Sensitive Hashing forGaussian ProjectionsauRocVarious Methods to Estimate the AUCausplotsRTERN AusPlots Australian Ecosystem Monitoring DataAustralianPoliticiansProvides Datasets About Australian PoliticiansAUtestsApproximate Unconditional and Permutation Testsauth0Authentication in Shiny with Auth0auto.pcaAutomatic Variable Reduction Using Principal Component AnalysisAutoAdsAdvertisem*nt Metrics CalculationautoBaggingLearning to Rank Bagging Workflows with MetalearningautocartAutocorrelation Regression TreesautocogsAutomatic Cognostic SummariesautoCovariateSelectionAutomated Covariate Selection Using HDPS AlgorithmAutoDeskRAn Interface to the 'AutoDesk' 'API' PlatformautoEnsembleAutomated Stacked Ensemble Classifier for Severe Class ImbalanceautoFCAutomatic Construction of Forced-Choice TestsautoFRKAutomatic Fixed Rank KrigingautoGOAuto-GO: Reproducible, Robust and High Quality OntologyEnrichment VisualizationsautoharpSemi-Automatic Grading of R and Rmd ScriptsautohrfAutomated Generation of Data-Informed GLM Models in Task-BasedfMRI Data AnalysisautoimageMultiple Heat Maps for Projected CoordinatesautokerasR Interface to 'AutoKeras'automagicAutomagically Document and Install Packages Necessary to Run RCodeautomapAutomatic Interpolation PackageautoMFAAlgorithms for Automatically Fitting MFA ModelsautomlDeep Learning with MetaheuristicautoMrPImproving MrP with Ensemble LearningautonewsmdAuto-Generate Changelog using Conventional CommitsAutoPipeAutomated Transcriptome Classifier Pipeline: ComprehensiveTranscriptome AnalysisautoplotlyAutomatic Generation of Interactive Visualizations forStatistical ResultsAutoplotproteinDevelopment of Visualization Tools for Protein SequenceAutoPlotsCreating Echarts Visualizations as Easy as PossibleautoRaschSemi-Automated Rasch AnalysisautoRegAutomatic Linear and Logistic Regression and Survival AnalysisAutoregressionMDEMinimum Distance Estimation in Autoregressive ModelAutoScoreAn Interpretable Machine Learning-Based Automatic Clinical ScoreGeneratorautoScorecardFully Automatic Generation of ScorecardsAutoseedRetrieve Disease-Related Genes from Public SourcesautoshinyAutomatic Transformation of an 'R' Function into a 'shiny' AppautostatsAuto StatsAutoStepwiseGLMBuilds Stepwise GLMs via Train and Test ApproachautostsmAutomatic Structural Time Series ModelsautothresholdrAn R Port of the 'ImageJ' Plugin 'Auto Threshold'AutoTransQFA Novel Automatic Shifted Log TransformationautoTSAutomatic Model Selection and Prediction for Univariate TimeSeriesAutoWeatherIndicesCalculating Weather IndicesavWorking with Audio and Video in RavailableCheck if the Title of a Package is Available, Appropriate andInterestingavarAllan VarianceaveriskCalculation of Average Population Attributable Fractions andConfidence IntervalsavesperuAccess to the List of Birds Species of PeruAVGASA Variable Selection using Genetic AlgorithmsavidaRA Computational Biologist’s Toolkit To Get Data From 'avidaDB'AvInertiaCalculate the Inertial Properties of a Flying BirdaVirtualTwinsAdaptation of Virtual Twins Method from Jared FosteravocadoWeekly Hass Avocado Sales SummaryavotrexA Global Dataset of Anthropogenic Extinct Birds and theirTraits: Phylogeny BuilderaweekConvert Dates to Arbitrary Week DefinitionsaweSOMInteractive Self-Organizing MapsawinRGet Data from 'Awin' via the '' APIAWR'AWS' Java 'SDK' for RAWR.KinesisAmazon 'Kinesis' Consumer Application for Stream ProcessingawsAdaptive Weights Smoothingaws.alexaClient for the Amazon Alexa Web Information Services APIaws.comprehendClient for 'AWS Comprehend'aws.ec2metadataGet EC2 Instance Metadataaws.ecxCommunicating with AWS EC2 and ECS using AWS REST APIsaws.iamAWS IAM Client Packageaws.kms'AWS Key Management Service' Client Packageaws.lambdaAWS Lambda Client Packageaws.pollyClient for AWS Pollyaws.s3'AWS S3' Client Packageaws.signatureAmazon Web Services Request Signaturesaws.transcribeClient for 'AWS Transcribe'aws.translateClient for 'AWS Translate'aws.wrfsmnData Processing of SMN Hi-Res Weather Forecast from 'AWS'awsMethodsClass and Methods Definitions for Packages 'aws', 'adimpro','fmri', 'dwi'axisandalliesAxis and Allies SpringAZIADAnalyzing Zero-Inflated and Zero-Altered DataazlogrLogging in 'R' and Post to 'Azure Log Analytics' WorkspaceAzureAppInsightsInclude Azure Application Insights in Shiny AppsAzureAuthAuthentication Services for Azure Active DirectoryAzureCognitiveInterface to Azure Cognitive ServicesAzureContainersInterface to 'Container Instances', 'Docker Registry' and'Kubernetes' in 'Azure'AzureCosmosRInterface to the 'Azure Cosmos DB' 'NoSQL' Database ServiceAzureGraphSimple Interface to 'Microsoft Graph'AzureKeyVaultKey and Secret Management in 'Azure'AzureKustoInterface to 'Kusto'/'Azure Data Explorer'azuremlsdkInterface to the 'Azure Machine Learning' 'SDK'AzureQstorInterface to 'Azure Queue Storage'AzureRMRInterface to 'Azure Resource Manager'AzureStorStorage Management in 'Azure'AzureTableStorInterface to the Table Storage Service in 'Azure'AzureVisionInterface to Azure Computer Vision ServicesAzureVMVirtual Machines in 'Azure'AzureVMmetadataInterface to Azure Virtual Machine Instance Metadata b64Fast and Vectorized Base 64 EnginebabelRibosome Profiling Data AnalysisbabelgeneGene Orthologs for Model Organisms in a Tidy Data Formatbabelmixr2Use 'nlmixr2' to Interact with Open Source and CommercialSoftwarebabelwhaleTalking to 'Docker' and 'Singularity' ContainersbabynamesUS Baby Names 1880-2017babynamesILIsrael Baby Names 1948-2022BACCOBayesian Analysis of Computer Code Output (BACCO)BACCTBayesian Augmented Control for Clinical TrialsbacistoolBayesian Classification and Information Sharing (BaCIS) Tool forthe Design of Multi-Group Phase II Clinical TrialsbackboneExtracts the Backbone from GraphsbackpipeBackward Pipe (Right-to-Left) OperatorbackportsReimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0backShiftLearning Causal Cyclic Graphs from Unknown Shift InterventionsbacktestExploring Portfolio-Based Conjectures About FinancialInstrumentsbacondecompGoodman-Bacon DecompositionBACpriorChoice of Omega in the BAC AlgorithmbacrBayesian Adjustment for ConfoundingbadgenFast and Simple Badge GeneratorbadgerBadge for R PackagebafBlock Assignment FilesbaffleMake Waffle Plots with Base Graphicsbagged.outliertreesRobust Explainable Outlier Detection Based on OutlierTreebaggrBayesian Aggregate Treatment EffectsBAGofTA Binary Regression Adaptive Goodness-of-Fit Test (BAGofT)baguetteEfficient Model Functions for BaggingbagyoPhilippine Tropical Cyclones DatabahcFilter Covariance and Correlation Matrices withBootstrapped-Averaged Hierarchical AnsatzbainBayes Factors for Informative HypothesesbaizerUseful Functions for Data ProcessingbakeoffData from "The Great British Bake Off"baker"Nested Partially Latent Class Models"bakRAnalyze and Compare Nucleotide Recoding RNA Sequencing DatasetsBalanceCheckBalance Check for Multiple Covariates in Matched ObservationalStudiesBalancedSamplingBalanced and Spatially Balanced SamplingbaldurBayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Label-Free ProteomicsBallStatistical Inference and Sure Independence Screening via BallStatisticsBALLIExpression RNA-Seq Data Analysis Based on Linear Mixed ModelBallMapperThe Ball Mapper AlgorithmBaMFunctions and Datasets for "Bayesian Methods: A Social andBehavioral Sciences Approach"bamaHigh Dimensional Bayesian Mediation AnalysisBAMBIBivariate Angular Mixture ModelsbambooHRA Wrapper to the 'BambooHR' APIbamditBayesian Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test DatabamlssBayesian Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (andBeyond)bammSpecies Distribution Models as a Function of Biotic, Abiotic andMovement Factors (BAM)BAMMtoolsAnalysis and Visualization of Macroevolutionary Dynamics onPhylogenetic TreesbampBayesian Age-Period-Cohort Modeling and PredictionBANAMBayesian Analysis of the Network Autocorrelation ModelbandicootLight-Weight 'python'-Like Object-Oriented SystembanditFunctions for Simple a/B Split Test and Multi-Armed BanditAnalysisbanditpamAlmost Linear-Time k-Medoids ClusteringbandsfdpCompute Upper Prediction Bounds on the FDP in Competition-BasedSetupsbanffITAutomatize Diagnosis Standardized Assignation Using the BanffClassificationbangBayesian Analysis, No GibbsbangladeshProvides Ready to Use Shapefiles for Geographical Map ofBangladeshbannerCommenterMake Banner Comments with a Consistent FormatBANOVAHierarchical Bayesian ANOVA ModelsbanterBioAcoustic eveNT classifiERbanxicoRDownload Data from the Bank of MexicobaoristaBayesian Aoristic AnalysesbapredBatch Effect Removal and Addon Normalization (in PhenotypePrediction using Gene Data)BARBayesian Adaptive RandomizationBarBorGradientFunction Minimum ApproximatorbarcodeRender Barcode Distribution PlotsbaRcodeRLabel Creation for Tracking and Collecting Data from BiologicalSamplesBarcodingRSpecies Identification using DNA BarcodesbardrComplete Works of William Shakespeare in Tidy FormatbarkBayesian Additive Regression KernelsBarnardBarnard's Unconditional TestBARTBayesian Additive Regression TreesbartCauseCausal Inference using Bayesian Additive Regression TreesbartcsBayesian Additive Regression Trees for Confounder SelectionbartMachineBayesian Additive Regression TreesbartMachineJARsbartMachine JARsbartManCreate Visualisations for BART ModelsBASBayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using BayesianAdaptive SamplingbasadBayesian Variable Selection with Shrinking and Diffusing Priorsbase.rmsConvert Regression Between Base Function and 'rms' Packagebase64Base64 Encoder and Decoderbase64encTools for base64 encodingbase64urlFast and URL-Safe Base64 Encoder and DecoderbaseballrAcquiring and Analyzing Baseball DatabasecambUtilities for Streamlined Data Import, Imputation and Modellingbasedosdados'Base Dos Dados' R ClientbasefunInfrastructure for Computing with Basis FunctionsbaselineBaseline Correction of SpectrabasemapsAccessing Spatial Basemaps in RbasemodelsBaseline Models for Classification and RegressionbaseqBasic Sequence Processing Tool for Biological DataBaseSetWorking with Sets the Tidy WayBaseTempSeedEstimation of Seed Germination Base Temperature in ThermalModellingbasethemeThemes for Base Graphics PlotsbasfPlot Simple Features with 'base' SensibilitiesbasicdrmFit Hill Dose Response ModelsbasicMCMCplotsTrace Plots, Density Plots and Chain Comparisons for MCMCSamplesbasictablerConstruct Rich Tables for Output to 'HTML'/'Excel'basifoRRetrieval and Processing of the Spanish National ForestInventoryBASiNETClassification of RNA Sequences using Complex Network TheoryBASiNETEntropyClassification of RNA Sequences using Complex Network andInformation TheoryBaSkeProBayesian Model to Archaeological Faunal Skeletal ProfilesbasketBasket Trial AnalysisBasketballAnalyzeRAnalysis and Visualization of Basketball DatabaskexactAnalytical Calculation of Basket Trial Operating CharacteristicsbasksimSimulation-Based Calculation of Basket Trial OperatingCharacteristicsBASSBayesian Adaptive Spline SurfacesBATBiodiversity Assessment ToolsbatataManaging Packages Removal and InstallationbatchBatching Routines in Parallel and Passing Command-Line Argumentsto RBatchExperimentsStatistical Experiments on Batch Computing ClustersBatchGetSymbolsDownloads and Organizes Financial Data for Multiple TickersBatchJobsBatch Computing with RbatchmeansConsistent Batch Means Estimation of Monte Carlo Standard ErrorsbatchmixSemi-Supervised Bayesian Mixture Models Incorporating BatchCorrectionbatchscrBatch Script HelpersbatchtmaBatch Effect AdjustmentsbatchtoolsTools for Computation on Batch SystemsbateComputes Bias-Adjusted Treatment EffectbatmanConvert Categorical Representations of Logicals to ActualLogicalsbatschReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Batsch et al. (2008)batteryreductionAn R Package for Data Reduction by Battery ReductionBAwiRAnalysis of Basketball DatabayclumprBayesian Analysis of Clumped Isotope DatasetsbaycnBayesian Inference for Causal NetworksbayefdrBayesian Estimation and Optimisation of Expected False DiscoveryRateBayenetBayesian Quantile Elastic Net for Genetic Studybayes4psyUser Friendly Bayesian Data Analysis for PsychologybayesABFast Bayesian Methods for AB TestingbayesammiBayesian Estimation of the Additive Main Effects andMultiplicative Interaction ModelbayesanovaBayesian Inference in the Analysis of Variance via Markov ChainMonte Carlo in Gaussian Mixture ModelsBayesARIMAXBayesian Estimation of ARIMAX ModelbayesassuranceBayesian Assurance ComputationBayesBEKKBayesian Estimation of Bivariate Volatility ModelBayesBinMixBayesian Estimation of Mixtures of Multivariate BernoulliDistributionsbayesbioMiscellaneous Functions for Bioinformatics and BayesianStatisticsbayesbootAn Implementation of Rubin's (1981) Bayesian BootstrapBayesBPBayesian Estimation using Bernstein Polynomial Fits Rate MatrixBayesCACEBayesian Model for CACE AnalysisBayesComboBayesian Evidence CombinationBayesCommBayesian Community Ecology AnalysisbayescopularegBayesian Copula RegressionbayescountPower Calculations and Bayesian Analysis of Count Distributionsand FECRT Data using MCMCBayesCRBayesian Analysis of Censored Regression Models Under ScaleMixture of Skew Normal DistributionsbayesCTSimulation and Analysis of Adaptive Bayesian Clinical TrialsBayesCTDesignTwo Arm Bayesian Clinical Trial Design with and WithoutHistorical Control DataBayesCVIBayesian Cluster Validity IndexBayesDAFunctions and Datasets for the book "Bayesian Data Analysis"bayesDccGarchMethods and Tools for Bayesian Dynamic Conditional CorrelationGARCH(1,1) ModelBayesDesignBayesian Single-Arm Design with Survival EndpointsbayesdfaBayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA) with 'Stan'BayesDIPBayesian Decreasingly Informative Priors for Early TerminationPhase II TrialsBayesDissolutionBayesian Models for Dissolution TestingbayesdistregBayesian Distribution RegressionBayesDLMfMRIStatistical Analysis for Task-Based Fmri DatabayesDPImplementation of the Bayesian Discount Prior Approach forClinical TrialsbayesEOBayesian Smoothing of Remote Sensing Image ClassificationBayesESSDetermining Effective Sample SizeBayesFactorComputation of Bayes Factors for Common DesignsBayesFBHborrowBayesian Dynamic Borrowing with Flexible Baseline HazardFunctionBayesFluxRImplementation of Bayesian Neural NetworksBayesFMBayesian Inference for Factor ModelingBayesfMRISpatial Bayesian Methods for Task Functional MRI StudiesbayesforecastBayesian Time Series Modeling with StanbayesGAMFit Multivariate Response Generalized Additive Models usingHamiltonian Monte CarlobayesGARCHBayesian Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) Model with Student-tInnovationsBayesGmedBayesian Causal Mediation Analysis using 'Stan'BayesGOFBayesian Modeling via Frequentist Goodness-of-FitBayesGPfitFast Bayesian Gaussian Process Regression FittingBayesGrowthEstimate Fish Growth Using MCMC AnalysisBayesGWQSBayesian Grouped Weighted Quantile Sum RegressionbayesianBindings for Bayesian TidyModelsbayesianETASBayesian Estimation of the ETAS Model for Earthquake OccurrencesBayesianFactorZooBayesian Solutions for the Factor Zoo: We Just Ran TwoQuadrillion ModelsBayesiangammaregBayesian Gamma Regression: Joint Mean and Shape ModelingBayesianGLassoBayesian Graphical LassoBayesianLateralityPredict Brain Asymmetry Based on Handedness and DichoticListeningBayesianMCPModSimulate, Evaluate, and Analyze Dose Finding Trials withBayesian MCPModBayesianMediationABayesian Mediation AnalysisBayesianNetworkBayesian Network Modeling and AnalysisBayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrendSimulate and Analyse Bayesian Platform Trial with Time TrendBayesianPowerSample Size and Power for Comparing Inequality ConstrainedHypothesesBayesianReasoningPlot Positive and Negative Predictive Values for Medical TestsBayesianToolsGeneral-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for BayesianStatisticsBayesiantregBayesian t Regression for Modeling Mean and Scale ParametersbayesianVARsMCMC Estimation of Bayesian VectorautoregressionsbayesImageSBayesian Methods for Image Segmentation using a Potts ModelBayesLCABayesian Latent Class AnalysisbayesLifeBayesian Projection of Life ExpectancybayeslmEfficient Sampling for Gaussian Linear Regression with ArbitraryPriorsBayesLNBayesian Inference for Log-Normal DataBayesLogitPolyaGamma SamplingbayeslongitudinalAdjust Longitudinal Regression Models Using Bayesian MethodologybayesmBayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-EconometricsBayesMallowsBayesian Preference Learning with the Mallows Rank ModelBayesMassBalBayesian Data Reconciliation of Separation ProcessesbayesMeanScaleBayesian Post-Estimation on the Mean ScalebayesmetaBayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis and Meta-RegressionBayesMFSurvBayesian Misclassified-Failure Survival ModelbayesMigBayesian Projection of MigrationbayesmixBayesian Mixture Models with JAGSBayesMixSurvBayesian Mixture Survival Models using AdditiveMixture-of-Weibull Hazards, with Lasso Shrinkage andStratificationbayesmlogitA Multistate Life Table (MSLT) Methodology Based on BayesianApproachBayesMortalityPlusBayesian Mortality ModellingbayesmoveNon-Parametric Bayesian Analyses of Animal MovementbayesMRMBayesian Multivariate Receptor ModelingBayesMultiModeBayesian Mode InferenceBayesMultMetaBayesian Multivariate Meta-AnalysisbayesnecA Bayesian No-Effect- Concentration (NEC) AlgorithmBayesNetBPBayesian Network Belief PropagationBayesNSGPBayesian Analysis of Non-Stationary Gaussian Process ModelsBayesOrdDesignBayesian Group Sequential Design for Ordinal DataBayesPieceHazSelectVariable Selection in a Hierarchical Bayesian Model for a HazardFunctionbayesplayThe Bayes Factor PlaygroundbayesplotPlotting for Bayesian ModelsbayespmBayesian Statistical Process MonitoringbayesPOBayesian Inference for Presence-Only DatabayesPopProbabilistic Population ProjectionBayesPostEstGenerate Postestimation Quantities for Bayesian MCMC EstimationBayesPPDBayesian Power Prior DesignBayesPPDSurvBayesian Power Prior Design for Survival DataBayesProjectFast Projection Direction for Multivariate Changepoint DetectionbayesQRBayesian Quantile RegressionbayesReconProbabilistic Reconciliation via ConditioningbayesregBayesian Regression Models with Global-Local Shrinkage PriorsBayesrelBayesian Reliability EstimationBayesRepBayesian Analysis of Replication StudiesBayesRepDesignBayesian Design of Replication StudiesBayesReversePLLHFits the Bayesian Piecewise Linear Log-Hazard ModelBayesRGMMBayesian Robust Generalized Mixed Models for Longitudinal DatabayesROEBayesian Regions of EvidenceBayesRSBayes Factors for Hierarchical Linear Models with ContinuousPredictorsbayesrulesDatasets and Supplemental Functions from Bayes Rules! BookbayessBayesian Essentials with RBayesS5Bayesian Variable Selection Using Simplified Shotgun StochasticSearch with Screening (S5)BayesSamplingBayes Linear Estimators for Finite PopulationBayesSenMCDifferent Models of Posterior Distributions of Adjusted OddsRatioBayesSURBayesian Seemingly Unrelated RegressionbayesSurvBayesian Survival Regression with Flexible Error and RandomEffects DistributionsBayesSurvivalBayesian Survival Analysis for Right Censored DataBayesSurviveBayesian Survival Models for High-Dimensional DatabayestEffect Size Targeted Bayesian Two-Sample t-Tests via MarkovChain Monte Carlo in Gaussian Mixture ModelsbayestestRUnderstand and Describe Bayesian Models and PosteriorDistributionsbayesTFRBayesian Fertility ProjectionBayesToolsTools for Bayesian AnalysesBayesTreeBayesian Additive Regression TreesBayesTreePriorBayesian Tree Prior SimulationBayesTwinBayesian Analysis of Item-Level Twin DataBayesVarSelBayes Factors, Model Choice and Variable Selection in LinearModelsbayesvlVisually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networksand Performing MCMC with 'Stan'bayesWatchBayesian Change-Point Detection for Process Monitoring withFault DetectionBayesXR Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesXBayesXsrcDistribution of the 'BayesX' C++ SourcesbayesZIBBayesian Zero-Inflated Bernoulli Regression ModelbayfoxrGlobal Bayesian Foraminifera Core Top CalibrationbaygelBayesian Shrinkage Estimators for Precision Matrices in GaussianGraphical ModelsbayMDSBayesian Multidimensional Scaling and Choice of DimensionbaymedrComputation of Bayes Factors for Common Biomedical DesignsbaystabilityBayesian Stability Analysis of Genotype by EnvironmentInteraction (GEI)BAYSTAROn Bayesian Analysis of Threshold Autoregressive ModelsbaytrendsLong Term Water Quality Trend AnalysisbazarMiscellaneous Basic FunctionsBBSolving and Optimizing Large-Scale Nonlinear SystemsbbdetectionIdentification of Bull and Bear States of the MarketBBESTBayesian Estimation of Incoherent Neutron Scattering BackgroundsBBIBenthic Biotic Indices Calculation from Composition DatabbkClient for the Bundesbank APIbbknnRPerform Batch Balanced KNN in RbblBoltzmann Bayes LearnerBBmiscMiscellaneous Helper Functions for B. BischlbbmixBayesian Model for Genotyping using RNA-SeqbbmleTools for General Maximum Likelihood EstimationbbnetCreate Simple Predictive Models on Bayesian Belief NetworksbbotkBlack-Box Optimization ToolkitbbregBessel and Beta Regressions via Expectation-MaximizationAlgorithm for Continuous Bounded DataBBSSLBayesian Bootstrap Spike-and-Slab LASSObbwBlocked Weighted Bootstrapbc3netGene Regulatory Network Inference with Bc3netBCA1SGBlock Coordinate Ascent with One-Step Generalized RosenAlgorithmbcabootBias Corrected Bootstrap Confidence IntervalsBCBCSFBias-Corrected Bayesian Classification with Selected FeaturesBCC1997Calculation of Option Prices Based on a Universal SolutionBCClongBayesian Consensus Clustering for Multiple Longitudinal FeaturesbccpBias Correction under Censoring PlanBCDAGBayesian Structure and Causal Learning of Gaussian DirectedGraphsbcdataSearch and Retrieve Data from the BC Data CatalogueBCDatingBusiness Cycle Dating and Plotting ToolsBcDiagDiagnostics Plots for Bicluster DataBCEABayesian Cost Effectiveness AnalysisBCEEThe Bayesian Causal Effect Estimation AlgorithmbcfCausal Inference using Bayesian Causal ForestsbcfrailphSemiparametric Bivariate Correlated Frailty Models FitbcfrailphdvBivariate Correlated Frailty Models with Varied VariancesbcgamBayesian Constrained Generalised Linear ModelsBCgeeBias-Corrected Estimates for Generalized Linear Models forDependent DataBCHMClinical Trial Calculation Based on BCHM DesignBchronRadiocarbon Dating, Age-Depth Modelling, Relative Sea Level RateEstimation, and Non-Parametric Phase ModellingBClustLonGA Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Clustering LongitudinalGene Expression DatabcmapsMap Layers and Spatial Utilities for British ColumbiabcmixedMixed Effect Model with the Box-Cox TransformationbcpaBehavioral Change Point Analysis of Animal MovementbcputilityWrapper for SQL Server bcp UtilityBCRABreast Cancer Risk AssessmentbcrmBayesian Continual Reassessment Method for Phase IDose-Escalation TrialsbcROCsurfaceBias-Corrected Methods for Estimating the ROC Surface ofContinuous Diagnostic Testsbcrypt'Blowfish' Password Hashing AlgorithmBCSubA Bayesian Semiparametric Factor Analysis Model for SubtypeIdentification (Clustering)BCTBayesian Context Trees for Discrete Time SeriesbcvCross-Validation for the SVD (Bi-Cross-Validation)bdaBinned Data AnalysisBDAlgoBloom Detecting AlgorithmbdcBiodiversity Data CleaningbdDwCDarwinizer: Darwin Core (DwC) Field Names StandardizationbdeBounded Density EstimationBDEsizeEfficient Determination of Sample Size in Balanced Design ofExperimentsBDgraphBayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models usingBirth-Death MCMCbdlInterface and Tools for 'BDL' APIbdlimBayesian Distributed Lag Interaction ModelsbdlpTransparent and Reproducible Artificial Data GenerationbdotsBootstrapped Differences of Time SeriesBDP2Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Phase II Trials with BinaryEndpointbdparBig Data Preprocessing ArchitecturebdpvInference and Design for Predictive Values in Diagnostic TestsbdrcBayesian Discharge Rating CurvesbdribsBayesian Detection of Potential Risk Using Inference on BlindedSafety DatabdscaleRemove Weekends and Holidays from ggplot2 AxesbdsmatrixRoutines for Block Diagonal Symmetric MatricesbdsvdBlock Structure Detection Using Singular VectorsbdvisBiodiversity Data VisualizationsBDWregBayesian Inference for Discrete Weibull RegressionBEBioequivalence Study Data Analysisbea.RBureau of Economic Analysis APIBEACHBiometric Exploratory Analysis Creation HousebeadplexrAnalysis of Multiplex Cytometric Bead AssaysbeakrA Minimalist Web Framework for RbeanplotVisualization via Beanplots (Like Boxplot/Stripchart/ViolinPlot)beansData on Dried BeansbeanzBayesian Analysis of Heterogeneous Treatment EffectbearishTraderTrading Strategies for Bearish OutlookbeastBayesian Estimation of Change-Points in the Slope ofMultivariate Time-SeriesbeastierCall 'BEAST2'BeastJarJAR Dependency for MCMC Using 'BEAST'beautier'BEAUti' from RbeaverBayesian Model Averaging of Covariate Adjusted Negative-BinomialDose-ResponseBEDBiological Entity Dictionary (BED)BEDASSLEQuantifies Effects of Geo/Eco Distance on GeneticDifferentiationBEDMatrixExtract Genotypes from a PLINK .bed FilebedrGenomic Region Processing using Tools Such as 'BEDTools','BEDOPS' and 'Tabix'BeeBDCOccurrence Data CleaningBeeGUTSGeneral Unified Threshold Model of Survival for Bees usingBayesian InferencebeeprEasily Play Notification Sounds on any PlatformbeeswarmThe Bee Swarm Plot, an Alternative to StripchartbeezdemandBehavioral Economic Easy DemandbeezdiscountingBehavioral Economic Easy DiscountingbefprojMakes a Local Population ProjectionbehaviorchangeTools for Behavior Change Researchers and ProfessionalsbehavrCanonical Data Structure for Behavioural DataBEKKsMultivariate Conditional Volatility Modelling and ForecastingbelexDownload Historical Data from the Belgrade Stock ExchangebelgBoltzmann Entropy of a Landscape GradientBElikelihoodLikelihood Method for Evaluating BioequivalencebellregCount Regression Models Based on the Bell DistributionbenchHigh Precision Timing of R Expressionsbenchden28 Benchmark Densities from Berlinet/Devroye (1994)BenchmarkingBenchmark and Frontier Analysis Using DEA and SFAbenchmarkmeCrowd Sourced System BenchmarksbenchmarkmeDataData Set for the 'benchmarkme' PackagebenchrHigh Precise Measurement of R Expressions Execution TimeBENDBayesian Estimation of Nonlinear Data (BEND)benderBender ClientbenfordBenford's Analysis on Large Data Setsbenford.analysisBenford Analysis for Data Validation and Forensic AnalyticsBenfordTestsStatistical Tests for Evaluating Conformity to Benford's LawBENMMIBenthic Multi-Metric IndexbennuBayesian Estimation of Naloxone Kit Number Under-ReportingbentcableARBent-Cable Regression for Independent Data or AutoregressiveTime SeriesbenthosMarine Benthic Ecosystem AnalysisBeQutBayesian Estimation for Quantile Regression Mixed ModelsBergmBayesian Exponential Random Graph ModelsBernadetteBayesian Inference and Model Selection for Stochastic EpidemicsberryFunctionsFunction Collection Related to Plotting and HydrologybespatialBoltzmann Entropy for Spatial DataBeSSBest Subset Selection in Linear, Logistic and CoxPH ModelsBesselComputations and Approximations for Bessel FunctionsbestglmBest Subset GLM and Regression UtilitiesbesthrGenerating Bootstrap Estimation Distributions of HR DataBestieBayesian Estimation of Intervention EffectsbestNormalizeNormalizing Transformation FunctionsBESTreeBranch-Exclusive Splits TreesbestridgeA Comprehensive R Package for Best Subset SelectionbestSDPBurden Estimate of Common Communicable Diseases in Settlementsof Displaced PopulationsBETBinary Expansion TestingbetaBayesBayesian Beta RegressionBetaBitMini Games from Adventures of Beta and BitbetacalBeta CalibrationbetaclustA Family of Beta Mixture Models for Clustering Beta-Valued DNAMethylation DatabetaDeltaConfidence Intervals for Standardized Regression CoefficientsbetafunctionsFunctions for Working with Two- And Four-Parameter BetaProbability Distributions and Psychometric Analysis ofClassificationsbetaMCMonte Carlo for Regression Effect SizesbetaNBBootstrap for Regression Effect SizesbetapartPartitioning Beta Diversity into Turnover and NestednessComponentsBetaPASSCalculate Power and Sample Size with Beta RegressionbetaperTaxonomic Uncertainty on Multivariate Analyses of EcologicalDatabetaregBeta RegressionbetaSandwichRobust Confidence Intervals for Standardized RegressionCoefficientsbetategarchSimulation, Estimation and Forecasting of Beta-Skew-t-EGARCHModelsbethelBethel's algorithmBETSBrazilian Economic Time Seriesbets.covid19The BETS Model for Early Epidemic DataBetterRegBetter Statistics for OLS and Binomial Logistic RegressionBeviMedBayesian Evaluation of Variant Involvement in Mendelian DiseasebexyVisualize and Parse the Output of 'BeXY'BeyondBenfordCompare the Goodness of Fit of Benford's and Blondeau Da Silva'sDigit Distributions to a Given DatasetbeyondWhittleBayesian Spectral Inference for Time SeriesbezierToolkit for Bezier Curves and SplinesbfastBreaks for Additive Season and TrendBFFBayes Factor FunctionsBFIBayesian Federated InferencebfpBayesian Fractional PolynomialsBFpackFlexible Bayes Factor Testing of Scientific ExpectationsBFSGet Data from the Swiss Federal Statistical OfficebfslBest-Fit Straight LinebfsMapsPlot Maps from Switzerland by Swiss Federal Statistical OfficebfwBayesian Framework for Computational ModelingBGDataA Suite of Packages for Analysis of Big Genomic DatabgevBimodal GEV Distribution with Location ParameterbgevaBinary Generalized Extreme Value Additive ModelsBGFDBell-G and Complementary Bell-G Family of DistributionsbggAnalyticsBoardGameGeek's Board Game Data Analysis ToolsBGGEBayesian Genomic Linear Models Applied to GE Genome SelectionBGGMBayesian Gaussian Graphical ModelsbggumBayesian Estimation of Generalized Graded Unfolding ModelParametersBGLRBayesian Generalized Linear RegressionbgmfilesExample BGM Files for the Atlantis Ecosystem ModelBGmiscAn R Package for Extended Behavior Genetics AnalysisbgmmGaussian Mixture Modeling Algorithms and the Belief-BasedMixture ModelingbgmsBayesian Analysis of Networks of Binary and/or Ordinal VariablesBGPhazardMarkov Beta and Gamma Processes for Modeling Hazard RatesbgsmtrBayesian Group Sparse Multi-Task RegressionbgumbelBimodal Gumbel DistributionBGVARBayesian Global Vector AutoregressionsbgwBunch-Gay-Welsch Statistical EstimationBHBoost C++ Header FilesBHAIEstimate the Burden of Healthcare-Associated InfectionsBhatGeneral Likelihood ExplorationBHH2Useful Functions for Box, Hunter and Hunter IIbhmBiomarker Threshold ModelsbhmbasketBayesian Hierarchical Models for Basket TrialsBHMSMAfMRIBayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis ofFunctional MRI (fMRI) DatabhpmBayesian Hierarchical Poisson Models for Multiple GroupedOutcomes with ClusteringBHSBVARStructural Bayesian Vector Autoregression ModelsBIBlinding Assessment Indexes for Randomized, Controlled, ClinicalTrialsBiasCorrectorA GUI to Correct Measurement Bias in DNA Methylation AnalysesBiasedUrnBiased Urn Model Distributionsbib2dfParse a BibTeX File to a Data FrameBiBitRR Wrapper for Java Implementation of BiBitbiblioInteracting with BibTeX DatabasesbibliometrixComprehensive Science Mapping AnalysisbibliometrixDataBibliometrix Example DatasetsbiblionetworkCreate Different Types of Bibliometric NetworksbiblioreferGenerator of Main Scientific ReferencesbiblioverlapDocument-Level Matching Between Bibliographic DatasetsBibPlotsPlot Functions for Use in BibliometricsbibsBayesian Inference for the Birnbaum-Saunders DistributionbibtexBibtex ParserBiCausalityBinary Causality Inference FrameworkbiClassifyBinary Classification Using Extensions of Discriminant AnalysisbiclustBiCluster AlgorithmsbiclustermdBiclustering with Missing DataBICORNIntegrative Inference of De Novo Cis-Regulatory ModulesBiDAGBayesian Inference for Directed Acyclic GraphsbidaskEfficient Estimation of Bid-Ask Spreads from Open, High, Low,and Close PricesBiDimRegressionCalculates the Bidimensional Regression Between Two 2DConfigurationsBIENTools for Accessing the Botanical Information and EcologyNetwork DatabaseBifactorIndicesCalculatorBifactor Indices CalculatorbifeBinary Choice Models with Fixed EffectsBIFIEsurveyTools for Survey Statistics in Educational AssessmentbifurcatingrBifurcating Autoregressive Modelsbigalgebra'BLAS' and 'LAPACK' Routines for Native R Matrices and'big.matrix' ObjectsbiganalyticsUtilities for 'big.matrix' Objects from Package 'bigmemory'bigassertrAssertion and Message FunctionsbigBitsPerform Boolean Operations on Large NumbersbigchessRead, Write, Manipulate, Explore Chess PGN Files and R API toUCI Chess EnginesbigDFlexibly Format Dates and Times to a Given LocalebigdatadistDistances for Machine Learning and Statistics in the Context ofBig DataBIGDAWGCase-Control Analysis of Multi-Allelic LocibigDMScalable Bayesian Disease Mapping Models for High-DimensionalDatabigergmFit, Simulate, and Diagnose Hierarchical Exponential-FamilyModels for Big NetworksbigGPDistributed Gaussian Process CalculationsBIGLBiochemically Intuitive Generalized Loewe ModelbiglassoExtending Lasso Model Fitting to Big DatabigleafPhysical and Physiological Ecosystem Properties from EddyCovariance DatabiglmBounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear ModelsbiglmmBounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear ModelsbigMapBig Data MappingbigmatchMaking Optimal Matching Size-Scalable Using Optimal CalipersbigmdsMultidimensional Scaling for Big DatabigmemoryManage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-MappedFilesbigmemory.sriA Shared Resource Interface for Bigmemory Project PackagesbignumArbitrary-Precision Integer and Floating-Point MathematicsbigparallelrEasy Parallel ToolsbigQFQuadratic Forms in Large MatricesBigQuicBig Quadratic Inverse Covariance EstimationbigreadrRead Large Text FilesbigRegGeneralized Linear Models (GLM) for Large Data SetsbigrqueryAn Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API'bigrquerystorageAn Interface to Google's 'BigQuery Storage' APIbigsimrFast Generation of High-Dimensional Random VectorsbigsnprAnalysis of Massive SNP ArraysbigsparserSparse Matrix Format with Data on DiskbigsplinesSmoothing Splines for Large SamplesbigstatsrStatistical Tools for Filebacked Big MatricesbigstepStepwise Selection for Large Data SetsbigSurvSGDBig Survival Analysis Using Stochastic Gradient DescentbigtabulateTable, Apply, and Split Functionality for Matrix and'big.matrix' ObjectsbigtcrNonparametric Analysis of Bivariate Gap Time with CompetingRisksbigtimeSparse Estimation of Large Time Series ModelsbigutilsrUtility Functions for Large-scale DataBigVARDimension Reduction Methods for Multivariate Time Seriesbikeshare14Bay Area Bike Share Trips in 2014bikm1Co-Clustering Adjusted Rand Index and Bikm1 Procedure forContingency and Binary Data-SetsbildA Package for BInary Longitudinal DatabillboardContains Data of Billboard Hot 100 SongsbillboarderCreate Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'Billboard' LibrarybimetsTime Series and Econometric ModelingBimodalIndexThe Bimodality IndexbinancerAPI Client to 'Binance'BinarizeBinarization of One-Dimensional DataBinarybalancedCutThreshold Cut Point of Probability for a Binary Classifier ModelBinaryDosageCreates, Merges, and Reads Binary Dosage FilesBinaryEMVSVariable Selection for Binary Data Using the EM AlgorithmBinaryEPPMMean and Scale-Factor Modeling of Under- And Over-DispersedBinary DatabinaryGPFit and Predict a Gaussian Process Model with (Time-Series)Binary ResponsebinaryMMFlexible Marginalized Models for Binary Correlated Outcomesbinb'binb' is not 'Beamer'BINCOREstimate the Correlation Between Two Irregular Time SeriesbindaMulti-Class Discriminant Analysis using Binary PredictorsbindataGeneration of Artificial Binary DatabindrParametrized Active BindingsbindrcppAn 'Rcpp' Interface to Active BindingsbinequalityMethods for Analyzing Binned Income DatabinfordBinford's Hunter-Gatherer DatabinfunestEstimates Parameters of Functions Driving Binomial RandomVariablesbingadsRGet Bing Ads Data via the '' APIbingatBinary Graph Analysis ToolsbinGroupEvaluation and Experimental Design for Binomial Group TestingbinGroup2Identification and Estimation using Group TestingBinGSDCalculation for Single Arm Group Sequential Test with BinaryEndpointbinhfHaar-Fisz Functions for Binomial DatabinmanA Binary Download ManagerBinMatProcesses Binary Data Obtained from Fragment Analysis (Such asAFLPs, ISSRs, and RFLPs)binMtoMany-to-One Comparisons of ProportionsBinNonNorData Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal ComponentsBinNorSimultaneous Generation of Multivariate Binary and NormalVariatesbinomBinomial Confidence Intervals for Several ParameterizationsbinomCIConfidence Intervals for a Binomial ProportionbinomialRFBinomial Random Forest Feature SelectionbinomialtrendCalculates the Statistical Significance of a Trend in a Set ofMeasurementsBinOrdNonNorConcurrent Generation of Binary, Ordinal and Continuous DatabinovisualfieldsDepth-Dependent Binocular Visual Fields SimulationbinpackrFast 1d Bin PackingbinrCut Numeric Values into Evenly Distributed GroupsBinSegBstrapPiecewise Smooth Regression by Bootstrapped Binary SegmentationbinsegRcppEfficient Implementation of Binary SegmentationbinseqtestExact Binary Sequential Designs and AnalysisbinsmoothGenerate PDFs and CDFs from Binned DatabinsppBayesian Inference for Neyman-Scott Point ProcessesbinsregBinscatter Estimation and InferencebinstData Preprocessing, Binning for Classification and RegressionBINtoolsBayesian BIN (Bias, Information, Noise) Model of Forecastingbio.inferPredict Environmental Conditions from Biological Observationsbio3dBiological Structure AnalysisbioacousticsAnalyse Audio Recordings and Automatically Extract AnimalVocalizationsBiObjClassClassification of AlgorithmsbiobricksAccess Data Dependencies Installed Through ''bioC.logsBioConductor Package Downloads StatsBioCircosInteractive Circular Visualization of Genomic Data using'htmlwidgets' and 'BioCircos.js'bioclimBioclimatic Analysis and ClassificationBiocManagerAccess the Bioconductor Project Package RepositorybiocomputeCreate and Manipulate BioCompute ObjectsBioCroModular Crop Growth SimulationsBiodemBiodemography FunctionsBiodiversityRPackage for Community Ecology and Suitability AnalysisbiodosetoolsAn R Shiny Application for Biological DosimetryBIOdryMultilevel Modeling of Dendroclimatical FluctuationsbiogasProcess Biogas Data and Predict Biogas ProductionbiogeomBiological GeometriesbiogramN-Gram Analysis of Biological SequencesbiogrowthModelling of Population GrowthBioiBiological Image AnalysisbioimagetoolsTools for Microscopy ImagingbioinactivationMathematical Modelling of (Dynamic) Microbial InactivationBioInsightFilter and Plot RNA BiotypesbiolinkCreate Hyperlinks to Biological Databases and ResourcesbiologicalActivityIndicesBiological Activity IndicesBioM2Biologically Explainable Machine Learning FrameworkBioMarkFind Biomarkers in Two-Class Discrimination ProblemsbiomartrGenomic Data RetrievalBIOMASSEstimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Uncertainty in TropicalForestsbiometryassistFunctions to Assist Design and Analysis of Agronomic Experimentsbiomod2Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution ModelingbionetdataBiological and Chemical Data NetworksBioPETBiomarker Prognostic Enrichment ToolBioPETsurvBiomarker Prognostic Enrichment Tool for Time-to-Event TrialbiopixRExtracting Insights from Biological ImagesbioPNSimulation of deterministic and stochastic biochemical reactionnetworks using Petri NetsBioPredAn R Package for Biomarkers Analysis in Precision MedicineBioProbabilityProbability in BiostatisticsbioRadBiological Analysis and Visualization of Weather Radar DatabioregionComparison of Bioregionalisation MethodsBioRssayAnalyze Bioassays and Probit Graphsbios2mdsFrom Biological Sequences to Multidimensional ScalingbiosampleRBiodiversity Index Calculation and Bootstrap Confidence IntervalEstimationbiosensors.uscDistributional Data Analysis Techniques for Biosensor DatabioseqA Toolbox for Manipulating Biological SequencesbiosignalEMGTools for Electromyogram Signals (EMG) AnalysisbioSNRBioacoustic Basic Operations with Decibels and the Passive SonarEquationbiospearBiomarker Selection in Penalized Regression Modelsbiostat3Utility Functions, Datasets and Extended Examples for SurvivalAnalysisBiostatisticsStatistics Tutorials for BiologistsBioStatRInitiation à La Statistique Avec RBiostatsUHNplusNested Data Summary, Adverse Events and REDCapbioticCalculation of Freshwater Biotic IndicesbiotoolsTools for Biometry and Applied Statistics in AgriculturalScienceBioVennCreate Area-Proportional Venn Diagrams from Biological ListsbipartiteVisualising Bipartite Networks and Calculating Some (Ecological)IndicesbipartiteD3Interactive Bipartite GraphsBipartiteModularityMaximizationPartition Bipartite Network into Non-Overlapping Biclusters byOptimizing Bipartite ModularitybipdBayesian Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis using 'JAGS'bipl5Construct Reactive Calibrated Axes BiplotsbiplotbootGUIBootstrap on Classical Biplots and Clustering Disjoint BiplotbiplotEZEZ-to-Use BiplotsBiplotGUIInteractive Biplots in RbirankrRanking Nodes in Bipartite and Weighted NetworksbirdringMethods to Analyse Ring Re-Encounter DatabirdscanRMigration Traffic Rate Calculation Package for 'Birdscan MR1'RadarsbirkMA Birk's FunctionsbirtrThe R Package for "The Basics of Item Response Theory Using R"biscaleTools and Palettes for Bivariate Thematic MappingBISdataDownload Data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)bisectrTools to find bad commits with git bisectBiSEpToolkit to Identify Candidate Synthetic LethalitybispdepStatistical Tools for Bivariate Spatial Dependence AnalysisbisqueApproximate Bayesian Inference via Sparse Grid QuadratureEvaluation (BISQuE) for Hierarchical ModelsBisqueRNADecomposition of Bulk Expression with Single-Cell SequencingBisRNAAnalysis of RNA Cytosine-5 MethylationbistablehistoryCumulative History Analysis for Bistable Perception Time SeriesbitClasses and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selectionsbit64A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit IntegersbiteBayesian Integrative Models of Trait EvolutionbitmexrR Client for BitMEXbitopsBitwise OperationsBiTrinABinarization and Trinarization of One-Dimensional DatabittermelonMonochrome Bitmap Font ToolsBivariate.ParetoBivariate Pareto ModelsbivariatemapsCreates Bivariate MapsBivGeoBasu-Dhar Bivariate Geometric DistributionbivgeomRoy's Bivariate Geometric DistributionbivpoisBivariate Poisson DistributionBivRecBivariate Alternating Recurrent Event Data AnalysisBivRegBLSTolerance Interval and EIV Regression - Method ComparisonStudiesbivrpBivariate Residual Plots with Simulation PolygonsBivUnifBinGeneration of Bivariate Uniform Data and Its Relation toBivariate Binary DatabiwaveletConduct Univariate and Bivariate Wavelet AnalysesbiwtCompute the Biweight Mean Vector and Covariance & CorrelationMatricebizdaysBusiness Days Calculations and UtilitiesbizicountBivariate Zero-Inflated Count Models Using CopulasbkmrBayesian Kernel Machine RegressionbkmrhatParallel Chain Tools for Bayesian Kernel Machine RegressionBKTRBayesian Kernelized Tensor RegressionBLABoundary Line AnalysisblackboxBlack Box Optimization and Exploration of Parameter SpaceblackmarblerBlack Marble Data and StatisticsblaiseRead and Write FWF Files in the 'Blaise' FormatBlakerCIBlaker's Binomial and Poisson Confidence LimitsBlandAltmanLehPlots (Slightly Extended) Bland-Altman PlotsblapsrBayesian Inference with Laplace Approximations and P-SplinesblasterNative R Implementation of an Efficient BLAST-Like AlgorithmblastulaEasily Send HTML Email MessagesblatentBayesian Latent Variable ModelsblatrSend Emails Using 'Blat' for WindowsblavaanBayesian Latent Variable AnalysisBLCOPBlack-Litterman and Copula Opinion Pooling FrameworksblenderAnalyze biotic hom*ogenization of landscapesBlendstatJoint Analysis of Experiments with Mixtures and Random EffectsblindrecalcBlinded Sample Size RecalculationblindreviewEnables Blind Review of DatabaseblinkRecord Linkage for Empirically Motivated PriorsblissBayesian Functional Linear Regression with Sparse Step FunctionsblmBinomial Linear RegressionblmeBayesian Linear Mixed-Effects ModelsblmecoData Files and Functions Accompanying the Book "Bayesian DataAnalysis in Ecology using R, BUGS and Stan"BLModelBlack-Litterman Posterior DistributionblobA Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data('BLOBS')blockclusterCo-Clustering Package for Binary, Categorical, Contingency andContinuous Data-SetsBlockCovEstimation of Large Block Covariance MatricesblockCVSpatial and Environmental Blocking for K-Fold and LOOCross-ValidationblockForestBlock Forests: Random Forests for Blocks of Clinical and OmicsCovariate DatablocklengthSelect an Optimal Block-Length to Bootstrap Dependent Data(Block Bootstrap)blockmatrixblockmatrix: Tools to solve algebraic systems with partitionedmatricesBlockMissingDataIntegrating Multi-Source Block-Wise Missing Data in ModelSelectionblockmodelingGeneralized and Classical Blockmodeling of Valued NetworksBlockmodelingGUIGUI for the Generalised Blockmodeling of Valued NetworksblockmodelsLatent and Stochastic Block Model Estimation by a 'V-EM'AlgorithmblockrandRandomization for Block Random Clinical TrialsblocksdesignNested and Crossed Block Designs for Factorial and UnstructuredTreatment SetsblockToolsBlock, Assign, and Diagnose Potential Interference in RandomizedExperimentsblocsEstimate and Visualize Voting Blocs' Partisan ContributionsblogdownCreate Blogs and Websites with R MarkdownBLOQImpute and Analyze Data with BLOQ ObservationsblorrTools for Developing Binary Logistic Regression ModelsBLPestimatoRPerforms a BLP Demand EstimationBLRBayesian Linear RegressionblrmDose Escalation Design in Phase I Oncology Trial Using BayesianLogistic Regression ModelingBLRPMStochastic Rainfall Generator Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular PulseModelBLRShinyInteractive Document for Working with Binary Logistic RegressionAnalysisBLRShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Binary Logistic RegressionAnalysisblsBanditData Viewer for Bureau of Labor Statistics DatablscrapeRAn API Wrapper for the United States Bureau of Labor StatisticsBLSMBayesian Latent Space ModelblsRMake Requests from the Bureau of Labor Statistics APIbltmBayesian Latent Threshold ModelingbluebikeBlue Bike Comprehensive DataBlythStillCasellaCIBlyth-Still-Casella Exact Binomial Confidence IntervalsBMABayesian Model AveragingbmabasketBayesian Model Averaging for Basket TrialsBMAmevtMultivariate Extremes: Bayesian Estimation of the SpectralMeasurebmassBayesian Multivariate Analysis of Summary StatisticsBMconcorCONCOR for Structural- And Regular-Equivalence BlockmodelingbmemMediation Analysis with Missing Data Using BootstrapbmemLavaanMediation Analysis with Missing Data and Non-Normal DatabmetBayesian Multigroup Equivalence TestingbmgarchBayesian Multivariate GARCH ModelsbmggumBayesian Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding ModelBMiscMiscellaneous Functions for Panel Data, Quantiles, and PrintingResultsbmixtureBayesian Estimation for Finite Mixture of DistributionsbmlmBayesian Multilevel MediationbmmEasy and Accessible Bayesian Measurement Models Using 'brms'bmpRead Windows Bitmap (BMP) ImagesBMRBr'BMRB' File DownloaderBMRMMAn Implementation of the Bayesian Markov (Renewal) Mixed ModelsBMSBayesian Model Averaging LibrarybmscstanBayesian Multilevel Single Case Models using 'Stan'bmstdrBayesian Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Data with RBMTThe BMT DistributionBMTARBayesian Approach for MTAR Models with Missing DatabnclassifyLearning Discrete Bayesian Network Classifiers from DatabndesrAccess Data from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)bndovbBounding Omitted Variable Bias Using Auxiliary DatabnlearnBayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning andInferencebnmaBayesian Network Meta-Analysis using 'JAGS'bnmonitorAn Implementation of Sensitivity Analysis in Bayesian NetworksbnnSurvivalBagged k-Nearest Neighbors Survival PredictionbnpaBayesian Networks & Path AnalysisBNPdensityFerguson-Klass Type Algorithm for Posterior Normalized RandomMeasuresBNPmixBayesian Nonparametric Mixture ModelsbnpsdSimulate Genotypes from the BN-PSD Admixture ModelBNPTSclustA Bayesian Nonparametric Algorithm for Time Series ClusteringBNrichPathway Enrichment Analysis Based on Bayesian NetworkBNSLBayesian Network Structure LearningBNSPBayesian Non- And Semi-Parametric Model FittingbnstructBayesian Network Structure Learning from Data with MissingValuesbnviewerBayesian Networks Interactive Visualization and ExplainableArtificial IntelligenceboaBayesian Output Analysis Program (BOA) for MCMCBoardGamesBoard Games and Tools for Building Board GamesbodenmillerProfiling of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells using CyTOFBodiBoosting Diversity in Regression EnsemblesbodsrCall the Bus Open Data Service ('BODS') API Through RbodycompPercent Body Fat Values Using Anthropometric PredictionEquationsboggyReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Boggy et al. (2010)boilerpipeRInterface to the Boilerpipe Java LibraryBOINBayesian Optimal INterval (BOIN) Design for Single-Agent andDrug- Combination Phase I Clinical TrialsboinetConduct Simulation Study of Bayesian Optimal Interval Designwith BOIN-ET FamilyboiwsaSeasonal Adjustment of Weekly DataBOJInterface to Bank of Japan StatisticsbolassoModel Consistent Lasso Estimation Through the BootstrapboldInterface to Bold Systems APIbolsecBolivian SecuritiesBolstadFunctions for Elementary Bayesian InferenceBolstad2Bolstad FunctionsBoltzMMBoltzmann Machines with MM AlgorithmsbondAnalystMethods for Fixed-Income Valuation, Risk and ReturnBondValuationFixed Coupon Bond Valuation Allowing for Odd Coupon Periods andVarious Day Count ConventionsBoneProfileRTools to Study Bone CompactnessBonEVAn Improved Multiple Testing Procedure for Controlling FalseDiscovery RatesbonnAccess INKAR DatabasebonsaiModel Wrappers for Tree-Based ModelsboodistSome Distributions from the 'Boost' Library and MorebookdownAuthoring Books and Technical Documents with R MarkdownBoolFilterOptimal Estimation of Partially Observed Boolean DynamicalSystemsBoolNetConstruction, Simulation and Analysis of Boolean NetworksBoomBayesian Object Oriented ModelingBoomSpikeSlabMCMC for Spike and Slab RegressionboostingDEAA Boosting Approach to Data Envelopment AnalysisBoostMLRBoosting for Multivariate Longitudinal ResponsesboostmtreeBoosted Multivariate Trees for Longitudinal DataboostrqBoosting Regression QuantilesbootBootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S)boot.heterogeneityA Bootstrap-Based Heterogeneity Test for Meta-Analysisboot.pvalBootstrap p-ValuesbootclusterBootstrapping Estimates of Clustering StabilitybootCombCombine Parameter Estimates via Parametric BootstrapbootCTBootstrapping the ARDL Tests for CointegrationbootESBootstrap Confidence Intervals on Effect Sizesbootf2Simulation and Comparison of Dissolution ProfilesbootGOFBootstrap Based Goodness-of-Fit TestsbootImputeBootstrap Inference for Multiple ImputationbootLRBootstrapped Confidence Intervals for (Negative) LikelihoodRatio TestsBootMRMRBootstrap-MRMR Technique for Informative Gene SelectionbootnetBootstrap Methods for Various Network Estimation RoutinesbootPLSBootstrap Hyperparameter Selection for PLS Models and ExtensionsBootPRBootstrap Prediction Intervals and Bias-Corrected ForecastingbootruinA Bootstrap Test for the Probability of Ruin in the ClassicalRisk ProcessbootStepAICBootstrap stepAICbootstrapFunctions for the Book "An Introduction to the Bootstrap"bootstrapFPBootstrap Algorithms for Finite Population InferenceBootstrapQTLBootstrap cis-QTL Method that Corrects for the Winner's CursebootsurvBootstrap Methods for Complete Survey DatabootSVDFast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for HighDimensional DatabootURBootstrap Unit Root TestsbootwarNonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled Resampling Card GameBootWPTOSTest Stationarity using Bootstrap Wavelet Packet TestsBoptbdBayesian Optimal Block DesignsborTransforming Behavioral Observation Records into Data MatricesboralBayesian Ordination and Regression AnaLysisborrowrEstimate Causal Effects with Borrowing Between Data SourcesBorutaWrapper Algorithm for All Relevant Feature SelectionBOSOBilevel Optimization Selector OperatorBosonSamplingClassical Boson SamplingBoSSAA Bunch of Structure and Sequence AnalysisbossRBiomarker Optimal Segmentation SystemBOSSregBest Orthogonalized Subset Selection (BOSS)botor'AWS Python SDK' ('boto3') for RBoundaryStatsBoundary Overlap StatisticsBoundEdgeworthBound on the Error of the First-Order Edgeworth ExpansionboundingboxCreate a Bounding Box in an ImageboussinesqAnalytic Solutions for (Ground-Water) Boussinesq EquationboutliersOutlier Detection and Influence Diagnostics for Meta-AnalysisBoutrosLab.plotting.generalFunctions to Create Publication-Quality PlotsboxWrite Reusable, Composable and Modular R Codebox.lintersLinters for 'box' ModulesboxcoxmixBox-Cox-Type Transformations for Linear and Logistic Models withRandom EffectsboxfilterFilter Noisy DataboxlyInteractive Box PlotboxplotclusterClustering Method Based on Boxplot StatisticsboxplotdblDouble Box Plot for Two-Axes CorrelationboxrInterface for the ' API'bpBlood Pressure Analysis in RbpaBasic Pattern AnalysisbpAccBlood Pressure Device Accuracy Evaluation: StatisticalConsiderationsbpboundsNonparametric Bounds for the Average Causal Effect Due to Balkeand Pearl and ExtensionsbpcaBiplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal ComponentsAnalysisbpcpBeta Product Confidence Procedure for Right Censored DatabpDirBoxplots for Directional DatabpgmmBayesian Model Selection Approach for Parsimonious GaussianMixture ModelsBPMBayesian Purity Model to Estimate Tumor PuritybpmnRSupport for BPMN (Business Process Management Notation) ModelsbpmnVisualizationRVisualize Process Execution Data on 'BPMN' DiagramsbpnregBayesian Projected Normal Regression Models for Circular DatabppComputations Around Bayesian Predictive PowerbprFitting Bayesian Poisson RegressionBPrinStratTTECausal Effects in Principal Strata Defined by AntidrugAntibodiesbqrorBayesian Quantile Regression for Ordinal ModelsbqtlBayesian QTL Mapping ToolkitbRacatusA Method to Estimate the Accuracy and Biogeographical Status ofGeoreferenced Biological DataBRACEBias Reduction Through Analysis of Competing Events (BRACE)bracerBrace ExpansionsBRACoD.RBRACoD: Bayesian Regression Analysis of Compositional DatabradaBayesian Response-Adaptive Design AnalysisBradleyTerry2Bradley-Terry ModelsbraggRCalculate the Revealed Aggregator of Probability PredictionsbraidReportsVisualize Combined Action Response Surfaces and Report BRAIDAnalysesbraidrmFitting Dose Response with the BRAID Combined Action ModelbraidsThe Braid GroupsBrailleRImproved Access for Blind UsersBrainConInference the Partial Correlations Based on Time Series DatabrainGraphGraph Theory Analysis of Brain MRI DatabrainKCCARegion-Level Connectivity Network Construction via KernelCanonical Correlation AnalysisbrainRHelper Functions to 'misc3d' and 'rgl' Packages for BrainImagingBranchGLMEfficient Best Subset Selection for GLMs via Branch and BoundAlgorithmsBranchingSimulation and Estimation for Branching ProcessesbrandwatchR'Brandwatch' API to RbrantTest for Parallel Regression AssumptionbraQCABootstrapped Robustness Assessment for Qualitative ComparativeAnalysisbrassica1970s BASIC InterpreterbratteliDeal with Bratteli GraphsbravoBayesian Screening and Variable SelectionBrazilMetDownload and Processing of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) Dataof INMET-BrazilBRBVSVariable Ranking in Copula Survival Models Affected by GeneralCensoring SchemebrclimrFetch Zonal Statistics of Weather Indicators for BrazilianMunicipalitiesBRDTBinomial Reliability Demonstration TestsbreaBayesian Recurrent Event AnalysisbreadAnalyze Big Files Without Loading Them in MemoryBREADREstimates Degrees of Relatedness (Up to the Second Degree) forExtreme Low-Coverage DatabreakawaySpecies Richness Estimation and ModelingbreakDownModel Agnostic Explainers for Individual PredictionsbreakfastMethods for Fast Multiple Change-Point/Break-Point Detection andEstimationbreakpointAn R Package for Multiple Break-Point Detection via theCross-Entropy MethodBreakPointsIdentify Breakpoints in Series of DatabreathtestcoreCore Functions to Read and Fit 13c Time Series from Breath TestsbreathteststanStan-Based Fit to Gastric Emptying CurvesbReezeFunctions for Wind Resource AssessmentBRETIGEABrain Cell Type Specific Gene Expression AnalysisbrewTemplating Framework for Report GenerationbrglmBias Reduction in Binomial-Response Generalized Linear Modelsbrglm2Bias Reduction in Generalized Linear ModelsbricksetInterface with the Brickset API for Getting Data About LEGO SetsbridgedistAn Implementation of the Bridge Distribution with Logit-Link asin Wang and Louis (2003)bridgerBridge Hand Generator with Criteria Selectorbridger2Genome-Wide RNA Degradation Analysis Using BRIC-Seq DatabridgesamplingBridge Sampling for Marginal Likelihoods and Bayes FactorsbrifA Tree and Forest Tool for Classification and RegressionbriKmeansPackage for Brik, Fabrik and Fdebrik Algorithms to InitialiseKmeansBRINDAComputation of BRINDA Adjusted Micronutrient Biomarkers forInflammationbrintonA Graphical EDA ToolbrioBasic R Input OutputbriqrInterface to the 'Briq' APIBRISCFast Inference for Large Spatial Datasets using BRISCbriskBayesian Benefit Risk AnalysisBRLBeta Record LinkagebrlrmrBias Reduction with Missing Binary ResponsebrmBinary Regression ModelbrmsBayesian Regression Models using 'Stan'brms.mmrmBayesian MMRMs using 'brms'brmsmarginsBayesian Marginal Effects for 'brms' ModelsbrnnBayesian Regularization for Feed-Forward Neural NetworksBrobdingnagVery Large Numbers in RBrokenAdaptiveRidgeBroken Adaptive Ridge Regression with CyclopsbrokenstickBroken Stick Model for Irregular Longitudinal DatabrolgarBrowse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in RbromanKarl Broman's R CodebroomConvert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibblesbroom.helpersHelpers for Model Coefficients Tibblesbroom.mixedTidying Methods for Mixed ModelsbrotliA Compression Format Optimized for the WebBrownDogBrown Dog R InterfacebrpopBrazilian Population EstimativesBrqBayesian Analysis of Quantile Regression ModelsbrsimBrainerd-Robinson Similarity Coefficient MatrixbruceRBroadly Useful Convenient and Efficient R FunctionsBRugsInterface to the 'OpenBUGS' MCMC SoftwarebruleeHigh-Level Modeling Functions with 'torch'brunnermunzel(Permuted) Brunner-Munzel TestBRVMRetrieve Historical Data of Companies Listed on the 'BRVM' StockExchangebrxxBayesian Test Reliability Estimationbs4cardsGenerate Bootstrap Cardsbs4DashA 'Bootstrap 4' Version of 'shinydashboard'BSagriSafety Assessment in Agricultural Field TrialsbsamBayesian State-Space Models for Animal MovementbsamGPBayesian Spectral Analysis Models using Gaussian Process PriorsbscuiBuild SVG Custom User InterfaceBSDABasic Statistics and Data AnalysisbsearchtoolsBinary Search ToolsbsgofBirnbaum-Saunders Goodness-of-Fit TestBSGWBayesian Survival Model with Lasso Shrinkage Using GeneralizedWeibull RegressionbshazardNonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard FunctionbSiModeling and Computing Biogenic Silica ('bSi') from Inland andPelagic SedimentsbsiconsEasily Work with 'Bootstrap' IconsbSimsAgent-Based Bird Point Count SimulatorbsitarBayesian Super Imposition by Translation and Rotation GrowthCurve AnalysisbskyrInteract with 'Bluesky' SocialBSLBayesian Synthetic LikelihoodbslibCustom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'BsMDBayes Screening and Model DiscriminationbsnsingBuild Decision Trees with Optimal Multivariate SplitsBSPADATABayesian Proposal to Fit Spatial Econometric ModelsBSPBSSBayesian Spatial Blind Source SeparationbspcovBayesian Sparse Estimation of a Covariance MatrixbspecBayesian Spectral InferencebsplineB-Spline Interpolation and RegressionbsplinePsdBayesian Nonparametric Spectral Density Estimation UsingB-Spline PriorsbsplusAdds Functionality to the R Markdown + Shiny Bootstrap FrameworkbspmBridge to System Package ManagerbspmmaBayesian Semiparametric Models for Meta-AnalysisbsregBayesian Spatial Regression ModelsBSSBrownian Semistationary ProcessesBSSasympAsymptotic Covariance Matrices of Some BSS Mixing and UnmixingMatrix EstimatesbssmBayesian Inference of Non-Linear and Non-Gaussian State SpaceModelsbssnBirnbaum-Saunders ModelBSSoverSpaceBlind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatial Data usingEigen AnalysisBSSprepWhitening Data as Preparation for Blind Source SeparationbstGradient BoostingbsToolsCreate HTML Content with Bootstrap 5 Classes and LayoutsbstrlBayesian Streaming Record LinkagebstsBayesian Structural Time SeriesbsubSubmitter and Monitor of the 'LSF Cluster'bsvarsBayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressive ModelsBSWFitting a Log-Binomial Model using the Bekhit-Schöpe-Wagenpfeil(BSW) AlgorithmBT(Adaptive) Boosting Trees AlgorithmbtbBeyond the Border - Kernel Density Estimation for UrbanGeographyBTdecayLassoBradley-Terry Model with Exponential Time Decayed Log-Likelihoodand Adaptive LassobtergmTemporal Exponential Random Graph Models by BootstrappedPseudolikelihoodBTLLassoModelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison DataBTMBiterm Topic Models for Short TextBTSPASBayesian Time-Stratified Population AnalysisBTSRBounded Time Series RegressionBTtestEstimate the Number of Factors in Large Nonstationary DatasetsBTYDImplementing BTYD Models with the Log Sum Exp PatchBTYDplusProbabilistic Models for Assessing and Predicting your CustomerBasebubbleHeatmapProduces 'bubbleHeatmap' Plots for Visualising Metabolomics DatabubblyrBeautiful Bubbles for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' BackgroundsBUCSSBias and Uncertainty Corrected Sample SizeBuddleA Deep Learning for Statistical Classification and RegressionAnalysis with Random EffectsbuildmerStepwise Elimination and Term Reordering for Mixed-EffectsRegressionbuildrOrganize & Run Build Scripts ComfortablyBuildSysSystem for Building and Debugging C/C++ Dynamic LibrariesbujarBuckley-James Regression for Survival Data with High-DimensionalCovariatesbulkAnalyseRInteractive Shiny App for Bulk Sequencing DatabulkQCQuality Control and Outlier Identification in Bulk forMulticenter TrialsbulkreadrThe Ultimate Tool for Reading Data in BulkbulletcpAutomatic Groove Identification via Bayesian ChangepointDetectionbulletrAlgorithms for Matching Bullet LandsbullishTraderBullish Trading Strategies Through GraphsbullwhipgameBullwhip Effect Demo in ShinybumblTools for Modeling Bumblebee Colony Growth and DeclinebumblebeeQuantify Disease Transmission Within and Between PopulationGroupsbunchingEstimate BunchingbunchrAnalyze Bunching in a Kink or Notch SettingbundesbankDownload Data from BundesbankbundesligRAll Final Tables of the BundesligabundleSerialize Model Objects with a Consistent InterfacebupaRBusiness Process Analysis in RbupaverseEasily Install and Load the 'bupaverse'burgle'Burgle': Stealing the Necessary Parts of Model ObjectsburnrForest Fire History AnalysisbursaR Wrapper for Bursa Municipality Open Data PortalBurStFinBurns Statistics FinancialBurStMiscBurns Statistics MiscellaneousburstsMarkov Model for Bursty Behavior in StreamsbusdaterStandard Date Calculations for BusinessBusinessDurationCalculates Business Duration Between Two DatesbusinessPlanRSimple Modelling Tools for Business PlansbutcherModel ButcherbutterflyOptionsTrading Butterfly Options StrategiesBuyseTestGeneralized Pairwise ComparisonsBvalueB-Value and Empirical Equivalence BoundBVARHierarchical Bayesian Vector AutoregressionbvarsvBayesian Analysis of a Vector Autoregressive Model withStochastic Volatility and Time-Varying ParametersbvartoolsBayesian Inference of Vector Autoregressive and Error CorrectionModelsBVARverseTidy Bayesian Vector AutoregressionbvharBayesian Vector Heterogeneous Autoregressive ModelingbvlsThe Stark-Parker algorithm for bounded-variable least squaresbvpaBivariate Pareto DistributionBVSNLPBayesian Variable Selection in High Dimensional Settings usingNonlocal PriorsbwdBackward Procedure for Change-Point DetectionbWGRBayesian Whole-Genome RegressionBWGSBreedWheat Genomic Selection PipelinebwimageDescribe Image Patterns in Natural StructuresBwQuantBandwidth Selectors for Local Linear Quantile RegressionbwsBayesian Weighted SumsBWStestBaumgartner Weiss Schindler Test of Equal DistributionsbwsToolsTools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling (MaxDiff) DesignsbysykkelGet City Bike Data from NorwaybytescircleStatistics About Bytes Contained in a File as a Circle PlotbzinbBivariate Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Model Estimator c060Extended Inference for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Cox andGeneralized Linear ModelsC19dNUTSDataset of Regional COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 Pop (NUTS)c212Methods for Detecting Safety Signals in Clinical Trials UsingBody-Systems (System Organ Classes)c2cCompare Two Classifications or Clustering Solutions of VaryingStructurec2zA Reference Managerc3'C3.js' Chart Libraryc3netInferring Large-Scale Gene Networks with C3NETC443See a Forest for the TreesC50C5.0 Decision Trees and Rule-Based ModelscaSimple, Multiple and Joint Correspondence AnalysisCA3variantsThree-Way Correspondence Analysis VariantscabinetsProject Specific Workspace Organization TemplatescabootcrsBootstrap Confidence Regions for Simple and MultipleCorrespondence AnalysiscaccConjunctive Analysis of Case ConfigurationscacheCache and Retrieve Computation ResultscachemCache R Objects with Automatic PruningCACIMARCross-Species Analysis of Cell Identities, Markers andRegulationscacIRTClassification Accuracy and Consistency under Item ResponseTheoryCaDENCEConditional Density Estimation Network Construction andEvaluationCADFtestA Package to Perform Covariate Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit RootTestscaesarEncrypts and Decrypts StringscaffsimSimulation of Plasma Caffeine Concentrations by Using PopulationPharmaco*kinetic ModelCAGRCompound Annual Growth RatecAIC4Conditional Akaike Information Criterion for 'lme4' and 'nlme'CAinterprToolsGraphical Aid in Correspondence Analysis Interpretation andSignificance TestingsCairoR Graphics Device using Cairo Graphics Library for CreatingHigh-Quality Bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), Vector (PDF, SVG,PostScript) and Display (X11 and Win32) OutputCAISErComparison of Algorithms with Iterative Sample Size EstimationcalACSCalculations for All Common SubsequencesCALANGOComparative Analysis with Annotation-Based Genomic ComponentsCalcThemAll.PRMCalculate Pesticide Risk Metric (PRM) Values from MultiplePesticides...Calc Them AllCalculator.LR.FNsCalculator for LR Fuzzy NumberscalculusHigh Dimensional Numerical and Symbolic CalculuscalcUniqueSimple Wrapper for Computationally Expensive FunctionscalendarCreate, Read, Write, and Work with 'iCalander' Files, Calendarsand Scheduling DatacalendRReady to Print Monthly and Yearly Calendars Made with 'ggplot2'calendRio'calendR' Fork with Additional Features (Backwards Compatible)CALFCoarse Approximation Linear FunctionCALIBERrfimputeMultiple Imputation Using MICE and Random ForestcalibmsmCalibration Plots for the Transition Probabilities fromMultistate ModelscalibrarAutomated Parameter Estimation for Complex ModelscalibrateCalibration of Scatterplot and Biplot AxescalibrateBinaryCalibration for Computer Experiments with Binary ResponsesCalibrateSSBWeighting and Estimation for Panel Data with Non-ResponsecalibrationbandCalibration BandsCalibrationCurvesCalibration PerformancecalibratorBayesian Calibration of Complex Computer CodesCalibratRMapping ML Scores to Calibrated PredictionscalidadAssesses the Quality of Estimates Made by Complex Sample DesignscallbackComputes Statistics from Discrimination Experimental DatacallrCall R from RcallsyncRecording Synchronisation, Call Detection and Assignment, AudioAnalysiscalmateImproved Allele-Specific Copy Number of SNP Microarrays forDownstream SegmentationcalmrCanonical Associative Learning Models and their RepresentationscalpassapiR Interface to Access CalPASS APICalSimThe Calibration SimplexCAMANFinite Mixture Models and Meta-Analysis Tools - Based on C.A.MANcamcorderRecord Your Plot HistoryCamelUp'CamelUp' Board Game as a Teaching Aid for IntroductoryStatisticscamerondataDatasets from "Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications" byCameron and TrivediCAMMLCell-Typing using Variance Adjusted Mahalanobis Distances withMulti-LabelingcampaignmanageRConnect to Campaign Manager via the '' APIcampfinWrangle Campaign Finance DatacampsisGeneric PK/PD Simulation Platform CAMPSIScampsismodGeneric Implementation of a PK/PD ModelcamsRadClient for CAMS Radiation ServicecamtrapdpRead and Manipulate Camera Trap Data PackagescamtrapRCamera Trap Data Management and Preparation of Occupancy andSpatial Capture-Recapture AnalysescanadamapsMaps of the Political and Administrative Divisions of CanadacanadianmapsEffortlessly Create Stunning Canadian MapscanaperCategorical Analysis of Neo- And Paleo-EndemismcancensusAccess, Retrieve, and Work with Canadian Census Data andGeographyCancerEvolutionVisualizationPublication Quality Phylogenetic Tree PlotscancerGIAnalyses of Cancer Gene InteractionCancerGramPrediction of Anticancer PeptidescancerscreeningStreamline Access to Cancer Screening DatacandiscVisualizing Generalized Canonical Discriminant and CanonicalCorrelation AnalysisCanekBatch Correction of Single Cell Transcriptome DataCanopyAccessing Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity and Tracking Longitudinaland Spatial Clonal Evolutionary History by Next-GenerationSequencingcanprotChemical Analysis of ProteinscansimAccessing Statistics Canada Data Table and VectorsCANSIM2RDirectly Extracts Complete CANSIM Data TablescanvasXpressVisualization Package for CanvasXpress in RcanvasXpress.dataDatasets for the 'canvasXpress' PackagecapeCombined Analysis of Pleiotropy and Epistasis for DiversityOutbred MicecaperComparative Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution in RcapitalRCapital Budgeting Analysis, Annuity Loan Calculations andAmortization SchedulescaplCompute and Visualize CAPL-2 Scores and InterpretationscaplotCorrespondence Analysis with Geometric Frequency InterpretationcapmCompanion Animal Population ManagementcapnCapital Asset Pricing for NatureCaPO4SimA Virtual Patient Simulator in the Context of Calcium andPhosphate HomeostasiscaptrClient for the Captricity APIcapusheCAlibrating Penalities Using Slope HEuristicscarCompanion to Applied RegressioncaracasComputer AlgebracaRamelAutomatic Calibration by Evolutionary Multi Objective AlgorithmcaratCovariate-Adaptive Randomization for Clinical TrialsCARBayesSpatial Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit DataCARBayesdataData Used in the Vignettes Accompanying the CARBayes andCARBayesST PackagesCARBayesSTSpatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal UnitDatacarbonateInteract with 'carbon.js'carbondateCalibration and Summarisation of Radiocarbon DatescarcassEstimation of the Number of Fatalities from Carcass SearchescardCardiovascular and Autonomic Research DesigncarDataCompanion to Applied Regression Data SetscardidatesIdentification of Cardinal Dates in Ecological Time SeriescardinalRCollection of Data StructurescardsAnalysis Results DatacardxExtra Analysis Results Data UtilitiescareHigh-Dimensional Regression and CAR Score Variable Selectioncare4cmodelCarbon-Related Assessment of Silvicultural ConceptscaRecallGovernment of Canada Vehicle Recalls Database API WrappercarelessProcedures for Computing Indices of Careless RespondingcaresidCorrespondence Analysis Plot and Associations VisualisationcaretClassification and Regression TrainingcaretEnsembleEnsembles of Caret ModelscaretForecastConformal Time Series Forecasting Using State of Art MachineLearning AlgorithmscarfimaContinuous-Time Fractionally Integrated ARMA Process forIrregularly Spaced Long-Memory Time Series DatacargoDevelop R Packages using RustcaribouEstimation of Caribou Abundance Based on Radio Telemetry DataCARlassoConditional Autoregressive LASSOCarletonStatsFunctions for Statistics Classes at Carleton CollegeCarlsonCarlson Elliptic Integrals and Incomplete Elliptic IntegralsCARMCovariate-Adjusted Adaptive Randomization viaMahalanobis-DistanceCARMECAR-MM Modelling in StanCARMSContinuous Time Markov Rate Modeling for Reliability AnalysiscaROCContinuous Biomarker Evaluation with Adjustment of CovariatescarolineA Collection of Database, Data Structure, Visualization, andUtility Functions for RcarpenterBuild Common Tables of Summary Statistics for ReportscarrierIsolate Functions for Remote ExecutionCARRoTPredicting Categorical and Continuous Outcomes Using One in TenRulecarSurvCorrelation-Adjusted Regression Survival (CARS) ScorescartograflowFiltering Matrix for Flow MappingcartogramCreate Cartograms with RcartogramRContinuous CartogramcartographerTurn Place Names into Map DatacartographyThematic CartographycasabourseCasablanca Stock Exchange DataCascadeSelection, Reverse-Engineering and Prediction in CascadeNetworksCascadeDataExperimental Data of Cascade Experiments in GenomicscascadeSelectA Cascade Select Input for 'Shiny'CASCORECovariate Assisted Spectral Clustering on Ratios of EigenvectorscascsimCasualty Actuarial Society Individual Claim SimulatorcasebaseFitting Flexible Smooth-in-Time Hazards and Risk Functions viaLogistic and Multinomial RegressionCaseBasedReasoningCase Based ReasoningCaseCohortCoxSurvivalCase-Cohort Cox Survival InferencecaseMatchIdentify Similar Cases for Qualitative Case StudiescasesStratified Evaluation of Subgroup Classification AccuracycasinoPlay Casino GamesCASMAPDetection of Statistically Significant Combinations of SNPs inAssociation MappingCASMI'CASMI'-Based FunctionscassowaryrCompute Scagnostics on Pairs of Numeric Variables in a Data SetCAST'caret' Applications for Spatial-Temporal ModelscastorEfficient Phylogenetics on Large TreescatAnalysis and Imputation of Categorical-Variable Datasets withMissing Valuescat2catHandling an Inconsistently Coded Categorical Variable in aLongitudinal DatasetcataAnalysis of Check-All-that-Apply (CATA) DatacatalogAccess the 'Spark Catalog' API via 'sparklyr'CatastRoInterface to the API 'Sede Electronica Del Catastro'catchCovariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-DimensionscatcontTest, Identify, Select and Mutate Categorical or ContinuousValuescatdapCategorical Data Analysis Program PackagecatdataCategorical DataCatDataAnalysisDatasets for Categorical Data Analysis by AgrestiCatDynFishery Stock Assessment by Catch Dynamics ModelscategoryEncodingsCategory Variable EncodingsCatEncodersEncoders for Categorical VariablescatfunCategorical Data AnalysiscatiCommunity Assembly by Traits: Individuals and BeyondcatIrtSimulate IRT-Based Computerized Adaptive TestscatlearnFormal Psychological Models of Categorization and LearningcatmapCase-Control and TDT Meta-Analysis PackagecatmaplyHeatmap for Categorical Data using 'plotly'caToolsTools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etcCatPrediOptimal Categorisation of Continuous Variables in PredictionModelscatRGeneration of IRT Response Patterns under Computerized AdaptiveTestingCatRegSolution Paths for Linear and Logistic Regression Models withCategorical Predictors, with SCOPE PenaltycatsCohort Platform Trial SimulationcatseyesCreate Catseye Plots Illustrating the Normal Distribution of theMeanscatsimBinary and Categorical Image Similarity IndexcatSurvComputerized Adaptive Testing for Survey ResearchCATTThe Cochran-Armitage Trend TestCATTexactComputation of the p-Value for the Exact ConditionalCochran-Armitage Trend TestCauchyCPPowerful Test for Survival Data under Non-Proportional HazardscauchypcaRobust Principal Component Analysis Using the CauchyDistributioncauphyTrait Evolution on Phylogenies Using the Cauchy ProcesscausactFast, Easy, and Visual Bayesian Inferencecausal.decompCausal Decomposition AnalysiscausalBatchCausal Batch EffectscausalCmprskNonparametric and Cox-Based Estimation of Average TreatmentEffects in Competing RiskscausaldataExample Data Sets for Causal Inference TextbookscausalDiscoTools for Causal Discovery on Observational DatacausaldrfEstimating Causal Dose Response FunctionscausaleffectDeriving Expressions of Joint Interventional Distributions andTransport Formulas in Causal ModelsCausalGAMEstimation of Causal Effects with Generalized Additive ModelsCausalGPSMatching on Generalized Propensity Scores with ContinuousExposurescausalHyperGraphDrawing Causal HypergraphsCausalImpactInferring Causal Effects using Bayesian Structural Time-SeriesModelsCausalMBSTSMBSTS Models for Causal Inference and ForecastingCausalMetaRCausally Interpretable Meta-AnalysisCausalModelsCausal Inference Modeling for Estimation of Causal EffectscausaloptimAn Interface to Specify Causal Graphs and Compute Bounds onCausal EffectscausalOTOptimal Transport Weights for Causal InferencecausalPAFCausal Effect for Population Attributable Fractions (PAF)CausalQueriesMake, Update, and Query Binary Causal ModelscausalsensSelection Bias Approach to Sensitivity Analysis for CausalEffectscausalSLSESemiparametric Least Squares Inference for Causal EffectscausalweightEstimation Methods for Causal Inference Based on InverseProbability WeightingCausCorCalculate Correlations and Estimate CausalityCautiousLearningControl Charts with Guaranteed In-Control Performance andCautious Parameters LearningCAvariantsCorrespondence Analysis VariantscaviarpdCluster Analysis via Random Partition DistributionsCB2CRISPR Pooled Screen Analysis using Beta-Binomial TestcbaClustering for Business AnalyticscbanalysisCoffee Break Descriptive AnalysiscbassClassification – Bayesian Adaptive Smoothing SplinesCBCgrpsCompare Baseline Characteristics Between GroupscbcToolsChoice-Based Conjoint Experiment Design Generation and PowerEvaluation in RcbinomContinuous Analog of a Binomial DistributioncbioportalRBrowse and Query Clinical and Genomic Data from cBioPortalcblCausal Discovery under a Confounder BlanketCBnetworkMAContrast-Based Bayesian Network Meta AnalysisCBPSCovariate Balancing Propensity ScorecbqConditional Binary Quantile ModelscbsodataRStatistics Netherlands (CBS) Open Data API ClientCBSrFits Cubic Bezier Spline Functions to Intertemporal and RiskyChoice DataCBTConfidence Bound Target AlgorithmCCControl ChartsCCACanonical Correlation AnalysisCCAMLRGISAntarctic Spatial Data ManipulationccaPP(Robust) Canonical Correlation Analysis via Projection PursuitcccdClass Cover Catch DigraphscccmCrossed Classification Credibility ModelcccpCone Constrained Convex ProblemscccrmConcordance Correlation Coefficient for Repeated (andNon-Repeated) MeasuresccdaCombined Cluster and Discriminant AnalysisccdRUtilities for Interacting with the 'CCTE' APIscchsCox Model for Case-Cohort Data with StratifiedSubcohort-SelectioncchsflowTransforming and Harmonizing CCHS VariablesccidCross-Covariance Isolate Detect: a New Change-Point Method forEstimating Dynamic Functional ConnectivitycclustConvex Clustering Methods and Clustering IndexesCCMCorrelation Classification MethodccmEstimatorComparative Causal Mediation EstimationccmlConsensus Clustering for Different Sample Coverage DataccmmCompositional Mediation ModelCCMMRMinimization of the Convex Clustering Loss FunctionccmReportRWraps 'CCM' with Utility FunctionsccoptimalmatchImplementation of Case-Control Optimal MatchingccostrEstimation of Mean Costs in Censored DataCCPSignificance Tests for Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)ccpsycMethods for Cross-Cultural PsychologyccRemoverRemoves the Cell-Cycle Effect from Single-Cell RNA-SequencingDataccrsCorrect and Cluster Response Style Biased DataccrtmCoupled Chain Radiative Transfer ModelsccssCluster Circular Systematic SamplingccTensorCUR/CX Tensor DecompositioncctoolsTools for the Continuous Convolution Trick in NonparametricEstimationCCTpackConsensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and CulturalConsensus Theory ApplicationsCCWeightsPerform Weighted Linear Regression for Calibration CurvecdCD Data for Entity ResolutioncdataFluid Data TransformationsCDatanetEconometrics of Network DatacdcatRCognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive TestingCDCPLACESAccess the 'CDC PLACES' APIcdcsisConditional Distance Correlation Based Feature Screening andConditional Independence InferencecderInterface to the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC)cdfquantregQuantile Regression for Random Variables on the Unit IntervalCDFtDownscaling and Bias Correction via Non-Parametric CDF-TransformcdgdCausal Decomposition of Group DisparitiesCDGHMMHidden Markov Models for Multivariate Panel DatacdleiCause-Deleted Life Expectancy Improvement ProcedurecdlToolsTools to Download and Work with USDA Cropscape DataCDMCognitive Diagnosis ModelingCDMConnectorConnect to an OMOP Common Data ModelcdmToolsUseful Tools for Cognitive Diagnosis ModelingcdomR Functions to Model CDOM SpectracdparcoordTop Frequency-Based Parallel CoordinatescdrcRLoad 'CDRC' DatacdsConstrained Dual Scaling for Detecting Response StylesCDSE'Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem' API WrapperCDSSCourse-Dependent Skill StructuresCDVICuddy-Della Valle Index for Capturing the Instability in TimeSeries DataCDVineCopulaConditionalSampling from Conditional C- and D-Vine CopulasceasCellular Energetics Analysis SoftwareCECCross-Entropy ClusteringCEDACRISPR Screen and Gene Expression Differential AnalysisCEEMDANMLCEEMDAN Decomposition Based Hybrid Machine Learning ModelscegChain Event GraphCEGOCombinatorial Efficient Global OptimizationcelestialCollection of Common Astronomical Conversion Routines andFunctionscellKeyConsistent Perturbation of Statistical Frequency- And MagnitudeTablescellOriginsFinds RNASeq Source Tissues Using In Situ Hybridisation DatacellpypesCell Type Pipes for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing DatacellrangerTranslate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and ColumnscelltrackRMotion Trajectory AnalysiscellVolumeDistFunctions to Fit Cell Volume Distributions and Thereby EstimateCell Growth Rates and Division TimescellWiseAnalyzing Data with Cellwise OutlierscemCoarsened Exact MatchingcemcoFit 'CemCO' AlgorithmCenBARBroken Adaptive Ridge AFT Model with Censored DatacencrneConsistent Estimation of the Number of Communities viaRegularized Network EmbeddingcenGAMCensored Regression with Smooth TermscenROCEstimating Time-Dependent ROC Curve and AUC for Censored DatacensableMaking Census Data More UsablecensCovLinear Regression with a Randomly Censored CovariateCensMFMFinite Mixture of Multivariate Censored/Missing Datacenso2017Base de Datos de Facil Acceso del Censo 2017 de Chile (2017Chilean Census Easy Access Database)censobrDownload Data from Brazil's Population CensuscensorcopulaEstimate Parameter of Bivariate Copulacensored'parsnip' Engines for Survival ModelscensRegCensored Regression (Tobit) ModelsCensSpatialCensored Spatial ModelsCensus2016Data from the Australian Census 2016censusapiRetrieve Data from the Census APIscensusrCollect Data from the Census APIcentiserveFind Graph Centrality IndicescentrifugeRNon-Trivial Balance of Centrifuge RotorsCEOdataDatasets of the CEO (Centre d'Estudis d'Opinio) for OpinionPolls in CataloniaCEoptimCross-Entropy R Package for OptimizationCePaCentrality-Based Pathway EnrichmentcepiigeodistCEPII's GeoDist DatasetsceppContext Driven Exploratory Projection PursuitcepRBusca CEPs BrasileiroscepreaderRead 'CEP' and Legacy 'CANOCO' FilescepumdCalculate Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Annual EstimatescequreCensored Quantile Regression & Monotonicity-Respecting RestoringceramicDownload Online Imagery TilescerealSerialize 'vctrs' Objects to 'JSON'CERFITCausal Effect Random Forest of Interaction TressCerioliOutlierDetectionOutlier Detection Using the Iterated RMCD Method of Cerioli(2010)CeRNASeekIdentification and Analysis of ceRNA RegulationceRtaintyCertainty EquivalentCertara.NLME8Utilities for Certara's Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling EngineCertara.REasily Install Pharmacometric Packages and Shiny ApplicationsDeveloped by 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AscertainmentcftClimate Futures ToolboxCFtimeUsing CF-Compliant Calendars with Climate Projection DatacgCompare Groups, Analytically and GraphicallycgaimConstrained Groupwise Additive Index Modelscgal4h'CGAL' Version 4 C++ Header FilescgamConstrained Generalized Additive ModelcgAUCCalculate AUC-type measure when gold standard is continuous andthe corresponding optimal linear combination of variables withrespect to itCGEComputing General EquilibriumCGGPComposite Grid Gaussian ProcessescglassoConditional Graphical LASSO for Gaussian Graphical Models withCensored and Missing ValuescglmFits Conditional Generalized Linear ModelscgmanalysisClean and Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor DataCGManalyzerContinuous Glucose Monitoring Data AnalyzercgmquantifyAnalyzing Glucose and Glucose VariabilityCGNMCluster Gauss-Newton MethodCGPComposite Gaussian Process ModelsCGPfunctionsPowell Miscellaneous Functions for Teaching and LearningStatisticsCGRCompound Growth Rate for Capturing the Growth Rate Over thePeriodcgwtoolsMiscellaneous ToolschAbout some Small FunctionschainbinomialChain Binomial Models for Analysis of Infectious Disease DataChainLadderStatistical Methods and Models for Claims Reserving in GeneralInsurancechameleonAutomatic Colors for Multi-Dimensional DatachandwichChandler-Bate Sandwich Loglikelihood AdjustmentchangepointMethods for Changepoint Detectionchangepoint.geoGeometrically Inspired Multivariate Changepoint Detectionchangepoint.influencePackage to Calculate the Influence of the Data on a ChangepointSegmentationchangepoint.npMethods for Nonparametric Changepoint DetectionchangepointsA Collection of Change-Point Detection MethodschangepointsVarChange-Points Detections for Changes in VarianceChangepointTestingChange Point Estimation for Clustered SignalschangepointTestsChange Point Tests for Joint Distributions and CopulaschangerChange R Package NamechangeRangeRChange Metrics for Species Geographic RangeschangeSS-Curve Fit for Changepoint AnalysisChannelAttributionMarkov Model for Online Multi-Channel AttributionChannelAttributionAppShiny Web Application for the Multichannel Attribution ProblemchantricsLoglikelihood Adjustments for Econometric ModelsChaos010-1 Test for ChaosChaosGameChaos GamecharlatanMake Fake DatachartqlSimplified Language for Plots and ChartschatAI4RChat-Based Interactive Artificial Intelligence for RchatgptInterface to 'ChatGPT' from RchattrInteract with Large Language Models in 'RStudio'cheaprSimple Functions to Save Time and MemorycheatsheetDownload R Cheat Sheets LocallycheckargCheck the Basic Validity of a (Function) ArgumentCheckDigitCalculate and Verify Check DigitscheckdownCheck-Fields and Check-Boxes for 'rmarkdown'checkerChecks 'R' Configuration Set Up Correctly Before ClasscheckglobalsStatic Analysis of R-Code DependenciescheckhelperDeal with Check OutputscheckLuhnChecks if a Number is Valid Using the Luhn AlgorithmcheckmateFast and Versatile Argument CheckscheckpointInstall Packages from 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ResponseschopthinThe Chopthin ResamplerChoRChordalysis R PackagechordsEstimation in Respondent Driven SampleschoroplethrSimplify the Creation of Choropleth Maps in RchoroplethrAdmin1Contains an Administrative-Level-1 Map of the WorldchoroplethrMapsContains Maps Used by the 'choroplethr' PackagechoucaA Stochastic Cellular Automaton EnginechristmasGeneration of Different Animated Christmas CardschromConverterChromatographic File ConverterchromerInterface to Chromosome Counts Database APIchromoMapInteractive Genomic Visualization of Biological DatachromoteHeadless Chrome Web Browser InterfacechromseqSplit Chromosome 'Fasta' FilechronChronological Objects which Can Handle Dates and TimeschronicleGrammar for Creating R Markdown ReportschroniclerAdd Logging to FunctionschronochrtCreating Chronological ChartschronosphereEvolving Earth System VariableschunkedChunkwise Text-File Processing for 'dplyr'chunkhooksChunk Hooks for 'R Markdown'chunkRRead Tables in ChunkschyperFunctions for 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ProfilescinaRgenesetsReady-to-Use Curated Gene Sets for 'cinaR'CINEClassification International Normalized of EducationCINIDCurculionidae INstar IDentificationCINmetricsCalculate Chromosomal Instability MetricsCINNADeciphering Central Informative Nodes in Network AnalysiscinterpolateInterpolation From CCIPermComputationally-Efficient Confidence Intervals for Mean Shiftfrom Permutation MethodscipheREncryption and Decryption with Text CiphersCIplotFunctions to Plot Confidence IntervalcirCentered Isotonic Regression and Dose-Response UtilitiescircacompareAnalyses of Circadian DataCirceRConstruct Cohort Inclusion and Restriction Criteria ExpressionscircleR Client Package for Circle CICirclesIntersectionsAlgorithm for Computation of the Intersection Areas of N CirclescirclesplotVisualize Proportions with Circles in a PlotcircletyperCurve Text Elements in 'Shiny' Using 'CircleType.js'circlizeCircular VisualizationCircMLEMaximum Likelihood Analysis of Circular DataCircNNTSRStatistical Analysis of Circular Data using NonnegativeTrigonometric Sums (NNTS) ModelsCircNNTSRmultMultivariate Circular Data using MNNTS ModelsCircOutlierDetection of Outliers in Circular-Circular RegressionCircSpaceTimeSpatial and Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Model for Circular DataCircStatsCircular Statistics, from "Topics in Circular Statistics" (2001)circularCircular StatisticsCircularDDMCircular Drift-Diffusion ModelcircularEVExtreme Value Analysis for Circular DataCircularSilhouetteFast Silhouette on Circular or Linear Data ClusterscircumplexAnalysis and Visualization of Circular DatacIRTChoice Item Response TheoryCIS.DGLMCovariates, Interaction, and Selection for DGLMcitCausal Inference TestCITANCITation ANalysis ToolpackcitationSoftware Citation ToolscitationchaserPerform Forward and Backwards Chasing in Evidence SynthesescitecorpClient for the Open Citations CorpuscitiesClinical Trials with Intercurrent Events SimulatorcitmreColombian Index Tool Market Rate ExchangecitoBuilding and Training Neural NetworksciToolsConfidence or Prediction Intervals, Quantiles, and Probabilitiesfor Statistical ModelscitrusCustomer Intelligence Tool for Rapid Understandable SegmentationciuContextual Importance and Utilityciuupi2Kabaila and Giri (2009) Confidence IntervalcivCategorical Instrumental VariablescivisR Client for the 'Civis Platform API'ciwWatch the CRAN Incoming DirectoriesCJAMPCopula-Based Joint Analysis of Multiple PhenotypescjarR Client for 'Customer Journey Analytics' ('CJA') APIcjbartHeterogeneous Effects Analysis of Conjoint ExperimentsCJIVECanonical Joint and Individual Variation Explained (CJIVE)cjointAMCE Estimator for Conjoint ExperimentsckanrClient for the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network ('CKAN')APICKATComposite Kernel Association Test for Pharmacogenetics StudiesCKLRTComposite Kernel Machine Regression Based on Likelihood RatioTestCkmeans.1d.dpOptimal, Fast, and Reproducible Univariate ClusteringCKMRpopForward-in-Time Simulation and Tallying of PairwiseRelationshipsCLACritical Line Algorithm in Pure RCladdisMeasuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary TempocladoRcppC++ Implementations of Phylogenetic Cladogenesis CalculationsClaimsProblemsAnalysis of Conflicting ClaimsclamClassical Age-Depth Modelling of Cores from DepositsClamRTime Series Modeling for Climate Change ProxiesclarabelInterior Point Conic Optimization SolverclarifaiAccess to Clarifai APIclarifySimulation-Based Inference for Regression ModelsclarkeTestDistribution-Free Tests of Non-Nested ModelsclassFunctions for ClassificationClassComparisonClasses and Methods for "Class Comparison" Problems onMicroarraysClassDiscoveryClasses and Methods for "Class Discovery" with Microarrays orProteomicsclassGraphConstruct Graphs of S4 Class HierarchiesclassifierplotsGenerates a Visualization of Classifier Performance as a Grid ofDiagnostic PlotsclassiflyExplore Classification Models in High DimensionsclassIntChoose Univariate Class IntervalsclassmapVisualizing Classification ResultsCLASTExact Confidence Limits after a Sequential Trialcld2Google's Compact Language Detector 2cld3Google's Compact Language Detector 3cldaConvolution-Based Linear Discriminant AnalysiscleanFast and Easy Data CleaningCleanBSequencesCuring of Biological SequencescleancallC Resource Cleanup via Exit HandlerscleandataTo Inspect and Manipulate Data; and to Keep Track of ThisProcesscleanerFast and Easy Data CleaningcleangeoCleaning Geometries from Spatial ObjectsCleaningValidationCleaning Validation Functions for Pharmaceutical CleaningProcesscleanNLPA Tidy Data Model for Natural Language ProcessingcleanrHelps You to Code CleanercleanrmdClean Class-Less 'R Markdown' HTML DocumentscleanTSTestbench for Univariate Time Series CleaningcleaRClean the R Console and EnvironmentclesprComposite Likelihood Estimation for Spatial DataclevrClustering and Link Prediction Evaluation in RclhsConditioned Latin Hypercube SamplingcliHelpers for Developing Command Line InterfacescliappCreate Rich Command Line ApplicationsclickableImageMapImplement 'tableGrob' Object as a Clickable Image MapclickbWeb Data Analysis by Bayesian Mixture of Markov ModelsClickClustModel-Based Clustering of Categorical SequencesClickClustContMixtures of Continuous Time Markov ModelsClickHouseHTTPA Simple HTTP Database Interface to 'ClickHouse'clickRSemi-Automatic Preprocessing of Messy Data with Change Trackingfor Dataset CleaningclickstreamAnalyzes Clickstreams Based on Markov ChainsclidamongerMonthly Climate Data for Germany, Usable for Heating and CoolingCalculationsclidatajpData from Japan Meteorological AgencycliffExecute Command Line Programs InteractivelycliffordArbitrary Dimensional Clifford AlgebrasclifroEasily Download and Visualise Climate Data from CliFloCliftLRDComplex-Valued Wavelet Lifting Estimators of the Hurst Exponentfor Irregularly Sampled Time SeriesclikcorrCensoring Data and Likelihood-Based Correlation EstimationclimaemetClimate AEMET ToolsclimateStabilityEstimating Climate Stability from Climate Model DataclimatolClimate Tools (Series hom*ogenization and Derived Products)climatrendsClimate Variability Indices for Ecological ModellingClimClassClimate Classification According to Several IndicesCLimdGenerating Rainfall Rasters from IMD NetCDF DataclimeConstrained L1-Minimization for Inverse (Covariance) MatrixEstimationclimetricsClimate Change MetricsclimextRemesTools for Analyzing Climate ExtremesClimIndClimate IndicesClimMobToolsAPI Client for the 'ClimMob' PlatformClimProjDiagsSet of Tools to Compute Various Climate IndicesclimwinClimate Window AnalysisclinDataReviewClinical Data Review ToolclinDRSimulation and Analysis Tools for Clinical Dose ResponseModelingclinfunClinical Trial Design and Data Analysis FunctionsclinicalsignificanceA Toolbox for Clinical Significance Analyses in InterventionStudiesClinicalTrialSummarySummary Measures for Clinical Trials with Survival OutcomesClinicalUtilityRecalRecalibration 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StudiescloneRateEstimate Growth Rates from Phylogenetic TreesCloneSeekerSeeking and Finding Clones in Copy Number and Sequencing DataCLONETv2Clonality Estimates in TumorclordrComposite Likelihood Inference and Diagnostics for ReplicatedSpatial Ordinal DatacloudfsStreamlined Interface to Interact with Cloud Storage PlatformscloudmlInterface to the Google Cloud Machine Learning PlatformcloudosR Client Library for CloudOScloudstoRSimplifies Access to Cloudstor APIcloudUtilCloud Utilization PlotsclptheoryCompute Price of Production and Labor ValuesclrCurve Linear Regression via Dimension ReductionCLSIEP15Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EP15-A3CalculationsclttoolsCentral Limit Theorem Experiments (Theoretical and Simulation)clubproClassification Using Binary Procrustes RotationclubSandwichCluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-SampleCorrectionsclueCluster EnsemblesClueRCluster EvaluationclugenrMultidimensional Cluster Generation Using Support LinesCluMPClustering of Micro Panel DataClusBootBootstrap a Clustering Solution to Establish the Stability ofthe ClusterscluscovClustered Covariate RegressionclusEvolA Procedure for Cluster Evolution AnalyticsClusPredSimultaneous Semi-Parametric Estimation of Clustering andRegressionclusrankWilcoxon Rank Tests for Clustered DataClusROCROC Analysis in Three-Class Classification Problems forClustered DataClussClusterSimultaneous Detection of Clusters and Cluster-Specific Genes inHigh-Throughput Transcriptome Dataclust.bin.pairStatistical Methods for Analyzing Clustered Matched Pair DataclustAnalyticsCluster Evaluation on GraphsClustAssessTools for Assessing ClusteringClustBlockClustering of DatasetsClusTCR2Identifying Similar T Cell Receptor Hyper-Variable Sequenceswith 'ClusTCR2'clustEffClusters of Effects Curves in Quantile Regression Modelscluster"Finding Groups in Data": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw etal.cluster.datasetsCluster Analysis Data SetsCluster.OBeuCluster Analysis ''clusterabilityPerforms Tests for Cluster Tendency of a Data SetClusterBootstrapAnalyze Clustered Data with Generalized Linear Models using theCluster BootstrapclusterConsConsensus Clustering using Multiple Algorithms and ParametersclusterCritClustering IndicesclusteredinterferenceCausal Effects from Observational Studies with ClusteredInterferenceClusteredMutationsLocation and Visualization of Clustered Somatic MutationsclusterGenerationRandom Cluster Generation (with Specified Degree of Separation)clusterhapClustering Genotypes in HaplotypesclusterHDTools for Clustering High-Dimensional DataClusteringTechniques for Evaluating Distance-Based Clustering for Multidimensional Data withSequential ConstraintclusterMICluster Analysis with Missing Values by Multiple ImputationclustermoleUnbiased Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data Cell TypeIdentificationclustermqEvaluate Function Calls on HPC Schedulers (LSF, SGE, SLURM,PBS/Torque)clusternomicsIntegrative Clustering for Heterogeneous Biomedical DatasetsClusterRGaussian Mixture Models, K-Means, Mini-Batch-Kmeans, K-Medoidsand Affinity Propagation ClusteringClusterRankTestRank Tests for Clustered DataclusterReproReproducibility of Gene Expression ClustersclusterSEsCalculate Cluster-Robust p-Values and Confidence IntervalsclusterSimSearching for Optimal Clustering Procedure for a Data SetClusterStabilityAssessment of Stability of Individual Objects or Clusters inPartitioning SolutionsclustertendCheck the Clustering TendencyClusterVARFitting Latent Class Vector-Autoregressive (VAR) ModelsClustGeoHierarchical Clustering with Spatial ConstraintsClustImputeK-Means Clustering with Build-in Missing Data ImputationclustlearnLearn Clustering Techniques Through Examples and CodeclustMDModel Based Clustering for Mixed DataclustMixTypek-Prototypes Clustering for Mixed Variable-Type DataclustNetNetwork-Based ClusteringClustOfVarClustering of VariablesClusTorusPrediction and Clustering on the Torus by Conformal PredictionclustraClustering Longitudinal TrajectoriesclusTransitionMonitor Changes in Cluster Solutions of Dynamic DatasetsclustrdMethods for Joint Dimension Reduction and ClusteringclustreeVisualise Clusterings at Different ResolutionsclustringrCluster Strings by Edit-DistanceCLUSTShinyInteractive Document for Working with Cluster AnalysisClustVarLVClustering of Variables Around Latent VariablesclustvarselVariable Selection for Gaussian Model-Based ClusteringClusVisGaussian-Based Visualization of Gaussian and Non-GaussianModel-Based ClusteringclvCluster Validation TechniquesclValidValidation of Clustering ResultsCLVToolsTools for Customer Lifetime Value EstimationcmaesCovariance Matrix Adapting Evolutionary StrategycmaesrCovariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution StrategycmahalanobisCalculate Distance Measures for a Given List of Data Frames withFactorsCMAPSSCommercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation Data SetCMapVizRepresentation Tool For Output Of Connectivity Map (CMap)AnalysiscmaRsImplementation of the Conic Multivariate Adaptive RegressionSplines in RcmbClustConditional Mixture Modeling and Model-Based ClusteringcmceComputer Model Calibration for Deterministic and StochasticSimulatorscmcRAn Implementation of the 'Congruent Matching Cells' MethodcmdfunFramework for Building Interfaces to Shell CommandscmenetBi-Level Selection of Conditional Main EffectsCMFCollective Matrix FactorizationcmfrecCollective Matrix Factorization for Recommender SystemsCMFsurrogateCalibrated Model Fusion Approach to Combine Surrogate MarkerscmhcAccess, Retrieve, and Work with CMHC DataCMHNPACochran-Mantel-Haenszel and Nonparametric ANOVAcmlConditional Manifold LearningCMLSConstrained Multivariate Least SquarescmmCategorical Marginal ModelscmmrCEU Mass Mediator RESTful APICMMsCompositional Mediation ModelcmnaComputational Methods for Numerical AnalysiscmoceanBeautiful Colour Maps for OceanographyCMplotCircle Manhattan PlotcmprskSubdistribution Analysis of Competing RiskscmprskcoxmsmUse IPW to Estimate Treatment Effect under Competing RiskscmprskQRAnalysis of Competing Risks Using Quantile RegressionscmpsRR Implementation of Congruent Matching Profile Segments MethodcmRAnalysis of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance ImagescmrutilsMisc Functions of the Center for Mathematical ResearchcmsCalculate Medicare Reimbursem*ntcmsafA Toolbox for CM SAF NetCDF DatacmsafopsTools for CM SAF NetCDF DatacmsafvisTools to Visualize CM SAF NetCDF DataCMShinyInteractive Document for Working with Confusion MatrixcmstatrStatistical Methods for Composite Material DatacmstatrExtMore Statistical Methods for Composite Material DatacmtestConditional Moments TestcmvnormThe Complex Multivariate Gaussian DistributioncnaCausal Modeling with Coincidence AnalysisCNAIMCommon Network Asset Indices Methodology (CNAIM)cnaOptOptimizing Consistency and Coverage in Configurational CausalModelingcnbdistrConditional Negative Binomial DistributioncncaGUICanonical Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis in RCNIDGet Basic Information from Chinese ID NumberCNLTregComplex-Valued Wavelet Lifting for Signal DenoisingCNLTtsaComplex-Valued Wavelet Lifting for Univariate and Bivariate TimeSeries AnalysiscnmapChina Map Data from AutoNavi MapcNORMContinuous NormingCNprepPre-Process DNA Copy Number (CN) Data for Detection of CN EventsCNPSNonparametric StatisticscnumChinese Numerals ProcessingCNVRGDirichlet Multinomial Modeling of Relative Abundance DataCNVScopeA Versatile Toolkit for Copy Number Variation Relationship DataAnalysis and VisualizationcoalaA Framework for Coalescent SimulationcoalescentMCMCMCMC Algorithms for the CoalescentCOAPHigh-Dimensional Covariate-Augmented Overdispersed PoissonFactor ModelcoarseDataToolsAnalysis of Coarsely Observed DataCoastlineFDCalculation of the Fractal Dimension of a CoastlinecoatConditional Method Agreement Trees (COAT)cobaltCovariate Balance Tables and PlotscobiclustBiclustering via Latent Block Model Adapted to OverdispersedCount DatacobsConstrained B-Splines (Sparse Matrix Based)cocaCluster-of-Clusters Analysisco*cktailApp'shiny' App to Discover co*cktailsCoClustCopula Based Cluster AnalysiscoconotsConvolution-Closed Models for Count Time SeriesCOCONUTCOmbat CO-Normalization Using conTrols (COCONUT)cocorComparing CorrelationscocorrespCo-Correspondence Analysis MethodscocosoRCoCoSo - Combined Compromise Solution Method for MCDAcocotestDependence Condition Test Using Ranked Correlation CoefficientscocronStatistical Comparisons of Two or more Alpha CoefficientscodaOutput Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMCcoda.baseA Basic Set of Functions for Compositional Data Analysiscoda4microbiomeCompositional Data Analysis for Microbiome StudiescodacoreLearning Sparse Log-Ratios for Compositional DataCoDaImpactInterpreting CoDa Regression ModelscodalmTransformation-Free Linear Regression for Compositional Outcomesand PredictorscodaredistlmCompositional Data Linear Models with Composition RedistributionCodataGSGenomic Prediction Using SNP CodatacOdeAutomated C Code Generation for 'deSolve', 'bvpSolve'codebookAutomatic Codebooks from Metadata Encoded in Dataset AttributescodebookrCreate Codebooks from Data FramescodebreakerRetro Logic GamecodeCollectionCollection of Codes with LabelscodecountRCounting Codes in a Text and Preparing Data for AnalysisCodeDependsAnalysis of R Code for Reproducible Research and CodeComprehensionCodelistGeneratorIdentify Relevant Clinical Codes and Evaluate Their UsecodemetaA Smaller 'codemetar' PackagecodemetarGenerate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R PackagescodenameGeneration of Code Names for Organizations, People, Projects,and Whatever ElsecodepMultiscale Codependence AnalysiscoderDeterministic Categorization of Items Based on External CodeDatacodetoolsCode Analysis Tools for RcodewhereFind the Location of an R Package's CodecodexcopdThe CODEX (Comorbidity, Obstruction, Dyspnea, and PreviousSevere Exacerbations) Index: Short and Medium-Term Prognosis inPatients Hospitalized for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) ExacerbationscodezSeq2Seq Encoder-Decoder Model for Time-Feature Analysis Based onTensorflowcodifiedProduce Standard/Formalized Demographics TablesCoDiNACo-Expression Differential Network AnalysiscodingMatricesAlternative Factor Coding Matrices for Linear Model FormulaecodynCommunity Dynamics MetricscoefaMeta Analysis of Factor Analysis Based on CO-Occurrence MatricescoefficientalphaRobust Coefficient Alpha and Omega with Missing and Non-NormalDatacoefplotPlots Coefficients from Fitted ModelscoenoclinerCoenocline SimulationcoenoflexGradient-Based Coenospace Vegetation SimulatorcofadContrast Analyses for Factorial DesignscofeatureRGenerate Cofeature MatricescoffeeChronological Ordering for Fossils and Environmental EventscofidCopepod Fish Interaction DatabaseCoFRAComplete Functional Regulation AnalysiscogaConvolution of Gamma DistributionscoglassoCollaborative Graphical Lasso - Multi-Omics NetworkReconstructioncogmaprCognitive Mapping Tools Based on Coding of Textual 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FrameworkcoinmarketcaprGet 'Cryptocurrencies' Market Cap Prices from Coin Market CapCoinprofileCoincident ProfileCOINrComposite Indicator Construction and AnalysiscointmonitoRConsistent Monitoring of Stationarity and CointegratingRelationshipscointRegParameter Estimation and Inference in a Cointegrating RegressioncoldCount Longitudinal DatacolfConstrained Optimization on Linear FunctioncollapseAdvanced and Fast Data TransformationCollapseLevelsCollapses Levels, Computes Information Value and WoEcollapsibleTreeInteractive Collapsible Tree Diagrams using 'D3.js'collateralQuickly Evaluate Captured Side EffectscollatzFunctions Related to the Collatz/Syracuse/3n+1 ProblemcollectionsHigh Performance Container Data TypescollidrCheck for Namespace Collisions Across Packages and Functions onCRANcollinVisualization the Effects of Collinearity in Distributed LagModels and Other Linear ModelscollinearSeamless Multicollinearity ManagementCollocInferCollocation Inference for Dynamic SystemscollpcmCollapsed Latent Position Cluster Model for Social NetworkscollUtilsAuxiliary Package for Package 'CollapsABEL'colmozzieDengue Cases and Climate Variables in Colombo Sri LankacolocColocalisation Tests of Two Genetic TraitscolocalizationNormalized Spatial Intensity CorrelationcolocalizedClusters of Colocalized SequencescolocrConduct Co-Localization Analysis of Fluorescence MicroscopyImagescolorblindcheckCheck Color Palettes for Problems with Color Vision DeficiencycolorBlindnessSafe Color Set for Color BlindnesscolorDFColorful Data Frames in R TerminalcolordistanceDistance Metrics for Image Color SimilaritycolorednoiseSimulate Temporally Autocorrelated PopulationscolorfindrExtract Colors from Windows BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and SVG FormatImagescolorhcplotColorful Hierarchical Clustering DendrogramscoloristColoring Wildlife Distributions in Space-TimecolorizerColorize Old Images Using the 'DeOldify' Image Colorization APIcolormapColor Palettes using Colormaps Node ModuleColorNameRGive Colors a NamecolorpatchOptimized Rendering of Fold Changes and Confidence ValuescolorplaneBasic S4 Classes and Methods for Mapping Between Numeric Valuesand ColorscolorrColor Palettes for EPL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL TeamscolorRamp2Generate Color Mapping FunctionscolorRampsBuilds Color Tablescolors3dGenerate 2D and 3D Color PalettescolorscienceColor Science Methods and DatacolorsGenGeneration of Random ColorscolorspaceA Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and PalettescolorSpecColor Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral DataColossus"Risk Model Regression and Analysis with Complex Non-LinearModels"colouRCreate Colour Palettes from ImagescolourloversR Client for the COLOURlovers APIcolourpickerA Colour Picker Tool for Shiny and for Selecting Colours inPlotscolourvaluesAssigns Colours to ValuescolourvisionColour Vision ModelsCOLPCausal Discovery for Categorical Data with Label PermutationcolsConstrained Ordinary Least Squarescols4allColors for allcoltCommand-Line Color ThemescomatCreates Co-Occurrence Matrices of Spatial DatacomatoAnalysis of Concept Maps and Concept LandscapesCOMBATA Combined Association Test for Genes using Summary Statisticscombat.enigmaFit and Apply ComBat Harmonization for ENIGMAcombinatcombinatorics utilitiescombinationpvaluesCombination of Independent P-ValuescombinatoricsIntroduction to Some Combinatorial RelationscombinedeventsCalculate Scores and Marks for Track and Field Combined EventsCombinePortfolioEstimation of Optimal Portfolio Weights by Combining SimplePortfolio StrategiescombinITA Combined Interaction Test for Unreplicated Two-Way TablesCombinSConstruction Methods of some Series of PBIB DesignscombirocSelection and Ranking of Omics Biomarkers Combinations Made EasycombiterCombinatorics IteratorsCOMBOCorrecting Misclassified Binary Outcomes in Association StudiescomclimCommunity Climate StatisticscometExactTestExact Test from the Combinations of Mutually ExclusiveAlterations (CoMEt) Algorithmcometr'Comet' API for RcometsCovariance Measure Tests for Conditional IndependencecomfModels and Equations for Human Comfort ResearchcomFuncsCommonly Used Functions for R Shiny ApplicationsComICSComputational Methods for Immune Cell-Type SubsetsCoMiReConvex Mixture RegressionCOMIXCoarsened Mixtures of Hierarchical Skew KernelscommafreeCall Functions Without Commas Between ArgumentsCommKernNetwork-Based Communities and Kernel Machine MethodscommonSolutions for Common Problems in Base RCommonDataModelOMOP CDM DDL and Documentation GeneratorCommonJavaJarsUseful Libraries for Building a Java Based GUI under RcommonmarkHigh Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in RCommonMean.CopulaCommon Mean Vector under Copula ModelscommonsMathJAR Files of the Apache Commons Mathematics LibrarycommunicationFeature Extraction and Model Estimation for Audio of HumanSpeechcomorbidityComputing Comorbidity ScorescomorbidPGSAssessing Predisposition Between Phenotypes using PolygenicScorescomorosmapsComoro Islands MapsComp2ROCCompare Two ROC Curves that IntersectcomparatorComparison Functions for Clustering and Record LinkagecompareComparing Objects for DifferencescompareCCompare Two Correlated C Indices with Right-Censored SurvivalOutcomeCompareCausalNetworksInterface to Diverse Estimation Methods of Causal NetworksCompAREdesignStatistical Functions for the Design of Studies with CompositeEndpointscompareDFDo a Git Style Diff of the Rows Between Two Dataframes withSimilar StructurecompareGroupsDescriptive Analysis by GroupscompareMCMCsCompare MCMC Efficiency from 'nimble' and/or Other MCMC EnginesCompareMultipleModelsFinding the Best Model Using Eight Metrics ValuescomparerCompare Output and Run TimeCompareTestsCorrect for Verification Bias in Diagnostic Accuracy & AgreementcomparisonMultivariate Likelihood Ratio Calculation and EvaluationComparisonSurvComparison of Survival Curves Between Two GroupscompasConformational Manipulations of Protein Atomic StructuresCompDistMultisection Composite DistributionscomperankRanking Methods for Competition ResultscomperesManage Competition ResultscompetitiontoolboxA Graphical User Interface for Antitrust and Trade PractitionersCompExpDesComputer Experiment DesignsCompGRComplete Annual Growth Rate GeneratorcompHclustComplementary Hierarchical ClusteringCompindComposite Indicators FunctionscompindexRCalculates Composite IndexcompindPCAComputation of Relative Weights of Variables and Composite IndexValues Based on PCAcompletejourneyRetail Shopping DatacomplexTime Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Complex VariablescomplexityCalculate the Proportion of Permutations in Line with anInformative HypothesiscomplexlmLinear Fitting for Complex Valued DatacomplexNetComplex Network GenerationcomplexplusFunctions of Complex or Real VariableComplexUpsetCreate Complex UpSet Plots Using 'ggplot2' ComponentscomplmrobRobust Linear Regression with Compositional Data as CovariatesCompMixA Comprehensive Toolkit for Environmental Mixtures Analysis('CompMix')CompModelsPseudo Computer Models for OptimizationCOMPoissonRegConway-Maxwell Poisson (COM-Poisson) RegressionCompositeReliabilityDetermine the Composite Reliability of a Naturalistic,Unbalanced DatasetCompositionalCompositional Data AnalysisCompositionalMLMachine Learning with Compositional DatacompositionsCompositional Data Analysiscompound.CoxUnivariate Feature Selection and Compound Covariate forPredicting SurvivalCompoundEventsStatistical Modeling of Compound EventsCompParetoDiscrete Composite Distributions with Pareto TailsCompQuadFormDistribution Function of Quadratic Forms in Normal VariablesCompRPaired Comparison Data AnalysiscomprehenrList Comprehensionscompute.esCompute Effect SizesComRiskModelFitting of Complementary Risk ModelscomsimitvFlexible Framework for Simulating Community AssemblycomstabPartitioning the Drivers of Stability of Ecological CommunitiescomtradrInterface with the United Nations Comtrade APIcon2aqiCalculate the AQI from Pollutant Concentrationcon2lkiCalculate the Dutch Air Quality Index (LKI)ConakeContinuous Associated Kernel EstimationconcatenateHuman-Friendly Text from Unknown StringsconcatipedeEasy Concatenation of Fasta SequencesconcavemanA Very Fast 2D Concave Hull AlgorithmconclustPairwise Constraints ClusteringconcomConnected Components of an Undirected GraphConconiAnaerobicThresholdTestConconi Estimate of Anaerobic Threshold from a TCX FileConConPiWiFunOptimisation with Continuous Convex Piecewise (Linear andQuadratic) FunctionsconcordanceProduct ConcordanceConcordanceTestAn Alternative to the Kruskal-Wallis Based on the Kendall TauDistanceconcorRCONCOR and Supplemental FunctionsconcstatsMarket Structure, Concentration and Inequality MeasuresCONCURCopy Number Profile Curve-Based Association TestcondApproximate Conditional Inference for Logistic and LoglinearModelsCondCopulasEstimation and Inference for Conditional Copula ModelscondensrAcademic Group Website GeneratorcondformatConditional Formatting in Data FramescondGEEParameter Estimation in Conditional GEE for Recurrent Event GapTimesCondIndTestsNonlinear Conditional Independence TestscondirComputation of P Values and Bayes Factors for Conditioning DataCondiSCensored Data Imputation for Direct ModelingconditionzControl How Many Times Conditions are ThrowncondMVNormConditional Multivariate Normal DistributionCondMVTConditional Multivariate t Distribution, ExpectationMaximization Algorithm, and Its Stochastic VariantscondorInteract with 'Condor' from R via SSHcondorOptionsTrading Condor Options StrategiescondSURVEstimation of the Conditional Survival Function for OrderedMultivariate Failure Time DatacondTruncMVNConditional Truncated Multivariate Normal DistributionconductorCreate Tours in 'Shiny' Apps Using 'Shepherd.js'conduscoQuery-Driven Pipeline Execution and Query TemplatescondvisConditional Visualization for Statistical Modelscondvis2Interactive Conditional Visualization for Supervised andUnsupervised Models in ShinyconeprojPrimal or Dual Cone Projections with Routines for ConstrainedRegressionconfVisualization and Analysis of Statistical Measures of Confidenceconf.designConstruction of factorial designsconfconsConfidence and Consistency of Predictive Distribution ModelsconfidenceConfidence Estimation of Environmental State ClassificationsConfidenceEllipseComputation of 2D and 3D Elliptical Joint Confidence RegionsconfigManage Environment Specific Configuration ValuesConfigParserPackage to Parse an INI File, Including Variable InterpolationconfigrAn Implementation of Parsing and Writing Configuration File(JSON/INI/YAML/TOML)configuralMultivariate Profile AnalysisconfinterpretDescriptive Interpretations of Confidence IntervalsconfintrConfidence IntervalsconfintROBConfidence Intervals for Robust and Classical Linear Mixed ModelEstimatorsConfIntVarianceConfidence Interval for the Univariate Population Variancewithout Normality AssumptionconflictedAn Alternative Conflict Resolution StrategyconflrClient for 'Confluence' APIconformalbayesJackknife(+) Predictive Intervals for Bayesian ModelsconformalClassificationTransductive and Inductive Conformal Predictions forClassification ProblemsconformalInference.fdTools for Conformal Inference for Regression in MultivariateFunctional SettingconformalInference.multiConformal Inference Tools for Regression with MultivariateResponseconformalpvalueComputes Conformal p-ValuesConformalSmallestEfficient Tuning-Free Conformal PredictionconfreqConfigural Frequencies Analysis Using Log-Linear ModelingconfSAMEstimates and Bounds for the False Discovery Proportion, byPermutationConfusionTableRConfusion Matrix ToolsetConfZICConfidence Envelopes for Model Selection Criteria Based onMinimum ZICcongressAccess the APICongreveLamsdell2016Distance Metrics for Trees Generated by Congreve and LamsdellCoNICorrelation Guided Network Integration (CoNI)conicfitAlgorithms for Fitting Circles, Ellipses and Conics Based on theWork by Prof. Nikolai ChernovConigraveFlexible Tools for Multiple ImputationconjointAn Implementation of Conjoint Analysis MethodconjurerA Parametric Method for Generating Synthetic DataconleyregEstimations using Conley Standard ErrorsconmetConstruct Measurement Evaluation ToolConNEcTContingency Measure-Based Networks for Binary Time SeriesconnectapiUtilities for Interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server APIConnectednessApproachConnectedness ApproachconnectionsIntegrates with the 'RStudio' Connections Pane and 'pins'connectoModaDownload Data from ModaconnectwidgetsOrganize and Curate Your Content Within 'Posit Connect'ConnMatToolsTools for Working with Connectivity DataconogiveCongeneric Normal-Ogive ModelconosClustering on Network of Samplesconover.testConover-Iman Test of Multiple Comparisons Using Rank SumsconquerConvolution-Type Smoothed Quantile RegressionconquestrAn R Package to Extend 'ACER ConQuest'conradClient for the Microsoft's 'Cognitive Services Text to SpeechREST' APIConsensusClusteringConsensus ClusteringconserveRIdentifying Conservation Prioritization Methods Based on DataAvailabilityconsolechoiceAn Easy and Quick Way to Loop a Character Vector as a Menu inthe ConsoleconsortCreate Consort DiagramconsortrInteractive Consort Flow DiagramsConSplinePartial Linear Least-Squares Regression using ConstrainedSplinesConsRankCompute the Median Ranking(s) According to the Kemeny'sAxiomatic ApproachConsRankClassClassification and Clustering of Preference RankingsConsRegFits Regression & ARMA Models Subject to Constraints to theCoefficientconstantsReference on Constants, Units and UncertaintyconstellationIdentify Event Sequences Using Time Series JoinsconstrainedKrigingConstrained, Covariance-Matching Constrained and Universal Pointor Block KrigingconStructModels Spatially Continuous and Discrete Population GeneticStructureconstructiveDisplay Idiomatic Code to Construct Most R ObjectscontactdataSocial Contact Matrices for 177 CountriescontainerExtending Base 'R' ListsContaminatedMixtClustering and Classification with the Contaminated NormalcontentidAn Interface for Content-Based IdentifiersconText'a la Carte' on Text (ConText) Embedding RegressioncontfracContinued FractionscontFracRContinued Fraction Generators and EvaluatorscontingencyDiscrete Multivariate Probability DistributionscontingencytablesStatistical Analysis of Contingency TablescontoureRContouring of Non-Regular Three-Dimensional DataContourFunctionsCreate Contour Plots from Data or a FunctioncontourPlotPlots x,y,z Co-Ordinates in a Contour MapcontrastA Collection of Contrast MethodsconTreeContrast Trees and BoostingContRespPPPredictive Probability for a Continuous Response with an ANOVAStructurecontributionA Tiny Contribution Table Generator Based on 'ggplot2'controlA Control Systems ToolboxcontrolfunctionIVControl Function Methods with Possibly Invalid InstrumentalVariablescontrolTestQuantile Comparison for Two-Sample Right-Censored Survival DatacontsurvplotVisualize the Effect of a Continuous Variable on a Time-to-EventOutcomecontTimeCausalContinuous Time Causal ModelsconvdistrConvolute Probabilistic DistributionsConvergenceClubsFinding Convergence ClubsConvergenceConceptsSeeing Convergence Concepts in ActionconvergEUMonitoring Convergence of EU CountriesconvertbondsUse the Given Parameters to Calculate the European Option ValueconvertidConvert Gene IDs Between Each Other and Fetch Annotations fromBiomartConvertParEstimating IRT Parameters via Machine Learning AlgorithmsconvertrConvert Between UnitsconvevolAnalysis of Convergent EvolutionconveyIncome Concentration Analysis with Complex Survey SamplesConvolutionerConvolution of DataconvoSPATConvolution-Based Nonstationary Spatial ModelingcooccurProbabilistic Species Co-Occurrence Analysis in RCooccurrenceAffinityAffinity in Co-Occurrence DatacookiecutterGenerate Project Files from a TemplatecookiemonsterYour Friendly Solution to Managing Browser CookiescookiesUse Browser Cookies with 'shiny'CoOLCauses of Outcome LearningcoopCo-Operation: Fast Covariance, Correlation, and CosineSimilarity OperationsCoopGameImportant Concepts of Cooperative Game TheoryCoordinateCleanerAutomated Cleaning of Occurrence Records from BiologicalCollectionsCooRTweetCoordinated Networks Detection on Social MediacopBasicGeneral Bivariate Copula Theory and Many Utility FunctionscopCARFitting the copCAR Regression Model for Discrete Areal DatacopcorCorrelates of Protection and Correlates of Risk FunctionsCopCTSCopula-Based Semiparametric Analysis for Time Series Data withDetection LimitscopeCoverage Probability Excursion (CoPE) SetscopentEstimating Copula Entropy and Transfer EntropyCopernicusDEMCopernicus Digital Elevation ModelsCopernicusMarineSearch Download and Handle Data from Copernicus Marine ServiceInformationcophescanAdaptation of the Coloc Method for PheWAScoppeCosenzaRCOPPE-Cosenza Fuzzy Hierarchy ModelcopreTools for Nonparametric Martingale Posterior SamplingcopsCluster Optimized Proximity ScalingCopSensCopula-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Observational CausalInferencecopulaMultivariate Dependence with CopulasCopula.MarkovCopula-Based Estimation and Statistical Process Control forSerially Correlated Time SeriesCopula.Markov.survivalCopula Markov Model with Dependent CensoringCopula.survAnalysis of Bivariate Survival Data Based on CopulascopulaboostFitting Additive Copula Regression Models for Binary OutcomeRegressionCopulaCenRCopula-Based Regression Models for Multivariate Censored DatacopulaDataData Sets for Copula ModelingcopulaedasEstimation of Distribution Algorithms Based on CopulasCopulaGAMMCopula-Based Mixed Regression ModelsCopulaInferenceEstimation and Goodness-of-Fit of Copula-Based Models withArbitrary DistributionscopularegCopula RegressionCopulaREMADACopula Mixed Models for Multivariate Meta-Analysis of DiagnosticTest Accuracy StudiescopulaSimVirtual Patient Simulation by Copula Invariance PropertycopyseparatorAssembling Long Gene Copies from Short Read DataCORThe COR for Optimal Subset Selection in Distributed EstimationcoraCora Data for Entity ResolutioncoRankingCo-Ranking MatrixcorazonApply 'colorffy' Color Gradients Within 'shiny' ElementsCorbiCollection of Rudimentary Bioinformatics ToolsCorBinGenerate High-Dimensional Binary Data with CorrelationStructurescorclassCorrelational Class AnalysiscordCommunity Estimation in G-Models via CORDcordilleraCalculation of the OPTICS CordilleraCORECores of Recurrent EventscoreCollectionCore CollectioncoreCTProgrammatic Analysis of Sediment Cores Using ComputedTomography ImagingcorehunterMulti-Purpose Core Subset SelectionCORElearnClassification, Regression and Feature EvaluationcorelsR Binding for the 'Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS (Corels)'LearnerCoreMicrobiomeRIdentification of Core MicrobiomecoreNLPWrappers Around Stanford CoreNLP ToolscoreSimCore Functionality for Simulating Quantities of Interest fromGeneralised Linear ModelscorHMMHidden Markov Models of Character EvolutioncorkscrewPreprocessor for Data ModelingcorlinkRecord Linkage, Incorporating Imputation for Missing AgreementPatterns, and Modeling Correlation Patterns Between FieldsCorMIDCorrect Mass Isotopologue Distribution VectorscorncobCount Regression for Correlated Observations with theBeta-BinomialCornerstoneRCollection of Scripts for Interface Between 'Cornerstone' and'R'cornetElastic Net with Dichotomised Outcomescoro'Coroutines' for RcoroICAConfounding Robust Independent Component Analysis for Noisy andGrouped DatacoronaCoronavirus ('Rona') Data ExplorationCoronaNetRAPI Access to 'CoronaNet' DatacoronavirusThe 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) DatasetcorpcorEfficient Estimation of Covariance and (Partial) CorrelationcorporaStatistics and Data Sets for Corpus Frequency DatacorporaexplorerA 'Shiny' App for Exploration of Text CollectionsCoRpowerPower Calculations for Assessing Correlates of Risk in ClinicalEfficacy TrialscorpustoolsManaging, Querying and Analyzing Tokenized Textcorr2DImplementation of 2D Correlation Analysis in RcorrarrayCorrelation Arrays and 2-Sample Correlation MatricesCorrBinNonparametrics with Clustered Binary and Multinomial DatacorrcoverageCorrecting the Coverage of Credible Sets from Bayesian GeneticFine MappingcorrDNAFinding Associations in Position-Wise Aligned DNA SequenceDatasetcorrectedAUCCorrecting AUC for Measurement ErrorCorrectedFDRCorrecting False Discovery RatesCorrectOverloadedPeaksCorrect Overloaded Peaks from GC-APCI-MS DatacorrectRCorrected Test Statistics for Comparing Machine Learning Modelson Correlated SamplescorrelationMethods for Correlation AnalysiscorrelationfunnelSpeed Up Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with the CorrelationFunnelcorrelbinomCorrelated Binomial ProbabilitiesCorrelplotA Collection of Functions for Graphing Correlation MatricescorrespondenceTablesCreating Correspondence Tables Between Two StatisticalClassificationscorrfunsCorrelation Coefficient Related FunctionscorrgramPlot a CorrelogramcorrgrapherExplore Correlations Between Variables in a Machine LearningModelcorrmetaCorrelated Meta-AnalysisCorrMixedEstimate Correlations Between Repeatedly Measured Endpoints(E.g., Reliability) Based on Linear Mixed-Effects ModelscorrplotVisualization of a Correlation MatrixcorrrCorrelations in RcorrsieveSoftware for Summarising and Evaluating STRUCTURE OutputcorrtableCreates and Saves Out a Correlation Table with SignificanceLevels IndicatedCorrToolBoxModeling Correlational Magnitude Transformations inDiscretization ContextscorrVizVisualise CorrelationscorsetArbitrary Bounding of Series and Time Series ObjectscorTestRobust Tests for Equal CorrelationcorTESTsrdSignificance Testing of Rank Cross-Correlations under SRDcortoInference of Gene Regulatory NetworkscorxCreate and Format Correlation MatricescosaBound Constrained Optimal Sample Size AllocationcosimmrFast Fitting of Stable Isotope Mixing Models with CovariatescosinorTools for Estimating and Predicting the Cosinor Modelcosinor2Extended Tools for Cosinor Analysis of RhythmscosmicsigMutational Signatures from COSMIC (Catalogue of SomaticMutations in Cancer)cosmoFnsFunctions for Cosmological Distances, Times, Luminosities, EtcCoSMoSComplete Stochastic Modelling SolutioncossoFit Regularized Nonparametric Regression Models Using COSSOPenaltyCOSTCopula-Based Semiparametric Models for Spatio-Temporal DatacostatTime Series Costationarity DeterminationcostsensitiveCost-Sensitive Multi-Class ClassificationCoTiMAContinuous Time Meta-Analysis ('CoTiMA')cotramCount Transformation ModelscotrendConsistent Co-Trending Rank SelectionCOUNTFunctions, Data and Code for Count DatacountcolorsLocates and Counts Pixels Within Color Range(s) in ImagescountdataThe Beta-Binomial Test for Count DatacountDMEstimation of Count Data ModelscountdownA Countdown Timer for HTML Presentations, Documents, and WebAppsCounterfactualEstimation and Inference Methods for Counterfactual AnalysiscounterfactualsCounterfactual ExplanationsCounternullRandomization-Based InferencecountfitteRComprehensive Automatized Evaluation of Distribution Models forCount DatacountgmifsDiscrete Response Regression for High-Dimensional DatacountHMMPenalized Estimation of Flexible Hidden Markov Models for TimeSeries of CountscountlandAnalysis of Biological Count Data, Especially from Single-CellRNA-SeqcountpropCalculate Model-Based Metrics of Proportionality on Count-BasedCompositional DataCountrFlexible Univariate Count Models Based on Renewal ProcessescountriesDeal with Country Data in an Easy WaycountrycodeConvert Country Names and Country CodesCountsEPPMMean and Variance Modeling of Count DatacountsplitSplitting a Count Matrix into Independent FoldscountSTARFlexible Modeling of Count DatacountToFPKMConvert Counts to Fragments per Kilobase of Transcript perMillion (FPKM)countTransformersTransform Counts in RNA-Seq Data AnalysiscounttsThomson Sampling for Zero-Inflated Count OutcomescoursekataPackages and Functions for 'CourseKata' CoursescovadapImplement Covariate-Adaptive RandomizationcovafillrLocal Polynomial Regression of State Dependent Covariates inState-Space ModelscovatestTests on Properties of Space-Time Covariance FunctionscovBMBrownian Motion Processes for 'nlme'-ModelsCovCombRCombine Partial Covariance / Relationship MatricescovdepGECovariate Dependent Graph EstimationcoveffectsplotProduce Forest Plots to Visualize Covariate EffectscovequalTest for Equality of Covariance MatricescoveR2Process Digital Cover Photography Images of Tree CrownscovfefeCovfefy Any Word, Sentence or SpeechcovglassoSparse Covariance Matrix EstimationCOVID19R Interface to COVID-19 Data Hubcovid19.analyticsLoad and Analyze Live Data from the COVID-19 Pandemiccovid19brBrazilian COVID-19 Pandemic Datacovid19brazilCOVID-19 Dataset for Brazilcovid19dbcandSelected 'Drugbank' Drugs for COVID-19 Treatment Related Data inR Formatcovid19franceCases of COVID-19 in Francecovid19indiaPulling Clean Data from Covid19india.orgcovid19italyThe 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Italy Datasetcovid19sfThe Covid19 San Francisco Datasetcovid19srilankaThe 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data in SriLankacovid19swissCOVID-19 Cases in Switzerland and Principality of Liechtensteincovid19tunisiaCases of COVID-19 in Tunisiacovid19usCases of COVID-19 in the United StatescovidcastClient for Delphi's 'COVIDcast Epidata' APICOVIDIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNAD COVID19 MicrodataCovidMutationsMutation Analysis Toolkit for COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease2019)covidmxDescarga y analiza datos de COVID-19 en MéxicocovidnorPublic COVID-19 Data for NorwaycovidprobabilityEstimate the Unit-Wide Probability of COVID-19covidsymptomCOVID Symptom Study Sweden Open DatasetcovKCDCovariance Estimation for Matrix Data with the Kronecker-CoreDecompositioncovrTest Coverage for PackagesCovRegRFCovariance Regression with Random ForestscovRobustRobust Covariance Estimation via Nearest Neighbor CleaningCovSelModel-Free Covariate SelectioncovsepTests for Determining if the Covariance Structure of2-Dimensional Data is SeparablecovsimVITA, IG and PLSIM Simulation for Given Covariance and MarginalscovTestRCovariance Matrix TestsCovToolsStatistical Tools for Covariance AnalysiscowbellPerforms Segmented Linear Regression on Two IndependentVariablescowplotStreamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2'cowsayMessages, Warnings, Strings with Ascii AnimalsCoxAIPWDoubly Robust Inference for Cox Marginal Structural Model withInformative CensoringCoxBcvBias-Corrected Sandwich Variance Estimators for Marginal CoxAnalysis of Cluster Randomized TrialscoxedDuration-Based Quantities of Interest for the Cox ProportionalHazards ModelcoxerrCox Regression with Dependent Error in CovariatesCoxICPenVariable Selection for Cox's Model with Interval-Censored DatacoxmeMixed Effects Cox ModelsCoxmosCox MultiBlock SurvivalcoxphfCox Regression with Firth's Penalized LikelihoodcoxphSGDStochastic Gradient Descent log-Likelihood Estimation in CoxProportional Hazards ModelcoxphwWeighted Estimation in Cox RegressionCoxPlusCox Regression (Proportional Hazards Model) with Multiple Causesand Mixed EffectsCoxR2R-Squared Measure Based on Partial LR Statistic, for the Cox PHRegression ModelcoxrobustFit Robustly Proportional Hazards Regression ModelcoxrtCox Proportional Hazards Regression for Right-Truncated DatacoxseiFitting a CoxSEI ModelCPConditional Power Calculationscp4pCalibration Plot for ProteomicscpaConfirmatory Path Analysis Through 'd-sep' TestsCPATChange Point Analysis TestsCPBayesBayesian Meta Analysis for Studying Cross-Phenotype GeneticAssociationsCPCImplementation of Cluster-Polarization CoefficientcPCGEfficient and Customized Preconditioned Conjugate GradientMethod for Solving System of Linear EquationscpdComplex Pearson DistributionsCPEConcordance Probability Estimates in Survival AnalysiscpfaClassification with Parallel Factor AnalysisCpGassocAssociation Between Methylation and a Phenotype of InterestCpGFilterCpG Filtering Method Based on Intra-Class CorrelationCoefficientsCPGLIBCompeting Proximal Gradients LibrarycpiConditional Predictive ImpactcplmCompound Poisson Linear ModelscplotsPlots for Circular DatacpmSequential and Batch Change Detection Using Parametric andNonparametric MethodscpmBigDataFitting Semiparametric Cumulative Probability Models for BigDataCPMCGLMCorrection of the P-Value after Multiple Coding in GeneralizedLinear ModelsCpmERCCutoffCalculation of Log2 Counts per Million Cutoff from ERCC ControlscpmrConnectome Predictive Modelling in RCPNCoverageAnalysisConceptual Properties Norming Studies as Parameter EstimationcpopDetection of Multiple Changes in Slope in Univariate Time-SeriesCPPComposition of Probabilistic Preferences (CPP)cpp11A C++11 Interface for R's C Interfacecpp11armadilloAn 'Armadillo' InterfacecppcheckRCheck 'C' and 'C++' Files using 'Cppcheck'cppdoublesFast Relative Comparisons of Floating Point Numbers in 'C++'cppRoutingAlgorithms for Routing and Solving the Traffic AssignmentProblemcprControl Polygon ReductioncprobitConditional Probit Model for Analysing Continuous OutcomescprrFunctions for Working with Danish CPR NumberscPseudoMaRgConstructs a Correlated Pseudo-Marginal SamplercpsRLoad CPS Microdata into R Using the 'Census Bureau Data' APIcpssChange-Point Detection by Sample-Splitting MethodsCPsurvNonparametric Change Point Estimation for Survival DatacpsurvsimSimulating Survival Data from Change-Point Hazard DistributionscpsvoteA Toolbox for Using the CPS’s Voting and Registration SupplementcptClassification Permutation Testcptcity'cpt-city' Colour GradientsCptNonParNonparametric Change Point Detection for Multivariate TimeSeriescqrRegQuantile, Composite Quantile Regression and Regularized VersionscquadConditional Maximum Likelihood for Quadratic Exponential Modelsfor Binary Panel DataCR2Compute Cluster Robust Standard Errors with Degrees of FreedomAdjustmentsCRABSCongruent Rate Analyses in Birth-Death ScenarioscraggTests for Weak Instruments in RcramerMultivariate Nonparametric Cramer-Test for theTwo-Sample-ProblemcrandepNetwork Analysis of Dependencies of CRAN PackagescrankCompleting RankscranlikeTools for 'CRAN'-Like RepositoriescranlogsDownload Logs from the 'RStudio' 'CRAN' MirrorcranlyPackage Directives and Collaboration Networks in CRANCRANsearcherRStudio Addin for Searching Packages in CRAN Database Based onKeywordscrassmatConditional Random Sampling Sparse MatricescrawlFit Continuous-Time Correlated Random Walk Models to AnimalMovement DatacrayonColored Terminal OutputcrayonsColor Palettes from Crayon Boxescrc32cCyclic Redundancy Check with CPU-Specific AccelerationcrchCensored Regression with Conditional HeteroscedasticitycrctStepdownUnivariate Analysis of Cluster Trials with Multiple OutcomesCREInterpretable Discovery and Inference of Heterogeneous TreatmentEffectsCREAMClustering of Genomic Regions Analysis MethodcreateLogicalPCMCreate Logical Pairwise Comparison Matrix for the AnalyticHierarchy ProcesscredentialsTools for Managing SSH and Git CredentialsCRediTasGenerate CRediT Author StatementscreditmodelToolkit for Credit Modeling, Analysis and VisualizationCreditRiskEvaluation of Credit Risk with Structural and Reduced FormModelsCREDSCalibrated Ratio Estimator under Double Sampling DesigncredsubsCredible SubsetscreduleCredit Default Swap FunctionscreggSimple Conjoint Tidying, Analysis, and VisualizationcrewA Distributed Worker Launcher Crew Launcher Plugin for AWS Batchcrew.clusterCrew Launcher Plugins for Traditional High-Performance ComputingClustersCRFConditional Random FieldscrfsuiteConditional Random Fields for Labelling Sequential Data inNatural Language ProcessingcricketdataInternational Cricket DatacricketrAnalyze Cricketers and Cricket Teams Based on ESPN CricinfoStatsgurucrimCVGroup-Based Modelling of Longitudinal DatacrimedataAccess Crime Data from the Open Crime DatabasecrimeutilsA Comprehensive Set of Functions to Clean, Analyze, and PresentCrime DatacrispFits a Model that Partitions the Covariate Space into Blocks ina Data- Adaptive WaycrispRdesignRGuide Sequence Design for CRISPR/Cas9criticalityModeling Fissile Material Operations in Nuclear FacilitiescriticalpathAn Implementation of the Critical Path MethodcritpathSetting the Critical Path in Project ManagementCRMContinual Reassessment Method (CRM) for Phase I Clinical Trialscrm12CombPhase I/II CRM Based Drug Combination DesignCRMetricsCell Ranger Output Filtering and Metrics VisualizationcrmnCCMN and Other Normalization Methods for Metabolomics DatacrmPackObject-Oriented Implementation of CRM DesignscrmRegCellwise Robust M-Regression and SPADIMOcrochetImplementation Helper for '[' and '[<-' of Custom Matrix-LikeTypescromwellDashboardA Dashboard to Visualize Scientific Workflows in 'Cromwell'CronbachCronbach's AlphacroneStructural Crystallography in 1dcronologiaCreate an HTML Vertical Timeline from a Data Frame in'rmarkdown' and 'shiny'cronRSchedule R Scripts and Processes with the 'cron' Job SchedulercropGraphics Cropping ToolcropcirclesCrops an Image to a CirclecropdatapeOpen Data of Agricultural Production of Crops of PerucropDemandSpatial Crop Water Demand for BrazilcropgrowdaysCrop Growing Degree Days and Agrometeorological CalculationscropsChangepoints for a Range of Penalties (CROPS)CropScapeRAccess Cropland Data Layer Data via the 'CropScape' Web ServiceCropWaterBalanceClimate Water Balance for Irrigation PurposescropZoningClimate Crop Zoning Based in Air Temperature for BrazilCrossCarryAnalysis of Data from a Crossover Design with GEECrossClusteringA Partial Clustering AlgorithmcrossdesConstruction of Crossover DesignscrosshapLocal Haplotype Clustering and VisualizationcrosslagPerform Linear or Nonlinear Cross Lag AnalysiscrossmapApply Functions to All Combinations of List ElementscrossnmaCross-Design & Cross-Format Network Meta-Analysis and RegressionCrossoverAnalysis and Search of Crossover DesignscrossrunJoint Distribution of Number of Crossings and Longest RuncrosstableCrosstables for Descriptive AnalysesCrosstabs.LoglinearCross Tabulation and Loglinear Analyses of Categorical DatacrosstalkInter-Widget Interactivity for HTML WidgetscrosstalkrAnalysis of Graph-Structured Data with a Focus onProtein-Protein Interaction NetworkscrossurrCross-Fitting for Doubly Robust Evaluation of High-DimensionalSurrogate MarkersCrossVAVerbal Autopsy Data Transformation for InSilicoVA and InterVA5AlgorithmscrossvalGeneric Functions for Cross ValidationCrossValidateClasses and Methods for Cross Validation of "Class Prediction"AlgorithmscrossvalidationCPCross-Validation for Change-Point RegressioncrosswalkrRename and Encode Data Frames Using External Crosswalk Filescrossword.rGenerating Crosswords from Word ListscrovConstrained Regression Model for an Ordinal Response and OrdinalPredictorscrplyrA 'dplyr' Interface for CrunchcrqaUnidimensional and Multidimensional Methods for RecurrenceQuantification AnalysiscrrcbcvBias-Corrected Variance for Competing Risks Regression withClustered DatacrrSCCompeting Risks Regression for Stratified and Clustered DatacrrstepStepwise Covariate Selection for the Fine & Gray Competing RisksRegression ModelcrsCategorical Regression SplinescrseEventStudyA Robust and Powerful Test of Abnormal Stock Returns inLong-Horizon Event StudiescrsmetaExtract Coordinate System MetadatacrsnlsNonlinear Regression Parameters Estimation by 'CRS4HC' and'CRS4HCe'crsoCancer Rule Set Optimization ('crso')crsraTidying and Analyzing 'Coursera' Research Export DatacrsuggestObtain Suggested Coordinate Reference System Information forSpatial DataCRTConjointConditional Randomization Testing (CRT) Approach for ConjointAnalysisCRTgeeDRDoubly Robust Inverse Probability Weighted Augmented GEEEstimatorCRTSizeSample Size Estimation Functions for Cluster Randomized TrialsCRTspatWorkflow for Cluster Randomised Trials with SpillovercrulHTTP Data ToolscrunchyShiny Apps on CrunchcrutsInterface to Climatic Research Unit Time-Series Version 3.21DataCruzPlotPlot Shipboard DAS DatacrwbmetaregCluster Robust Wild Bootstrap Meta RegressionCRWRMChanging the Reference Group without Re-Running the ModelcryStatistics for Structural Crystallographycrypto2Download Crypto Currency Data from 'CoinMarketCap' without 'API'cryptographyEncrypts and Decrypts Text CipherscryptoQuotesA Streamlined Access to Cryptocurrency OHLC-V Market Data andSentiment IndicatorscryptorngAccess System Cryptographic Pseudorandom Number GeneratorscryptotrackrAn Interface to Crypto Data SourcescryptoverseVisualization and Analytics for the CryptoversecryptowatchRAn API Wrapper for 'Cryptowatch'CryptRndTestStatistical Tests for Cryptographic RandomnesscrystCalculate the Relative Crystallinity of Starch by XRD and FTIRcsaA Cross-Scale Analysis Tool for Model-Observation Visualizationand IntegrationcsalertAlerts from Public Health Surveillance DatacsamplingFunctions for Conditional Simulation in Regression-Scale ModelsCsChangeTesting for Change in C-StatisticcsciCurrent Status Confidence IntervalsCScloneBayesian Nonparametric Modeling in RCSCNetFitting and Tuning Regularized Cause-Specific Cox Models withElastic-Net PenaltycsdataStructural Data for NorwaycSEMComposite-Based Structural Equation ModelingCSeqpatFrequent Contiguous Sequential Pattern Mining of TextCSESACRISPR-Based Salmonella Enterica Serotype AnalyzerCSGoCollecting Counter Strike Global Offensive DatacshapesThe CShapes 2.0 Dataset and UtilitiesCSHShydRologyCanadian Hydrological AnalysesCSIndicatorsClimate Services' Indicators Based on Sub-Seasonal to DecadalPredictionscsmapsPreformatted Maps of Norway that Don't Need GeolibrariesCSMESCost-Sensitive Multi-Criteria Ensemble Selection for UncertainCost ConditionscsmpvBiomarker Confirmation, Selection, Modelling, Prediction, andValidationcsnClosed Skew-Normal DistributioncsodataDownload Data from the CSO 'PxStat' APIcspecComplete Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and PeriodogramcsppA Tool for the Correlates of State Policy Project DatacsppDataData Only: The Correlates of State Policy Project DatasetcsranksStatistical Tools for RankscssToolsCognitive Social Structure ToolscstabSelection of Number of Clusters via Normalized ClusteringInstabilitycstidyHelpful Functions for Cleaning Surveillance DatacstimeDate and Time Functions for Public Health PurposesCSToolsAssessing Skill of Climate Forecasts on Seasonal-to-DecadalTimescalescsurveyConstrained Regression for Survey DatacsutilCommon Base-R Problems Relating to ListscsvRead and Write CSV Files with Selected ConventionscsvreadFast Specialized CSV File LoadercsvwrRead and Write CSV on the Web (CSVW) Tables and MetadatacsvyImport and Export CSV Data with a YAML Metadata HeaderctaContingency Table Analysis Based on ML Fitting of MPH ModelsCTAShinyInteractive Application for Working with Contingency TablesctbiA Procedure to Clean, Decompose and Aggregate TimeseriesCTDA Method for 'Connecting The Dots' in Weighted GraphsctfRead and Write Column Text Format (CTF)ctgdistLikert Category Distance CalculatorctgtClosed Testing with Globaltest for Pathway AnalysiscthistClinical Trial Registry HistorycthreshERContinuous Threshold Expectile RegressionctlCorrelated Trait Locus MappingCTMA Text Mining Toolkit for Chinese DocumentctmcdEstimating the Parameters of a Continuous-Time Markov Chain fromDiscrete-Time DatactmcmoveModeling Animal Movement with Continuous-Time Discrete-SpaceMarkov ChainsctmleCollaborative Targeted Maximum Likelihood EstimationctmmContinuous-Time Movement ModelingctmvaContinuous-Time Multivariate AnalysisCTNoteCTN Outcomes, Treatments, and EndpointscTOSTFinite Sample Correction of the Two One-Sided Tests in theUnivariate FrameworkctpmContinuous-Time Phylogenetic ModelingctqrCensored and Truncated Quantile RegressionctrdataRetrieve and Analyze Clinical Trials in Public RegistersctrialsgovQuery Data from U.S. National Library of Medicine's ClinicalTrials DatabasectrlGeneAssess the Stability of Candidate Housekeeping GenesctsemContinuous Time Structural Equation ModellingctsemOMXContinuous Time SEM - 'OpenMx' Based FunctionsctsfeaturesAnalyzing Categorical Time SeriesCTShinyInteractive Document for Working with Classification TreeAnalysisCTShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Classification TreeAnalysisCTTClassical Test Theory FunctionsCTTinShinyShiny Interface for the CTT PackageCTTShinyClassical Test Theory via ShinyctvCRAN Task ViewsCUBA Class of Mixture Models for Ordinal DatacubarCodon Usage Bias AnalysiscubatureAdaptive Multivariate Integration over HypercubescubbleA Vector Spatio-Temporal Data Structure for Data AnalysiscubelyrA Data Cube 'dplyr' BackendcubeviewView 3D Raster Cubes InteractivelycubfitsCodon Usage Bias FitscubicBsplinesComputation of a Cubic B-Spline Basis and Its DerivativescubingRubik's Cube SolvingCubistRule- And Instance-Based Regression ModelingcucumberBehavior-Driven Development for Rcuda.mlR Interface for the RAPIDS cuML Suite of LibrariesCUFFCharles's Utility Function using FormulacultevoTools, Measures and Statistical Tests for Cultural EvolutionCUMPAnalyze Multivariate Phenotypes by Combining Univariate ResultscumprincFunctions Centered Around Microsoft Excel Cumprinc Functionc*msegChange Point Detection in Genomic Sequencesc*mstatsCumulative Descriptive StatisticscumulocityrClient for the 'Cumulocity' APIcuperdecCumulative Percent Decay Curve GeneratorcuReParametric Cure Model EstimationCureAuxSPMixture Cure Models with Auxiliary Subgroup SurvivalProbabilitiesCureDepCensDependent Censoring Regression Models with Cure FractioncurephEMNPMLE for Logistic-Cox Cure-Rate ModelcureplotsCURE (Cumulative Residual) PlotscurlA Modern and Flexible Web Client for RcurrencyapiClient for the '' Currency Conversion APIcurrentSurvivalEstimation of CCI and CLFS FunctionsCurricularAnalyticsExploring and Analyzing Academic CurriculacurrrApply Mapping Functions in Frequent SavingcurryPartial Function Application with %<%, %-<%, and %><%cursrCursor and Terminal ManipulationcurstatCIConfidence Intervals for the Current Status ModelcurtailmentFinds Binary Outcome Designs Using Stochastic CurtailmentcurvecompMultiple Curve Comparisons Using Parametric BootstrapcurveDepthTukey Curve Depth and Distance in the Space of CurvescurvHDRFiltering of Flow Cytometry SamplescurvirSpecify Reserve Demand CurvescuspCusp-Catastrophe Model Fitting Using Maximum Likelihoodcustom.gauss.quadCustom Made Gauss Quadrature Nodes and WeightsCustomDerivativePricing Various Types of Custom DerivativesCustomerScoringMetricsEvaluation Metrics for Customer Scoring Models Depending onBinary ClassifierscustomizedTrainingCustomized Training for Lasso and Elastic-Net RegularizedGeneralized Linear ModelsCustosAscensorCosts Allocation for the Installation of an ElevatorcusumCumulative Sum (CUSUM) Charts for Monitoring of HospitalPerformancecusumcharterEasier CUSUM Control ChartsCUSUMdesignCompute Decision Interval and Average Run Length for CUSUMChartscutoffSeek the Significant Cutoff ValuecutpointrDetermine and Evaluate Optimal Cutpoints in BinaryClassification TasksCutpointsOEHROptimal Equal-HR Method to Find Two Cutpoints for U-ShapedRelationships in Cox ModelcvCross-Validating Regression ModelscvapCitizen Voting Age PopulationcvarCompute Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk for ContinuousDistributionscvasiCalibration, Validation, and Simulation of TKTD ModelscvAUCCross-Validated Area Under the ROC Curve Confidence IntervalscvCovEstCross-Validated Covariance Matrix EstimationcvcrandEfficient Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomized TrialsCVDColor Vision DeficienciescvequalityTests for the Equality of Coefficients of Variation fromMultiple GroupscvGEECross-Validated Predictions from GEECVglassoLasso Penalized Precision Matrix EstimationcvmaPLFAMCross-Validation Model Averaging for Partial Linear FunctionalAdditive ModelscvmdiscCramer von Mises Tests for Discrete or Grouped DistributionscvmgofCramer-von Mises Goodness-of-Fit TestsCvmortalityMultCross-Validation for Multi-Population Mortality ModelscvmsCross-Validation for Model SelectionCVRCanonical Variate RegressionCVriskCompute Risk Scores for Cardiovascular DiseasescvsemSEM Model Comparison with K-Fold Cross-ValidationCVSTFast Cross-Validation via Sequential TestingCVThreshLevel-Dependent Cross-Validation ThresholdingcvToolsCross-Validation Tools for Regression ModelscvwraprTools for Cross ValidationCVXRDisciplined Convex OptimizationcwbtoolsTools to Create, Modify and Manage 'CWB' CorporacwotCauchy Weighted Joint Test for Pharmacogenetics AnalysisCWTContinuous Wavelet Transformation for SpectroscopycxhullConvex HullcxrA Toolbox for Modelling Species Coexistence in RcxxfunplusExtend 'cxxfunction' by Saving the Dynamic Shared ObjectscycleRtoolsTools for Cycling Data AnalysiscyclestreetsCycle Routing and Data for Cycling AdvocacycyclocompCyclomatic Complexity of R CodecycloidsTools for Calculating Hypocycloids, Epicycloids, Hypotrochoids,and EpitrochoidscyclomortSurvival Modeling with a Periodic Hazard FunctionCyclopsCyclic Coordinate Descent for Logistic, Poisson and SurvivalAnalysiscyclotomicThe Field of Cyclotomic NumberscyjShinyCytoscape.js Shiny Widget (cyjShiny)cylcopCircular-Linear Copulas with Angular Symmetry for Movement DatacymruservicesQuery 'Team Cymru' 'IP' Address, Autonomous System Number('ASN'), Border Gateway Protocol ('BGP'), Bogon and 'Malware'Hash Data ServicescyphrHigh Level Encryption WrapperscystiSimAgent-Based Model for Taenia_solium Transmission and ControlCytobankAPICytobank API Wrapper for RcytofanPlot Fan Plots for Cytometry Data using 'ggplot2'cytometreeAutomated Cytometry Gating and AnnotationcytominerMethods for Image-Based Cell ProfilingCytOpTOptimal Transport for Gating Transfer in Cytometry Data withDomain AdaptationCytoSimplexSimplex Visualization of Cell Fate Similarity in Single-CellDataczechratesCzech Interest & Foreign Exchange RatesczsoUse Open Data from the Czech Statistical Office in R D2MCSData Driving Multiple Classifier SystemD3GBInteractive Genome BrowserD3mirtDescriptive 3D Multidimensional Item Response Theory Modelingd3NetworkTools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, andSankey graphs from RD3partitionRInteractive Charts of Nested and Hierarchical Data with 'D3.js'd3plusSeamless 'D3Plus' Integrationd3poFast and Beautiful Interactive Visualization for 'Markdown' and'Shiny'd3r'd3.js' Utilities for Rd3TreeCreate Interactive Collapsible Trees with the JavaScript 'D3'Libraryd4storagehub4RInterface to 'D4Science' 'StorageHub' APID4TAlink.lightFAIR Data - Workflow ManagementDADiscriminant Analysis for Evolutionary InferenceDAAGData Analysis and Graphics Data and FunctionsDAAGbioData Sets and Functions, for Demonstrations with ExpressionArrays and Gene SequencesdaaremDamped Anderson Acceleration with Epsilon Monotonicity forAccelerating EM-Like Monotone AlgorithmsdabestrData Analysis using Bootstrap-Coupled EstimationdabrDatabase Management with RdaccDetection and Attribution Analysis of Climate ChangeDACFData Analysis with Ceiling and/or Floor DatadadThree-Way / Multigroup Data Analysis Through DensitiesdadjokeDisplays a Dad JokedadjokeapiReturn a Random Dad JokedadosTranslate Datasets to PortuguesedaeFunctions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of ExperimentsdaewrDesign and Analysis of Experiments with RdaffDiff, Patch and Merge for Data.framesdafishrDownload, Wrangle, and Analyse Vessel Monitoring System DatadafsData Analysis for Forensic ScientistsdagirliteSpatial Vector Data for Danmarks Administrative GeografiskeInddeling DAGIdagittyGraphical Analysis of Structural Causal ModelsdagRDirected Acyclic Graphs: Analysis and Data SimulationdagwoodDAGs with Omitted Objects Displayed (DAGWOOD)dailData from Access to Information LawDAIMEEffects of Changing Deposition RatesdaiquiriData Quality Reporting for Temporal DatasetsdaiRInterface with Google Cloud Document AI APIDAISIEDynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration andExtinctionDAISIEprepExtracts Phylogenetic Island Community Data from PhylogeneticTreesDAKSData Analysis and Knowledge SpacesDALEXmoDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanationDALEXtraExtension for 'DALEX' PackageDALSMNonparametric Double Additive Location-Scale Model (DALSM)daltoolboxLeveraging Experiment Lines to Data AnalyticsdaltoolboxdpData Pre-Processing ExtensionsDALYThe DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for ProbabilisticDALY Calculation in RdamData Analysis MetabolomicsdamAOICreate an 'Area of Interest' Around a Constructed Dam forComparative Impact EvaluationsDamiaNNNeural Network NumeraiDAMOCLESDynamic Assembly Model of Colonization, Local Extinction andSpeciationdamrInterface to Drosophila Activity Monitor System Result FilesdamsDams in the United States from the National Inventory of Dams(NID)DandEFADandelion Plot for R-Mode Exploratory Factor Analysisdang'Dang' Associated New GoodiesdaniDesign and Analysis of Non-Inferiority TrialsDanielBiostatistics10thFunctions for Wayne W. Daniel's Biostatistics, Tenth EditiondannDiscriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor ClassificationdanstatR Client for the Statistics Denmark Databank APIdaqapoData Quality Assessment for Process-Oriented DataDArandDifferential Analysis with Random Reference GenesDarkThe Analysis of Dark Adaptation DataDarkDivEstimating Dark Diversity and Site-Specific Species PoolsdarkskyTools to Work with the 'Dark Sky' 'API'dartRImporting and Analysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data Generated byGenome-Wide Restriction Fragment AnalysisdartR.baseAnalysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data - Basic FunctionsdartR.captiveAnalysing 'SNP' Data to Support Captive BreedingdartR.dataAuxiliary Data Package for Our Main Package 'dartR'dartR.popgenAnalysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data Generated by Genome-WideRestriction Fragment AnalysisdartR.simComputer Simulations of 'SNP' DatadartR.spatialApplying Landscape Genomic Methods on 'SNP' and 'Silicodart'DatadartRverseInstall and Load the 'dartRverse' Suits of PackagesdashboardthemesCustomise the Appearance of 'shinydashboard' Applications usingThemesDasstTools for Reading, Processing and Writing 'DSSAT' FilesdatTools for Data Manipulationdata.tableExtension of 'data.frame'data.treeGeneral Purpose Hierarchical Data Structuredata.validatorAutomatic Data Validation and Reportingdata360rWrapper for 'TCdata360' and 'Govdata360' APIDatabaseConnectorConnecting to Various Database PlatformsDatabaseConnectorJarsJAR Dependencies for the 'DatabaseConnector' PackageDatabionicSwarmSwarm Intelligence for Self-Organized ClusteringdatabraryrInteract with the '' APIdataclassEasily Create Structured Lists or Data Frames with InputValidationDataCleanData CleaningdatacleanrInteractive and Reproducible Data CleaningDataCombineTools for Easily Combining and Cleaning Data SetsdataCompareRCompare Two Data Frames and Summarise the DifferencedatacutrSDTM DatacutdatadictionaryCreate a Data DictionarydatadogrR Client for 'Datadog' APIDataEditRAn Interactive Editor for Viewing, Entering, Filtering & EditingDataDataExplorerAutomate Data Exploration and TreatmentDataFakeRGenerate Fake Data for Relational DatabasesdataframeexplorerFamiliarity with Dataframes Before Data ManipulationdatafsmEstimating Finite State Machine Models from DatadatagovsgRCall Real Time APIs from Data Gov SingaporeDataGraphExport Data from 'R' to 'DataGraph'DataLoaderImport Multiple File TypesdataMaidA Suite of Checks for Identification of Potential Errors in aData Frame as Part of the Data Screening ProcessdataMetaCreate and Append a Data Dictionary for an R DatasetDataMetProcessMeteorological Data ProcessingdatamodsModules to Import and Manipulate Data in 'Shiny'dataMojoReshape Data TabledatanaData and Functions to Accompany Analisis De Datos Con RdatanuggetCreate, and Refine Data NuggetsdataonderivativesEasily Source Publicly Available Data on DerivativesdataoneR Interface to the DataONE REST APIdatapackA Flexible Container to Transport and Manipulate Data andAssociated ResourcesDataPackageRConstruct Reproducible Analytic Data Sets as R PackagesdatapastaR Tools for Data Copy-PastadataprepEfficient and Flexible Data Preprocessing ToolsdataPreparationAutomated Data PreparationdataquieRData Quality in Epidemiological ResearchdatardisData from the Doctor Who SeriesdataReporterReproducible Data Screening Checks and Report of Possible ErrorsdataresqcC3S Quality Control Tools for Historical Climate DatadataRetrievalRetrieval Functions for USGS and EPA Hydrology and Water QualityDatadatariumData Bank for Statistical Analysis and Visualizationdatarobot'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling APIdatasailrRow by Row Data Processing Tool, Using 'DataSailr' ScriptdatasauRusDatasets from the Datasaurus DozendataSDAData Sets for Symbolic Data AnalysisdataseriesSwitzerland's Data Series in One PlacedatasetjsonRead and Write CDISC Dataset JSON Filesdatasets.loadGraphical Interface for Loading DatasetsdatasetsICRDatasets from the Book "An Introduction to Clustering with R"DataSetsUniA Collection of Univariate Data SetsDataSpaceRInterface to 'the CAVD DataSpace'dataspiceCreate Lightweight Descriptions of DataDatAssimData AssimilationdatasteprAn Implementation of a SAS-Style Data StepDatastreamDSWS2RProvides a Link Between the 'Refinitiv Datastream' System and RDatastreamRDatastream APIDATAstudioThe Research Data Warehouse of Miguel de CarvalhodataverifyrA Lightweight, Flexible, and Fast Data Validation Package thatCan Handle All Sizes of DatadataverseClient for Dataverse 4+ RepositoriesDataVisualizationsVisualizations of High-Dimensional DataDataVizData Visualisation Using an HTML Page and 'D3.js'datawizardEasy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformationsdatazoom.amazoniaSimplify Access to Data from the Amazon RegiondateFunctions for Handling DatesdatebackCollect and Install R Packages on a Specified Date withDependenciesdatefixRStandardize Dates in Different Formats or with Missing DatadatelifeScientific Data on Time of Lineage Divergence for Your TaxadaterangepickerCreate a Shiny Date-Range InputdatetimeNominal Dates, Times, and DurationsdatetimeoffsetDatetimes with Optional UTC Offsets and/or Heterogeneous TimeZonesDateTimeRangePickerA Datetime Range Picker Widget for Usage in 'Shiny' ApplicationsdatetimeutilsUtilities for Dates and TimesdatetoisoModify Dates to ISO Standard ("International Organization forStandardization")dateutilsDate UtilsdatoramarInterface to the 'Datorama' APIdatosTraduce al Español Varios Conjuntos de Datos de PrácticadatplotPreparation of Object Dating Ranges for Density Plots (AoristicAnalysis)datr'Dat' Protocol InterfacedatrProfileColumn Profile for Tables and DatasetsdauphinCompact Standard for Australian Phone NumbersDaviesThe Davies Quantile FunctiondawaiDiscriminant Analysis with Additional InformationdaymetrInterface to the 'Daymet' Web ServicesdaySupplyCalculating Days' Supply and Daily Dose of PrescriptionsdbacfAutocovariance Estimation via Difference-Based MethodsdbartsDiscrete Bayesian Additive Regression Trees SamplerdbcspDistance-Based Common Spatial PatternsdbdDiscretised Beta DistributionDBESTDetecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in TrendDBfitA Double Bootstrap Method for Analyzing Linear Models withAutoregressive ErrorsdbflobrRead and Write Files to SQLite DatabasesdbGaPCheckupdbGaP CheckupdbglmGeneralised Linear Models by Subsampling and One-Step PolishingDBHCSequence Clustering with Discrete-Output HMMsdbhydroR'DBHYDRO' Hydrologic and Water Quality DataDBIR Database InterfaceDBItestTesting DBI BackendsdblcensCompute the NPMLE of Distribution Function from Doubly CensoredData, Plus the Empirical Likelihood Ratio for F(T)dBlockmodelingDeterministic Blockmodeling of Signed, One-Mode and Two-ModeNetworksdblrDiscrete Boosting Logistic RegressiondbMCConfidence Interval for Matrix Completion via De-BiasedEstimatorDBModelSelectDistribution-Based Model SelectiondbmssDistance-Based Measures of Spatial StructuresdbnlearnDynamic Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learningand ForecastingDBNMFrankRank Selection for Non-Negative Matrix FactorizationdbnRDynamic Bayesian Network Learning and InferencedbparserDrugs Databases ParserdbplotSimplifies Plotting Data Inside DatabasesdbplyrA 'dplyr' Back End for DatabasesDBpowerFinite Sample Power Calculations for Detection Boundary TestsDBRDiscrete Beta RegressiondbscanDensity-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise(DBSCAN) and Related AlgorithmsdbstatsDistance-Based StatisticsDBTCDada-BLAST-Taxon Assign-Condense Metabarcode AnalysisDBTCShinyDada-BLAST-Taxon Assign-Condense Metabarcode Analysis 'shiny'ApplicationdbWebFormsProduce R Functions to Create HTML Forms Based on SQL Meta DatadbxA Fast, Easy-to-Use Database Interfacedc3netInferring Condition-Specific Networks via Differential NetworkInferenceDCCADetrended Fluctuation and Detrended Cross-Correlation AnalysisDCchoiceAnalyzing Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation DatadccmidasDCC Models with GARCH and GARCH-MIDAS Specifications in theUnivariate Step, RiskMetrics, Moving Covariance and Scalar andDiagonal BEKK ModelsdccppFast Computation of Distance CorrelationsDCEMClustering Big Data using Expectation Maximization Star (EM*)AlgorithmDCEmgmtDCE Data Reshaping and ProcessingDCEtoolEfficient and Accessible Discrete Choice ExperimentsDCGData Cloud Geometry (DCG): Using Random Walks to Find CommunityStructure in Social Network AnalysisDChaosChaotic Time Series AnalysisdChipIOMethods for Reading dChip FilesdciferGenetic Relatedness Between Polyclonal InfectionsDCLClaims Reserving under the Double Chain Ladder ModelDCLEARDistance Based Cell Lineage ReconstructiondcloneData Cloning and MCMC Tools for Maximum Likelihood MethodsdclustDivisive Hierarchical ClusteringDClusterFunctions for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of DiseasesDClustermModel-Based Detection of Disease Clustersdcm2Calculating the M2 Model Fit Statistic for DiagnosticClassification ModelsdcmleHierarchical Models Made Easy with Data CloningdcmodifyModify Data Using Externally Defined Modification RulesDCODEList Linear n-Peptide Constraints for Overlapping ProteinRegionsdcortoolsProviding Fast and Flexible Functions for Distance CorrelationAnalysisdcorVSVariable Selection Algorithms Using the Distance CorrelationdcovA Fast Implementation of Distance CovariancedCovTSDistance Covariance and Correlation for Time Series AnalysisDCPODynamic Comparative Public OpinionDCSmoothNonparametric Regression and Bandwidth Selection for SpatialModelsdcTensorDiscrete Matrix/Tensor DecompositiondCURDimension Reduction with Dynamic CURdcurverUtility Functions for Davidian CurvesdcurvesDecision Curve Analysis for Model EvaluationddalphaDepth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data DepthddcDistance Density Clustering AlgorithmDDDDiversity-Dependent DiversificationddeSolve Delay Differential EquationsddecomposeDetailed Distributional DecompositionDDHFmVariance Stabilization by Data-Driven Haar-Fisz (forMicroarrays)ddiThe Data Defect Index for Samples that May not be IIDddivData Driven I-v Feature ExtractionDDIwRDDI with RDDLDoubly Debiased Lasso (DDL)DDMDeath Registration Coverage EstimationddmlDouble/Debiased Machine LearningDDoutlierDistance & Density-Based Outlier DetectionddpDesirable Dietary PatternddpcaDiagonally Dominant Principal Component AnalysisddpcrAnalysis and Visualization of Droplet Digital PCR in R and onthe WebddplotCreate D3 Based SVG GraphicsDDPMData Sets for Discrete Probability ModelsDDPNADisease-Drived Differential Proteins Co-Expression NetworkAnalysisDDRTreeLearning Principal Graphs with DDRTreeddsPLSData-Driven Sparse Partial Least SquaresddstData Driven Smooth TestsddtlcmLatent Class Analysis with Dirichlet Diffusion Tree ProcessPriordeadbandStatistical Deadband Algorithms ComparisondealLearning Bayesian Networks with Mixed VariablesdeaRConventional and Fuzzy Data Envelopment AnalysisdebarA Post-Clustering Denoiser for COI-5P Barcode DataDEBBIDifferential Evolution-Based Bayesian InferencedebestDuration Estimation for Biomarker Enrichment Studies and TrialsDebiasInferEfficient Inference on High-Dimensional Linear Model withMissing OutcomesdeBifBifurcation Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equation SystemsdeBInferBayesian Inference for Differential EquationsdebkeeprAnalysis of Non-Decimal Currencies and Double-Entry BookkeepingDeBoinRBox-Plots and Outlier Detection for Probability DensityFunctionsdebugmeDebug R PackagesdebugrDebug Tool to Watch Objects/Expressions While Running an RScriptDeCAFSDetecting Changes in Autocorrelated and Fluctuating SignalsDECIDEDEComposition of Indirect and Direct EffectsdecidoBindings for 'Mapbox' Ear Cutting Triangulation LibrarydecisionStatistical Decision AnalysisdecisionSupportQuantitative Support of Decision Making under UncertaintydeckglAn R Interface to ''declaredFunctions for Declared Missing ValuesDeclareDesignDeclare and Diagnose Research DesignsdecodeDifferential Co-Expression and Differential Expression AnalysisdecoderDecode Coded Variables to Plain Text and the Other Way ArounddecompDLDecomposition Based Deep Learning Models for Time SeriesForecastingdecomposedPSFTime Series Prediction with PSF and Decomposition Methods (EMDand EEMD)DecomposeREmpirical Mode Decomposition for CyclostratigraphydecomprGlobal Value Chain DecompositiondeconDeconvolution Estimation in Measurement Error ModelsdeconvolveREmpirical Bayes Estimation StrategiesdecorRetrieve Code DecorationsDecorateRFit and Deploy DECORATE TreesdecoratorsExtend the Behaviour of a Function without Explicitly ModifyingitDeducerA Data Analysis GUI for RdeducorrectDeductive Correction, Deductive Imputation, and DeterministicCorrectiondeductiveData Correction and Imputation Using Deductive MethodsDeductiveRDeductive Rational MethoddedupedMaking "Deduplicated" FunctionsdedupewiderDeduplication Across Multiple ColumnsdeepA Neural Networks FrameworkdeepdepVisualise and Explore the Deep Dependencies of R PackagesdeepdiveDeep Learning for General PurposedeepgmmDeep Gaussian Mixture ModelsdeepgpBayesian Deep Gaussian Processes using MCMCdeeplrInterface to the 'DeepL' Translation APIdeepMOUClustering of Short Texts by Mixture of Unigrams and Its DeepExtensionsdeepnetDeep Learning Toolkit in RdeepNNDeep LearningdeepredeffDeep Learning Prediction of EffectorsdeepregressionFitting Deep Distributional RegressiondeepRstudioSeamless Language Translation in 'RStudio' using 'DeepL' API and'Rstudioapi'deeptimePlotting Tools for Anyone Working in Deep TimedeeptrafoFitting Deep Conditional Transformation ModelsDEETDifferential Expression Enrichment ToolDEEVDDensity Estimation by Extreme Value DistributionsdefaultChange the Default Arguments in R FunctionsdefineOptionsDefine and Parse Command Line OptionsdefineRCreates Define XML DocumentsdeFitFitting Differential Equations to Time Series DatadeflateBRDeflate Nominal Brazilian ReaisdeflistDeferred List - A Read-Only List-Like Object with DeferredAccessdeforestableClassify RGB Images into Forest or Non-ForestdeformSpatial Deformation and Dimension Expansion Gaussian ProcessesdeformulaIntegration of One-Dimensional Functions with Double ExponentialFormulasdegdayCompute Degree DaysDEGREInferring Differentially Expressed Genes using GeneralizedLinear Mixed ModelsdegreenetModels for Skewed Count Distributions Relevant to NetworksdegrossDensity Estimation from GROuped Summary StatisticsdejaVuMultiple Imputation for Recurrent EventsDelaporteStatistical Functions for the Delaporte DistributiondelayedA Framework for Parallelizing Dependent TasksDelayedEffect.DesignSample Size and Power Calculations using the APPLE, SEPPLE,APPLE+ and SEPPLE+ MethodsdeldirDelaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) TessellationDeltaMeasure of Agreement Between Two RatersdeltaccdQuantify Rhythmic Gene Co-Expression Relative to a ReferenceDeltaMANDelta Measurement of Agreement for Nominal DatadeltaPlotRIdentification of Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning(DIF) using Angoff's Delta Plot MethodDELTDKernel Density Estimation using Lifetime DistributionsDEMThe Distributed EM Algorithms in Multivariate Gaussian MixtureModelsdematelDecision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Technique in RdemicDynamic Estimator of Microbial CommunitiesdemingDeming, Theil-Sen, Passing-Bablock and Total Least SquaresRegressionDemoDecompDecompose Demographic FunctionsdemodelrSimulating Differential Equations with DatademogRAnalysis of Age-Structured Demographic ModelsDemografixeRExtrapolate Gender, Age and Nationality of a NamedemoGraphicProviding Demographic Table with the P-Value, Standardized MeanDifference ValueDemographicTableCreating Demographic TabledemographyForecasting Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population DatademoKdeKernel Density Estimation for Demonstration PurposesDemoKinEstimate Population Kin DistributiondemoShinyRuns a 'Shiny' App as Demo or Lists All Demo 'Shiny' AppsDEMOVADEvelopment (of Multi-Linear QSPR/QSAR) MOdels VAlidated usingTest SetdemuOptimal Design Emulators via Point ProcessesdendextendExtending 'dendrogram' Functionality in RdendRoAnalystA Tool for Processing and Analyzing Dendrometer DatadendroextrasExtra Functions to Cut, Label and Colour Dendrogram ClustersdendrometryForest Estimations and Dendrometric ComputationsdendroNetworkCreate Networks of Dendrochronological Series using PairwiseSimilarityDendroSyncA Set of Tools for Calculating Spatial Synchrony BetweenTree-Ring ChronologiesdendroToolsLinear and Nonlinear Methods for Analyzing Daily and MonthlyDendroclimatological DataDendSerDendrogram Seriation: Ordering for VisualisationdendsortModular Leaf Ordering Methods for Dendrogram NodesdenguedatahubA Tidy Format Datasets of Dengue by CountrydenimGenerate and Simulate Deterministic Discrete-Time CompartmentalModelsdenoiSeqDifferential Expression Analysis Using a Bottom-Up ModeldenoiseRRegularized Low Rank Matrix EstimationdenovolyzeRStatistical Analyses of De Novo Genetic VariantsdenseFLMMFunctional Linear Mixed Models for Densely Sampled DatadensEstBayesDensity Estimation via Bayesian Inference EnginesdensitrAnalysing Density Profiles from Resistance Drilling of TreesdensityareaPolygons of Bivariate Density DistributionsdensityClustClustering by Fast Search and Find of Density PeaksDensParcorrDens-Based Method for Partial Correlation Estimation in LargeScale Brain NetworksdensratioDensity Ratio EstimationdenstripDensity Strips and Other Methods for Compactly IllustratingDistributionsdenvaxSimple Dengue Test and Vaccinate Cost ThresholdsDEoptimGlobal Optimization by Differential EvolutionDEoptimRDifferential Evolution Optimization in Pure RdepcacheCache R Expressions, Taking Their Dependencies into AccountDepCensDependent Censoring Regression ModelsdepcoeffDependency Coefficientsdepend.truncationStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Dependently TruncatedDatadepignerA Utility Package to Help you Deal with "Pignas"DepLogoDependency LogodepmixDependent Mixture ModelsdepmixS4Dependent Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models of GLMs andOther Distributions in S4DEPONS2RRead, Plot and Analyse Output from the DEPONS ModeldepsDependency Management with 'roxygen'-Style Commentsdepth.plotMultivariate Analogy of QuantilesDepthProcStatistical Depth Functions for Multivariate AnalysisdepthToolsDepth Tools PackageDeRezende.FerreiraZero Coupon Yield Curve ModellingDerivSymbolic DifferentiationderivmktsFunctions and R Code to Accompany Derivatives MarketsDESDiscrete Event SimulationdescManipulate DESCRIPTION FilesdescomponerSeasonal Adjustment by Frequency AnalysisdescrDescriptive StatisticsdescribedataMiscellaneous Descriptive FunctionsDescribeDFDescription of a Data FrameDescribeDisplayAn Interface to the 'DescribeDisplay' 'GGobi' PlugindescriberDescribe Data in R Using Common Descriptive StatisticsdescriptioDescriptive Statistical AnalysisDescriptiveRepresentationCalculatorDescriptive Representation Calculator: Characterizing Observedand Expected RepresentationDescriptiveStats.OBeuDescriptive Statistics ''DescriptiveWHDescriptive StatisticsdescriptrGenerate Descriptive StatisticsDescrTab2Publication Quality Descriptive Statistics TablesdescstatTools for Descriptive StatisticsdescstatsrDescriptive Univariate StatisticsdesctableProduce Descriptive and Comparative Tables EasilyDescToolsTools for Descriptive StatisticsDescToolsAddInsInteractive Functions to be Used as Shortcuts in 'RStudio'deseatsData-Driven Locally Weighted Regression for Trend andSeasonality in TSDesign.parametersParameters of the Experimental DesignsDesignCTPBDesign Clinical Trials with Potential Biomarker Effectdesigner'Shiny' UI Prototype BuilderdesignitBlocking and Randomization for Experimental DesignDesignLibraryLibrary of Research DesignsdesignmatchMatched Samples that are Balanced and Representative by DesigndesignrBalanced Factorial DesignsdesignsizeSample Size Calculation of Various Study DesignsdesiRDesirability Functions for Ranking, Selecting, and IntegratingDatadesirabilityFunction Optimization and Ranking via Desirability Functionsdesirability2Desirability Functions for Multiparameter OptimizationdeskDidactic Econometrics Starter KitdeslaDesparsified Lasso Inference for Time SeriesdeSolveSolvers for Initial Value Problems of Differential Equations('ODE', 'DAE', 'DDE')desplotPlotting Field Plans for Agricultural ExperimentsdetailsCreate Details HTML Tag for Markdown and Package DocumentationdetectAnalyzing Wildlife Data with Detection ErrordetectnormDetect Nonnormality in Meta-Analysis without Raw DatadetectorDetect Data Containing Personally Identifiable InformationdetectorsPrediction Data from GPT DetectorsdetectRChange Point DetectiondetectRUNSDetect Runs of hom*ozygosity and Runs of Heterozygosity inDiploid GenomesdetectseparationDetect and Check for Separation and Infinite Maximum LikelihoodEstimatesDetLifeInsuranceLife Insurance Premium and Reserves ValuationDetMCDImplementation of the DetMCD Algorithm (Robust and DeterministicEstimation of Location and Scatter)detourrPortable and Performant Tour AnimationsdetpackDensity Estimation and Random Number Generation withDistribution Element TreesDetRSuite of Deterministic and Robust Algorithms for LinearRegressiondetrendeRA Graphical User Interface (GUI) to Visualize and AnalyzeDendrochronological DatadetrendrDetrend ImagesdeTSTissue-Specific Enrichment AnalysisdetzrcrCompare Detrital Zircon SuitesdevEMFEMF Graphics Output DevicedevFuncClear and Condense Argument Check for User-Defined FunctionsdevoidA Graphic Device that Does NothingDevore7Data sets from Devore's "Prob and Stat for Eng (7th ed)"devRateQuantify the Relationship Between Development Rate andTemperature in EctothermsdevtoolsTools to Make Developing R Packages EasierDevTreatRulesDevelop Treatment Rules with Observational DatadexterData Management and Analysis of TestsdexterguiA Graphical User Interface for DexterdexterMSTCML and Bayesian Calibration of Multistage Testsdf2yamlConvert Dataframe to 'YAML'DFADetrended Fluctuation AnalysisDFA.CANCORLinear Discriminant Function and Canonical Correlation AnalysisdfadjustDegrees of Freedom Adjustment for Robust Standard ErrorsDFBADistribution-Free Bayesian AnalysisdfcombPhase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for Combination StudiesdfCompareCompare Two Dataframes and Return Adds, Changes, and DeletesdfcrmDose-Finding by the Continual Reassessment MethodDFDExtract Drugs from Differential Expression Data from LINCSDatabasedfdrAutomatic Differentiation of Simple FunctionsdfexpandAutomatically Expand Delimited Column Values into MultipleBinary Columns with 'dfexpand'dfidxIndexed Data FramesDFITDifferential Functioning of Items and TestsdfmetaMeta-Analysis of Phase I Dose-Finding Early Clinical TrialsdfmirroRSimulate a Data Frame Mirroring an Input and Produce ShareableSimulation CodedfmsDynamic Factor ModelsdfmtaPhase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for MTAdfoliatRDetection and Analysis of Insect Defoliation Signals in TreeRingsdfoptimDerivative-Free OptimizationDforestDecision ForestdformulaData Manipulation using FormuladfpedExtrapolation and Bridging of Adult Information in Early PhaseDose-Finding Paediatrics Studiesdfphase1Phase I Control Charts (with Emphasis on Distribution-FreeMethods)dfrrDichotomized Functional Response RegressiondfsaneaccAccelerated Derivative-Free Method for Large-Scale NonlinearSystems of EquationsdfvadDiewert and Fox's Method of Value Added Growth DecompositiondgaCapture-Recapture Estimation using Bayesian Model AveragingdGAselIDGenetic Algorithm with Incomplete Dominance for FeatureSelectionDGEARDifferential Gene Expression Analysis with RDGEobjDifferential Gene Expression (DGE) Analysis Results Data ObjectDGEobj.utilsDifferential Gene Expression (DGE) Analysis Utility ToolkitdggridRDiscrete Global GridsdglarsDifferential Geometric Least Angle RegressiondglmDouble Generalized Linear ModelsDGLMExtPoisDouble Generalized Linear Models Extending Poisson RegressionDGMDynamic Graphical ModelsdgofDiscrete Goodness-of-Fit TestsDGP4LCFDependent Gaussian Processes for Longitudinal Correlated FactorsdgpsiInterface to 'dgpsi' for Deep and Linked Gaussian ProcessEmulationsdgumbelThe Gumbel Distribution Functions and GradientsDHARMaResidual Diagnostics for Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed)Regression ModelsDHBinsHexmaps for NZ District Health BoardsdhgaDifferential Hub Gene AnalysisdhglmDouble Hierarchical Generalized Linear ModelsdhhA Heavy-Headed DistributiondhlabRNational Library of Norway Quantitative Text Data API ToolsDHS.ratesCalculates Demographic IndicatorsdhsageReproductive Age Female Data of Various Demographic HealthSurveysdHSICIndependence Testing via Hilbert Schmidt Independence CriteriondiDeficit Index (DI)diagisDiagnostic Plot and Multivariate Summary Statistics of WeightedSamples from Importance SamplingdiagL1Routines for Fit, Inference and Diagnostics in Linear L1 and LADModelsdiagmetaMeta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies with SeveralCutpointsdiagonalsBlock Diagonal Extraction or ReplacementdiagramFunctions for Visualising Simple Graphs (Networks), PlottingFlow DiagramsDiagrammeRGraph/Network VisualizationDiagrammeRsvgExport DiagrammeR Graphviz Graphs as SVGDiallelAnalysisRDiallel Analysis with RdialrParse, Format, and Validate International Phone NumbersdialrjarsRequired 'libphonenumber' jars for the 'dialr' PackagedialsTools for Creating Tuning Parameter ValuesdiapltBeads Summary Plot of RangesdiathorCalculate Ecological Information and Diatom Based IndicesdibbleDimensional Data FramesdiceCalculate probabilities of various dice-rolling eventsDiceDesignDesigns of Computer ExperimentsDiceEvalConstruction and Evaluation of MetamodelsDiceKrigingKriging Methods for Computer ExperimentsDiceOptimKriging-Based Optimization for Computer ExperimentsdiceRDiverse Cluster Ensemble in RDiceViewMethods for Visualization of Computer Experiments Design andSurrogatedichromatColor Schemes for DichromatsDICOMreadReading and Saving DICOM Image FilesDIconvexFinding Patterns of Monotonicity and Convexity in DataDictR6 Based Key-Value Dictionary Implementationdictionar6R6 Dictionary InterfacedictionaRyRetrieve the Dictionary Definitions of English WordsdidTreatment Effects with Multiple Periods and Groupsdid2sTwo-Stage Difference-in-Differences Following Gardner (2021)DidacticBoostA Simple Implementation and Demonstration of Gradient BoostingDiderotBibliographic Network AnalysisDiDforBigDataA Big Data Implementation of Difference-in-DifferencesEstimation with Staggered TreatmentdidimputationImputation Estimator from Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021)DIDmultiplegtEstimation in DID with Multiple Groups and PeriodsDIDmultiplegtDYNEstimation in Difference-in-Difference Designs with MultipleGroups and PeriodsdidrooRFMCompute Recency Frequency Monetary Scores for your Customer DatadiemrDiagnostic Index Expectation Maximisation in RdietrDiet Estimated Trophic LevelsdiezeitR Interface to the ZEIT ONLINE Content APIDIFboostDetection of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in Rasch Modelsby Boosting TechniquesdifconetDifferential Coexpressed NetworksdiffcorFisher's z-Tests Concerning Differences Between CorrelationsDiffCorrAnalyzing and Visualizing Differential Correlation Networks inBiological DatadiffdfDataframe Difference TooldiffdfsCompute the Difference Between Data FramesdiffeeFast and Scalable Learning of Sparse Changes in High-DimensionalGaussian Graphical Model StructurediffEnrichGiven a List of Gene Symbols, Performs Differential EnrichmentAnalysisdiffeqrSolving Differential Equations (ODEs, SDEs, DDEs, DAEs)diffeRMetrics of Difference for Comparing Pairs of Maps or Pairs ofVariablesdiffeRenTESComputation of TES-Based Cell Differentiation TreesdiffIRTDiffusion IRT Models for Response and Response Time DatadiffmatchpatchString Diff, Match, and Patch UtilitiesDiffNetIdentifying Significant Node Scores using Network DiffusionAlgorithmdiffobjDiffs for R ObjectsdiffprivEasy Differential PrivacydiffrDisplay Differences Between Two Files using Codediff LibrarydiffudistDiffusion Distance for Complex NetworksdiffusionForecast the Diffusion of New ProductsdiffusionMapDiffusion MapdiffvalVegetation PatternsdiffviewerHTML Widget to Show File DifferencesDiffXTablesPattern Analysis Across Contingency TablesDIFlassoA Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in RaschModelsDIFMDynamic ICAR Spatiotemporal Factor ModelsdifNLRDIF and DDF Detection by Non-Linear Regression ModelsDIFplusMultilevel Mantel-Haenszel Statistics for Differential ItemFunctioning DetectiondifRCollection of Methods to Detect Dichotomous Differential ItemFunctioning (DIF)DIFshinyDifferential Item Functioning via Shiny ApplicationDIFtreeItem Focussed Trees for the Identification of Items inDifferential Item FunctioningdigestCreate Compact Hash Digests of R ObjectsdigiRhythmAnalyzing Animal's RhythmicitydigitalDLSorteRDeconvolution of Bulk RNA-Seq Data Based on Deep LearningdigitalPCREstimate Copy Number for Digital PCRdigitizeUse Data from Published Plots in RdigitTestsTests for Detecting Irregular Digit PatternsDIGSSDetermination of Intervals Using Georeferenced Survey SimulationdilpReconstruct Paleoclimate and Paleoecology with Leaf PhysiognomyDIMEDifferential Identification using Mixture EnsembledimensioMultivariate Data AnalysisdimensionsRGathering Bibliographic Records from 'Digital ScienceDimensions' Using 'DSL' APIDImodelsDiversity-Interactions (DI) ModelsDImodelsMultiFit Multivariate Diversity-Interactions Models with RepeatedMeasuresDImodelsVisVisualising and Interpreting Statistical Models Fit toCompositional DataDIMORADiffusion Models R AnalysisdimRedA Framework for Dimensionality ReductiondinaBayesian Estimation of DINA ModeldinamicA Method to Analyze Recurrent DNA Copy Number Aberrations inTumorsDiNAMIC.DuoFinding Recurrent DNA Copy Number Alterations and DifferencesdineqDecomposition of (Income) InequalitydineRDifferential Network Estimation in RdintA Toolkit for Year-Quarter, Year-Month and Year-Isoweek DatesDiPALMDifferential Pattern Analysis via Linear ModelingDiPhiSeqRobust Tests for Differential Dispersion and DifferentialExpression in RNA-Sequencing DatadipmDepth Importance in Precision Medicine (DIPM) MethoddipropermConduct Direction-Projection-Permutation Tests and Display PlotsDiPsDirectional Penalties for Optimal Matching in ObservationalStudiesdipsausA Dipping Sauce for Data Analysis and VisualizationsdiptestHartigan's Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality - CorrecteddipwDebiased Inverse Propensity Score WeightingDireLinear Regressions with a Latent Outcome VariableDIRECTBayesian Clustering of Multivariate Data Under theDirichlet-Process PriorDirectedClusteringDirected Weighted Clustering CoefficientDirectEffectsEstimating Controlled Direct Effects for Explaining CausalFindingsDirectionalA Collection of Functions for Directional Data AnalysisdirectlabelsDirect Labels for Multicolor PlotsdirectotreeCreates an Interactive Tree Structure of a DirectorydirectPADirection Analysis for Pathways and KinasesDirectStandardisationAdjusted Means and Proportions by Direct StandardisationdirichletprocessBuild Dirichlet Process Objects for Bayesian ModellingDirichletRegDirichlet RegressiondirmcmcDirectional Metropolis Hastings AlgorithmdirmultEstimation in Dirichlet-Multinomial DistributionDirStatsNonparametric Methods for Directional DatadirtteeDistributional Regression for Time to Event DatadisaggRTwo-Steps Benchmarks for Time Series DisaggregationDisaggregateTSHigh-Dimensional Temporal DisaggregationdisaggregationDisaggregation Modellingdisastr.apiWrapper for the UN OCHA ReliefWeb Disaster Events APIdisbayesBayesian Multi-State Modelling of Chronic Disease Burden DatadiscAUCLinear and Non-Linear AUC for Discounting DataDIscBIOA User-Friendly Pipeline for Biomarker Discovery in Single-CellTranscriptomicsdiscFADiscrete Factor AnalysisdiscfrailCox Models for Time-to-Event Data with Nonparametric DiscreteGroup-Specific FrailtiesdischargeFourier Analysis of Discharge DatadisclapDiscrete Laplace Exponential FamilydisclapmixDiscrete Laplace Mixture Inference using the EM Algorithmdisclapmix2Mixtures of Discrete Laplace Distributions using NumericalOptimisationdisclosuRText Conversion from Nexis Uni PDFs to R Data FramesdiscnormTest for Discretized Normality in Ordinal DatadiscordFunctions for Discordant Kinship ModelingDiSCosDistributional Synthetic Controls EstimationdiscourseGTAnalyze Group Patterns using Graph Theory in EducationalSettingsdiscoveRExploratory Data Analysis SystemdiscoverableresearchChecks Title, Abstract and Keywords to Optimise DiscoverabilityDiscreteDatasetsExample Data Sets for Use with Discrete Statistical TestsDiscreteFDRMultiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for Discrete TestsdiscretefitSimulated Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Discrete DistributionsDiscreteInverseWeibullDiscrete Inverse Weibull DistributionDiscreteLaplaceDiscrete Laplace DistributionsDiscreteQvalueImproved q-Values for Discrete Uniform and hom*ogeneous TestsDiscreteTestsVectorised Computation of P-Values and Their Supports forSeveral Discrete Statistical TestsDiscreteWeibullDiscrete Weibull Distributions (Type 1 and 3)discretizationData Preprocessing, Discretization for ClassificationdiscrimModel Wrappers for Discriminant AnalysisdiscrtrA Companion Package for the Book "Discrete Choice Analysis with'R'"discSurvDiscrete Time Survival AnalysisdiscursiveMeasuring Discursive Sophistication in Open-Ended SurveyResponsesdisdatData for Comparing Species Distribution Modeling MethodsdiseasemappingModelling Spatial Variation in Disease Risk for Areal DatadiseasystoreFeature Stores for the 'diseasy' FrameworkDisHetEstimate the Gene Expression Levels and Component Proportions ofthe Normal, Stroma (Immune) and Tumor Components of Bulk TumorSamplesDisimForMixedCalculate Dissimilarity Matrix for Dataset with Mixed AttributesDisImpactCalculates Disproportionate Impact When Binary Success Data areDisaggregated by Subgroupsdisk.frameLarger-than-RAM Disk-Based Data Manipulation FrameworkdismoSpecies Distribution ModelingdisordRNon-Ordered VectorsdisparityfilterDisparity Filter Algorithm for Weighted NetworksdispeRseSimulation of Demic Diffusion with Environmental ConstraintsdispmodModelling Dispersion in GLMdisposablesCreate Disposable R Packages for TestingdispositionEffectAnalysis of Disposition Effect on Financial PortfoliosdispRityMeasuring DisparitydisprofasNon-Parametric Dissolution Profile AnalysisdisproseDiscriminating Probes SelectiondissCqNMultiple Assemblage Dissimilarity for Orders q = 0-NdisseverSpatial Downscaling using the Dissever AlgorithmDiSSModFitting Sample Selection Models for Discrete Response VariablesDistanceDistance Sampling Detection Function and Abundance EstimationdistancesTools for Distance MetricsdistancetoCalculate Distance to FeaturesdistantiaAssessing Dissimilarity Between Multivariate Time SeriesDistatisRDiSTATIS Three Way Metric Multidimensional ScalingdistcompComputations over Distributed Data without AggregationdistcreteDiscrete Distribution ApproximationsdistdichoRDistributional Method for the Dichotomisation of ContinuousOutcomesdistfree.crDistribution-Free Confidence Regiondistill'R Markdown' Format for Scientific and Technical WritingdistilleryMethod Functions for Confidence Intervals and to DistillInformation from an ObjectdistillMLModel Distillation and Interpretability Methods for MachineLearning ModelsdistinctivenessDistinctiveness CentralitydistoUnified Interface to Distance, Dissimilarity, SimilarityMatricesdistopsUsual Operations for Distance Matrices in RdistoryDistance Between Phylogenetic HistoriesDistPlotterA Graphical User Interface for Plotting Common UnivariateDistributionsdistrObject Oriented Implementation of DistributionsdistrDocDocumentation for 'distr' Family of R Packagesdistreg.visFramework for the Visualization of Distributional RegressionModelsdistrEllipseS4 Classes for Elliptically Contoured DistributionsdistrExExtensions of Package 'distr'DISTRIBFour Essential Functions for Statistical Distributions Analysis:A New Functional ApproachDistributacalculProbability Distribution FunctionsdistributionalVectorised Probability DistributionsDistributionOptimizationDistribution Optimizationdistributions3Probability Distributions as S3 ObjectsdistributionsrdDistribution Fitting and EvaluationDistributionTestPowerful Goodness-of-Fit Tests Based on the Likelihood RatioDistributionUtilsDistribution UtilitiesdistrModObject Oriented Implementation of Probability ModelsdistroLinux Distribution PropertiesdistromDistributed Multinomial RegressiondistrrEstimate and Manage Empirical DistributionsdistrRmetricsDistribution Classes for Distributions from RmetricsdistrSimSimulation Classes Based on Package 'distr'distrTeachExtensions of Package 'distr' for TeachingStochastics/Statistics in Secondary SchooldistrTEstEstimation and Testing Classes Based on Package 'distr'distTailsA Collection of Full Defined Distribution TailsdisttoolsDistance Object Manipulation ToolsdittodbA Test Environment for Database RequestsdittoVizUser Friendly Data VisualizationdivReport on Diversity and Inclusion in a Corporate SettingdivDynDiversity Dynamics using Fossil Sampling DataDivEDiversity EstimatordiveMoveDive Analysis and CalibrationdiveREasily Install and Load Interactive Data Visualization ToolsdivergeEvolutionary Trait Divergence Between Sister Species and OtherPaired LineagesdiverseDiversity Measures for Complex SystemsDiversificationREconometric Tools to Measure Portfolio DiversificationdiversitreeComparative 'Phylogenetic' Analyses of DiversificationdiversityForestInnovative Complex Split Procedures in Random Forests ThroughCandidate Split SamplingdivestGet Images Out of DICOM Format QuicklydivoTools for Analysis of Diversity and Similarity in BiologicalSystemsdivrasterDiversity Metrics Calculations for Rasterized DatadivsegCalculate Diversity and Segregation IndicesdivvySpatial Subsampling of Biodiversity Occurrence DatadixonNearest Neighbour Contingency Table AnalysisdixonTestDixon's Ratio Test for Outlier DetectiondiyarRecord Linkage and Epidemiological Case Definitions in 'R'DIZtoolsLightweight Utilities for 'DIZ' R Package DevelopmentDIZutilsUtilities for 'DIZ' R Package DevelopmentDJLDistance Measure Based Judgment and LearningdkanrClient for the 'DKAN' APIdLagMTime Series Regression Models with Distributed Lag ModelsDLASSOImplementation of Adaptive or Non-Adaptive Differentiable Lassoand SCAD Penalties in Linear ModelsdlbayesUse Dirichlet Laplace Prior to Solve Linear Regression Problemand Do Variable SelectionDLEGFMDistributed Loading Estimation for General Factor ModeldlibAllow Access to the 'Dlib' C++ LibrarydlimDistributed Lag Interaction ModelDLLDecorrelated Local Linear EstimatordlmBayesian and Likelihood Analysis of Dynamic Linear ModelsDLMtoolData-Limited Methods ToolkitdlmtreeBayesian Treed Distributed Lag ModelsdlnmDistributed Lag Non-Linear ModelsdlookrTools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, TransformationDLPCAThe Distributed Local PCA AlgorithmdlrDownload and Cache Files SafelydlsemDistributed-Lag Linear Structural Equation ModelsdlstatsDownload Stats of R PackagesdmRelational Data ModelsdmaDynamic Model AveragingdmaiDivisia Monetary Aggregates IndexdmbcModel Based Clustering of Binary Dissimilarity MeasurementsDMCfunDiffusion Model of Conflict (DMC) in Reaction Time TasksdmetatoolsComputational Tools for Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic AccuracyTestdmlDistance Metric Learning in RdmlalgDouble Machine Learning AlgorithmsdmmDyadic Mixed Model for Pedigree DataDMMFDaily Based Morgan-Morgan-Finney (DMMF) Soil Erosion ModeldModDynamic Modeling and Parameter Estimation in ODE ModelsDMQDynamic Multiple Quantile (DMQ) Modeldmri.trackingDiST - Diffusion Direction Smoothing and TrackingDMRnetDelete or Merge Regressors Algorithms for Linear and LogisticModel Selection and High-Dimensional DataDMtestDifferential Methylation Tests (DMtest)DMTLTools for Applying Distribution Mapping Based Transfer LearningdmtoolsTools for Clinical Data ManagementdmutateMutate Data Frames with Random VariatesDMwR2Functions and Data for the Second Edition of "Data Mining withR"DNAmixturesLiteStatistical Inference for Mixed Traces of DNA (Lite-Version)DNAmotifDNA Sequence MotifsDNAseqtestGenerating and Testing DNA SequencesDNAtoolsTools for Analysing Forensic Genetic DNA DatadndRDungeons & Dragons Functions for Players and Dungeon MastersDNetFinderEstimating Differential Networks under Semiparametric GaussianGraphical ModelsdngDistributions and GradientsDNH4Crawling for Daum News TextDNLCDifferential Network Local Consistency AnalysisDNMFDiscriminant Non-Negative Matrix FactorizationdnnDeep Neural Network Tools for Probability and Statistic ModelsdnrSimulate Dynamic Networks using Exponential Random Graph Models(ERGM) FamilydoData OperatordobinDimension Reduction for Outlier DetectiondobsonData from the GLM Book by Dobson and BarnettdoByGroupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilitiesdoc2concreteMeasuring Concreteness in Natural Languagedoc2vecDistributed Representations of Sentences, Documents and TopicsdockerfilerEasy Dockerfile Creation from RDockerParallelUsing the Docker Container to Create R Workers on Local or CloudPlatformdocknitrUse Docker Images to Process Rmarkdown BlocksdoconvDocument Conversion to 'PDF' or 'PNG'docoptCommand-Line Interface Specification LanguagedocopulaeOptimal Designs for Copula ModelsdocoreUtility Functions for Scientific CodingdocstringProvides Docstring Capabilities to R FunctionsdoctestGenerate Tests from Examples Using 'roxygen' and 'testthat'documentRun 'roxygen2' on (Chunks of) Single Code FilesdocumenterDocuments FilesdocuSignrConnect to 'DocuSign' APIdocxtractrExtract Data Tables and Comments from 'Microsoft' 'Word'DocumentsDodgeAcceptance Sampling Ideas Originated by H.F. DodgedodgrDistances on Directed GraphsDoE.baseFull Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoEPackagesDoE.MIParrayCreation of Arrays by Mixed Integer ProgrammingDoE.wrapperWrapper Package for Design of Experiments FunctionalitydoebioresearchAnalysis of Design of Experiments for Biological ResearchDOEMThe Distributed Online Expectation Maximization Algorithms toSolve Parameters of Poisson Mixture ModelsDoEstRareRare Variant Association Test Based on Position DensityEstimationdoexThe One-Way Heteroscedastic ANOVA TestsdoFutureUse Foreach to Parallelize via the Future FrameworkdogesrWork with the Doges/Dogaresse DatasetdoMCForeach Parallel Adaptor for 'parallel'dominanceanalysisDominance AnalysisdominoR Console Bindings for the 'Domino Command-Line Client'DominoDataR'Domino Data R SDK'domirTools to Support Relative Importance AnalysisdoMPIForeach Parallel Adaptor for the Rmpi PackagedonutNearest Neighbour Search with Variables on a TorusdonutskConstruct Advanced Donut ChartsdoofaDesigns for Order-of-Addition ExperimentsdoolkitExploration of Dental Surface TopographydoParallelForeach Parallel Adaptor for the 'parallel' PackageDOPEDrug Ontology Parsing EnginedoRedis'Foreach' Parallel Adapter Using the 'Redis' DatabasedoremiDynamics of Return to Equilibrium During Multiple InputsdoRNGGeneric Reproducible Parallel Backend for 'foreach' LoopsDOSDesign of Observational StudiesDOS2Design of Observational Studies, Companion to the Second EditiondosearchCausal Effect Identification from Multiple Incomplete DataSourcesdosedesignRInteractive Designing of Dose Finding StudiesDoseFindingPlanning and Analyzing Dose Finding ExperimentsdoseminerExtract Drug Dosages from Free-Text PrescriptionsdoseSensConduct Sensitivity Analysis with Continuous Exposures andBinary OutcomesdoSNOWForeach Parallel Adaptor for the 'snow' PackageDOSPortfolioDynamic Optimal Shrinkage PortfoliodosresmetaMultivariate Dose-Response Meta-AnalysisdostatsCompute Statistics Helper FunctionsDOTRender and Export DOT Graphs in RdotCall64Enhanced Foreign Function Interface Supporting Long VectorsdotenvLoad Environment Variables from '.env'dotgenGene-Set Analysis via Decorrelation by Orthogonal TransformationdotprofileCreate and Manage Configuration ProfilesdotsDot Density MapsdotsViolinDot Plots Mimicking Violin PlotsdotwhiskerDot-and-Whisker Plots of Regression ResultsdoubcensSurvivor Function Estimation for Doubly Interval-CensoredFailure Time Datadouble.truncationAnalysis of Doubly-Truncated DataDoubleConeTest Against Parametric Regression FunctionDoubleExpSeqDifferential Exon Usage Test for RNA-Seq Data via EmpiricalBayes Shrinkage of the Dispersion ParameterDoubleMLDouble Machine Learning in RdoublInEstimate Incubation or Latency Time using Doubly IntervalCensored ObservationsdoubtEnable Operators Containing the '?' SymboldoudpackageCreate Elegant Table 1 in HTML for Bio-StatisticsDOvalidationKernel Hazard Estimation with Best One-Sided and DoubleOne-Sided Cross-ValidationDOVEDurability of Vaccine EfficacyDowdFunctions Ported from 'MMR2' Toolbox Offered in Kevin Dowd'sBook Measuring Market RiskdownlitSyntax Highlighting and Automatic LinkingdownloaderDownload Files over HTTP and HTTPSdownloadthisImplement Download Buttons in 'rmarkdown'downscaleDownscaling Species OccupancydownsizeA Tool to Downsize Large Analysis Projects for TestingdowserB Cell Receptor Phylogenetics ToolkitDOYPAColorsDon't Overthink Your Palette of ColorsdparserPort of 'Dparser' PackageDPBBMDirichlet Process Beta-Binomial MixturedpccDynamic Programming for Convex ClusteringdPCPAutomated Analysis of Multiplex Digital PCR DataDpitDistribution PittingdplRDendrochronology Program Library in RdplyrA Grammar of Data ManipulationdplyrAssistRStudio Addin for Teaching and Learning Data Manipulation Using'dplyr'dpmDynamic Panel Models Fit with Maximum LikelihooddpmrData Package Manager for RDPPInference of Parameters of Normal Distributions from a Mixtureof NormalsDPpackDifferentially Private Statistical Analysis and Machine LearningdppmixDeterminantal Point Process Mixture ModelsDPQDensity, Probability, Quantile ('DPQ') ComputationsDPQmpfrDPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile) Distribution Computationsusing MPFRdpropComputation of Some Important Distributional PropertiesdpsegPiecewise Linear Segmentation by Dynamic ProgrammingDPTMDynamic Panel Multiple Threshold Model with Fixed EffectsDPtreeDirichlet-Based Polya TreeDQAguiGraphical User Interface for Data Quality AssessmentDQAstatsCore Functions for Data Quality AssessmentdqrngFast Pseudo Random Number GeneratorsdQTG.seqA BSA Software for Detecting All Types of QTLs in BC, DH, RILand F2drMethods for Dimension Reduction for RegressionDR.SCJoint Dimension Reduction and Spatial Clusteringdr4plDose Response Data Analysis using the 4 Parameter Logistic (4pl)ModeldracorDecode Draco Format 3D Mesh DatadragonkingStatistical Tools to Identify Dragon KingsdragracerData Sets for RuPaul's Drag RacedragulaRDrag and Drop Elements in 'Shiny' using 'Dragula JavascriptLibrary'drakeA Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at ScaleDramaAnalysisAnalysis of Dramatic TextsdrapeDoubly Robust Average Partial Effectsdrat'Drat' R Archive TemplatedrawWrapper Functions for Producing GraphicsdrawerAn Interactive HTML Image Editing ToolDRaWRDiscriminative Random Walk with RestartdrawsampleDraw Samples with the Desired Properties from a Data SetDRAYLComputation of Rayleigh Densities of Arbitrary DimensionDrBatsData Representation: Bayesian Approach That's SparsedrcAnalysis of Dose-Response CurvesdrcarlateImproving Estimation Efficiency in CAR with Imperfect CompliancedrclustSimultaneous Clustering and (or) Dimensionality ReductiondrcSeedGermUtilities for Data Analyses in Seed Germination/Emergence AssaysdrcteStatistical Approaches for Time-to-Event Data in AgriculturedrdaDose-Response Data AnalysisDRDIDDoubly Robust Difference-in-Differences EstimatorsDrDimontDrug Response Prediction from Differential Multi-Omics NetworksDRDRtestA Nonparametric Doubly Robust Test for Continuous TreatmentEffectdreamerDose Response Models for Bayesian Model AveragingdreamerrError Handling Made EasyDREGARRegularized Estimation of Dynamic Linear Regression in thePresence of Autocorrelated Residuals (DREGAR)drfDistributional Random ForestsdrgeeDoubly Robust Generalized Estimating EquationsDRHotNetDifferential Risk Hotspots in a Linear NetworkdrhurLearning R with Dr. HuDriftBurstHypothesisCalculates the Test-Statistic for the Drift Burst HypothesisdrifterConcept Drift and Concept Shift Detection for Predictive ModelsDrillRR Driver for Apache DrilldrimmREstimation, Simulation and Reliability of Drifting Markov ModelsDrImputeImputing Dropout Events in Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing DataDRIPDiscontinuous Regression and Image ProcessingdriveRPrioritizing Cancer Driver Genes Using Genomics DatadrollAnalyze Roll DistributionsDRomicsDose Response for OmicsdropoutHandling Incomplete Responses in Survey Data AnalysisdroptestSimulates LOX Drop TestingdrordDoubly-Robust Estimators for Ordinal OutcomesdroughtStatistical Modeling and Assessment of DroughtdrpopEfficient and Doubly Robust Population Size EstimationDRqualityQuality Measurements for Dimensionality ReductionDRRDimensionality Reduction via RegressiondrtmleDoubly-Robust Nonparametric Estimation and InferencedrugDemandDrug Demand ForecastingdrugdevelopRUtility-Based Optimal Phase II/III Drug Development PlanningDrugExposureDiagnosticsDiagnostics for OMOP Common Data Model Drug RecordsdrugpreprPrepare Electronic Prescription Record Data to Estimate DrugExposureDrugSim2DRPredict Drug Functional Similarity to Drug RepurposingDrugUtilisationSummarise Patient-Level Drug Utilisation in Data Mapped to theOMOP Common Data ModeldrumrTurn R into a Drum MachineDRviaSPCNDrug Repurposing in Cancer via a Subpathway Crosstalk NetworkdsDescriptive Statisticsds4psyData Science for PsychologistsdsaSeasonal Adjustment of Daily Time SeriesDSAIDEDynamical Systems Approach to Infectious Disease Epidemiology(Ecology/Evolution)DSAIRMDynamical Systems Approach to Immune Response ModelingDSAMData Splitting Algorithms for Model DevelopmentsdsampleDiscretization-Based Direct Random Sample GenerationdsbNormalize & Denoise Droplet Single Cell Protein Data (CITE-Seq)DSBayesBayesian Subgroup Analysis in Clinical TrialsdscoreD-Score for Child DevelopmentdsdpDensity Estimation with Semidefinite ProgrammingdsemFit Dynamic Structural Equation ModelsDSI'DataSHIELD' InterfacedsimsDistance Sampling SimulationsDSjobtrackerWhat Skills and Qualifications are Required for Data ScienceRelated Jobs?DSLDistributed Storage and ListdslabsData Science LabsdsliceDynamic SlicingDSLite'DataSHIELD' Implementation on Local DatasetsdsmDensity Surface Modelling of Distance Sampling DatadsmiscData Science Box of Pandora MiscellaneousdsmmREstimation and Simulation of Drifting Semi-Markov ModelsDSMolgenisArmadillo'DataSHIELD' Client for 'MOLGENIS Armadillo'dsmSearchDSM and LiDAR downloaderDSOpal'DataSHIELD' Implementation for 'Opal'dsosDataset Shift with Outlier ScoresDSpotyGet 'Spotify' API Multiple InformationdsrTestTests and Confidence Intervals on Directly Standardized Ratesfor Several MethodsDSSATA Comprehensive R Interface for the DSSAT Cropping Systems ModeldssdDistance Sampling Survey DesignDSSPImplementation of the Direct Sampling Spatial PriordstUsing the Theory of Belief FunctionsdstabledistThe Discrete Stable Distribution FunctionsDstarMAnalyze Two Choice Reaction Time Data with the D*M MethoddstatConditional Sensitivity Analysis for Matched ObservationalStudiesdstat2x2xkDemonstrated Insensitivity to Bias in 2x2xK Contingency TablesdSTEMMultiple Testing of Local Extrema for Detection of Change PointsdSVADirect Surrogate Variable AnalysisDSWEData Science for Wind EnergyDTA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'DtableoneTabular Comparison of Paired Diagnostic TestsdtangleCell Type Deconvolution from Gene ExpressionsDTAplotsCreates Plots Accompanying Bayesian Diagnostic Test AccuracyMeta-AnalysesDTATDose Titration Algorithm TuningDTAXGDiagnostic Test Assessment in the Absence of Gold StandarddTBMMulti-Way Spherical Clustering via Degree-Corrected Tensor BlockModelsdtCombStatistical Combination of Diagnostic TestsDTComPairComparison of Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired Study DesignDtDDistance to DefaultDTDADoubly Truncated Data AnalysisDTDA.cifDoubly Truncated Data Analysis, Cumulative Incidence FunctionsDTDA.niDoubly Truncated Data Analysis, Non IterativedtgiwDiscrete Transmuted Generalized Inverse Weibull DistributiondtiAnalysis of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) DataDTMCPackSuite of Functions Related to Discrete-Time Discrete-StateMarkov ChainsdtpDynamic Panel Threshold ModeldtpcrmDose Transition Pathways for Continual Reassessment MethoddtplyrData Table Back-End for 'dplyr'dtrackrTrack your Data PipelinesDTRKernSmoothEstimate and Make Inference About Optimal Treatment Regimes viaSmoothed MethodsDTRlearn2Statistical Learning Methods for Optimizing Dynamic TreatmentRegimesDTRregDTR Estimation and Inference via G-Estimation, Dynamic WOLS,Q-Learning, and Dynamic Weighted Survival Modeling (DWSurv)dtrSurvDynamic Treatment Regimes for Survival AnalysisDTSEADrug Target Set Enrichment AnalysisDTSgA Class for Working with Time Series Data Based on 'data.table'and 'R6' with Largely Optional Reference SemanticsdttDiscrete Trigonometric Transformsdttr2Manipulate Date, POSIXct and hms Vectorsdtts'data.table' Time-SeriesdtwDynamic Time Warping AlgorithmsDTWBIImputation of Time Series Based on Dynamic Time WarpingdtwclustTime Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for the DynamicTime Warping DistanceDTwrappersSimplified Data Analysis with Wrapper Functions for the'Data.Table' PackageDTwrappers2Extensions of 'DTwrappers'DTWUMIImputation of Multivariate Time Series Based on Dynamic TimeWarpingdualAutomatic Differentiation with Dual NumbersdualScaleDual Scaling Analysis of DatadualtreesDecimated and Undecimated 2D Complex Dual-Tree Wavelet TransformduawranglrSecurely Wrangle Dataset According to Data Usage AgreementdubUnpacking Assignment for Lists via Pattern MatchingduckdbDBI Package for the DuckDB Database Management SystemduckdbfsHigh Performance Remote File System, Database and 'Geospatial'Access Using 'duckdb'duckduckrSimple Client for the DuckDuckGo Instant Answer APIduckplyrA 'DuckDB'-Backed Version of 'dplyr'dukeCreating a Color-Blind Friendly Duke Color PackagedumbbellDisplaying Changes Between Two Points Using Dumbbell PlotsdummyAutomatic Creation of Dummies with Support for PredictiveModelingdundermifflinThe Office Quotes on-DemanddunlinPreprocessing Tools for Clinical Trial Datadunn.testDunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons Using Rank SumsdupiRBayesian Inference from Count Data using Discrete Uniform PriorsdupNodesComputes DNSLbetweenness, a Betweenness Measure that IncludesSelf-LoopsdupreeIdentify Duplicated R Code in a ProjectDurgaEffect Size Estimation and VisualisationDVHmetricsAnalyze Dose-Volume Histograms and Check ConstraintsdvirDisaster Victim IdentificationdvmiscConvenience Functions, Moving Window Statistics, and GraphicsdvqccDynamic VAR - Based Control Charts for Batch Process MonitoringdwctaxonEdit and Validate Darwin Core Taxon DataDWDLargeRFast Algorithms for Large Scale Generalized Distance WeightedDiscriminationdwdradarRead Binary Radar Files from 'DWD' (German Weather Service)DWLassoDegree Weighted LassodwlmDoubly Weighted Linear ModelDWLSGene Expression Deconvolution Using Dampened Weighted LeastSquaresdwpDensity-Weighted ProportionDWregParametric Regression for Discrete ResponsedyadsDyadic Network AnalysisdydeaDetection of Chaotic and Regular Intervals in the DatadygraphsInterface to 'Dygraphs' Interactive Time Series Charting LibraryDykstraQuadratic Programming using Cyclic ProjectionsDYMDid You Mean?DyMEPDynamic Multi Environment Phenology-ModeldymoDynamic Mode Decomposition for Multivariate Time FeaturePredictiondynTime Series Regressiondyn.logDynamic Logging for R Inspired by Configuration DrivenDevelopmentdynamacDynamic Simulation and Testing for Single-Equation ARDL ModelsdynamAedesA Unified Mechanistic Model for the Population Dynamics ofInvasive Aedes MosquitoesdynamicDFI Cutoffs for Latent Variable ModelsDynamicGPModelling and Analysis of Dynamic Computer ExperimentsdynamicSDMSpecies Distribution and Abundance Modelling at HighSpatio-Temporal ResolutiondynamicTreeCutMethods for Detection of Clusters in Hierarchical ClusteringDendrogramsdynamiteBayesian Modeling and Causal Inference for MultivariateLongitudinal DataDynaRankRInferring Longitudinal Dominance HierarchiesDynareRBringing the Power of 'Dynare' to 'R', 'R Markdown', and'Quarto'dynaSpecDynamic Spectrogram VisualizationsDYNATEDynamic Aggregation TestingdynatopAn Implementation of Dynamic TOPMODEL Hydrological Model in RdynatopGISAlgorithms for Helping Build Dynamic TOPMODEL Implementationsfrom Spatial DatadynaTreeDynamic Trees for Learning and DesigndynBiplotGUIFull Interactive GUI for Dynamic Biplot in RDynClustDenoising and Clustering for Dynamical Image Sequence (2D or3D)+tdyncompComplexity of Short and Coarse-Grained Time SeriesdynConfiRDynamic Models for Confidence and Response Time DistributionsdynCorrDynamic Correlation PackagedyndimredDimensionality Reduction Methods in a Common FormatdynetNLAResistanceResisting Neighbor Label Attack in a Dynamic NetworkDynForestRandom Forest with Multivariate Longitudinal PredictorsdyngenA Multi-Modal Simulator for Spearheading Single-Cell OmicsAnalysesdynlmDynamic Linear RegressiondynmixEstimation of Dynamic Finite MixturesDynNomVisualising Statistical Models using Dynamic NomogramsdynpanelDynamic Panel Data ModelsdynparamCreating Meta-Information for ParametersdynpredCompanion Package to "Dynamic Prediction in Clinical SurvivalAnalysis"dynprogDynamic Programming Domain-Specific LanguagedynrDynamic Models with Regime-SwitchingdynRBDynamic Range BoxesdynsimDynamic Simulations of Autoregressive RelationshipsdynsurvDynamic Models for Survival DatadyntaperDynamic Stem Profile Models, AKA Tree Taper EquationsDynTxRegimeMethods for Estimating Optimal Dynamic Treatment RegimesdynutilsCommon Functionality for the 'dynverse' PackagesdynwrapRepresenting and Inferring Single-Cell TrajectoriesdySEMDyadic Structural Equation ModelingDysPIADysregulated Pathway Identification AnalysisDysPIADataBackground and Pathway Data Used in 'DysPIA'DySSDynamic Screening Systems e1071Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, ProbabilityTheory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU WienE4toolsManagement and Processing Tools for Data Produced by theEmpatica E4eadrmFitting Dose-Response Models Using an Evolutionary AlgorithmeafPlots of the Empirical Attainment FunctionEagleMultiple Locus Association Mapping on a Genome-Wide ScaleEAinferenceEstimator Augmentation and Simulation-Based InferenceeAnalyticsDynamic Web-Based Analytics for the Energy IndustryearlygatingProperties of Bayesian Early Gating DesignsearlyREstimation of Transmissibility in the Early Stages of a DiseaseOutbreakearlywarningsEarly Warning Signals for Critical Transitions in Time SeriesearthMultivariate Adaptive Regression SplinesearthdataloginNASA 'EarthData' Login UtilitiesearthtideParallel Implementation of 'ETERNA 3.40' for Prediction andAnalysis of Earth TidesearthtonesDerive a Color Palette from a Particular Location on EarthEaseSimulating Explicit Population Genetics Modelseasy.utilsFrequently Used Functions for Easy R ProgrammingEasyABCEfficient Approximate Bayesian Computation Sampling SchemeseasyAHPAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)easyalluvialGenerate Alluvial Plots with a Single Line of CodeeasyanovaAnalysis of Variance and Other Important Complementary AnalyseseasybgmExtracting and Visualizing Bayesian Graphical ModelseasycensusQuickly Find, Extract, and Marginalize U.S. Census TableseasyclimateEasy Access to High-Resolution Daily Climate Data for EuropeeasyCODACompositional Data Analysis in PracticeeasycsvLoad Multiple 'csv' and 'txt' TableseasydbEasily Connect to Common Types of DatabaseseasyDesAn Easy Way to Descriptive AnalysisEasyDescribeA Convenient Way of Descriptive StatisticseasyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionEasily Performs Differential Coexpression AnalysiseasylabelInteractive Scatter Plot and Volcano Plot LabelsEasyMxEasy Model-Builder Functions for 'OpenMx'easyNCDFTools to Easily Read/Write NetCDF Files into/fromMultidimensional R ArrayseasynlsEasy Nonlinear ModeleasypackagesEasy Loading and Installing of PackageseasypowerSample Size Estimation for Experimental DesignseasyPSIDReading, Formatting, and Organizing the Panel Study of IncomeDynamics (PSID)easyPubMedSearch and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMedeasyrHelpful Functions from Oliver Wyman Actuarial ConsultingeasyregEasy RegressioneasySdcTableEasy Interface to the Statistical Disclosure Control Package'sdcTable' Extended with Own Implementation of'GaussSuppression'easystatsFramework for Easy Statistical Modeling, Visualization, andReportingeasySVGAn Easy SVG Basic Elements GeneratoreasyVerificationEnsemble Forecast Verification for Large Data SetseatEfficiency Analysis TreeseatATACreate Constraints for Small Test Assembly ProblemseatDBSpreadsheet Interface for Relational DatabaseseatGADSData Management of Large Hierarchical DataEATMEExponentially Weighted Moving Average with Adjustments toMeasurement ErroreatRepEducational Assessment Tools for Replication MethodseatToolsMiscellaneous Functions for the Analysis of EducationalAssessmentsebaElimination-by-Aspects ModelsebalEntropy Reweighting to Create Balanced SamplesEBASEEstuarine Bayesian Single-Station Estimation Method forEcosystem MetabolismEbayesThreshEmpirical Bayes Thresholding and Related MethodsEBCHSAn Empirical Bayes Method for Chi-Squared DataebciRobust Empirical Bayes Confidence IntervalsebdbNetEmpirical Bayes Estimation of Dynamic Bayesian NetworksEBENEmpirical Bayesian Elastic NetebGenotypingGenotyping and SNP Detection using Next Generation SequencingDataEBglmnetEmpirical Bayesian Lasso and Elastic Net Methods for GeneralizedLinear ModelsebirdstAccess and Analyze eBird Status and Trends Data ProductsEBMAforecastEstimate Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging Forecasts using GibbsSampling or EM-AlgorithmsebmcEnsemble-Based Methods for Class Imbalance ProblemebmstateEmpirical Bayes Multi-State Cox ModelebnmSolve the Empirical Bayes Normal Means ProblemEBPRSDerive Polygenic Risk Score Based on Emprical Bayes TheoryEBrankEmpirical Bayes RankingebregImplementation of the Empirical Bayes MethodeBsc"Empirical Bayes Smoothing Splines with Correlated Errors"ebTobitEmpirical Bayesian Tobit Matrix EstimationebvcubeWorking with netCDF for Essential Biodiversity Variablesec50estimatorAn Automated Way to Estimate EC50 for Stratified DatasetsecanEcological Analysis and VisualizationeCAREigenvalue CAR ModelsecbProgrammatic Access to the European Central Bank's StatisticalData WarehouseecceTranslate English Sentence into Chinese, or Translate ChineseSentence into EnglishEcdatData Sets for EconometricsecdfHTEmpirical CDF for Heavy Tailed DataecespaFunctions for Spatial Point Pattern AnalysisEcfunFunctions for 'Ecdat'ECGofTestDxA Goodness-of-Fit Test for Elliptical Distributions withDiagnostic CapabilitiesechDownloading and Processing Microdata from ECH-INE (Uruguay)ECharts2ShinyEmbedding Interactive Charts Generated with ECharts Library intoShiny Applicationsecharts4rCreate Interactive Graphs with 'Echarts JavaScript' Version 5echartyMinimal R/Shiny Interface to JavaScript Library 'ECharts'echelonThe Echelon Analysis and the Detection of Spatial Clusters usingEchelon Scan MethodeChemSimulations for Electrochemistry ExperimentsechoEcho Code Evaluationsecho.findFinding Rhythms Using Extended Circadian Harmonic Oscillators(ECHO)echogramEchogram Visualisation and Analysisechoice2Choice Models with Economic FoundationechorAccess EPA 'ECHO' DataecicExtended Changes-in-ChangesecipexEfficient Calculation of Fine Structure Isotope Patterns viaFourier Transforms of Simplex-Based Elemental ModelsECLRMCEnsemble Correlation-Based Low-Rank Matrix CompletioneclustEnvironment Based Clustering for Interpretable Predictive Modelsin High Dimensional DataecmBuild Error Correction ModelsecmwfrInterface to 'ECMWF' and 'CDS' Data Web ServicesecocboCalculating Optimum Sampling Effort in Community EcologyecocomDPTools to Create, Use, and Convert ecocomDP DataecoCopulaGraphical Modelling and Ordination using CopulasEcoDietEstimating a Diet Matrix from Biotracer and Stomach Content DataecodistDissimilarity-Based Functions for Ecological AnalysisEcoEnsembleA General Framework for Combining Ecosystem ModelsEcohydmodEcohydrological ModellingEcoIndREcological IndicatorsECoLComplexity Measures for Supervised ProblemsecolMod"A Practical Guide to Ecological Modelling - Using R as aSimulation Platform"ecolotteryCoalescent-Based Simulation of Ecological CommunitiesecolRxCEcological Inference of RxC Tables by Latent StructureApproachesecolTestCommunity Ecology TestsEconAndProdEfficiencyEconomic and Production EfficiencyEconDemandGeneral Analysis of Various Economics Demand SystemseconetEstimation of Parameter-Dependent Network Centrality MeasuresEcoNetGenSimulate and Sample from Ecological Interaction NetworkseconetworkAnalyzing Ecological NetworksEconGeoComputing Key Indicators of the Spatial Distribution of EconomicActivitieseconomiccomplexityComputational Methods for Economic ComplexityeconullnetrNull Model Analysis for Ecological NetworksecopowerPower Estimates and Equivalence Testing for Multivariate DataecoregEcological Regression using Aggregate and Individual DataecoregimeAnalysis of Ecological Dynamic RegimesecorestConducts Analyses Informing Ecosystem Restoration DecisionsecosEconomic Statistics System of the Bank of KoreaecosimToolbox for Aquatic Ecosystem ModelingECOSolveREmbedded Conic Solver in RecospaceSimulating Community Assembly and Ecological DiversificationUsing Ecospace FrameworksecospatSpatial Ecology Miscellaneous MethodsecostatsCode and Data Accompanying the Eco-Stats Text (Warton 2022)ecostatscaleStatistical Scaling Functions for Ecological SystemsEcotoneFinderCharacterising and Locating Ecotones and CommunitiesecotoxAnalysis of EcotoxicologyecotoxicologyMethods for EcotoxicologyECOTOXrDownload and Extract Data from US EPA's ECOTOX DatabaseecotrajEcological Trajectory AnalysisEcoTrophAn Implementation of the EcoTroph Ecosystem Modelling ApproachecovalProcedures for Ecological Assessment of Surface WatersEcoVirtualSimulation of Ecological ModelsecpNon-Parametric Multiple Change-Point Analysis of MultivariateDataecpcFlexible Co-Data Learning for High-Dimensional PredictionecrEvolutionary Computation in RectotempQuantitative Estimates of Small Ectotherm Temperature RegulationEffectivenessECTSVRCointegration Based Support Vector Regression ModelECTTDNNCointegration Based Timedelay Neural Network ModelEcumeEquality of 2 (or k) Continuous Univariate and MultivariateDistributionseCVEnhanced Coefficient of Variation and IDR Extensions forReproducibility Assessmented50Estimate ED50 and Its Confidence Intervaled50simulationEstimate ED50 and Its Confidence IntervalEDAEnergy Decomposition Analysiseda4treeRExperimental Design and Analysis for Tree ImprovementedbuildmaprDownload School District Geospatial Data, Perform SpatialAnalysis, and Create Formatted Exportable MapsEDCimportImport Data from EDC SoftwareedcpREcological Data Collection and Processing PackageeddingtonCompute a Cyclist's Eddington NumberedeaRExploratory and Descriptive Event-Based Data AnalysisedecobEvent Detection Using Confidence BoundsedfRead Data from European Data Format (EDF and EDF+) FilesedfReaderReading EDF(+) and BDF(+) FilesEDFtestGoodness of Fit Based on Empirical Distribution FunctionedfunCreating Empirical Distribution FunctionsedgarTool for the U.S. SEC EDGAR Retrieval and Parsing of CorporateFilingsedgarWebRSEC Filings AccessedgebundleAlgorithms for Bundling Edges in Networks and Visualizing Flowand Metro MapsedgebundleRCircle Plot with Bundled EdgesedgeCorrSpatial Edge CorrectionedgedataDatasets that Support the EDGE Server DIY LogicedibbleEncapsulating Elements of Experimental DesignediblecityModeling Urban Agriculture at City ScaleedinaBayesian Estimation of an Exploratory Deterministic Input, Noisyand Gate ModelEDISONNetwork Reconstruction and Changepoint Detectioneditbl'DT' Extension for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)Applications in 'shiny'editData'RStudio' Addin for Editing a 'data.frame'eDITHModel Transport of Environmental DNA in River NetworkseditrulesParsing, Applying, and Manipulating Data Cleaning RulesEDIutilsAn API Client for the Environmental Data Initiative RepositoryedlToolbox for Error-Driven Learning Simulations with Two-LayerNetworksedlibRR Integration for Edlib, the C/C++ Library for Exact PairwiseSequence Alignment using Edit (Levenshtein) DistanceeDMADynamic Model Averaging with Grid SearchedmcrEuclidean Distance Matrix Completion ToolsedmdataData Sets for Psychometric ModelingEDMeasureEnergy-Based Dependence MeasuresEDNE.EQImplements the EDNE-Test for EquivalenceEDOIFEmpirical Distribution Ordering Inference Framework (EDOIF)EDOtransEuclidean Distance-Optimized Data TransformationedstanStan Models for Item Response TheoryEdSurveyAnalysis of NCES Education Survey and Assessment DataeducationdataRetrieve Records from the Urban Institute's Education DataPortal APIeducineqCompute and Decompose Inequality in Educationedwards97Langmuir Semi-Empirical Coagulation ModelEEAaqHandle Air Quality Data from the European Environment AgencyData PortaleefAnalyticsRobust Analytical Methods for Evaluating EducationalInterventions using Randomised Controlled Trials DesignseegkitToolkit for Electroencephalography DataeegkitdataElectroencephalography Toolkit DatasetsEEMRead and Preprocess Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix(EEM) DataeemdARIMAEEMD Based Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average ModelEEMDelmEnsemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Variant Based ELMModelEEMDlstmEEMD Based LSTM Model for Time Series ForecastingEEMDSVREnsemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Variant BasedSupport Vector Regression ModeleemdTDNNEEMD and Its Variant Based Time Delay Neural Network ModeleemRTools for Pre-Processing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM)Fluorescence DataeeptoolsConvenience Functions for Education DataeesimSimulate and Evaluate Time Series for Environmental EpidemiologyEESPCAEigenvectors from Eigenvalues Sparse Principal ComponentAnalysis (EESPCA)efModelling Framework for the Estimation of Salmonid AbundanceEFA.dimensionsExploratory Factor Analysis Functions for AssessingDimensionalityEFA.MRFADimensionality Assessment Using Minimum Rank Factor AnalysisEFAtoolsFast and Flexible Implementations of Exploratory Factor AnalysisToolsEFAutilitiesUtility Functions for Exploratory Factor AnalysisefdmSimulate Forest Resources with the European Forestry DynamicsModelEFDRWavelet-Based Enhanced FDR for Detecting Signals from Completeor Incomplete Spatially Aggregated Dataeff2Efficient Least Squares for Total Causal EffectseffClustCalculate Effective Number of Clusters for a Linear ModelEffectLiteRAverage and Conditional EffectseffectRPredicts Oomycete EffectorseffectsEffect Displays for Linear, Generalized Linear, and Other ModelseffectsizeIndices of Effect SizeeffectsizescrIndices for Single-Case ResearchEffectStarsVisualization of Categorical Response ModelsEffectStars2Effect StarsEffectTreatPrediction of Therapeutic SuccessEfficientMaxEigenpairEfficient Initials for Computing the Maximal EigenpairefflogThe Causal Effects for a Causal Loglinear ModeleffsizeEfficient Effect Size ComputationeFREDFetch Data from the Federal Reserve Economic DatabaseEFSTool for Ensemble Feature SelectionegaError Grid AnalysisEGAnetExploratory Graph Analysis – a Framework for Estimating theNumber of Dimensions in Multivariate Data using NetworkPsychometricsegcmEngle-Granger Cointegration ModelseggExtensions for 'ggplot2': Custom Geom, Custom Themes, PlotAlignment, Labelled Panels, Symmetric Scales, and Fixed PanelSizeeggCountsHierarchical Modelling of Faecal Egg CountseglhmmExtended Generalised Linear Hidden Markov ModelsEGMEvaluating Cardiac Electrophysiology SignalsEgoCorSimple Presentation of Estimated Exponential Semi-VariogramsegorImport and Analyse Ego-Centered Network DataEGRETExploration and Graphics for RivEr TrendsEGRETciExploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends Confidence IntervalsEGRNiEnsemble Gene Regulatory Network InferenceeGSTLeveraging eQTLs to Identify Individual-Level Tissue of Interestfor a Complex TraitehaEvent History AnalysisehaGoFCalculates Goodness of Fit StatisticseHDPrepQuality Control and Semantic Enrichment of DatasetsehelpEnhanced Help to Enable "Docstring"-Comments in Users FunctionseHOFExtended HOF (Huisman-Olff-Fresco) ModelsEHRElectronic Health Record (EHR) Data Processing and Analysis ToolEHRtemporalVariabilityDelineating Temporal Dataset Shifts in Electronic Health RecordseiEcological Inferenceei.DatasetsReal Datasets for Assessing Ecological Inference AlgorithmseiaAPI Wrapper for U.S. Energy Information Administration ('EIA')Open DataEIAapiQuery Data from the 'EIA' APIeiCirclesEcological Inference of RxC Tables by Overdispersed-MultinomialModelseicmExplicit Interaction Community ModelseiderDeclarative Feature Extraction from Tabular Data RecordseiExpandUtilities for Expanding Functionality of 'eiCompare'eigenmodelSemiparametric Factor and Regression Models for SymmetricRelational DataEigenRComplex Matrix Algebra with 'Eigen'eikosogramsThe Picture of ProbabilityeimputeEfficiently Impute Large Scale Incomplete MatrixeinetEffective Information and Causal EmergenceeinsumEinstein SummationeiopaRAccess to RFR (Risk-Free Rate) Curves Produced by the EIOPAeiPackEcological Inference and Higher-Dimension Data ManagementeirmExplanatory Item Response Modeling for Dichotomous andPolytomous ItemseiveAn Algorithm for Reducing Errors-in-Variable Bias in Simple andMultiple Linear RegressionseivtoolsMeasurement Error Modeling ToolsEIXExplain Interactions in 'XGBoost'eixportExport Emissions to Atmospheric ModelsEKMCMCMCMC Procedures for Estimating Enzyme Kinetics ConstantseksTidy and Geospatial Kernel SmoothingELTwo-Sample Empirical LikelihoodEL2SurvEmpirical Likelihood (EL) for Comparing Two Survival FunctionselasdicsElastic Analysis of Sparse, Dense and Irregular CurveselassoEnhanced Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection OperatorRegression ModelelastesElastic Full Procrustes Means for Sparse and Irregular PlanarCurveselasticGeneral Purpose Interface to 'Elasticsearch'elasticnetElastic-Net for Sparse Estimation and Sparse PCAelecCollection of Functions for Statistical Election AuditsEleChemrElectrochemical Reactions SimulationelectEstimation of Life Expectancies Using Multi-State ModelselectionsUSA Presidential Elections Dataelections.dtreeRanked Voting Election Audits with Dirichlet-TreeselectionsBRR Functions to Download and Clean Brazilian Electoral DataelectivityAlgorithms for Electivity IndiceselectoralAllocating Seats Methods and Party System ScoreselevatrAccess Elevation Data from Various APIsElevDistrCalculate the Distance to the Nearest Local TreelineelexrLoad Associated Press Election Results with ElexelfDistrKumaraswamy Complementary Weibull Geometric (Kw-CWG) ProbabilityDistributionelgbdEmpirical Likelihood for General Block DesignselhmcSampling from a Empirical Likelihood Bayesian Posterior ofParameters Using Hamiltonian Monte CarloELISAtoolsELISA Data Analysis with Batch CorrectionelisrExploratory Likert ScalingeListList Comprehension and ToolselitismEquipment for Logarithmic and Linear Time Stepwise MultipleHypothesis TestingEljaLinear, Logistic and Generalized Linear Models Regressions forthe EnvWAS/EWAS ApproachelliplotEllipse Summary Plot of QuantilesellipseFunctions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like ConfidenceRegionsellipsisTools for Working with ...ElliptCopulasInference of Elliptical Distributions and CopulasellipticWeierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic FunctionsellipticalsymmetryElliptical Symmetry TestselmNNRcppThe Extreme Learning Machine AlgorithmELMRExtreme Machine Learning (ELM)ELMSOImplementation of the Efficient Large-Scale Online DisplayAdvertising AlgorithmeLNNpairedCovModel-Based Gene Selection for Paired DataeloRanking Teams by Elo Rating and Comparable MethodsEloChoicePreference Rating for Visual Stimuli Based on Elo RatingsEloOptimizedOptimized Elo Rating Method for Obtaining Dominance RanksEloRatingAnimal Dominance Hierarchies by Elo RatingEloSteepnessBayesian Dominance Hierarchy Steepness via Elo Rating andDavid's ScoreselrmExact Logistic Regression via MCMCelsaEntropy-Based Local Indicator of Spatial AssociationELTExperience Life TableseltrUtilise Catastrophe Model Event Loss Table OutputsELYPEmpirical Likelihood Analysis for the Cox Model andYang-Prentice (2005) ModelemGeneric EM AlgorithmEM.FuzzyEM Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Non-PreciseInformationemailjsr'emailjs' SupportemailvalidationClient for the '' E-Mail Validation APIEMAREmpirical Model AssessmentEMASEpigenome-Wide Mediation Analysis StudyEMAtoolsData Management Tools for Real-Time Monitoring/EcologicalMomentary Assessment DataemayiliSend Email MessagesemBayesRobust Bayesian Variable Selection via Expectation-MaximizationEMbCExpectation-Maximization Binary ClusteringembedExtra Recipes for Encoding PredictorsEmbedSOMFast Embedding Guided by Self-Organizing MapembryogrowthTools to Analyze the Thermal Reaction Norm of Embryo GrowthEMClusterEM Algorithm for Model-Based Clustering of Finite MixtureGaussian DistributionEMDEmpirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral AnalysisEMDANNhybridEmpirical Mode Decomposition Based Artificial Neural NetworkModelemdbookSupport Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"emdiEstimating and Mapping Disaggregated IndicatorsemdistEarth Mover's DistanceEMDSVRhybridEmpirical Mode Decomposition Based Support Vector RegressionModelemeryAccuracy Statistic Estimation for Imperfect Gold StandardsemgExponentially Modified Gaussian (EMG) DistributionEMgaussianExpectation-Maximization Algorithm for Multivariate Normal(Gaussian) with Missing DataemhawkesExponential Multivariate Hawkes ModelEmiREvolutionary Minimizer for REmissVTools for Create Emissions for Air Quality ModelsEmiStatREmissions and Statistics in R for Wastewater and Pollutants inCombined Sewer SystemsEMJMCMCEvolutionary Mode Jumping Markov Chain Monte Carlo ExpertToolboxEMLRead and Write Ecological Metadata Language FilesemldEcological Metadata as Linked DataEMLIComputationally Efficient Maximum Likelihood Identification ofLinear Dynamical SystemsEMMAgeoEnd-Member Modelling of Grain-Size DataemmeansEstimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares MeansEMMIXgeneA Mixture Model-Based Approach to the Clustering of MicroarrayExpression DataEMMIXmfaMixture Models with Component-Wise Factor AnalyzersEMMIXSSLSemi-Supervised Gaussian Mixture Model with a Missing-DataMechanismEMMLiA Maximum Likelihood Approach to the Analysis of ModularityEMMREMLFitting Mixed Models with Known Covariance StructuresemoaEvolutionary Multiobjective Optimization AlgorithmsemojiData and Function to Work with EmojisemojifontEmoji and Font Awesome in GraphicsemonTools for Environmental and Ecological Survey DesignemovEye Movement Analysis Package for Fixation and Saccade DetectionEMPExpected Maximum Profit Classification Performance MeasureEMpeaksRConducting the Peak Fitting Based on the EM AlgorithmemphaticExploratory Analysis of Tabular Data using Colour HighlightingempicharEvaluates the Empirical Characteristic Function for MultivariateSamplesEmpiricalCalibrationRoutines for Performing Empirical Calibration of ObservationalStudy EstimatesemplikEmpirical Likelihood Ratio for Censored/Truncated Dataemplik2Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for Two Samples with CensoredDataemplikAUCEmpirical Likelihood Ratio Test/Confidence Interval for AUC orpAUCemsEpimed Solutions Collection for Data Editing, Analysis, andBenchmark of Health UnitsEMSaovThe Analysis of Variance with EMSEMSCExtended Multiplicative Signal CorrectionEMSNMEM Algorithm for Sigmoid Normal ModelEMSSSome EM-Type Estimation Methods for the Heckman Selection ModelemstreeRTools for Fast Computing and Visualizing Euclidean MinimumSpanning TreesEMTExact Multinomial Test: Goodness-of-Fit Test for DiscreteMultivariate DataemulatorBayesian Emulation of Computer ProgramsemuRMain Package of the EMU Speech Database Management SystemEncDNAEncoding of Nucleotide Sequences into Numeric Feature VectorseNchangeEnsemble Methods for Multiple Change-Point DetectionencodeRepresent Ordered Lists and Pairs as StringsEncompassTestDirect Multi-Step Forecast Based Comparison of Nested Models viaan Encompassing TestencryptedRmdEncrypt Html Reports Using 'Libsodium'encryptrEasily Encrypt and Decrypt Data Frame/Tibble Columns or Filesusing RSA Public/Private KeysendogeneityRecursive Two-Stage Models to Address EndogeneityendogenousClassical Simultaneous Equation ModelsendorseBayesian Measurement Models for Analyzing Endorsem*ntExperimentsendoSwitchEndogenous Switching Regression ModelsendtoendTransmissions and Receptions in an End to End NetworkenergyE-Statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of DataEnergyOnlineCPMDistribution Free Multivariate Control Chart Based on EnergyTestenergyrData Published by the United States Federal Energy RegulatoryCommissionenerscapeCompute Energy LandscapesenetLTSRobust and Sparse Methods for High Dimensional Linear and Binaryand Multinomial RegressionenglishTranslate Integers into EnglishEngrEconEngineering Economics Analysis for Engineering Projects CostAnalysisengressionEngression ModellingEngrExptData sets from "Introductory Statistics for EngineeringExperimentation"ENMevalAutomated Tuning and Evaluations of Ecological Niche ModelsenmpaEcological Niche Modeling using Presence-Absence DataenmSdmXSpecies Distribution Modeling and Ecological Niche ModelingENMToolsAnalysis of Niche Evolution using Niche and Distribution ModelsenplsEnsemble Partial Least Squares RegressionEnrichIntersectEnrichment Analysis and Intersecting Sankey DiagramenrichRProvides an R Interface to 'Enrichr'enrichwithMethods to Enrich R Objects with Extra ComponentsEnsCatClustering of Categorical DataEnsembleBaseExtensible Package for Parallel, Batch Training of Base Learnersfor Ensemble ModelingensembleBMAProbabilistic Forecasting using Ensembles and Bayesian ModelAveragingEnsembleCVExtensible Package for Cross-Validation-Based Integration ofBase LearnersensembleMOSEnsemble Model Output StatisticsEnsemblePCRegExtensible Package for Principal-Component-Regression-BasedHeterogeneous Ensemble Meta-LearningEnsemblePenRegExtensible Classes and Methods for Penalized-Regression-BasedIntegration of Base LearnersensembleppEnsemble Postprocessing Data SetsensembleREnsemble Models in RensembleTaxEnsemble Taxonomic Assignments of Amplicon Sequencing DataenshumanHuman Gene Annotation Data from 'Ensembl'ensrElastic Net SearcheRentropartEntropy Partitioning to Measure DiversityEntropicStatisticsFunctions Based on Entropic StatisticsentropyEstimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related QuantitiesEntropyEstimationEstimation of Entropy and Related QuantitiesEntropyMCMCMCMC Simulation and Convergence Evaluation using Entropy andKullback-Leibler Divergence EstimationentrymodelsEstimate Entry ModelsenvalysisMiscellaneous Functions for Environmental AnalysesEnvCptDetection of Structural Changes in Climate and Environment TimeSeriesenvDocumentDocument the R Working Environmentenveomics.RVarious Utilities for Microbial Genomics and MetagenomicsenviEnvironmental Interpolation using Spatial Kernel DensityEstimationenviGCMSGC/LC-MS Data Analysis for Environmental ScienceenviPatIsotope Pattern, Profile and Centroid Calculation for MassSpectrometryenvirManage R Environments BetterenviremGeneration of ENVIREM VariablesEnviroPRA2Environmental Probabilistic Risk Assessment ToolsenvnamesKeep Track of User-Defined Environment NamesEnvNicheRNiche EstimationEnvNJWhole Genome Phylogenies Using Sequence EnvironmentsenvoutliersMethods for Identification of Outliers in Environmental DataenvstatConfigurable Reporting on your External Compute EnvironmentEnvStatsPackage for Environmental Statistics, Including US EPA GuidanceenvvarMake Working with Environment Variables Easier and MoreConsistenteoa3Wildlife Mortality Estimator for Low Fatality Rates andImperfect DetectioneodhdOfficial 'eodhd' API R Financial LibraryeofficeExport or Graph and Tables to 'Microsoft' Office and ImportFigures and TableseoRData Management Package (Exposure and Occurrence Data in R)epadeEasy PlotsepandistStatistical Functions for the Censored and UncensoredEpanechnikov Distributionepanet2toolkitCall 'EPANET' Functions to Simulate Pipe NetworksepanetReaderRead Epanet Files into RepcaExploratory Principal Component AnalysisePCREnsemble Penalized Cox Regression for Survival Predictionepe4mdEPE's 4MD Model to Forecast the Adoption of DistributedGenerationephArgentina's Permanent Household Survey Data and ManipulationUtilitiesEpiStatistical Analysis in EpidemiologyepibasixElementary Epidemiological Functions for Epidemiology andBiostatisticsepicastingEwnet: An Ensemble Wavelet Neural Network for Forecasting andEpicastingepiCleanrA Tidy Solution for Epidemiological DataepicontactsHandling, Visualisation and Analysis of Epidemiological ContactsEpiContactTraceEpidemiological Tool for Contact TracingEpiCurvePlot an Epidemic CurveepidataTools to Retrieve Economic Policy Institute Data LibraryExtractsepidatrClient for Delphi's 'Epidata' APIepiDisplayEpidemiological Data Display PackageepidmUK Epidemiological Data ManagementEpiDynamicsDynamic Models in EpidemiologyEpiEstimEstimate Time Varying Reproduction Numbers from Epidemic CurvesepifitterAnalysis and Simulation of Plant Disease Progress CurvesepiflowsPredicting Disease Spread from Flow DataEpiForskCode Sharing at the Department of Epidemiological Research atStatens Serum InstitutepigraphdbInterface Package for the 'EpiGraphDB' PlatformepigrowthfitNonlinear Mixed Effects Models of Epidemic GrowthEpiILMSpatial and Network Based Individual Level Models for EpidemicsEpiILMCTContinuous Time Distance-Based and Network-Based IndividualLevel Models for EpidemicsEpiInvertVariational Techniques in EpidemiologyepikitMiscellaneous Helper Tools for EpidemiologistsepilogiThe 'epilogi' Variable Selection Algorithm for Continuous DataEpiLPSA Fast and Flexible Bayesian Tool for Estimating EpidemiologicalParametersepimdrFunctions and Data for "Epidemics: Models and Data in R"epimdr2Functions and Data for "Epidemics: Models and Data in R (2ndEdition)"EpiModelMathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease DynamicsepinetEpidemic/Network-Related ToolsepinetrEpistatic Network Modelling with Forward-Time SimulationEpiNow2Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying EpidemiologicalParametersepiomicsAnalysis of Omics Data in Observational StudiesepiphyAnalysis of Plant Disease EpidemicsepiRTools for the Analysis of Epidemiological DataEpiReportEpidemiological ReportepiscanScan Pairwise EpistasisEpiSembleEnsemble Based Machine Learning Approach for PredictingMethylation StatesepisensrBasic Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological ResultsEpiSignalDetectionSignal Detection AnalysisEpiStatsTools for EpidemiologistsEpistemicGameTheoryConstructing an Epistemic Model for the Games with Two PlayersepitabFlexible Contingency Tables for EpidemiologyEpiTestTest for Gene x Gene Interactions in Bi-Parental PopulationsepitoolsEpidemiology ToolsepitrixSmall Helpers and Tricks for Epidemics AnalysisepitweetrEarly Detection of Public Health Threats from 'Twitter' DataepiworldRFast Agent-Based Epi ModelsepiworldRShinyA 'shiny' Wrapper of the R Package 'epiworldR'EPLSIMPartial Linear Single Index Models for Environmental MixtureAnalysiseplusrA Toolkit for Using Whole Building Simulation Program'EnergyPlus'eplyApply a Function Over ExpressionsepmEcoPhyloMapperepmrobRobust Estimation of Probit Models with EndogeneityepoEnhanced Portfolio Optimization (EPO)epocEndogenous Perturbation Analysis of CancerepocakirClinical Coding of Patients with Kidney DiseaseepongeKeep Your Environment CleaneposEpilepsy Ontologies' SimilaritiesepoxyString Interpolation for Documents, Reports and AppseprEasy Polynomial RegressionepsiwalExact Post Selection Inference with Applications to the LassoEPTEnsemble Patch Transform, Visualization and DecompositionepubrRead EPUB File Metadata and TextepwshiftrCreate Future 'EnergyPlus' Weather Files using 'CMIP6' DataEPXEnsemble of PhalanxesepxToRImport 'Epidata' XML Files '.epx'eq5dMethods for Analysing 'EQ-5D' Data and Calculating 'EQ-5D' IndexScoreseq5dsuiteManipulating and Analysing EQ-5d DataEQLExtended-Quasi-Likelihood-Function (EQL)equalCovsTesting the Equality of Two Covariance MatricesEqualden.HDTesting the Equality of a High Dimensional Set of DensitiesequaltestMIExamine Measurement Invariance via Equivalence Testing andProjection MethodequatagsEquations to 'XML'equateObserved-Score Linking and EquatingequateIRTIRT Equating MethodsequateMultipleEquating of Multiple FormsequatiomaticTransform Models into 'LaTeX' Equationsequil2Calculate Urinary Saturation with the EQUIL2 AlgorithmEquiSurvModeling, Confidence Intervals and Equivalence of SurvivalCurvesequivalenceProvides Tests and Graphics for Assessing Tests of EquivalenceequivalenceTestEquivalence Test for the Means of Two Normal DistributionsEQUIVNONINFTesting for Equivalence and NoninferiorityequivUMPUniformly Most Powerful Invariant Tests of EquivalenceEREffect + Residual ModellingeraYear-Based Time ScaleserahAutomated Spectral Deconvolution, Alignment, and MetaboliteIdentification in GC/MS-Based Untargeted MetabolomicserboostNonparametric Multiple Expectile Regression via ER-BoostercvFitting Tails by the Empirical Residual Coefficient of VariationERDbuilderEntity Relationship Diagrams BuilderererEmpirical Research in Economics with RerfeFits Expectile Regression for Panel Fixed Effect ModelergmFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models forNetworksergm.countFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models forNetworks with Count Edgesergm.egoFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Random GraphModels to Egocentrically Sampled Network Dataergm.multiFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models forMultiple or Multilayer Networksergm.rankFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models forRank-Order Relational DataergMarginsProcess Analysis for Exponential Random Graph ModelsergmgpTools for Modeling ERGM Generating ProcessesergmharrisLocal Health Department network data setergmitoExponential Random Graph Models for Small NetworkserifyCheck Arguments and Generate Readable Error MessageseRmExtended Rasch ModelingernEffective Reproduction Number EstimationERPSignificance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Dataerp.easyEvent-Related Potential (ERP) Data Exploration Made EasyERPeqProbabilistic Hazard AssessmentERPMExponential Random Partition ModelserrCustomizable Object Sensitive MessageserroristAutomatically Search Errors or WarningserrorlocateLocate Errors with Validation RuleserrorsUncertainty Propagation for R VectorserrumExploratory Reduced Reparameterized Unified Model EstimationERSAExploratory Regression 'Shiny' AppeRTG3DEmpirically Informed Random Trajectory Generation in 3-Des.difCompute Effect Sizes of the DifferenceesaddleExtended Empirical Saddlepoint Density ApproximationsesapsIndicators of Electoral Systems and Party SystemsesbackExpected Shortfall BacktestingescEffect Size Computation for Meta AnalysisescalationA Modular Approach to Dose-Finding Clinical TrialsesciEstimation Statistics with Confidence IntervalsEScvtmleExperiment-Selector CV-TMLE for Integration of Observational andRCT DataesDesignAdaptive Enrichment Designs with Sample Size Re-EstimationeSDMEnsemble Tool for Predictions from Species Distribution ModelseseisEnvironmental Seismology ToolboxeselectAdaptive Clinical Trial Designs with Endpoint Selection andSample Size ReassessmentesemExploratory Structural Equation Modeling ESEMesemifarSmoothing Long-Memory Time SeriesESGA Package for Asset ProjectioneshrinkShrinkage for Effect EstimationeSIRExtended State-Space SIR ModelsesmiscMisc Functions of Eduard SzöcsesmprepData Preparation During and After the Use of the ExperienceSampling Methodology (ESM)esmtoolsPreprocessing Experience Sampling Method (ESM) DataespadonEasy Study of Patient DICOM Data in OncologyesquisseExplore and Visualize Your Data InteractivelyesregJoint Quantile and Expected Shortfall RegressionessEfficient Stepwise Selection in Decomposable ModelsessentialsEssential Functions not Included in Base RessHistThe Essential HistogramessurveyDownload Data from the European Social Survey on the FlyestadisticaFundamentos De Estadistica Descriptiva e InferencialestatapiR Interface to e-Stat APIEstCRMCalibrating Parameters for the Samejima's Continuous IRT ModelESTEREfficient Sequential Testing with Evidence RatiosestimabilityTools for Assessing Estimability of Linear PredictionsEstimateGroupNetworkPerform the Joint Graphical Lasso and Selects Tuning ParametersestimateWEstimation of Spatial Weight MatricesEstimationToolsMaximum Likelihood Estimation for Probability Functions fromData SetsestimatorsParameter EstimationestimatrFast Estimators for Design-Based InferenceEstimDiagnosticsDiagnostic Tools and Unit Tests for Statistical EstimatorsestimrawEstimation of Four-Fold Table Cell Frequencies (Raw Data) fromEffect Size MeasuresestmeansdEstimating the Sample Mean and Standard Deviation from CommonlyReported Quantiles in Meta-AnalysisEstMixTumor Clones Percentage EstimationsestprodEstimation of Production FunctionsesvisVisualization and Estimation of Effect Sizeset.nwfvaForest Yield Tables for Northwest Germany and their ApplicationetableEasy TableETASModeling Earthquake Data Using 'ETAS' ModelETASbootstrapBootstrap Confidence Interval Estimation for 'ETAS' ModelParametersetasFLPMixed FLP and ML Estimation of ETAS Space-Time Point Processesfor Earthquake DescriptionETCEquivalence to ControlethnobotanyRCalculate Quantitative Ethnobotany IndicesEthSEQEthnicity Annotation from Whole-Exome and Targeted SequencingDataetlExtract-Transform-Load Framework for Medium DataETLUtilsUtility Functions to Execute Standard Extract/Transform/LoadOperations (using Package 'ff') on Large DataetmEmpirical Transition Matrixetrader'ETRADE' API Interface for RetreeClassification and Regression with Structured and Mixed-TypeDataetrmEnergy Trading and Risk ManagementetrunctComputes Moments of Univariate Truncated t DistributionetwfeExtended Two-Way Fixed EffectsEuclideanSDAn Euclidean View of Center and SpreadEuclimatchEuclidean Climatch AlgorithmeudractCreates Safety Results Summary in XML to Upload to EudraCT, orClinicalTrials.goveufmdis.adaptAnalyse 'EuFMDiS' Output Files via a Shiny AppEUfootballFootball Match Data of European Leagueseulerianeulerian: A package to find eulerian paths from graphseulerrArea-Proportional Euler and Venn Diagrams with EllipseseummdEfficient Univariate Maximum Mean Discrepancyeunis.habitatsEUNIS Habitat ClassificationEunomiaStandard Dataset Manager for Observational Medical OutcomesPartnership Common Data Model Sample DatasetseurlexRetrieve Data on European Union LaweurocordexrMakes it Easier to Work with Daily 'netCDF' from EURO-CORDEXRCMseurodataFast and Easy Eurostat Data Import and Searcheuroleaguer'Euroleague basketball API'europeanaRInteract with Metadata Records and Media on the EuropeanaRepositoryeuropepmcR Interface to the Europe PubMed Central RESTful Web ServiceeuropopHistorical Populations of European Cities, 1500-1800EurosarcBayesBayesian Single Arm Sample Size Calculation SoftwareeurostatTools for Eurostat Open DataevaExtreme Value Analysis with Goodness-of-Fit TestingevabicEvaluation of Binary ClassifiersEvaclusterEvaluation Clustering Methods for Disease Subtypes DiagnosisevalITREvaluating Individualized Treatment RulesevalREvaluation of Unverified CodeevaluateParsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than theDefaultEvaluateCoreQuality Evaluation of Core CollectionsEvaluationMeasuresCollection of Model Evaluation Measure FunctionsEValueSensitivity Analyses for Unmeasured Confounding and Other Biasesin Observational Studies and Meta-AnalysesevapoReEvapotranspiration R RecipesEvapotranspirationModelling Actual, Potential and Reference CropEvapotranspirationEVchargcostComputes and Plot the Optimal Charging Strategy for ElectricVehiclesevclassEvidential Distance-Based ClassificationevclustEvidential ClusteringEvCombREvidence Combination in RevdFunctions for Extreme Value DistributionsevdbayesBayesian Analysis in Extreme Value TheoryeventEvent History Procedures and ModelseventdataREvent Data RepositoryEventDetectGUIGraphical User Interface for the 'EventDetectR' PackageEventDetectREvent Detection FrameworkeventglmRegression Models for Event History OutcomeseventIntervalSequential Event Interval AnalysiseventPredEvent PredictionEventPredInCureEvent Prediction Including Cured PopulationeventstreamStreaming Events and their Early ClassificationeventstudyrEstimation and Visualization of Linear Panel Event StudieseventTrackEvent Prediction for Time-to-Event EndpointsEventWinRatiosEvent-Specific Win Ratios for Terminal and Non-Terminal EventsevgamGeneralised Additive Extreme Value ModelsEVIEpidemic Volatility Index as an Early-Warning ToolevianEvidential Analysis of Genetic Association DataevidenceAnalysis of Scientific Evidence Using Bayesian and LikelihoodMethodsevidenceFactorsReporting Tools for Sensitivity Analysis of Evidence Factors inObservational StudiesEvidenceSynthesisSynthesizing Causal Evidence in a Distributed Research NetworkevidentEvidence Factors in Observational StudiesEviewsRA Seamless Integration of 'EViews' and RevilDiceTest Dice Sets for Intransitive PropertiesevinfInference with Extreme Value Inflated Count DataevirExtreme Values in RevmixExtreme Value Mixture Modelling, Threshold Estimation andBoundary Corrected Kernel Density EstimationevobiRComparative and Population Genetic AnalysesevolMapDynamic and Interactive MapsevolqgEvolutionary Quantitative GeneticsEvolutionaryGamesImportant Concepts of Evolutionary Game TheoryevolvabilityCalculation of Evolvability ParametersEvomorphEvolutionary Morphometric SimulationevoperEvolutionary Parameter Estimation for 'Repast Simphony' ModelsEvoPhyloPre- And Postprocessing of Morphological Data from Relaxed ClockBayesian PhylogeneticsevoTSAnalyses of Evolutionary Time-SeriesevprofElectric Vehicle Charging Sessions Profiling and ModellingevregEvidential RegressionevsimElectric Vehicle Charging Sessions Simulationevt0Mean of Order P, Peaks over Random Threshold Hill and HighQuantile EstimatesevtclassExtreme Value Theory for Open Set Classification - GPD and GEVClassifiersevtreeEvolutionary Learning of Globally Optimal TreesEWGoFGoodness-of-Fit Tests for the Exponential and Two-ParameterWeibull DistributionsewocEscalation with Overdose ControlEwREconometrics with REWSEarly Warning SystemEWSmethodsForecasting Tipping Points at the Community LevelExactUnconditional Exact Testexact.nExact Samples Sizes and Inference for Clinical Trials withBinary Endpointexact2x2Exact Tests and Confidence Intervals for 2x2 TablesexactamenteExplore the Exact Bootstrap MethodexactciExact P-Values and Matching Confidence Intervals for SimpleDiscrete Parametric CasesExactCIdiffInductive Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between TwoProportionsExactCIoneAdmissible Exact Intervals for One-Dimensional DiscreteDistributionsexactextractrFast Extraction from Raster Datasets using PolygonsexactLTREAn Exact Method for Life Table Response Experiment (LTRE)AnalysisExactMedExact Mediation Analysis for Binary OutcomesExactMultinomMultinomial Goodness-of-Fit TestsexactRankTestsExact Distributions for Rank and Permutation TestsExamPADataData Sets for Predictive Analytics ExamexampletestrHelp for Writing Unit Tests Based on Function ExamplesexamsAutomatic Generation of Exams in Rexams.mylearnQuestion Generation in the 'MyLearn' XML Formatexams2learnrInterface for 'exams' Exercises in 'learnr' Tutorialsexams2sakaiAutomatic Generation of Exams in R for 'Sakai'ExceedanceToolsConfidence/Credible Regions for Exceedance Sets and ContourLinesexceedProbConfidence Intervals for Exceedance Probabilityexcel.linkConvenient Data Exchange with Microsoft Excelexcel2eprimeSplit Sentences by FactorsexceldataStreamline Data Import, Cleaning and Recoding from 'Excel'ExcelFunctionsRImports Excel Functions to RexcelRA Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'jExcel'ExcessMassExcess Mass Calculation and PlotsexcessmortExcess MortalityexcluderChecks for Exclusion Criteria in Online DataExclusionTableCreating Tables of Excluded ObservationsexConInteractive Exploration of Contour DataexcursionsExcursion Sets and Contour Credibility Regions for Random FieldsexdexEstimation of the Extremal IndexexdqlmExtended Dynamic Quantile Linear ModelsexecutablePackeRMake 'shiny' App to Executable ProgramExGaussEstimQuantile Maximization Likelihood Estimation and BayesianEx-Gaussian EstimationExhaustiveSearchA Fast and Scalable Exhaustive Feature Selection FrameworkexifRead EXIF Metadata from JPEGsexifrEXIF Image Data in RexiftoolrExifTool Functionality from RExNRuleEnsembleA k Nearest Neibour Ensemble Based on Extended NeighbourhoodRuleExpAnalysis3dPacote Para Analise De Experimentos Com Graficos De SuperficieRespostaExPanDaRExplore Your Data InteractivelyexpandFunctionsFeature Matrix BuilderEXPARFitting of Exponential Autoregressive (EXPAR) ModelEXPARMAFitting of Exponential Autoregressive Moving Average (EXPARMA)ModelexpDBDatabase for Experiment DatasetExpDEModular Differential Evolution for Experimenting with OperatorsExpDesExperimental Designs PackageExpDes.ptPacote Experimental Designs (Portugues)expectregExpectile and Quantile RegressionexperDesignDesign Experiments for BatchesexperiencesExperience ResearchexperimentR Package for Designing and Analyzing Randomized ExperimentsexperimentrDatasets Used in Social Science Experiments: A Hands-onIntroductionExpertChoiceDesign of Discrete Choice and Conjoint AnalysisExpGeneticNon-Additive Expression Analysis of Hybrid OffspringExpImageAnalysis of Images in ExperimentsexpintExponential Integral and Incomplete Gamma FunctionexpirestExpiry Estimation ProceduresexplainerMachine Learning Model ExplainerExplainPredictionExplanation of Predictions for Classification and RegressionModelsExplodeLayoutCalculate Exploded Coordinates Based on Original NodeCoordinates and Node Clustering MembershipexplorInteractive Interfaces for Results ExplorationexploratoryA Tool for Large-Scale Exploratory AnalysesexploreSimplifies Exploratory Data AnalysisexploreRTools for Quickly Exploring DataexpmMatrix Exponential, Log, 'etc'exportStreamlined Export of Graphs and Data TablesExPositionExploratory Analysis with the Singular Value DecompositionExposRModels Topographic Exposure to Hurricane WindsexpowoData Mining of Plant Diversity and DistributionexppermComputing Expectations and Marginal Likelihoods for PermutationsExpRepExperiment RepetitionsexpSBMAn Exponential Stochastic Block Model for Interaction LengthsexpsmoothData Sets from "Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing"expssTables, Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and'SPSS' StatisticsexpstudyTools for Actuarial Experience StudiesexreportFast, Reliable and Elegant Reproducible ResearchEXRQExtreme Regression of QuantilesextBatchMarkingExtended Batch Marking ModelsExtDistExtending the Range of Functions for Probability DistributionsextendedFamilyAdditional Families for Generalized Linear ModelsexteriorMatchConstructs the Exterior Match from Two Matched Control GroupsextlassoMaximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation with Extended LassoPenaltyExtMallowsAn Extended Mallows Model and Its Hierarchical Version forRanked Data AggregationExtractTrainDataExtract Values from RasterextraDistrAdditional Univariate and Multivariate DistributionsextrafontTools for Using FontsextrafontdbPackage for holding the database for the extrafont packageextrafrailEstimation and Additional Tools for Alternative Shared FrailtyModelsextraoperatorsExtra Binary Relational and Logical OperatorsextrasHelper Functions for Bayesian AnalysesextraterrestrialAstrobiology Equations Estimating Extraterrestrial LifeextRatumSummary Statistics for Geospatial FeaturesextRCExtended RC Models for Contingency TablesExtremalDepExtremal Dependence ModelsExtremeBoundsExtreme Bounds Analysis (EBA)extremefitEstimation of Extreme Conditional Quantiles and ProbabilitiesextremeIndexForecast Verification for Extreme EventsExtremeRisksExtreme Risk MeasuresextRemesExtreme Value AnalysisextremeStatExtreme Value Statistics and Quantile EstimationextremevaluesUnivariate Outlier DetectionextremisStatistics of ExtremesextremogramEstimation of Extreme Value Dependence for Time Series DataExtrPattSpatial Dependencies and Indices for ExtremesexuberEconometric Analysis of Explosive Time SeriesexvatoolsValue Added in Exports and Other Input-Output Table AnalysisToolseyeAnalysis of Eye DataeyedataOpen Source Ophthalmic Data Sets Curated for ReyelinkerImport ASC Files from EyeLink Eye TrackerseyelinkReaderImport Gaze Data for EyeLink Eye TrackereyeReadPrepare/Analyse Eye Tracking Data for ReadingeyetrackingREye-Tracking Data AnalysiseyeTrackROrganising and Analysing Eye-Tracking DataezEasy Analysis and Visualization of Factorial Experimentsez.combatEasy ComBat HarmonizationezcoxEasily Process a Batch of Cox ModelsezCutoffsFit Measure Cutoffs in SEMezecEasy Interface to Effective Concentration CalculationsezEDATask Oriented Interface for Exploratory Data AnalysisEzGPEasy-to-Interpret Gaussian Process Models for ComputerExperimentsezknitrAvoid the Typical Working Directory Pain When Using 'knitr'ezmmekEasy Michaelis-Menten Enzyme KineticsezplotFunctions for Common Chart TypesezrEasy Use of R via Shiny App for Basic Analyses of ExperimentalDataEZtuneTunes AdaBoost, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machines, andGradient Boosting Machines f1dataRAccess Formula 1 DataFaaSrFaaS (Function as a Service) PackagefabCIFAB Confidence IntervalsFABInferenceFAB p-Values and Confidence IntervalsfabisearchChange Point Detection in High-Dimensional Time Series NetworksfableForecasting Models for Tidy Time Seriesfable.ata'ATAforecasting' Modelling Interface for 'fable' Frameworkfable.prophetProphet Modelling Interface for 'fable'fableCountINGARCH and GLARMA Models for Count Time Series in FableFrameworkfabletoolsCore Tools for Packages in the 'fable' FrameworkfabMixOverfitting Bayesian Mixtures of Factor Analyzers withParsimonious Covariance and Unknown Number of ComponentsfabPredictionCompute FAB (Frequentist and Bayes) Conformal PredictionIntervalsfabRWrapper Functions Collection Used in Data PipelinesfabricatrImagine Your Data Before You Collect ItfabricerinCreate Easily Canvas in 'shiny' and 'RMarkdown' DocumentsfaceFast Covariance Estimation for Sparse Functional DatafacebookadsRAccess to Facebook Ads via the '' APIfacebookleadsRGet Facebook Leads Ads Data via the '' APIfacebookorganicRGet Data from 'Facebook Organic' via the '' APIfacerecAn Interface for Face RecognitionfacmodCSCross-Section Factor ModelsfacmodTSTime Series Factor Models for Asset ReturnsFACTFeature Attributions for ClusTeringfactivInstrumental Variables Estimation for 2^k Factorial ExperimentsFACTMLEMaximum Likelihood Factor AnalysisFactoClassCombination of Factorial Methods and Cluster AnalysisfactoextraExtract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data AnalysesFactoInvestigateAutomatic Description of Factorial AnalysisFactoMineRMultivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data MiningfactoptdFactorial Optimal Designs for Two-Colour cDNA MicroarrayExperimentsfactor.switchingPost-Processing MCMC Outputs of Bayesian Factor Analytic Modelsfactor256Use Raw Vectors to Minimize Memory Consumption of FactorsFactorAssumptionsSet of Assumptions for Factor and Principal Component AnalysisFactorCopulaFactor, Bi-Factor, Second-Order and Factor Tree Copula Modelsfactorial2x2Design and Analysis of a 2x2 Factorial TrialfactormodelFactor Model Estimation Using Proxy VariablesfactorplotPresenting Pairwise ComparisonsfactorstochvolBayesian Estimation of (Sparse) Latent Factor StochasticVolatility ModelsfactoryBuild Function FactoriesFactoshinyPerform Factorial Analysis from 'FactoMineR' with a ShinyApplicationfactRegMulti-Environment Genomic Prediction with Penalized FactorialRegressionfactset.analyticsapi.engines'FactSet' Engines API Clientfactset.protobuf.stach.v2'FactSet' 'STACH V2' Libraryfactset.protobuf.stachextensions'FactSet' 'STACH' Extensions PackagefadFactor Analysis for DataFADAVariable Selection for Supervised Classification in HighDimensionFAdistDistributions that are Sometimes Used in HydrologyFADPclustFunctional Data Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak DetectionfaersquarterlydataFDA Adverse Event Reporting System Quarterly Data ExtractingToolFahrmeirData from the Book "Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based onGeneralized Linear Models", First Edition, by Ludwig Fahrmeirand Gerhard TutzfailFile Abstraction Interface Layer (FAIL)fairadaptFair Data Adaptation with Quantile PreservationFAIRmaterialsMake Materials Data FAIRFairMclusClustering for Data with Sensitive AttributefairmlFair Models in Machine LearningfairmodelsFlexible Tool for Bias Detection, Visualization, and MitigationfairnessAlgorithmic Fairness MetricsfairsubsetChoose Representative SubsetsfakeFlexible Data Simulation Using the Multivariate NormalDistributionfakemakeMock the Unix Make UtilityfakirGenerate Fake Datasets for Prototyping and TeachingfakmctFuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory K-Means Clustering TechniquefalconFinding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Next-GenerationSequencing DatafalconxFinding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Whole-Exome SequencingDatafam.recriskFamilial Recurrence RiskFAMetAFatty Acid Metabolic AnalysisFamEventFamily Age-at-Onset Data Simulation and Penetrance EstimationfamilialStatistical Tests of Familial HypothesesfamiliarEnd-to-End Automated Machine Learning and Model EvaluationFamiliasProbabilities for Pedigrees Given DNA DataFamiliesKinship Ties in (Virtual) Multi-Generation PopulationsFamilyRankAlgorithm for Ranking Predictors Using Graphical DomainKnowledgeFAmleMaximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of UnivariateProbability DistributionsFAMoSA Flexible Algorithm for Model SelectionfamSKATRCFamily Sequence Kernel Association Test for Rare and CommonVariantsFAMTFactor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : Simultaneous Testsunder Dependence in High-Dimensional DatafancPenalized Likelihood Factor Analysis via Nonconvex PenaltyfANCOVANonparametric Analysis of CovariancefancycutA Fancy Version of 'base::cut'fangsFeature Allocation Neighborhood Greedy Search AlgorithmfanovaGraphBuilding Kriging Models from FANOVA GraphsfanplotVisualisation of Sequential Probability Distributions Using FanChartsfansiANSI Control Sequence Aware String FunctionsfanyiTranslate Words or Sentences via Online TranslatorsFAO56Evapotranspiration Based on FAO Penman-Monteith EquationFAOSTATDownload Data from the FAOSTAT DatabasefaoutlierInfluential Case Detection Methods for Factor Analysis andStructural Equation ModelsfaqCreate FAQ PagefarModelization for Functional AutoRegressive ProcessesfarawayFunctions and Datasets for Books by Julian FarawayFARDEEPFast and Robust Deconvolution of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytefrom Expression Profiles using Least Trimmed SquaresfarffA Faster 'ARFF' File Reader and WriterFarmSelectFactor Adjusted Robust Model SelectionFarmTestFactor-Adjusted Robust Multiple TestingfarrData and Code for Financial Accounting ResearchfarrellInteractive Interface to Data Envelopment Analysis ModelingfarverHigh Performance Colour Space ManipulationFASFactor-Augmented Sparse Regression Tuning-Free Testingfasano.franceschini.testFasano-Franceschini Test: A Multivariate Kolmogorov-SmirnovTwo-Sample TestfaseFunctional Adjacency Spectral EmbeddingFASegJoint Segmentation of Correlated Time SeriesfasjemA Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Learning MultipleRelated Sparse Gaussian Graphical ModelsfAssetsRmetrics - Analysing and Modelling Financial AssetsfasstrAnalyze, Summarize, and Visualize Daily Streamflow DataFAST.RAnalyze and Visualize FAST-Generated DatafastaFast Adaptive Shrinkage/Thresholding AlgorithmfastadiSelf-Tuning Data Adaptive Matrix ImputationfastAFTFast Regression for the Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) ModelfastaiInterface to 'fastai'fastbackwardFast Backward Elimination Based on Information CriterionFastBandCholFast Estimation of a Covariance Matrix by Banding the CholeskyFactorfastbetaFast Approximation of Time-Varying Infectious DiseaseTransmission RatesfastclusterFast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and 'Python'fastcmhSignificant Interval Discovery with Categorical CovariatesfastcmprskFine-Gray Regression via Forward-Backward ScanfastcoxLasso and Elastic-Net Penalized Cox's Regression in HighDimensions Models using the co*cktail AlgorithmfastcpdFast Change Point Detection via Sequential Gradient DescentFastCUBFast Estimation of CUB Models via Louis' IdentityfastdigestFast, Low Memory Footprint Digests of R ObjectsfastDummiesFast Creation of Dummy (Binary) Columns and Rows fromCategorical VariablesfasterElasticNetAn Amazing Fast Way to Fit Elastic NetfasterizeFast Polygon to Raster ConversionfastFMMFast Functional Mixed Models using Fast Univariate InferenceFastGaSPFast and Exact Computation of Gaussian Stochastic ProcessfastGHQuadFast 'Rcpp' Implementation of Gauss-Hermite QuadraturefastGLCM'GLCM' Texture FeaturesfastglmFast and Stable Fitting of Generalized Linear Models using'RcppEigen'fastglmpcaFast Algorithms for Generalized Principal Component AnalysisFastGPEfficiently Using Gaussian Processes with Rcpp and RcppEigenfastGraphFast Drawing and Shading of Graphs of Statistical DistributionsfastICAFastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection PursuitFastImputationLearn from Training Data then Quickly Fill in Missing DataFastJMSemi-Parametric Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival DatafastJTEfficient Jonckheere-Terpstra Test StatisticsFastKMA Fast Multiple-Kernel Method Based on a Low-Rank ApproximationfastkmedoidsFaster K-Medoids Clustering Algorithms: FastPAM, FastCLARA,FastCLARANSFastKNNFast k-Nearest NeighborsfastkqrA Fast Algorithm for Kernel Quantile RegressionfastLaplaceA Fast Laplace Method for Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed ModelfastLinkFast Probabilistic Record Linkage with Missing DatafastliuFast Functions for Liu Regression with Regularization Parameterand StatisticsfastLogisticRegressionWrapFast Logistic Regression WrapperfastlogitMEBasic Marginal Effects for Logit ModelsfastMFast Computation of Multivariate M-EstimatorsfastmapFast Data StructuresfastmatchFast 'match()' FunctionfastMatMRHigh-Performance Matrix Market File OperationsfastmatrixFast Computation of some Matrices Useful in StatisticsfastmitFast Mutual Information Based Independence TestfastNaiveBayesExtremely Fast Implementation of a Naive Bayes ClassifierfastnetLarge-Scale Social Network AnalysisfastOnlineCptOnline Multivariate Changepoint DetectionFastPCSFastPCS Robust Fit of Multivariate Location and ScatterfastposFinds the Critical Sequential Point of Stability for a PearsonCorrelationfastqcrQuality Control of Sequencing DatafastqqFaster Generation of Quantile Quantile Plots with Large SamplesfastR2Foundations and Applications of Statistics Using R (2nd Edition)FastRCSFits the FastRCS Robust Multivariable Linear Regression ModelfastrepTime-Saving Package for Creating ReportsfastRGSample Generalized Random Dot Product Graphs in Linear TimefastRhockeyFunctions to Access Premier Hockey Federation and NationalHockey League Play by Play DatafastrmodelsModels for the 'nflfastR' PackageFastRWebFast Interactive Framework for Web Scripting Using RFastSFFast Structural FilteringfastshapFast Approximate Shapley ValuesfastSOMFast Calculation of Spillover MeasuresFastStepGraphA Fast Algorithm for Sparse Precision Matrix EstimationfastTextEfficient Learning of Word Representations and SentenceClassificationfastTextRAn Interface to the 'fastText' LibraryfasttimeFast Utility Function for Time Parsing and ConversionfastTopicsFast Algorithms for Fitting Topic Models and Non-Negative MatrixFactorizations to Count DatafastTSFast Time Series Modeling for Seasonal Series with ExogenousVariablesfastverseA Suite of High-Performance Packages for Statistics and DataManipulationfastWaveletsCompute Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and ÀTrous Discrete Wavelet Transformfat2LpolyTwo-Locus Family-Based Association Test with Polytomous OutcomeFateIDQuantification of Fate Bias in Multipotent ProgenitorsFatTailsRKiener Distributions and Fat Tails in FinanceFaultTreeFault Trees for Risk and Reliability AnalysisfauxSimulation for Factorial DesignsfauxnaifConvert Values to NAfauxpasHTTP Error HelpersFAVARBayesian Analysis of a FAVAR ModelfaviconPleaseFind the URL to the 'Favicon' for a WebsitefavnumsA Dataset of Favourite NumbersFAwRFunctions and Datasets for "Forest Analytics with R"fbarAn Extensible Approach to Flux Balance AnalysisfBasicsRmetrics - Markets and Basic StatisticsfbatiGene by Environment Interaction and Conditional Gene Tests forNuclear FamiliesFBCRMPhase I Optimal Dose Assignment using the FBCRM and MFBCRMMethodsFBFsearchAlgorithm for Searching the Space of Gaussian Directed AcyclicGraph Models Through Moment Fractional Bayes FactorsFBMSFlexible Bayesian Model Selection and Model AveragingFBNFISH Based Normalization and Copy Number Inference of SNPMicroarray DatafbnetForensic Bayesian NetworksfBondsRmetrics - Pricing and Evaluating BondsfbRadsAnalyzing and Managing Facebook Ads from RfbrocFast Algorithms to Bootstrap Receiver Operating CharacteristicsCurvesfbstThe Full Bayesian Evidence Test, Full Bayesian Significance Testand the e-ValuefcStandard Evaluation-Based Multivariate Function CompositionfcaFloating Catchment Area (FCA) Methods to Calculate SpatialAccessibilityfcaRFormal Concept AnalysisfcciFeldman-Cousins Confidence IntervalsfcfdrFlexible cFDRfcirtForced Choice in Item Response TheoryfclA Financial CalculatorfclustFuzzy ClusteringfcmInference of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs)FCMapperFuzzy Cognitive MappingFCOFlexible Cutoffs for Model Fit Evaluation in Covariance-BasedStructural ModelsfCopulaeRmetrics - Bivariate Dependence Structures with CopulaefcpFunction CompositionFCPSFundamental Clustering Problems SuitefcrFunctional Concurrent Regression for Sparse DatafcrosA Method to Search for Differentially Expressed Genes and toDetect Recurrent Chromosomal Copy Number AberrationsFCSlibA Collection of Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy AnalysisMethodsfctbasesFunctional Basesf*ckThe Ultimate Helper for Clumsy FingersFCVAREstimation and Inference for the Fractionally Cointegrated VARFDMeasuring Functional Diversity (FD) from Multiple Traits, andOther Tools for Functional EcologyfdaFunctional Data Analysisfda.uscFunctional Data Analysis and Utilities for Statistical ComputingfdaACFAutocorrelation Function for Functional Time SeriesfdaclusterJoint Clustering and Alignment of Functional DatafdaconcurConcurrent Regression and History Index Models for FunctionalDatafdadensityFunctional Data Analysis for Density Functions by Transformationto a Hilbert SpacefdaMixedFunctional Data Analysis in a Mixed Model FrameworkfdaMoccaModel-Based Clustering for Functional Data with CovariatesfdANOVAAnalysis of Variance for Univariate and Multivariate FunctionalDatafdaoutlierOutlier Detection Tools for Functional Data AnalysisfdapaceFunctional Data Analysis and Empirical DynamicsfdapaceShinyA Shiny App for the 'fdapace' PackagefdaPDEPhysics-Informed Spatial and Functional Data AnalysisfdaPOIFDPartially Observed Integrated Functional DepthfdarepTwo-Dimensional FPCA, Marginal FPCA, and Product FPCA forRepeated Functional DatafdaSPSparse Functional Data Analysis MethodsfdasrvfElastic Functional Data AnalysisfdatestInterval Testing Procedure for Functional DataFDboostBoosting Functional Regression ModelsfddmFast Implementation of the Diffusion Decision ModelfdicdataAccessing FDIC Bank Datafdm2idData Mining and R Programming for BeginnersfDMADynamic Model Averaging and Dynamic Model Selection forContinuous OutcomesfdqForest Data QualityfdrciPermutation-Based FDR Point and Confidence Interval EstimationfdrDiscreteNullFalse Discovery Rate Procedures Under Discrete and HeterogeneousNull DistributionsFDRestimationEstimate, Plot, and Summarize False Discovery RatesFDRsamplesize2Computing Power and Sample Size for the False Discovery Rate inMultiple ApplicationsFDRsampsizeCompute Sample Size that Meets Requirements for Average Powerand FDRfdrtoolEstimation of (Local) False Discovery Rates and Higher CriticismfdsFunctional Data SetsfdthFrequency Distribution Tables, Histograms and PolygonsfdWassersteinApplication of Optimal Transport to Functional Data AnalysisFDXFalse Discovery Exceedance Controlling Multiple TestingProceduresFEAFinite Element Modeling for RFeaLectScores Features for Feature SelectionfeastsFeature Extraction and Statistics for Time SeriesfeatherR Bindings to the Feather 'API'featureLocal Inferential Feature Significance for Multivariate KernelDensity EstimationfeatureCorMatrixMeasurement Level Independent Feature Correlation MatrixFeatureExtractionGenerating Features for a CohortfeaturefinderFeature FinderfeatureflagTurn Features On and Off using Feature FlagsFeatureHashingCreates a Model Matrix via Feature Hashing with a FormulaInterfaceFeatureImpClusterFeature Importance for Partitional ClusteringfeaturesFeature Extraction for Discretely-Sampled Functional DataFeatureTerminatoRFeature Selection Engine to Remove Features with MinimalPredictive PowerfeaturizerSome Helper Functions that Help Create Features from Datafec16Data Package for the 2016 United States Federal ElectionsfechnerFechnerian Scaling of Discrete Object SetsfectFixed Effects CounterfactualsFedDataFunctions to Automate Downloading Geospatial Data Available fromSeveral Federated Data SourcesfederalregisterClient Package for the U.S. Federal Register APIFedIRTFederated Item Response Theory ModelsfedmatchFast, Flexible, and User-Friendly Record Linkage MethodsfedregsText Analysis of the US Code of Federal RegulationsfedstatAPIrUnofficial API for Fedstat (Rosstat EMISS System) for Automaticand Efficient Data Queriesfedz1An Easier Access to Financial Accounts of the United States(Z.1)FeedbackTSAnalysis of Feedback in Time SeriesfeisrEstimating Fixed Effects Individual Slope ModelsfelpFunctional Help for Functions, Objects, and PackagesfeltrAccess the Felt APIfenceUsing Fence Methods for Model SelectionFENmlmFixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood ModelsFEprovideRFixed Effects Logistic Model with High-Dimensional ParametersFERFinancial Engineering in RfergmEstimation and Fit Assessment of Frailty Exponential RandomGraph ModelsfermicatsRFermi Large Area Telescope CatalogsferrnFacilitate Exploration of touRR optimisatioNFertBootFertilizer Response Curve Analysis by Bootstrapping ResidualsfertilmodelFertility ModelsFertNetProcess Data from the Social Networks and Fertility SurveyFEStaFishing Effort StandardisationfetchFetch Data from Various Data SourcesfetchGoogleAnalyticsRGet Data from Google Analytics via the '' APIfetchSalesforceRGet Data from Salesforce via the '' APIfExtremesRmetrics - Modelling Extreme Events in FinanceffMemory-Efficient Storage of Large Data on Disk and Fast AccessFunctionsFFDFreedom from DiseaseFFdownloadDownload Data from Kenneth French's WebsiteffmanovaFifty-Fifty MANOVAffpFully Flexible Probabilities for Stress Testing and PortfolioConstructionffscraprAPI Client for Fantasy Football League PlatformsFFTreesGenerate, Visualise, and Evaluate Fast-and-Frugal Decision TreesfftwFast FFT and DCT Based on the FFTW LibraryfftwtoolsWrapper for 'FFTW3' Includes: One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional,Three-Dimensional, and Multivariate TransformsFGalgorithmFlury and Gautschi algorithmsfGarchRmetrics - Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic ModellingfgdrUtilities for Fundamental Geo-Spatial DatafgeoAnalyze Forest Diversity and Dynamicsfgeo.analyzeAnalyze ForestGEO Datafgeo.plotPlot ForestGEO Datafgeo.toolImport and Manipulate 'ForestGEO' Datafgeo.xAccess Small ForestGEO Datasets For ExamplesfgitRUsing 'FastGit' to Accelerate the Access to 'GitHub'FGLMtruncTruncated Functional Generalized Linear ModelsfglsnetA Feasible Generalized Least Squares Estimator for RegressionAnalysis of Outcomes with Network DependencefgmPartial Separability and Functional Gaussian Graphical ModelsFgmutilsForest Growth Model UtilitiesfguiFunction GUIFHDIFractional Hot Deck and Fully Efficient Fractional ImputationfhircrackrHandling HL7 FHIR® Resources in RfHMMFitting Hidden Markov Models to Financial DataFHtestTests for Right and Interval-Censored Survival Data Based on theFleming-Harrington ClassFIProvide functions for forest inventory calculationsfiberLDFiber Length DeterminationficFocused Information Criteria for Model ComparisonfICAClassical, Reloaded and Adaptive FastICA AlgorithmsfideliusBrowser-Side Password-Protected HTML DocumentsfidoBayesian Multinomial Logistic Normal RegressionFielDHubA Shiny App for Design of Experiments in Life SciencesfieldsTools for Spatial DataFieldSimRSimulation of Plot Errors and Phenotypes in Plant Breeding FieldTrialsfieryA Lightweight and Flexible Web FrameworkFIESTAForest Inventory Estimation and AnalysisFIESTAutilsUtility Functions for Forest Inventory Estimation and AnalysisfigA Config Package with No "Con"figirCheck Validity of FIGI, CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOLfigmaWeb Client/Wrapper to the 'Figma API'figpatchEasily Arrange External Figures with Patchwork Alongside'ggplot2' FiguresfiguRes2Support for a Variety of Figure Production Tasksfile2mecoTransform Files to 'microtable' Object with 'microeco' PackagefilearrayFile-Backed Array for Out-of-Memory ComputationfilebinWrapper for the Filebin File Sharing APIfilecacherFile CacherfilehashSimple Key-Value DatabasefilehashSQLiteSimple Key-Value Database Using SQLitefilelockPortable File LockingfilematrixFile-Backed Matrix Class with Convenient Read and Write AccessfilenamerEasy Management of File NamesfilesEffective File Navigation from the R ConsolefilesstringsHandy File and String ManipulationFILESTFine-Level Structure SimulatorfilibustrData Utilities for Congressional ResearchfillingMatrix Completion, Imputation, and Inpainting MethodsfillpatternPatterned Fills for 'ggplot2' and 'grid' GraphicsfillrFill Missing Values in VectorsfilterNHPNon-Human Primate Search FiltersfiltersA "Snake_case" Filter System for RfImportRmetrics - Importing Economic and Financial DatafinalfitQuickly Create Elegant Regression Results Tables and Plots whenModellingfinalsizeCalculate the Final Size of an EpidemicFinAnaFinancial Analysis and Regression Diagnostic AnalysisFinancialInstrumentFinancial Instrument Model Infrastructure and Meta-DataFinancialMathFinancial Mathematics for ActuariesfinbifInterface for the 'Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility'APIfinbipartiteLearning Bipartite Graphs: Heavy Tails and Multiple ComponentsFinCalTime Value of Money, Time Series Analysis and ComputationalFinancefinchParse Darwin Core FilesFinCovRegularizationCovariance Matrix Estimation and Regularization for FinancefindGSEPEstimate Genome Size of Polyploid Species Using k-MerFrequenciesfindInFilesFind Pattern in FilesfindInGitFind Pattern in Files of All Branches of a 'git' RepositoryFindItFinding Heterogeneous Treatment EffectsfindPackageFind 'CRAN' Package by TopicfindpythonFunctions to Find an Acceptable Python BinaryfindRFind Code Snippets, R Scripts, R Markdown, PDF and Text Fileswith Pattern MatchingfindSVICalculate Social Vulnerability Index for CommunitiesfindviewsA View Generator for Multidimensional DataFinePopFine-Scale Population AnalysisFinePop2Fine-Scale Population Analysis (Rewrite forGene-Trait-Environment Interaction Analysis)finetuneAdditional Functions for Model TuningfingerprintFunctions to Operate on Binary Fingerprint DatafingerProSediment Source FingerprintingfingraphLearning Graphs for Financial MarketsfiniteruinprobComputation of the Probability of Ruin Within a Finite TimeHorizonfinityTest for Finiteness of Moments in a DistributionFinNetQuickly Build and Manipulate Financial Networksfinnishgrid'Fingrid Open Data API' R ClientfinnsurveytextAnalyse Open-Ended Survey Responses in FinnishfinntsMicrosoft Finance Time Series Forecasting FrameworkfinreportrFinancial Data from U.S. Securities and Exchange CommissionFinTSCompanion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time SeriesfipioLightweight Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) CodeInformation RetrievalfippInduced Priors in Bayesian Mixture ModelsFiREFinder of Rare Entities (FiRE)firebaseIntegrates 'Google Firebase' Authentication Storage, and'Analytics' with 'Shiny'firebehavioRPrediction of Wildland Fire Behavior and HazardfirstFactor Importance Ranking and Selection using Total IndicesFiShFisher-Shannon MethodfishbcFishes of British ColumbiafishdataA Small Collection of Fish Population DatasetsFisherEMThe FisherEM Algorithm to Simultaneously Cluster and VisualizeHigh-Dimensional DatafisheyeTransform Base Maps Using Log-Azimuthal Projectionfishkirkko2015Dataset of Measurements of Fish Species at Kirkkojarvi Lake,FinlandfishmethodsFishery Science Methods and ModelsfishModFits Poisson-Sum-of-Gammas GLMs, Tweedie GLMs, and DeltaLog-Normal ModelsFishPhyloMakerPhylogenies for a List of Finned-Ray FishesFishRespAnalytical Tool for Aquatic RespirometryfishRmanThe Fisheries Scientist's ToolboxfishtreeInterface to the Fish Tree of Life APIfishualizeColor Palettes Based on Fish SpeciesFisProFuzzy Inference System Design and OptimizationFITTranscriptomic Dynamics Models in Field Conditionsfit.modelsCompare Fitted ModelsfitbitrInterface with the 'Fitbit' APIfitbitScraperScrapes Data from FitbitfitbitViz'Fitbit' VisualizationsfitConicFit Data to Any Conic SectionfitdistrplusHelp to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored orCensored DataFitDynMixEstimation of Dynamic MixturesfitHeavyTailMean and Covariance Matrix Estimation under Heavy TailsfitlandrFit Vector Fields and Potential Landscapes from IntensiveLongitudinal DatafitmixFinite Mixture Model Fitting of Lifespan DatasetsfitODBODModeling Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data Using BMD and ABDfitODBODRshiny'Shiny' Application for R Package 'fitODBOD'fitodeTools for Ordinary Differential Equations Model FittingfitplcFit Hydraulic Vulnerability CurvesfitPolyGenotype Calling for Bi-Allelic Marker AssaysfitPSFit Zeta Distributions to Forensic DatafitscapeClasses for Fitness Landscapes and SeascapesFITSioFITS (Flexible Image Transport System) UtilitiesfitteRFit Hundreds of Theoretical Distributions to Empirical DataFitUltDFit Univariate Mixed and Usual DistributionsfiturFit Univariate DistributionsfitzRoyEasily Scrape and Process AFL DatafivethirtyeightData and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at'FiveThirtyEight'fixedincomeFixed Income Models, Calculations, Data Structures andInstrumentsFixedPointAlgorithms for Finding Fixed Point Vectors of FunctionsfixedpointpropertyDetermine and Test the Fixed-Point Property in Binary MixtureDatafixedTimeEventsThe Distribution of Distances Between Discrete Events in FixedTimefixerapiAn R Client for the "" Currency APIfixestFast Fixed-Effects EstimationsfixrFixing Data Made Easy for Statistical AnalysisFixSeqMTPFixed Sequence Multiple Testing ProceduresfixtuResMock Data GeneratorfizzbuzzRFizz Buzz ImplementationFjordLightAvailable Light Within the Water Column and Seafloor of ArcticFjordsFKFFast Kalman FilterFKF.SPFast Kalman Filtering Through Sequential ProcessingFKSUMFast Kernel SumsflaccoFeature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and ConstrainedOptimization ProblemsflagrImplementation of Flag AggregationflamFits Piecewise Constant Models with Data-Adaptive KnotsFLAMEInterpretable Matching for Causal InferenceflametreeGenerate Random Tree-Like ImagesflamingosFunctional Latent Data Models for Clustering HeterogeneousCurves ('FLaMingos')flanFLuctuation ANalysis on Mutation ModelsflapForecast Linear Augmented ProjectionflareFamily of Lasso RegressionflashCardCreate a Flash CardflashClustImplementation of optimal hierarchical clusteringflashierEmpirical Bayes Matrix FactorizationflashlightShed Light on Black Box Machine Learning ModelsflashrCreate Flashcards of Terms and DefinitionsflatrTransforms Contingency Tables to Data Frames, and Analyses ThemflattablerObtaining a Flat Table from Pivot TablesflatxmlTools for Working with XML Files as R DataframesfledgeSmoother Change Tracking and Versioning for R PackagesflevrFlexible, Ensemble-Based Variable Selection with PotentiallyMissing DataflexclustFlexible Cluster AlgorithmsflexCWMFlexible Cluster-Weighted ModelingflexdashboardR Markdown Format for Flexible DashboardsFlexDirTools to Work with the Flexible Dirichlet DistributionFlexGAMGeneralized Additive Models with Flexible Response Functionsflexiblas'FlexiBLAS' API InterfaceflexlsxExporting 'flextable' to 'xlsx' FilesflexmetFlexible Latent Trait Metrics using the Filtered MonotonicPolynomial Item Response ModelflexmixFlexible Mixture ModelingflexmixNLFinite Mixture Modeling of Generalized Nonlinear ModelsflexmsmA General Framework for Flexible Multi-State Survival ModellingflexORFlexible Odds Ratio CurvesFlexParamCurveTools to Fit Flexible Parametric CurvesflexpolylineFlexible Polyline EncodingFlexRegRegression Models for Bounded Continuous and Discrete ResponsesflexrsurvFlexible Relative Survival AnalysisFlexScanFlexible Scan StatisticsflexsiteboardBreaks Single Page Applications from 'flexdashboard' in MultipleFilesflexsurvFlexible Parametric Survival and Multi-State ModelsflexsurvcureFlexible Parametric Cure ModelsflextableFunctions for Tabular ReportingFlexVarJMEstimate Joint Models with Subject-Specific VarianceFlickrAPIAccess to Flickr APIflifoDon't Get Stuck with Stacks in RflightplotPlotting Flight Paths on MapsflightsbrDownload Flight and Airport Data from BrazilflimoFixed Landscape Inference MethodflintyRSimple and Flexible Tests of Sample ExchangeabilityflipMultivariate Permutation TestsflipbookrParses Code, Creates Partial Code Builds, Delivers Code MovieflipdownrImplement a Countdown in 'RMarkdown' Documents and 'shiny'ApplicationsflipdownWidgetsA Wrapper of JavaScript Library 'flipdown.js'flippantDithionite Scramblase Assay AnalysisfliprFlexible Inference via Permutations in RflipscoresRobust Score Testing in GLMs, by Sign-Flip ContributionsFLLatFused Lasso Latent Feature Modelfloat32-Bit FloatsflobrConvert Files to and from Binary Objects (BLOBs)flockProcess Synchronization Using File LocksflockerFlexible Occupancy Estimation with StanfloodStatistical Methods for the (Regional) Analysis of FloodFrequencyFloodFreqPlotFlood Probability Plotting and Graphical Frequency AnalysisFLOPARTFunctional Labeled Optimal PartitioningfloraTools for Interacting with the Brazilian Flora 2020florabrExplore Flora e Funga do Brasil DatabaseFLORALFit Log-Ratio Lasso Regression for Compositional DataflowView and Browse Code Using Flow DiagramsflowchartTidy Flowchart GeneratorflowmlA Backend for a 'nextflow' Pipeline that PerformsMachine-Learning-Based Modeling of Biomedical DataflowrStreamlining Design and Deployment of Complex WorkflowsFlowRegEnvCostThe Environmental Costs of Flow RegulationFlowScreenDaily Streamflow Trend and Change Point ScreeningflowTraceRTracing Information Flow for Inter-Software Comparisons in MassSpectrometry-Based Bottom-Up ProteomicsflpsFully-Latent Principal StratificationFLRFuzzy Logic Rule ClassifierflsaPath Algorithm for the General Fused Lasso Signal ApproximatorFLSSSMining Rigs for Problems in the Subset Sum FamilyFluidigmHandling Fluidigm DatafluidsynthRead and Play Digital Music (MIDI)FluMoDLInfluenza-Attributable Mortality with Distributed-Lag ModelsfluoSurvEstimate Insect Survival from Fluorescence DatafluspectFluspect-BfluxFlux Rate Calculation from Dynamic Closed Chamber MeasurementsfluxwebEstimate Energy Fluxes in Food WebsflyingSimulation of Bird Flight RangeFlyingRSimulation of Bird Flight RangefmaData Sets from "Forecasting: Methods and Applications" byMakridakis, Wheelwright & Hyndman (1998)FMAdistFrequentist Model Averaging DistributionFMATThe Fill-Mask Association TestfmbasicsFinancial Market Building BlocksFMCFactorial Experiments with Minimum Level ChangesFMCCSDEfficient Estimation of Clustered Current Status DatafmcmcA friendly MCMC frameworkfmdatesFinancial Market Date Calculationsfmdu(Restricted) [external] Multidimensional UnfoldingFMEA Flexible Modelling Environment for Inverse Modelling,Sensitivity, Identifiability and Monte Carlo AnalysisfmeffectsModel-Agnostic Interpretations with Forward Marginal EffectsfmerPackTools of Heterogeneity Pursuit via Finite Mixture Effects ModelfmesherTriangle Meshes and Related Geometry ToolsfmfFast Class Noise Detector with Multi-Factor-Based LearningFMMRhythmic Patterns Modeling by FMM ModelsFMPFiltered Monotonic Polynomial IRT ModelsfmpcloudrR Access to the 'FMP Cloud' and 'Financial Modeling Prep' APIFMradioFactor Modeling for Radiomics DatafmriAnalysis of fMRI ExperimentsfmriqaFunctional MRI Quality Assurance RoutinesfMRIscrubScrubbing and Other Data Cleaning Routines for fMRIfMRItoolsRoutines for Common fMRI Processing TasksfmsbFunctions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic DataFMsmsnRegRegression Models with Finite Mixtures of Skew Heavy-TailedErrorsFMStableFinite Moment Stable DistributionsfmtVariance Estimation of FMT Method (Fully Moderated T-Statistic)fmtrEasily Apply Formats to DatafMultivarRmetrics - Modeling of Multivariate Financial ReturnDistributionsfmxFinite Mixture ParametrizationfnetsFactor-Adjusted Network Estimation and Forecasting forHigh-Dimensional Time SeriesFNNFast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and ApplicationsfNonlinearRmetrics - Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series ModellingFnRInbreeding and Numerator Relationship CoefficientsFOCIFeature Ordering by Conditional IndependencefocusedMDSFocused, Interactive Multidimensional ScalingfoghornSummarize CRAN Check Results in the TerminalfoldersStandardized Folder NamesfolioDatasets for Teaching Archaeology and Paleontologyfomantic.plusAdd Extra 'Fomantic UI' Components to 'shiny.semantic'fontawesomeEasily Work with 'Font Awesome' IconsfontBitstreamVeraFonts with 'Bitstream Vera Fonts' LicensefontcmComputer Modern font for use with extrafont packagefontLiberationLiberation FontsfontquiverSet of Installed FontsfoodingraphFood Network Inference and VisualizationfoodquotientFood Quotient and Nutrient Analysis for HSFFQfoodwebWrapperEnhanced Wrapper to Show Which Functions Call WhatfoolboxFunction Manipulation ToolboxfootballpenaltiesBLPenalties in the German Men's Football BundesligafootBayesFitting Bayesian and MLE Football ModelsfootprintCalculate Air Travel EmissionsfoqatField Observation Quick Analysis ToolkitForagingOrgOrganization Measures for Visual ForagingforamsForaminifera and Community Ecology AnalysesforcatsTools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors)forceplateProcessing Force-Plate DataforceRForce Measurement AnalysesforeachProvides Foreach Looping ConstructForeCAForecastable Component AnalysisforecastForecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear ModelsForecastCombForecast Combination MethodsForecastCombinationsForecast CombinationsforecasteRTime Series Forecast SystemforecastHybridConvenient Functions for Ensemble Time Series ForecastsforecastLSWForecasting Routines for Locally Stationary Wavelet ProcessesforecastMLTime Series Forecasting with Machine Learning MethodsforecastSNSTSForecasting for Stationary and Non-Stationary Time SeriesForecastTBTest Bench for the Comparison of Forecast MethodsFoRecoForecast ReconciliationForeCompSize-Power Tradeoff Visualization for Equal Predictive Abilityof Two ForecastsforecThetaForecasting Time Series by Theta ModelsforeignRead Data Stored by 'Minitab', 'S', 'SAS', 'SPSS', 'Stata','Systat', 'Weka', 'dBase', ...forensicolorsForensic ColorsforensITInformation Theory Tools for Forensic AnalysisforeSIGHTSystems Insights from Generation of Hydroclimatic TimeseriesforestatForest Carbon Sequestration and Potential ProductivityCalculationforestControlApproximate False Positive Rate Control in Selection Frequencyfor Random ForestForestDiscForest DiscretizationforestecologyFitting and Assessing Neighborhood Models of the Effect ofInterspecific Competition on the Growth of TreesforestErrorA Unified Framework for Random Forest Prediction ErrorEstimationForestFitStatistical Modelling for Plant Size DistributionsForestGapRTropical Forest Canopy Gaps AnalysisforestHESForest Health Evaluation System at the Forest Stand Level inChinaforestinventoryDesign-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for MultiphaseForest InventoriesforestlyInteractive Forest PlotforestmangrForest Mensuration and ManagementforestmodelForest Plots from Regression ModelsforestplotAdvanced Forest Plot Using 'grid' GraphicsforestploterCreate a Flexible Forest PlotforestrEcosystem and Canopy Structural Complexity Metrics from LiDARforestRKImplements the Forest-R.K. Algorithm for Classification ProblemsforestryReshape Data TreeForestToolsTools for Analyzing Remote Sensing Forest DataforetellProjecting Customer Retention Based on Fader and HardieProbability ModelsforgeCasting Values into ShapeforImageForaminiferal Image Analysis and Test MeasurementForITFunctions to Estimate Tree Volume and Phytomass in the ItalianForest Inventory 2005formatBibtexFormat BibTeX Entries and FilesformatdownFormatting Numbers in 'rmarkdown' DocumentsformatRFormat R Code AutomaticallyformattableCreate 'Formattable' Data StructuresformattersASCII Formatting for Values and Tablesformods'Shiny' Modules for General TasksFormShareA Simple Connection Between the 'FormShare App' and 'R' forAdvanced AnalyticsFormulaExtended Model Formulasformula.toolsProgrammatic Utilities for Manipulating Formulas, Expressions,Calls, Assignments and Other R ObjectsformulaicDynamic Generation and Quality Checks of Formula ObjectsformulopsMathematical Operations on R FormulaFormulRComprehensive Tools for Drug Formulation Analysis andVisualizationforploFlexible Forest PlotsforrelForensic Pedigree Analysis and Relatedness InferenceforsearchDiagnostic Analysis Using Forward Search Procedure for VariousModelsforstringrString Manipulation Package for Those Familiar with 'MicrosoftExcel'FORTLSAutomatic Processing of Terrestrial-Based Technologies PointCloud Data for Forestry PurposesfortunesR FortunesforwardRobust Analysis using Forward SearchforwardsData from Surveys Conducted by ForwardsfossilPalaeoecological and Palaeogeographical Analysis ToolsfossilbrushAutomated Cleaning of Fossil Occurrence DataFossilSimSimulation of Fossil and Taxonomy DataFossilSimShinyShiny Application for 'FossilSim'fotoFourier Transform Textural Ordinationfoundry'Palantir Foundry' Software Development KitFourgametePFourGamete TestfourierinComputes Numeric Fourier IntegralsfourPNOBayesian 4 Parameter Item Response ModelFourScoresA Game for Human vs. Human or Human vs. AIFourWayHMMParsimonious Hidden Markov Models for Four-Way DatafpaSpatio-Temporal Fixation Pattern AnalysisfPASSPower and Sample Size for Projection Test under RepeatedMeasuresfpcFlexible Procedures for ClusteringFPCA3DThree Dimensional Functional Component AnalysisfpcbPredictive Confidence Bands for Functional Time SeriesForecastingFPCdpcaThe FPCdpca Criterion on Distributed Principal ComponentAnalysisfpCompareReliable Comparison of Floating Point NumbersFPDclusteringPD-Clustering and Related MethodsfpeekCheck Text Files Content at a GlancefpestEstimating Finite Population TotalFPLdataRead in Fantasy Premier League DatafplotAutomatic Distribution Graphs Using FormulasfplyrApply Functions to Blocks of FilesfpopSegmentation using Optimal Partitioning and Function PruningfpopwWeighted Segmentation using Functional Pruning and OptimalPartioningfPortfolioRmetrics - Portfolio Selection and OptimizationfpowComputing the noncentrality parameter of the noncentral FdistributionfppData for "Forecasting: principles and practice"fpp2Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (2nd Edition)fpp3Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (3rd Edition)fptdApproxApproximation of First-Passage-Time Densities for DiffusionProcessesFPVTesting Hypotheses via Fuzzy P-Value in Fuzzy EnvironmentfqacalcCalculate Floristic Quality Assessment MetricsfqadataContains Regional Floristic Quality Assessment DatabasesfqarFloristic Quality Assessment Tools for RfrFrictionless StandardsfrabHow to Add Two TablesfracdiffFractionally Differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(P,d,q) ModelsfracdistNumerical CDFs for Fractional Unit Root and Cointegration TestsFracKrigingRSpatial Multivariate Data ModelingfracprolifFraction Proliferation via a Quiescent Growth ModelfractaldimEstimation of Fractal DimensionsFractalParameterEstimationSimulation and Parameter Estimation of Randomized SierpinskiCarpets using the p-p-p-q-ModelfractalRegressionPerforms Fractal Analysis and Fractal RegressionfractDEstimation of Fractal Dimension of a Black Area in 2D and 3D(Slices) ImagesFRACTIONNumeric Number into FractionfractionalVulgar Fractions in RfractureConvert Decimals to FractionsfragilityAssessing and Visualizing Fragility of Clinical Results withBinary OutcomesFragmanFragment Analysis in RfrailtyEMFitting Frailty Models with the EM AlgorithmfrailtyHLFrailty Models via Hierarchical LikelihoodfrailtyMMpenEfficient Algorithm for High-Dimensional Frailty ModelfrailtySurvGeneral Semiparametric Shared Frailty ModelfrairTools for Functional Response AnalysisframecleanerClean Data FramesFrames2Estimation in Dual Frame SurveysfrancDetect the Language of TextFRAPOFinancial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimisation with RfrapplotAutomatic Data Processing and Visualization for FRAPfrbinomFractional Binomial DistributionsfrbsFuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Classification and Regression TasksFRCCFast Regularized Canonical Correlation AnalysisfrechetStatistical Analysis for Random Objects and Non-Euclidean DatafredrAn R Client for the 'FRED' APIfreeFlexible Regularized Estimating EquationsfreealgThe Free AlgebrafreebirdEstimation and Inference for High Dimensional Mediation andSurrogate AnalysisfreecurrencyapiClient for the '' Currency Conversion APIfreedomDemonstration of Disease Freedom (DDF)freegroupThe Free GroupFreeSortRFree Sorting Data AnalysisfreesurferWrapper Functions for 'Freesurfer'freesurferformatsRead and Write 'FreeSurfer' Neuroimaging File FormatsFREEtreeTree Method for High Dimensional Longitudinal DatafreewallA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'Freewall'fRegressionRmetrics - Regression Based Decision and PredictionfrenchCurveGenerate Open or Closed Interpolating CurvesfrenchdataDownload Data Sets from Kenneth's French Finance Data LibrarySiteFREQFREQ: Estimate population size from capture frequenciesfreqdistFrequency DistributionfreqdistributionNogivesAutomated Cumulative Frequency Plots for Grouped DistributionfreqdomFrequency Domain Based Analysis: Dynamic PCAfreqdom.fdaFunctional Time Series: Dynamic Functional Principal ComponentsfreqparcoordNovel Methods for Parallel CoordinatesfreqpcrEstimates Allele Frequency on qPCR DeltaDeltaCq from BulkSamplesFreqProfFrequency Profiles Computing and PlottingfreqtablesMake Quick Descriptive Tables for Categorical VariablesfrequencyEasy Frequency TablesfrequencyConnectednessSpectral Decomposition of Connectedness MeasuresfrequentdirectionsImplementation of Frequent-Directions Algorithm for EfficientMatrix SketchingfrequentistSSDScreened Selection Design with Survival EndpointsFRESA.CADFeature Selection Algorithms for Computer Aided DiagnosisfreshCreate Custom 'Bootstrap' Themes to Use in 'Shiny'FRESHDFast Robust Estimation of Signals in Heterogeneous DatafreshrMake R Environment Fresh AgainFrF2Fractional Factorial Designs with 2-Level FactorsFrF2.catlg128Catalogues of Resolution IV 128 Run 2-Level FractionalFactorials Up to 33 Factors that Do Have 5-Letter WordsFRIRelative Importance of Main and Interaction EffectsfrictionlessRead and Write Frictionless Data PackagesfriendsThe Entire Transcript from Friends in Tidy FormatfritoolsUtilities for the Forest Research Institute of the StateBaden-Wuerttembergfritools2Utilities for the Forest Research Institute of the StateBaden-WuerttembergFRKFixed Rank KrigingfRLRFit Repeated Linear RegressionsfromoFast Robust MomentsfrontierStochastic Frontier AnalysisfrontilesPartial Frontier Efficiency AnalysisfrostrR API to MET Norway's 'Frost' APIfrothEmulate a 'Forth' Programming EnvironmentfrscoreFunctions for Calculating Fit-Robustness of CNA-SolutionsfruclimadaptEvaluation Tools for Assessing Climate Adaptation of Fruit TreeSpeciesfsCross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv'FSASimple Fisheries Stock Assessment MethodsFSAdataData to Support Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') PackagefsbrainManaging and Visualizing Brain Surface DatafscacheFile System CachefscaretAutomated Feature Selection from 'caret'FSDAMForward Stepwise Deep Autoencoder-Based Monotone NLDRfsdaRRobust Data Analysis Through Monitoring and DynamicVisualizationFSelectorSelecting AttributesFSelectorRcpp'Rcpp' Implementation of 'FSelector' Entropy-Based FeatureSelection Algorithms with a Sparse Matrix SupportfsemiparEstimation, Variable Selection and Prediction for FunctionalSemiparametric ModelsfsiaImport and Analysis of OMR Data from FormScannerFSinRFeature SelectionFSInteractFast Searches for InteractionsFSK2RAn Interface Between the 'FSKX' Standard and 'R'fslrWrapper Functions for 'FSL' ('FMRIB' Software Library) fromFunctional MRI of the Brain ('FMRIB')FSMFinite Selection ModelfsnRosenthal's Fail Safe Number and Related FunctionsfsoFuzzy Set OrdinationfspeEstimating the Number of Factors in EFA with Out-of-SamplePrediction ErrorsfsrHandling Fuzzy Spatial DatafSRMSocial Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM")fssemRFused Sparse Structural Equation Models to Jointly Infer GeneRegulatory NetworkFSSFGenerate Fully-Sequential Space-Filling Designs Inside a UnitHypercubefstLightning Fast Serialization of Data Framesfst4pgGenetic Distance Segmentation for Population GeneticsFstabilityCalculate Feature StabilityfstcoreR Bindings to the 'Fstlib' LibraryfsthetFst-Heterozygosity Smoothed QuantilesFSTpackageUnified Sequence-Based Association Tests Allowing for MultipleFunctional Annotation ScoresftaproximFault Tree Analysis Based on Proxel SimulationftDKA Wrapper for the API of the Danish ParliamentftExtraExtensions for 'Flextable'fTradingRmetrics - Trading and Rebalancing Financial InstrumentsftrCOOLFeature Extraction from Biological SequencesftsaFunctional Time Series AnalysisftsspecSpectral Density Estimation and Comparison for Functional TimeSeriesfudeUtilities for Fude PolygonfuelFramework for Unified Estimation in Lognormal ModelsfueleconomyEPA Fuel Economy DatafugueSensitivity Analysis Optimized for Matched Sets of Varied SizesfujFunctions and Utilities for JordanfullfactFull Factorial Breeding AnalysisfullROCPlot Full ROC Curves using Eyewitness Lineup DatafunUse R for Funfunc2visClean and Visualize Over Expression Results from'ConsensusPathDB'FunCCFunctional Cheng and Church Bi-ClusteringFuncDivCompute Contributional Diversity MetricsfunchartsFunctional Control ChartsfunchirConvenience Functions by Michael ChiricoFunChisqModel-Free Functional Chi-Squared and Exact TestsFuncMapHive Plots of R Package Function CallsFuncNNFunctional Neural NetworksFunctanSNPFunctional Analysis (with Interactions) for Dense SNP DatafunctionalCurry, Compose, and other higher-order functionsfunctiondependsFind Functions and their DependenciesfunDataAn S4 Class for Functional DatafundiversityEasy Computation of Functional Diversity IndicesfunFEMClustering in the Discriminative Functional SubspacefungiblePsychometric Functions from the Waller LabfunGpGaussian Process Models for Scalar and Functional InputsfuniqueA Faster Unique FunctionfUnitRootsRmetrics - Modelling Trends and Unit RootsfunkycellsFunctional Data Analysis for Multiplexed Cell ImagesfunkyheatmapGenerating Funky Heatmaps for Data FramesfunLBMModel-Based Co-Clustering of Functional DatafunmediationFunctional Mediation for a Distal OutcomefunModelingExploratory Data Analysis and Data Preparation Tool-BoxfunneljoinTime-Based Joins to Analyze Sequences of EventsFunnelPlotRFunnel Plots for Comparing Institutional PerformancefunnelRFunnel Plots for Proportion DatafunpcaFunctional Principal Component AnalysisfunprogFunctional ProgrammingfunrSimple Utility Providing Terminal Access to all R FunctionsfunrarFunctional Rarity Indices ComputationfunregFunctional Regression for Irregularly Timed DatafunspaceCreating and Representing Functional Trait SpacesfunspotrSpot R Functions & PackagesfunStatTestStatistical Testing for Functional DataFUNTAFunctional Tangential Angle Pseudo-DepthfuntimesFunctions for Time Series AnalysisFunWithNumbersFun with Fractions and Number SequencesfurnitureFurniture for Quantitative ScientistsfurrrApply Mapping Functions in Parallel using FuturesfusedMGMImplementation of Fused MGM to Infer 2-Class NetworksfusenBuild a Package from Rmarkdown FilesfuserFused Lasso for High-Dimensional Regression over GroupsfusionchartsREmbedding 'FusionCharts Javascript' Library in RfusionclustClustering and Feature Screening using L1 Fusion PenaltyFusionLearnFusion Learningfutile.loggerA Logging Utility for Rfutile.optionsFutile Options ManagementfutilityInterim Analysis of Operational Futility in Randomized Trialswith Time-to-Event Endpoints and Fixed Follow-UpfutureUnified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyonefuture.applyApply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futuresfuture.batchtoolsA Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using'batchtools'future.callrA Future API for Parallel Processing using 'callr'future.miraiA 'Future' API for Parallel Processing using 'mirai'future.testsTest Suite for 'Future API' BackendsfutureverseEasily Install and Load the 'Futureverse'fuzzrFuzz-Test R FunctionsFuzzy.p.valueComputing Fuzzy p-ValueFuzzyAHP(Fuzzy) AHP CalculationFuzzyClassFuzzy and Non-Fuzzy ClassifiersFuzzyDBScanRun and Predict a Fuzzy DBScanfuzzyforestFuzzy ForestsfuzzyjoinJoin Tables Together on Inexact MatchingFuzzyLPFuzzy Linear ProgrammingFuzzyMFuzzy Cognitive Maps OperationsFuzzyNumbersTools to Deal with Fuzzy NumbersFuzzyNumbers.Ext.2Apply Two Fuzzy Numbers on a Monotone FunctionFuzzyPovertyREstimation of Fuzzy Poverty MeasuresFuzzyQFuzzy Quantification of Common and Rare SpeciesFuzzyRFuzzy Logic Toolkit for RfuzzyRankTestsFuzzy Rank Tests and Confidence IntervalsfuzzyregFuzzy Linear RegressionFuzzyResamplingResampling Methods for Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy NumbersfuzzySimFuzzy Similarity in Species DistributionsFuzzySimResSimulation and Resampling Methods for Epistemic Fuzzy DataFuzzyStatProbFuzzy Stationary Probabilities from a Sequence of Observationsof an Unknown Markov ChainFuzzyStatTraStatistical Methods for Trapezoidal Fuzzy NumbersFuzzyStatTraEOOPackage 'FuzzyStatTra' in Encapsulated Object OrientedProgrammingFuzzySTsFuzzy Statistical ToolsfuzzywuzzyRFuzzy String MatchingfwbFractional Weighted BootstrapFWDselectSelecting Variables in Regression ModelsfwlplotScatter Plot After Residualizing Using 'fixest' PackageFWRGBFresh Weight Determination from Visual Image of the PlantfwsimFisher-Wright Population Simulationfxl'fxl' Single Case Design Charting PackagefxregimeExchange Rate Regime AnalysisfxTWAPLSAn Improved Version of WA-PLSfyUtilities for Financial Years g.dataDelayed-Data Packagesg.ridgeGeneralized Ridge Regression for Linear ModelsG2SdGrain-Size Statistics and Description of SedimentGAGenetic AlgorithmsGABBFacilitation of Data Preparation and Plotting Procedures for RDAand PCA AnalysesGACFFGenetic Similarity in User-Based Collaborative FilteringGADAnalysis of Variance from General PrinciplesGADAGA Genetic Algorithm for Learning Directed Acyclic Graphsgadget2Gadget is the Globally-Applicable Area Disaggregated GeneralEcosystem Toolboxgadget3Globally-Applicable Area Disaggregated General Ecosystem ToolboxV3gafitGenetic Algorithm for Curve FittingGAGAsGlobal Adaptive Generative Adjustment Algorithm for GeneralizedLinear ModelsGAGBLUPGenetic Algorithm Assisted Genomic Best Liner UnbiasedPredictiongaiahGenetic and Isotopic Assignment Accounting for HabitatSuitabilitygainMLMachine Learning-Based Analysis of Potential Power Gain fromPassive Device Installation on Wind Turbine GeneratorsgainsLift (Gains) Tables and ChartsGAIPEGraphical Extension with Accuracy in Parameter Estimation(GAIPE)galahBiodiversity Data from the GBIF Node NetworkgalammGeneralized Additive Latent and Mixed ModelsgaligorCollection of Packages for Internet MarketingGALLOGenomic Annotation in Livestock for Positional Candidate LOcigaltsGenetic Algorithms and C-Steps Based LTS (Least Trimmed Squares)EstimationgalvanizerInterface to Galvanize 'Highbond' Internal Audit SoftwaregamGeneralized Additive Modelsgam.hpHierarchical Partitioning of Adjusted R2 and Explained Deviancefor Generalized Additive ModelsGaMaBioMDDiversity Analysis for Sequence DatagamairData for 'GAMs: An Introduction with R'gambinFit the Gambin Model to Species Abundance Distributionsgamblers.ruin.gameplayOne-Dimensional Random Walks Through Simulation of the Gambler'sRuin ProblemgamboostLSSBoosting Methods for 'GAMLSS'gamboostMSMBoosting Multistate ModelsgamclassFunctions and Data for a Course on Modern Regression andClassificationgamCopulaGeneralized Additive Models for Bivariate Conditional DependenceStructures and Vine CopulasGAMensApplies GAMbag, GAMrsm and GAMens Ensemble Classifiers forBinary ClassificationgameRColor Palettes Inspired by Video GamesgamesGAGenetic Algorithm for Sequential Symmetric GamesGameTheoryCooperative Game TheoryGameTheoryAllocationTools for Calculating Allocations in Game TheorygamlrGamma Lasso RegressiongamlssGeneralized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shapegamlss.addExtra Additive Terms for Generalized Additive Models forLocation Scale and Shapegamlss.censFitting an Interval Response Variable Using ‘’Distributionsgamlss.countKinfGenerating and Fitting K-Inflated 'discrete'Distributionsgamlss.dataData for Generalised Additive Models for Location Scale andShapegamlss.demoDemos for GAMLSSgamlss.distDistributions for Generalized Additive Models for Location Scaleand Shapegamlss.foreachParallel Computations for Distributional Regressiongamlss.ggplotsPlotting Functions for Generalized Additive Model for LocationScale and Shapegamlss.infFitting Mixed (Inflated and Adjusted) Distributionsgamlss.lassoExtra Lasso-Type Additive Terms for GAMLSSgamlss.mxFitting Mixture Distributions with GAMLSSgamlss.spatialSpatial Terms in Generalized Additive Models for Location Scaleand Shape Modelsgamlss.trGenerating and Fitting Truncated ‘’ DistributionsgamlssbssnBimodal Skew Symmetric Normal Distributiongamm4Generalized Additive Mixed Models using 'mgcv' and 'lme4'gammaDose Rate Estimation from in-Situ Gamma-Ray SpectrometryMeasurementsGammaregClassic Gamma Regression: Joint Modeling of Mean and ShapeParametersgammSliceGeneralized Additive Mixed Model Analysis via Slice SamplinggamregRobust and Sparse Regression via Gamma-DivergencegamRRCalculate the RR for the GAMgamselFit Regularization Path for Generalized Additive ModelsgamselBayesBayesian Generalized Additive Model SelectiongamstransferA Data Interface Between 'GAMS' and RganDataModelBuild a Metric Subspaces Data Model for a Data SourceganGenerativeDataGenerate Generative Data for a Data SourceGANPAGene Association Network-Based Pathway Analysis (GANPA)GANPAdataThe GANPA Datasets PackagegapGenetic Analysis Packagegap.datasetsDatasets for 'gap'GAparsimonySearching Parsimony Models with Genetic AlgorithmsgapclosingEstimate Gaps Under an InterventiongapfillFill Missing Values in Satellite DatagapmapDrawing Gapped Cluster Heatmaps with 'ggplot2'gapminderData from GapminderGARCHItoClass of GARCH-Ito ModelsGARCHSKEstimating a GARCHSK Model and GJRSK ModelgarchxFlexible and Robust GARCH-X ModellingGARCOMGene and Region Counting of Mutations ("GARCOM")gargleUtilities for Working with Google APIsgargoyleAn Event-Based Mechanism for 'Shiny'garmaFitting and Forecasting Gegenbauer ARMA Time Series ModelsgarrayGeneralized Array Arithmetic for Ragged Arrays with NamedMarginsGASGeneralized Autoregressive Score ModelsgasanalyzerImport, Recompute and Analyze Data from Portable Gas AnalyzersgaselectGenetic Algorithm (GA) for Variable Selection fromHigh-Dimensional DatagasfluxesGreenhouse Gas Flux Calculation from Chamber MeasurementsgasmodelGeneralized Autoregressive Score ModelsGaSPTrain and Apply a Gaussian Stochastic Process ModelgasperGraph Signal ProcessinggastemptAnalyzing Gastric Emptying from MRI or ScintigraphygastonGenetic Data Handling (QC, GRM, LD, PCA) & Linear Mixed ModelsgatepointsEasily Gate or Select Points on a Scatter PlotgateRFlow/Mass Cytometry Gating via Spatial Kernel Density EstimationgatoRsGeographic and Taxonomic Occurrence R-Based ScrubbingGauProGaussian Process FittinggauseRLotka-Volterra Models for Gause's 'Struggle for Existence'gausscovThe Gaussian Covariate Method for Variable SelectiongaussDiffDifference measures for multivariate Gaussian probabilitydensity functionsgaussfactsThe Greatest Mathematician Since AntiquityGaussianHMM1dInference, Goodness-of-Fit and Forecast for Univariate GaussianHidden Markov ModelsgaussplotRFit, Predict and Plot 2D GaussiansgaussquadCollection of Functions for Gaussian QuadratureGaussSuppressionTabular Data Suppression using Gaussian EliminationgawdisMulti-Trait Dissimilarity with more Uniform ContributionsgbGeneralize Lambda Distribution and Generalized BootstrappingGB2Generalized Beta Distribution of the Second Kind: Properties,Likelihood, EstimationGB2groupEstimation of the Generalised Beta Distribution of the SecondKind from Grouped DataGB5mcPredGradient Boosting Algorithm for Predicting Methylation StatesgbetaGeneralized Beta and Beta Prime DistributionsgbfsInterface with Live Bikeshare DatagbifdbHigh Performance Interface to 'GBIF'GBJGeneralized Berk-Jones Test for Set-Based Inference in GeneticAssociation StudiesgbmGeneralized Boosted Regression Modelsgbm.autoAutomated Boosted Regression Tree Modelling and Mapping Suitegbm2sasConvert GBM Object Trees to SAS CodegbmtGroup-Based Multivariate Trajectory ModelinggbpA Bin Packing Problem SolvergbRdUtilities for Processing Rd Objects and Filesgbs2ploidyInference of Ploidy from (Genotyping-by-Sequencing) GBS DatagbtsHyperparameter Search for Gradient Boosted TreesgbutilsUtilities for Simulation, Plots, Quantile Functions andProgrammingGCalciumA Data Manipulation and Analysis Package for Calcium IndicatorDataGCalignRSimple Peak Alignment for Gas-Chromatography DatagCatGraph-Based Two-Sample Tests for Categorical Datagcbd'GPU'/CPU Benchmarking in Debian-Based SystemsGCCfactorGCC Estimation of the Multilevel Factor ModelGCDGlobal Charcoal DatabasegcdnetThe (Adaptive) LASSO and Elastic Net Penalized Least Squares,Logistic Regression, Hybrid Huberized Support Vector Machines,Squared Hinge Loss Support Vector Machines and ExpectileRegression using a Fast Generalized Coordinate DescentAlgorithmgceriskGeneralized Competing Event ModelgciteGoogle Citation ParsergcKrigAnalysis of Geostatistical Count Data using Gaussian CopulasgclmGraphical Continuous Lyapunov ModelsgclusClustering GraphicsgcmrGaussian Copula Marginal RegressiongconsensusConsensus Value ConstructorgcookbookData for "R Graphics Cookbook"GCPBayesBayesian Meta-Analysis of Pleiotropic Effects Using GroupStructuregcplyrWrangle and Analyze Growth Curve DataGCPMGeneralized Credit Portfolio ModelGCSMImplements Generic Composite Similarity MeasuregcTensorGeneralized Coupled Tensor FactorizationgcxgclabGCxGC Preprocessing and AnalysisGDGeographical Detectors for Assessing Spatial FactorsGDAdataDatasets for the Book Graphical Data Analysis with RgdalcubesEarth Observation Data Cubes from Satellite Image CollectionsgdalrasterBindings to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' Raster APIgdalUtilitiesWrappers for 'GDAL' Utilities ExecutablesgdataVarious R Programming Tools for Data ManipulationGDAtoolsGeometric Data AnalysisgdeGBIF Dataset ExplorerGDELTtoolsDownload, Slice, and Normalize GDELT V1 Event and Sentiment APIDatagdiVolumetric Analysis using Graphic Double IntegrationgdiffGraphical Difference TestingGDILM.SIRInference for Infectious Disease Transmission in SIR FrameworkgdimEstimate Graph Dimension using Cross-Validated EigenvaluesGDINAThe Generalized DINA Model FrameworkgdistanceDistances and Routes on Geographical Gridsgdldata'Global Data Lab' R APIgdmGeneralized Dissimilarity ModelinggdpcGeneralized Dynamic Principal ComponentsGDPucEasily Convert GDP DatagdsDescriptive Statistics of Grouped DataGDSARMGauss - Dantzig Selector: Aggregation over Random ModelsgdtoolsUtilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts ManagementgdxdtIO for GAMS GDX Files using 'data.table'GEGeneral Equilibrium ModelinggearGeostatistical Analysis in Rgeboes.scoreEvaluate the Geboes Score for Histology in Ulcerative ColitisGECGeneralized Exponentiated Composite DistributionsgeckoGeographical Ecology and Conservation Knowledge OnlineGeDSGeometrically Designed Spline RegressiongeeGeneralized Estimation Equation SolverGEEaSPUAdaptive Association Tests for Multiple Phenotypes usingGeneralized Estimating Equations (GEE)geeasySolve Generalized Estimating Equations for Clustered DatageeCRTBias-Corrected GEE for Cluster Randomized TrialsgeecureMarginal Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Models withGeneralized Estimating EquationsgeeMSolve Generalized Estimating EquationsGEEmediateMediation Analysis for Generalized Linear Models Using theDifference MethodgeepackGeneralized Estimating Equation PackagegeesmvModified Variance Estimators for Generalized EstimatingEquationsgeessbinModified Generalized Estimating Equations for Binary OutcomegeeVerseA Comprehensive Analysis of High Dimensional Longitudinal DatageexAn API for M-EstimationgeigenCalculate Generalized Eigenvalues, the Generalized SchurDecomposition and the Generalized Singular Value Decompositionof a Matrix Pair with LapackgeigerAnalysis of Evolutionary DiversificationGEInfoGene-Environment Interaction Analysis Incorporating PriorInformationGEInterRobust Gene-Environment Interaction AnalysisgellipsoidGeneralized EllipsoidsgelnetGeneralized Elastic NetsGEmetricsBest Linear Unbiased Prediction of Genotype-by-EnvironmentMetricsgemma2GEMMA Multivariate Linear Mixed ModelgemsGeneralized Multistate Simulation ModelgemtcNetwork Meta-Analysis Using Bayesian Methodsgen2stageGeneralized Two-Stage Designs for Phase II Single-Arm Studiesgen3sisGeneral Engine for Eco-Evolutionary Simulationsgen5helperProcessing 'Gen5' 2.06 Exported DatagenaGenetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm OptimizationGenAIGenerative Artificial IntelligencegenalgR Based Genetic AlgorithmGenAlgoClasses and Methods to Use Genetic Algorithms for FeatureSelectiongenBaRcodeAnalysis and Visualization Tools for Genetic Barcode DataGenBinomAppsClopper-Pearson Confidence Interval and Generalized BinomialDistributiongencorGenerate Customized Correlation MatricesgenCountRInteracting with Roberts and Utych's (2019) Gendered LanguageDictionarygendataGenerate and Modify Synthetic DatasetsgenderPredict Gender from Names Using Historical DatagenderBRPredict Gender from Brazilian First NamesGenderInferThis is a Collection of Functions to Analyse Gender DifferencesgenderstatQuantitative Analysis Tools for Gender StudiesgendistGenerated Probability Distribution ModelsGENEAclassifySegmentation and Classification of Accelerometer DataGENEAreadPackage for Reading Binary FilesGeneCycleIdentification of Periodically Expressed GenesgeneExpressionFromGEOEasily Downloads a Gene Expression Dataset from a GEO Code andRetrieves the Gene Symbols of Its ProbesetsGeneFPackage for Generalized F-StatisticsgeneHapRGene Haplotype Statistics, Phenotype Association andVisualizationgeneHummusA Pipeline to Define Gene Families in Legumes and BeyondgenekitrGene Analysis ToolkitgenemodelGene Model Plotting in RGeneNetModeling and Inferring Gene NetworksGeneNMFNon-Negative Matrix Factorization for Single-Cell OmicsgenepiGenetic Epidemiology Design and InferencegenepopPopulation Genetic Data Analysis Using GenepopgeneralCorrGeneralized Correlations, Causal Paths and Portfolio SelectiongeneralhoslemGoodness of Fit Tests for Logistic Regression ModelsGeneralisedCovarianceMeasureTest for Conditional Independence Based on the GeneralizedCovariance Measure (GCM)GeneralizedHyperbolicThe Generalized Hyperbolic DistributionGeneralizedUmatrixCredible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of DataGeneralizedWendlandFully Parameterized Generalized Wendland Covariance FunctionGeneralOaxacaBlinder-Oaxaca Decomposition for Generalized Linear ModelgeneratorGenerate Data Containing Fake Personally IdentifiableInformationGenericMLGeneric Machine Learning InferencegenericsCommon S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related toModel FittinggeneroEstimate Gender from Names in Spanish and PortugueseGeneScapeSimulation of Single Cell RNA-Seq Data with Complex StructureGeneSelectR'GeneSelectR' - Comprehensive Feature Selection Workflow forBulk RNAseq DatasetsgenesetGet Gene Sets for Gene Enrichment AnalysisgeneSLOPEGenome-Wide Association Study with SLOPEGenEstGeneralized Mortality EstimatorgenesysrGenesys PGR ClientgeneticaeStatistical Tools for the Analysis of Multi EnvironmentAgronomic TrialsgeneticsPopulation GeneticsGeneticSubsetterIdentify Favorable Subsets of Germplasm CollectionsGeNetItSpatial Graph-Theoretic Genetic Gravity ModellinggenfrnGenerating Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Random Numbers viaUniform DistributiongenieFast, Robust, and Outlier Resistant Hierarchical ClusteringgenieBPCProject GENIE BioPharma Collaborative Data Processing PipelinegenieclustFast and Robust Hierarchical Clustering with Noise PointsDetectiongenioGenetics Input/Output FunctionsgeniusrTools for Working with the 'Genius' APIgenlassoPath Algorithm for Generalized Lasso ProblemsGENLIBGenealogical Data AnalysisgenlogisGeneralized Logistic DistributionGenMarkovMultivariate Markov ChainsgenMCMCDiagGeneralized Convergence Diagnostics for Difficult MCMCAlgorithmsGENMETAImplements Generalized Meta-Analysis Using Iterated ReweightedLeast Squares Algorithmgeno2proteoFinding the DNA and Protein Sequences of Any Genomic orProteomic LocigenoddsGeneralised Odds RatiosgenogeographerMethods for Analysing Forensic Ancestry Informative MarkersGenomeAdmixRSimulate Admixture of Genomesgenomic.autocorrModels Dealing with Spatial Dependency in Genomic DatagenomicperCircular Genomic Permutation using Genome Wide Associationp-ValuesGenomicTools.fileHandlerFile Handlers for Genomic Data AnalysisgenoPlotRPlot Publication-Grade Gene and Genome MapsGenOrdSimulation of Discrete Random Variables with Given CorrelationMatrix and Marginal DistributionsGenoScanA Genome-Wide Scan Statistic Framework for Whole-Genome SequenceData AnalysisGenoTriploGenotyping Triploids (or Diploids) from Luminescence DatagenpathmoxPathmox Approach Segmentation Tree AnalysisgenpwrPower Calculations Under Genetic Model MisspecificationgenridgeGeneralized Ridge Trace Plots for Ridge RegressionGenSAR Functions for Generalized Simulated AnnealinggenscoreGeneralized Score Matching EstimatorsgenSEIRPredict Epidemic Curves with Generalized SEIR ModelinggensetGenerates Data Sets for Class DemonstrationsgensphereGeneralized Spherical DistributionsgenstabResampling Based Yield Stability AnalysesgenSurvGenerating Multi-State Survival DatagensvmA Generalized Multiclass Support Vector MachineGenTagGenerate Color Tag SequencesgenTSR Shiny App for Creating Simplified Trial Summary (TS) DomainGenTwoArmsTrialSizeGeneralized Two Arms Clinical Trial Sample Size CalculationGenWinSpline Based Window Boundaries for Genomic AnalysesGeoAdjustAccounting for Random Displacements of True GPS Coordinates ofDatageoArArgentina's Spatial Data ToolboxgeoarrowExtension Types for Spatial Data for Use with 'Arrow'geoBayesAnalysis of Geostatistical Data using Bayes and Empirical BayesMethodsgeobrDownload Official Spatial Data Sets of BrazilgeocacheRTools for GeocachinggeocausalCausal Inference with Spatio-Temporal DatageocmeansImplementing Methods for Spatial Fuzzy UnsupervisedClassificationgeodaDataSpatial Analysis Datasets for TeachinggeodimensionDefinition of Geographic DimensionsgeodistFast, Dependency-Free Geodesic Distance CalculationsgeodivMethods for Calculating Gradient Surface MetricsgeodrawrMaking Geospatial ObjectsGeodRegrGeodesic Regressiongeoelectrics3D-Visualization of Geoelectric Resistivity Measurement Profilesgeofacet'ggplot2' Faceting Utilities for Geographical DatageofiAccess Finnish Geospatial DatageoFKFKriging Method for Spatial Functional DatageoFourierFDAOrdinary Functional Kriging Using Fourier Smoothing and GaussianQuadraturegeoGAMSelect Sparse Geoadditive Models for Spatial PredictiongeogenrGenerator from American Community Survey GeodatabasesgeogridTurn Geospatial Polygons into Regular or Hexagonal GridsgeohashToolsTools for Working with GeohashesgeojsonClasses for 'GeoJSON'geojsonioConvert Data from and to 'GeoJSON' or 'TopoJSON'geojsonRA GeoJson Processing ToolkitgeojsonsfGeoJSON to Simple Feature ConvertergeomanderGeographic Tools for Studying GerrymanderingGEOmapTopographic and Geologic MappinggeomapdataData for Topographic and Geologic MappingGeomArchetypalFinds the Geometrical Archetypal Analysis of a Data FramegeomarocEasily Visualize Geographic Data of MoroccoGeomComb(Geometric) Forecast Combination MethodsgeomergeGeospatial Data IntegrationgeometaTools for Reading and Writing ISO/OGC Geographic MetadatageometriesConvert Between R Objects and Geometric StructuresgeometryMesh Generation and Surface TessellationgeomodA Computer Program for Geotechnical InvestigationsGeoModelsProcedures for Gaussian and Non Gaussian Geostatistical (Large)Data AnalysisGeoMongoGeospatial Queries Using 'PyMongo'geomorphGeometric Morphometric Analyses of 2D and 3D Landmark DatageomtextpathCurved Text in 'ggplot2'geomultistarMultidimensional Queries Enriched with Geographic DatageonamesInterface to the "Geonames" Spatial Query Web Servicegeonapi'GeoNetwork' API R InterfacegeonetworkGeographic Networksgeonode4RInterface to 'GeoNode' REST APIgeoperuDownload Spatial Datasets of PerugeoRAnalysis of Geostatistical DataGeoRangeCalculating Geographic Range from Occurrence DatageorefdatarGeosciences Reference DatasetsgeorobRobust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial DatageosOpen Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') R APIgeoSAEGeoadditive Small Area ModelgeosapiGeoServer REST API R InterfacegeoscaleGeological Time Scale PlottinggeosedSmallest Enclosing Disc for Latitude and Longitude PointsgeosimilarityGeographically Optimal SimilaritygeosparkBring Local Sf to SparkgeosphereSpherical TrigonometrygeosptGeostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial SamplingNetworksgeosptdbSpatio-Temporal Radial Basis Functions with Distance-BasedMethods (Optimization, Prediction and Cross Validation)geostanBayesian Spatial AnalysisgeostatsAn Introduction to Statistics for GeoscientistsgeostatspGeostatistical Modelling with Likelihood and BayesgeotoolsGeo toolsgeotopbricksAn R Plug-in for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtopgeoTSMethods for Handling and Analyzing Time Series of SatelliteImagesgeouyGeographic Information of UruguaygeovolGeopolitical Volatility (GEOVOL) ModellingGeoWeightedModelUser-Friendly Interface for Geographically-Weighted ModelsgeozooZoo of Geometric ObjectsgepafGoogle Encoded Polyline Algorithm FormatgerbilGeneralized Efficient Regression-Based Imputation with LatentProcessesGerminaRIndices and Graphics for Assess Seed Germination ProcessgerminationmetricsSeed Germination Indices and Curve FittinggertSimple Git Client for RGESEGene-Based Segregation TestgesisdataReproducible Data Retrieval from the GESIS Data ArchivegeslaRGet and Manipulate the GESLA DatasetgessoHierarchical GxE Interactions in a Regularized Regression ModelgestaltTools for Making and Combining FunctionsgestateGeneralised Survival Trial Assessment Tool EnvironmentgesttoolsGeneral Purpose G-Estimation for End of Study or Time-VaryingOutcomesGETGlobal EnvelopesgetableFetching Tabular Data "Onload" in Compiled R Markdown HTMLDocumentsGetBCBDataImports Datasets from BCB (Central Bank of Brazil) using ItsOfficial APIGETdesignsGeneralized Extended Triangular Designs ('GETdesigns')GetDFPDataReading Annual Financial Reports from Bovespa's DFP, FRE and FCASystemGetDFPData2Reading Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports from B3getDTevalTranslating Coding Statements using get() and eval() forImproved Run-Time Coding EfficiencyGetFREDataReading FRE Corporate Data of Public Traded Companies from B3getip'IP' Address 'Lookup'getLattesImport and Process Data from the 'Lattes' Curriculum PlatformGetLattesDataReading Bibliometric Data from Lattes PlatformgetmstatisticQuantifying Systematic Heterogeneity in Meta-AnalysisgetoptC-Like 'getopt' BehaviorGetoptLongParsing Command-Line Arguments and Simple Variable InterpolationgetPassMasked User InputgetProxyGet Free Proxy IP and PortGetQuandlDataFast and Cached Import of Data from 'Quandl' Using the 'jsonAPI'getsGeneral-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling and Indicator SaturationMethodsgetspanelGeneral-to-Specific Modelling of Panel DatagetspresSPRE Statistics for Exploring Heterogeneity in Meta-AnalysisGetTDDataGet Data for Brazilian Bonds (Tesouro Direto)gettzGet the Timezone InformationgetwikiR Wrapper for Wikipedia DataGEVACOJoint Test of Gene and GxE Interactions via Varying CoefficientsGEVcdnGEV Conditional Density Estimation NetworkgexpGenerator of ExperimentsgeysertimesGeyser Data from GeyserTimes.orgGFAGroup Factor AnalysisgfboostGradient-Free Gradient BoostinggfcanalysisTools for Working with Hansen et al. Global Forest ChangeDatasetGFDTests for General Factorial DesignsGFDmcvGeneral Hypothesis Testing Problems for MultivariateCoefficients of VariationGFDrmstMultiple RMST-Based Tests in General Factorial DesignsGFDsurvTests for Survival Data in General Factorial DesignsGFEGross Flows Estimation under Complex SurveysgferGreen Finance and Environmental RiskGFGM.copulaGeneralized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern CopulagfiExtremesGeneralized Fiducial Inference for ExtremesgfilmmGeneralized Fiducial Inference for Normal Linear Mixed ModelsgfilogisregGeneralized Fiducial Inference for Binary Logistic RegressionModelsGFisherGeneralized Fisher's Combination Tests Under DependencegfiUltraGeneralized Fiducial Inference for Ultrahigh-DimensionalRegressionGFMGeneralized Factor ModelgfontsOffline 'Google' Fonts for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'gfoRmulaParametric G-FormulagFormulaMIG-Formula for Causal Inference via Multiple ImputationgfunctionsG-Functionsgg.gapDefine Segments in y-Axis for 'ggplot2'ggalignerVisualizing Sequence Alignment by Generating Publication-ReadyPlotsggalignmentPlots 'D&D'-Style Alignment ChartsggallinGrab Bag of 'ggplot2' FunctionsggalluvialAlluvial Plots in 'ggplot2'GGallyExtension to 'ggplot2'ggaltExtra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations,Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'ggammaGeneralized Gamma Probability DistributiongganimateA Grammar of Animated GraphicsggarcheryFlexible Segment Geoms with Arrows for 'ggplot2'ggarrowArrows for 'ggplot2'ggautomapCreate Maps from a Column of Place NamesggbeeswarmCategorical Scatter (Violin Point) PlotsggbiplotA Grammar of Graphics Implementation of BiplotsggblanketSimplify 'ggplot2' VisualisationggblendBlending and Compositing Algebra for 'ggplot2'ggborderlineLine Plots that PopggbraceCurly Braces for 'ggplot2'ggbrainCreate Images of Volumetric Brain Data in NIfTI Format Using'ggplot2' SyntaxggbreakSet Axis Break for 'ggplot2'ggbrickWaffle Style Chart with a Brick Layout in 'ggplot2'ggBubblesMini Bubble Plots for Comparison of Discrete Data with 'ggplot2'ggbuildrSave Incremental Builds of PlotsggbumpBump Chart and Sigmoid CurvesggchangepointCombines Changepoint Analysis with 'ggplot2'ggchartsShorten the Distance from Data Visualization Idea to Actual PlotggChernoffChernoff Faces for 'ggplot2'GGClassificationGabriel Graph Based Large-Margin ClassifiersggclevelandImplementation of Plots from Cleveland's Visualizing Data BookggcorrplotVisualization of a Correlation Matrix using 'ggplot2'ggcorsetThe Corset PlotggdagAnalyze and Create Elegant Directed Acyclic GraphsggdarkDark Mode for 'ggplot2' ThemesggdaynightAdd Day/Night Patterns to 'ggplot2' Plotsggdemetra'ggplot2' Extension for Seasonal and Trading Day Adjustment with'RJDemetra'ggdendroCreate Dendrograms and Tree Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'ggdensityInterpretable Bivariate Density Visualization with 'ggplot2'ggdistVisualizations of Distributions and UncertaintyggdmcCognitive ModelsggDoEModern Graphs for Design of Experiments with 'ggplot2'ggDoubleHeatA Heatmap-Like Visualization ToolggeGenotype Plus Genotype-by-Environment BiplotsggeasyEasy Access to 'ggplot2' CommandsGGEBiplotsGGE Biplots with 'ggplot2'ggeditInteractive 'ggplot2' Layer and Theme Aesthetic EditorggeffectsCreate Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for 'ggplot' fromModel OutputsggenealogyVisualization Tools for Genealogical DataggESDAExploratory Symbolic Data Analysis with 'ggplot2'ggethoVisualisation of High-Throughput Behavioural (i.e. Ethomics)DataggExtraAdd Marginal Histograms to 'ggplot2', and More 'ggplot2'EnhancementsggfactoGraphs for Correspondence AnalysisggfieldsAdd Vector Field Layers to GgplotsggFishPlotsVisualise and Calculate Life History Parameters for FisheriesScience using 'ggplot2'ggfittextFit Text Inside a Box in 'ggplot2'ggfixestDedicated 'ggplot2' Methods for 'fixest' ObjectsggflowchartFlowcharts with 'ggplot2'ggfocusScales that Focus Specific Levels in your ggplot()ggforceAccelerating 'ggplot2'ggformulaFormula Interface to the Grammar of GraphicsggfortifyData Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis ResultsggfoundryShape Foundry & Geom for 'ggplot2'ggfunMiscellaneous Functions for 'ggplot2'ggfxPixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid'gggapStreamlined Creation of Segments on the Y-Axis of 'ggplot2'PlotsgggenesDraw Gene Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2'ggghostCapture the Spirit of Your 'ggplot2' CallsgggibbousMoon Charts, a Pie Chart AlternativegggridDraw with 'grid' in 'ggplot2'ggh4xHacks for 'ggplot2'gghalfnormCreate a Half Normal Plot Using 'ggplot2'gghalvesCompose Half-Half Plots Using Your Favourite GeomsgghdxHDX Theme, Scales, and Other Conveniences for 'ggplot2'ggheatmapPlot HeatmapgghighlightHighlight Lines and Points in 'ggplot2'gghilbertstringsA Fast 'ggplot2'-Based Implementation of Hilbert CurvesgghistPlot the Histogram of a Numeric VectorggHoriPlotHorizon Plots for 'ggplot2'ggimageUse Image in 'ggplot2'ggimgGraphics Layers for Plotting Image Data with 'ggplot2'gginferenceVisualise the Results of Inferential Statistics using 'ggplot2'gginnardsExplore the Innards of 'ggplot2' ObjectsggipData Visualization for IP Addresses and NetworksGGIRRaw Accelerometer Data AnalysisggiraphMake 'ggplot2' Graphics InteractiveggiraphExtraMake Interactive 'ggplot2'. Extension to 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'GGIRreadWearable Accelerometer Data File Readersggisotonic'ggplot2' Friendly Isotonic or Monotonic Regression CurvesggjoyJoyplots in 'ggplot2'gglassoGroup Lasso Penalized Learning Using a Unified BMD AlgorithmgglgbtqShow Pride on 'ggplot2' PlotsgglmGrammar of Graphics for Linear Model Diagnostic PlotsgglorenzPlotting Lorenz Curve with the Blessing of 'ggplot2'ggmGraphical Markov Models with Mixed GraphsggmapSpatial Visualization with ggplot2ggmapinsetAdd Inset Panels to MapsggmatplotPlot Columns of Two Matrices Against Each Other Using 'ggplot2'ggmcmcTools for Analyzing MCMC Simulations from Bayesian InferenceggmiceVisualizations for 'mice' with 'ggplot2'ggmixVariable Selection in Linear Mixed Models for SNP DataGGMncvGaussian Graphical Models with Nonconvex RegularizationGGMnonregNon-Regularized Gaussian Graphical ModelsggmosaicMosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' FrameworkggmrGeneralized Gauss Markov RegressionGGMridgeGaussian Graphical Models Using Ridge Penalty Followed byThresholding and ReestimationGGMselectGaussian Graphs Models SelectionggmugsVisualization of Multiple Genome-Wide Association Study SummaryStatisticsggmullerCreate Muller Plots of Evolutionary DynamicsggmultiHigh Dimensional Data VisualizationggnetworkGeometries to Plot Networks with 'ggplot2'ggnewscaleMultiple Fill and Colour Scales in 'ggplot2'ggnormalviolinA 'ggplot2' Extension to Make Normal Violin PlotsggnuplotMake 'ggplot2' Look Like 'gnuplot'ggOceanMapsPlot Data on Oceanographic Maps using 'ggplot2'ggokabeito'Okabe-Ito' Scales for 'ggplot2' and 'ggraph'ggordiplotsMake 'ggplot2' Versions of Vegan's OrdiplotsGGoutlieRIdentify Individuals with Unusual Geo-Genetic PatternsggpacketsPackage Plot Layers for Easier Portability and ModularizationggpageCreates Page Layout VisualizationsggparallelVariations of Parallel Coordinate Plots for Categorical Dataggparty'ggplot' Visualizations for the 'partykit' PackageggpathRobust Image Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'ggpattern'ggplot2' Pattern GeomsggpcpParallel Coordinate Plots in the 'ggplot2' FrameworkggperiodicEasy Plotting of Periodic Data with 'ggplot2'ggpicrust2Make 'PICRUSt2' Output Analysis and Visualization EasierggpiePie, Donut and Rose Pie PlotsggplateCreate Layout Plots of Biological Culture Plates and Microplatesggplot.multistatsMultiple Summary Statistics for Binned Stats/Geometriesggplot2Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphicsggplot2.utilsSelected Utilities Extending 'ggplot2'ggplot2moviesMovies DataggplotAssist'RStudio' Addin for Teaching and Learning 'ggplot2'ggplotguiCreate Ggplots via a Graphical User InterfaceggplotifyConvert Plot to 'grob' or 'ggplot' ObjectggplotlyExtraExtra Convenience Functions for 'Plotly'ggpmiscMiscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'ggPMX'ggplot2' Based Tool to Facilitate Diagnostic Plots for NLMEModelsggpointdensityA Cross Between a 2D Density Plot and a Scatter PlotggpointlessAdditional Geometries and Stats for 'ggplot2'ggpolVisualizing Social Science Data with 'ggplot2'ggpolarDots and Their Connections in Polar Coordinate SystemggpolypathPolygons with Holes for the Grammar of GraphicsggppGrammar Extensions to 'ggplot2'ggprismA 'ggplot2' Extension Inspired by 'GraphPad Prism'ggpubr'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready PlotsggpvalAnnotate Statistical Tests for 'ggplot2'ggQCQuality Control Charts for 'ggplot'ggQQunifCompare Big Datasets to the Uniform DistributionggquickedaQuickly Explore Your Data Using 'ggplot2' and 'table1' SummaryTablesggquiverQuiver Plots for 'ggplot2'ggraggedRagged Grids for 'ggplot2'ggrainA Rainclouds Geom for 'ggplot2'ggRandomForestsVisually Exploring Random ForestsggraphAn Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and NetworksggraptRAllows Interactive Visualization of Data Through a Web BrowserGUIggraspGaussian-Based Genome Representative Selector withPrioritizationggrastrRasterize Layers for 'ggplot2'ggrcsDraw Histograms and Restricted Cubic Splines (RCS)ggredistScales, Geometries, and Extensions of 'ggplot2' for ElectionMappingggrepelAutomatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with'ggplot2'ggResidpanelPanels and Interactive Versions of Diagnostic Plots using'ggplot2'GGRidgeGraphical Group RidgeggridgesRidgeline Plots in 'ggplot2'ggriskRisk Score Plot for Cox RegressionggroundedRounded Bar PlotsggroupsPedigree and Genetic GroupsggRtsyAdd Some Van Gogh Colors and Overlay Colors on Your 'ggplot()'ggsankeyfierCreate Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'ggScatRidgesScatter Plot Combined with Ridgelines in 'ggplot2'ggsciScientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for'ggplot2'ggscidcaPlotting Decision Curve Analysis with Coloured Barsggseas'stats' for Seasonal Adjustment on the Fly with 'ggplot2'ggsectorDraw SectorsggsegPlotting Tool for Brain Atlasesggseg3dTri-Surface Mesh Plots for Brain AtlasesggseqlogoA 'ggplot2' Extension for Drawing Publication-Ready SequenceLogosggseqplotRender Sequence Plots using 'ggplot2'ggshadowShadow and Glow Geoms for 'ggplot2'ggsideSide Grammar GraphicsggsignifSignificance Brackets for 'ggplot2'ggsoccerPlot Soccer Event DataggsolvencyiiA 'ggplot2'-Plot of Composition of Solvency II SCR: SF and IMggsomNew Data Visualisations for SOMs Networksggspark'ggplot2' Functions to Create Tufte Style SparklinesggspatialSpatial Data Framework for ggplot2ggspectraExtensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation SpectraggstanceHorizontal 'ggplot2' ComponentsggstarMultiple Geometric Shape Point Layer for 'ggplot2'ggstatsExtension to 'ggplot2' for Plotting Statsggstatsplot'ggplot2' Based Plots with Statistical DetailsggstreamCreate Streamplots in 'ggplot2'ggstudentContinuous Confidence Interval Plots using t-DistributionggsurveySimplifying 'ggplot2' for Survey DataggsurvfitFlexible Time-to-Event FiguresggswissmapsOffers Various Swiss Maps as Data Frames and 'ggplot2' ObjectsggteaPalettes and Themes for 'ggplot2'ggternAn Extension to 'ggplot2', for the Creation of Ternary DiagramsggtextImproved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'ggThemeAssistAdd-in to Customize 'ggplot2' ThemesggthemesExtra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'ggthemeULA 'ggplot' Theme for University of LjubljanaggtibbleCreate Tibbles and Lists of 'ggplot' Figures for ReportingggTimeSeriesTime Series Visualisations Using the Grammar of GraphicsggtraceTrace and Highlight Groups of Data PointsggtrendlineAdd Trendline and Confidence Interval to 'ggplot'ggtricksCreate Sector and Other Charts Easily Using Grammar of GraphicsGGUMGeneralized Graded Unfolding ModelggupsetCombination Matrix Axis for 'ggplot2' to Create 'UpSet' PlotsggvennDraw Venn Diagram by 'ggplot2'ggVennDiagramA 'ggplot2' Implement of Venn DiagramggversaGraficas Versatiles Con 'ggplot2'ggvisInteractive Grammar of GraphicsggwordcloudA Word Cloud Geom for 'ggplot2'ggxA Natural Language Interface to 'ggplot2'gh'GitHub' 'API'GHapGenome-Wide HaplotypingghappsAuthenticate as a 'GitHub' AppGhatQuantifying Evolution and Selection on Complex TraitsghclassTools for Managing Classes on GitHubghcmFunctional Conditional Independence Testing with the GHCMghibliStudio Ghibli Colour PalettesGhostMissing Data Segments Imputation in Multivariate StreamsGhostKnockoffThe Knockoff Inference Using Summary StatisticsghqlGeneral Purpose 'GraphQL' ClientGHSGraphical Horseshoe MCMC Sampler Using Data Augmented BlockGibbs SamplerghypGeneralized Hyperbolic Distribution and Its Special CasesghypernetFit and Simulate Generalised Hypergeometric Ensembles of GraphsgiacRInterface to the Computer Algebra System 'Giac'gibasaAn Alternative 'Rcpp' Wrapper of 'MeCab'gibbleGeometry DecompositionGICA General Iterative Clustering AlgorithmgieAPI Wrapper for the Natural Gas Transparency Platforms of GasInfrastructure EuropegifGraphical Independence FilteringGifiMultivariate Analysis with Optimal ScalinggifskiHighest Quality GIF EncoderGIFTAccess to the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT)giftiReads in 'Neuroimaging' 'GIFTI' Files with Geometry InformationGIFTrGIFT Questions Format Generator from DataframesgiggGroup Inverse-Gamma Gamma Shrinkage for Sparse Regression withGrouping StructureGIGrvgRandom Variate Generator for the GIG DistributionGillespieSSAGillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA)GillespieSSA2Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for Impatient PeoplegimGeneralized Integration ModelgimmeGroup Iterative Multiple Model EstimationGIMMEgVARGroup Iterative Multiple Model Estimation with 'graphicalVAR'GimmeMyPlotGraphical Utilities for Visualizing and Exploring DatagimmeToolsSupplemental Tools for the 'gimme' R PackagegimmsDownload and Process GIMMS NDVI3g DataGiNAHigh Throughput PhenotypingGiniGini CoefficientGiniDecompLYGini Decomposition by Income SourcesGiniDistanceA New Gini Correlation Between Quantitative and QualitativeVariablesginiVarCIGini Indices, Variances and Confidence Intervals for Finite andInfinite PopulationsginormalGeneralized Inverse Normal Distribution Density and GenerationGInSARCorWGACOS InSAR Correction WorkflowgIPFrmGeneralized Iterative Proportional Fitting for Relational ModelsGIplotGaussian Interval Plot (GIplot)gipsGaussian Model Invariant by Permutation SymmetryGiRaFGibbs Random Fields AnalysisgiscoRDownload Map Data from GISCO API - EurostatGISINTEGRATIONGIS IntegrationGISSBNetwork Analysis on the Norwegian Road NetworkgistrWork with 'GitHub' 'Gists'git2rProvides Access to Git Repositoriesgit2rdataStore and Retrieve Data.frames in a Git Repositorygit4rInteractive Git for RgitcredsQuery 'git' Credentials from 'R'gitdownTurn Your Git Commit Messages into a HTML BookgitearClient to the 'gitea' APIgitgadget'Rstudio' Addin for Version Control and Assignment Managementusing GitgitGPTAutomated Git Commit Messages using the 'OpenAI' 'GPT' ModelgithubinstallA Helpful Way to Install R Packages Hosted on GitHubgithubrEasier to Use API Wrapper for 'GitHub'gitignoreCreate Useful .gitignore Files for your ProjectgitlabrAccess to the 'GitLab' APIgitlinkAdd 'Git' Links to Your Web Based AssetsgitrA Lightweight API for 'Git'gittargetsData Version Control for the Targets PackagegivitiRThe GiViTI Calibration Test and BeltgjamGeneralized Joint Attribute ModelinggJLS2A Generalized Joint Location and Scale Framework for AssociationTestingGJRMGeneralised Joint Regression Modellinggkg-and-k and g-and-h Distribution FunctionsGK2011Gaines and Kuklinski (2011) Estimators for Hybrid ExperimentsgkgraphRAccessing the Official 'Google Knowledge Graph' APIgkmSVMGapped-Kmer Support Vector MachinegKRLSGeneralized Kernel Regularized Least SquaresglamlassoPenalization in Large Scale Generalized Linear Array ModelsglarmaGeneralized Linear Autoregressive Moving Average ModelsGlarmadilloSolve the Graphical Lasso Problem with 'Armadillo'GlarmaVarSelVariable Selection in Sparse GLARMA ModelsglassdoorInterface to 'Glassdoor' APIglassoGraphical Lasso: Estimation of Gaussian Graphical ModelsglassoFastFast Graphical LASSOglbaGeneral Linear Ballistic Accumulator ModelsglcaAn R Package for Multiple-Group Latent Class AnalysisglcmCalculate Textures from Grey-Level Co-Occurrence Matrices(GLCMs)GLCMTexturesGLCM Textures of Raster LayersgldEstimation and Use of the Generalised (Tukey) LambdaDistributionGLDEXFitting Single and Mixture of Generalised Lambda DistributionsGLDregFit GLD Regression/Quantile/AFT Model to DatagldrmGeneralized Linear Density Ratio ModelsGLIDEGlobal and Individual Tests for Direct EffectsglinternetLearning Interactions via Hierarchical Group-LassoRegularizationglinvciPhylogenetic Comparative Methods with Uncertainty EstimatesgllmGeneralised log-Linear ModelgllvmGeneralized Linear Latent Variable Modelsglm.deploy'C' and 'Java' Source Code Generator for Fitted Glm Objectsglm.predictPredicted Values and Discrete Changes for Regression Modelsglm2Fitting Generalized Linear ModelsGLMaSPUAn Adaptive Test on High Dimensional Parameters in GeneralizedLinear ModelsglmbbAll Hierarchical or Graphical Models for Generalized LinearModelglmcFitting Generalized Linear Models Subject to ConstraintsGLMcatGeneralized Linear Models for Categorical ResponsesglmeGeneralized Linear Mixed Effects ModelsglmertreeGeneralized Linear Mixed Model TreesglmglrtGLRT P-Values in Generalized Linear ModelsglmlepFit GLM with LEP-Based Penalized Maximum LikelihoodglmmGeneralized Linear Mixed Models via Monte Carlo LikelihoodApproximationglmm.hpHierarchical Partitioning of Marginal R2 for GeneralizedMixed-Effect ModelsGLMMadaptiveGeneralized Linear Mixed Models using Adaptive GaussianQuadratureGLMMcosinorFit a Cosinor Model Using a Generalised Mixed ModellingFrameworkglmmEPGeneralized Linear Mixed Model Analysis via ExpectationPropagationglmmfieldsGeneralized Linear Mixed Models with Robust Random Fields forSpatiotemporal ModelingglmMisrepGeneralized Linear Models Adjusting for MisrepresentationglmmLassoVariable Selection for Generalized Linear Mixed Models byL1-Penalized EstimationglmmMLGeneralized Linear Models with ClusteringglmmPenHigh Dimensional Penalized Generalized Linear Mixed Models(pGLMM)glmmrBaseGeneralised Linear Mixed Models in RglmmrOptimApproximate Optimal Experimental Designs Using GeneralisedLinear Mixed ModelsGLMMRRGeneralized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) for Binary RandomizedResponse DataGLMMselectBayesian Model Selection for Generalized Linear Mixed ModelsglmmSeqGeneral Linear Mixed Models for Gene-Level DifferentialExpressionglmmTMBGeneralized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model BuilderglmnetLasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear ModelsglmnetcrFit a Penalized Constrained Continuation Ratio Model forPredicting an Ordinal ResponseglmnetrNested Cross Validation for the Relaxed Lasso and Other MachineLearning ModelsglmnetSEAdd Nonparametric Bootstrap SE to 'glmnet' for SelectedCoefficients (No Shrinkage)glmnetUtilsUtilities for 'Glmnet'GLMpackData and Code to Accompany Generalized Linear Models, 2ndEditionglmpathL1 Regularization Path for Generalized Linear Models and CoxProportional Hazards ModelglmpathcrFit a Penalized Continuation Ratio Model for Predicting anOrdinal ResponseglmpcaDimension Reduction of Non-Normally Distributed DataglmpermuPermutation-Based Inference for Generalized Linear ModelsGLMsDataGeneralized Linear Model Data SetsGlmSimulatoRCreates Ideal Data for Generalized Linear ModelsglmtlpGeneralized Linear Models with Truncated Lasso PenaltyglmtoolboxSet of Tools to Data Analysis using Generalized Linear ModelsglmtransTransfer Learning under Regularized Generalized Linear ModelsglmtreeLogistic Regression TreesglmultiModel Selection and Multimodel Inference Made EasyglmvsdVariable Selection Deviation Measures and Instability Tests forHigh-Dimensional Generalized Linear ModelsglmxGeneralized Linear Models ExtendedglmxdiagA Collection of Graphic Tools for GLM Diagnostics and someExtensionsglobalKinhomInhom*ogeneous K- And Pair Correlation Functions Using GlobalEstimatorsGlobalOptionsGenerate Functions to Get or Set Global OptionsglobalOptTestsObjective functions for benchmarking the performance of globaloptimization algorithmsglobalsIdentify Global Objects in R ExpressionsglobaltrendsDownload and Measure Global Trends Through Google Search VolumesglobePlot 2D and 3D Views of the Earth, Including Major CoastlinegloberEstimating Functions with Multivariate B-SplinesglogisFitting and Testing Generalized Logistic DistributionsglossaryGlossaries for Markdown and Quarto DocumentsglossrUse Interlinear Glosses in R MarkdownglottospaceLanguage Mapping and Geospatial Analysis of Linguistic andCultural DataglowMake Plots that GlowglpkAPIR Interface to C API of GLPKgLRTHGenome-Wide Association and Linkage Analysis under HeterogeneityGLSMEGeneralized Least Squares with Measurement ErrorglueInterpreted String LiteralsgluedownWrap Vectors in Markdown FormattinggluvarproGlucose Variability Measures from Continuous Glucose MonitoringDataglvmfitMethods to Assess Generalized Latent Variable Model FitglycanrTools for Analysing N-Glycan DatagmGenerate Music Easily and Show Them AnywheregmaGranger Mediation AnalysisGMACGenomic Mediation Analysis with Adaptive Confounding AdjustmentgmailrAccess the 'Gmail' 'RESTful' APIgmapsdistanceDistance and Travel Time Between Two Points from Google MapsGMCMFast Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Copula ModelsgMCPGraph Based Multiple Comparison ProceduresgMCPLiteLightweight Graph Based Multiple Comparison ProceduresgmDatabaseAccessing a Geometallurgical Database with RGMDHShort Term Forecasting via GMDH-Type Neural Network AlgorithmsGMDH2Binary Classification via GMDH-Type Neural Network AlgorithmsGMDHregRegression using GMDH AlgorithmsGmedianGeometric Median, k-Medians Clustering and Robust Median PCAgmfdInference and Clustering of Functional DatagmGeostatsGeostatistics for Compositional AnalysisgmgmGaussian Mixture Graphical Model Learning and InferenceGmiscDescriptive Statistics, Transition Plots, and MoreGMKMcharlieUnsupervised Gaussian Mixture and Minkowski and SphericalK-Means with ConstraintsgmmGeneralized Method of Moments and Generalized EmpiricalLikelihoodGMMATGeneralized Linear Mixed Model Association TestsGMMBoostLikelihood-Based Boosting for Generalized Mixed ModelsgmmsslmSemi-Supervised Gaussian Mixture Model with a Missing-DataMechanismgmnlMultinomial Logit Models with Random ParametersgmodelsVarious R Programming Tools for Model FittinggMOIPTools for 2D and 3D Plots of Single and Multi-ObjectiveLinear/Integer Programming ModelsgmoTreeGet and Modify 'oTree' DatagmpMultiple Precision ArithmeticgmpolyMultivariate Polynomials with Rational CoefficientsGMProGraph Matching with Degree ProfilesGmptzCurveGompertz Curve Fittinggms'GAMS' Modularization Support PackageGMSEGeneralised Management Strategy Evaluation SimulatorGMSimputeGeneralized Mass Spectrum Missing Peaks Abundance ImputationgmtInterface Between GMT Map-Making Software and RgmvarkitEstimate Gaussian and Student's t Mixture Vector AutoregressiveModelsgmvjointJoint Models of Survival and Multivariate Longitudinal DatagmwmxEstimate Functional and Stochastic Parameters of Linear Modelswith Correlated ResidualsgMWTGeneralized Mann-Whitney Type TestsGNARMethods for Fitting Network Time Series ModelsGNEComputation of Generalized Nash EquilibriagnFitGoodness of Fit Test for Continuous Distribution FunctionsgnlmGeneralized Nonlinear Regression ModelsgnmGeneralized Nonlinear ModelsgnnGenerative Neural NetworksgnomonicMEstimate Natural Mortality for Different Life StagesgnonaddVarious Non-Additive Models for Genetic AssociationsgnormGeneralized Normal/Exponential Power DistributiongnrprodEstimates Gross Output FunctionsGNRSAccess the 'Geographic Name Resolution Service'GNSSseghom*ogenization of GNSS SeriesgnumericRead Data from Files Readable by 'gnumeric'go2bigqConvert Large Numbers to Bigq FormatgoalpWeighted and Lexicographic Goal Programming InterfacegoatGene Set Analysis Using the Gene Set Ordinal Association TestGOCompareComprehensive GO Terms Comparison Between SpeciesgoevegFunctions for Community Data and OrdinationsgofarGeneralized Co-Sparse Factor RegressiongofcatGoodness-of-Fit Measures for Categorical Response ModelsGofCensGoodness-of-Fit Methods for Complete and Right-Censored DatagofCopulaGoodness-of-Fit Tests for CopulaegofedfGoodness of Fit Tests Based on Empirical Distribution FunctionsgoffdaGoodness-of-Fit Tests for Functional DatagofgammaGoodness-of-Fit Tests for the Gamma DistributionGoFKernelTesting Goodness-of-Fit with the Kernel Density EstimatorGofKmtKhmaladze Martingale Transformation Goodness-of-Fit TestGOFShinyInteractive Document for Working with Goodness of Fit AnalysisgoftTests of Fit for some Probability DistributionsgoftestClassical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate DistributionsgogarchGeneralized Orthogonal GARCH (GO-GARCH) ModelsgoldfishStatistical Network Models for Dynamic Network DatagolemA Framework for Robust Shiny ApplicationsgommsGLM-Based Ordination MethodGomoGomonoMiAnimate Text using the 'Animate.css' LibrarygompertztruncConducting Maximum Likelihood Estimation with TruncatedMortality DatagontrDataset for 'GOxploreR'goodGood RegressionGoodFibesDetection and Reconstruction of Muscle Fibers from diceCT ImageDataGoodFitSBMMonte Carlo Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Stochastic Block ModelsGoodmanKruskalAssociation Analysis for Categorical VariablesgoodpracticeAdvice on R Package BuildinggoogleadsRAccess to 'Google Ads' via the '' APIgoogleAnalyticsRGoogle Analytics API into RgoogleAuthRAuthenticate and Create Google APIsgoogleCloudRunnerR Scripts in the Google Cloud via Cloud Run, Cloud Build andCloud SchedulergoogleCloudStorageRInterface with Google Cloud Storage APIgoogleCloudVisionRAccess to the 'Google Cloud Vision' API for Image Recognition,OCR and LabelinggoogleComputeEngineRR Interface with Google Compute EnginegoogledriveAn Interface to Google DrivegoogleErrorReportingRSend Error Reports to the Google Error Reporting Service APIGoogleImage2ArrayCreate Array Data from 2D Image Thumbnails via Google ImageSearchGoogleKnowledgeGraphRRetrieve Information from 'Google Knowledge Graph' APIgoogleLanguageRCall Google's 'Natural Language' API, 'Cloud Translation' API,'Cloud Speech' API and 'Cloud Text-to-Speech' APIgooglenlpAn Interface to Google's Cloud Natural Language APIgooglePolylinesEncoding Coordinates into 'Google' PolylinesgooglePublicDataWorking with Google's 'Public Data Explorer' DSPL Metadata FilesgooglePubsubRR Interface for Google 'Cloud Pub/Sub' REST APIgooglerGoogle from the R Consolegooglesheets4Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4googleTagManageRAccess the 'Google Tag Manager' API using RgoogletrafficGoogle TrafficgoogleVisR Interface to Google ChartsgooglewayAccesses Google Maps APIs to Retrieve Data and Plot MapsGOplotVisualization of Functional Analysis DatagorAlgorithms for the Subject Graphs and Network OptimizationGORCureFit Generalized Odds Rate Mixture Cure Model with IntervalCensored DatagoricGeneralized Order-Restricted 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NoisyDatasetsgpmapAnalysing and Plotting Genotype-Phenotype MapsGPoMGeneralized Polynomial ModellingGPPGaussian Process ProjectionGPRMortalityGaussian Process Regression for Mortality RatesgProfileRInterface to the 'g:Profiler' Toolkitgprofiler2Interface to the 'g:Profiler' ToolsetgpsGeneral P-Splinesgps.trackGPS Track Point Information ExtractorGPSCDFGeneralized Propensity Score Cumulative Distribution FunctionGPSeqClusSequential Clustering Algorithm for Location DatagptoolsStanGaussian Processes on Graphs and Lattices in 'Stan'gptrA Convenient R Interface with the OpenAI 'ChatGPT' APIgptstudioUse Large Language Models Directly in your DevelopmentEnvironmentgptzerorIdentify Text Written by Large Language Models using 'GPTZero'GPUmatrixBasic Linear Algebra with GPUgpuRGPU Functions for R ObjectsGPvamMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Multiple Membership MixedModels Used in Value-Added ModelingGPvecchiaScalable Gaussian-Process ApproximationsgpxProcess GPX Files into R Data Structuresgqlr'GraphQL' Server in RgquadPrediction of G Quadruplexes and Other Non-B DNA MotifsgrabsamplingProbability of Detection for Grab Sample SelectionGrabSVGGranularity-Based Spatially Variable Genes IdentificationsGraceGraph-Constrained Estimation and Hypothesis TestsgradeBinary Grading functions for RgradeRHelps Grade Assignment Submissions that are R ScriptsgraDiEntStochastic Quasi-Gradient Differential Evolution OptimizationgradientPickerD3Interactive Color Gradient Picker Using 'htmlwidgets' and theModified JS Script 'jquery-gradient-picker'grafifyEasy Graphs for Data Visualisation and Linear Models for ANOVAgrafzahlSupervised Machine Learning for Textual Data Using Transformersand 'Quanteda'gRainGraphical Independence NetworksgrainscapeLandscape Connectivity, Habitat, and Protected Area NetworksgramEvolGrammatical Evolution for RGramQuadGram QuadraturegrandGuidelines for Reporting About Network DatagrandRComprehensive Analysis of Nucleotide Conversion Sequencing DatagrangersInference on Granger-Causality in the Frequency DomaingranovaGraphical Analysis of VariancegranovaGGGraphical Analysis of Variance Using ggplot2granthamCalculate the 'Grantham' DistanceGRAPEGene-Ranking Analysis of Pathway ExpressiongrapesMake Binary OperatorsgrapesAgri1Collection of Shiny Apps for Agricultural Research Data Analysisgraph3dA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'vis-graph3d'graph4lgBuild Graphs for Landscape Genetics AnalysisgraphclustHierarchical Graph Clustering for a Collection of NetworksGrapheRA Multi-Platform GUI for Drawing Customizable Graphs in RgrapheratorA Modular Multi-Step Graph GeneratorgraphframesInterface for 'GraphFrames'graphhopperAn R Interface to the 'GraphHopper' Directions APIgraphicalExtremesStatistical Methodology for Graphical Extreme Value ModelsgraphicalVARGraphical VAR for Experience Sampling DatagraphkernelsGraph KernelsgraphlayoutsAdditional Layout Algorithms for Network VisualizationsgraphonA Collection of Graphon Estimation 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Inference and Optimal Designs for Grouped and/orRight-Censored Count DataGRCdesignsGeneralized Row-Column DesignsGRCRegressionModified Poisson Regression of Grouped and Right-Censored CountsgreatRGene Registration from Expression and Time-Courses in RgrecGradient-Based Recognition of Spatial Patterns in EnvironmentalDatagreedClustering and Model Selection with the IntegratedClassification LikelihoodGreedyEPLGreedy Expected Posterior LossGreedyExperimentalDesignGreedy Experimental Design ConstructionGreedyExperimentalDesignJARsGreedyExperimentalDesign JARsgreekLettersRoutines for Writing Greek Letters and Mathematical Symbols onthe 'RStudio' and 'RGui'greeksSensitivities of Prices of Financial Options and ImpliedVolatilitiesgreenclustCombine Categories Using Greenacre's Methodgreencrab.toolkitRun 'Stan' Models to Interpret Green Crab Monitoring AssessmentsGREENeRGeospatial Regression Equation for European Nutrient Losses(GREEN)GregRegression Helper FunctionsGregoryQuadratureGregory 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Class Analysis& Latent Class RegressiongscountsGroup Sequential Designs with Negative Binomial OutcomesgscrambleSimulating Admixed Genotypes Without ReplacementGSDGraph Signal DecompositionGSDAGene Set Distance Analysis (GSDA)gsDesignGroup Sequential DesigngsDesign2Group Sequential Design with Non-Constant EffectGSERobust Estimation in the Presence of Cellwise and CasewiseContamination and Missing DatagsEasyGene Set Enrichment Analysis in RGseaVisImplement for 'GSEA' Enrichment VisualizationGSEDGroup Sequential Enrichment DesigngSegGraph-Based Change-Point Detection (g-Segmentation)GSelectionGenomic SelectiongsheetDownload Google Sheets Using Just the URLgsignalSignal ProcessinggsisdecoderHigh Efficient Functions to Decode NFL Player IDsgslWrapper for the Gnu Scientific LibrarygslnlsGSL Multi-Start Nonlinear Least-Squares FittinggsloidGlobal Sea Level and Oxygen Isotope DataGSMGamma Shape MixturegsMAMSGroup Sequential Designs of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage TrialsgsmoothrSmoothing 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Estimation of Univariate andBivariate Probability Density Functions and CumulativeDistribution Functions along with Quantiles (Univariate) andNonparametric Correlation (Bivariate)heroSpatio-Temporal (Hero) Sandwich SmootherhesimHealth Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision AnalysisHeterFunctionalDataTest of No Main and/or Interaction Effects in Functional DataheterogenSpatial Functions for Heterogeneity and Climate VariabilityHeteroGGMGaussian Graphical Model-Based Heterogeneity AnalysisheterometaConvert Various Meta-Analysis Heterogeneity MeasuresheteromixgmCopula Graphical Models for Heterogeneous Mixed DatahetGPHeteroskedastic Gaussian Process Modeling and Design underReplicationHEtoolshom*omorphic Encryption PolynomialsHETOPMLE and Bayesian Estimation of Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit(HETOP) ModelhetsurrAssessing Heterogeneity in the Utility of a Surrogate MarkerhettHeteroscedastic t-RegressionhettestTesting for a Treatment Effect Using a Heterogeneous SurrogateMarkerhettreatregHeterogeneous Treatment Effects in Regression AnalysishettxFisherian and Neymanian Methods for Detecting and MeasuringTreatment Effect VariationhetuStructural Handling of Finnish Personal Identity CodesheumilkrHeuristic Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem SolverheuristicaHeuristics Including Take the Best and Unit-Weight LinearheuristicsmineRDiscovery of Process Models with the Heuristics MinerhexbinHexagonal Binning Routineshexfont'GNU Unifont' Hex FontshexStickerCreate Hexagon Sticker in RHextractoRIntegrated Tool for Hairping Extraction of RNA SequenceshextriHexbin Plots with TriangleshexViewViewing Binary FileshfhubHugging Face Hub InterfacehflightsFlights that departed Houston in 2011hfrEstimate Hierarchical Feature Regression ModelshglassoLearning Graphical Models with HubshglmHierarchical Generalized Linear Modelshglm.dataData for the 'hglm' PackagehgmHolonomic Gradient Method and Gradient DescentHGMNDHeterogeneous Graphical Model for Non-Negative DatahgncDownload and Import the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee('HGNC') Data Set into RHGNChelperIdentify and Correct Invalid HGNC Human Gene Symbols and MGIMouse Gene SymbolsHGraphUse Graph Structure to TravelHGSLHeterogeneous Group Square-Root LassohgutilsCollection of Utility FunctionshgwrrHierarchical and Geographically Weighted RegressionHHStatistical Analysis and Data Display: Heiberger and Hollandhhh4contactsAge-Structured Spatio-Temporal Models for Infectious DiseaseCountshhiCalculate and Visualize the Herfindahl-Hirschman IndexHhPHierarchical Heterogeneity Analysis via PenalizationhhsmmHidden Hybrid Markov/Semi-Markov Model FittinghhtThe Hilbert-Huang Transform: Tools and MethodshibayesIndividual-Level, Summary-Level and Single-Step BayesianRegression ModelHiClimRHierarchical Climate RegionalizationhicpHarmonised Index of Consumer PriceshiddenfThe All-Configurations, Maximum-Interaction F-Test for HiddenAdditivityHiddenMarkovHidden Markov ModelshidecanCreate HIDECAN Plots for Visualising Genome-Wide AssociationStudies and Differential Expression ResultsHiDimDAHigh Dimensional Discriminant AnalysishierarchicalSetsSet Data Visualization Using HierarchieshierBipartiteBipartite Graph-Based Hierarchical ClusteringhierfstatEstimation and Tests of Hierarchical F-StatisticshierNetA Lasso for Hierarchical InteractionsHierPortfoliosHierarchical Clustering-Based Portfolio Allocation StrategieshierSDRHierarchical Sufficient Dimension ReductionhighcharterA Wrapper for the 'Highcharts' LibraryhighDmeanTesting Two-Sample Mean in High DimensionHighestMedianRulesImplementation of Voting Rules Electing the Candidate withHighest Median GradehighfrequencyTools for Highfrequency Data AnalysishighlightSyntax HighlighterhighlighterCode Syntax Highlighting using the 'Prism.js' LibraryhighlightHTMLHighlight HTML Text and TableshighmeanTwo-Sample Tests for High-Dimensional Mean VectorshighMLRFeature Selection for High Dimensional Survival DatahighOrderPortfoliosDesign of High-Order Portfolios Including Skewness and KurtosishighrSyntax Highlighting for R Source CodehighriskzoneDetermining and Evaluating High-Risk Zoneshighs'HiGHS' Optimization SolverhightRHIGHT AlgorithmhighTtestSimultaneous Critical Values for t-Tests in Very High DimensionshiglassoHierarchical Integrative Group LASSOhigradStatistical Inference for Online Learning and StochasticApproximation via HiGradhilbertCoordinate Indexing on Hilbert CurveshilbertSimilarityHilbert Similarity Index for High Dimensional DatahildareadRExtract Variables from HILDAhilldivIntegral Analysis of Diversity Based on Hill NumbershillRDiversity Through Hill NumbershillshaderCreate Hillshade Relief Maps Using Ray-TracingHIMAHigh-Dimensional Mediation AnalysishimachHigh Mach Finds Routes for Supersonic AircrafthindexSimulating the Development of h-Index ValueshindexcalculatorH-Index Calculator using Data from a Web of Science (WoS)Citation ReporthintTools for Hypothesis Testing Based on HypergeometricIntersection DistributionshiphopParentage Assignment using Bi-Allelic Genetic MarkershippieHippie Code Completion in 'RStudio'hipreadRead Hierarchical Fixed Width FilesHiResTECNon-Targeted Fluxomics on High-Resolution Mass-Spectrometry DatahIRTHierarchical Item Response Theory ModelshisseHidden State Speciation and ExtinctionHistDatSummary Statistics for Histogram/Count DataHistDataData Sets from the History of Statistics and Data VisualizationHistDAWassHistogram-Valued Data AnalysishistmdlA Most Informative Histogram-Like ModelhistogramConstruction of Regular and Irregular Histograms with DifferentOptions for Automatic Choice of BinshistoricalborrowNon-Longitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing ModelshistoricalborrowlongLongitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing ModelshistorydataData Sets for HistorianshistosliderA Histogram Slider Input for 'Shiny'hitandrun"Hit and Run" and "Shake and Bake" for Sampling Uniformly fromConvex ShapeshivdataSix-Year Chronological Data of HIV and ART Cases in PakistanhiveHadoop InteractiVEHiveR2D and 3D Hive Plots for RhJAMHierarchical Joint Analysis of Marginal Summary StatisticsHK80Conversion Tools for HK80 Geographical Coordinate SystemhkdatasetsDatasets Related to Hong KonghkevpSpatial Extreme Value Analysis with the Hierarchical Model ofReich and Shaby (2012)HKprocessHurst-Kolmogorov ProcessHKRbookApps and Data for the Book "Introduction to Statistics"hlaRTools for HLA DatahlidacrAccess Data from the 'Hlídač Státu' APIHLMdiagDiagnostic Tools for Hierarchical (Multilevel) Linear ModelshltHigher-Order Item Response TheoryHMBHierarchical Model-Based Estimation ApproachHMCHigh Dimensional Mean Comparison with Projection andCross-FittinghmcdmHidden Markov Cognitive Diagnosis Models for LearninghmclearnFit Statistical Models Using Hamiltonian Monte CarloHMDHFDplusRead Human Mortality Database and Human Fertility Database Datafrom the WebhmeasureThe H-Measure and Other Scalar Classification PerformanceMetricshmerHistory Matching and Emulation PackageHmiscHarrell MiscellaneousHMMHidden Markov Modelshmm.discnpHidden Markov Models with Discrete Non-Parametric ObservationDistributionsHMMEsolverA Fast Solver for Henderson Mixed Model Equation via RowOperationsHMMextra0sHidden Markov Models with Extra ZeroshmmmHierarchical Multinomial Marginal ModelsHMMmlselectDetermine the Number of States in Hidden Markov Models viaMarginal LikelihoodHMMpaAnalysing Accelerometer Data Using Hidden Markov Modelshmmr"Mixture and Hidden Markov Models with R" Datasets and ExampleCodehmmTMBFit Hidden Markov Models using Template Model BuilderHMPHypothesis Testing and Power Calculations for ComparingMetagenomic Samples from HMPHMPTreesStatistical Object Oriented Data Analysis of RDP-Based TaxonomicTrees from Human Microbiome DataHMRFlux Estimation with Static Chamber DatahmsPretty Time of DayHmscHierarchical Model of Species CommunitieshmsrMultipopulation Evolutionary Strategy HMShmstimer'hms' Based TimerHMTLHeterogeneous Multi-Task Feature LearninghNMFHierarchical Non-Negative Matrix FactorizationhnpHalf-Normal Plots with Simulation EnvelopeshoardeRCollect and Retrieve Annotation Data for Various Genomic DataUsing Different WebserviceshoardrManage Cached FilesHOassoHigher Order Assortativity for Complex NetworkshockeystickDownload and Visualize Essential Climate Change DataHodgesToolsCommon Use Tools for Genomic AnalysisholiglmHolistic Generalized Linear ModelshollandStatistics for Holland's Theory of Vocational ChoiceholodeckA Tidy Interface for Simulating Multivariate DataHolomicsAn User-Friendly R 'shiny' Application for Multi-Omics DataIntegration and AnalysishomalsGifi Methods for Optimal ScalingHomericDoughnut PlotshommelMethods for Closed Testing with Simes Inequality, in ParticularHommel's MethodhomnormalTests of hom*ogeneity of Varianceshom*ologeneQuick Access to hom*ologene and Gene Annotation Updateshom*omorpheRhom*omorphic Computations in Rhom*omorphicEncryptionBFV, BGV, CKKS Schema for Fully hom*omorphic EncryptionhoopRAccess Men's Basketball Play by Play DatahopbyhopTransmissions and Receptions in a Hop by Hop NetworkhopitHierarchical Ordered Probit Models with Application to ReportingHeterogeneityhopkinsCalculate Hopkins Statistic for ClusteringHoRMSupplemental Functions and Datasets for "Handbook of RegressionMethods"hornpaHorn's (1965) Test to Determine the Number of Components/FactorshorseshoeImplementation of the Horseshoe PriorhorseshoenlmNonlinear Regression using Horseshoe PriorhosmHigh Order Spatial MatrixHospitalNetworkBuilding Networks of Hospitals Through Patients TransfershospitalsPortuguese 'NHS' Hospitalshot.deckMultiple Hot Deck ImputationHotellingHotelling's T^2 Test and VariantsHotellingEllipseHotelling T-Square and Confidence EllipsehotspotSoftware Hotspot AnalysishotspotsHot SpotshousingDataU.S. Housing Data from 2008 to 2016hoverCSS Animations for 'shiny' Button Elementshowler'Shiny' Extension of 'howler.js'howManyImputationsCalculate How many Imputations are Needed for MultipleImputationhowzatRUseful Functions for Cricket AnalysishpaDistributions Hermite Polynomial ApproximationhpackedbubbleCreate Split Packed Bubble ChartshpcwldHigh Performance Cluster Models Based on Kiefer-WolfowitzRecursionhpfilterThe One- And Two-Sided Hodrick-Prescott FilterhpiRHouse Price IndexesHPLBHigh-Probability Lower Bounds for the Total Variance DistanceHQMSuperefficient Estimation of Future Conditional Hazards Based onMarker InformationhqmiscMiscellaneous Convenience Functions and DatasethqregRegularization Paths for Lasso or Elastic-Net Penalized HuberLoss Regression and Quantile RegressionhRToolkit for Data Analytics in Human ResourceshrbrthemesAdditional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for 'ggplot2'hrcompriskNonparametric Assessment Between Competing Risks Hazard RatioshrqglasGroup Variable Selection for Quantile and Robust Mean RegressionhrtHeteroskedasticity Robust TestingHRWDatasets, Functions and Scripts for Semiparametric RegressionSupporting Harezlak, Ruppert & Wand (2018)HShom*ogenous Segmentation for Spatial Lines DataHSAURA Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (1st Edition)HSAUR2A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)HSAUR3A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition)hscovarCalculation of Covariance Between Markers for Half-Sib FamiliesHSDiChom*ogeneity and Sparsity Detection Incorporating PriorConstraint InformationhSDMHierarchical Bayesian Species Distribution ModelshseThe hse DistributionhsemHierarchical Structural Equation ModelhsetSets of Numbers Implemented with Hash TablesHSEtesthom*ogeneity of Stratum Effects TesthsphasePhasing, Pedigree Reconstruction, Sire Imputation andRecombination Events Identification of Half-sib Families UsingSNP DatahspmHeterogeneous Spatial ModelsHSPORHidden Smooth Polynomial Regression for Rupture DetectionhsrecombiEstimation of Recombination Rate and Maternal LD in Half-SibshsstanHierarchical Shrinkage Stan Models for Biomarker SelectionhstatsInteraction StatisticshtestClustReweighted Marginal Hypothesis Tests for Clustered DatahtetreeCausal Inference with Tree-Based Machine Learning AlgorithmsHTLRBayesian Logistic Regression with Heavy-Tailed Priorshtm2txtConvert Html into Texthtml2RConvert 'HTML' to 'R' with a 'Shiny' Apphtml5Creates Valid HTML5 StringshtmldfSimple Scraping and Tidy Webpage SummarieshtmlTableAdvanced Tables for Markdown/HTMLhtmltoolsTools for HTMLHTMLUtilsFacilitates Automated HTML Report CreationhtmlwidgetsHTML Widgets for RHTRXHaplotype Trend Regression with eXtra Flexibility (HTRX)htsHierarchical and Grouped Time SeriesHTSClusterClustering High-Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing (HTS) DataHTSeedFitting of Hydrotime Model for Seed Germination Time CoursehtsrHydro-Meteorology Time-SeriesHTSSIPHigh Throughput Sequencing of Stable Isotope Probing DataAnalysisHTTHypothesis Testing TreehttkHigh-Throughput Toxico*kineticshttpcacheQuery Cache for HTTP Clientshttpcode'HTTP' Status Code HelperhttpgdA 'HTTP' Server Graphics Devicehttping'Ping' 'URLs' to Time 'Requests'httpproblemsReport Errors in Web Applications with 'Problem Details' (RFC7807)httpRequestBasic HTTP RequesthttptestA Test Environment for HTTP Requestshttptest2Test Helpers for 'httr2'httpuvHTTP and WebSocket Server LibraryhttrTools for Working with URLs and HTTPhttr2Perform HTTP Requests and Process the ResponseshubeauGet Data from the French National Database on Water 'Hub'Eau'hudrProviding Data from the US Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopmenthuesDistinct Colour Palettes Based on 'iwanthue'hugeHigh-Dimensional Undirected Graph EstimationhuitoReproducible and Flexible Label DesignHUMCompute HUM Value and Visualize ROC CurveshumanFormatHuman-Friendly Formatting FunctionshumaniformatA Parser for Human NameshumanizeCreate Values for Human ConsumptionhumanleagueSynthetic Population GeneratorhumidityCalculate Water Vapor Measures from Temperature and Dew PointhunspellHigh-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell CheckerHuraultMiscGuillem Hurault Functions' LibraryhurdlrZero-Inflated and Hurdle Modelling Using Bayesian InferenceHurreconRModels Hurricane Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Wind DamagehurricaneexposureExplore and Map County-Level Hurricane Exposure in the UnitedStateshutilsMiscellaneous R Functions and AliaseshutilscppMiscellaneous Functions in C++huxtableEasily Create and Style Tables for LaTeX, HTML and Other FormatsHVTConstructing Hierarchical Voronoi Tessellations and OverlayHeatmaps for Data AnalysishwdeModels and Tests for Departure from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibriumand Independence Between LociHWEintrinsicObjective Bayesian Testing for the Hardy-Weinberg EquilibriumProblemhwepHardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in PolyploidshwigHalf-Weight Index GregariousnesshwordcloudRendering Word CloudshwriterHTML Writer - Outputs R Objects in HTML FormathwsdrInterface to the 'HWSD' Web ServiceshwwntestTests of White Noise using WaveletsHybridDesignHybrid Design for Phase I Dose-Finding StudiesHybridMicrobiomesAnalysis of Host-Associated Microbiomes from Hybrid OrganismshybridModelsAn R Package for the Stochastic Simulation of Disease Spreadingin Dynamic NetworkshybridogramFunction that Creates a Heat Map from Hybridization DatahybridtsHybrid Time Series Forecasting Using Error Remodeling Approachhyd1d1d Water Level Interpolation along the Rivers Elbe and RhinehydfloodFlood Extents and Durations along the Rivers Elbe and RhinehydraHyperbolic EmbeddinghydraulicsBasic Pipe and Open Channel HydraulicsHYDROCALHydraulic Roughness CalculatorHydroCodeHydrological CodeshydroDCindexDuration Curve Hydrological Model IndexeshydroEventsExtract Event Statistics in Hydrologic Time SerieshydrogeoGroundwater Data Presentation and InterpretationhydroGOFGoodness-of-Fit Functions for Comparison of Simulated andObserved Hydrological Time SerieshydroloomUtilities to Weave Hydrologic FabricsHydroMeEstimating Water Retention and Infiltration Model Parametersusing Experimental DatahydropeakDetect and Characterize Sub-Daily Flow FluctuationsHydroPortailStats'HydroPortail' Statistical FunctionshydrorouteTrace Longitudinal Hydropeaking WaveshydrostatsHydrologic Indices for Daily Time Series DatahydrotoolboxHydrological Tools for Handling Hydro-Meteorological DataRecordshydroToolkitHydrological Tools for Handling Hydro-Meteorological Data fromArgentina and ChilehydroTSMTime Series Management and Analysis for Hydrological ModellinghyfoHydrology and Climate ForecastingHyMETTHydrologic Model Evaluation and Time-Series Toolshyper.fitN-Dimensional Hyperplane Fitting with Errorshyper2The Hyperdirichlet Distribution, Mark 2hyperbolicDEAHyperbolic DEA EstimationHyperbolicDistThe Hyperbolic DistributionhypercubeOrganizing Data in HypercubesHyperGHypergraphs in RhypergateMachine Learning of Hyperrectangular Gating Strategies forHigh-Dimensional CytometryhypergeoThe Gauss Hypergeometric FunctionhyperoverlapOverlap Detection in n-Dimensional SpacehypersampleplanAttribute Sampling Plan with Exact Hypergeometric Probabilitiesusing Chebyshev PolynomialshyperSpecWork with Hyperspectral Data, i.e. Spectra + Meta Information(Spatial, Time, Concentration, ...)hypervolumeHigh Dimensional Geometry, Set Operations, Projection, andInference Using Kernel Density Estimation, Support VectorMachines, and Convex HullsHYPEtoolsTools for Processing and Analyzing Files from the HydrologicalCatchment Model HYPEhypoRFRandom Forest Two-Sample TestshypothesisWrapper for ''hypothesisrWrapper for the '' Web Annotation ServicehyprHypothesis Matrix TranslationhypsoLoopA Tool Used to Conduct Hypsometric Analysis of a WatershedHyRiMMulticriteria Risk Management using Zero-Sum Games withVector-Valued Payoffs that are Probability DistributionshySAINTHybrid Genetic and Simulated Annealing Algorithm for HighDimensional Linear Models with Interaction EffectshySpc.testthat'testthat' Unit Test EnhancementshystarFit the Hysteretic Threshold Autoregressive ModelhysteresisTools for Modeling Rate-Dependent Hysteretic Processes andEllipseshystReetGet Pedestrian Frequency Data from the 'Hystreet' ProjecthytestHypothesis Testing Based on Neyman-Pearson Lemma and LikelihoodRatio Test i18nInternationalization Data from the 'Unicode CLDR' in TabularFormi2extrasFunctions to Work with 'incidence2' ObjectsIAcsSPCRData and Functions for "An Intro. to Accept. Samp. & SPC/R"iAdaptTwo-Stage Adaptive Dose-Finding Clinical Trial DesigniadfAnalysis of Intra Annual Density FluctuationsIADTInteraction Difference Test for Prediction ModelsiaiInterface to 'Interpretable AI' ModulesialiquorMonthly Iowa Liquor Sales SummaryIALSIterative Alternating Least Square Estimation forLarge-Dimensional Matrix Factor ModeliapwsFormulations of the International Association for the Propertiesof Water and SteamIAPWS95Thermophysical Properties of Water and SteamiARIrregularly Observed Autoregressive ModelsiarmItem Analysis in Rasch ModelsIASDModel Selection for Index of Asymmetry DistributionIATCleaning and Visualizing Implicit Association Test (IAT) DataIATanalyticsCompute Effect Sizes and Reliability for Implicit AssociationTest (IAT) DataIATScoreScoring Algorithm for the Implicit Association Test (IAT)IATscoresImplicit Association Test Scores Using Robust StatisticsibBias Correction via Iterative BootstrapiBARTIterative Bayesian Additive Regression Trees DescriptorSelection MethodibawdsFunctions and Datasets for the Data Science Course at IBAWibbR Wrapper for Istanbul Municipality Open Data PortalIBCF.MTMEItem Based Collaborative Filtering for Multi-Trait andMulti-Environment DataibdIncomplete Block DesignsIBDsimSimulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family Membersibdsim2Simulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family MembersibeliefBelief Function ImplementationIBFSInitial Basic Feasible Solution for Transportation ProblemibmIndividual Based Models in RibmAcousticRConnect to Your 'IBM Acoustic' DataibmcraftrToolkits to Develop Individual-Based Models in InfectiousDiseaseibmdbRIBM in-Database Analytics for RIBMPopSimIndividual Based Model Population SimulationibmsunburstGenerate Personality Insights Sunburst DiagramsibrIterative Bias ReductioniBreakDownModel Agnostic Instance Level Variable AttributionsIBrokersR API to Interactive Brokers Trader WorkstationIBRtoolsIntegrating Biomarker-Based Assessments and Radarchart CreationibsIntegral of B-Spline FunctionsiBSTImproper Bagging Survival Treeic.inferInequality Constrained Inference in Linear Normal SituationsiC10A Copy Number and Expression-Based Classifier for Breast TumoursiC10TrainingDataTraining Datasets for iC10 PackageicaIndependent Component Analysisical'iCalendar' ParsingiCAMPInfer Community Assembly Mechanisms by Phylogenetic-Bin-BasedNull Model AnalysisICAMSIn-Depth Characterization and Analysis of Mutational Signatures('ICAMS')ICAODOptimal Designs for Nonlinear Statistical Models by ImperialistCompetitive Algorithm (ICA)icardaFIGSrSubsetting using Focused Identification of the GermplasmStrategy (FIGS)iCARHIntegrative Conditional Autoregressive Horseshoe ModelicarusCalibrates and Reweights Units in SamplesICBioMarkData-Driven Design of Targeted Gene Panels for EstimatingImmunotherapy BiomarkersICCFacilitating Estimation of the Intraclass CorrelationCoefficientICC.Sample.SizeCalculation of Sample Size and Power for ICCICcalibCox Model with Interval-Censored Starting Time of a CovariateiccbetaMultilevel Model Intraclass Correlation for Slope HeterogeneityICCbinFacilitates Clustered Binary Data Generation, and Estimation ofIntracluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for Binary DataiccCountsIntraclass Correlation Coefficient for Count DataiccdeComputation of the Double-Entry Intraclass CorrelationICcforestAn Ensemble Method for Interval-Censored Survival DataiccTrajEstimates the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for TrajectoryDataicd.dataInternational Classifcation of Diseases (ICD) DataICD10gmMetadata Processing for the German Modification of the ICD-10Coding SystemicdGLMEM by the Method of Weights for Incomplete Categorical Data inGenerlized Linear Modelsicdpicr'ICD' Programs for Injury Categorization in RICDSIdentification of Cancer Dysfunctional Subpathway with OmicsDataICEboxIndividual Conditional Expectation Plot ToolboxicecreamPrint Debugging Made SweeterICEDIntraClass Effect DecompositionICEinferIncremental Cost-Effectiveness Inference using Two UnbiasedSamplesiCellRAnalyzing High-Throughput Single Cell Sequencing DataicenRegRegression Models for Interval Censored DataicensBKLAccompanion to the Book on Interval Censoring by Bogaerts,Komarek, and LesaffreicensmisStudy Design and Data Analysis in the Presence of Error-ProneDiagnostic Tests and Self-Reported OutcomesicertoolCalculate and Plot ICERicesAdviceFunctions Related to ICES AdviceIceSat2RICESat-2 Altimeter Data using RicesConnectProvides User Tokens for Access to ICES Web ServicesicesDatrasDATRAS Trawl Survey Database Web ServicesicesDatsuFunctions to Interact with the ICES Data Submission Utility(DATSU)icesDatsuQCRun Quality Checks on Data Prior to Submission to ICESicesSAGStock Assessment Graphs Database Web ServicesicesSDStock Database Web ServicesicesTAFFunctions to Support the ICES Transparent Assessment FrameworkicesVMSLink to the ICES Vessel Monitoring System and Logbook DatabaseWeb ServicesicesVocabICES Vocabularies Database Web ServicesICGEEstimation of Number of Clusters and Identification of AtypicalUnitsICglmInformation Criteria for Generalized Linear RegressionICGORFit Generalized Odds Rate Hazards Model with Interval CensoredDataichimokuVisualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo StrategiesiClickA Button-Based GUI for Financial and Economic Data AnalysisicmmEmpirical Bayes Variable Selection via ICM/M AlgorithmICODSData Analysis for ODS and Case-Cohort Designs withInterval-CensoringicosaGlobal Triangular and Penta-Hexagonal Grids Based on TessellatedIcosahedraicpsrdataReproducible Data Retrieval from the ICPSR ArchiveicrCompute Krippendorff's AlphaICRanksSimultaneous Confidence Intervals for RanksicrfInterval Censored Recursive ForestsicRSFA Modified Random Survival Forest AlgorithmICSTools for Exploring Multivariate Data via ICS/ICAICSClustTandem Clustering with Invariant Coordinate SelectionICSKATInterval-Censored Sequence Kernel Association TestICSNPTools for Multivariate NonparametricsICSOutlierOutlier Detection Using Invariant Coordinate SelectionICSSICSS Algorithm by Inclan/Tiao (1994)ICSShinyICS via a Shiny ApplicationICSsmoothingData Smoothing by Interpolating Cubic SplinesICsurvSemiparametric Regression Analysis of Interval-Censored DataicswInverse Compliance Score WeightingICtestEstimating and Testing the Number of Interesting Components inLinear Dimension ReductionICVIndirect Cross-Validation (ICV) for Kernel Density EstimationICvectorfieldsVector Fields from Spatial Time Series of Population AbundanceidarIndividual Diversity-Area RelationshipsidarpsDatasets and Functions for the Class "Modelling and DataAnalysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences"idbrR Interface to the US Census Bureau International Data Base APIIDCardUpdate Chinese ID Card Number to Eighteen DigitsidcnrbaInteractive Application for Analyzing Representativeness andNonresponse BiasIDEIntegro-Difference Equation Spatio-Temporal ModelsIDEAFilterAgnostic, Idiomatic Data Filter Module for ShinyideamdbEasy Manipulation of IDEAM's Climatological DataIDEAToolsIndividual and Group Farm Sustainability Assessments using theIDEA4 MethodidefixEfficient Designs for Discrete Choice ExperimentsidemInference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death andMissingnessidendr0Interactive DendrogramsiderVarious Methods for Estimating Intrinsic DimensionIDetectIsolate-Detect Methodology for Multiple Change-Point DetectionIDFEstimation and Plotting of IDF CurvesiDINGOIntegrative Differential Network Analysis in GenomicsidiogramFISHShiny App. Idiograms with Marks and Karyotype IndicesidmIncremental Decomposition MethodsidmactInterpreting Differences Between Mean ACT ScoresidmcLoad and Wrangle IDMC Displacement DataIDmeasurerAssessment of Individual Identity in Animal SignalsIDminingIntrinsic Dimension for Data MiningIDMIRIdentification of Dysregulated MiRNAs Based on MiRNA-MiRNAInteraction NetworkidmodelrInfectious Disease Model Library and UtilitiesidopNetworkA Network Tool to Dissect Spatial Community EcologyiDOSIntegrated Discovery of Oncogenic SignaturesiDOVEDurability of Vaccine Efficacy Against SARS-CoV-2 InfectionIDPmisc'Utilities of Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design('IDPSurvivalImprecise Dirichlet Process for Survival AnalysisidrIrreproducible Discovery RateidsGenerate Random IdentifiersIDSAAn Interactive Detector for Spatial AssociationsIDSL.CSAComposite Spectra Analysis (CSA) for High-Resolution MassSpectrometry AnalysesIDSL.FSAFragmentation Spectra Analysis (FSA)IDSL.IPAIntrinsic Peak Analysis (IPA) for HRMS DataIDSL.MXPParser for mzML, mzXML, and netCDF Files (Mass SpectrometryData)IDSL.NPANominal Peak Analysis (NPA)IDSL.SUFASimplified UFAIDSL.UFAUnited Formula Annotation (UFA) for HRMS Data ProcessingIDSL.UFAxExhaustive Chemical Enumeration for United Formula Annotationidx2rConvert Files to and from IDX Format to Vectors, Matrices andArraysie2miscIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Functionsie2miscdataIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Data CollectionieeeroundFunctions to set and get the IEEE rounding modeiemiscIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous FunctionsiemiscdataIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous Data CollectioniemisctextIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous Text CollectionIETDInter-Event Time DefinitionieugwasrInterface to the 'OpenGWAS' Database APIifaToolsToolkit for Item Factor Analysis with 'OpenMx'IFCTools for Imaging Flow CytometryifCNVRIsolation-Forest Based 'CNV' Detection from 'NGS' DataifctoolsItalian Fiscal Code ('Codice Fiscale') UtilitiesIFMCDMIntuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making MethodsifoClient for the Ifo Institute Time SeriesiForecastMachine Learning Time Series ForecastingIFPIdentifying Functional PolymorphismsifpdIndonesia Food Prices DataifsIterated Function Systemsig.vancouver.2014.topcolourInstagram 2014 Vancouver Top Colour DatasetIgAScoresScore Taxon-Level IgA Binding in IgA-Seq ExperimentsiGassoStatistical Tests and Utilities for Genetic AssociationigateGuided Analytics for Testing Manufacturing ParametersIGCitiesSimulate Impact of Different Urban Policies Through a GeneralEquilibrium ModeligcopComputational Tools for the IG and IGL Copula FamiliesigluInterpreting Glucose Data from Continuous Glucose MonitorsigoRIntergovernmental Organizations DatabaseIGoRRRA Shiny Interface for Simple Data ManagementigraphNetwork Analysis and VisualizationigraphdataA Collection of Network Data Sets for the 'igraph' PackageigraphinshinyUse 'shiny' to Demo 'igraph'iGraphMatchTools for Graph MatchingigraphtosoniaConvert iGraph graps to SoNIA .son filesigrfInternational Geomagnetic Reference FieldiGSEAIntegrative Gene Set Enrichment Analysis ApproachesIGSTInformative Gene Selection ToolihclustIterative Hierarchical Clustering (IHC)iheatmaprInteractive, Complex HeatmapsiheiddownFor Writing Geneva Graduate Institute DocumentsihpdrDownload Data from the International House Price DatabaseIHSEPInhom*ogeneous Self-Exciting ProcessiimiIdentifying Infection with Machine IntelligenceiIneqComputing Individual Components of the Gini and the TheilIndicesIIProductionUnknownAnalyzing Data Through of Percentage of Importance Indice(Production Unknown) and Its DerivationsIIVpredictorModeling Within Individual Variability as PredictorijtiffComprehensive TIFF I/O with Full Support for 'ImageJ' TIFF FilesilabelledSimple Handling of Labelled DataILSInterlaboratory StudyILSELinear Regression Based on 'ILSE' for Missing DataILSMAnalyze Inter-Layer Structure of Multilayer Ecological NetworkimabcIncremental Mixture Approximate Bayesian Computation (IMABC)image.binarizationBinarize Images for Enhancing Optical Character Recognitionimage.CannyEdgesImplementation of the Canny Edge Detector for Imagesimage.ContourDetectorImplementation of the Unsupervised Smooth Contour Line Detectionfor Imagesimage.CornerDetectionF9Find Corners in Digital Images with FAST-9image.CornerDetectionHarrisImplementation of the Harris Corner Detection for Imagesimage.dlibImage Processing Functionality using the 'dlib' Packageimage.libfacedetectionConvolutional Neural Network for Face Detectionimage.LineSegmentDetectorDetect Line Segments in Imagesimage.OtsuOtsu's Image Segmentation Methodimage.textlinedetectorSegment Images in Text Lines and Wordsimage2dataTurn Images into Data SetsimageDataAids in Processing and Plotting Data from a Lemna-TecScananalyzerimagefluencyImage Statistics Based on Processing FluencyimagefxExtract Features from ImagesimagerImage Processing Library Based on 'CImg'imagerExtraExtra Image Processing Library Based on 'imager'imagesegDeep Learning Models for Image SegmentationimageviewerSimple 'htmlwidgets' Image Viewer with WebGL Brightness/ContrastimaginatorSimulate General Insurance Policies and LossesimagineIMAGing engINEs, Tools for Application of Image Filters to DataMatricesIMakItem MakerimbalancePreprocessing Algorithms for Imbalanced DatasetsimbalanceDatRelRelocated Data Oversampling for Imbalanced Data ClassificationimbibeA Pipe-Friendly Image CalculatorimcExperimentMass Cytometry S4 Class Structure Pipeline for ImagesImClusterEfficiency of Cluster Sampling for Crop SurveysIMDIndex of Multiple Deprivation Data for the UKimdbapiGet Movie, Television Data from the 'imdb' DatabaseIMECIsing Model of Explanatory CoherenceiMediateLikelihood Methods for Mediation Analysisimf.dataAn Interface to IMF (International Monetary Fund) Data JSON APIImFoRNon-Linear Height Diameter Models for ForestryimgpalrCreate Color Palettes from ImagesimgrecAn Interface for Image RecognitionimguRAn API Client PackageImHDArtificial Intelligence Based Machine Learning Algorithms forHeight Diameter Relationships of Conifer TreesIMIFAInfinite Mixtures of Infinite Factor Analysers and RelatedModelsIMIXGaussian Mixture Model for Multi-Omics Data IntegrationimlInterpretable Machine LearningIMmailgunSend Emails using 'Mailgun'immcpPoly-Pharmacology Toolkit for Traditional Chinese MedicineResearchimmerItem Response Models for Multiple RatingsImmigrateIterative Max-Min Entropy Margin-Maximization with InteractionTerms for Feature SelectionImMLMachine Learning Algorithms Fitting and Validation for ForestryimmunarchBioinformatics Analysis of T-Cell and B-Cell Immune RepertoiresimmuneSIMTunable Simulation of B- And T-Cell Receptor RepertoiresImNNNeural Networks for Predicting Volume of Forest TreesimolaCSS Layouts (Grid and Flexbox) Implementation for R/ShinyIMPInteractive Model Performance Evaluationimp4pImputation for ProteomicsIMPACTThe Impact of ItemsImpactEffectsizeCalculation and Visualization of the Impact Effect Size MeasureimpactfluQuantification of Population-Level Impact of VaccinationimpactrMechanical Loading Prediction Through Accelerometer DataimpimpImprecise Imputation for Statistical MatchingimplicitExpansionArray Operations for Arrays of Mismatching SizesimplicitMeasuresCompute Scores for Different Implicit MeasuresimpliedConvert Between Bookmaker Odds and ProbabilitiesimplyrR Interface for Apache ImpalaimportAn Import Mechanism for RImportanceIndiceAnalyzing Data Through of Percentage of Importance Indice andIts DerivationsimportarEnables Importing/Loading of Packages or Functions WhileCreating an Alias for ThemImportExportImport and Export DataimportinegiDownload and Manage Open Data from INEGIimprecise101Introduction to Imprecise Probabilitiesimpressionist.colorsImpressionism's Color PalettesimprintingCalculate Birth Year-Specific Probabilities of Immune Imprintingto InfluenzaImpShrinkageImproved Shrinkage Estimations for Multiple Linear RegressionimptreeClassification Trees with Imprecise ProbabilitiesimputeFinImputation of Financial Time Series with Missing Values and/orOutliersimputeGenericEase the Implementation of Imputation MethodsimputeLCMDA Collection of Methods for Left-Censored Missing DataImputationImputeLongiCovsLongitudinal Imputation of Categorical Variables via a JointTransition ModelimputeMultiImputation Methods for Multivariate Multinomial DataimputeRA General Multivariate Imputation FrameworkimputeREEImpute Missing Rare Earth Element Data in ZirconImputeRobustRobust Multiple Imputation with Generalized Additive Models forLocation Scale and ShapeimputeTestbenchTest Bench for the Comparison of Imputation MethodsimputeTSTime Series Missing Value ImputationiMRMCMulti-Reader, Multi-Case Analysis Methods (ROC, Agreement, andOther Metrics)imsigImmune Cell Gene Signatures for Profiling the Microenvironmentof Solid TumoursIMTestInformation Matrix Test for Generalized Partial Credit ModelsImVolVolume Prediction of Trees Using Linear and Nonlinear AllometricEquationsin2extRemesInto the extRemes PackageinaparcInitialization Algorithms for Partitioning Cluster AnalysisinbreedRAnalysing Inbreeding Based on Genetic MarkersincaInteger CalibrationincasePipe-Friendly Vector Replacement with Case StatementsINCATomeInternal Control Analysis of Translatome Studies by MicroarraysIncDTWIncremental Calculation of Dynamic Time WarpingincgraphIncremental Graphlet Counting for Network OptimisationincidenceCompute, Handle, Plot and Model Incidence of Dated Eventsincidence2Compute, Handle and Plot Incidence of Dated EventsIncidencePrevalenceEstimate Incidence and Prevalence using the OMOP Common DataModelincidentalImplements Empirical Bayes Incidence CurvesincidentallyGenerates Incidence Matrices and Bipartite GraphsIncomPairComparison of Means for the Incomplete Paired DataincRAnalysis of Incubation DatainctoolsIncidence Estimation ToolsincubateParametric Time-to-Event Analysis with Variable IncubationPhasesindelmissInsertion Deletion Analysis While Accounting for PossibleMissing DataindependenceWeightsEstimates Weights for Confounding Control for Continuous-ValuedExposuresIndepTestNonparametric Independence Tests Based on Entropy Estimationindex0Zero-Based Indexing in RIndexConstructionIndex Construction for Time Series DataIndexNumberIndex Numbers in Social SciencesIndexNumRIndex Number CalculationindexthisQuick IndexationIndexWizardConstructing and Analyzing Complex Selection IndicesIndGenErrorsTests of Independence Between Innovations of Generalized ErrorModelsindiaInfluence Diagnostics in Statistical ModelsIndicatorComposite 'Indicator' Construction and Imputation DataindicspeciesRelationship Between Species and Groups of SitesindiedownIndividual R Markdown TemplatesindirectElicitation of Independent Conditional Means Priors forGeneralised Linear ModelsInDiscObtaining and Estimating Unidimensional and Multidimensional IRTDual ModelsIndTestPPTests of Independence and Analysis of Dependence Between PointProcesses in TimeindustRialData, Functions and Support Materials from the Book "industRialData Science"inegiRIntegrate INEGI’s (Mexican Stats Office) API with RineqMeasuring Inequality, Concentration, and Povertyineq.2dTwo-Dimensional Decomposition of the Theil Index and the SquaredCoefficient of VariationineqJDInequality Joint DecompositioninetPerforming Inference on Networks with RegularizationiNEXTInterpolation and Extrapolation for Species DiversityiNEXT.3DInterpolation and Extrapolation for Three Dimensions ofBiodiversityiNEXT.4stepsFour-Step Biodiversity Analysis Based on 'iNEXT'iNEXT.beta3DInterpolation and Extrapolation with Beta Diversity for ThreeDimensions of BiodiversityinferTidy Statistical InferenceinferCSNInferring Cell-Specific Gene Regulatory NetworkInferenceSMRInference About the Standardized Mortality Ratio when Evaluatingthe Effect of a Screening Program on SurvivalinferferenceMethods for Causal Inference with InterferenceinferrInferential StatisticsinfinitefactorBayesian Infinite Factor ModelsInfiniumPurifyEstimate and Account for Tumor Purity in Cancer Methylation DataAnalysisinfixBasic Infix Binary OperatorsInflationCore InflationinflectionFinds the Inflection Point of a CurveInflectSSPMelt Curve Fitting and Melt Shift Analysisinfluence.METools for Detecting Influential Data in Mixed Effects Modelsinfluence.SEMCase Influence in Structural Equation ModelsinfluenceAUCIdentify Influential Observations in Binary ClassificationinfluenceRSoftware Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of Nodes in aNetworkinfluentialIdentification and Classification of the Most Influential Nodesinfluxdbclient'InfluxDB' 2.x ClientinfluxdbrR Interface to InfluxDBinfoDecompuTEInformation Decomposition of Two-Phase ExperimentsinfoelectoralDownload Spanish Election ResultsInformationData Exploration with Information Theory (Weight-of-Evidence andInformation Value)InformativeCensoringMultiple Imputation for Informative CensoringinformedSenSensitivity Analysis Informed by a Test for BiasinfotheoInformation-Theoretic MeasuresInfoTradCalculates the Probability of Informed Trading (PIN)infraFDTD.assistIO Help for infraFDTD ModelInfusionInference Using SimulationingredientsEffects and Importances of Model IngredientsiniRead and Write '.ini' FilesinjectoRR Dependency InjectionInjurySeverityScoreTranslate ICD-9 into Injury Severity ScoreinjurytoolsA Toolkit for Sports Injury Data AnalysisINLABMABayesian Model Averaging with INLAinlabruBayesian Latent Gaussian Modelling using INLA and ExtensionsINLAjointMultivariate Joint Modeling for Longitudinal and Time-to-EventOutcomes with 'INLA'INLAspacetimeSpatial and Spatio-Temporal Models using 'INLA'inlcolorColor Schemes for the USGS Idaho National Laboratory ProjectOfficeinldataCollection of Datasets for the USGS-INL Monitoring NetworksinlineFunctions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from RinlinedocsConvert Inline Comments to DocumentationinlpubsUSGS INL Project Office PublicationsinnsightGet the Insights of Your Neural NetworkinopsInfix Operators for Detection, Subsetting and ReplacementinpdfrAnalyse Text Documents Using Ecological ToolsinplaceIn-place Operators for RInPositionInference Tests for ExPositionINQCQuality Control of Climatological Daily Time SeriesInquilabDissipation Kinetics Analysis, Half Life Period, Rate Constant,PlotsinsaneINsulin Secretion ANalysErinsectInformatic Sequence Classification TreesinsectDiseaseEcological Database of the World's Insect PathogensinseeTools to Easily Download Data from INSEE BDM DatabaseinsightEasy Access to Model Information for Various Model ObjectsInSilicoVAProbabilistic Verbal Autopsy Coding with 'InSilicoVA' AlgorithmInspectChangepointHigh-Dimensional Changepoint Estimation via Sparse ProjectioninspectdfInspection, Comparison and Visualisation of Data FramesinspectorValidation of Arguments and Objects in User-Defined FunctionsINSPECTumoursIN-vivo reSPonsE Classification of TumoursINSPIREInferring Shared Modules from Multiple Gene Expression Datasetswith Partially Overlapping Gene SetsinstagramadsRAccess to Instagram Ads via the '' APIinstall.loadCheck, Install and Load CRAN PackagesinstallrUsing R to Install Stuff on Windows OS (Such As: R, 'Rtools','RStudio', 'Git', and More!)instantiatePre-Compiled 'CmdStan' Models in R PackagesinstaRAccess to Instagram API via RinsuranceDataA Collection of Insurance Datasets Useful in Risk Classificationin Non-life InsuranceinsuranceratingAnalytic Insurance Rating TechniquesInsuSensCalcInsulin Sensitivity Indices CalculatorintamapProcedures for Automated InterpolationintamapInteractiveInteractive Add-on Functionality for 'intamap'IntCalRadiocarbon Calibration CurvesintccrSemiparametric Competing Risks Regression under IntervalCensoringintcensROCAUC Estimation of Interval Censored Survival DataintegIRTyIntegrating Multiple Modalities of High Throughput Assays UsingItem Response TheoryintegrAn Implementation of Interaction Graphs of Aleks JakulinIntegrateBsIntegration for B-SplineIntegratedJMJoint Modeling of the Gene-Expression and Bioassay Data, TakingCare of the Effect Due to a Fingerprint FeatureIntegratedMRFIntegrated Prediction using Uni-Variate and Multivariate RandomForestsintendoA Group of Fun Datasets of Various Sizes and Differing Levels ofQualityintensegRidR Wrapper for the Carbon Intensity APIintensitynetIntensity Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns on Complex NetworksInteractionPoweRPower Analyses for Interaction Effects in Cross-SectionalRegressionsinteractionRFull Reporting of Interaction AnalysesinteractionRCSCalculate Estimates in Models with InteractioninteractionsComprehensive, User-Friendly Toolkit for Probing InteractionsinteractionTestCalculates Critical Test Statistics to Control False DiscoveryRates in Marginal Effects PlotsInteratrixCompute Chi-Square Measures with CorrectionsintercaMultiple Correspondence Analysis Based on InterpretiveCoordinatesInteRDThe Integrated and Robust DeconvolutioninterepInteraction Analysis of Repeated Measure DataInterfaceqPCRGUI to Analyse qPCR Results after PMA Treatment or notinterflexMultiplicative Interaction Models Diagnostics and VisualizationinterfrInterference Color Charts for Polarized Light MicroscopyintergraphCoercion Routines for Network Data ObjectsinterimScheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical TrialsinterimAppApp for Scheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical TrialsinterleaveConverts Tabular Data to Interleaved VectorsinterlineaRImporting Interlinearized Corpora and Dictionaries as Producedby Descriptive Linguistics SoftwareInterNLTime Series Intervention Model Using Non-Linear FunctioninterpInterpolation MethodsinterplexCoercion Methods for Simplicial Complex Data StructuresinterplotPlot the Effects of Variables in Interaction TermsinterpolationInterpolation of Bivariate FunctionsinterpolatorsSome Interpolation MethodsinterpretFit Interpretable Machine Learning ModelsinterpretCIEstimate the Confidence Interval and Interpret Step by StepInterpretMSSpectrumInterpreting High Resolution Mass SpectrainterpretRBinary Classifier and Regression Model Interpretation FunctionsintersFlexible Tools for Estimating InteractionsInterSIMSimulation of Inter-Related Genomic DatasetsInterVA4Replicate and Analyse 'InterVA4'InterVA5Replicate and Analyse 'InterVA5'intervalWeighted Logrank Tests and NPMLE for Interval Censored DataintervalaverageTime-Weighted Averaging for Interval DataIntervalQuestionStatTools to Deal with Interval-Valued Responses in QuestionnairesintervalsTools for Working with Points and IntervalsIntervalSurgeonOperating on Integer-Bounded IntervalsintervcompHypothesis Testing Using the Overlapping Interval EstimatesinTextSummaryTableCreation of in-Text Summary TableintiTools and Statistical Procedures in Plant ScienceintkrigeA Numerical Implementation of Interval-Valued KrigingintmapOrdered Containers with Integer KeysintmedMediation Analysis using Interventional EffectsIntNMFIntegrative Clustering of Multiple Genomic DatasetintradayModelModeling and Forecasting Financial Intraday SignalsinTreesInterpret Tree EnsemblesintRegGOFIntegrated Regression Goodness of FitINTRIGUEQuantify and Control Reproducibility in High-ThroughputExperimentsintRinsicLikelihood-Based Intrinsic Dimension EstimatorsintrinsicDimensionIntrinsic Dimension EstimationintrinsicFRPAn R Package for Factor Model Asset PricingintrinsicKappaSample Size Planning Based on Intrinsic Kappa ValueintrvalRelational Operators for IntervalsintRvalsAnalysis of Time-Ordered Event Data with Missed ObservationsintsurvIntegrative Survival ModelingintsvyInternational Assessment Data ManagerinumInterval and Enum-Type Representation of VectorsinvacostAnalyse Biological Invasion Costs with the 'InvaCost' DatabaseInvariantCausalPredictionInvariant Causal PredictionInvasionCorrectionInvasion CorrectioninvctrInfix Functions For Vector OperationsinventorizeInventory Analytics, Pricing and MarkdownsInventorymodelInventory ModelsinverseRegexReverse Engineers Regular Expression Patterns for R ObjectsinvertiformsInvertible Transforms for MatricesinvestrInverse Estimation/Calibration FunctionsinvgammaThe Inverse Gamma DistributioninvgamstochvolObtains the Log Likelihood for an Inverse Gamma StochasticVolatility ModelinvGaussThreshold Regression that Fits the (Randomized Drift) InverseGaussian Distribution to Survival DataInvStablePriorInverse Stable Prior for Widely-Used Exponential ModelsiNZightMRTools for Exploring Multiple Response DataiNZightPlotsGraphical Tools for Exploring Data with 'iNZight'iNZightRegressionTools for Exploring Regression Models with 'iNZight'iNZightToolsTools for 'iNZight'iNZightTSTime Series for 'iNZight'ioA Unified Framework for Input-Output Operations in RioanalysisInput Output AnalysisIOHanalyzerData Analysis Part of 'IOHprofiler'IOHexperimenterBenchmarking Part of the 'IOHprofiler'IOLSIterated Ordinary Least Squares RegressionioncopyCalling Copy Number Alterations in Amplicon Sequencing DataionetNetwork Analysis for Input-Output TablesionrTest for Indifference of IndicatoriopspackageIO-PS Framework PackageiopsychMethods for Industrial/Organizational PsychologyiosmoothFunctions for Smoothing with Infinite Order Flat-Top KernelsiotablesReproducible Input-Output Economics Analysis, Economic andEnvironmental Impact Assessment with Empirical DataiotarelrIota Inter Coder Reliability for Content AnalysisiotoolsI/O Tools for StreamingIPClasses and Methods for 'IP' Addressesip2locationLookup for IP Address Informationip2proxyLookup for IP Address Proxy InformationipaConvert Between Phonetic AlphabetsipaddressData Analysis for IP Addresses and NetworksipADMIXTUREIterative Pruning Population Admixture Inference FrameworkipanemaRead Data from 'LimeSurvey'ipbaseClient for the '' IP Geolocation APIipcTools for Message Passing Between ProcessesIPCAPSIterative Pruning to Capture Population StructureIPCWKKendall's Tau Partial Corr. for Survival Trait and BiomarkersipcwswitchInverse Probability of Censoring Weights to Deal with TreatmentSwitch in Randomized Clinical TrialsIPDFileCheckBasic Functions to Check Readability, Consistency, and Contentof an Individual Participant Data FileIPDfromKMMap Digitized Survival Curves Back to Individual Patient DataipdwSpatial Interpolation by Inverse Path Distance WeightingipeadatarAPI Wrapper for 'Ipeadata'ipeaplotAdd Ipea Editorial Standards to 'ggplot2' GraphicsIPECRoot Mean Square Curvature CalculationIPEDSData from the Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data SystemIPEDSuploadablesTransforms Institutional Data into Text Files for IPEDSAutomated Import/UploadiperformTime Series PerformanceipflassoIntegrative Lasso with Penalty FactorsipfpFast Implementation of the Iterative Proportional FittingProcedure in CipfrList Balancing for Reweighting and Population SynthesisipftIndoor Positioning Fingerprinting ToolsetipkgInstall R Packages or Download File from GitHub via the ProxySiteIPLGPIdentification of Parental Lines via Genomic PredictioniplookupapiClient for the '' IP Lookup APIiplotsiPlots - Interactive Graphics for RIPMbookFunctions and Data for the Book 'Integrated Population Models'ipmrIntegral Projection ModelsipolygrowthIndividual Growth Curve Parameter Calculation using PolynomialFunctionsIPPPInhom*ogeneous Poisson Point ProcessesiprIterative Proportional Repartition AlgorithmipredImproved PredictorsipriorRegression Modelling using I-PriorsipsInterfaces to Phylogenetic Software in RipsecrSpatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse PredictionipsfsIntuitionistic, Pythagorean, and Spherical Fuzzy SimilarityMeasureipsRdbsIntroduction to Probability, Statistics and R for Data-BasedSciencesipumsrAn R Interface for Downloading, Reading, and Handling IPUMS DataIPVItem Pool VisualizationipwEstimate Inverse Probability WeightsIPWboxplotAdapted Boxplot to Missing ObservationsipwCoxCSVInverse Probability Weighted Cox Model with Corrected SandwichVarianceipwErrorYInverse Probability Weighted Estimation of Average TreatmentEffect with Misclassified Binary OutcomeiqProtein Quantification in Mass Spectrometry-Based ProteomicsIQCCImproved Quality Control ChartsirFunctions to Handle and Preprocess Infrared SpectrairaceIterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm ConfigurationiraceplotPlots for Visualizing the Data Produced by the 'irace' PackageiRafNetIntegrative Random Forest for Gene Regulatory Network InferenceirboostIteratively Reweighted Boosting for Robust AnalysisIRCcheckIrrepresentable Condition CheckircorCorrelation Coefficients for Information RetrievalIRdisplay'Jupyter' Display MachineryiRegressionRegression Methods for Interval-Valued VariablesiReproReproducibility for Interval-Censored DataIrescaleCalculate and Rectify Moran's IIRexamplesCollection of Practical Institutional Research Examples andTutorialsirgInstantaneous Rate of Green UpIrishDirectoratesA Dynamic Bipartite Latent Space Model to Analyse IrishCompanies' Boards from 2003 to 2013IRISMustangMetricsStatistics and Metrics for Seismic DataIRISSeismicClasses and Methods for Seismic Data AnalysisIRkernelNative R Kernel for the 'Jupyter Notebook'irlbaFast Truncated Singular Value Decomposition and PrincipalComponents Analysis for Large Dense and Sparse MatricesiRoCoDeIncomplete Row-Column DesignsIRonSolving Imbalanced Regression TasksirrVarious Coefficients of Interrater Reliability and AgreementIRR2FPRComputing False Positive Rate from Inter-Rater ReliabilityirrCACComputing Chance-Corrected Agreement Coefficients (CAC)IrregLongAnalysis of Longitudinal Data with Irregular Observation TimesirrICCIntraclass Correlations for Quantifying Inter-Rater ReliabilityirrNACoefficients of Interrater Reliability – Generalized forRandomly Incomplete DatasetsirtItem Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Testing FunctionsirtawsiItems Response Theory Analysis with Steps and InterpretationIRTBEMMFamily of Bayesian EMM Algorithm for Item Response ModelsirtDemoItem Response Theory Demo CollectionIRTestParameter Estimation of Item Response Theory with Estimation ofLatent DistributionirtGUIItem Response Theory Analysis with a Graphic User InterfaceirtoysA Collection of Functions Related to Item Response Theory (IRT)irtpwrPower Analysis for IRT Models Using the Wald, LR, Score, andGradient StatisticsirtQUnidimensional Item Response Theory ModelingirtreesEstimation of Tree-Based Item Response ModelsirtreliabilityItem Response Theory ReliabilityIRTShinyItem Response Theory via Shinyisa2The Iterative Signature AlgorithmISARIntroduction to Sports Analytics using R (ISAR) DataISATExtract Cell Density and Nearest Distance Based on 'PerkinElmerInForm' Software OutputisatabrImplementation for the ISA Abstract ModelISCO08ConveRsionsConverts ISCO-08 to Job Prestige Scores, ISCO-88 and Job NameiscoCrosswalksCrosswalks Between Classifications of OccupationsIscoresProper Scoring Rules for Missing Value ImputationisdalsDatasets for Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for theLife SciencesisdparserParse 'NOAA' Integrated Surface Data FilesISEtoolsIon Selective Electrodes Analysis MethodsiSFunIntegrative Dimension Reduction Analysis for Multi-Source DataIsingFitFitting Ising Models Using the ELasso MethodIsinglandrLandscape Construction and Simulation for Ising NetworksisingLenzMCMonte Carlo for Classical Ising ModelIsingSamplerSampling Methods and Distribution Functions for the Ising ModelislandStochastic Island Biogeography Theory Made EasyislassoThe Induced Smoothed LassoISLRData for an Introduction to Statistical Learning withApplications in RISLR2Introduction to Statistical Learning, Second EditionISMInterpretive Structural Modelling (ISM)ismevAn Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme ValuesismtchileCalculating Socio Material Territorial IndexisniIndex of Local Sensitivity to NonignorabilityisnullptrCheck if an 'externalptr' is a Null PointerIsoFunctions to Perform Isotonic RegressionISO11784ToolsISO11784 PIT Tag ID Format ConvertersisobandGenerate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced ElevationGridsisoboostIsotonic Boosting Classification RulesisobxrStable Isotope Box Modelling in RisocalcRIsotope Calculations in RisocatIsotope Origin Clustering and Assignment ToolsIsoCheckIsomorphism Check for Multi-Stage Factorial Designs withRandomization RestrictionsisocirIsotonic Inference for Circular DataISOcodesSelected ISO CodesIsoCorAnalyze Isotope Ratios in a 'Shiny'-AppisocountryISO 3166-1 Country CodesisodistrregIsotonic Distributional Regression (IDR)isogeochemTools for Stable Isotope GeochemistryisokernelIsolation KernelIsoMemoRetrieve Data using the 'IsoMemo' APIisoorbiProcess Orbitrap Isotopocule DataisopamClustering of Sites with Species DataisopleurosTernary PlotsIsoplotRStatistical Toolbox for Radiometric GeochronologyIsoplotRguiWeb Interface to 'IsoplotR'ISOpureRDeconvolution of Tumour ProfilesIsoriXIsoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins usingMixed ModelsIsoSpecRThe IsoSpec AlgorithmisoSurvIsotonic Regression on Survival AnalysisisotoneActive Set and Generalized PAVA for Isotone Optimizationisotonic.penPenalized Isotonic Regression in one and two dimensionsIsotopeRStable Isotope Mixing ModelisotracerIsotopic Tracer Analysis Using MCMCisotreeIsolation-Based Outlier DetectionisoWaterDiscovery, Retrieval, and Analysis of Water Isotope DataISOweekWeek of the year and weekday according to ISO 8601ispdIncomplete Split-Plot DesignsispdataAccess Data from the Public Security Institute of the State ofRio De JaneiroISRThe Iterated Score Regression-Based Estimation AlgorithmISRaDTools and Data for the International Soil Radiocarbon DatabaseISSIsotonic Subgroup SelectionistacrObtaining Open Data from Instituto Canario De Estadistica(ISTAC) APIiSTATSA Graphical Interface to Perform STOCSY Analyses on NMR DataiSubGenIntegrative Subtype GenerationisvaIndependent Surrogate Variable AnalysisISwRIntroductory Statistics with RitalyThe Italian Survey on Household and Wealth, 2008 and 2010itanItem Analysis for Multiple Choice TestsitcSegmentIndividual Tree Crowns SegmentationitdrIntegral Transformation Methods for SDR in RegressionitemanalysisClassical Test Theory Item AnalysisiTensorICA-Based Matrix/Tensor DecompositionIterativeHardThresholdingIterative Hard Thresholding Extensions to CyclopsiteratoRPrint Loop Iterations at Exponentially Disparate IntervalsiteratorsProvides Iterator ConstructiterLapApproximate Probability Densities by Iterated LaplaceApproximationsiterorsFast, Compact Iterators and ToolsiterpcEfficient Iterator for Permutations and CombinationsitertoolsIterator Toolsitertools2itertools2: Functions creating iterators for efficient loopingITNrAnalysis of the International Trade Networkitol.toolkitHelper Functions for 'Interactive Tree Of Life'iTOPInferring the Topology of Omics DataitpThe Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding AlgorithmitraxRItrax Data Analysis Toolsits.analysisRunning Interrupted Time Series AnalysisitsadugInterpreting Time Series and Autocorrelated Data Using GAMMsitscalledsoccerAmerican Soccer Analysis API ClientitsdmIsolation Forest-Based Presence-Only Species DistributionModelingitsmrTime Series Analysis Using the Innovations AlgorithmivaBSSTools for Independent Vector AnalysisivdescProfiling Compliers and Non-Compliers for Instrumental VariableAnalysisivdesignHypothesis Testing in Cluster-Randomized Encouragement DesignsivDiagEstimation and Diagnostic Tools for Instrumental VariablesDesignsivdoctrEnsures Mutually Consistent Beliefs When Using IVsivgetsGeneral to Specific Modeling and Indicator Saturation in 2SLSModelsivitrEstimate IV-Optimal Individualized Treatment RulesivmodelStatistical Inference and Sensitivity Analysis for InstrumentalVariables ModelivmteInstrumental Variables: Extrapolation by Marginal TreatmentEffectsivo.tableNicely Formatted Contingency Tables and Frequency TablesivregInstrumental-Variables Regression by '2SLS', '2SM', or '2SMM',with DiagnosticsivsInterval VectorsivsacimStructural Additive Cumulative Intensity Models with IVivtoolsInstrumental VariablesivxRobust Econometric InferenceIVYplotProduces an IVY Plot (Similar to Dot Plot) with/withoutFrequenciesiwaqrIrrigation Water Quality Assessment and VisualizationsiWeigRegImproved Methods for Causal Inference and Missing Data ProblemsixplorerEasy DataOps for R UsersIxPopDyModFramework for Tick Population and Infection ModelingiZIDIdentify Zero-Inflated DistributionsizmirR Wrapper for Izmir Municipality Open Data Portal jaathaSimulation-Based Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimationjab.adverse.reactionsPossible Adverse Events/Reactions from theVaccinations/Experimental Gene TherapiesjaccardTest Similarity Between Binary Data using Jaccard/TanimotoCoefficientsjackJack, Zonal, and Schur PolynomialsjackalopeA Swift, Versatile Phylogenomic and High-Throughput SequencingSimulatorjackknifeRDelete-d Jackknife for Point and Interval EstimationjackstrapCorrecting Nonparametric Frontier Measurements for OutliersjackstrawStatistical Inference for Unsupervised LearningjacobiJacobi Theta Functions and Related FunctionsJacobiEigenClassical Jacobi Eigenvalue AlgorithmjacpopJaccard Index for Population Structure IdentificationJADEBlind Source Separation Methods Based on Joint Diagonalizationand Some BSS Performance CriteriajadeLizardOptionsTrading Jade Lizard Option StrategiesjageEstimation of Developmental AgejaggRSupporting Files and Functions for the Book Bayesian Modellingwith 'JAGS'jagshelperExtracting and Visualizing Output from 'jagsUI'jagstargetsTargets for JAGS PipelinesjagsUIA Wrapper Around 'rjags' to Streamline 'JAGS' AnalysesjalcalConversion Between Jalali (Persian or Solar Hijri) and GregorianCalendar DatesJamendoRAccess to 'Jamendo' APIjaneaustenrJane Austen's Complete NovelsjanitorSimple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty DatajanusOptimized Recommending System Based on 'tensorflow'japanstatTools for Easy Use of 'e-Stat' APIjarbesJust a Rather Bayesian Evidence SynthesisJATSdecoderA Metadata and Text Extraction and Manipulation Tool SetJavaGDJava Graphics DeviceJayaJaya, a Gradient-Free Optimization AlgorithmJBrowseRAn R Interface to the JBrowse 2 Genome BrowserjcextExtended Classification of Weather TypesjcolorsColors Palettes for R and 'ggplot2', Additional Themes for'ggplot2'jcpJoint Change Point DetectionJCRImpactFactorJournal Citation Reports ('JCR') Impact Factor by 'Clarivate''Analytics'JDCruncheRInterface Between the 'JDemetra+' Cruncher and R, and QualityReport GeneratorjdenticonA Wrapper for the Node.js 'Jdenticon' LibraryJdmbsMonte Carlo Option Pricing Algorithms for Jump Diffusion Modelswith Correlational Companiesjds.rmdR Markdown Templates for Journal of Data SciencejeekA Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Integrating AdditionalKnowledge in Learning Multiple Related Sparse GaussianGraphical ModelsjengaFast Extrapolation of Time Features using K-Nearest NeighborsjetpackA Friendly Package ManagerjetsetOne-to-One Gene-Probeset Mapping for Affymetrix HumanMicroarraysjewelGraphical Models Estimation from Multiple SourcesjfaStatistical Methods for AuditingJFETools for Analyzing Time Series Data of Just Finance andEconometricsJFMRock Mass Structural Analysis from 3D Mesh of Point CloudJGLPerforms the Joint Graphical Lasso for Sparse Inverse CovarianceEstimation on Multiple ClassesJGRJava GUI for RjgsbookPackage of the German Book "Statistik mit R und RStudio" byJoerg grosse SchlarmannJICOJoint and Individual RegressionjiebaRChinese Text SegmentationjiebaRDChinese Text Segmentation Data for jiebaR PackagejinjarTemplate Engine Inspired by 'Jinja'jipApproxApproximate Inclusion Probabilities for Survey SamplingjjbBalamuta MiscellaneousjlctreeJoint Latent Class Trees for Joint Modeling of Time-to-Event andLongitudinal DatajlmerclusterpermCluster-Based Permutation Analysis for Densely Sampled Time DataJLPMJoint Latent Process ModelsJMJoint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival DatajmastatsDownload Weather Data from Japan Meteorological Agency WebsitejmatrixRead from/Write to Disk Matrices with any Data Type in a BinaryFormatJMbayesJoint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data under aBayesian ApproachJMbayes2Extended Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event DatajmBIGJoint Longitudinal and Survival Model for Big DatajmcmJoint Mean-Covariance Models using 'Armadillo' and S4jmdemFitting Joint Mean and Dispersion Effects ModelsJMdesignJoint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data - PowerCalculationjmetrikTools for Interacting with 'jMetrik'JMHJoint Model of Heterogeneous Repeated Measures and Survival DataJMIJackknife Mutual InformationJmiscJulian Miscellaneous FunctionjmotifTime Series Analysis Toolkit Based on Symbolic AggregateDiscretization, i.e. SAXjmuOutlierPermutation Tests for Nonparametric StatisticsjmvThe 'jamovi' AnalysesjmvconnectConnect to the 'jamovi' Statistical SpreadsheetjmvcoreDependencies for the 'jamovi' FrameworkjmvReadWriteRead and Write 'jamovi' Files ('.omv')JNplotsVisualize Outputs from the 'Johnson-Neyman' TechniquejobRun Code as an RStudio Job - Free Your ConsolejocreJoint Confidence RegionsJoFModelling and Simulating Judgments of FrequencyjoineRJoint Modelling of Repeated Measurements and Time-to-Event DatajoineRMLJoint Modelling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data andTime-to-Event OutcomesjoinetMultivariate Elastic Net Regressionjoint.CoxJoint Frailty-Copula Models for Tumour Progression and Death inMeta-AnalysisJointAIJoint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete DatajointCalibA Joint Calibration of Totals and QuantilesjointDiagJoint Approximate Diagonalization of a Set of Square MatricesJointFPMA Parametric Model for Estimating the Mean Number of EventsjointMeanCovJoint Mean and Covariance Estimation for Matrix-Variate DatajointNmixJoint N-Mixture Models for Site-Associated SpeciesjointPmRisk Estimation Using the Joint Probability MethodjointsegJoint Segmentation of Multivariate (Copy Number) SignalsjointVIPPrioritize Variables with Joint Variable Importance Plot inObservational Study DesignjoinXLPerform Joins or Minus Queries on 'Excel' FilesjomoMultilevel Joint Modelling Multiple ImputationJOPSPractical Smoothing with P-SplinesjordanA Suite of Routines for Working with Jordan AlgebrasJoSAEUnit-Level and Area-Level Small Area EstimationjosaplayAdd Josa Based on Previous Letter in KoreanjoseJavaScript Object Signing and EncryptionjotJot Down Values for LaterjournalabbrJournal Abbreviations for BibTeX DocumentsJOUSBoostImplements Under/Oversampling for Probability EstimationjoynTool for Diagnosis of Tables Joins and Complementary JoinFeaturesjpcityRead and Convert Japanese Municipality CodesjpegRead and write JPEG imagesJPENCovariance and Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation Using JointPenaltyjpgridFunctions for the Grid Square Codes in JapanjpmeshUtilities for Japanese Mesh CodejpstatTools for Easy Use of 'e-Stat', 'RESAS' API, Etcjqbr'jQuery QueryBuilder' Input for 'Shiny'JQLJump Q-Learning for Individualized Interval-Valued Dose RulejqrClient for 'jq', a 'JSON' ProcessorjquerylibObtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency ObjectjrcExchange Commands Between R and 'JavaScript'jrichJack-Knife Support for Evolutionary Distinctiveness Indices Iand WjrSiCKLSNMFMultimodal Single-Cell Omics Dimensionality ReductionjrtItem Response Theory Modeling and Scoring for Judgment DatajrvFinanceBasic Finance; NPV/IRR/Annuities/Bond-Pricing; Black ScholesjsTools for Working with JavaScript in RJSconsoleA 'RStudio' Addin to Send 'JavaScript' Code to the 'V8' ConsolejScoreCalculates the j-Score Between Two Clustering AssignmentsjSDMJoint Species Distribution ModelsJSDNEEstimating the Age using Auricular Surface by DNEjshintrLint 'JavaScript' FilesjskmKaplan-Meier Plot with 'ggplot2'JSMSemiparametric Joint Modeling of Survival and Longitudinal DataJSmediationMediation Analysis Using Joint Significancejsmodule'RStudio' Addins and 'Shiny' Modules for Medical Researchjson2aRgsParse Parameters Inside a Docker Containerjson64A 'Base64' Encode/Decode Package with Support for JSONOutput/Input and UTF-8jsonifyConvert Between 'R' Objects and Javascript Object Notation(JSON)jsonldJSON for Linking DatajsonliteA Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for RjsonNormalizeNormalization of 'JSON' StringsjsonstatInterface to 'JSON-stat'jsonStringsManipulation of JSON StringsjsonvalidateValidate 'JSON' SchemaJSparOJoint Sparse Optimization via Proximal Gradient Method for CellFate ConversionjstableCreate Tables from Different Types of RegressionjstorRead Data from JSTOR/DfRjsTreeCreate Interactive Trees with the 'jQuery' 'jsTree' PluginjsTreeRA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'jsTree'JSUparametersEstimate Parameters of the Best-Fitting JohnsonSU DistributionjtdmJoint Modelling of Functional TraitsjtiJunction Tree InferencejtoolsAnalysis and Presentation of Social Scientific DatajubileeForecasting Long-Term Growth of the U.S. Stock Market andBusiness Cyclesjuicedown'juice' + 'markdown': Convert 'R Markdown' into 'HTML' withInline StylesjuicrAutomated and Manual Extraction of Numerical Data fromScientific ImagesjuicyjuiceInline CSS Properties into HTML Tags Using 'juice'JuliaFractal Image Data GeneratorJuliaCallSeamless Integration Between R and 'Julia'JuliaConnectoRA Functionally Oriented Interface for Integrating 'Julia' with RJUMPReplicability Analysis of High-Throughput ExperimentsjunctionsThe Breakdown of Genomic Ancestry Blocks in Hybrid Lineagesjust.installVery Simple Function to Install Packages without AttachingjustifierHuman and Machine-Readable Justifications and JustifiedDecisions Based on 'YAML'JustifyAlphaJustifying Alpha Levels for Hypothesis TestsjvcoordsPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) and WhiteningjvnVaRValue at RiskJWileymiscMiscellaneous Utilities and Functions k5Kiernan Nicholls MiscellaneouskableExtraConstruct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe SyntaxkaderKernel Adaptive Density Estimation and RegressionkaigirokuProgrammatic Access to the API for Japanese Diet ProceedingskairosAnalysis of Chronological Patterns from Archaeological CountDatakalmanfilterKalman FilterkamilaMethods for Clustering Mixed-Type Datakangar00Kernel Approaches for Nonlinear Genetic Association RegressionkanjistatA Statistical Framework for the Analysis of Japanese KanjiCharacterskantorovichKantorovich Distance Between Probability MeasureskaosEncoding of Sequences Based on Frequency Matrix Chaos GameRepresentationkaphomTest the hom*ogeneity of Kappa StatisticsKappaGUIAn R-Shiny Application for Calculating Cohen's and Fleiss' KappakappalabNon-Additive Measure and Integral Manipulation FunctionskappaSizeSample Size Estimation Functions for Studies of InterobserverAgreementKaradaColorColor Palettes Inspired by Japanese Landscape and CulturekaraokeRemove Vocals from a SongkarelLearning programming with Karel the robotKarenKalman Reaction NetworkskarlenReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Karlen et al. (2007)KarsTSAn Interface for Microclimate Time Series AnalysiskaryotapRDNA Copy Number Analysis for Genome-Wide Tapestri PanelskatexRendering Math to HTML, 'MathML', or R-Documentation FormatkayadataKaya Identity Data for Nations and RegionskazaamTools for Tall Distributed MatricesKbMvtSkewKhattree-Bahuguna's Univariate and Multivariate SkewnesskcmeansConditional Expectation Function Estimation withK-Conditional-MeansKcopSmooth Test for Equality of Copulas and Clustering MultivariatekcpRSKernel Change Point Detection on the Running StatisticsKCSKNNShinyK-Nearest Neighbour ClassifierKCSNBShinyNaive Bayes Classifierkde1dUnivariate Kernel Density EstimationkdecopulaKernel Smoothing for Bivariate Copula DensitieskdensityKernel Density Estimation with Parametric Starts and AsymmetricKernelskdevineMultivariate Kernel Density Estimation with Vine CopulaskDGLMBayesian Analysis of Dynamic Generalized Linear ModelskdistK-Distribution and Weibull PaperkdpeeFast Multidimensional Entropy Estimation by k-d PartitioningkdryK's "Don't Repeat Yourself"-CollectionkeddKernel Estimator and Bandwidth Selection for Density and ItsDerivativeskeepArrays with Better Control over Dimension DroppingkehraCollect, Assemble and Model Air Pollution, Weather and HealthDatakelvinCalculate Solutions to the Kelvin Differential Equation usingBessel FunctionsKendallKendall Rank Correlation and Mann-Kendall Trend TestkendallRandomWalksSimulate and Visualize Kendall Random Walks and RelatedDistributionsKenSynKnowledge Synthesis in Agriculture - From Experimental Networkto Meta-AnalysisKEPTEDKernel-Embedding-of-Probability Test for Elliptical DistributionkequateThe Kernel Method of Test EquatingkerasR Interface to 'Keras'keras3R Interface to 'Keras'kerastuneRInterface to 'Keras Tuner'kerDAANew Kernel-Based Test for Differential Association AnalysisKEREExpectile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert SpacekergpGaussian Process LaboratorykerndwdDistance Weighted Discrimination (DWD) and Kernel MethodskernelbootSmoothed Bootstrap and Random Generation from Kernel DensitieskernelFactoryKernel Factory: An Ensemble of Kernel MachinesKernelheapingKernel Density Estimation for Heaped and Rounded DataKernelKnnKernel k Nearest NeighborskernelshapKernel SHAPkernhazKernel Estimation of Hazard Function in Survival AnalysiskernlabKernel-Based Machine Learning LabkernplusA Kernel Regression-Based Multidimensional Wind Turbine PowerCurvekernscrKernel Machine Score Test for Semi-Competing RisksKernSmoothFunctions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand & Jones (1995)KernSmoothIRTNonparametric Item Response TheorykerSegNew Kernel-Based Change-Point DetectionkerTestsGeneralized Kernel Two-Sample TestskesernetworkVisualization of the KESER NetworkkeyATMKeyword Assisted Topic ModelsKeyboardBayesian Designs for Early Phase Clinical TrialsKeyboardSimulatorKeyboard and Mouse Input Simulation for Windows OSkeyholderStore Data About RowskeypermKeyword Analysis Using Permutation TestskeyplayerLocating Key Players in Social NetworkskeypressWait for a Key Press in a TerminalkeyringAccess the System Credential Store from RkeyringrDecrypt Passwords from Gnome Keyring, Windows Data ProtectionAPI and macOS KeychainkeysKeyboard Shortcuts for 'shiny'keyToEnglishConvert Data to Memorable PhraseskfaK-Fold Cross Validation for Factor AnalysisKFASKalman Filter and Smoother for Exponential Family State SpaceModelskfdaKernel Fisher Discriminant AnalysiskfigrIntegrated Code Chunk Anchoring and Referencing for R MarkdownDocumentskfinoKalman Filter for Impulse Noised OutliersKFPCAKendall Functional Principal Component AnalysisKFPLSKernel Functional Partial Least SquareskgcKoeppen-Geiger Climatic ZoneskgenA Tool for Calculating Stoichiometric Equilibrium Constants (Ks)for SeawaterKGodeKernel Based Gradient Matching for Parameter Inference inOrdinary Differential Equationskgp1000 Genomes Project MetadatakgramsClassical k-gram Language ModelskgschartKGS Rank Graph ParserkhisrAn R Client to Retrieve Data from DHIS2KHQMethods for Calculating 'KHQ' Scores and 'KHQ5D' Utility IndexScoreskhromaColour Schemes for Scientific Data VisualizationkibiorA Simple Data Management and Sharing Toolkidney.epiKidney Functions: Clinical and EpidemiologicalkidsidesDownload, Cache, and Connect to KidSIDESkimA Toolkit for Behavioral ScientistskimfilterKim FilterkimiscKirill's Miscellaneous Functionskin.cohortAnalysis of Kin-Cohort StudieskindisperseSimulate and Estimate Close-Kin Dispersal KernelskinematicsStudying Sampled TrajectoriesKingCountyHousesData on House Sales in King County WAKinMixLiteInference About Relationships from DNA Mixtureskinship2Pedigree FunctionsKINSIMUPanel Evaluation in Forensic Kinship AnalysisKiraMachine Learningkirby21.baseExample Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resourcekirby21.fmriExample Functional Imaging Data from the Multi-Modal MRI'Reproducibility' Resourcekirby21.t1Example T1 Structural Data from the Multi-Modal MRI'Reproducibility' ResourcekisopenapiKorea Investment & Securities (KIS) Open Trading APIkissmiga Keep It Simple Species Migration ModelkitData Manipulation Functions Implemented in CkitagawaSpectral Response of Water Wells to Harmonic Strain and PressureSignalskiwisRA Wrapper for Querying KISTERS 'WISKI' Databases via the 'KiWIS'APIkknnWeighted k-Nearest NeighborskkoKernel Knockoffs Selection for Nonparametric Additive ModelsklaRClassification and VisualizationklassRClassifications and Codelists for Statistics NorwayklausuRMultiple Choice Test EvaluationkldestSample-Based Estimation of Kullback-Leibler DivergencekldtoolsKullback-Leibler Divergence and Other Tools to AnalyzeFrequenciesklexdatrKootenay Lake Exploitation Study DataKLexpKernel_lasso ExpansionklicKernel Learning Integrative ClusteringKLINKKinship Analysis with Linked MarkersklovanGeostatistics Methods and Klovan DataklshBlocking for Record LinkageklustRD3 Dynamic Cluster Visualizationskm.ciConfidence Intervals for the Kaplan-Meier EstimatorkmBlockk-Means Like Blockmodeling of One-Mode and Linked NetworkskmcKaplan-Meier Estimator with Constraints for Right Censored Data– a Recursive Computational AlgorithmKMDKernel Measure of Multi-Sample DissimilarityKMEANS.KNNKMeans and KNN Clustering PackagekmedDistance-Based k-MedoidsKmediansK-MedianskmerFast K-Mer Counting and Clustering for Biological SequenceAnalysiskmiKaplan-Meier Multiple Imputation for the Analysis of CumulativeIncidence Functions in the Competing Risks SettingkmlK-Means for Longitudinal Datakml3dK-Means for Joint Longitudinal DataKMLtoSHAPEPreserving Attribute Values: Converting KML to ShapefilekmodRK-Means with Simultaneous Outlier DetectionKMsurvData sets from Klein and Moeschberger (1997), Survival AnalysisKMunicateKMunicate-Style Kaplan–Meier PlotsKnapsackSamplingGenerate Feasible Samples of a Knapsack ProblemKneeArrowerFinds Cutoff Points on Knee CurvesknitcitationsCitations for 'Knitr' Markdown FilesknitLatex'Knitr' Helpers - Mostly TablesknitrA General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in RknitrBootstrap'knitr' Bootstrap FrameworkknitrdataData Language Engine for 'knitr' / 'rmarkdown'knitrProgressBarProvides Progress Bars in 'knitr'knitxlGenerates a Spreadsheet Report from an 'rmarkdown' Fileknn.covertreeAn Accurate kNN Implementation with Multiple Distance Measuresknnmik-Nearest Neighbor Mutual Information EstimatorknnpTime Series Prediction using K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm(Parallel)KNNShinyInteractive Document for Working with KNN AnalysiskNNvsk Nearest Neighbors with Grid Search Variable SelectionknnwtsimK Nearest Neighbor Forecasting with a Tailored Similarity MetricknockoffThe Knockoff Filter for Controlled Variable SelectionKnockoffHybridHybrid Analysis of Population and Trio Data with KnockoffStatistics for FDR ControlKnockoffScreenWhole-Genome Sequencing Data Analysis via Knockoff StatisticsKnockoffTrioTrio Data Analysis with Knockoff Statistics for FDR ControlknotRKnot Diagrams using Bezier CurvesKnowBRDiscriminating Well Surveyed Spatial Units from ExhaustiveBiodiversity DatabaseskntnrR Client for 'kintone' APIKoboconnectRDownload Data from Kobotoolbox to RKODAMAKnowledge Discovery by Accuracy MaximizationkofdataGet Data from the 'KOF Datenservice' APIkofnGAA Genetic Algorithm for Fixed-Size Subset SelectionKOGMWUFunctional Summary and Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression DatakohonenSupervised and Unsupervised Self-Organising MapskokudosuuchiUtilities for 'Kokudo Suuchi'komaletterSimply Beautiful PDF Letters from MarkdownkonfoundQuantify the Robustness of Causal InferencesKONPsurvKONP Tests: Powerful K-Sample Tests for Right-Censored DataKOR.addrlinkMatching Address Data to Reference IndexkoRpusText Analysis with Emphasis on POS Tagging, Readability, andLexical DiversitykoRpus.lang.enLanguage Support for 'koRpus' Package: EnglishkoselVariable Selection by Revisited Knockoffs ProcedureskosisKorean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS)KoulMdeKoul's Minimum Distance Estimation in Regression and ImageSegmentation ProblemsKpartCubic Spline Fitting with Knot SelectionKPCKernel Partial Correlation CoefficientkpcalgKernel PC Algorithm for Causal Structure DetectionkpeaksDetermination of K Using Peak Counts of Features for ClusteringkpmtKnown Population Median TestkpodclustrMethod for Clustering Partially Observed DataKraljicMatrixA Quantified Implementation of the Kraljic MatrixkriensContinuation Passing Style DevelopmentkrigeGeospatial Kriging with Metropolis SamplingkrigingOrdinary KrigingKrigInvKriging-Based Inversion for Deterministic and Noisy ComputerExperimentskrippendorffsalphaMeasuring Agreement Using Krippendorff's Alpha CoefficientKRISKeen and Reliable Interface Subroutines for BioinformaticAnalysisKRLSKernel-Based Regularized Least SquareskrmKernel Based Regression ModelsKRMMKernel Ridge Mixed ModelkronosMicrobiome Oriented Circadian Rhythm Analysis ToolkitksKernel SmoothingKSARetained Component Criterion for Principal Component AnalysiskSamplesK-Sample Rank Tests and their CombinationsKScorrectLilliefors-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-Fit TestsKSDGoodness-of-Fit Tests using Kernelized Stein DiscrepancyKSEAappKinase-Substrate Enrichment AnalysiskselectionSelection of K in K-Means ClusteringKSgeneralComputing P-Values of the One-Sample K-S Test and the Two-SampleK-S and Kuiper Tests for (Dis)Continuous Null DistributionksharpCluster SharpeningksNNK* Nearest Neighbors AlgorithmKSPMKernel Semi-Parametric ModelsksrliveIdentify Kinase Substrate Relationships Using Dynamic DatakssaKnown Sub-Sequence AlgorithmkstKnowledge Space TheorykStatisticsUnbiased Estimators for Cumulant Products and Faa Di Bruno'sFormulakstIOKnowledge Space Theory Input/OutputkstMatrixBasic Functions in Knowledge Space Theory Using MatrixRepresentationktaucentersRobust Clustering ProceduresKTensorGraphsCo-Tucker3 Analysis of Two Sequences of MatricesktsolveConfigurable Function for Solving Families of NonlinearEquationsktweedie'Tweedie' Compound Poisson Model in the Reproducing KernelHilbert Spacekuiper.2sampTwo-Sample Kuiper TestKurtPerforms Kurtosis-Based Statistical AnalyseskutilsProject Management ToolskvhRead/Write Files in Key-Value-Hierarchy FormatkyotilUtility Functions for Statistical Analysis Report Generation andMonte Carlo StudieskzaKolmogorov-Zurbenko Adaptive FilterskzsKolmogorov-Zurbenko Spatial Smoothing and Applications l0araSparse Generalized Linear Model with L0 Approximation forFeature SelectionL0LearnFast Algorithms for Best Subset Selectionl1ballL1-Ball Prior for Sparse RegressionL1centralityGraph/Network Analysis Based on L1 Centralityl1kdeconvDeconvolution for LINCS L1000 DataL1packRoutines for L1 Estimationl1spectralAn L1-Version of the Spectral Clusteringl2boostExploring Friedman's Boosting Algorithm for Regularized LinearRegressionL2DensityGoFtestDensity Goodness-of-Fit TestL2ERobust Structured Regression via the L2 CriterionL2hdchangeL2 Inference for Change Points in High-Dimensional Time SeriesLALioness Algorithm (LA)LabApplStatMiscellaneous Scripts from the Data Science Laboratory (UCPH)labdsvOrdination and Multivariate Analysis for Ecologylabel.switchingRelabelling MCMC Outputs of Mixture ModelslabeleRAutomate the Production of Custom Labels, Badges, Certificates,and Other DocumentslabelingAxis LabelinglabelledManipulating Labelled DatalabelmachineMake Labeling of R Data Sets EasylabelrLabel Data Frames, Variables, and ValueslabelVectorLabel Attributes for Atomic VectorslablasterLaser Ablation Blast Through Endpoint DetectionlabNormNormalize Laboratory Measurements by Age and SexLabourMarketAreasIdentification, Tuning, Visualisation and Analysis of LabourMarket AreaslabourRClassify Multilingual Labour Market Free-Text to StandardizedHierarchical OccupationsLabRSLaboratorio di "Ricerca Sociale con R"labsimplexSimplex Optimization Algorithms for Laboratory and ManufacturingProcesseslabstatRLibreria Del Laboratorio Di Statistica Con RlabstatsData Sets for the Book "Experimental Design for LaboratoryBiologists"lacmLatent Autoregressive Count ModelslacrmrConnect to the 'Less Annoying CRM' APIlactaterTools for Analyzing Lactate ThresholdslactcurvesLactation Curve Parameter EstimationlacunaritycovarianceGliding Box Lacunarity and Other Metrics for 2D Random ClosedSetslacunrFast 3D Lacunarity for Voxel DataLADDerive Leaf Angle Distribution (LAD) from Measured LeafInclination AnglesLadderFuelsRAutomated Tool for Vertical Fuel Continuity Analysis usingAirborne Laser Scanning DatalaekenEstimation of Indicators on Social Exclusion and PovertyLaFFast Access to Large ASCII FileslaggedClasses and Methods for Lagged ObjectsLAGOSNEInterface to the Lake Multi-Scaled Geospatial and TemporalDatabaselaGPLocal Approximate Gaussian Process RegressionlagsarlmtreeSpatial Lag Model TreesLagSequentialLag-Sequential Categorical Data AnalysisLahmanSean 'Lahman' Baseball DatabaseLAIrConverting NDVI to LAI of Field, Proximal and Satellite DataLakeMetabolizerTools for the Analysis of Ecosystem MetabolismlakemorphoLake Morphometry MetricslaketempsLake Temperatures Collected by Situ and Satellite Methods from1985-2009LAMSome Latent Variable ModelsLaMaFast Numerical Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent MarkovModelslambda.rModeling Data with Functional ProgramminglambdaTSVariational Seq2Seq Model with Lambda Transformer for TimeSeries AnalysislambdrCreate a Runtime for Serving Containerised R Functions on 'AWSLambda'LambertWProbabilistic Models to Analyze and Gaussianize Heavy-Tailed,Skewed DatalamleMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Latent Variable ModelslammeLog-Analytic Methods for Multiplicative EffectslamWLambert-W FunctionlancorStatistical Inference via Lancaster CorrelationLandCompAnalysing Landscape Composition and Structure at Multiple ScaleslandestLandmark Estimation of Survival and Treatment EffectlandformTopographic Position Index-Based Landform ClassificationLandmarkingAnalysis using Landmark ModelslandmixLandmark Prediction for Mixture DatalandmultiLandmark Prediction with Multiple Short-Term EventslandpredLandmark Prediction of a Survival OutcomelandsatRadiometric and Topographic Correction of Satellite ImagerylandscapemetricsLandscape Metrics for Categorical Map PatternslandscapeRCategorical Landscape Simulation FacilitylandscapetoolsLandscape Utility ToolboxlandsepiLandscape Epidemiology and EvolutionLangevinLangevin Analysis in One and Two DimensionslangevitourLangevin TourlanguagelayeRAccess the 'languagelayer' APIlanguageRAnalyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction toStatisticslanguageserverLanguage Server ProtocollanguageserversetupAutomated Setup and Auto Run for R Language Serverlans2rWork with Look at NanoSIMS Data in RLaplacesDemonComplete Environment for Bayesian InferencelarHistory of labour relations packagelaresAnalytics & Machine Learning SidekicklareshinyLares 'shiny' ModulesLARFLocal Average Response Functions for Instrumental VariableEstimation of Treatment EffectsLARiskEstimation of Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer fromRadiation ExposurelarsLeast Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward StagewiseLassoBacktrackingModelling Interactions in High-Dimensional Data withBacktrackingLassoGEEHigh-Dimensional Lasso Generalized Estimating EquationsLassoNet3CoSE AlgorithmlassopvNonparametric P-Value Estimation for Predictors in LassolassoshootingL1 Regularized Regression (Lasso) Solver using the CyclicCoordinate Descent Algorithm aka Lasso ShootingLassoSIRSparsed Sliced Inverse Regression via LassolatcontrolEvaluation of the Role of Control Variables in StructuralEquation ModelslatdiagDraws Diagrams Useful for Checking Latent ScaleslatenetworkInference on LATEs under Network Interference of Unknown FormlatentcorFast Computation of Latent Correlations for Mixed DatalatentFactoRData Simulation Based on Latent FactorslatentgraphGraphical Models with Latent VariableslatentnetLatent Position and Cluster Models for Statistical NetworkslaterUtilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with EventLoopsLateralityFunctions to Calculate Common Laterality Statistics inPrimatologyLATERmodelLinear Approach to Threshold with Ergodic Rate for ReactionTimeslatex2expUse LaTeX Expressions in PlotslatexdiffrDiff TeX, 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' Files Using the 'latexdiff'UtilitylatexpdfConvert Tables to PDF or PNGlatrendA Framework for Clustering Longitudinal DatalatteInterface to 'LattE' and '4ti2'latticeTrellis Graphics for RLatticeDesignLattice-Based Space-Filling DesignslatticeExtraExtra Graphical Utilities Based on LatticeLatticeKrigMulti-Resolution Kriging Based on Markov Random FieldslavaLatent Variable ModelslavaanLatent Variable Analysislavaan.shinyLatent Variable Analysis with ShinylavaanExtraConvenience Functions for Package 'lavaan'lavaanPlotPath Diagrams for 'Lavaan' Models via 'DiagrammeR'lavacregLatent Variable Count Regression ModelsLavaCvxrLava Estimation for the Sum of Sparse and Dense Signals(3Methods)lavaSearch2Tools for Model Specification in the Latent Variable FrameworkLavashLava Estimation for the Sum of Sparse and Dense SignalsLAWBLLatent (Variable) Analysis with Bayesian LearninglawstatTools for Biostatistics, Public Policy, and LawlaxLoglikelihood Adjustment for Extreme Value ModelslaySimple but Efficient Rowwise JobslazyLazy Learning for Local RegressionlazyarrayPersistent Large Data Array with Lazy-Loading on DemandlazybarProgress Bar with Remaining Time Forecast MethodlazyDataA LazyData FacilitylazyevalLazy (Non-Standard) EvaluationlazysfDelayed Read for 'GDAL' Vector Data SourceslazysqlLazy SQL ProgramminglazytradeLearn Computer and Data Science using Algorithmic TradinglazyWeaveLaTeX Wrappers for R UserslbaLatent Budget Analysis for Compositional DatalbfgsLimited-memory BFGS Optimizationlbfgsb3cLimited Memory BFGS Minimizer with Bounds on Parameters withoptim() 'C' InterfaceLBILikelihood Based InferencelbmLog Binomial Regression Model in Exact MethodlboxcoxImplementation of Logistic Box-Cox RegressionLBPGThe Length-Biased Power Garima DistributionlbregLog-Binomial Regression with Constrained OptimizationLBSPRLength-Based Spawning Potential RatioLCALocalised Co-Dependency AnalysisLCAextendLatent Class Analysis (LCA) with Familial Dependence in ExtendedPedigreeslcarsLCARS Aesthetic for ShinyLCAvarselVariable Selection for Latent Class AnalysislccLongitudinal Concordance CorrelationLCCRLatent Class Capture-Recapture ModelslcdaLatent Class Discriminant AnalysisLCFLinear Combination FittingLCFdataData sets for package “LMERConvenienceFunctions”lchemixA Bayesian Multi-Dimensional Couple-Based Latent Risk ModelLCMCRBayesian Non-Parametric Latent-Class Capture-RecapturelcmmExtended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent ProcessesLCMSQALiquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) QualityAssessmentlconnectSimple Tools to Compute Landscape Connectivity MetricslcopulaLiouville CopulaslcpmOrdinal Outcomes: Generalized Linear Models with the Log LinklcraBayesian Joint Latent Class and Regression ModelslcsmUnivariate and Bivariate Latent Change Score ModellinglctoolsLocal Correlation, Spatial Inequalities, Geographically WeightedRegression and Other ToolslcyanalysisStock Data Analysis FunctionsldaCollapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic ModelsLDAandLDASLinkage Disequilibrium of Ancestry (LDA) and LDA Score (LDAS)LDABiplotsBiplot Graphical Interface for LDA ModelsLDAcoopAnalysis of Data from Limiting Dilution Assay (LDA) with orwithout Cellular CooperationldamatchSelection of Statistically Similar Research GroupsldaPrototypePrototype of Multiple Latent Dirichlet Allocation RunsLDAShinyUser-Friendly Interface for Review of Scientific LiteratureLDATreeClassification Trees with Linear Discriminant Analysis atTerminal NodesLDATSLatent Dirichlet Allocation Coupled with Time Series AnalysesldatuningTuning of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models ParametersLDAvisInteractive Visualization of Topic ModelsldbodLocal Density-Based Outlier DetectionldboundsLan-DeMets Method for Group Sequential BoundariesLDcorSVLinkage Disequilibrium Corrected by the Structure and theRelatednesslddmmLongitudinal Drift-Diffusion Mixed Models (LDDMM)ldhmmHidden Markov Model for Financial Time-Series Based on LambdaDistributionLDLcalcCalculate and Predict the Low Density Lipoprotein ValuesLDlinkRCalculating Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) in Human PopulationGroups of InterestLDMTesting Hypotheses About the Microbiome using the LinearDecomposition ModelLDNNLongitudinal Data Neural NetworkLDRToolsTools for Linear Dimension ReductionldsepLinkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for PolyploidsldsrLinear Dynamical System ReconstructionldtAutomated Uncertainty AnalysisleabRaThe Artificial Neural Networks Algorithm LeabraleaderClusterLeader Clustering AlgorithmLeafAreaRapid Digital Image Analysis of Leaf ArealeafdownProvides Drill Down Functionality for 'leaflet' Choroplethsleafem'leaflet' Extensions for 'mapview'leafglHigh-Performance 'WebGl' Rendering for Package 'leaflet'leaflegendAdd Custom Legends to 'leaflet' MapsleafletCreate Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet'Libraryleaflet.esri'ESRI' Bindings for the 'leaflet' Packageleaflet.extrasExtra Functionality for 'leaflet' Packageleaflet.extras2Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Packageleaflet.minichartsMini Charts for Interactive Mapsleaflet.providersLeaflet ProvidersleafpmLeaflet Map Plugin for Drawing and EditingleafpopInclude Tables, Images and Graphs in Leaflet Pop-UpsleafRCalculates the Leaf Area Index (LAD) and Other Related FunctionsleafSTARSilhouette to Area Ratio of Tilted SurfacesleafsyncSmall Multiples for Leaflet Web Mapsleaftime'Leaflet-timeline' Plugin for LeafletleakyIVLeaky Instrumental Variablesleanpubr'Leanpub' API InterfaceleappLatent Effect Adjustment After Primary ProjectionleapsRegression Subset SelectionLeArEstBorder and Area Estimation of Data Measured with Additive ErrorLearnBayesFunctions for Learning Bayesian InferenceLearnClustLearning Hierarchical Clustering AlgorithmsLearnGeomLearning Plane GeometrylearningrData and Functions to Accompany the Book "Learning R"LearningRlabStatistical Learning FunctionsLearningStatsElemental Descriptive and Inferential StatisticslearningtowerOECD PISA Datasets from 2000-2018 in an Easy-to-Use FormatLearnPCAFunctions, Data Sets and Vignettes to Aid in Learning PrincipalComponents Analysis (PCA)learnPopGenPopulation Genetic Simulations & Numerical AnalysislearnrInteractive Tutorials for RlearnrbookDatasets and Code Examples from P. J. Aphalo's "Learn R" BookLearnSLLearn Supervised Classification Methods Through Examples andCodeleastcostpathModelling Pathways and Movement Potential Within a LandscapeledgerUtilities for Importing Data from Plain Text Accounting FilesleemLaboratory of Teaching to Statistics and Mathematicslefko3Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix AnalysislegionForecasting Using Multivariate ModelslegislatoRInterface to the Comparative Legislators DatabaseLEGITLatent Environmental & Genetic InTeraction (LEGIT) ModellegocolorsOfficial Lego Color PaletteslehdrGrab Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Flat FileslehuynhLe-Huynh Truc-Ly's R Code and TemplatesleidenR Implementation of Leiden Clustering AlgorithmleidenAlgImplements the Leiden Algorithm via an R InterfaceleidenbaseR and C/C++ Wrappers to Run the Leiden find_partition() FunctionleivBivariate Linear Errors-In-Variables EstimationLeMaRnsLength-Based Multispecies Analysis by Numerical SimulationlemnaLemna Ecotox Effect ModellemonFreshing Up your 'ggplot2' PlotslenghtAllow Misspellings of Length FunctionlensesElegant Data Manipulation with LensesleontiefInput-Output AnalysisleprechaunCreate Simple 'Shiny' Applications as PackagesleptokurticMixtureImplements Parsimonious Finite Mixtures of MultivariateElliptical Leptokurtic-Normalslero.leroGenerate 'Lero Lero' QuoteslessLearning with Subset StackinglessRLess Code, More ResultslessSEMNon-Smooth Regularization for Structural Equation ModelslestVectorised Nested if-else Statements Similar to CASE WHEN in'SQL'lestatA Package for Learning StatisticsletsRData Handling and Analysis in MacroecologylettervalueComputing Letter ValueslevitateFuzzy String ComparisonlexiconLexicons for Text AnalysislexiconPTLexicons for Portuguese Text AnalysisLexisNexisToolsWorking with Files from 'LexisNexis'LexisPlotRPlot Lexis Diagrams for Demographic PurposeslexRankrExtractive Summarization of Text with the LexRank AlgorithmlfactorsFactors with LevelsLFAppShiny Apps for Lateral Flow AssayslfcLog Fold Change Distribution Tools for Working with Ratios ofCountslfdaLocal Fisher Discriminant AnalysisLFDR.MLEEstimation of the Local False Discovery Rates by Type II MaximumLikelihood EstimationLFDR.MMEEstimating Local False Discovery Rates Using the Method ofMomentsLFDREmpiricalBayesEstimating Local False Discovery Rates Using Empirical BayesMethodslfeLinear Group Fixed EffectslflLinguistic Fuzzy LogiclfmmLatent Factor Mixed ModelslfproQCQuality Control for Label-Free Proteomics Expression DatalfstatCalculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow DatalgLocally Gaussian Distributions: Estimation and MethodslgarchSimulation and Estimation of Log-GARCH ModelslgcpLog-Gaussian Cox ProcessLGDtoolkitCollection of Tools for LGD Rating Model DevelopmentLGEWISTests for Genetic Association/Gene-Environment Interaction inLongitudinal StudieslglassoLongitudinal Graphical LassolgprLongitudinal Gaussian Process RegressionlgrA Fully Featured Logging FrameworklgrdataExample Datasets for a Learning Guide to RlgrExtraExtra Appenders for 'lgr'LGRFSet-Based Tests for Genetic Association in Longitudinal StudieslgtdlA Set of Methods for Longitudinal Data ObjectsLHDLatin Hypercube Designs (LHDs)lhmixrFit Sex-Specific Life History Models with MissingClassificationslhsLatin Hypercube SampleslibbibVarious Utilities for Library Science/Assessment and CataloginglibcoinLinear Test Statistics for Permutation InferencelibgeosOpen Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') C APILiblineaRLinear Predictive Models Based on the LIBLINEAR C/C++ LibraryLibOPFDesign of Optimum-Path Forest ClassifierslibrLibraries, Data Dictionaries, and a Data Step for RLibraLinearized Bregman Algorithms for Generalized Linear ModelslibrarianInstall, Update, Load Packages from CRAN, 'GitHub', and'Bioconductor' in One SteplibrarysnapshotLibrary Snapshot for Packages and Dependencies in Use by CurrentSessionlibstable4uStable Distribution Functions...For YouLICThe LIC Criterion for Optimal Subset SelectionlidaRtReeForest Analysis with Airborne Laser Scanning (LiDAR) DatalidRAirborne LiDAR Data Manipulation and Visualization for ForestryApplicationslievensReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Lievens et al. (2012)lifecontingenciesFinancial and Actuarial Mathematics for Life ContingencieslifecourseQuantification of Lifecourse FluiditylifecycleManage the Life Cycle of your Package FunctionsLifeHistLife History Models of IndividualsLifeInsuranceContractsFramework for Traditional Life Insurance ContractsLifeInsureRModelling Traditional Life Insurance ContractslifelogrLife LoggingLifemapRData Visualisation on 'Lifemap' TreelifeRIdentify Sites for Your Bird ListLifertableLife and Fertility Tables Specially for InsectsLifeTablesTwo-Parameter HMD Model Life Table SystemliftLRDWavelet Lifting Estimators of the Hurst Exponent for Regularlyand Irregularly Sampled Time SeriesliftrContainerize R Markdown Documents for Continuous ReproducibilityLiftTestA Bootstrap Proportion Test for Brand Lift TestinglifxControl 'LIFX' Smart Light BulbsligerLightweight Iterative Geneset EnrichmentlightgbmLight Gradient Boosting MachineLightningRTools for Communication with Lightning-Viz ServerlightparserFrom 'Rmarkdown' and 'Quarto' Files to Tibble and BacklightrRead Spectrometric Data and MetadatalightsoutImplementation of the 'Lights Out' Puzzle GamelikelihoodMethods for Maximum Likelihood EstimationlikelihoodAsyFunctions for Likelihood AsymptoticslikelihoodExploreLikelihood ExplorationlikelihoodRLikelihood Analyses for Common Statistical TestslikertAnalysis and Visualization Likert ItemsLikertMakeRSynthesise and Correlate Rating-Scale DatalilikoiMetabolomics Personalized Pathway Analysis ToollilliesEstimation of Life Years LostLilRhinoFor Implementation of Feed Reduction, Learning Examples, NLP andCode ManagementLIMLinear Inverse Model Examples and Solution MethodslimeLocal Interpretable Model-Agnostic ExplanationslimexhubQuantitative Trade SignalsliminalMultivariate Data Visualization with Tours and EmbeddingsLimnoPalettesA Limnology Themed Palette GeneratorlimonaidWorking with 'LimeSurvey' Surveys and ResponseslimorhydeDifferential Analysis of Rhythmic Transcriptome Datalimorhyde2Quantify Rhythmicity and Differential Rhythmicity in GenomicDatalimSolveSolving Linear Inverse Modelslin.evalPerform Polynomial Evaluation of LinearitylinbinBinning and Plotting of Linearly Referenced DataLinCalStatic Univariate Frequentist and Bayesian Linear CalibrationlincomLinear Biomarker Combination: Empirical Performance OptimizationlinconGaussRSampling Multivariate Normal Distribution under LinearConstraintsLindenmayeRFunctions to Explore L-Systems (Lindenmayer Systems)lindiaAutomated Linear Regression DiagnosticLindleyPowerSeriesLindley Power Series DistributionlinearModelLinear Model FunctionsLinearRegressionMDEMinimum Distance Estimation in Linear Regression ModellineartestrLinear Specification TestinglinelistTagging and Validating Epidemiological DatalinelistBayesBayesian Analysis of Epidemic Data Using Line List and CaseCount ApproacheslinemapLine MapslinERRLinear Excess Relative Risk ModellineupLining Up Two Sets of Measurementslineup2Lining Up Two Sets of Measurementslineupjs'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'LineUp' for Visual Analysis ofMulti-Attribute RankingslingdistFast Linguistic Distance and Alignment ComputationlingglossesInterlinear Glossed Linguistic Examples and Abbreviation ListsGenerationlingmatchLinguistic Matching and AccommodationlingtypologyLinguistic Typology and MappinglinguisticsdownEasy Linguistics Document Writing with R MarkdownlinkHyperlink Automatic Detectionlink2GILinking Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and OtherCommand Line ToolsLinkageClustering Communication Networks Using the Stochastic TopicBlock Model Through Linkage.frLinkageMapViewPlot Linkage Group Maps with Quantitative Trait LocilinkcommTools for Generating, Visualizing, and Analysing LinkCommunities in NetworksLinkedGASPLinked Emulator of a Coupled System of SimulatorslinkedInadsRAccess to 'LinkedIn' Ads via the '' APILinkedMatrixColumn-Linked and Row-Linked MatriceslinkpredictionLink Prediction MethodslinkspotterBivariate Correlations Calculation and Visualizationlinl'linl' is not 'Letter'linneConvenient 'CSS'linpkGenerate Concentration-Time Profiles from Linear PK SystemslinprogLinear Programming / OptimizationLinRegInteractiveInteractive Interpretation of Linear Regression ModelsLINselectSelection of Linear EstimatorslintoolsManipulation of Linear Systems of (in)EqualitieslintrA 'Linter' for R CodelipidmapsRLipid Maps Rest ServiceLipidMSLipid Annotation for LC-MS/MS DDA or DIA DatalipidomeRIntegrative Visualizations of the LipidomeLipidomicsRElegant Tools for Processing and Visualization of LipidomicsDataLipinskiFiltersComputes and Visualize Lipinski's ParametersliqueueRImplements Queue, PriorityQueue and Stack ClassesliraLInear Regression in AstronomylisaColor Palettes from Color LisalisrelToRImport Output from LISREL into RlistStatistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and ListExperimentlistArrayIncomplete Array with Arbitrary R Objects as IndiceslistarraysA Toolbox for Working with R Arrays in a Functional ProgrammingStylelistcompList ComprehensionslistcomprList Comprehension for RlistdownCreate R Markdown from ListslistenvEnvironments Behaving (Almost) as ListsLIStestTests of independence based on the Longest IncreasingSubsequencelistrTools for Listslistviewer'htmlwidget' for Interactive Views of R ListslistWithDefaultsList with DefaultslitLatent Interaction Testing for Genome-Wide StudiesliteLikelihood-Based Inference for Time Series ExtremesliteqLightweight Portable Message Queue Using 'SQLite'literangerRandom Forests for Multiple Imputation Based on 'ranger'litRiddleDataset and Tools to Research the Riddle of Literary QualitylitteRLitter AnalysislitterfitterFit a Collection of Curves to Single Cohort Decomposition DatalittlerR at the Command-Line via 'r'liuregLiu Regression with Liu Biasing Parameters and StatisticsliveLocal Interpretable (Model-Agnostic) Visual Explanationsliver"Eating the Liver of Data Science"ljrLogistic Joinpoint RegressionLKTLogistic Knowledge TracingllamaLeveraging Learning to Automatically Manage AlgorithmsllbayesiregThe L-Logistic Bayesian RegressionLLMLogit Leaf Model Classifier for Binary ClassificationllogisticThe L-Logistic DistributionLLSRData Analysis of Liquid-Liquid Systems using Rlm.betaAdd Standardized Regression Coefficients to Linear-Model-Objectslm.brLinear Model with BreakpointlmapLogistic MappinglmbootBootstrap in Linear ModelsLMDA Self-Adaptive Approach for Demodulating Multi-Component SignallmDiallelLinear Fixed/Mixed Effects Models for Diallel CrosseslmdsLandmark Multi-Dimensional Scalinglme4Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4lme4breedingRelationship-Based Mixed-Effects ModelslmeInfoInformation Matrices for 'lmeStruct' and 'glsStruct' ObjectsLMERConvenienceFunctionsModel Selection and Post-Hoc Analysis for (G)LMER ModelslmeresamplerBootstrap Methods for Nested Linear Mixed-Effects ModelslmerPermPerform Permutation Test on General Linear and Mixed LinearRegressionlmerTestTests in Linear Mixed Effects ModelslmeSplinesAdd Smoothing Spline Modelling Capability to 'nlme'LMestGeneralized Latent Markov ModelslmfFunctions for Estimation and Inference of Selection inAge-Structured PopulationsLMfilteRFilter Methods for Parameter Estimation in Linear and Non LinearRegression ModelslmforFunctions for Forest BiometricslmForcLinear Model ForecastinglmhelprsHelper Functions for Linear Model AnalysislmlsGaussian Location-Scale RegressionlmmLinear Mixed ModelsLMMELSMFit Latent Multivariate Mixed Effects Location Scale ModelslmmotMultiple Ordinal Tobit (MOT) ModellmmparParallel Linear Mixed ModelLMMsolverLinear Mixed Model SolverLMMstarRepeated Measurement Models for Discrete TimesLMNInference for Linear Models with Nuisance Parameterslmodel2Model II RegressionLMoFitAdvanced L-Moment Fitting of DistributionslmomL-MomentslmomcoL-Moments, Censored L-Moments, Trimmed L-Moments, L-Comoments,and Many DistributionsLmomentsL-Moments and Quantile MixtureslmomPi(Precipitation) Frequency Analysis and Variability withL-Moments from 'lmom'lmomRFARegional Frequency Analysis using L-MomentslmPermPermutation Tests for Linear ModelslmQCMAn Algorithm for Gene Co-Expression AnalysislmregData and Functions Used in Linear Models and Regression with R:An Integrated ApproachlmridgeLinear Ridge Regression with Ridge Penalty and Ridge StatisticslmSubsetsExact Variable-Subset Selection in Linear RegressionlmtestTesting Linear Regression ModelslmtestrobOutlier Robust Specification TestinglmtpNon-Parametric Causal Effects of Feasible Interventions Based onModified Treatment PolicieslmvizA Package to Visualize Linear Models Features and Play with ThemlmwLinear Model WeightslncDIFFLong Non-Coding RNA Differential Expression AnalysisLncFinderLncRNA Identification and Analysis Using Heterologous FeaturesLncPathIdentifying the Pathways Regulated by LncRNA Sets of InterestLNIRTLogNormal Response Time Item Response Theory ModelslnmClusterPerform Logistic Normal Multinomial Clustering for MicrobiomeCompositional DataLNParEstimation and Testing for a Lognormal-Pareto MixtureloaLattice Options and Add-InsloadeRLoad Data for Analysis SystemloadingsLoadings for Principal Component Analysis and Partial LeastSquaresloadshaperProducing Load Shape with Target Peak and Load FactorLoBrAGeneralized Spline Mixed Effect Models for Longitudinal BreathDataLobsterCatchModels the Capture Processes in American Lobster Trap FisherylobstrVisualize R Data Structures with TreeslocalbootLocal Bootstrap Methods for Various NetworksLocalControlNonparametric Methods for Generating High Quality ComparativeEffectiveness EvidenceLocalCopLocal Likelihood Inference for Conditional Copula ModelslocalFDALocalization Processes for Functional Data AnalysislocalgaussEstimating Local Gaussian ParameterslocalICELocal Individual Conditional ExpectationlocalIVEstimation of Marginal Treatment Effects using LocalInstrumental VariableslocalModelLIME-Based Explanations with Interpretable Inputs Based onCeteris Paribus ProfileslocalScorePackage for Sequence Analysis by Local ScorelocalsolverR API to LocalSolverlocaRA Set of Tools for Sound LocalizationlocateipLocate IP Addresses with 'ip-api'locatexecDetection and Localization of Executable FileslocationgamerIdentification of Location Game Equilibria in NetworksLocaTTGeographically-Conscious Taxonomic Assignment for MetabarcodinglocfdrComputes Local False Discovery RateslocfitLocal Regression, Likelihood and Density EstimationlocitsTest of Stationarity and Localized AutocovarianceLock5DataDatasets for "Statistics: UnLocking the Power of Data"LocKerLocally Sparse Estimator of Generalized Varying CoefficientModel for Asynchronous Longitudinal DatalocpolKernel Local Polynomial RegressionlocpolExpectileLocal Polynomial Expectile RegressionlocStraFast Implementation of (Local) Population Stratification MethodsLOCUSLow-Rank Decomposition of Brain Connectivity Matrices withUniform SparsitylocuszoomrGene Locus Plot with Gene AnnotationsloderDependency-Free Access to PNG Image FileslodGWASGenome-Wide Association Analysis of a Biomarker Accounting forLimit of DetectionlodiLimit of Detection Imputation for Single-Pollutant ModelslodrLinear Model Fitting with LOD CovariatesloedataData Sets from "Lectures on Econometrics" by Chirok HanloewesadditivityLoewe's AdditivitylogRecord Events and Issueslog4rA Fast and Lightweight Logging System for R, Based on 'log4j'LOGANLog File Analysis in International Large-Scale AssessmentsLOGANTreeTree-Based Models for the Analysis of Log Files fromComputer-Based AssessmentslogbinRelative Risk Regression Using the Log-Binomial ModelLogConcDEADLog-Concave Density Estimation in Arbitrary DimensionslogconcensMaximum Likelihood Estimation of a Log-Concave Density Based onCensored DatalogcondensEstimate a Log-Concave Probability Density from Iid ObservationslogcondiscrEstimate a Log-Concave Probability Mass Function from Discretei.i.d. ObservationsloggerA Lightweight, Modern and Flexible Logging UtilityloggingR Logging PackageloggitModern Logging for the R Ecosystemloggit2Easy-to-Use, Dependencyless LoggerlogibSalary Analysis by the Swiss Federal Office for Gender EqualitylogiBinBinning Variables to Use in Logistic RegressionlogicDTIdentifying Interactions Between Binary PredictorsLogicForestLogic ForestLogicRegLogic RegressionlogihistCombined Graphs for Logistic Regressionlogin'shiny' Login ModulelogistfFirth's Bias-Reduced Logistic Regressionlogistic4pLogistic Regression with Misclassification in DependentVariablesLogisticCurveFittingLogistic Curve Fitting by Rhodes MethodlogisticPCABinary Dimensionality ReductionLogisticRCILinear and Logistic Regression-Based Reliable Change IndexlogisticRRAdjusted Relative Risk from Logistic RegressionlogitFDFunctional Principal Components Logistic RegressionlogitnormFunctions for the Logitnormal DistributionlogitrLogit Models w/Preference & WTP Space Utility ParameterizationslogKDEComputing Log-Transformed Kernel Density Estimates for PositiveDataloglognormDouble Log Normal Distribution FunctionslogmultLog-Multiplicative Models, Including Association ModelslognormFunctions for the Lognormal DistributionlogNormReglog Normal Linear RegressionlogOfGammaNatural Logarithms of the Gamma Function for Large ValueslogrCreates Log FilesLogRegEquivLogistic Regression EquivalencelogrxA Logging Utility Focus on Clinical Trial Programming WorkflowslogsplineRoutines for Logspline Density EstimationlokernKernel Regression Smoothing with Local or Global Plug-inBandwidthlolliplotPlot Variants and Somatic MutationslologLatent Order Logistic Graph ModelslolRLinear Optimal Low-Rank ProjectionLOMARLocalization Microscopy Data AnalysislombLomb-Scargle Periodogramlong2lstmarrayLongitudinal Dataframes into Arrays for Machine LearningTrainingLongCARTRecursive Partitioning for Longitudinal Data and Right CensoredData Using Baseline CovariateslongclustModel-Based Clustering and Classification for Longitudinal DataLongDatA Tool for 'Covariate'-Sensitive Longitudinal Analysis on'omics' DatalongevityStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Excess LifetimeslongitHigh Dimensional Longitudinal Data Analysis Using MCMClongitudinalAnalysis of Multiple Time Course DatalongitudinalANALLongitudinal Data AnalysislongitudinalcascadeLongitudinal CascadelongitudinalDataLongitudinal DataLongituRFRandom Forests for Longitudinal DatalongkeNonparametric Predictive Model for Sparse and IrregularLongitudinal DatalongmemoStatistics for Long-Memory Processes (Book Jan Beran), andRelated FunctionalityLongMemoryTSLong Memory Time SerieslongmixrLongitudinal Consensus Clustering with 'flexmix'longpowerSample Size Calculations for Longitudinal DatalongreadvqsViral Quasispecies Comparison from Long-Read Sequencing DatalongROCTime-Dependent Prognostic Accuracy with Multiply Evaluated BioMarkers or ScoreslongRPart2Recursive Partitioning of Longitudinal DatalongsurrLongitudinal Surrogate Marker AnalysislongurlExpand Short 'URLs'looEfficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and WAIC for BayesianModelslookoutLeave One Out Kernel Density Estimates for Outlier DetectionlookupFunctions Similar to VLOOKUP in ExcellookupTableLook-Up Tables using S4loonInteractive Statistical Data Visualizationloon.dataData Used to Illustrate 'Loon' Functionalityloon.ggplotA Grammar of Interactive Graphicsloon.shinyAutomatically Create a 'Shiny' App Based on Interactive 'Loon'Widgetsloon.tourrTour in 'Loon'LoopAnalystA Collection of Tools to Conduct Levins' Loop AnalysisLoopDetectRComprehensive Feedback Loop Detection in ODE ModelsLoopRigIntegration and Analysis of Chromatin Loop DataLOPARTLabeled Optimal PartitioningloradLowest Radial Distance Method of Marginal Likelihood EstimationlordifLogistic Ordinal Regression Differential Item Functioning usingIRTlorecLOw Rand and sparsE Covariance matrix estimationloremGenerate Lorem Ipsum TextlorentzThe Lorentz Transform in Relativistic PhysicslorenzTools for Deriving Income Inequality Estimates from GroupedIncome DataLorenzRegressionLorenz and Penalized Lorenz RegressionsloriImputation of High-Dimensional Count Data using Side InformationLOSTMissing Morphometric Data Simulation and EstimationlotriA Simple Way to Specify Symmetric, Block Diagonal MatriceslotterybrLottery Datasets from Caixa Economica FederallowmemtkmeansLow Memory Use Trimmed K-MeanslowpassFilterLowpass FilteringLowRankQPLow Rank Quadratic ProgrammingLowWAFOMNXLow WAFOM Niederreiter-Xing SequenceLowWAFOMSobolLow WAFOM Sobol SequencelpacfLocal Partial Autocorrelation Function Estimation for LocallyStationary Wavelet ProcessesLPBkgDetecting New Signals under Background MismodellinglpcLassoed Principal Components for Testing Significance ofFeatureslpcdeBoundary Adaptive Local Polynomial Conditional Density EstimatorLPCMLocal Principal Curve MethodslpdaLinear Programming Discriminant AnalysislpdensityLocal Polynomial Density Estimation and InferenceLPGraphNonparametric Smoothing of Laplacian Graph SpectralphomEcological Inference by Linear Programming under hom*ogeneitylpintLocal Polynomial Estimators of the Intensity Function and ItsDerivativeslpirfsLocal Projections Impulse Response FunctionsLPKsampleLP Nonparametric High Dimensional K-Sample ComparisonlplLocal Partial Likelihood Estimation and Simultaneous ConfidenceBandLPMLinear Parametric Models Applied to Hydrological SerieslpmeNonparametric Estimation of Measurement Error ModelsLPmergeMerging Linkage Maps by Linear ProgrammingLPowerCalculates Power, Sample Size, or Detectable Effect forLongitudinal AnalysesLPRelevanceRelevance-Integrated Statistical Inference EnginelpridgeLocal Polynomial (Ridge) RegressionLPSLinear Predictor Score, for Binary Inference from MultipleContinuous VariablesLPsmoothLP Smoothed Inference and GraphicslpSolveInterface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer ProgramslpSolveAPIR Interface to 'lp_solve' Version Penalized Weighted Correlation for Time Series ClusteringLqGRobust Group Variable Screening Based on Maximum Lq-LikelihoodEstimationlqmixLinear Quantile Mixture ModelslqmmLinear Quantile Mixed ModelslqrRobust Linear Quantile RegressionLRcontrastDose Response Signal Detection under Model UncertaintylrdA Package for Processing Lexical Response DataLREPEstimate and Test Exponential vs. Pareto DistributionslrequireSources an R "Module" with Caching & Encapsulation, ReturningExported VarslrgsLinear Regression by Gibbs SamplinglrmestDifferent Types of Estimators to Deal with MulticollinearityLRMF3Low Rank Matrix Factorization S3 ObjectslrstatPower and Sample Size Calculation for Non-Proportional Hazardsand BeyondLRTesteRLikelihood Ratio Tests and Confidence IntervalsLS2WLocally Stationary Two-Dimensional Wavelet Process EstimationSchemeLS2WstatA Multiscale Test of Spatial Stationarity for LS2W ProcesseslsaLatent Semantic AnalysisLSAfunApplied Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) FunctionsLSAmitRDaten, Beispiele und Funktionen zu 'Large-Scale Assessment mitR'lsasimFunctions to Facilitate the Simulation of Large Scale AssessmentDatalsbclustLeast-Squares Bilinear Clustering for Three-Way DatalsbsBandwidth Selection for Level Sets and HDR EstimationLSDLots of Superior DepictionslsdbcLocally Scaled Density Based ClusteringLSDinterfaceInterface Tools for LSD Simulation Results FilesLSDirfImpulse-Response Function Analysis for Agent-Based ModelsLSDsensitivitySensitivity Analysis Tools for LSD SimulationsLSEConstrained Least Squares and Generalized QR FactorizationlseiSolving Least Squares or Quadratic Programming Problems underEquality/Inequality Constraintslsirm12plLatent Space Item Response ModellslLatent Structure LearninglslxSemi-Confirmatory Structural Equation Modeling via PenalizedLikelihood or Least SquareslsmEstimation of the log Likelihood of the Saturated ModellsmeansLeast-Squares MeansLSMonteCarloAmerican options pricing with Least Squares Monte Carlo methodLSMRealOptionsValue American and Real Options Through LSM Simulationlsnstat'La Societe Nouvelle' API AccesslspartitionNonparametric Estimation and Inference Procedures usingPartitioning-Based Least Squares RegressionLSPFPLysate and Secretome Peptide Feature PlotterlsplineLinear Splines with Convenient ParametrisationslsplsLS-PLS ModelslsrCompanion to "Learning Statistics with R"LSRSLand Surface Remote Sensinglss2The Accelerated Failure Time Model to Right Censored Data Basedon Least-Squares PrincipleLSTLand Surface Temperature Retrieval for Landsat 8LSTbookData and Software for "Lessons in Statistical Thinking"LSTSLocally Stationary Time SeriesLSVAREstimation of Low Rank Plus Sparse Structured VectorAuto-Regressive (VAR) ModelLSWPlibSimulation and Spectral Estimation of Locally Stationary WaveletPacket ProcessesLSXSemi-Supervised Algorithm for Document ScalingltableEasy to Make (Lazy) TablesLTARTensor Forecasting FunctionsLTASRFunctions to Replicate the Center for Disease Control andPrevention's 'LTAS' Software in RLTCDMLatent Transition Cognitive Diagnosis Model with CovariateslterdatasamplerEducational Dataset Examples from the Long Term EcologicalResearch ProgramlterpalettefinderExtract Color Palettes from Photos and Pick Official LTERPalettesltertoolsTools Developed by the Long Term Ecological Research CommunityLTFHPlusImplementation of LT-FH++ltmLatent Trait Models under IRTltmixLeft-Truncated Mixtures of Gamma, Weibull, and LognormalDistributionsltmleLongitudinal Targeted Maximum Likelihood EstimationLTPDvarLTPD and AOQL Plans for Acceptance Sampling Inspection byVariablesLTRCforestsEnsemble Methods for Survival Data with Time-Varying CovariatesLTRCtreesSurvival Trees to Fit Left-Truncated and Right-Censored andInterval-Censored Survival DataltsaLinear Time Series AnalysisltskLocal Time Space KrigingltsspcaSparse Principal Component Based on Least Trimmed SquaresltxsparklinesLightweight Sparklines for a LaTeX Documentluajr'LuaJIT' ScriptinglubridateMake Dealing with Dates a Little EasierlucaLikelihood Inference from Case-Control Data under CovariateAssumptionslucasPackage to Download and Create the DB of LUCAS Data HarmonizedlucidPrinting Floating Point Numbers in a Human-Friendly FormatLUCIDusLUCID with Multiple Omics DataludicLinkage Using Diagnosis CodeslueLight Use Efficiency Model to Estimate Biomass and YIELD withand Without Vapour Pressure DeficitlulccLand Use Change Modelling in RlumberjackTrack Changes in DataLuminescenceComprehensive Luminescence Dating Data AnalysislunarCalculate Lunar Phase & Distance, Seasons and RelatedEnvironmental FactorslutzLook Up Time Zones of Point CoordinatesluzHigher Level 'API' for 'torch'luzlogrLightweight Logging for R ScriptsLVGPLatent Variable Gaussian Process Modeling with Qualitative andQuantitative Input VariableslvmcompStochastic EM Algorithms for Latent Variable Models with aHigh-Dimensional Latent SpacelvmiscVeras MiscellaneouslvnetLatent Variable Network ModelinglvplotLetter Value 'Boxplots'LW1949An Automated Approach to Evaluating Dose-Effect ExperimentsFollowing Litchfield and Wilcoxon (1949)LWFBrook90RSimulate Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture with the SVATModel LWF-Brook90lwgeomBindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple FeatureslwqsLagged Weighted Quantile Sum RegressionLZeroSpikeInferenceExact Spike Train Inference via L0 OptimizationlzstringWrapper for 'lz-string' 'C++' Library m2bMovement to Behaviour Inference using Random Forestm2rInterface to 'Macaulay2'M2SMFMulti-Modal Similarity Matrix Factorization for IntegrativeMulti-Omics Data AnalysisM2SMJFMulti-Modal Similarity Matrix Joint FactorizationM3JFMulti-Modal Matrix Joint Factorization for IntegrativeMulti-Omics Data Analysism5'M5 Forecasting' Challenges Datam61rPackage About Data Manipulation in Pure Base RMAAPERAnalysis of Alternative Polyadenylation Using 3' End-LinkedReadsmaatMultiple Administrations Adaptive TestingmableMaximum Approximate Bernstein/Beta Likelihood EstimationMABOUSTMulti-Armed Bayesian Ordinal Utility-Based Sequential TrialMacBehaviourBehavioural Studies of Large Language ModelsmaccMediation Analysis of Causality under ConfoundingMACERMolecular Acquisition, Cleaning, and Evaluation in R 'MACER'MachineShopMachine Learning Models and ToolsmacleishRetrieve Data from MacLeish Field StationmaclogpMeasures of Uncertainty for Model SelectionmacroBiomeA Tool for Mapping the Distribution of the Biomes and BioclimatemacrocolColombian Macro-Financial Time Series GeneratormacrosyntRDraw Ordered Oxford Grids and Chord DiagramsMacroZooBenthosWaterAFresh Water Quality Analysis Based on MacrozoobenthosmactivateMultiplicative ActivationmaczicMediation Analysis for Count and Zero-Inflated Count DataMAdMeta-Analysis with Mean DifferencesmadaMeta-Analysis of Diagnostic AccuracyMadanTextPersian Text Mining Tool for Frequency Analysis, StatisticalAnalysis, and Word CloudsMadanTextNetworkPersian Text Mining Tool for Co-Occurrence NetworkmaddisonThe Maddison Project Databasemadgrad'MADGRAD' Method for Stochastic OptimizationmaditrFast Data Aggregation, Modification, and Filtering with Pipesand 'data.table'madnessAutomatic Differentiation of Multivariate OperationsMADPopMHC Allele-Based Differencing Between PopulationsmadrModel Averaged Double Robust EstimationmadratMay All Data be Reproducible and Transparent (MADRaT) *madshapRSupport Technical Processes Following 'Maelstrom Research'StandardsmadsimA Flexible Microarray Data Simulation ModelMaeswrapWrapper Functions for MAESTRA/MAESPAmagclassData Class and Tools for Handling Spatial-Temporal DataMAGEEMixed Model Association Test for GEne-Environment InteractionmagiMAnifold-Constrained Gaussian Process InferencemagicCreate and Investigate Magic SquaresmagicaxisPretty Scientific Plotting with Minor-Tick and Log Minor-TickSupportmagicforMagic Functions to Obtain Results from for LoopsmagickAdvanced Graphics and Image-Processing in RmagickGUIGUI Tools for Interactive Image Processing with 'magick'magicLamp'WeMo Switch' Smart Plug UtilitiesMAGMA.RMAny-Group MAtchingMagmaClustRClustering and Prediction using Multi-Task Gaussian Processeswith Common MeanmagmaRR-Client for Interacting with the 'UCSF Data Library'MAGNAMWARA Pipeline for Meta-Genome Wide AssociationmagreeImplements the O'Connell-Dobson-Schouten Estimators of Agreementfor Multiple ObserversmagrittrA Forward-Pipe Operator for RmaGUIA Graphical User Interface for Microarray Data Analysis andAnnotationmaicMatching-Adjusted Indirect ComparisonmaicChecksAssessing the Numerical Feasibility for Conducting aMatching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC)mailchimpRGet Mailchimp Data via the '' APImailmergeMail Merge Using R Markdown Documents and 'gmailr'mailRA Utility to Send Emails from RmailtoRCreates a Friendly User Interface for Emails Sending in 'shiny'MainExistingDatasetsMain Existing Human DatasetsMAINT.DataModel and Analyse Interval DataMajKMeansk-Means Algorithm with a Majorization-Minimization MethodMajMinKmeansk-Means Algorithm with a Majorization-Minimization MethodmakedummiesCreate Dummy Variables from Categorical DataMakefileRCreate 'Makefiles' Using RmakeFlowVisualizing Sequential ClassificationsmakeitRun R Scripts if NeededmakemypriorIntuitive Construction of Joint Priors for Variance ParametersmakePaletteMake PalettemakepipePipeline Tools Inspired by 'GNU Make'makeProjectCreates an empty package framework for the LCFD formatmaketoolsExploring and Testing the Toolchain and System LibrariesmakeuniqueMake Character Strings UniqueMAKLMultiple Approximate Kernel Learning (MAKL)malanMAle Lineage ANalysismalaniMachine Learning Assisted Network InferencemalariaAtlasAn R Interface to Open-Access Malaria Data, Hosted by the'Malaria Atlas Project'malaytextrText Mining for Bahasa MalaysiamaldipickrDereplicate and Cherry-Pick Mass Spectrometry SpectraMALDIquantQuantitative Analysis of Mass Spectrometry DataMALDIquantForeignImport/Export Routines for 'MALDIquant'MALDIrppaMALDI Mass Spectrometry Data Robust Pre-Processing and AnalysismalletAn R Wrapper for the Java Mallet Topic Modeling ToolkitmalvinasIslas Malvinas, Georgias Del Sur y Sándwich Del SurMAMSDesigning Multi-Arm Multi-Stage StudiesManagedCloudProviderProviding the Kubernetes-Like Functions for the Non-KubernetesCloud ServicemanagelocalrepoManage a CRAN-Style Local RepositoryMANCIEMatrix Analysis and Normalization by Concordant InformationEnhancementmandMultivariate Analysis for Neuroimaging DataMandalaRBuilding Mandalas from Parametric Equations of Classical CurvesmandelbrotGenerates Views on the Mandelbrot SetmanetMultiple Allocation Model for Actor-Event NetworksMangroveRisk Prediction on TreesmanhattanlyInteractive Q-Q and Manhattan Plots Using 'plotly.js'manhplotThe Manhattan++ PlotmanifestoRAccess and Process Data and Documents of the Manifesto ProjectmanifoldOperations for Riemannian ManifoldsManifoldOptimAn R Interface to the 'ROPTLIB' Library for Riemannian ManifoldOptimizationmanipulateInteractive Plots for RStudiomanipulateWidgetAdd Even More Interactivity to Interactive ChartsManlyMixManly Mixture Modeling and Model-Based ClusteringMAnorm2Tools for Normalizing and Comparing ChIP-seq SamplesMANOVA.RMResampling-Based Analysis of Multivariate Data and RepeatedMeasures DesignsmantaMultivariate Asymptotic Non-Parametric Test of AssociationMantaIDA Machine-Learning Based Tool to Automate the Identification ofBiological Database IDsmanydataA Portal for Global Governance DatamanymodelrBuild and Tune Several ModelsmanymomeMediation, Moderation and Moderated-Mediation After ModelFittingmanymome.tablePublication-Ready Tables for 'manymome' ResultsmanynetMany Ways to Make, Modify, Mark, and Map Myriad NetworksManyTestsMultiple Testing Procedures of Cox (2011) and Wong and Cox(2007)MaOEAMany Objective Evolutionary AlgorithmmaotaiTools for Matrix Algebra, Optimization and InferenceMAPMultimodal Automated PhenotypingMap2NCBIMapping Markers to the Nearest Genomic FeatureMAPAMultiple Aggregation Prediction AlgorithmmapaccuracyUnbiased Thematic Map Accuracy and AreamapbayrMAP-Bayesian Estimation of PK ParametersmapboxapiR Interface to 'Mapbox' Web ServicesmapboxerAn R Interface to 'Mapbox GL JS'mapcanTools for Plotting Canadian Choropleth Maps and ChoroplethAlternativesmapchinaChina Administrative Divisions Geospatial Shapefile DatamapdataExtra Map DatabasesmapdeckInteractive Maps Using 'Mapbox GL JS' and ''mapeditInteractive Editing of Spatial Data in RmapfitPH/MAP Parameter EstimationMapGAMMapping Smoothed Effect Estimates from Individual-Level DatamapiMapping Averaged Pairwise InformationMapinguariProcess-Based Biogeographical AnalysismapisoCreate Contour Polygons from Regular GridsMAPITRMArginal ePIstasis Test for RegionsmaplegendLegends for Mapsmapme.biodiversityEfficient Monitoring of Global Biodiversity PortfoliosmapmiscUtilities for Producing MapsmapmixtureSpatial Visualisation of Admixture on a Projected MapmappingAutomatic Download, Linking, Manipulating Coordinates for MapsmappingsFunctions for Transforming Categorical VariablesmapplotsData Visualisation on MapsmappolyGenetic Linkage Maps in AutopolyploidsmapppMap in Parallel with ProgressmapprojMap ProjectionsmapsDraw Geographical Mapsmapsapi'sf'-Compatible Interface to 'Google Maps' APIsmapscannerPrint Maps, Draw on Them, Scan Them Back inmapsfThematic CartographymapsFinlandMaps of FinlandmapSpainAdministrative Boundaries of SpainmapsPERUMaps of PerumapsRinteractiveLocal Adaptation and Evaluation of Raster MapsmapStatsGeographic Display of Survey Data StatisticsmaptilesDownload and Display Map TilesmaptpxMAP Estimation of Topic ModelsmaptreeMapping, Pruning, and Graphing Tree ModelsmapviewInteractive Viewing of Spatial Data in RmaqMulti-Armed QinimArMultivariate AutoRegressive Analysismar1sMultiplicative AR(1) with Seasonal ProcessesmaracaThe Maraca Plot: Visualization of Hierarchical CompositeEndpoints in Clinical TrialsmarbleRobust Marginal Bayesian Variable Selection for Gene-EnvironmentInteractionsmarchMarkov ChainsmarcherMigration and Range Change Estimation in RmarelacTools for Aquatic SciencesMareyMapEstimation of Meiotic Recombination Rates Using Marey MapsmargApproximate Marginal Inference for Regression-Scale ModelsmargaretScientometric Analysis MincienciasMargCondJoint Marginal-Conditional ModelmarginaleffectsPredictions, Comparisons, Slopes, Marginal Means, and HypothesisTestsmarginalizedRiskEstimating Marginalized RiskMarginalMediationMarginal MediationmarimaMultivariate ARIMA and ARIMA-X AnalysismarkMiscellaneous, Analytic R KernelsmarkdownRender Markdown with 'commonmark'markdownInputShiny Module for a Markdown Input with Result PreviewmarkedMark-Recapture Analysis for Survival and Abundance EstimationmarkerpenMarker Gene Detection via Penalized Principal Component AnalysisMarketMatchingMarket Matching and Causal Impact InferencemarketrTidy Calculation of Marketing Metrics Plus Quick AnalysismarketsEstimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and DisequilibriummarkmyassignmentAutomatic Marking of R AssignmentsmarkophyloMarkov Chain Models for Phylogenetic TreesmarkovchainEasy Handling Discrete Time Markov ChainsMarkovchartMarkov Chain-Based Cost-Optimal Control ChartsmarkovmixMixture of Markov Chains with Support of Higher Orders andMultiple SequencesmarkovMSMMethods for Checking the Markov Condition in Multi-StateSurvival DataMarkowitzRStatistical Significance of the Markowitz PortfoliomarmapImport, Plot and Analyze Bathymetric and Topographic DataMARMoTMatching on Poset-Based Average Rank for Multiple Treatments(MARMoT)marpModel-Averaged Renewal ProcessmarqLevAlgA Parallelized General-Purpose Optimization Based onMarquardt-Levenberg AlgorithmmarqueeMarkdown Parser and Renderer for R GraphicsmarradistreesPlots a Tree-Like Representation of a Numerical Variable(Marradi's Tree)MARSANNhybridMARS Based ANN Hybrid ModelMARSGWRA Hybrid Spatial Model for Capturing Spatially VaryingRelationships Between Variables in the DataMARSSMultivariate Autoregressive State-Space ModelingMARSSVRhybridMARS SVR HybridMARVELRevealing Splicing Dynamics at Single-Cell ResolutionMarZICMarginal Mediation Effects with Zero-Inflated CompositionalMediatormasMarker Association StudiesmaSAEMandallaz' Model-Assisted Small Area EstimatorsmaseModel-Assisted Survey EstimatorsmashrMultivariate Adaptive ShrinkagemaskRangeRMask Species Geographic RangesMASSSupport Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASSmasscorMass Measurement CorrectionsMASSExtraSome 'MASS' EnhancementsMassignSimple Matrix ConstructionmassiveGSTCompetitive Gene Sets Test with the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon TestMASSTIMATEBody Mass Estimation Equations for VertebratesMassWateRQuality Control and Analysis of Massachusetts Water Quality DatamastifMast Inference and ForecastingMATMultidimensional Adaptive TestingMATAModel-Averaged Tail Area (MATA) Confidence Interval andDistributionmatahariSpy on Your R SessionmatchFeatOne-to-One Feature MatchingMatchGATEEstimate Group Average Treatment Effects with MatchingMatchingMultivariate and Propensity Score Matching with BalanceOptimizationmatchingMarketsAnalysis of Stable MatchingsmatchingRMatching Algorithms in R and C++MatchItNonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal InferenceMatchLinRegCombining Matching and Linear Regression for Causal InferencematchmakerFlexible Dictionary-Based CleaningmatchMultiOptimal Multilevel Matching using a Network AlgorithmmatchrPattern Matching and Enumerated Types in RMatchThemMatching and Weighting Multiply Imputed DatasetsmatconvA Code Converter from the Matlab/Octave Language to RmateableAssess Mating Potential in Space and TimematerialmodifierApply Photo Editing EffectsmathjaxrUsing 'Mathjax' in Rd FilesmathmlTranslate R Expressions to 'MathML' and 'LaTeX'/'MathJax'mathpixSupport for the 'Mathpix' API (Image to 'LaTeX')matlab'MATLAB' Emulation Packagematlab2rTranslation Layer from MATLAB to RmatlabrAn Interface for MATLAB using System CallsmatlibMatrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra andMultivariate StatisticsmatmanMaterial ManagementmatpowMatrix PowersmatransModel Averaging-Assisted Optimal Transfer LearningmatricksUseful Tricks for Matrix ManipulationmatRiksGenerates Raven-Like Matrices According to RulesmatriskMacroeconomic-at-RiskMatrixSparse and Dense Matrix Classes and MethodsmatrixcalcCollection of Functions for Matrix CalculationsMatrixCorrelationMatrix Correlation CoefficientsmatrixcutDetermines Clustering Threshold Based on Similarity ValuesmatrixdistStatistics for Matrix DistributionsMatrixEQTLMatrix eQTL: Ultra Fast eQTL Analysis via Large MatrixOperationsMatrixExtraExtra Methods for Sparse MatricesmatrixLaplacianNormalized Laplacian Matrix and Laplacian MapMatrixLDAPenalized Matrix-Normal Linear Discriminant AnalysisMatrixMixturesModel-Based Clustering via Matrix-Variate Mixture ModelsMatrixModelsModelling with Sparse and Dense MatricesmatrixNormalThe Matrix Normal DistributionmatrixProfileMatrix ProfilematrixprofilerMatrix Profile for RmatrixsamplingSimulations of Matrix Variate DistributionsmatrixsetCreating, Manipulating and Annotating Matrix EnsemblematrixStatsFunctions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and toVectors)matrixStrucTestTests of Matrix Structure for Construct ValidationmatrixTestsFast Statistical Hypothesis Tests on Rows and Columns ofMatricesmatsbynameAn Implementation of Matrix Mathematics that Respects Row andColumn NamesmatsindfMatrices in Data FramesMatSkewMatrix Skew-T Parameter EstimationmatuRAthlete Maturation and BiobandingmauDecision Models with Multi Attribute Utility TheoryMAVEMethods for Dimension ReductionmaxcomboThe Group Sequential Max-Combo Test for Comparing SurvivalCurvesMaxentVariableSelectionSelecting the Best Set of Relevant Environmental Variables alongwith the Optimal Regularization Multiplier for Maxent NicheModelingmaximinSpace-Filling Design under Maximin DistanceMaximinInferInference for Maximin Effects in High-Dimensional SettingsmaxLikMaximum Likelihood Estimation and Related ToolsmaxlikeModel Species Distributions by Estimating the Probability ofOccurrence Using Presence-Only DatamaxmatchingMaximum Matching for General Weighted GraphmaxnetFitting 'Maxent' Species Distribution Models with 'glmnet'maxnodfApproximate Maximisation of Nestedness in Bipartite GraphsMaxProMaximum Projection DesignsMaxSkewOrthogonal Data Projections with Maximal SkewnessmaxstatMaximally Selected Rank StatisticsmaybeThe Maybe MonadMazamaCoreUtilsUtility Functions for Production R CodeMazamaLocationUtilsManage Spatial Metadata for Known LocationsMazamaRollUtilsEfficient Rolling FunctionsMazamaSpatialPlotsThematic Plots for Mazama Spatial DatasetsMazamaSpatialUtilsSpatial Data Download and Utility FunctionsMazamaTimeSeriesCore Functionality for Environmental Time SeriesMAZEMediation Analysis for Zero-Inflated MediatorsmazeallsGenerate Recursive MazesmazeGenElithorn Maze GeneratormazeindaMonotonic Association on Zero-Inflated DatamazingUtilities for Making and Plotting MazesMBThe Use of Marginal Distributions in Conditional ForecastingMBAMultilevel B-Spline ApproximationMBAnalysisMultiblock Exploratory and Predictive Data AnalysismbbeModel Based Bio-EquivalencembbefdMaxwell Boltzmann Bose Einstein Fermi Dirac Distribution andDestruction Rate ModellingMBBEFDLiteStatistical Functions for theMaxwell-Boltzmann-Bose-Einstein-Fermi-Dirac (MBBEFD) Family ofDistributionsMBCMultivariate Bias Correction of Climate Model OutputsMBCbookCompanion Package for the Book "Model-Based Clustering andClassification for Data Science"mbendMatrix BendingMBESSThe MBESS R PackagembestMoment-Based Estimation for Hierarchical ModelsMBHdesignSpatial Designs for Ecological and Environmental SurveysmbirMagnitude-Based InferencesmblmMedian-Based Linear ModelsMBmcaNucleic Acid Melting Curve AnalysisMBMethPredMedulloblastoma Subgroups PredictionmbmixtureMicrobiome Mixture AnalysisMBNMAdoseDose-Response MBNMA ModelsMBNMAtimeRun Time-Course Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis (MBNMA) ModelsmboostModel-Based BoostingmbrMass Balance ReconstructionmbrdrModel-Based Response Dimension ReductionmbreaksEstimation and Inference for Structural Breaks in LinearRegression ModelsmbResExploration of Multiple Biomarker Responses using Effect SizembrglmMedian Bias Reduction in Binomial-Response GLMsMBSGSMultivariate Bayesian Sparse Group Selection with Spike and SlabMBSPMultivariate Bayesian Model with Shrinkage PriorsmbstsMultivariate Bayesian Structural Time SeriesmBvsBayesian Variable Selection Methods for Multivariate Datamc.heterogeneityA Monte Carlo Based Heterogeneity Test for Meta-Analysismc2dTools for Two-Dimensional Monte-Carlo SimulationsMCARtestOptimal Nonparametric Testing of Missing Completely at RandommcauchydMultivariate Cauchy Distribution; Kullback-Leibler DivergenceMCAvariantsMultiple Correspondence Analysis VariantsmcbModel Confidence BoundsMCBackscatteringMonte Carlo Simulation for Surface BackscatteringmcbiopiMatrix Computation Based Identification of Prime ImplicantsmcboostMulti-Calibration BoostingmccaMulti-Category Classification AccuracymcccaVisualizing Class Specific Heterogeneous Tendencies inCategorical Datamccf1Creates the MCC-F1 Curve and Calculates the MCC-F1 Metric andthe Best ThresholdmcclustProcess an MCMC Sample of ClusteringsMCCMMixed Correlation Coefficient MatrixmccmeivAnalysis of Matched Case Control Data with a MismeasuredExposure that is Accompanied by Instrumental VariablesmccrThe Matthews Correlation CoefficientMCDASupport for the Multicriteria Decision Aiding ProcessmcemGLMMaximum Likelihood Estimation for Generalized Linear MixedModelsmcenMultivariate Cluster Elastic NetmcgaMachine Coded Genetic Algorithms for Real-Valued OptimizationProblemsmcgfMarkov Chain Gaussian Fields Simulation and Parameter EstimationmcgibbsitWarnes and Raftery's 'MCGibbsit' MCMC Run Length and ConvergenceDiagnosticMChtestMonte Carlo Hypothesis Tests with Sequential StoppingMCIMultiplicative Competitive Interaction (MCI) ModelMCIDEstimating the Minimal Clinically Important DifferenceMCLMarkov Cluster AlgorithmmclmMastering Corpus Linguistics MethodsmclogitMultinomial Logit Models, with or without Random Effects orOverdispersionmclustGaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering,Classification, and Density EstimationmclustAddonsAddons for the 'mclust' PackagemclustcompMeasures for Comparing ClustersMCMEstimating and Testing Intergenerational Social Mobility EffectmcmcMarkov Chain Monte CarloMCMC.OTUBayesian Analysis of Multivariate Counts Data in DNAMetabarcoding and EcologyMCMC.qpcrBayesian Analysis of qRT-PCR DataMCMC4ExtremesPosterior Distribution of Extreme Value Models in RmcmcderiveDerive MCMC ParametersmcmcensembleEnsemble Sampler for Affine-Invariant MCMCMCMCglmmMCMC Generalised Linear Mixed ModelsmcmcOutputFunctions to Store, Manipulate and Display Markov Chain MonteCarlo (MCMC) OutputMCMCpackMarkov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) PackagemcmcplotsCreate Plots from MCMC OutputMCMCprecisionPrecision of Discrete Parameters in Transdimensional MCMCmcmcrManipulate MCMC SamplesmcmcsaeMarkov Chain Monte Carlo Small Area EstimationmcmcseMonte Carlo Standard Errors for MCMCMCMCtreeRPrepare MCMCtree Analyses and Plot Bayesian Divergence TimeAnalyses Estimates on TreesMCMCvisTools to Visualize, Manipulate, and Summarize MCMC OutputmcMSTA Toolbox for the Multi-Criteria Minimum Spanning Tree ProblemmcmsupplyEstimating Public and Private Sector Contraceptive Market SupplySharesmcoMultiple Criteria Optimization Algorithms and Related FunctionsMCOECreates New Folders and Loads Standard Practices for MontereyCounty Office of EducationMcompData from the M-CompetitionsmcompanionObjects and Methods for Multi-Companion MatricesmcountMarginalized Count Regression ModelsmcpRegression with Multiple Change PointsMCPANMultiple Comparisons Using Normal ApproximationmcparallelDoA Simplified Interface for Running Commands on ParallelProcessesMCPModDesign and Analysis of Dose-Finding StudiesMCPModBCImproved Inference in Multiple Comparison Procedure – ModellingMCPModGeneralA Supplement to the 'DoseFinding' Package for the General CaseMCPModPackSimulation-Based Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding TrialsmcprofileTesting Generalized Linear Hypotheses for Generalized LinearModel Parameters by Profile DevianceMCPtestsMultiples Comparisons ProceduresmcrMethod Comparison RegressionmcraddsProcessing and Analyzing of Diagnostics TrialsmcreplicateMulti-Core ReplicatemcrPiodaMethod Comparison Regression - Mcr Fork for M- And MM-DemingRegressionMCSModel Confidence Set ProcedureMCSimDetermine the Optimal Number of ClustersmcStatsVisualize Results of Statistical Hypothesis TestsmctestMulticollinearity Diagnostic MeasuresmctqTools to Process the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ)MCTrendMonte Carlo Trend AnalysismcunitUnit Tests for MC MethodsmcvisMulti-Collinearity VisualizationmcwrMarkov Chains with RewardsmdSelecting Bandwidth for Kernel Density Estimator with MinimumDistance Methodmd.logProduces Markdown Log File with a Built-in Function Callmd4rMarkdown Parser Implemented using the 'MD4C' LibrarymdaMixture and Flexible Discriminant AnalysismDAGInferring Causal Network from Mixed Observational Data Using aDirected Acyclic GraphmdatoolsMultivariate Data Analysis for ChemometricsMDBEDMoran-Downton Bivariate Exponential DistributionmdbrWork with Microsoft Access FilesmddmapsDownload World Mammal MapsmdeMissing Data ExplorermdedMeasuring the Difference Between Two Empirical DistributionsMDEIImplementing the Method of Direct Estimation and InferencemdendroExtended Agglomerative Hierarchical ClusteringMDFSMultiDimensional Feature SelectionmdftracksRead and Write 'MTrackJ Data Files'mdgcMissing Data Imputation Using Gaussian CopulasmdhglmMultivariate Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear ModelsMDimNormnMulti-Dimensional MA Normalization for Plate Effectmdir.logrankMultiple-Direction Logrank TestMDMAMathijs Deen's Miscellaneous AuxiliariesMDMAPRMolecular Detection Mapping and Analysis PlatformmdmbModel Based Treatment of Missing DataMDMRMultivariate Distance Matrix RegressionMDOLSInference of Quadratic Functional for Moderate-Dimensional OLSmdpeerGraph-Constrained Regression with Enhanced RegularizationParameters SelectionMDplotVisualising Molecular Dynamics AnalysesMDPtoolboxMarkov Decision Processes ToolboxmdsMedical Devices SurveillancemdscoreImproved Score Tests for Generalized Linear ModelsMDSGUIA GUI for interactive MDS in RMDSMapHigh Density Genetic Linkage Mapping using MultidimensionalScalingmdsOptSearching for Optimal MDS Procedure for Metric andInterval-Valued DataMDSPCAShinyInteractive Document for Working with Multidimensional Scalingand Principal Component AnalysismdsrComplement to 'Modern Data Science with R'MDSSModeling Human Dentin Serial SectioningmdwMaximum Diversity WeightingmeanrSentiment Analysis ScorermeanShiftRA Computationally Efficient Mean Shift ImplementationmeantablesMake Quick Descriptive Tables for Continuous VariablesmeasrBayesian Psychometric Measurement Using 'Stan'measurementProtocolSend Data from R to the Measurement ProtocolmeasurementsTools for Units of MeasurementmeasuresPerformance Measures for Statistical LearningmeasuRingDetection and Control of Tree-Ring Widths on Scanned ImageSectionsmebootMaximum Entropy Bootstrap for Time SeriesMEclustnetFit the Mixture of Experts Latent Position Cluster Model toNetwork DatameconetcompCompare Microbial Networks of 'trans_network' Class of'microeco' PackagemecorMeasurement Error Correction in Linear Models with a ContinuousOutcomemecoturnDecipher Microbial Turnover along a GradientMEDMediation by Tilted BalancingMedDietCalcMulti Calculator to Compute Scores of Adherence to MediterraneanDietmederrRankBayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful MedicationErrorsmedExtractRExtraction of Medication Information from Clinical TextmedfateMediterranean Forest SimulationmedfatelandMediterranean Landscape SimulationmedflexFlexible Mediation Analysis Using Natural Effect ModelsmediacloudrWrapper for the '' APIMediaKCalculate MeDiA_K DistanceMedianaClinical Trial SimulationsMedianaDesignerPower and Sample Size Calculations for Clinical TrialsMediaNewsMedia News Extraction for Text AnalysismediatePMediation Analysis Based on the Product MethodmediationCausal Mediation AnalysismediationsensSimulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Causal MediationStudiesmedicaldataData Package for Medical DatasetsmedicalriskMedical Risk and Comorbidity Tools for ICD-9-CM DatamedicareTools for Obtaining and Cleaning Medicare Public Use FilesmeditationsPrints a Random Quote from Marcus Aurelius' Book MeditationsMedLEAMorphological and Structural Features of Medicinal LeavesmedparserMedPC Text ParsermedScanLarge Scale Single Mediator Hypothesis TestingMEDseqMixtures of Exponential-Distance Models with CovariatesmeervaAnalysis of Data with Measurement Error Using a ValidationSubsamplemeetupapiAccess 'Meetup' APImefaMultivariate Data Handling in Ecology and Biogeographymefa4Multivariate Data Handling with S4 Classes and Sparse MatricesmefdindImports Data from MoE SpainMEFMPerform MEFM Estimation on Matrix Time SeriesMega2RAccessing and Processing a 'Mega2' Genetic DatabaseMEGENAMultiscale Clustering of Geometrical NetworkmeiflyInteractive Model Exploration using 'GGobi'mekkoVariable Width Bar Charts: Bar MekkomeltMultiple Empirical Likelihood TestsmeltrRead Non-Rectangular Text DatamelttMatching Event Data by Location, Time and TypememThe Moving Epidemic MethodmemappThe Moving Epidemic Method Web ApplicationmemeCreate MemememeryInternet Memes for Data AnalystsmemgeneSpatial Pattern Detection in Genetic Distance Data Using Moran'sEigenvector MapsmemifyConstructing Functions That Keep StatememiscManagement of Survey Data and Presentation of Analysis ResultsmemoIn-Memory Caching of Repeated Computations (Memoization)memochangeTesting for Structural Breaks under Long Memory and Testing forChanges in PersistencememofuncFunction MemoizationmemoiRR Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publish Documentsmemoise'Memoisation' of FunctionsmemorA 'rmarkdown' Template that Can be Highly CustomizedmemoriaQuantifying Ecological Memory in Palaeoecological Datasets andOther Long Time-SeriesMEMSSData Sets from Mixed-Effects Models in SmemuseMemory Estimation UtilitiesMendelianRandomizationMendelian Randomization PackageMEPDFCreation of Empirical Density Functions Based on MultivariateDataMercatorClustering and Visualizing Distance MatricesmerDerivCase-Wise and Cluster-Wise Derivatives for Mixed Effects ModelsmergenAI-Driven Code Generation, Explanation and Execution for DataAnalysismergeTreesAggregating TreesmergingToolsTools to Merge Hardware Event Monitors (HEMs) Coming fromSeparate Subexperiments into One Single DataframemerlinMixed Effects Regression for Linear, Non-Linear and User-DefinedModelsMEROPerforming Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization Random ForestImputation for Biological DatamerrorAccuracy and Precision of MeasurementsmerToolsTools for Analyzing Mixed Effect Regression ModelsmeshedBayesian Regression with Meshed Gaussian ProcessesMESSMiscellaneous Esoteric Statistical ScriptsmessagingConveniently Issue Messages, Warnings, and ErrorsmessiMediation Analysis with External Summary-Level Information onTotal Effectmessy.catsEmploys String Distance Tools to Help Clean Categorical DatamessydatesA Flexible Class for Messy DatesMestimComputes the Variance-Covariance Matrix of MultidimensionalParameters Using M-EstimationmetaGeneral Package for Meta-Analysismeta.shrinkageMeta-Analyses for Simultaneously Estimating Individual Meansmeta4diagMeta-Analysis for Diagnostic Test StudiesMetaAnalyserAn Interactive Visualisation of Meta-Analysis as a PhysicalWeighing MachinemetabiasMeta-Analysis for Within-Study and/or Across-Study BiasesmetaBLUEBLUE for Combining Location and Scale Information in aMeta-AnalysismetaBMABayesian Model Averaging for Random and Fixed EffectsMeta-AnalysismetaboDataExample Metabolomics Data SetsMetabolAnalyzeProbabilistic Latent Variable Models for Metabolomic DatametabolicDatasets and Functions for Reproducing Meta-AnalysesMetabolicSurvA Biomarker Validation Approach for Classification andPredicting Survival Using Metabolomics SignatureMetabolicSyndromeDiagnosis of Metabolic SyndromeMetabolomicsBasicsBasic Functions to Investigate Metabolomics Data MatricesMetaboQCNormalize Metabolomic Data using QC SignalmetabupBayesian Meta-Analysis Using Basic Uncertain PoolingmetacartMeta-CART: A Flexible Approach to Identify Moderators inMeta-AnalysismetaClusterMetagenomic ClusteringmetacoderTools for Parsing, Manipulating, and Graphing TaxonomicAbundance DatametacomAnalysis of the 'Elements of Metacommunity Structure'MetaCompEDGE Taxonomy Assignments VisualizationmetaconfoundrVisualize 'Confounder' Control in Meta-AnalysesmetaConvertAn Automatic Suite for Estimation of Various Effect SizeMeasuresmetacoreA Centralized Metadata Object Focus on Clinical Trial DataProgramming WorkflowsMetaculRAnalyze Metaculus Predictions and QuestionsMetaCycleEvaluate Periodicity in Large Scale DatametadatMeta-Analysis DatasetsmetaDigitiseExtract and Summarise Data from Published FiguresmetadynminerTools to Read, Analyze and Visualize Metadynamics HILLS Filesfrom 'Plumed'metadynminer3dTools to Read, Analyze and Visualize Metadynamics 3D HILLS Filesfrom 'Plumed'metaEnsembleRAutomated Intuitive Package for Meta-Ensemble LearningmetafolioMetapopulation Simulations for Conserving Salmon ThroughPortfolio OptimizationmetaforMeta-Analysis Package for RmetaforestExploring Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis using Random ForestsmetafuseFused Lasso Approach in Regression Coefficient ClusteringmetagamMeta-Analysis of Generalized Additive ModelsmetaGEMeta-Analysis for Detecting Genotype x Environment AssociationsmetagearComprehensive Research Synthesis Tools for Systematic Reviewsand Meta-AnalysismetaggRCalculate the Knowledge-Weighted EstimateMetaHDA Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model for Metabolomics DatametaheuristicOptMetaheuristic for OptimizationmetaincAssessment of Inconsistency in Meta-Analysis using DecisionThresholdsMetaIntegrationEnsemble Meta-Prediction FrameworkMetaIntegratorMeta-Analysis of Gene Expression DatametajamEasily Download Data and Metadata from 'DataONE'MetaLandSimLandscape and Range Expansion SimulationmetaLikLikelihood Inference in Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression ModelsmetaliteADaM Metadata Structuremetalite.aeAdverse Events Analysis Using 'metalite'metalite.table1Interactive Table of Descriptive Statistics in HTMLMetaLonDAMetagenomics Longitudinal Differential Abundance MethodMetAlyzerRead and Analyze 'MetIDQ&trade;' Software Output FilesmetaMAMeta-Analysis for MicroArraysmetamedianMeta-Analysis of MediansmetamerCreate Data with Identical StatisticsmetamicrobiomeRMicrobiome Data Analysis & Meta-Analysis with GAMLSS-BEZI &Random EffectsmetamiscMeta-Analysis of Diagnosis and Prognosis Research StudiesmetanMulti Environment Trials AnalysisMetaNetNetwork Analysis for Omics DatametanetworkHandling and Representing Trophic Networks in Space and TimeMetaNLPNatural Language Processing for Meta AnalysismetansueMeta-Analysis of Studies with Non-Statistically SignificantUnreported EffectsmetapMeta-Analysis of Significance ValuesmetapackBayesian Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-AnalysismetaplotData-Driven Plot DesignmetaplusRobust Meta-Analysis and Meta-RegressionmetapostInterface to 'MetaPost'metapowerPower Analysis for Meta-AnalysismetaproRobust P-Value Combination MethodsmetaprotrMetaproteomics Post-Processing AnalysismetaRangeFramework to Build Mechanistic and Metabolic Constrained SpeciesDistribution ModelsmetarepReplicability-Analysis Tools for Meta-AnalysismetaRNASeqMeta-Analysis of RNA-Seq DatametaSDTregRegression Models for Meta Signal Detection TheorymetaSEMMeta-Analysis using Structural Equation ModelingmetasensStatistical Methods for Sensitivity Analysis in Meta-AnalysisMetaSKATMeta Analysis for SNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association TestMetaStanBayesian Meta-Analysis via 'Stan'MetaSubtractSubtracting Summary Statistics of One or more Cohorts fromMeta-GWAS ResultsmetaSurvivalMeta-Analysis of a Single Survival CurvemetatestFit and Test Metaregression ModelsmetathisHTML Metadata Tags for 'R Markdown' and 'Shiny'metatoolsEnable the Use of 'metacore' to Help Create and Check DatasetmetaumbrellaUmbrella Review Package for RMetaUtilityUtility Functions for Conducting and Interpreting Meta-AnalysesmetavcovComputing Variances and Covariances, Visualization and MissingData Solution for Multivariate Meta-AnalysismetavizForest Plots, Funnel Plots, and Visual Funnel Plot Inference forMeta-AnalysismetawhoMeta-Analytical Implementation to Identify Who Benefits Mostfrom TreatmentsMetBrewerColor Palettes Inspired by Works at the Metropolitan Museum ofArtMetChemChemical Structural Similarity AnalysismeteoRFSI & STRK Interpolation for Meteo and Environmental VariablesmeteoEVTComputation and Visualization of Energetic and VorticalAtmospheric QuantitiesmeteoForecastNumerical Weather PredictionsmeteolandLandscape Meteorology ToolsmeteorMeteorological Data ManipulationmeteoritsMixture-of-Experts Modeling for Complex Non-Normal DistributionsmeteospainAccess to Spanish Meteorological Stations ServicesmeteRFitting and Plotting Tools for the Maximum Entropy Theory ofEcology (METE)metevalueE-Value in the Omics Data Association StudiesMetGenStochastic Weather GeneratorMethCompAnalysis of Agreement in Method Comparison Studiesmethcon5Identify and Rank CpG DNA Methylation Conservation Along theHuman GenomeMethEvolSIMSimulate DNA Methylation Dynamics on Different GenomicStructures along GenealogiesMethodCompareBias and Precision PlotsMeToMeteorological ToolsmetoolsMacroeconomics ToolsMetProcSeparate Metabolites into Likely Measurement Artifacts and TrueMetabolitesmetRTools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological FieldsmetricaPrediction Performance MetricsMetricGraphRandom Fields on Metric GraphsmetricminerMine Metrics from Common Places on the WebMetricsEvaluation Metrics for Machine LearningMetricsWeightedWeighted Metrics and Performance Measures for Machine LearningmetrixWater Quality Metrics CalculatormetroWashington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority APImetRologySupport for Metrological ApplicationsmetropolisThe Metropolis AlgorithmmetsAnalysis of Multivariate Event TimesMetSizeRA Shiny App for Sample Size Estimation in MetabolomicExperimentsmetsynInterface with the Meteo France Synop Data APImevModelling of Extreme ValuesmewAvgA Fixed Memeory Moving Expanding Window AverageMexBrewerColor Palettes Inspired by Works of Mexican Painters andMuralistsmexhazMixed Effect Excess Hazard ModelsmexicolorsMexican Politics-Inspired Color Palette GeneratormExplorerIdentifying Master Gene Regulators from Gene Expression andDNA-Binding DataMF.beta4Measuring Ecosystem Multi-Functionality and Its DecompositionmfacesFast Covariance Estimation for Multivariate Sparse FunctionalDataMfa*gMultiple Factor Analysis (MFA)mFDCompute and Illustrate the Multiple Facets of FunctionalDiversitymfdbMareFrame DB Querying LibraryMFDFAMultiFractal Detrended Fluctuation AnalysismFDPFlexible Control of the mFDPmfGARCHMixed-Frequency GARCH ModelsmFilterMiscellaneous Time Series FiltersmFLICALeadership-Inference Framework for Multivariate Time SeriesMFOMaximal Fat Oxidation and Kinetics CalculationmfpMultivariable Fractional Polynomialsmfp2Multivariable Fractional Polynomial Models with ExtensionsMFPCAMultivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for DataObserved on Different Dimensional Domainsmfpp'Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning'MFSISModel-Free Sure Independent Screening ProceduresMFTThe Multiple Filter Test for Change Point DetectionMfUSamplerMultivariate-from-Univariate (MfU) MCMC SamplermfxMarginal Effects, Odds Ratios and Incidence Rate Ratios for GLMsMG1StationaryProbabilityComputes Stationary Distribution for M/G/1 Queuing SystemmgarchBEKKSimulating, Estimating and Diagnosing MGARCH (BEKK and mGJR)ProcessesMGBTMultiple Grubbs-Beck Low-Outlier TestmgcMultiscale Graph CorrelationmgcvMixed GAM Computation Vehicle with Automatic SmoothnessEstimationmgcVizVisualisations for Generalized Additive ModelsMGDrivEMosquito Gene Drive ExplorerMGDrivE2Mosquito Gene Drive Explorer 2mgee2Marginal Analysis of Misclassified Longitudinal Ordinal DatamggdMultivariate Generalised Gaussian Distribution; Kullback-LeiblerDivergenceMGLModule Graphical LassomglassoMultiscale Graphical LassoMGLMMultivariate Response Generalized Linear ModelsmglmnModel Averaging for Multivariate GLM with Null ModelsmgmEstimating Time-Varying k-Order Mixed Graphical ModelsMGMMMissingness Aware Gaussian Mixture ModelsMGMS2'MGMS2' for Polymicrobial SamplesMGPSDKInteract with the Maxar 'MGP' Application Programming InterfacesmgpStreamingSDKInteract with the Maxar MGP Streaming APIMGSDAMulti-Group Sparse Discriminant AnalysismgssA Matrix-Free Multigrid Preconditioner for Spline SmoothingmgsubSafe, Multiple, Simultaneous String SubstitutionmgwnbrMultiscale Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial RegressionmgwrhwDisplays GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) and Mixed GWROutput and MapmgwrsarGWR and MGWR with Spatial AutocorrelationmhazardNonparametric and Semiparametric Methods for MultivariateFailure Time DatamhcnuggetsrCall MHCnuggetsMHCtoolsAnalysis of MHC Data in Non-Model SpeciesMHDMetric Halfspace DepthMHDAMassive Hierarchically Data AnalysismHGMinimum-Hypergeometric TestmHMMbayesMultilevel Hidden Markov Models Using Bayesian EstimationMhorseshoeApproximate Algorithm for Horseshoe PriormhsmmInference for Hidden Markov and Semi-Markov ModelsmhtbootMultiple Hypothesis Test Based on Distribution of p ValuesMHTdiscreteMultiple Hypotheses Testing for Discrete DataMHTmultMultiple Hypotheses Testing for Multiple Families/GroupsStructureMHTrajectoryRBayesian Model Selection in Logistic Regression for theDetection of Adverse Drug ReactionsmiMissing Data Imputation and Model Checkingmi4pMultiple Imputation for ProteomicsMIAmaxentA Modular, Integrated Approach to Maximum Entropy DistributionModelingmicar'Mica' Data Web Portal ClientmicdMultiple Imputation in Causal Graph DiscoverymiceMultivariate Imputation by Chained EquationsmiceaddsSome Additional Multiple Imputation Functions, Especially for'mice'miceafterData and Statistical Analyses after Multiple ImputationmicEconMicroeconomic Analysis and ModellingmicEconAidsDemand Analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS)micEconCESAnalysis with the Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES)FunctionmicEconDistRayEconometric Production Analysis with Ray-Based DistanceFunctionsmicEconIndexPrice and Quantity IndicesmicEconSNQPSymmetric Normalized Quadratic Profit FunctionmiceFastFast Imputations Using 'Rcpp' and 'Armadillo'micemdMultiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Multilevel DatamiceRangerMultiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Random ForestsmichelRodangeThe Works (in Luxembourguish) of Michel RodangemiclustMultiple Imputation in Cluster AnalysismicomprMultivariate Independent Comparison of ObservationsmiCoPTCMPromotion Time Cure Model with Mis-Measured CovariatesmicrobatsAn Implementation of Bat Algorithm in RmicrobenchmarkAccurate Timing FunctionsmicrobialDo 16s Data Analysis and Generate FiguresMicrobiomeStatStatistical Methods for Microbiome Compositional DataMicrobiomeSurvBiomarker Validation for Microbiome-Based SurvivalClassification and PredictionmicroclassMethods for Taxonomic Classification of ProkaryotesmicrocontaxThe ConTax Data PackagemicroCRANHosting an Independent CRAN RepositoryMicroDatosEsUtilities for Official Spanish MicrodatamicrodiluteRAnalysis of Broth Microdilution AssaysmicroecoMicrobial Community Ecology Data AnalysismicrohaplotMicrohaplotype Constructor and VisualizerMicroMacroMultilevelMicro-Macro Multilevel ModelingmicromapLinked Micromap PlotsmicromapSTLinked Micromap Plots for U. S. and Other Geographic AreasMicroMoBDiscrete Time Simulation of Mosquito-Borne Pathogen TransmissionmicromodalCreate Simple and Elegant Modal Dialogs in 'shiny'MicroNicheMicrobial Niche MeasurementsmicronutrDetermining Vitamin and Mineral Status of PopulationsmicropanMicrobial Pan-Genome AnalysismicroplotMicroplots (Sparklines) in 'LaTeX', 'Word', 'HTML', 'Excel'microPopProcess-Based Modelling of Microbial PopulationsmicroseqBasic Biological Sequence HandlingmicrosimulationDiscrete Event Simulation in R and C++, with Tools forCost-Effectiveness AnalysisMicrosoft365RInterface to the 'Microsoft 365' Suite of Cloud ServicesmicrosynthSynthetic Control Methods with Micro- And Meso-Level DataMicSimPerforming Continuous-Time MicrosimulationMICsplinesThe Computing of Monotonic Spline Bases and ConstrainedLeast-Squares EstimatesmicsrMicroeconometrics with RmicssModified Iterative Cumulative Sum of Squares AlgorithmMiDAMicroarray Data AnalysismidasTurn HTML 'Shiny'midas2Bayesian Platform Design with Subgroup EfficacyExploration(MIDAS-2)midasmlEstimation and Prediction Methods for High-Dimensional MixedFrequency Time Series DatamidasrMixed Data Sampling RegressionmidastouchMultiple Imputation by Distance Aided Donor SelectionmidfieldrTools and Methods for Working with MIDFIELD Data in 'R'midiMicrostructure Information from Diffusion ImagingMIDNNearly Exact Sample Size Calculation for Exact PowerfulNonrandomized Tests for Differences Between BinomialProportionsmidrangeMCPMultiples Comparisons Procedures Based on Studentized Midrangeand Range DistributionsmiesmuschelMixed Integer Evolution StrategiesmifaMultiple Imputation for Exploratory Factor AnalysisMigConnectivityEstimate Migratory Connectivity for Migratory AnimalsmigestMethods for the Indirect Estimation of Bilateral MigrationmigraphMany Network Measures, Motifs, Members, and ModelsmigrateCreate Credit State Migration (Transition) Matricesmigration.indicesMigration IndicesMigrationDetectRSegment-Based Migration Detection AlgorithmmiguiGraphical User Interface to the 'mi' PackagemiicLearning Causal or Non-Causal Graphical Models Using InformationTheoryMIIPWIPW and Mean Score Methods for Time-Course Missing DataMIIVefaExploratory Factor Analysis Using Model Implied InstrumentalVariablesMIIVsemModel Implied Instrumental Variable (MIIV) Estimation ofStructural Equation ModelsmikropmlUser-Friendly R Package for Supervised Machine LearningPipelinesmiLAGCalculates Microbial Lag Duration (on the Population Level) fromProvided Growth Curve DatamildsvmMultiple-Instance Learning with Support Vector MachinesmiLineageAssociation Tests for Microbial Lineages on a Taxonomic TreemilrMultiple-Instance Logistic Regression with LASSO PenaltymimeMap Filenames to MIME TypesMIMERData Wrangling for Antimicrobial Resistance StudiesmimiMain Effects and Interactions in Mixed and Incomplete DataMiMIRMetabolomics-Based Models for Imputing RiskmimiSBMMixture of Multilayer Integrator Stochastic Block ModelsMIMSunitAlgorithm to Compute Monitor Independent Movement Summary Unit(MIMS-Unit)mimsyCalculate MIMS Dissolved Gas Concentrations Without Getting aHeadacheminbMultiple-Inflated Negative Binomial ModelmindMultivariate Model Based Inference for DomainsMindOnStatsData sets included in Utts and Heckard's Mind on StatisticsmineCitrusExtract and Analyze Median Molecule Intensity from 'citrus'OutputminedMinimum Energy DesignsMinEDfindA Bayesian Design for Minimum Effective Dosing-Finding TrialminervaMaximal Information-Based Nonparametric Exploration for VariableAnalysismineSweepRMine Sweeper GameminiCRANCreate a Mini Version of CRAN Containing Only Selected PackagesminidownCreate Simple Yet Powerful HTML Documents with Light Weight CSSFrameworksminiGUITcl/Tk Quick and Simple Function GUIminimalRSDMinimally Changed CCD and BBDminimapCreate Tile Grid MapsminimaxThe Minimax Distribution FamilyminimaxApproxImplementation of Remez Algorithm for Polynomial and RationalFunction ApproximationminiMetaWeb Application to Run Meta-AnalysesminioclientInterface to the 'MinIO' ClientminiPCHSurvival Distributions with Piece-Wise Constant HazardsMinirandMinimization RandomizationminiUIShiny UI Widgets for Small ScreensminMSEImplementation of the minMSE Treatment Assignment Method for Oneor Multiple Treatment Groupsminpack.lmR Interface to the Levenberg-Marquardt Nonlinear Least-SquaresAlgorithm Found in MINPACK, Plus Support for BoundsminqaDerivative-Free Optimization Algorithms by QuadraticApproximationminqueVarious Linear Mixed Model Analysesminsample1The Minimum Sample Sizeminsample2The Minimum Sample SizeminSNPsResolution-Optimised SNPs SearcherMINTplatesEncode "License-Plates" from Sequences and Decode Them BackmintyMinimal Type GuessermipfpMultidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting and AlternativeModelsmipplotAn Open-Source Tool for Visualization of Climate MitigationScenariosmiraiMinimalist Async Evaluation Framework for RmiRecSurvLeft-Censored Recurrent Events Survival ModelsMIRESMeasurement Invariance Assessment Using Random Effects Modelsand ShrinkagemiRetrievemiRNA Text Mining in AbstractsMiRKATMicrobiome Regression-Based Kernel Association TestsMiRNAQCDMicro-RNA Quality Control and DiagnosismiRNAssGenome-Wide Discovery of Pre-miRNAs with few Labeled ExamplesMiRSEA'MicroRNA' Set Enrichment AnalysismirtMultidimensional Item Response TheorymirtCATComputerized Adaptive Testing with Multidimensional ItemResponse TheorymiRtestCombined miRNA- And mRNA-TestingmirtjmlJoint Maximum Likelihood Estimation for High-Dimensional ItemFactor AnalysismirtsvdSVD-Based Estimation for Exploratory Item Factor AnalysismisaemLinear Regression and Logistic Regression with MissingCovariatesmisc3dMiscellaneous 3D PlotsmiscFMiscellaneous FunctionsmiscFuncsMiscellaneous Useful Functions Including LaTeX Tables, KalmanFiltering, QQplots with Simulation-Based Confidence Intervalsand Development ToolsmiscICMisclassified Interval Censored Time-to-Event DatamisclassGLMComputation of Generalized Linear Models with MisclassifiedCovariates Using Side InformationMiscMetabarMiscellaneous Functions for Metabarcoding AnalysismiscsetMiscellaneous Tools SetmiscToolsMiscellaneous Tools and UtilitiesmiselectVariable Selection for Multiply Imputed DatamispitoolsMissing Person Identification ToolsmisprMultiple Imputation with Sequential Penalized RegressionmisPRIMEPartial Replacement Imputation Estimation for Missing CovariatesMiSPUMicrobiome Based Sum of Powered Score (MiSPU) TestsMisRepARMAMisreported Time Series AnalysismissCforestEnsemble Conditional Trees for Missing Data ImputationmissCompareIntuitive Missing Data Imputation FrameworkMissCPChange Point Detection with Missing ValuesmissDeathsSimulating and Analyzing Time to Event Data in the Presence ofPopulation MortalitymissDiagComparing Observed and Imputed Values under MAR and MCARmissForestNonparametric Missing Value Imputation using Random ForestmissForestPredictMissing Value Imputation using Random Forest for PredictionSettingsMissingHandleHandles Missing Dates and Data and Converts into Weekly andMonthly from DailymissingHEMissing Outcome Data in Health Economic EvaluationMissingPlotLSDMissing Plot in LSDMissingPlotRBDMissing Plot in RBDmissMDAHandling Missing Values with Multivariate Data AnalysisMissMechTesting hom*oscedasticity, Multivariate Normality, and MissingCompletely at RandommissMethodsMethods for Missing DatamissoNetMissingness in Multi-Task Regression with Network EstimationmisspiMissing Value Imputation in ParallelMissplotMissing Plot Technique in Design of ExperimentmissRangerFast Imputation of Missing ValuesmissSBMHandling Missing Data in Stochastic Block ModelsmissSOMSelf-Organizing Maps with Built-in Missing Data ImputationmistrMixture and Composite DistributionsmistralMethods in Structural ReliabilitymistyMiscellaneous Functions 'T. Yanagida'misuviAccess the Michigan Substance Use Vulnerability Index (MI-SUVI)mitmlTools for Multiple Imputation in Multilevel ModelingMitoHEARQuantification of Mitochondrial DNA HeteroplasmymitoolsTools for Multiple Imputation of Missing DatamitreCybersecurity MITRE Standards Data and DigraphsMittagLeffleRMittag-Leffler Family of DistributionsmiWQSMultiple Imputation Using Weighted Quantile Sum RegressionmixEstimation/Multiple Imputation for Mixed Categorical andContinuous DatamixAKMultivariate Normal Mixture Models and Mixtures of GeneralizedLinear Mixed Models Including Model Based ClusteringMixAllClustering and Classification using Model-Based Mixture ModelsmixARMixture Autoregressive ModelsmixboxObserved Fisher Information Matrix for Finite Mixture ModelmixcatMixed Effects Cumulative Link and Logistic Regression ModelsmixcharMixture Model for the Deconvolution of Thermal Decay CurvesmixcureMixture Cure ModelsmixdirCluster High Dimensional Categorical DatasetsmixdistFinite Mixture Distribution ModelsmixedBayesBayesian Longitudinal Regularized Quantile Mixed ModelmixedCCASparse Canonical Correlation Analysis for High-Dimensional MixedDataMixedIndTestsTests of Randomness and Tests of IndependenceMixedLevelRSDsMixed Level Response Surface DesignsmixedLSRMixed, Low-Rank, and Sparse Multivariate Regression onHigh-Dimensional DatamixedMemTools for Discrete Multivariate Mixed Membership ModelsMixedPoissonMixed Poisson ModelsMixedPsyStatistical Tools for the Analysis of Psychophysical DatamixedsdeEstimation Methods for Stochastic Differential Mixed EffectsModelsMixedTSMixed Tempered Stable DistributionmixexpDesign and Analysis of Mixture ExperimentsMIXFIMEvaluation of the FIM in NLMEMs using MCMCMixfMRIMixture fMRI Clustering AnalysismixgbMultiple Imputation Through 'XGBoost'MixGHDModel Based Clustering, Classification and Discriminant AnalysisUsing the Mixture of Generalized Hyperbolic DistributionsmixhvgMixture of Multiple Highly Variable Feature Selection MethodsmixIndependRGenetics and Independence Testing of Mixed Genetic PanelsmixKernelOmics Data Integration Using Kernel MethodsmixlSimulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixed Logit Modelsfor Large DatasetsmixlmMixed Model ANOVA and Statistics for EducationMixMatrixClassification with Matrix Variate Normal and t DistributionsmixmetaAn Extended Mixed-Effects Framework for Meta-AnalysismixoptMixed Variable OptimizationMixOptimMixture Optimization AlgorithmmixPHMMixtures of Proportional Hazard ModelsmixpoissonregMixed Poisson Regression for Overdispersed Count DatamixRFinite Mixture Modeling for Raw and Binned DatamixRaschToolsPlotting and Average Theta Functions for Multiple Class MixedRasch ModelsMixRFA Random-Forest-Based Approach for Imputing Clustered IncompleteDataMixSALMixtures of Multivariate Shifted Asymmetric Laplace (SAL)DistributionsMixSemiRobMixture Models: Parametric, Semiparametric, and RobustMixSIARBayesian Mixing Models in RMixSimSimulating Data to Study Performance of Clustering AlgorithmsmixsmsnFitting Finite Mixture of Scale Mixture of Skew-NormalDistributionsmixSPEMixtures of Power Exponential and Skew Power ExponentialDistributions for Use in Model-Based Clustering andClassificationmixsqpSequential Quadratic Programming for Fast Maximum-LikelihoodEstimation of Mixture ProportionsmixSSGClustering Using Mixtures of Sub Gaussian Stable DistributionsmixtoolsTools for Analyzing Finite Mixture ModelsmixtoxDose Response Curve Fitting and Mixture Toxicity AssessmentmixturModelling Continuous Report Visual Short-Term Memory StudiesmixtureMixture Models for Clustering and ClassificationMixtureMissingRobust and Flexible Model-Based Clustering for Data Sets withMissing Values at RandomMixTwiceLarge-Scale Hypothesis Testing by Variance MixingMixviRAnalysis and Exploration of Mixed Microbial Genomic SamplesmixvlmcVariable Length Markov Chains with CovariatesmizeUnconstrained Numerical Optimization AlgorithmsmizerDynamic Multi-Species Size Spectrum ModellingMJMbamlssMultivariate Joint Models with 'bamlss'MKclassStatistical Classificationmkde2D and 3D Movement-Based Kernel Density Estimates (MKDEs)MKdescrDescriptive StatisticsMKendallMatrix Kendall's Tau and Matrix Elliptical Factor ModelmkinKinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation DataMKinferInferential StatisticsMKLEMaximum Kernel Likelihood EstimationMKMeansA Modern K-Means (MKMeans) Clustering AlgorithmMKmiscMiscellaneous Functions from M. KohlmknapsackMultiple Knapsack Problem SolverMKomicsOmics Data AnalysisMKpowerPower Analysis and Sample Size CalculationmkssdEfficient Multi-Level k-Circulant Supersaturated DesignsML.MSBDMaximum Likelihood Inference on Multi-State TreesML2PvaeVariational Autoencoder Models for IRT Parameter EstimationmlapiAbstract Classes for Building 'scikit-learn' Like APImlbenchMachine Learning Benchmark ProblemsmlbplotRCreate 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League BaseballLogosmlbstatsMajor League Baseball Player Statistics CalculatorMLCIRTwithinLatent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models underWithin-Item MultidimensionalityMLCMMaximum Likelihood Conjoint MeasurementMLCOPULAClassification Models with Copula FunctionsMLDataRCollection of Machine Learning Datasets for Supervised MachineLearningmldrExploratory Data Analysis and Manipulation of Multi-Label DataSetsmldr.datasetsR Ultimate Multilabel Dataset Repositorymldr.resamplingResampling Algorithms for Multi-Label DatasetsMLDSMaximum Likelihood Difference Scalingmle.toolsExpected/Observed Fisher Information and Bias-Corrected MaximumLikelihood Estimate(s)mlearningMachine Learning Algorithms with Unified Interface and ConfusionMatricesMLEceAsymptotic Efficient Closed-Form Estimators for MultivariateDistributionsMLEcensComputation of the MLE for Bivariate Interval Censored DatamlegpMaximum Likelihood Estimates of Gaussian ProcessesmlelodMLE for Normally Distributed Data Censored by Limit of DetectionmlergmMultilevel Exponential-Family Random Graph ModelsMLevalMachine Learning Model EvaluationmlexperimentsMachine Learning ExperimentsmlfMachine Learning FoundationsmlfitIterative Proportional Fitting Algorithms for Nested StructuresmlflowInterface to 'MLflow'MLFSMachine Learning Forest SimulatorMLGdataDatasets for Use with Salvan, Sartori and Pace (2020)MLGLMulti-Layer Group-LassoMLIDMultilevel Index of DissimilaritymlimSingle and Multiple Imputation with Automated Machine LearningmllrnrsR6-Based ML Learners for 'mlexperiments'mlmaMultilevel Mediation AnalysisMLmetricsMachine Learning Evaluation MetricsmlmhelprMultilevel/Mixed Model Helper FunctionsmlmiMaximum Likelihood Multiple ImputationMLML2RMaximum Likelihood Estimation of DNA Methylation andHydroxymethylation Proportionsmlmm.gwasPipeline for GWAS Using MLMMMLModelSelectionModel Selection in Multivariate Longitudinal Data AnalysisMLMOIEstimating Frequencies, Prevalence and Multiplicity of InfectionmlmpowerPower Analysis and Data Simulation for Multilevel ModelsmlmRevExamples from Multilevel Modelling Software ReviewmlmtoolsMulti-Level Model Assessment KitmlmtsMachine Learning Algorithms for Multivariate Time SeriesMLMusingRPractical Multilevel ModelingmlogitMultinomial Logit ModelsmlogitBMABayesian Model Averaging for Multinomial Logit Modelsmlpack'Rcpp' Integration for the 'mlpack' LibraryMLpreemptionMaximum Likelihood Estimation of the Niche Preemption ModelMLPUGSMulti-Label Prediction Using Gibbs Sampling (and ClassifierChains)mlpwrA Power Analysis Toolbox to Find Cost-Efficient Study DesignsmlquantifyAlgorithms for Class Distribution EstimationmlrMachine Learning in Rmlr3Machine Learning in R - Next Generationmlr3batchmarkBatch Experiments for 'mlr3'mlr3benchmarkAnalysis and Visualisation of Benchmark Experimentsmlr3clusterCluster Extension for 'mlr3'mlr3dataCollection of Machine Learning Data Sets for 'mlr3'mlr3dbData Base Backend for 'mlr3'mlr3fairnessFairness Auditing and Debiasing for 'mlr3'mlr3fdaExtending 'mlr3' to Functional Data Analysismlr3filtersFilter Based Feature Selection for 'mlr3'mlr3fselectFeature Selection for 'mlr3'mlr3hyperbandHyperband for 'mlr3'mlr3learnersRecommended Learners for 'mlr3'mlr3mboFlexible Bayesian Optimizationmlr3measuresPerformance Measures for 'mlr3'mlr3miscHelper Functions for 'mlr3'mlr3omlConnector Between 'mlr3' and 'OpenML'mlr3pipelinesPreprocessing Operators and Pipelines for 'mlr3'mlr3resamplingResampling Algorithms for 'mlr3' Frameworkmlr3shinyMachine Learning in 'shiny' with 'mlr3'mlr3spatialSupport for Spatial Objects Within the 'mlr3' Ecosystemmlr3spatiotempcvSpatiotemporal Resampling Methods for 'mlr3'mlr3summaryModel and Learner Summaries for 'mlr3'mlr3tuningHyperparameter Optimization for 'mlr3'mlr3tuningspacesSearch Spaces for 'mlr3'mlr3verseEasily Install and Load the 'mlr3' Package Familymlr3vizVisualizations for 'mlr3'mlrCPOComposable Preprocessing Operators and Pipelines for MachineLearningmlrintermboModel-Based Optimization for 'mlr3' Through 'mlrMBO'mlrMBOBayesian Optimization and Model-Based Optimization of ExpensiveBlack-Box FunctionsmlrproStepwise Regression with Assumptions CheckingmlrvLong-Run Variance Estimation in Time Series RegressionmlsbmEfficient Estimation of Bayesian SBMs & MLSBMsmlsjunkgenUse the MLS Junk Generator Algorithm to Generate a Stream ofPseudo-Random NumbersmlstrOpalrSupport Compatibility Between 'Maelstrom' R Packages and 'Opal'EnvironmentmlsurvlrnrsR6-Based ML Survival Learners for 'mlexperiments'mltMost Likely Transformationsmlt.docregMost Likely Transformations: Documentation and Regression TestsmltestClassification Evaluation MetricsmltoolsMachine Learning ToolsmlVARMulti-Level Vector AutoregressionMLVSBMA Stochastic Block Model for Multilevel NetworksmlxRSimulation of Longitudinal DataMLZMean Length-Based Estimators of Mortality using TMBMMThe Multiplicative Multinomial DistributionMM2SdataGene Expression Datasets for the 'MM2S' PackageMM4LMMInference of Linear Mixed Models Through MM AlgorithmmmaMultiple Mediation AnalysismmabigMultiple Mediation Analysis for Big Data SetsMMACData for Mathematical Modeling and Applied CalculusMMADMM Algorithm Based on the Assembly-Decomposition TechnologymmandMathematical Morphology in Any Number of DimensionsmmapMap Pages of MemorymmapcharrMemory-Map Character FilesmmaqshinyExplore Air-Quality Mobile-Monitoring DatamMARCH.ACProcessing of Accelerometry Data with 'GGIR' in mMARCHmmbArbitrary Dependency Mixed Multivariate Bayesian ModelsmmcMultivariate Measurement Error CorrectionmmcardsPlaying Cards Utility FunctionsmmcifMixed Multivariate Cumulative Incidence FunctionsmmcmModified Maximum Contrast MethodmmconvertMouse Map ConverterMmcsdModeling Complex Longitudinal Data in a Quick and Easy WayMMDMinimal Multilocus Distance (MMD) for Source Attribution andLoci SelectionMMDaiMultivariate Multinomial Distribution Approximation andImputation for Incomplete Categorical DataMMDCopulaRobust Estimation of Copulas by Maximum Mean DiscrepancyMMDvarianceDetecting Differentially Variable Genes Using the Mixture ofMarginal DistributionsmmeMultinomial Mixed Effects ModelsmmelnEstimation of Multinormal Mixture DistributionMMeMMultivariate Mixed Effects ModelmmetaMultivariate Meta-AnalysismmibainBayesian Informative Hypotheses Evaluation Web ApplicationsmmiCATsCluster Adjusted t Statistic ApplicationsMMINPMicrobe-Metabolite Interactions-Based Metabolic ProfilesPredictormmirestriktorInformative Hypothesis Testing Web ApplicationsMMLRFitting Markov-Modulated Linear Regression ModelsmmmgeeSimultaneous Inference for Multiple Linear Contrasts in GEEModelsMMOCMulti-Omic Spectral Clustering using the Flag ManifoldmmodModern Measures of Population DifferentiationmmodelyModeling Multivariate Origins Determinants - EvolutionaryLineages in EcologymMPAImplementation of Marker-Assisted Mini-Pooling with AlgorithmmmpcaIntegrative Analysis of Several Related Data MatricesmmppVarious Similarity and Distance Metrics for Marked PointProcessesmmrMatrix Multiplication on Data.framesMMRcaseselectionCase Classification and Selection Based on Regression ResultsmmrmMixed Models for Repeated MeasuresmmsampleMultivariate Matched Samplingmmstat4Access to Teaching Materials from a ZIP File or GitHubmmtsneMultiple Maps t-SNEMMVBVSMissing Multivariate Bayesian Variable SelectionMMWRweekConvert Dates to MMWR Day, Week, and YearMNMatrix Normal DistributionMNARclustClustering Data with Non-Ignorable Missingness usingSemi-Parametric Mixture ModelsMNBDiagnostic Tools for a Multivariate Negative Binomial ModelmndaMultiplex Network Differential Analysis (MNDA)mnetModeling Group Differences and Moderation Effects in StatisticalNetwork ModelsmnisEasy Downloading Capabilities for the Members' Name InformationServicemniwThe Matrix-Normal Inverse-Wishart DistributionmnlfaModerated Nonlinear Factor AnalysisMNLpredSimulated Predicted Probabilities for Multinomial Logit ModelsMNLRInteractive Shiny Presentation for Working with MultinomialLogistic RegressionMNMMultivariate Nonparametric Methods. An Approach Based on SpatialSigns and RanksmnonrA Generator of Multivariate Non-Normal Random NumbersmnormMultivariate Normal DistributionmnormtThe Multivariate Normal and t Distributions, and Their TruncatedVersionsMNPFitting the Multinomial Probit ModelmnreadRMNREAD Parameters Estimation and Curve PlottingMNSMixed Neighbourhood SelectionmntAffine Invariant Tests of Multivariate NormalitymobMonotonic Optimal BinningMobileTriggerRun Reports, Models, and Scripts from a Mobile DevicemobilityIndexRCalculates Transition Matrices and Mobility IndicesMoBPSModular Breeding Program SimulatormobrMeasurement of BiodiversitymobsimSpatial Simulation and Scale-Dependent Analysis of BiodiversityChangesMOCCAMulti-Objective Optimization for Collecting Cluster AlternativesMOCHAModeling for Single-Cell Open Chromatin AnalysismockeryMocking Library for RmockrMocking in RmockthatFunction Mocking for Unit TestingmodLightweight and Self-Contained Modules for Code Organizationmod09nrtExtraction of Bands from MODIS Surface Reflectance Product MOD09NRTmod2rmModeration Analysis for Two-Instance Repeated Measures DesignsmodACDCAssociation of Covariance for Detecting DifferentialCo-ExpressionModalclustHierarchical Modal ClusteringmodeestMode EstimationmodehuntMultiscale Analysis for Density Functionsmodel4youStratified and Personalised Models Based on Model-Based Treesand ForestsmodelbasedEstimation of Model-Based Predictions, Contrasts and MeansmodelbppModel BIC Posterior ProbabilitymodelcA Linear Model to 'SQL' CompilerModelchartsClassification Model ChartsmodeldataData Sets Useful for Modeling ExamplesmodeldatatooMore Data Sets Useful for Modeling ExamplesmodeldbFits Models Inside the DatabasemodelDownMake Static HTML Website for Predictive ModelsmodelenvProvide Tools to Register Models for Use in 'tidymodels'ModelerClasses and Methods for Training and Using Binary PredictionModelsmodelfactoryCombine Statistical Models into a Tibble for ComparisonmodelfreeModel-Free Estimation of a Psychometric FunctionmodelgridA Framework for Creating, Managing and Training Multiple 'caret'ModelsmodelimpactFunctions to Assess the Business Impact of Churn PredictionModelsmodeLLtestCompare Models with Cross-Validated Log-LikelihoodModelMapModeling and Map Production using Random Forest and RelatedStochastic ModelsModelMatrixModelCreate Model Matrix and Save the Transforming ParametersModelMetricsRapid Calculation of Model MetricsmodelObjA Model Object Framework for Regression AnalysismodelrModelling Functions that Work with the PipemodelSSEModelling Infectious Disease Superspreading from Contact TracingDatamodelStudioInteractive Studio for Explanatory Model AnalysismodelsummarySummary Tables and Plots for Statistical Models and Data:Beautiful, Customizable, and Publication-ReadymodeltestsTesting Infrastructure for Broom Model GenericsmodeltimeThe Tidymodels Extension for Time Series Modelingmodeltime.resampleResampling Tools for Time Series ForecastingmodeltoolsTools and Classes for Statistical ModelsmodelwordcloudModel Word CloudsmoderMode Estimationmoderate.mediationCausal Moderated Mediation AnalysismoderndiveTidyverse-Friendly Introductory Linear RegressionmodernVAAn Implementation of Two Modern Education-Based Value-AddedModelsmodestModel-Based Dose-Escalation TrialsModEstMMode Estimation, Even in the Multimodal CasemodestoModeling and Analysis of Stochastic SystemsmodEvAModel Evaluation and AnalysismodgetxlA 'shiny' Module for Reading Excel SheetsmodiMultivariate Outlier Detection and Imputation for IncompleteSurvey DatamodifiedmkModified Versions of Mann Kendall and Spearman's Rho Trend TestsMODISToolsInterface to the 'MODIS Land Products Subsets' Web ServicesmodmargCalculating Marginal Effects and Levels with ErrorsmodMaxCommunity Structure Detection via Modularity MaximizationmodnetsModeling Moderated Networksmodopt.matlab'MatLab'-Style Modeling of Optimization ProblemsmodQRMultiple-Output Directional Quantile RegressionmodsemLatent Interaction (and Moderation) Analysis in StructuralEquation Models (SEM)ModStatRStatistical Modelling in Action with RModToolsTools for Building Regression and Classification ModelsmodTurPointEstimate ED50 Based on Modified Turning Point MethodmoduleColorBasic Module FunctionsmodulesSelf Contained Units of Source CodeMOEADrComponent-Wise MOEA/D ImplementationMoEClustGaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models with Covariates and aNoise ComponentmoexerInteract with Moscow Exchange Informational and StatisticalServer ('ISS')MOFATMaximum One-Factor-at-a-Time DesignsmogavsMultiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection inRegressionmojsonA Serialization-Style Flattening and Description for JSONmokkenConducts Mokken Scale AnalysismolaRDental Surface Complexity Measurement ToolsMoLEModeling Language EvolutionMolgenisArmadilloArmadillo Client for the Armadillo ServiceMolgenisAuth'OpenID Connect' Discovery and AuthenticationMOLHDMultiple Objective Latin Hypercube DesignmombfModel Selection with Bayesian Methods and Information Criteriamomentchi2Moment-Matching Methods for Weighted Sums of Chi-Squared RandomVariablesmomentfitMethods of MomentsmomentsMoments, Cumulants, Skewness, Kurtosis and Related TestsmomentuHMMMaximum Likelihood Analysis of Animal Movement Behavior UsingMultivariate Hidden Markov ModelsMomocsMorphometrics using RMomTruncMoments of Folded and Doubly Truncated MultivariateDistributionsmonacoThe 'Monaco' Editor as a HTML WidgetMoNAnMobility Network AnalysismonashtiprAn R API Wrapper for the Monash University Probabilistic FootyTipping CompetitionmondateKeep Track of Dates in Terms of MonthsMondrianA Simple Graphical Representation of the Relative Occurrence andCo-Occurrence of EventsMonetDB.RConnect MonetDB to RmongoliteFast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for RmongopipeQuery MongoDB Documents with RmonitoRAcoustic Template Detection in RmonitOSMonitoring Overall Survival in Pivotal Trials in IndolentCancersmonmlpMulti-Layer Perceptron Neural Network with Optional MonotonicityConstraintsmonobinMonotonic Binning for Credit Rating ModelsmonobinShinyShiny User Interface for 'monobin' PackagemonochromeREasily Create, View and Use Monochrome Colour PalettesmonoClustPerform Monothetic Clustering with Extensions to Circular DatamonographaRTaxonomic Monographs ToolsMonoIncMonotonic IncreasingmonomvnEstimation for MVN and Student-t Data with Monotone MissingnessMonoPhyExplore Monophyly of Taxonomic Groups in a PhylogenyMonoPolyFunctions to Fit Monotone PolynomialsmonoregBayesian Monotonic Regression Using a Marked Point ProcessConstructionmonotonePerforms Monotone RegressionmonotonicityTest for Monotonicity in Expected Asset Returns, Sorted byPortfoliosmonregNonparametric Monotone RegressionMonte.Carlo.seMonte Carlo Standard ErrorsMonteCarloAutomatic Parallelized Monte Carlo SimulationsMonteCarloSEMMonte Carlo Data Simulation PackagemoodefDefining 'Moodle' Elements from RmoodlequizREasily Create Fully Randomized 'Moodle' Test QuestionsmoodleRHelper Functions to Work with 'Moodle' DatamoonBookFunctions and Datasets for the Book by Keon-Woong MoonmooseMean Squared Out-of-Sample Error ProjectionmopMobility Oriented-Parity MetricmopacCollection of Datasets Pertaining to Loop 1 "Mopac"MOQABasic Quality Data Assurance for Epidemiological ResearchmorepartyA Toolbox for Conditional Inference Trees and Random ForestsmoreplsInterpretation Tools for Partial Least Squares RegressionmorestopwordsAll Stop Words in One Placemorph3D Segmentation of Voxels into Morphologic ClassesmorphemepieceMorpheme Tokenizationmorphemepiece.dataData for Morpheme TokenizationmorpheusEstimate Parameters of Mixtures of Logistic RegressionsMorphoCalculations and Visualisations Related to GeometricMorphometricsmorphomapMorphometric Maps, Bone Landmarking and Cross Sectional GeometryMorphoscapeComputation and Visualization of Adaptive LandscapesMorphoTools2Multivariate Morphometric AnalysismorrowplotsHistorical Agricultural Data from the University of IllinoismorseModelling Reproduction and Survival Data in EcotoxicologymortIdentifying Potential Mortalities and Expelled Tags in AquaticAcoustic Telemetry ArraysmortAARAnalysis of Archaeological Mortality DataMortalityGapsThe Double-Gap Life Expectancy Forecasting ModelMortalityLawsParametric Mortality Models, Life Tables and HMDMortalityTablesA Framework for Various Types of Mortality / Life TablesMortCastEstimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality RatesmosaicProject MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching UtilitiesmosaicCalcR-Language Based Calculus Operations for TeachingmosaicCoreCommon Utilities for Other MOSAIC-Family PackagesmosaicDataProject MOSAIC Data SetsmosaicModelAn Interface to Statistical Modeling Independent of ModelArchitecturemosqcontrolMosquito Control Resource OptimizationMOSSMulti-Omic Integration via Sparse Singular Value DecompositionMOSTMultiphase Optimization StrategymosumMoving Sum Based Procedures for Changes in the MeanMoTBFsLearning Hybrid Bayesian Networks using Mixtures of TruncatedBasis FunctionsMOTEEffect Size and Confidence Interval CalculatormotifLocal Pattern AnalysismotifclusterMotif-Based Spectral Clustering of Weighted Directed NetworksmotifrMotif Analysis in Multi-Level NetworksmotmotModels of Trait Macroevolution on TreesmotoRneuronAnalyzing Paired Neuron Discharge Times for Time-DomainSynchronizationmoultModels for Analysing Moult in BirdsmountainplotMountain Plots, Folded Empirical Cumulative Distribution PlotsmousetRajectoryMouse Trajectory Analyses for Behavioural ScientistsmousetrapProcess and Analyze Mouse-Tracking DatamoveVisualizing and Analyzing Animal Track Datamove2Processing and Analysing Animal TrajectoriesmovecostCalculation of Slope-Dependant Accumulated Cost Surface,Least-Cost Paths, Least-Cost Corridors, Least-Cost NetworksRelated to Human Movement Across the LandscapemovegroupVisualizing and Quantifying Space Use Data for Groups of AnimalsmoveHMMAnimal Movement Modelling using Hidden Markov ModelsmovementsyncAnalysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video MovementSynchrony DatamoveWindSpeedEstimate Wind Speeds from Bird TrajectoriesmovieROCVisualizing the Decision Rules Underlying Binary ClassificationmovMFMixtures of von Mises-Fisher DistributionsmpMultidimensional Projection TechniquesmpaeMetodos Predictivos de Aprendizaje Estadistico (StatisticalLearning Predictive Methods)mpathRegularized Linear ModelsmpathsenserProcess and Analyse Data from m-Path SenseMPBoostTreatment Allocation in Clinical Trials by the Maximal ProcedureMPCIMultivariate Process Capability Indices (MPCI)MPCRMulti- And Mixed-Precision ComputationsMPDiRData Sets and Scripts for Modeling Psychophysical Data in RMPGEA Two-Step Approach to Testing Overall Effect ofGene-Environment Interaction for Multiple PhenotypesMPIComputation of Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)mpindexMultidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)mpitbRCalculate Alkire-Foster Multidimensional Poverty MeasuresmplotGraphical Model Stability and Variable Selection ProceduresMplusAutomationAn R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent VariableAnalyses in MplusmplusParallel.automationParallel Processing Automation for 'Mplus'MplusTreesDecision Trees with Structural Equation Models Fit in 'Mplus'mpmMultivariate Projection MethodsmpmcorrelogramMultivariate Partial Mantel CorrelogrammpmiMixed-Pair Mutual Information EstimatorsmpmsimSimulation of Matrix Population Models with Defined Life HistoryCharacteristicsMPNMost Probable Number and Other Microbial Enumeration TechniquesmpolySymbolic Computation and More with Multivariate PolynomialsmpowerPower Analysis via Monte Carlo Simulation for Correlated DatamppRMulti-Parent Population QTL AnalysismprMulti-Parameter Regression (MPR)MPSEstimating Through the Maximum Product Spacing ApproachMPSEMModeling Phylogenetic Signals using Eigenvector Mapsmpspline2Mass-Preserving Spline Functions for Soil DataMPsychoRModern Psychometrics with RmptMultinomial Processing Tree ModelsMPTinRAnalyze Multinomial Processing Tree ModelsMPTmultiverseMultiverse Analysis of Multinomial Processing Tree ModelsMPVData Sets from Montgomery, Peck and ViningmpwRStandardized Comparison of Workflows in Mass Spectrometry-BasedBottom-Up ProteomicsMQMFModelling and Quantitative Methods in FisheriesMqrcmM-Quantile Regression Coefficients Modelingmr.pivwPenalized Inverse-Variance Weighted Estimator for MendelianRandomizationmr.rapsTwo Sample Mendelian Randomization using Robust Adjusted ProfileScoreMR.RGMMultivariate Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization NetworksmraMark-Recapture AnalysismratiosRatios of Coefficients in the General Linear ModelmrbayesBayesian Summary Data Models for Mendelian Randomization StudiesmrbinMetabolomics Data Analysis FunctionsmrbsizeRScale Space Multiresolution Analysis of Random SignalsmRcMulti-Visit Closed Population Mark-Recapture EstimatesMRCEMultivariate Regression with Covariance EstimationmrctOutlier Detection of Functional Data Based on the MinimumRegularized Covariance Trace EstimatormrdsMark-Recapture Distance SamplingmregFits Regression Models When the Outcome is Partially MissingmrfMultiresolution Forecastingmrf2dMarkov Random Field Models for Image AnalysisMRFAFitting and Predicting Large-Scale Nonlinear Regression Problemsusing Multi-Resolution Functional ANOVA (MRFA) ApproachMRFcovMarkov Random Fields with Additional CovariatesmrfDepthDepth Measures in Multivariate, Regression and FunctionalSettingsmrfseMarkov Random Field Structure Estimatormrgsim.parallelSimulate with 'mrgsolve' in Parallelmrgsim.saSensitivity Analysis with 'mrgsolve'mrgsolveSimulate from ODE-Based ModelsMRHawkesMultivariate Renewal Hawkes ProcessmriModified Rand and Wallace IndicesmritcMRI Tissue ClassificationMRMCaovMulti-Reader Multi-Case Analysis of VarianceMRMCsamplesizeSample Size Estimations for Planning Multi-Reader Multi-Case(MRMC) Studies Without Pilot DataMRmediationA Causal Mediation Method with Methylated Region (MR) as theMediatormrMLMMulti-Locus Random-SNP-Effect Mixed Linear Model Tools for GWASmrMLM.GUIMulti-Locus Random-SNP-Effect Mixed Linear Model Tools forGenome-Wide Association Study with Graphical User InterfacemRMReParallelized Minimum Redundancy, Maximum Relevance (mRMR)mroMultiple CorrelationMRPCPC Algorithm with the Principle of Mendelian RandomizationmRpostmanAn IMAP Client for RMRQoLMinimal Clinically Important Difference and Response ShiftEffect for Health-Related Quality of LifeMRRegMDL Multiresolution Linear Regression FrameworkmrregressionRegression Analysis for Very Large Data Sets via Merge andReduceMRSMulti-Resolution Scanning for Cross-Sample DifferencesMRTAnalysisPrimary and Secondary Analyses for Micro-Randomized TrialsMRTSampleSizeA Sample Size Calculator for Micro-Randomized TrialsMRTSampleSizeBinarySample Size Calculator for MRT with Binary OutcomesMRZeroDiet Mendelian RandomizationmsaeMultivariate Fay Herriot Models for Small Area EstimationmsaeHBMultivariate Small Area Estimation using Hierarchical BayesianMethodmsaenetMulti-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse RegressionsmsaFACEMoving Subset Analysis FACEmsampEstimate Sample Size to Detect Bacterial Contamination in aProduct LotmsaRMultiple Sequence Alignment for R ShinyMSboxMass Spectrometry ToolsmsBPMultiscale Bernstein Polynomials for DensitiesMSBStatsDataData Sets for Courses at the Münster School of BusinessmsceHazard of Multi-Stage Clonal Expansion ModelsmschartChart Generation for 'Microsoft Word' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint'DocumentsMSclassifRAutomated Classification of Mass SpectraMSclustMultiple-Scaled ClusteringMSCMTMultivariate Synthetic Control Method Using Time SeriesMScombineCombine Data from Positive and Negative Ionization Mode FindingCommon EntitiesmscpMultiscale Change Point Detection via Gradual BandwidthAdjustment in Moving Sum ProcessesMSCquartetsAnalyzing Gene Tree Quartets under the Multi-Species CoalescentMSCsimtesterTests of Multispecies Coalescent Gene Tree Simulator Outputmscstexta4rR Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text AnalyticsREST APImscsttsR Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services 'Text-to-Speech'REST APImscsweblm4rR Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Web Language ModelREST APImsdMethod of Successive DichotomizationsmsdeBayesian Inference for Multivariate Stochastic DifferentialEquationsmsdroughtSeasonal Mid-Summer Drought CharacteristicsmseapcaMetabolite Set Enrichment Analysis for LoadingsmsentropySpectral Entropy for Mass Spectrometry DataMSEtoolManagement Strategy Evaluation ToolkitMSGData and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical GraphicsMSGARCHMarkov-Switching GARCH ModelsMSGARCHelmHybridization of MS-GARCH and ELM ModelmsgpackRA library to serialize or unserialize data in MessagePack formatmsgpsDegrees of Freedom of Elastic Net, Adaptive Lasso andGeneralized Elastic NetmsgrExtends Messages, Warnings and Errors by Adding Levels and LogFilesmshapMultiplicative SHAP Values for Two-Part ModelsmsigAn R Package for Exploring Molecular Signatures DatabasemsigdbrMSigDB Gene Sets for Multiple Organisms in a Tidy Data FormatMSigSegMultiple SIGnal SEGmentationmSigToolsMutational Signature Analysis ToolsmSimCCMicro Simulation Model for Cervical Cancer PreventionMSiP'MassSpectrometry' Interaction PredictionmsirModel-Based Sliced Inverse Regressionmskcc.oncotreeInterface to the 'OncoTree' APImsltrendImproved Techniques to Estimate Trend, Velocity and Accelerationfrom Sea Level RecordsmsmMulti-State Markov and Hidden Markov Models in Continuous TimemsmaMultiblock Sparse Multivariable AnalysismsmeFunctions and Datasets for "Methods of Statistical ModelEstimation"MSmixFinite Mixtures of Mallows Models with Spearman Distance forFull and Partial RankingsMSMLModel Selection Based on Machine Learning (ML)msmtoolsBuilding Augmented Data to Run Multi-State Models with 'msm'PackageMSMwRAMultivariate Statistical Methods with R ApplicationsmsosData Sets and Functions Used in Multivariate Statistics: OldSchool by John MardenMSoutcomesCORe Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes ToolkitMSPRTA Modified Sequential Probability Ratio Test (MSPRT)MSRDTMulti-State Reliability Demonstration Tests (MSRDT)msSPChelpRHelper Functions for Second Primary Cancer AnalysesMSSQLTools to Work with Microsoft SQL Server Databases via 'RODBC'MSTMultivariate Survival TreesmstateData Preparation, Estimation and Prediction in Multi-StateModelsmStatsEpidemiological Data Analysismstclustering"MST-Based Clustering"mstDIFA Collection of DIF Tests for Multistage TestsmSTEMMultiple Testing of Local Extrema for Detection of Change PointsMSTestHypothesis Testing for Markov Switching ModelsmsthermAnalyze MS/MS Protein Melting DatamstknnclustMST-kNN Clustering AlgorithmmstRProcedures to Generate Patterns under Multistage TestingmstrioInterface for 'MicroStrategy' REST APImstudentdMultivariate t DistributionmsuMultivariate Symmetric Uncertainty and Other MeasurementsMSwMFitting Markov Switching ModelsmtMetabolomics Data Analysis ToolboxMTAMultiscalar Territorial AnalysisMTAFTData-Driven Estimation for Multi-Threshold Accelerate FailureTime ModelmtananSingle Valued Neutrosophic Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney TestsMTARMulti-Trait Analysis of Rare-Variant Association StudymtarmBayesian Estimation of Multivariate Threshold AutoregressiveModelsmtbMy Toolbox for Assisting Document Editing and Data PresentingmtdesignMander and Thompson DesignsMTDrhMass Transportation Distance Rank HistogramMTEMaximum Tangent Likelihood Estimation for Robust LinearRegression and Variable SelectionMTestA Procedure for Multicollinearity Testing using BootstrapmthapowerSample Size and Power for Association Studies InvolvingMitochondrial DNA HaplogroupsmtlgmmUnsupervised Multi-Task and Transfer Learning on GaussianMixture ModelsMTLRSurvival Prediction with Multi-Task Logistic RegressionMTPSMulti-Task Prediction using Stacking AlgorithmsMtreeRingA Shiny Application for Automatic Measurements of Tree-RingWidths on Digital ImagesMTSAll-Purpose Toolkit for Analyzing Multivariate Time Series (MTS)and Estimating Multivariate Volatility ModelsmtscrMultidimensional Top Scoring for Creativity ResearchmtsdiMultivariate Time Series Data ImputationmtstaAccessing the Red List of Montane Tree Species of the TropicalAndesMTSYSMethods in Mahalanobis-Taguchi (MT) SystemmtvcMultiple Counting Process Structure for Survival AnalysisMUACzGenerate MUAC and BMI z-Scores and Percentiles for Children andAdolescentsMuChPointMultiple Change PointmuckrockData on Freedom of Information Act RequestsmudfoldMultiple UniDimensional unFOLDingmueRelativeRiskRelative Risk Based on the Ratio of Median Unbiased EstimatesmuhazHazard Function Estimation in Survival AnalysismuirExploring Data with Tree Data StructuresmuleaEnrichment Analysis using Multiple Ontologies and FDR CorrectionmulgarFunctions for Pre-Processing Data for Multivariate DataVisualisation using ToursMullerPlotGenerates Muller Plot from Population/Abundance/FrequencyDynamics DatamullyCreate, Modify and Visualize Multi-Layered NetworksmulSEMSome Multivariate Analyses using Structural Equation ModelingmulsetMultiset Intersection Generatormult.latent.regRegression and Clustering in Multivariate Response ScenariosMultAllocOptimal Allocation in Stratified SamplingMultBiplotRMultivariate Analysis Using Biplots in RmultbxxcAuxiliary Routines for Influx SoftwaremultcompSimultaneous Inference in General Parametric ModelsmultcompViewVisualizations of Paired ComparisonsmultDMMultivariate Version of the Diebold-Mariano TestmulteMultiple Treatment Effects RegressionMultEqMultiple Equivalence Tests and Simultaneous Confidence IntervalsmultfisherOptimal Exact Tests for Multiple Binary EndpointsmultgeeGEE Solver for Correlated Nominal or Ordinal MultinomialResponsesmultiActionButtonMulti Action Button for 'Shiny' ApplicationsMultiaovbayClassic, Nonparametric and Bayesian Two-Way Analysis of VariancePanelmultiApplyApply Functions to Multiple Multidimensional Arrays or VectorsmultiAssetOptionsFinite Difference Method for Multi-Asset Option ValuationMultiATSMMulticountry Term Structure of Interest Rates ModelsMultiBDMultivariate Birth-Death ProcessesmultibiasSimultaneous Multi-Bias AdjustmentmultibiasmetaSensitivity Analysis for Multiple Biases in Meta-AnalysesmultibiplotGUIMultibiplot Analysis in RmultiblockMultiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine LearningmultibreakeRTests for a Structural Change in Multivariate Time SeriesmultibridgeEvaluating Multinomial Order Restrictions with Bridge SamplingmultiCAMultinomial Cochran-Armitage Trend TestmulticastRA Companion to the Multi-CAST CollectionmultichullA Generic Convex-Hull-Based Model Selection MethodmulticlassPairsBuild MultiClass Pair-Based Classifiers using TSPs or RFMultiClassROCROC Curves for Multi-Class AnalysismulticmpFlexible Modeling of Multivariate Count Data via theMultivariate Conway-Maxwell-Poisson DistributionMultiCOAPHigh-Dimensional Covariate-Augmented Overdispersed Multi-StudyPoisson Factor ModelmultiCollCollinearity Detection in a Multiple Linear Regression ModelmulticoolPermutations of Multisets in Cool-Lex OrdermultidMultivariate Difference Between Two GroupsmultiDimBioMultivariate Analysis and Visualization for Biological DatamultidplyrA Multi-Process 'dplyr' BackendmultifammMultivariate Functional Additive Mixed ModelsmultiFANOVAMultiple Contrast Tests for Functional DatamultifearMultiverse Analyses for Conditioning DataMultiFitMultiscale Fisher's Independence Test for MultivariateDependencemultifuncAnalysis of Ecological Drivers on Ecosystem MultifunctionalitymultifwfRead Fixed Width Format Files Containing Lines of Different TypeMultiGlarmaVarSelVariable Selection in Sparse Multivariate GLARMA ModelsmultigraphPlot and Manipulate MultigraphsmultigraphrProbability Models and Statistical Analysis of RandomMultigraphsMultiGroupOMultiGroup Method and Simulation Data AnalysisMultiGroupSequentialGroup-Sequential Procedures with Multiple HypothesesMultiJoinEnables Efficient Joining of Data File on Common Fields usingthe Unix Utility JoinMultiKinkEstimation and Inference for Multi-Kink Quantile RegressionmultilateralsTransitive Index Numbers for Cross-Sections and Panel DataMultiLCIRTMultidimensional Latent Class Item Response Theory ModelsmultilevelMultilevel FunctionsmultilevelmediationUtility Functions for Multilevel Mediation AnalysismultilevelmodModel Wrappers for Multi-Level ModelsmultilevelPSAMultilevel Propensity Score AnalysismultilevelToolsMultilevel and Mixed Effects Model Diagnostics and Effect SizesmultilevLCAEstimates and Plots Single-Level and Multilevel Latent ClassModelsmultilinguerGentle Language Installer for R UsermultilinkMultifile Record Linkage and Duplicate DetectionmultimarkCapture-Mark-Recapture Analysis using Multiple Non-InvasiveMarksmultiMarkerLatent Variable Model to Infer Food Intake from MultipleBiomarkersmultimixFit Mixture Models Using the Expectation Maximisation (EM)AlgorithmmultimodeMode Testing and ExploringmultimorbidityHarmonizing Various Comorbidity, Multimorbidity, and FrailtyMeasuresmultinessMULTIplex NEtworks with Shared StructuremultinetAnalysis and mining of multilayer social networksmultinetsMultilevel Networks AnalysisMultinomialCISimultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multinomial ProportionsAccording to the Method by Sison and GlazmultinomialLogitMixClustering Multinomial Count Data under the Presence ofCovariatesmultinomineqBayesian Inference for Multinomial Models with InequalityConstraintsmultIntTestFuncProvides Test Functions for Multivariate IntegrationMultiObjMatchMulti-Objective Matching AlgorithmmultioccFits Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Occupancy ModelMultiOrdGeneration of Multivariate Ordinal VariatesmultipanelfigureInfrastructure to Assemble Multi-Panel Figures (from Grobs)MultiPhenA Package to Test for Multi-Trait AssociationMultipleBreakpointsEstimating Multiple Breakpoints for a Sequence of Realizationsof Bernoulli VariablesMultipleBubblesTest and Detection of Explosive Behaviors for Time SeriesmultipleDLAddressing Detection Limits by Cumulative Probability Models(CPMs)multipleNCCWeighted Cox-Regression for Nested Case-Control DatamultipleOutcomesAsymptotic Covariance Matrix of Regression Models for MultipleOutcomesMultipleRegressionMultiple Regression AnalysismultiplestressRAdditive and Multiplicative Null Models for Multiple StressorDatamultiplexAlgebraic Tools for the Analysis of Multiple Social NetworksMultiplierDEAMultiplier Data Envelopment Analysis and Cross EfficiencymultipolMultivariate PolynomialsmultiRDPGMultiple Random Dot Product GraphsmultirichCalculate Multivariate Richness via UTC and sUTCmultiridgeFast Cross-Validation for Multi-Penalty Ridge RegressionMultiRNGMultivariate Pseudo-Random Number GenerationMultiRobustMultiply Robust Methods for Missing Data ProblemsmultiROCCalculating and Visualizing ROC and PR Curves Across Multi-ClassClassificationsMultiRRBias, Precision, and Power for Multi-Level Random RegressionsMultISReconstruction of Clones from Integration Site Readouts andVisualizationMultiscaleDTMMulti-Scale Geomorphometric Terrain AttributesmultiselectSelecting Combinations of Predictors by Leveraging Multiple AUCsfor an Ordered Multilevel OutcomemultisensiMultivariate Sensitivity Analysismultisite.accuracyEstimation of Accuracy in Multisite Machine-Learning ModelsMultisiteMediationCausal Mediation Analysis in Multisite TrialsMultiSkewMeasures, Tests and Removes Multivariate SkewnessmultisomClustering a Data Set using Multi-SOM AlgorithmmultispatialCCMMultispatial Convergent Cross MappingMultiStatMMultivariate Statistical MethodsmultitaperSpectral Analysis Tools using the Multitaper MethodmultitoolRun Multiverse Style AnalysesmultiUSFunctions for the Courses Multivariate Analysis and ComputerIntensive MethodsmultivarPenalized Estimation of Multiple-Subject Vector Autoregressive(multi-VAR) ModelsmultivarianceMeasuring Multivariate Dependence Using Distance MultivarianceMultivariateAnalysisPacote Para Analise MultivariadaMultivariateRandomForestModels Multivariate Cases Using Random ForestsmultivariousExtensible Data Structures for Multivariate AnalysisMultiVarMIMultiple Imputation for Multivariate DataMultiVarSelVariable Selection in a Multivariate Linear ModelmultivatorA Multivariate Emulatormultiverse'Explorable Multiverse' Data Analysis and ReportsmultiviewCooperative Learning for Multi-View AnalysismultiwaveEstimation of Multivariate Long-Memory Models ParametersmultiwayComponent Models for Multi-Way DataMultiwayRegressionPerform Tensor-on-Tensor RegressionmultiwayvcovMulti-Way Standard Error ClusteringMultNonParamMultivariate Nonparametric MethodsMultOrdRSModel Multivariate Ordinal Responses Including Response StylesMultSurvTestsPermutation Tests for Multivariate Survival AnalysismultxpertCommon Multiple Testing Procedures and Gatekeeping ProceduresMulvariateRandomForestVarImpVariable Importance Measures for Multivariate Random ForestsMuMInMulti-Model InferencemunfoldMetric UnfoldingmunsellUtilities for Using Munsell ColoursmunsellinterpolInterpolate Munsell Renotation Data from Hue/Chroma to CIE/RGBmuRLMailmerge using R, LaTeX, and the WebmurphydiagramMurphy Diagrams for Forecast ComparisonsmuRtyMurty's Algorithm for k-Best AssignmentsMUSMonetary Unit Sampling and Estimation Methods, Widely Used inAuditingmusclesyneRgiesExtract Muscle Synergies from ElectromyographymusicLearn and Experiment with Music TheorymusicaMultiscale Climate Model AssessmentmusicNMRConversion of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra in Audio FilesmutationtypesValidate and Convert Mutational Impacts Using Standard GenomicDictionariesmutossUnified Multiple Testing ProceduresmutossGUIA Graphical User Interface for the MuToss ProjectmutSignaturesDecipher Mutational Signatures from Somatic Mutational CatalogsmutualinfComputation and Decomposition of the Mutual Information IndexMuViCPMultiClass Visualizable Classification using Combination ofProjectionsMVAAn Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with RmvabundStatistical Methods for Analysing Multivariate Abundance DataMVarMultivariate AnalysisMVar.ptAnalise multivariada (brazilian portuguese)MvBinaryModelling Multivariate Binary Data with Blocks of SpecificOne-Factor DistributionmvbutilsWorkspace Organization, Code and Documentation Editing, PackagePrep and Editing, EtcmvcauchyMultivariate Cauchy DistributionmvctmMultivariate Variance Components Tests for Multilevel DatamvdalabMultivariate Data Analysis LaboratorymvDFAMultivariate Detrended Fluctuation AnalysismverseTidy Multiverse Analysis Made SimpleMVETMultivariate Estimates and TestsmvgamMultivariate (Dynamic) Generalized Additive ModelsmvgbMultivariate Probabilities of Scale Mixtures of MultivariateNormal Distributions via the Genz and Bretz (2002) QRSVN MethodmvglmmRankMultivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Ranking SportsTeamsmvGPSCausal Inference using Multivariate Generalized Propensity ScoremvhistMultivariate HistogramsmvhtestsMultivariate Hypothesis TestsmvinfluenceInfluence Measures and Diagnostic Plots for Multivariate LinearModelsMVisAGeCompute and Visualize Bivariate AssociationsMVLMMultivariate Linear Model with Analytic p-ValuesmvLSWMultivariate, Locally Stationary Wavelet Process EstimationmvLSWimputeImputation Methods for Multivariate Locally Stationary TimeSeriesmvMAPITMultivariate Genome Wide Marginal Epistasis TestmvmeshMultivariate Meshes and Histograms in Arbitrary DimensionsmvmetaMultivariate and Univariate Meta-Analysis and Meta-RegressionmvMISEA General Framework of Multivariate Mixed-Effects SelectionModelsmvMonitoringMulti-State Adaptive Dynamic Principal Component Analysis forMultivariate Process MonitoringmvMORPHMultivariate Comparative Tools for Fitting Evolutionary Modelsto Morphometric DataMVNMultivariate Normality TestsmvnaNelson-Aalen Estimator of the Cumulative Hazard in MultistateModelsMVNBayesianBayesian Analysis Framework for MVN (Mixture) DistributionmvnfastFast Multivariate Normal and Student's t MethodsmvngGrAdMoving Grid Adjustment in Plant Breeding Field TrialsmvnimputeSimultaneously Impute the Missing and Censored ValuesmvnmleML Estimation for Multivariate Normal Data with Missing ValuesmvnormalTestPowerful Tests for Multivariate NormalitymvnormtestNormality Test for Multivariate VariablesmvnpermuteGenerate New Multivariate Normal Samples from PermutationsmvnTestGoodness of Fit Tests for Multivariate NormalityMVNtestcharTest for Multivariate Normal Distribution Based on aCharacterizationmvordMultivariate Ordinal Regression ModelsmvoutlierMultivariate Outlier Detection Based on Robust MethodsmvpFast Symbolic Multivariate PolynomialsMVPBTPublication Bias Tests for Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic AccuracyTestmvpdMultivariate Product Distributions for Elliptically ContouredDistributionsmvPotMultivariate Peaks-over-Threshold Modelling for Spatial ExtremeEventsmvProbitMultivariate Probit ModelsmvQuadMethods for Multivariate QuadratureMVQuickGraphsQuick Multivariate GraphsMVRMean-Variance RegularizationmvrsquaredCompute the Coefficient of Determination for Vector or MatrixOutcomesmvsMethods for High-Dimensional Multi-View LearningmvShapiroTestGeneralized Shapiro-Wilk test for multivariate normalitymvSLOUCHMultivariate Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models forPhylogenetic Comparative HypothesesmvstBayesian Inference for the Multivariate Skew-t ModelmvSUSYMultivariate Surrogate SynchronyMVTEstimation and Testing for the Multivariate t-DistributionMVTestsMultivariate Hypothesis TestsmvtmetaMultivariate Meta-AnalysismvtnormMultivariate Normal and t DistributionsmvtsplotMultivariate Time Series PlotmwaCausal Inference in Spatiotemporal Event DatamwlaxerefCross-References Lake Identifiers Between Different Data SetsMWrightMainardi-Wright Family of Distributionsmwshiny'Shiny' for Multiple WindowsmwTensorMulti-Way Component AnalysismxfdaA Functional Data Analysis Package for Spatial Single Cell DatamxkssdEfficient Mixed-Level k-Circulant Supersaturated DesignsMXMFeature Selection (Including Multiple Solutions) and BayesianNetworksmxmmodMeasurement Model of Derivatives in 'OpenMx'mxnormApply Normalization Methods to Multiplexed ImagesmxsemSpecify 'OpenMx' Models with a 'lavaan'-Style SyntaxMy.stepwiseStepwise Variable Selection Procedures for Regression AnalysisMychisqChi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit and Independence TestmyClimMicroclimatic Data ProcessingmycobacrvRIntegrative Immunoinformatics for Mycobacterial Diseases in RPlatformmycorAutomatic Correlation and Regression Test in a 'data.frame'myCRANGraph of Daily and Cumulative Downloads of your PackagesmyTAIEvolutionary TranscriptomicsmzipmedMediation using MZIP Model n1qn1Port of the 'Scilab' 'n1qn1' Module for Unconstrained BFGSOptimizationN2H4Handling Methods for Naver News Text CrawlingN2RFast and Scalable Approximate k-Nearest Neighbor Search Methodsusing 'N2' Libraryna.toolsComprehensive Library for Working with Missing (NA) Values inVectorsnaaccrRead Cancer Records in the NAACCR FormatnaborWraps 'libnabo', a Fast K Nearest Neighbour Library for LowDimensionsNACNetwork-Adjusted Covariates for Community DetectionNACHONanoString Quality Control DashboardNADANondetects and Data Analysis for Environmental DataNADA2Data Analysis for Censored Environmental DataNADIANA Data Imputation Algorithmsnadiv(Non)Additive Genetic Relatedness MatricesNAEPirtparamsIRT Parameters for the National Assessment of Education ProgressNAEPprimerThe NAEP PrimernaflexFlexible Options for Handling Missing ValuesnaijROperations to Ease Data Analyses Specific to NigeriaNAIRNetwork Analysis of Immune RepertoirenaiveEmpirical Extrapolation of Time Feature PatternsnaivebayesHigh Performance Implementation of the Naive Bayes AlgorithmnaiveregNonparametric Additive Instrumental Variable Estimator andRelated IV MethodsnakagamiFunctions for the Nakagami DistributionNAMNested Association MappingnameTools for Working with NamesnamedropRCreate Visual Citations for Presentations and PostersNameNeedleUsing Needleman-Wunsch to Match Sample NamesnamerNames Your 'R Markdown' ChunksnametaggerNamed Entity Recognition in Texts using 'NameTag'nandbNumber and Brightness Image AnalysisnaniarData Structures, Summaries, and Visualisations for Missing DatananoarrowInterface to the 'nanoarrow' 'C' LibrarynanonextNNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging LibrarynanoparquetRead Parquet FilesnanostringrPerforms Quality Control, Data Normalization, and Batch EffectCorrection for 'NanoString nCounter' DatananotimeNanosecond-Resolution Time Support for RNAPNon-Local Alternative Priors in PsychologynaptanrCall the 'NaPTAN' API Through RnaptimeA Flexible and Robust Sys.sleep() ReplacementnardlNonlinear Cointegrating Autoregressive Distributed Lag ModelnarraySubset- And Name-Aware Array Utility FunctionsnarynNative Access Medical Record Retriever for High Yield AnalyticsnasadataInterface to Various NASA API'snasapowerNASA POWER API ClientnasaweatherCollection of datasets from the ASA 2006 data expoNasdaqDataLinkAPI Wrapper for Nasdaq Data LinknaspaclustNature-Inspired Spatial ClusteringnatNeuroAnatomy Toolbox for Analysis of 3D Image Datanat.nblastNeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Assessing NeuronSimilarity and Clusteringnat.templatebrainsNeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Handling TemplateBrainsnat.utilsFile System Utility Functions for 'NeuroAnatomy Toolbox'natcppFast C++ Primitives for the 'NeuroAnatomy Toolbox'natmanagerInstall the 'Natverse' Packages from ScratchNatParksPalettesColor Palettes Inspired by National Parksnatserv'NatureServe' InterfacenatstratObtain Unweighted Natural Strata that Balance Many CovariatesnaturalEstimating the Error Variance in a High-Dimensional Linear ModelnaturaListClassify Occurrences by Confidence Levels in the Species IDnaturalsortNatural OrderingNatureSoundsAnimal Sounds for Bioacustic AnalysisnavigationAnalyze the Impact of Sensor Error Modelling on NavigationPerformancenavigatrNavigation Menu for Pipe-Friendly Data ProcessingnawtilusNavigated Weighting for the Inverse Probability WeightingNB.MClustNegative Binomial Model-Based ClusteringNBAloveRHelp Basketball Data AnalysisnbapalettesAn NBA Jersey Palette GeneratorNBBDesignsNeighbour Balanced Block Designs (NBBDesigns)nbc4vaBayes Classifier for Verbal Autopsy DataNbClustDetermining the Best Number of Clusters in a Data SetnbconvEvaluate Arbitrary Negative Binomial ConvolutionsnbconvertRVignette Engine Wrapping Jupyter NotebooksNBDdirichletNBD-Dirichlet Model of Consumer Buying Behavior for MarketingResearchNBDesignDesign and Monitoring of Clinical Trials with Negative BinomialEndpointnberwpNBER Working PapersnbfarNegative Binomial Factor Regression Models ('nbfar')NBLDANegative Binomial Linear Discriminant AnalysisnblRData Extraction of Australian NBL Basketball StatisticsnbpMatchingFunctions for Optimal Non-Bipartite MatchingNBPSeqNegative Binomial Models for RNA-Sequencing DataNBRNetwork-Based R-Statistics using Mixed Effects ModelsNBShinyInteractive Document for Working with Naive Bayes ClassificationNBShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Naive Bayes ClassificationNBShiny3Interactive Document for Working with Naive Bayes ClassificationnbTransmissionNaive Bayes Transmission AnalysisNBtsVarSelVariable Selection in a Specific Regression Time Series ofCountsncNamed Capture to Data TablesNCANecessary Condition AnalysisncappcNCA Calculations and Population Model DiagnosisncarNoncompartmental Analysis for Pharmaco*kinetic ReportncbitRetrieve and Build NBCI Taxonomic DataNCCSimulation and Analysis of Platform Trials with Non-ConcurrentControlsncdf4Interface to Unidata netCDF (Version 4 or Earlier) Format DataFilesncdf4.helpersHelper Functions for Use with the 'ncdf4' Packagencdfgeom'NetCDF' Geometry and Time SeriesncdumpExtract Metadata from 'NetCDF' Files as Data FramesncfSpatial Covariance FunctionsncmetaStraightforward 'NetCDF' MetadataNCmiscMiscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions andScriptsncodeRTechniques for Automated ClassifiersncpenUnified Algorithm for Non-convex Penalized Estimation forGeneralized Linear ModelsNCSamplingNearest Centroid (NC) SamplingNCSCopulaNon-Central Squared Copula Models EstimationNCutYXClustering of Omics Data of Multiple Types with a MultilayerNetwork RepresentationncvregRegularization Paths for SCAD and MCP Penalized RegressionModelsndaGeneralized Network-Based Dimensionality Reduction and AnalysisndiNeighborhood Deprivation IndicesndjsonWicked-Fast Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') ReaderndlNaive Discriminative LearningNDPInteractive Presentation for Working with Normal DistributionndtvNetwork Dynamic Temporal VisualizationsnearfarNear-Far MatchingneatEfficient Network Enrichment Analysis TestneatmapsHeatmaps for Multiple Network DataneatRNeat Data for PresentationneatRangesTidy Up Date/Time RangesneatStatsNeat and Painless Statistical ReportingnebulaNegative Binomial Mixed Models Using Large-Sample Approximationfor Differential Expression Analysis of ScRNA-Seq DataNecklacesNecklaces and BraceletsneedminingA Simple Needmining ImplementationneedsAttaches and Installs PackagesNegativeControlOutcomeAdjustmentEstimation of Vaccine Efficacy using Negative Control OutcomesNegBinBetaBinregNegative Binomial and Beta Binomial Bayesian Regression ModelsnegenesEstimating the Number of Essential Genes in a GenomenegligibleA Collection of Functions for Negligible Effect/EquivalenceTestingNeighbootNeighborhood Bootstrap Method for RDSneighboursNeighbourhood Functions for Local-Search AlgorithmsneighbrClassification, Regression, Clustering with K Nearest NeighborsneldermeadR Port of the 'Scilab' Neldermead ModulenemBMUsing Network Evolution Models to Generate Networks withSelected Blockmodel TypenemtrNonparametric Extended Median Test - Cumulative Summation Methodneo2RNeo4j to Rneo4jshellQuerying and Managing 'Neo4J' Databases in 'R'neo4rA 'Neo4J' DriverneojagsNeo-Normal Distributions Family for Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) Models in 'JAGS'NEONisoTools to Calibrate and Work with NEON Atmospheric Isotope DataneonOSBasic Data Wrangling for NEON Observational DataneonPlantEcologyProcess NEON Plant Data for Ecological AnalysisneonSoilFluxCompute Soil Carbon Fluxes for the National EcologicalObservatory Network SitesneonstoreNEON Data StoreneonUtilitiesUtilities for Working with NEON Dataneotoma2Working with the Neotoma Paleoecology DatabasenephroUtilities for NephrologyNEpiCNetwork Assisted Algorithm for Epigenetic Studies Using Mean andVariance Combined SignalsneptuneMLOps Metadata Store - Experiment Tracking and Model Registryfor Production TeamsnesRdataNational Eutrophication Survey DatanestcolorColors for NEST GraphsNestedCategBayesImputeModeling, Imputing and Generating Synthetic Versions of NestedCategorical Data in the Presence of Impossible CombinationsnestedcvNested Cross-Validation with 'glmnet' and 'caret'nestedLogitNested Dichotomy Logistic Regression ModelsNestedMenuA Nested Menu Widget for 'Shiny' ApplicationsnestedmodelsTidy Modelling for Nested DatanestedppPerformance Profiles and Nested Performance ProfilesnestfsCross-Validated (Nested) Forward SelectionNestMRMCSingle Reader Between-Cases AUC Estimator in Nested DatanestrBuild Nesting or Hierarchical Structuresnet4pgHandle Ambiguity of Protein Identifications from ShotgunProteomicsnetassocInference of Species Associations from Co-Occurrence DatanetClustModel-Based Clustering of Network DataNetClusterClustering for networksnetcmcSpatio-Network Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unitand Network DatanetCoinInteractive Analytic NetworksnetcomNETwork COMparison InferencenetcontrolControl Theory Methods for NetworksNetCouplerInference of Causal Links Between a Network and an ExternalVariablenetcoxStructural Learning in Cox Models with Time-Dependent CovariatesNetDANetwork-Based Discriminant Analysis Subject to Multi-LabelClassesnetdiffuseRAnalysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on NetworksNetExplorerNetwork ExplorerNetFACSNetwork Applications to Facial Communication DatanetgsaNetwork-Based Gene Set AnalysisnetgwasNetwork-Based Genome Wide Association StudiesnetieAntigen T Cell Interaction EstimationNetIndicesEstimating Network Indices, Including Trophic Structure ofFoodwebs in RNetIntMethods for Unweighted and Weighted Network IntegrationNetLogoRBuild and Run Spatially Explicit Agent-Based ModelsnetmapRepresent Network Objects on a MapnetmediateMicro-Macro Analysis for Social NetworksnetmetaNetwork Meta-Analysis using Frequentist Methodsnetmhc2panInterface to 'NetMHCIIpan'NetMixDynamic Mixed-Membership Network Regression ModelNetOriginOrigin Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex NetworksnetplotBeautiful Graph DrawingNetPreProcNetwork Pre-Processing and NormalizationnetrankrAnalyzing Partial Rankings in NetworksnetregRRegression of Network ResponsesNetRepPermutation Testing Network Module Preservation Across DatasetsnetropyStatistical Entropy Analysis of Network DatanetsNetwork Estimation for Time SeriesnetseerGraph Prediction from a Graph Time SeriesnetsegMeasures of Network Segregation and hom*ophilynetSEMNetwork Structural Equation ModelingnetShinyTool for Comparison and Visualization of Multiple NetworksNetSimRActuarial Functions for Non-Life Insurance ModellingnetstatRetrieve Network Statistics Including Available TCP PortsNetSwanNetwork Strengths and Weaknesses AnalysisnettNetwork Analysis and Community DetectionnettskjemarConnect to the '' API of the University of OslonetUtilsA Collection of Tools for Network AnalysisNetWeaverGraphic Presentation of Complex Genomic and Network DataAnalysisnetworkClasses for Relational DatanetworkABCNetwork Reverse Engineering with Approximate BayesianComputationNetworkChangeBayesian Package for Network Changepoint AnalysisNetworkComparisonTestStatistical Comparison of Two Networks Based on SeveralInvariance MeasuresNetworkComparrStatistical Comparison of NetworksnetworkD3D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from RNetworkDistanceDistance Measures for NetworksnetworkDynamicDynamic Extensions for Network ObjectsnetworkDynamicDataDynamic (Longitudinal) Network DatasetsNetworkExtinctionExtinction Simulation in Ecological NetworksnetworkGenNetwork Maze GeneratorNetworkInferenceInferring Latent Diffusion NetworksnetworkLiteAn Simplified Implementation of the 'network' PackageFunctionalitynetworkRNetwork Analysis and VisualizationNetworkRegRegression Model on Network-Linked Data with StatisticalInferenceNetworkRiskMeasuresRisk Measures for (Financial) NetworksnetworkscaleupNetwork Scale-Up Models for Aggregated Relational DataNetworkToolboxMethods and Measures for Brain, Cognitive, and PsychometricNetwork AnalysisnetworktoolsTools for Identifying Important Nodes in NetworksnetworktreeRecursive Partitioning of Network ModelsneuralGAMInterpretable Neural Network Based on Generalized AdditiveModelsneuralnetTraining of Neural NetworksNeuralNetToolsVisualization and Analysis Tools for Neural NetworksNeuralSensSensitivity Analysis of Neural Networksneurobase'Neuroconductor' Base Package with Helper Functions for 'nifti'ObjectsneuroblastomaNeuroblastoma Copy Number ProfilesneurocInstall'Neuroconductor' InstallerNeuroDecodeRDecode Information from Neural ActivityneurohcpHuman 'Connectome' Project InterfaceneuroimData Structures and Handling for Neuroimaging DataneuromplexNeural Multiplexing AnalysisneuronormPreprocessing of Structural MRI for Multiple NeurodegenerativeDiseasesneuRosimSimulate fMRI DataneutralitytestrTest for a Neutral Evolutionary Model in Cancer Sequencing DatanevadaNetwork-Valued Data AnalysisneverhpfilterAn Alternative to the Hodrick-Prescott Filternew.distAlternative Continuous and Discrete DistributionsNewdistnsComputes Pdf, Cdf, Quantile and Random Numbers, Measures ofInference for 19 General Families of DistributionsnewFocusTrue Discovery Guarantee by Combining Partial Closed TestingsnewIMVCA Robust Integrated Mean Variance CorrelationNewmanOmicsExtending the Newman Studentized Range Statistic toTranscriptomicsnewsanchorClient for the News APInewscatcheRProgrammatically Collect Normalized News from (Almost) AnyWebsitenewsmapSemi-Supervised Model for Geographical Document ClassificationnewsmdCreation of FilenewTestSurvRecStatistical Tests to Compare Curves with Recurrent EventsnextGenShinyAppsCraft Exceptional 'R Shiny' Applications and Dashboards withNovel Responsive ToolsnexusSourcing Archaeological Materials by Chemical CompositionnFactorsParallel Analysis and Other Non Graphical Solutions to theCattell Scree TestNFCPN-Factor Commodity Pricing Through Term Structure EstimationnferEvent Stream Abstraction using Interval Logicnfl4thFunctions to Calculate Optimal Fourth Down Decisions in theNational Football LeaguenflfastRFunctions to Efficiently Access NFL Play by Play DatanflplotRNFL Logo Plots in 'ggplot2' and 'gt'nflreadrDownload 'nflverse' DatanflseedRFunctions to Efficiently Simulate and Evaluate NFL SeasonsNFLSimulatoRSimulating Plays and Drives in the NFLnflverseEasily Install and Load the 'nflverse'nftbartNonparametric Failure Time Bayesian Additive Regression TreesnFunNNNonlinear Functional Principal Component Analysis using NeuralNetworksNFWdistThe Standard Distribution Functions for the 3D NFW ProfilengboostForecastProbabilistic Time Series ForecastingNGBVSBayesian Variable Selection for SNP Data using Normal-GammaNGCHMNext Generation Clustered Heat MapsNGLVieweRInteractive 3D Visualization of Molecular StructuresngramFast n-Gram 'Tokenization'ngramrRetrieve and Plot Google n-Gram DatangramrrA Simple General Purpose N-Gram TokenizerngspatialFitting the Centered Autologistic and Sparse Spatial GeneralizedLinear Mixed Models for Areal DataNHANESData from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination StudynhanesANHANES Data RetrievalnhdplusToolsNHDPlus ToolsnhdRTools for Working with the National Hydrography DatasetnhlapiA Minimum-Dependency 'R' Interface to the 'NHL' APINHLDataScores for Every Season Since the Founding of the NHL in 1917nhmNon-hom*ogeneous Markov and Hidden Markov Multistate ModelsNHPoissonModelling and Validation of Non hom*ogeneous Poisson ProcessesnhpppSimulating Nonhom*ogeneous Poisson Point Processesnhs.predictBreast Cancer Survival and Therapy BenefitsNHSDataDictionaRyNHS Data Dictionary Toolset for NHS LookupsnhsnumberTools for Working with NHS Number ChecksumsNHSRdatasetsNHS and Healthcare-Related Data for Education and TrainingNHSRplotthedotsDraw XmR Charts for NHSE/I 'Making Data Count' ProgrammenhstplotPlot Null Hypothesis Significance TestsniaidMIMarkov Model Multiple Imputation for NIAID OSniarulesNumerical Association Rule Mining using Population-BasedNature-Inspired AlgorithmsnicNature Inspired ColoursniceGet or Set UNIX NicenessNicheBarcodingNiche-model-Based Species IdentificationnicheROVERNiche Region and Niche Overlap Metrics for MultidimensionalEcological NichesnichetoolsComplementary Package to 'nicheROVER' and 'SIBER'nichevolTools for Ecological Niche Evolution Assessment ConsideringUncertaintynieveMiscellaneous Utilities for Extreme Value Analysisnifti.ioRead and Write NIfTI FilesNightDayNight and Day Boundary Plot FunctionnildeNonnegative Integer Solutions of Linear Diophantine Equationswith ApplicationsNiLeDAMMonazite Dating for the NiLeDAM TeamnimaNima Hejazi's R ToolboxNIMAANominal Data Mining AnalysisnimbleMCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical ModelingnimbleAPTAdaptive Parallel Tempering for 'NIMBLE'nimbleCarbonBayesian Analyses of Radiocarbon Dates with NIMBLEnimbleEcologyDistributions for Ecological Models in 'nimble'nimbleHMCHamiltonian Monte Carlo and Other Gradient-Based MCMC SamplingAlgorithms for 'nimble'nimbleNoBoundsTransformed Distributions for Improved MCMC EfficiencynimbleSCRSpatial Capture-Recapture (SCR) Methods Using 'nimble'nimbleSMCSequential Monte Carlo Methods for 'nimble'nipalsPrincipal Components Analysis using NIPALS or Weighted EMPCA,with Gram-Schmidt OrthogonalizationnipnTKNational Information Platforms for Nutrition Anthropometric DataToolkitNipponMapJapanese Map Data and FunctionsNIPTeRFast and Accurate Trisomy Prediction in Non-Invasive PrenatalTestingNIRStatNovel Statistical Methods for Studying Near-InfraredSpectroscopy (NIRS) Time Series DataNISTnlsNonlinear least squares examples from NISTNISTunitsFundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NISTNitrogenUptake2016Data and Source Code From: Nitrogen Uptake and AllocationEstimates for Spartina Alterniflora and Distichlis SpicatanivmNoninferiority Tests with Variable MarginsnixmassSnow Water Equivalent Modeling with the 'Delta.snow' Model andEmpirical Regression ModelsnixtlarA Software Development Kit for 'Nixtla”s 'TimeGPT'njgeoTools for Geocoding Addresses in New Jersey using the 'NJOGIS'APInJiraSQL Like Query Interface for 'Jira'njtr1Download, Analyze & Clean New Jersey Car Crash DataNlcOptimSolve Nonlinear Optimization with Nonlinear ConstraintsnlcvNested Loop Cross ValidationnleqslvSolve Systems of Nonlinear EquationsnlgmNon Linear Growth ModelsNlinTSModels for Non Linear Causality Detection in Time SeriesnlistLists of Numeric Atomic ObjectsnliveAutomated Estimation of Sigmoidal and Piecewise Linear MixedModelsnlmeLinear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects ModelsnlmeUDatasets and Utility Functions Enhancing Functionality of 'nlme'PackagenlmeVPCVisual Model Checking for Nonlinear Mixed Effect Modelnlmixr2Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PDnlmixr2dataNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Datanlmixr2estNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, EstimationRoutinesnlmixr2extraNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, ExtraSupport Functionsnlmixr2libA Model Library for 'nlmixr2'nlmixr2plotNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, PlotFunctionsnlmixr2rptTemplated Word and PowerPoint Reporting of 'nlmixr2' FittingResultsnlmmGeneralized Laplace Mixed-Effects ModelsnlmrtFunctions for Nonlinear Least Squares SolutionsnlMSNon-Linear Model SelectionnlnetNonlinear Network, Clustering, and Variable Selection Based onDCOLnloptCall Optimization Solvers with .nl FilesnloptrR Interface to NLoptNLPNatural Language Processing InfrastructureNLPclientStanford 'CoreNLP' Annotation ClientnlpredEstimators of Non-Linear Cross-Validated Risks Optimized forSmall SamplesnlpsemLinear and Nonlinear Longitudinal Process in Structural EquationModeling FrameworkNLPutilsNatural Language Processing UtilitiesnlraaNonlinear Regression for Agricultural ApplicationsnlregHigher Order Inference for Nonlinear Heteroscedastic ModelsNLRootsearching for the root of equationnlrrNon-Linear Relative Risk Estimation and PlottingnlrxSetup, Run and Analyze 'NetLogo' Model Simulations from 'R' via'XML'nls.multstartRobust Non-Linear Regression using AIC Scoresnls2Non-Linear Regression with Brute ForcenlsemFitting Structural Equation Mixture ModelsnlshrinkNon-Linear Shrinkage Estimation of Population Eigenvalues andCovariance MatricesnlsicNon Linear Least Squares with Inequality ConstraintsnlsMicrobioNonlinear Regression in Predictive MicrobiologynlsmsnFitting Nonlinear Models with Scale Mixture of Skew-NormalDistributionsnlsrFunctions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions - Updated 2022nlstacAn R Package for Fitting Separable Nonlinear ModelsnlstoolsTools for Nonlinear Regression AnalysisNlsyLinksUtilities and Kinship Information for Research with the NLSYnltA Nondecimated Lifting Transform for Signal DenoisingnltmNon-Linear Transformation ModelsnltsNonlinear Time Series AnalysisnLTTCalculate the NLTT StatisticnlWaldTestWald Test of Nonlinear Restrictions and Nonlinear CINMANetwork Meta-Analysis Based on Multivariate Meta-Analysis ModelsnmadbNetwork Meta-Analysis Database APINMADiagTNetwork Meta-Analysis of Multiple Diagnostic TestsnmaINLANetwork Meta-Analysis using Integrated Nested LaplaceApproximationsNMAoutlierDetecting Outliers in Network Meta-AnalysisnmaplateplotThe Plate Plot for Network Meta-Analysis ResultsnmarankComplex Hierarchy Questions in Network Meta-AnalysisnmathreshThresholds and Invariant Intervals for Network Meta-AnalysisNMcalcBasic Calculations for PK/PD ModelingNMdataPreparation, Checking and Post-Processing Data for PK/PDModelingNMFAlgorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization(NMF)nmfbinNon-Negative Matrix Factorization for Binary DataNMFNNon-Negative Matrix FactorizationNMINormalized Mutual Information of Community Structure in NetworkNmiscMiscellaneous Functions Used at 'Numeract LLC'NmixBayesian Inference on Univariate Normal MixturesnmixgofGoodness of Fit Checks for Binomial N-Mixture ModelsNMMIPWInverse Probability Weighting under Non-Monotone MissingNMOFNumerical Methods and Optimization in FinanceNMRphasingPhase Error Correction and Baseline Correction for OneDimensional ('1D') 'NMR' DatanmrrrBinning and Visualizing NMR Spectra in Environmental SamplesNMsimSeamless 'Nonmem' Simulation PlatformnmslibRNon Metric Space (Approximate) LibraryNMToxDose-Response Relationship Analysis of Nanomaterial ToxicityNMVANOVANovice Model Variation ANOVAnmwUnderstanding Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling for PopulationPharmaco*kineticsnn2polyNeural Network Weights Transformation into PolynomialCoefficientsnnaNearest-Neighbor AnalysisNNbenchmarkDatasets and Functions to Benchmark Neural Network PackagesnnccNearest Neighbors Matching of Case-Control DatanndiagramGenerator of 'LaTeX' Code for Drawing Neural Network Diagramswith 'TikZ'nnetFeed-Forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear ModelsnnforTime Series Forecasting with Neural NetworksnnGarroteNon-Negative Garrote Estimation with Penalized InitialEstimatorsnngeok-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial DatannlassoNon-Negative Lasso and Elastic Net Penalized Generalized LinearModelsnnlib2RcppA Tool for Creating Custom Neural Networks in C++ and using Themin RnnlsThe Lawson-Hanson Algorithm for Non-Negative Least Squares(NNLS)NNMISNearest Neighbor Based Multiple Imputation for Survival Datawith Missing CovariatesnnRNeural Networks Made AlgebraicNNSNonlinear Nonparametric StatisticsnnspatNearest Neighbor Methods for Spatial PatternsnntThe Number Needed to Treat (NNT) for Survival EndpointNNTbiomarkerCalculate Design Parameters for Biomarker Validation StudiesnnTensorNon-Negative Tensor DecompositionNO.PING.PONGIncorporating Previous Findings When Evaluating New DatanoaaoceansCollect Ocean Data from NOAAnoaastormeventsExplore NOAA Storm Events DatabasenoahCreate Unique Pseudonymous Animal NamesNobBSNowcasting by Bayesian SmoothingnoctuaConnect to 'AWS Athena' using R 'AWS SDK' 'paws' ('DBI'Interface)nodbi'NoSQL' Database Connectornode2vecAlgorithmic Framework for Representational Learning on GraphsnodeSubSimulate DNA Alignments Using Node SubstitutionsnodivCompares the Distribution of Sister Clades Through a PhylogenynofrillsLow-Cost Anonymous FunctionsnoiaImplementation of the Natural and Orthogonal InterAction (NOIA)ModelnoiseEstimation of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Noise from Single-CellDatanoisemodelNoise Models for Classification DatasetsnoisyCE2Cross-Entropy Optimisation of Noisy FunctionsnoisyrNoise Quantification in High Throughput Sequencing OutputnoisySBMNoisy Stochastic Block Mode: Graph Inference by Multiple TestingnoisysbmGGMNoisy Stochastic Block Model for GGM InferencenolockAppend 'WITH (NOLOCK)' to 'SQL' Queries, Get Packages in ActiveScriptnombreNumber NamesnomclustHierarchical Cluster Analysis of Nominal DatanominatimliteInterface with 'Nominatim' API ServicenomisrAccess 'Nomis' UK Labour Market DatanomnomlSassy 'UML' DiagramsnomogramExExtract Equations from a NomogramnomogramFormulaCalculate Total Points and Probabilities for NomogramNonCompartNoncompartmental Analysis for Pharmaco*kinetic DatanoncomplianceCausal Inference in the Presence of Treatment NoncomplianceUnder the Binary Instrumental Variable ModelnoncomplyRBayesian Analysis of Randomized Experiments with Non-CompliancenonetWeighted Average Ensemble without Training LabelsnonLinearDotPlotNon Linear Dot PlotsnonlinearICPInvariant Causal Prediction for Nonlinear ModelsNonlinearTSANonlinear Time Series AnalysisnonlinearTseriesNonlinear Time Series Analysisnonmem2RLoading NONMEM Output Files with Functions for Visual PredictiveChecks (VPC) and Goodness of Fit (GOF) Plotsnonmem2rx'nonmem2rx' Converts 'NONMEM' Models to 'rxode2'nonmemicaCreate and Evaluate NONMEM Models in a Project Contextnonneg.cgNon-Negative Conjugate-Gradient Minimizernonnest2Tests of Non-Nested ModelsNonNorMvtDistMultivariate Lomax (Pareto Type II) and Its RelatedDistributionsnonparA Collection of Nonparametric Hypothesis TestsnonparaeffNonparametric Methods for Measuring Efficiency and Productivitynonparametric.bayesProject Code - Nonparametric BayesNonpareilMetagenome Coverage Estimation and Projections for 'Nonpareil'NonParRolCora Non-Parametric Statistical Significance Test for RollingWindow CorrelationNonProbEstEstimation in Nonprobability SamplingnonprobsvyInference Based on Non-Probability SamplesnopacoNon-Parametric Concordance CoefficientnoppNash Optimal Party Positionsnor1mixNormal aka Gaussian 1-d Mixture ModelsnordArctic Ice Studio's Nord and Group of Seven Inspired ColourPalettes for 'ggplot2'nordklimdata1Dataset for Climate Analysis with Data from the Nordic RegionnormAnalysis of Multivariate Normal Datasets with Missing ValuesNORMABuilds General Noise SVRsnormaliseRRe-Scale Vectors and Time-Series FeaturesNormalityAssessmentA Graphical User Interface for Testing Normality VisuallynormalizeCentering and Scaling of Numeric DatanormalizeHNormalize Hadamard MatrixNormalLaplaceThe Normal Laplace DistributionnormalpRoutines for Exponential Power DistributionnormalrNormalisation of Multiple Variables in Large-Scale DatasetsNormDataDerivation of Regression-Based Normative DataNormExpressionNormalize Gene Expression Data using Evaluated MethodsnormfluodbfCleans and Normalizes FLUOstar DBF and DAT FilesnorMmixDirect MLE for Multivariate Normal Mixture DistributionsNormPsyNormalisation of Psychometric TestsnortestTests for NormalitynortestARMANeyman Smooth Tests of Normality for the Errors of ARMA ModelsnortsTestAssessing Normality of Stationary ProcessnosCompute Node Overlap and Segregation in Ecological NetworksnosoiA Forward Agent-Based Transmission Chain SimulatorNostalgiRAdvanced Text-Based PlotsnotNarrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point DetectionnotebookutilsDummy R APIs Used in 'Azure Synapse Analytics' for LocalDevelopmentsnotifymeSend Alerts to your Cellphone and Phillips Hue LightsNovelDistnsComputes PDF, CDF, Quantile, Random Numbers and Measures ofInference for 3 General Families of DistributionsnovelforestSGDataset from the Novel Forests of SingaporenovelqualcodesVisualise the Path to a Stopping Point in Qualitative InterviewsBased on Novel CodesNoviceDeveloperResourcesResources to Assist Novice DevelopersNoviceDeveloperResources2Further Resources to Assist Novice DevelopersnowebThe 'noweb' System for RNozzle.R1Nozzle ReportsnpNonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data TypesnparACTNon-Parametric Measures of Actigraphy DatanparcompMultiple Comparisons and Simultaneous Confidence IntervalsnparLDNonparametric Analysis of Longitudinal Data in FactorialExperimentsnparMDNonparametric Analysis of Multivariate Data in Factorial DesignsnparsurvNonparametric Tests for Main Effects, Simple Effects andInteraction Effect in a Factorial Design with Censored DataNPBayesImputeCatNon-Parametric Bayesian Multiple Imputation for Categorical DatanpboottprmNonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled ResamplingnpboottprmFBarInformative Nonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled ResamplingnpbrNonparametric Boundary RegressionNPCDNonparametric Methods for Cognitive DiagnosisNPCircNonparametric Circular MethodsnpclustNonparametric Tests for Incomplete Clustered DatanpcopTestNon Parametric Test for Detecting Changes in the CopulaNPCoxNonparametric and Semiparametric Proportional Hazards ModelnpcpSome Nonparametric CUSUM Tests for Change-Point Detection inPossibly Multivariate ObservationsnpcsNeyman-Pearson Classification via Cost-Sensitive LearningnpcureNonparametric Estimation in Mixture Cure ModelsnpcurePKMixture Cure Model Estimation with Cure Status Partially KnownnpdeNormalised Prediction Distribution Errors for NonlinearMixed-Effect ModelsnpDoseResponseNonparametric Estimation and Inference on Dose-Response CurvesnpExactExact Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests for the Mean, Variance andStochastic InequalityNPflowBayesian Nonparametrics for Automatic Gating of Flow-CytometryDatanphPlanning and Analysing Survival Studies under Non-ProportionalHazardsNPHazardRateNonparametric Hazard Rate EstimationNPHMCSample Size Calculation for the Proportional Hazards MixtureCure ModelnphPowerSample Size Calculation under Non-Proportional HazardsnphRCTNon-Proportional Hazards in Randomized Controlled TrialsnpiAccess the U.S. National Provider Identifier Registry APInpIntFactRepNonparametric Interaction Tests for Factorial Designs withRepeated MeasuresNPIstatsNonparametric Predictive InferencenplplotPlotting Linkage and Association ResultsnplrN-Parameter Logistic RegressionnplyrA Grammar of Nested Data ManipulationnpmldaNonparametric Models for Longitudinal DataNPMLEcmprskType-Specific Failure Rate and Hazard Rate on Competing RisksDatanpmlregNonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Random EffectModelsnpmrNuclear Penalized Multinomial RegressionnpmvNonparametric Comparison of Multivariate SamplesnpordtestsNonparametric Tests for Equality of Location Against OrderedAlternativesNPPNormalized Power Prior Bayesian AnalysisnppbibNonparametric Partially-Balanced Incomplete Block DesignAnalysisnpphenVegetation Phenological Cycle and Anomaly Detection using RemoteSensing DataNPREDPredictor Identifier: Nonparametric PredictionnpregNonparametric Regression via Smoothing SplinesnpregderivNonparametric Estimation of the Derivatives of a RegressionFunctionnpregfastNonparametric Estimation of Regression Models withFactor-by-Curve InteractionsnprobustNonparametric Robust Estimation and Inference Methods usingLocal Polynomial Regression and Kernel Density EstimationnprocNeyman-Pearson (NP) Classification Algorithms and NP ReceiverOperating Characteristic (NP-ROC) CurvesnpROCRegressionKernel-Based Nonparametric ROC Regression ModellingnprotregNonparametric Rotations for Sphere-Sphere RegressionnpsfNonparametric and Stochastic Efficiency and ProductivityAnalysisnpsmNonparametric Statistical MethodsnpspNonparametric Spatial StatisticsnpsurvNonparametric Survival AnalysisnpsurvSSSample Size and Power Calculation for Common Non-ParametricTests in Survival AnalysisnptestNonparametric Bootstrap and Permutation TestsnpwbsNonparametric Multiple Change Point Detection Using WBSnrbaMethods for Conducting Nonresponse Bias Analysis (NRBA)nRegressionSimulation-Based Calculations of Sample Size for Linear andLogistic RegressionNRejectionsMetrics for Multiple Testing with Correlated OutcomesnricensNRI for Risk Prediction Models with Time to Event and BinaryResponse DataNSAENonstationary Small Area EstimationnsarfimaMethods for Fitting and Simulating Non-Stationary ARFIMA ModelsnscancorNon-Negative and Sparse CCANSclusterSimulation and Estimation of the Neyman-Scott Type SpatialCluster ModelsnseNumerical Standard Errors Computation in RnseqCount of Sequential EventsnserBhavcopy and Live Market Data from National Stock Exchange (NSE)& Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) IndiansevalTools for Lazy and Non-Standard Evaluationnsga2RElitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithmnsga3An Implementation of Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm IIIfor Feature SelectionNSM3Functions and Datasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, andChicken - Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Third Editionnsm3dataDatasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken NSM3NSO1212National Statistical Office of Mongolia's Open Data API HandlernspInference for Multiple Change-Points in Linear ModelsnspmixNonparametric and Semiparametric Mixture EstimationnsprcompNon-Negative and Sparse PCAnsRFANon-Supervised Regional Frequency AnalysisnsROCNon-Standard ROC Curve AnalysisNSTNormalized Stochasticity RationswgeoGeospatial Data and Maps for New South Wales, AustraliansyllableCount Syllables in Character VectorsntdrRetrieve Data from the National Transit DatabaseNTLKwIExComputation of NTLKwIEx Distribution PropertiesntranovaTwo Way Neutrosophic ANOVANTSNonlinear Time Series AnalysisntsDistsNeutrosophic DistributionsNTSSNonparametric Tests in Spatial StatisticsNU.LearningNonparametric and Unsupervised Learning from Cross-SectionalObservational DatanucimNucleome Imaging ToolboxNUCOMBogNUtrient Cycling and COMpetition Model Undisturbed Open BogEcosystems in a Temperate to Sub-Boreal ClimateNUETONNitrogen Use Efficiency Toolkit on NumericsnuggetsExtensible Data Pattern Searching FrameworknullaborTools for Graphical InferencenumbatHaplotype-Aware CNV Analysis from scRNA-SeqnumberofallelesCompute the Probability Distribution of the Number of Alleles ina DNA MixturenumbersNumber-Theoretic FunctionsnumbersBRValidate, Compare and Format Identification Numbers from BrazilnumDerivAccurate Numerical DerivativesNumeroStatistical Framework to Define Subgroups in Complex DatasetsnumformTools to Format Numbers for PublicationnumGenNumber Series GeneratornumKMCreate a Kaplan-Meier Plot with Numbers at RisknumOSLNumeric Routines for Optically Stimulated Luminescence DatingNutrienTrackeRFood Composition Information and Dietary AssessmentnutriNetworkStructure Learning with Copula Graphical ModelnutritionUseful Functions for People on a DietnutsConvert European Regional DataNVARNonlinear Vector Autoregression ModelsNVCSSLNonparametric Varying Coefficient Spike-and-Slab LassonvctrThe n-vector Approach to Geographical Position Calculationsusing an Ellipsoidal Model of EarthnvmixMultivariate Normal Variance Mixturesnycflights13Flights that Departed NYC in 2013nycflights23Flights and Other Useful Metadata for NYC Outbound Flights in2023nzelectNew Zealand Election DatanzffdrImport, Clean and Update Data from the New Zealand FreshwaterFish Databasenzilbb.labbcatAccessing Data Stored in 'LaBB-CAT' InstancesnzpulloverDriving Offences in New Zealand Between 2009 and 2016 o2geosocialReconstruction of Transmission Chains from Surveillance Datao2plsdaMultiomics Data IntegrationoaColorsOpenAnalytics Colors PackageoaiGeneral Purpose 'Oai-PMH' Services ClientOAIHarvesterHarvest Metadata Using OAI-PMH Version 2.0oaii'OpenAI' API R InterfaceoaPlotsOpenAnalytics Plots PackageoaqcComputation of the Orbit-Aware Quad CensusOarrayArrays with Arbitrary OffsetsoaxacaBlinder-Oaxaca DecompositionobAnalyticsLimit Order Book AnalyticsOBASpatialObjective Bayesian Analysis for Spatial Regression ModelsobcostObesity Cost DatabaseobfuscatoRObfuscation Game DesignsOBICCalculate the Open Bodem Index (OBI) ScoreobjectPropertiesA Factory of Self-Describing Propertiesobjectremover'RStudio' Addin for Removing Objects from the Global EnvironmentBased on Patterns and Object TypeobjectSignalsObserver Pattern for S4OBLOptimum Block Lengthoblicubes3D Rendering Using Obliquely Projected Cubes and CuboidsobliqueRSFOblique Random Forests for Right-Censored Time-to-Event DataOBMbpkgEstimate the Population Size for the Mb Capture-Recapture ModelOBREOptimal B-Robust Estimator ToolsObservationCollect and Process Physical Activity Direct Observation DataobserverObserve and Check your DataOBsMDObjective Bayesian Model Discrimination in Follow-Up DesignsobsSensSensitivity Analysis for Observational StudiesocOptimal Classification Roll Call Analysis SoftwareOCAOptimal Capital AllocationsoccEstimates PET Neuroreceptor OccupanciesoccCiteQuerying and Managing Large Biodiversity Occurrence DatasetsoccumbSite Occupancy Modeling for Environmental DNA MetabarcodingoccupancyProbability Functions for Occupancy DistributionsoccupationMeasurementInteractively Measure Occupations in Interviews and BeyondocdHigh-Dimensional Multiscale Online Changepoint DetectionoceAnalysis of Oceanographic DataoceanexplorerExplore Our Planet's Oceans with NOAAoceanicLocation Identify TooloceanisCartography for Statistical AnalysisoceanmapA Plotting Toolbox for 2D Oceanographic DataOceanViewVisualisation of Oceanographic Data and Model OutputoceanwavesOcean Wave StatisticsoceCensOrdered Composite Endpoints with CensoringocedataOceanographic Data Sets for 'oce' PackageocfOrdered Correlation ForestockcOrder Constrained Solutions in k-Means ClusteringoclustGaussian Model-Based Clustering with OutliersOCNetOptimal Channel NetworksocpBayesian Online Changepoint Detectionocs4RInterface to Open Collaboration Services (OCS) REST APIOCSdataDownload Data from the 'Open Case Studies' RepositoryoctopusA Database Management TooloctopusRInteract with the 'Octopus Energy' APIodManipulate and Map Origin-Destination DataODataQueryQuerying on 'OData'ODBOpen Document Databases (.odb) ManagementodbcConnect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)odbrDownload Data from Brazil's Origin Destination SurveysoddnetAnomaly Detection in Temporal Networksodds.converterBetting Odds Conversionodds.n.endsOdds Ratios, Contingency Table, and Model Significance from aGeneralized Linear Model ObjectoddsapiRAccess Live Sports Odds from the Odds APIOddsPlottyOdds Plot to Visualise a Logistic Regression ModeloddsratioOdds Ratio Calculation for GAM(M)s & GLM(M)soddstreamOutlier Detection in Data StreamsodeGUTSSolve ODE for GUTS-RED-SD and GUTS-RED-IT Using Compiled CodeODEnetworkNetwork of Differential EquationsODEsensitivitySensitivity Analysis of Ordinary Differential EquationsodetectorOutlier Detection Using Partitioning Clustering AlgorithmsodinODE Generation and IntegrationodkConvert 'ODK' or 'XLSForm' to 'SPSS' Data FrameODMeansOD-Means: k-Means for Origin-DestinationodrOptimal Design and Statistical Power for Experimental StudiesInvestigating Main, Mediation, and Moderation EffectsODRFOblique Decision Random Forest for Classification and RegressionODSStatistical Methods for Outcome-Dependent Sampling DesignsOECDSearch and Extract Data from the OECDOEFPILOptimal Estimation of Function Parameters by IteratedLinearizationoeliMy Utilities for Developing Data Science SoftwareoemOrthogonalizing EM: Penalized Regression for Big Tall DataoenbTools for the OeNB Data Web ServiceOenoKPMModeling the Kinetics of Carbon Dioxide Production in AlcoholicFermentationoesrMethods for the Office of Evaluation Sciencesoews2020May 2020 Occupational Employment and Wage Statisticsoews2021May 2021 Occupational Employment and Wage StatisticsofficedownEnhanced 'R Markdown' Format for 'Word' and 'PowerPoint'officerManipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint DocumentsofflineChangeDetect Multiple Change Points from Time SeriesoffsetregAn Extension of 'Tidymodels' Supporting Offset TermsofGEMA Meta-Analysis Approach with Filtering for IdentifyingGene-Level Gene-Environment Interactions with GeneticAssociation DataofpetrialDesign on-Farm Precision Field Agronomic TrialsOGIObjective General IndexoglmxEstimation of Ordered Generalized Linear ModelsogrdbstatsAnalysis of Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Germ LineStatisticsOHCSpackagePrepare Housing Data for AnalysisoheneryModeling of Ordinal Random Variables via Softmax RegressionOhitOGA+HDIC+Trim and High-Dimensional Linear Regression ModelsoHMMedHMMs with Ordered Hidden States and Emission DensitiesohoegdmOrdinal Higher-Order Exploratory General Diagnostic Model forPolytomous DataOHPLOrdered hom*ogeneity Pursuit Lasso for Group Variable SelectionohsomeAn 'ohsome API' ClientohtadstatsTomoka Ohta D StatisticsohunOptimizing Acoustic Signal DetectionoiiCrosstab and Statistical Tests for OII MSc Stats CourseojsrCrawler and Data Scraper for Open Journal System ('OJS')OkNNEA k-Nearest Neighbours Ensemble via Optimal Model Selection forRegressionokxAPIAn Unofficial Wrapper for 'okx exchange v5' APIOLCPMOnline Change Point Detection for Matrix-Valued Time SeriesolctoolsOpen Location Code Handling in ROlinkAnalyzeFacilitate Analysis of Proteomic Data from Olinkollamar'Ollama' Language ModelsollgComputes some Measures of OLL-G Family of DistributionsollggammaOdd Log-Logistic Generalized Gamma Probability DistributionolrOptimal Linear RegressionolsrrTools for Building OLS Regression ModelsOLStrajrOrdinary Least Squares Trajectory AnalysisOlympicRshiny'Shiny' Application for Olympic DataOmegaGOmega-Generic: Composite Reliability of MultidimensionalMeasuresOmicKrigingPoly-Omic Prediction of Complex TRaitsOmicNavigatorOpen-Source Software for 'Omic' Data Analysis and Visualizationomics'–omics' Data Analysis ToolboxOmicSenseBiosensor Development using Omics DataOmicsPLSData Integration with Two-Way Orthogonal Partial Least SquaresOmicsQCNominating Quality Control Outliers in Genomic Profiling StudiesomicsToolsOmics Data Process ToolboxomicwasCell-Type-Specific Association Testing in Bulk Omics ExperimentsOmiscUnivariate Bootstrapping and Other ThingsomnibusHelper Tools for Managing Data, Dates, Missing Values, and TextOmnibusFisherA Modified Fisher’s Method to Test Overall Gene-Level EffectomockCreation of Mock Observational Medical Outcomes PartnershipCommon Data ModelomopgenericsMethods and Classes for the OMOP Common Data ModelomprModel and Solve Mixed Integer Linear Programsompr.roiA Solver for 'ompr' that Uses the R Optimization Infrastructure('ROI')omsvgBuild and Transform 'SVG' ObjectsomuA Metabolomics Analysis Tool for Intuitive Figures andConvenient Metadata CollectiononadataData Sets for Keith McNulty's Handbook of Graphs and Networks inPeople AnalyticsOnAgeTest of Between-Group Differences in the Onset of SenescenceonbabynamesNames Given to Babies in Ontario Between 1917 and 2018OnboardClientBindings for Onboard Data's Building Data APIonbrandTemplated Reporting Workflows in Word and PowerPointonc.apiOceans 2.0 API Client LibraryonceExecute Expensive Operations Only OnceOncoBayes2Bayesian Logistic Regression for Oncology Dose-Escalation TrialsOncofilterfastAids in the Analysis of Genes Influencing Cancer SurvivaloncomsmBayesian Multi-State Models for Early OncologyoncoPredictDrug Response Modeling and Biomarker DiscoveryOncoSubtypePredict Cancer Subtypes Based on TCGA Data using MachineLearning MethodOncotreeEstimating Oncogenetic TreesoncrawlRMachine Learning for S.E.OondiscFast, Universal, and Intuitive Computing on Large-ScaleSingle-Cell DataOne4AllValidate, Share, and Download DataOneArm2stagePhase II Single-Arm Two-Stage Designs with Time-to-EventOutcomesOneArmTTEOne-Arm Clinical Trial Designs for Time-to-Event EndpointoneclustMaximum hom*ogeneity Clustering for Univariate DataonehotFast Onehot Encoding for Data.framesoneloginInteract with the 'OneLogin' APIonemapConstruction of Genetic Maps in Experimental CrossesOneROne Rule Machine Learning Classification Algorithm withEnhancementsOneSampleLogRankTestOne-Sample Log-Rank TestOneSampleMROne Sample Mendelian Randomization and Instrumental VariableAnalysesONESTObservers Needed to Evaluate Subjective TestsOneStepOne-Step EstimationonetimeRun Code Only OnceOneTwoSamplesDeal with One and Two (Normal) SamplesonewaytestsOne-Way Tests in Independent Groups DesignsonionOctonions and QuaternionsonlineBcpOnline Bayesian Methods for Change Point AnalysisonlineCOVOnline Change Point Detection in High-Dimensional CovarianceStructureonlineforecastForecast Modelling for Online ApplicationsonlinePCAOnline Principal Component AnalysisonlineretailOnline Retail DatasetonlsOrthogonal Nonlinear Least-Squares RegressiononmaRgImport Public Health Ontario's Ontario Marginalization IndexonnxR Interface to 'ONNX'OnomasticDiversityOnomastic Diversity MeasuresonpointHelper Functions for Point Pattern AnalysisonsrClient for the 'ONS' APIonsvplotNational Road Safety Observatory (ONSV) Style for 'ggplot2'GraphicsonsvtablesNational Road Safety Observatory (ONSV) Styles for 'gt' TablesontoFASTInteractive Annotation of Characters with Biological OntologiesontologicsCode-Logics to Handle OntologiesontologyIndexReading Ontologies into RontologyPlotVisualising Sets of Ontological TermsontologySimilarityCalculating Ontological SimilaritiesontophyloOntology-Informed Phylogenetic Comparative AnalysesOOBCurveOut of Bag Learning CurveoolongCreate Validation Tests for Automated Content AnalysisoompaBaseClass Unions, Matrix Operations, and Color Schemes for OOMPAoompaDataData to Illustrate OOMPA AlgorithmsooplahHelper Functions for Class Object-Oriented ProgrammingOOROptimistic Optimization in ROOSOut-of-Sample Time Series ForecastingoosseOut-of-Sample R² with Standard Error EstimationoottestOut-of-Treatment TestingopaAn Implementation of Ordinal Pattern Analysisopalr'Opal' Data Repository Client and 'DataSHIELD' UtilsOPCThe Online Principal Component Estimation MethodopdisDownsamplingOptimal Distribution Preserving Down-Sampling of Bio-MedicalDataOPDOEOptimal Design of ExperimentsopenaiR Wrapper for OpenAI APIopenairTools for the Analysis of Air Pollution DataopenairmapsCreate Maps of Air Pollution DataopenaistreamStreaming Capabilities for 'OpenAI API' InteractionsopenalexRGetting Bibliographic Records from 'OpenAlex' Database Using'DSL' APIopenbankeRR Client for Querying the UK 'Open Banking' ('Open Data') APIopenblenderRequest <> API ServicesopencageGeocode with the OpenCage APIOpenCLInterface allowing R to use OpenCLopencpuProducing and Reproducing ResultsopenCROpen Population Capture-RecaptureopencvBindings to 'OpenCV' Computer Vision LibraryopendatatorontoAccess the City of Toronto Open Data PortalopendotaRInterface for OpenDota APIopenEBGMEBGM Disproportionality Scores for Adverse Event Data MiningopeneoClient Interface for 'openEO' ServersOpEnHiMROptimization Based Ensemble Model for Prediction of HistoneModifications in RiceOpenImageRAn Image Processing ToolkitopenintroDatasets and Supplemental Functions from 'OpenIntro' Textbooksand LabsOpenLandQuantitative Analysis and Visualization of LUCCopenmeteoRetrieve Weather Data from the Open-Meteo APIopenmetricsA 'Prometheus' Client for R Using the 'OpenMetrics' FormatOpenMindatQuickly Retrieve Datasets from the '' APIOpenMLOpen Machine Learning and Open Data PlatformopenMSEEasily Install and Load the 'openMSE' PackagesOpenMxExtended Structural Equation ModellingopenNLPApache OpenNLP Tools InterfaceopenNLPdataApache OpenNLP Jars and Basic English Language ModelsOpenRepGridTools to Analyze Repertory Grid DataOpenRepGrid.icInterpretive Clustering for Repertory GridsopenSkiesRetrieval, Analysis and Visualization of Air Traffic DataOpenSpecyAnalyze, Process, Identify, and Share Raman and (FT)IR SpectraopensslToolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based onOpenSSLOpenStreetMapAccess to Open Street Map Raster ImagesOpenTreeChronogramsOpen Tree of Life ChronogramsopentripplannerSetup and connect to 'OpenTripPlanner'openVAAutomated Method for Verbal AutopsyopenxlsxRead, Write and Edit xlsx Filesopenxlsx2Read, Write and Edit 'xlsx' FilesoperaOnline Prediction by Expert Aggregationoperator.toolsUtilities for Working with R's OperatorsoperatorsAdditional Binary OperatorsopGMMassessmentOptimized Automated Gaussian Mixture AssessmentOPIOpen Perimetry InterfaceopinArArgentina's Public Opinion ToolboxopitoolsAnalyzing the Opinions in a Big Text DocumentOpportunisticRouting Distribution, Broadcasts, Transmissions and Receptionsin an Opportunistic NetworkopprOptimal Project PrioritizationOpt5PLOptimal Designs for the 5-Parameter Logistic Modeloptband'surv' Object Confidence Bands Optimized by AreaoptbdmaeATOptimal Block Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray ExperimentsoptbinOptimal Binning of DataoptBiomarkerEstimation of Optimal Number of Biomarkers for Two-GroupMicroarray Based Classifications at a Given Error ToleranceLevel for Various Classification RulesOptCirClustCircular, Periodic, or Framed Data Clustering: Fast, Optimal,and ReproducibleoptDesignSlopeIntOptimal Designs for Estimating the Slope Divided by theInterceptoptedrCalculating Optimal and D-Augmented DesignsoptextrasTools to Support Optimization Possibly with Bounds and MasksOptGSNear-Optimal Group-Sequential Designs for Continuous OutcomesOptHedgingEstimation of value and hedging strategy of call and putoptionsOptHoldoutSizeEstimation of Optimal Size for a Holdout Set for Updating aPredictive ScoreopticSimulation Tool for Causal Inference Using Longitudinal DataopticalOptimal Item CalibrationopticskxiOPTICS K-Xi Density-Based ClusteringopticutLikelihood Based Optimal Partitioning and Indicator SpeciesAnalysisoptifunsetSet Options if UnsetoptigrabCommand-Line Parsing for an R Worldoptim.functionsStandard Benchmark Optimization FunctionsOptimalCutpointsComputing Optimal Cutpoints in Diagnostic TestsOptimalDesignA Toolbox for Computing Efficient Designs of ExperimentsOptimalGoldstandardDesignsDesign Parameter Optimization for Gold-Standard Non-InferiorityTrialsoptimallAllocate Samples Among StrataOptimalRerandExpDesignsOptimal Rerandomization Experimental DesignsOptimalSurrogateModel Free Approach to Quantifying SurrogacyoptimalThresholdBayesian Methods for Optimal Threshold EstimationOptimalTimingOptimal Timing IdentificationOptimaRegionConfidence Regions for Optima of Response SurfacesoptimbaseR Port of the 'Scilab' Optimbase ModuleoptimCheckGraphical and Numerical Checks for Mode-Finding RoutinesoptimgGeneral-Purpose Gradient-Based OptimizationoptimizationFlexible Optimization of Complex Loss Functions with State andParameter Space ConstraintsoptimizeRUnified Framework for Numerical OptimizersoptimLanduseRobust Land-Use OptimizationOptimModelPerform Nonlinear Regression Using 'optim' as the OptimizationEngineoptimos.primeOptimos Prime Helps Calculate Autoecological Data for BiologicalSpeciesoptimParallelParallel Version of the L-BFGS-B Optimization MethodoptimsimplexR Port of the 'Scilab' Optimsimplex ModuleoptimStratChoosing the Sample StrategyoptimusModel Based Diagnostics for Multivariate Cluster AnalysisoptimxExpanded Replacement and Extension of the 'optim' FunctionoptionalOptional Types and Pattern MatchingOptionPricingOption Pricing with Efficient Simulation AlgorithmsoptionsSimple, Consistent Package OptionsoptionstratUtilizes the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model to PerformStrategic Option Analysis and Plot Option StrategiesoptiscaleOptimal ScalingOptiSembleForecastingOptimization Based Ensemble Forecasting Using MCS AlgorithmoptiSolveLinear, Quadratic, and Rational OptimizationoptistockDetermine Optimum Stocking Times Used in Fishery EnhancementsOptMEstimating the Optimal Number of Migration Edges from 'Treemix'optmatchFunctions for Optimal MatchingoptparseCommand Line Option ParseroptpartOptimal Partitioning of Similarity RelationsoptROptimization Toolbox for Solving Linear SystemsoptrcdmaeATOptimal Row-Column Designs for Two-Colour cDNA MicroarrayExperimentsoptrefineOptimally Refine StrataOPTSOptimization via Subsampling (OPTS)OptSigOptimal Level of Significance for Regression and OtherStatistical TestsOPTtestingOptimal TestingoptweightTargeted Stable Balancing Weights Using OptimizationopusminerOPUS Miner Algorithm for Filtered Top-k Association DiscoveryOralOpioidsRetrieving Oral Opioid InformationorbweaverFast and Efficient Graph Data StructuresorcaComputation of Graphlet Orbit Counts in Sparse GraphsorclusSubspace Clustering Based on Arbitrarily Oriented ProjectedCluster GenerationORCMEOrder Restricted Clustering for Microarray ExperimentsOrcsOmnidirectional R Code SnippetsorcuttEstimate Procedure in Case of First Order AutocorrelationordbetaregOrdered Beta Regression Models with 'brms'OrdCDOrdinal Causal DiscoveryordcrmLikelihood-Based Continual Reassessment Method (CRM) DoseFinding DesignsordDispSeparating Location and Dispersion in Ordinal Regression ModelsorderingTest, Check, Verify, Investigate the Monotonic Properties ofVectorsorderlyLightweight Reproducible ReportingordersSampling from k-th Order Statistics of New Families ofDistributionsorderstatsEfficiently Generates Random Order Statistic VariablesOrdFacRegLeast Squares, Logistic, and Cox-Regression with OrderedPredictorsordgamAdditive Model for Ordinal Data using Laplace P-SplinesordiBreadthOrdinated Diet BreadthordinalRegression Models for Ordinal DataordinalbayesBayesian Ordinal Regression for High-Dimensional DataordinalContOrdinal Regression Analysis for Continuous ScalesordinalForestOrdinal Forests: Prediction and Variable Ranking with OrdinalTarget VariablesordinalgmifsOrdinal Regression for High-Dimensional DataordinalLBMCo-Clustering of Ordinal Data via Latent Continuous RandomVariablesordinalNetPenalized Ordinal RegressionordinalpatternTests Based on Ordinal PatternsordinalRRAnalysis of Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies withOrdinal MeasurementsOrdMonRegCompute least squares estimates of one bounded or two orderedisotonic regression curvesOrdNorConcurrent Generation of Ordinal and Normal Data with GivenCorrelation Matrix and Marginal DistributionsordPensSelection, Fusion, Smoothing and Principal Components Analysisfor Ordinal VariablesordrA 'tidyverse' Extension for Ordinations and BiplotsoreAn R Interface to the Onigmo Regular Expression LibraryoreoLarge Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS)orfOrdered Random ForestsORFIDManage and Summarize Data from Oregon RFID ORMR and ORSR AntennaReadersorgOrganising ProjectsorganizrShortcuts for File Creation with Informative PrefixesOrgMassSpecROrganic Mass SpectrometryorgRAnalyse Text Files Created by Emacs' Org modeorgutilsHelper Functions for Org FilesORIClustOrder-Restricted Information Criterion-Based ClusteringAlgorithmorientlibSupport for Orientation DataorigamiGeneralized Framework for Cross-ValidationoriginExplicitly Qualifying Namespaces by Automatically Adding 'pkg::'to FunctionsORIONOrdinal RelationsORKMThe Online Regularized K-Means Clustering AlgorithmorlocaOperations Research LOCational Analysis Modelsorloca.esSpanish version of orloca package. Modelos de localizacion eninvestigacion operativaormBigDataFitting Semiparametric Cumulative Probability Models for BigDataormPlotAdvanced Plotting of Ordinal Regression Modelsoro.dicomRigorous - DICOM Input / Outputoro.niftiRigorous - 'NIfTI' + 'ANALYZE' + 'AFNI' : Input / Outputoro.petRigorous - Positron Emission TomographyorsifrontsSouthern Ocean Frontal Distributions (Orsi)orskConverting Odds Ratio to Relative Risk in Cohort Studies withPartial Data InformationorthoDrSemi-Parametric Dimension Reduction Models Using OrthogonalityConstrained OptimizationorthogonalsplinebasisOrthogonal B-Spline Basis FunctionsOrthoPanelsDynamic Panel Models with Orthogonal Reparameterization of FixedEffectsorthopolynomCollection of Functions for Orthogonal and OrthonormalPolynomialsORTSCConnects to Google Cloud API for Label DetectionoRusOperational Research User StoriesOryzaProbeRice Microarray Probe ID Conversion, from Probe ID to RAP-DB IDoscOrthodromic Spatial ClusteringoscarOptimal Subset Cardinality Regression (OSCAR) Models Using theL0-PseudonormOscillatorGeneratorGeneration of Customizable, Discretized Time Series ofOscillating SpeciesOSCVOne-Sided Cross-ValidationosdOrthogonal Signal Deconvolution for Spectra Deconvolution inGC-MS and GCxGC-MS DataosdatahubEasier Interaction with the Ordnance Survey Data HubosDesignDesign, Planning and Analysis of Observational StudiesOSDRFinds an Optimal System of Distinct RepresentativesOSFDOutput Space-Filling DesignosfrInterface to the 'Open Science Framework' ('OSF')oshkaRecursive Quoted Language ExpansionoskeyringRaw System Credential Store Access from ROSLdecompositionSignal Component Analysis for Optically Stimulated LuminescenceosmclassClassify Open Street Map FeaturesosmdataImport 'OpenStreetMap' Data as Simple Features or SpatialObjectsosmextractDownload and Import Open Street Map Data ExtractsOSMscaleAdd a Scale Bar to 'OpenStreetMap' PlotsOSNMTFOrthogonal Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Tri-FactorizationosqpQuadratic Programming Solver using the 'OSQP' LibraryosrmInterface Between R and the OpenStreetMap-Based Routing ServiceOSRMosrmrWrapper for the 'OSRM' APIOssaNMAOptimal Sample Size and Allocation with a Network Meta-AnalysisOSsurvivalAssessing Surrogacy with a Censored OutcomeOstatsO-Stats, or Pairwise Community-Level Niche Overlap StatisticsOSTEOptimal Survival Trees EnsembleotargenAccess Open Target GeneticsOTclustMean Partition, Uncertainty Assessment, Cluster Validation andVisualization Selection for Cluster AnalysisOTEOptimal Trees Ensembles for Regression, Classification and ClassMembership Probability EstimationotinferenceInference for Optimal TransportotpOne Time Password Generation and VerificationotprAn R Wrapper for the 'OpenTripPlanner' REST APIOTrecodData Fusion using Optimal Transportation TheoryotrimleRobust Model-Based ClusteringotrKMOptimal Treatment Regimes in Survival Contexts withKaplan-Meier-Like EstimatorsOTRselectVariable Selection for Optimal Treatment DecisionotsadOnline Time Series Anomaly DetectorsotsfeaturesOrdinal Time Series AnalysisottrAn R Autograding Extension for Otter-GraderottrpalCompanion Tools for Open-Source Tools for Training Resources(OTTR)otuSummarySummarizing OTU Table Regarding the Composition, Abundance andBeta Diversity of Abundant and Rare BiospheresOTUtableNorth Temperate Lakes - Microbial Observatory 16S Time SeriesData and FunctionsouchOrnstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic ComparativeHypothesesoutbreaker2Bayesian Reconstruction of Disease Outbreaks by CombiningEpidemiologic and Genomic DataoutbreaksA Collection of Disease Outbreak DataoutcomerateAAPOR Survey Outcome RatesoutForestMultivariate Outlier Detection and ReplacementoutlierensemblesA Collection of Outlier Ensemble AlgorithmsoutliersTests for Outliersoutliers.ts.ogaEfficient Outlier Detection in Heterogeneous Time SeriesDatabasesOutliersLearnEducational Outlier Package with Common Outlier DetectionAlgorithmsOutliersO3Draws Overview of Outliers (O3) PlotsoutliertreeExplainable Outlier Detection Through Decision Tree ConditioningoutregRegression Table for PublicationOUwieAnalysis of Evolutionary Rates in an OU FrameworkoverdispOverdispersion in Count Data Multiple Regression AnalysisoverlapEstimates of Coefficient of Overlapping for Animal ActivityPatternsoverlappingEstimation of Overlapping in Empirical DistributionsoverlapptestTest Overlapping of Polygons Against Random RotationovertureTools for Writing MCMCoverviewREasily Extracting Information About Your DataOVL.CIInference on the Overlap Coefficient: The Binormal Approach andAlternativesOVtoolOmitted Variable ToolowdOpen Working DirectoryowdbrOpen Welfare Data BrazilOWEAOptimal Weight Exchange Algorithm for Optimal Designs for ThreeModelsOwenQOwen Q-FunctionowidRImport Data from Our World in DataowmrOpenWeatherMap API Wrapperows4RInterface to OGC Web-Services (OWS)oxShorthand if-ElseoxcAARInterface to 'OxCal' Radiocarbon CalibrationOxyBSProcessing of Oxy-Bisulfite Microarray DataoysteRScans R Projects for Vulnerable Third Party DependenciesozPlot the Australian Coastline and StatesozmapsAustralia Maps p3state.msmAnalyzing Survival Data from an Illness-Death ModelpaPerformance Attribution for Equity PortfoliosPACPartition-Assisted Clustering and Multiple Alignments ofNetworkspackConvert values to/from raw vectorspackageDiffCompare R Package DifferencespackagefinderComfortable Search for R Packages on CRAN, Either Directly fromthe R Console or with an R Studio Add-inpackagepalGuidelines and Checklists for Building CRAN-Worthy PackagespackagerCreate, Build and Maintain PackagespackageRankComputation and Visualization of Package Download Counts andPercentilespackcirclesCircle PackingpackDAMipdDecision Analysis Modelling Package with Parameters EstimationAbility from Individual Patient Level DatapackerAn Opinionated Framework for Using 'JavaScript'packHVA few Useful Functions for StatisticianspackMBPLSDAMulti-Block Partial Least Squares Discriminant AnalysispackratA Dependency Management System for Projects and their R PackageDependenciesPACLassoPenalized and Constrained Lasso OptimizationpacmanPackage Management ToolpacoProcrustes Application to Cophylogenetic AnalysispacotestTesting for Partial Copulas and the Simplifying Assumption inVine CopulaspacsSupplementary Tools for R Packages DevelopersPACVrPlastome Assembly Coverage VisualizationPadePadé Approximant CoefficientspadrQuickly Get Datetime Data Ready for AnalysispafdRBook Companion for Processing and Analyzing Financial Data withRPAFitGenerative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex NetworkspafrRead, Manipulate and Visualize 'Pairwise mApping Format' DatapagedownPaginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for PrintpagemapCreate Mini Map for Web PagespagenumPut Page Numbers on GraphicspageviewsAn API Client for Wikimedia Traffic DataPAGFLJoint Estimation of Latent Groups and Group-SpecificCoefficients in Panel Data Modelspagoda2Single Cell Analysis and Differential ExpressionPAGWASPathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association DataPAICEPhylogeographic Analysis of Island Colonization EventspainbowUse XKCD's "Painbow" Colormap in ggplot2painterCreation and Manipulation of Color PalettespaintingrPainting Palettes GeneratorpaintmapPlotting PaintmapsPairedDataPaired Data AnalysispairsD3D3 Scatterplot MatricesPairVizVisualization using Graph TraversalpairwiseRasch Model Parameters by Pairwise AlgorithmpairwiseCIConfidence Intervals for Two Sample ComparisonspakAnother Approach to Package InstallationPakPC2017Pakistan Population Census 2017PakPC2023Pakistan Population Census 2023PakPMICS2014ChMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 ChildQuestionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2014HHMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 HouseholdQuestionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2014HLMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household ListingQuestionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2014WmMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 WomenQuestionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2018Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Data forPunjab, PakistanPakPMICS2018bhMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Birth Historyof Children Questionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2018fsMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Children Age5-17 Questionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2018hhMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 HouseholdQuestionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2018mmMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 MaternalMortality Questionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanPakPMICS2018mnMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 MenQuestionnaire Data for Punjab, PakistanpalaeoSigSignificance Tests for Palaeoenvironmental ReconstructionspalaeoversePrepare and Explore Data for Palaeobiological AnalysespalassoPaired Lasso RegressionpaldPartitioned Local Depth for Community Structure in DatapaleobioDBDownload and Process Data from the Paleobiology DatabasepaleobuddySimulating Diversification DynamicspaleoDivExtracting and Visualizing PaleobiodiversitypaleomorphGeometric Morphometric Tools for PaleobiologypaleotreePaleontological and Phylogenetic Analyses of EvolutionpaleoTSAnalyze Paleontological Time-SeriespaletteColor Scheme HelperspaletteerComprehensive Collection of Color PalettespaletteknifeCreate Colour Scales and Legend from Continuous or CategoricalVectorspalettesMethods for Colour Vectors and Colour PalettespalettesForRGPL Palettes Copied from 'Gimp' and 'Inkscape'palettetownUse Pokemon Inspired Colour PalettespalinsolInsolation for Palaeoclimate StudiespalmFitting Point Process Models via the Palm LikelihoodpalmerpenguinsPalmer Archipelago (Antarctica) Penguin DataPaLMrInterface for 'Google Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2)'palmtreePartially Additive (Generalized) Linear Model TreespalrColour Palettes for DatapalsColor Palettes, Colormaps, and Tools to Evaluate ThemPamBinariesRead and Process 'Pamguard' Binary DataPAmeasuresPrediction and Accuracy Measures for Nonlinear Models and forRight-Censored Time-to-Event DataPAMhmGenerate Heatmaps Based on Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM)pammPower Analysis for Random Effects in Mixed ModelsPAMmiscMiscellaneous Functions for Passive Acoustic AnalysispammtoolsPiece-Wise Exponential Additive Mixed Modeling Tools forSurvival AnalysisPAMpalLoad and Process Passive Acoustic DatapampeImplementation of the Panel Data Approach Method for ProgramEvaluationpamrPam: Prediction Analysis for MicroarrayspanMultiple Imputation for Multivariate Panel or Clustered DataPANACEAPersonalized Network-Based Anti-Cancer Therapy EvaluationpAnalysisBenchmarking and Rescaling R2 using Noise Percentile AnalysisPanCanVarSelPan-Cancer Variable SelectionpanderAn R 'Pandoc' WriterpandocManage and Run Universal Converter 'Pandoc' from 'R'pandocfiltersPandoc Filters for RPandoraRetrieve Data using the API of the 'Pandora' Data PlatformpanelaggregationAggregate Longitudinal Survey DataPanelCountRandom Effects and/or Sample Selection Models for Panel CountDatapanelheteroPanel Data Analysis with Heterogeneous DynamicsPanelMatchMatching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-SeriesCross-Sectional DatapanelPompInference for Panel Partially Observed Markov ProcessespanelrRegression Models and Utilities for Repeated Measures and PanelDatapanelsummaryCreate Publication-Ready Regression Tables with PanelspanelSURTwo-Way Error Component SUR Systems Estimation on UnbalancedPanel DataPanelTMTwo- And Three-Way Dynamic Panel Threshold Regression Model forChange Point DetectionpanelvarPanel Vector AutoregressionpanelViewVisualizing Panel DatapanelWranglRPanel Data Wrangling ToolspangaearClient for the 'Pangaea' DatabasePanJenA Semi-Parametric Test for Specifying Functional FormPANPRSnextBuilding PRS Models Based on Summary Statistics of GWAspanstarrsInterface to the Pan-STARRS APIPantaRheiPlots Sankey DiagramspapajaPrepare American Psychological Association Journal Articles withR MarkdownpapciPrevalence Adjusted PPV Confidence IntervalpapeRA Toolbox for Writing Pretty Papers and ReportspaperplanesDistance Recordings from a Paper Plane Folding/Flying ExperimentparabarProgress Bar for Parallel TasksparadePen's Income ParadesparadoxDefine and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex AlgorithmsparallelDistParallel Distance Matrix Computation using Multiple ThreadsParallelLoggerSupport for Parallel Computation, Logging, and FunctionAutomationparallellyEnhancing the 'parallel' PackageparallelMapUnified Interface to Parallelization Back-EndsparallelMCMCcombineCombining Subset MCMC Samples to Estimate a Posterior DensityparallelpamParallel Partitioning-Around-Medoids (PAM) for Big Sets of DataParallelPCParalellised Versions of Constraint Based Causal DiscoveryAlgorithmsparallelPlot'Htmlwidget' for a Parallel Coordinates Plotparam2momentRaw, Central and Standardized Moments of ParametricDistributionsparametersProcessing of Model ParametersparamGUIA Shiny GUI for some Parameter Estimation ExamplesParamHelpersHelpers for Parameters in Black-Box Optimization, Tuning andMachine LearningparamheteroNumeric and Visual Comparisons of Heterogeneity in ParametricModelsparamlinkParametric Linkage and Other Pedigree Analysis in Rparamlink2Parametric Linkage AnalysisparamsSimplify ParametersparamsimParameterized SimulationparamtestRun a Function Iteratively While Varying ParametersparanHorn's Test of Principal Components/FactorsParBayesianOptimizationParallel Bayesian Optimization of HyperparametersparcatsInteractive Parallel Categories Diagrams for 'easyalluvial'parcrConstruct Parsers for Structured Text FilesParDNAcopyParallel implementation of the "segment" function of package"DNAcopy"PaReA Way to Perform Code Review or QA on Other PackagesParetoThe Pareto, Piecewise Pareto and Generalized Pareto DistributionParetoPosStableComputing, Fitting and Validating the PPS DistributionparfmParametric Frailty ModelspargasitePollution-Associated Risk Geospatial Analysis SiteparglmParallel GLMpARIPermutation-Based All-Resolutions Inference MethodParis2024ColoursColor Palettes Inspired by Paris 2024 Olympic and ParalympicGamesparmaPortfolio Allocation and Risk Management ApplicationsparmigeneParallel Mutual Information Estimation for Gene NetworkReconstructionparmsurvfitParametric Models for Survival DataparoptParameter Optimizing of ODE-SystemsparqrRead in Multi-Part Parquet FilesparquetizeConvert Files to Parquet FormatparsecPartial Orders in Socio-EconomicsparsedateRecognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats, Including All ISO8601 FormatsparselParallel Dynamic Web-Scraping Using 'RSelenium'parsermdFormal Parser and Related Tools for R Markdown DocumentsparseRPDRParse and Manipulate Research Patient Data Registry ('RPDR')Text QueriesparSimParallel Simulation StudiesparsnipA Common API to Modeling and Analysis FunctionsPartCensRegEstimation and Diagnostics for Partially Linear CensoredRegression Models Based on Heavy-Tailed DistributionspartDSAPartitioning Using Deletion, Substitution, and Addition MovespartialisedPartialised FunctionsPartiallyoverlappingPartially Overlapping Samples TestsPartialNetworkEstimating Peer Effects Using Partial Network Dataparticle.swarm.optimisationOptimisation with Particle Swarm OptimisationparticlesA Graph Based Particle Simulator Based on D3-ForcepartitionAgglomerative Partitioning Framework for Dimension ReductionpartitionBEFspMethods for Calculating the Loreau & Hector 2001 BEF PartitionpartitionComparisonImplements Measures for the Comparison of Two PartitionspartitionMetricCompute a distance metric between two partitions of a setpartitionsAdditive Partitions of IntegerspartoolsTools for the 'Parallel' PackagepartR2Partitioning R2 in GLMMspartsmPeriodic Autoregressive Time Series ModelsparttimePartial Datetime HandlingpartyA Laboratory for Recursive PartytioningpartykitA Toolkit for Recursive PartytioningparzerParse Messy Geographic CoordinatesPASPolygenic Analysis System (PAS)pasadrAn Implementation of Process-Aware Stealthy AttackDetection(PASAD)PASenseWearSummarize Daily Physical Activity from 'SenseWear' AccelerometerDatapass.lmePower and Sample Size for Linear Mixed Effect ModelsPASSEDCalculate Power and Sample Size for Two Sample Mean TestsPAssoAssessing the Partial Association Between Ordinal VariablespassportTravel Smoothly Between Country Name and Code FormatspasstProbability Associator Time (PASS-T)passwordCreate Random PasswordspastaPlotSpaghetti-Plot Fixed and Random Effects of Linear Mixed ModelspastclimManipulate Time Series of Palaeoclimate ReconstructionspasteAsComment'RStudio' Addin to Paste the Clipboard as a Comment Block or a'roxygen' BlockpastecsPackage for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological SeriesPASWRProbability and Statistics with RPASWR2Probability and Statistics with R, Second EditionpatchDVIPackage to Patch '.dvi' or '.synctex' FilespatchSynctexCommunication Between Editor and Viewer for Literate ProgramspatchworkThe Composer of PlotspatentrAccess USPTO Bulk Data in Tidy Rectangular FormatpatentsviewAn R Client to the 'PatentsView' APIpath.chainConcise Structure for Chainable PathspathfindREnrichment Analysis Utilizing Active SubnetworkspathfindR.dataData Package for 'pathfindR'pathlingA Library for using 'Pathling'pathlitAn SDK for the PathLit EnginepathmodelfitPath Component Fit Indices for Latent Structural Equation ModelspathsAn Imputation Approach to Estimating Path-Specific CausalEffectspathviewrWrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Animal Movement DatapathwayTMBPathway Based Tumor Mutational BurdenPatientProfilesIdentify Characteristics of Patients in the OMOP Common DataModelpatientProfilesVisVisualization of Patient ProfilespatrickParameterized Unit TestingpatternatorFeature Extraction from Female Brown Anole Lizard DorsalPatternspatternizeQuantification of Color Pattern VariationpatternplotVersatile Pie Charts, Ring Charts, Bar Charts and Box Plotsusing Patterns, Colors and ImagesPatternsDeciphering Biological Networks with Patterned HeterogeneousMeasurementspavoPerceptual Analysis, Visualization and Organization of SpectralColour DatapawaccPhysical Activity with AccelerometerspawsAmazon Web Services Software Development'Amazon Web Services' Analytics Servicespaws.application.integration'Amazon Web Services' Application Integration Servicespaws.commonPaws Low-Level Amazon Web Services APIpaws.compute'Amazon Web Services' Compute'Amazon Web Services' Cost Management Servicespaws.customer.engagement'Amazon Web Services' Customer Engagement Servicespaws.database'Amazon Web Services' Database'Amazon Web Services' Developer Tools Servicespaws.end.user.computing'Amazon Web Services' End User Computing Servicespaws.machine.learning'Amazon Web Services' Machine Learning'Amazon Web Services' Management & Governance Servicespaws.networking'Amazon Web Services' Networking & Content Delivery'Amazon Web Services' Security, Identity, & Compliance'Amazon Web Services' Storage ServicespawscorePain Assessment at Withdrawal Speeds (PAWS)pbANOVAParametric Bootstrap for ANOVA ModelspbapplyAdding Progress Bar to '*apply' FunctionspbatRPedigree/Family-Based Genetic Association Tests Analysis andPowerpbbdPosition Balanced and Nearly Position Balanced Block DesignspbccPercentile-Based Control ChartPBDProtracted Birth-Death Model of DiversificationpbdMPIR Interface to MPI for HPC Clusters (Programming with Big DataProject)pbdSLAPProgramming with Big Data – Scalable Linear Algebra PackagespbdZMQProgramming with Big Data – Interface to 'ZeroMQ'PBIBDPartially Balanced Incomplete Block DesignsPBImiscA Set of Datasets Used in My Classes or in the Book 'ModeleLiniowe i Mieszane w R, Wraz z Przykladami w Analizie Danych'PBIREstimating the Probability of Being in Response and RelatedOutcomespbivnormVectorized Bivariate Normal CDFpbkrtestParametric Bootstrap, Kenward-Roger and Satterthwaite BasedMethods for Test in Mixed ModelspbmProtein Binding ModelspbmcapplyTracking the Progress of Mc*pply with Progress BarPBNPAPermutation Based Non-Parametric Analysis of CRISPR Screen DatapboProbability of Backtest OverfittingpboxExploring Multivariate Spaces with Probability BoxespbrFind a Cold One Near YoupBracketsPlot BracketspbsPeriodic B SplinesPBSadmbADMB for R Using Scripts or GUIPBSddesolveSolver for Delay Differential EquationsPBSmappingMapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis ToolsPBSmodellingGUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore DataPBtDesignsPartially Balanced t-Designs (PBtDesigns)pbvProbabilities for Bivariate Normal DistributionpcadaptFast Principal Component Analysis for Outlier DetectionPCADSCTools for Principal Component Analysis-Based Data StructureComparisonspcalCalibration of P-Values for Point Null Hypothesis TestingpcaL1L1-Norm PCA MethodspcalgMethods for Graphical Models and Causal InferencepCalibrateBayesian Calibrations of p-ValuespcallsPricing of Different Types of CallPCAmatchRMatch Cases to Controls Based on Genotype Principal ComponentsPCAmixdataMultivariate Analysis of Mixed DatapcaoneRandomized Singular Value Decomposition Algorithms with'RcppEigen'pcaPPRobust PCA by Projection PursuitpcatsAPIclientR'PCATS' API ClientPCBSPrinciple Component BiSulfitepcccPediatric Complex Chronic ConditionsPCDimensionFinding the Number of Significant Principal ComponentspcdpcaDynamic Principal Components for Periodically CorrelatedFunctional Time SeriespcdsProximity Catch Digraphs and Their Applicationspcds.ugraphUnderlying Graphs of Proximity Catch Digraphs and TheirApplicationspcensmixModel Fitting to Progressively Censored Mixture DatapcevPrincipal Component of Explained VariancepcFactorStanStan Models for the Paired Comparison Factor ModelPCFAMComputation of Ancestry Scores with Mixed Families and UnrelatedIndividualspcgPreconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for solving Ax=bpcgenReconstruction of Causal Networks for Data with Random GeneticEffectsPCGIIPartial Correlation Graph with Information IncorporationPCGSEPrincipal Component Gene Set EnrichmentpchPiecewise Constant Hazard Models for Censored and Truncated DatapchcBayesian Network Learning with the PCHC and Related AlgorithmsPCICtImplementation of POSIXct Work-Alike for 365 and 360 DayCalendarspcIRTIRT Models for Polytomous and Continuous Item ResponsesPCLProximal Causal LearningpcLassoPrincipal Components LassoPCLassoRegGroup Regression Models for Risk Protein Complex IdentificationpcmabcApproximate Bayesian Computations for Phylogenetic ComparativeMethodsPCMBaseSimulation and Likelihood Calculation of PhylogeneticComparative ModelsPCMBaseCppFast Likelihood Calculation for Phylogenetic Comparative ModelsPCMRSModel Response Styles in Partial Credit ModelspcnetmetaPatient-Centered Network Meta-AnalysispcoPanel Cointegration TestsPCObwBandwidth Selector with Penalized Comparison to OverfittingCriterionpCODEEstimation of an Ordinary Differential Equation Model byParameter Cascade MethodPCovRPrincipal Covariates RegressionPCPSPrincipal Coordinates of Phylogenetic StructurepcrAnalyzing Real-Time Quantitative PCR DataPCRACompanion to Portfolio Construction and Risk AnalysisPCSCalculate the Probability of Correct Selection (PCS)pcsePanel-Corrected Standard Error Estimation in RPCSinRParallel Constraint Satisfaction Networks in RpcsstoolsTools for Regression Using Pre-Computed Summary StatisticspcSteinerConvenient Tool for Solving the Prize-Collecting Steiner TreeProblempctPropensity to Cycle ToolpctaxProfessional Comprehensive Omics Data AnalysispctsPeriodically Correlated and Periodically Integrated Time SeriespcutilsSome Useful Functions for Statistics and VisualizationpcvProcrustes Cross-ValidationpdaPrivacy-Preserving Distributed AlgorithmspdcPermutation Distribution ClusteringPDEExtract Tables and Sentences from PDFs with User InterfacepderPanel Data Econometrics with RpdfClusterCluster Analysis via Nonparametric Density EstimationPDFEstimatorMultivariate Nonparametric Probability Density EstimatorpdfetchFetch Economic and Financial Time Series Data from PublicSourcespdfminerRead Portable Document Format (PDF) FilespdfsearchSearch Tools for PDF FilespdftablesProgrammatic Conversion of PDF TablespdftoolsText Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF DocumentspdiPhenotypic Index Measures for Oak Decline SeveritypdistPartitioned Distance FunctionPDMPhotogrammetric Distances MeasurerPDMIFFits Heterogeneous Panel Data ModelspdmodProximal/Distal Modeling Framework for Pavlovian ConditioningPhenomenaPDNPersonalized Disease NetworkpdpPartial Dependence PlotsPdPDBPattern Discovery in PDB Structures of MetalloproteinspdqrWork with Custom Distribution FunctionsPDQutilsPDQ Functions via Gram Charlier, Edgeworth, and Cornish FisherApproximationspdRThreshold Model and Unit Root Tests in Cross-Section and TimeSeries DataPDSCEPositive Definite Sparse Covariance EstimatorsPDShiny'Probability Distribution Shiny'pdSpecEstAn Analysis Toolbox for Hermitian Positive Definite MatricespdtPermutation Distancing TestPDtoolkitCollection of Tools for PD Rating Model Development andValidationpdxTreesData Package of Portland, Oregon TreespdynmcMoment Condition Based Estimation of Linear Dynamic Panel DataModelspeacesciencerTools and Data for Quantitative Peace Science ResearchPEACHPareto Enrichment Analysis for Combining Heterogeneous DatasetsPeaco*ck.testTwo and Three Dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two-Sample TestspeacotsPeriodogram Peaks in Correlated Time SeriesPeakErrorCompute the Label Error of Peak CallspeakRAMMonitor the Total and Peak RAM Used by an Expression or FunctionPeakSegDiskDisk-Based Constrained Change-Point DetectionPeakSegDPDynamic Programming Algorithm for Peak Detection in ChIP-SeqDataPeakSegJointJoint Peak Detection in Several ChIP-Seq SamplesPeakSegOptimalOptimal Segmentation Subject to Up-Down Constraintspearson7Maximum Likelihood Inference for the Pearson VII Distributionwith Shape Parameter 3/2PearsonDSPearson Distribution SystemPearsonICAIndependent Component Analysis using Score Functions from thePearson SystempecPrediction Error Curves for Risk Prediction Models in SurvivalAnalysispecoraPermutation Conditional Random Testspedalfast.dataPEDALFAST DatapedbpPediatric Blood PressurepedbuildrPedigree ReconstructionpedFamiliasImport and Export 'Familias' FilespedgeneGene-Level Variant Association Tests for Pedigree DatapedigreePedigree FunctionspedigreemmPedigree-Based Mixed-Effects ModelspedigreeToolsVersatile Functions for Working with PedigreespedMermaidPedigree Mermaid SyntaxpedmodPedigree ModelspedmutMutation Models for Pedigree Likelihood ComputationspedometricsMiscellaneous Pedometric ToolspedprobrProbability Computations on PedigreespedquantPublic Economic Data and Quantitative AnalysispedSimulatePedigree, Genetic Merit, Phenotype, and Genotype SimulationpedsuiteEasy Installation of the 'ped suite' Packages for PedigreeAnalysispedtoolsCreating and Working with Pedigrees and Marker DatapeermodelsClient-Side R API Wrapper for Peer Models Network ModelRepositoryPeerPerformanceLuck-Corrected Peer Performance Analysis in RpegasPopulation and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis SystemPEGroupTestingPopulation Proportion Estimation using Group TestingPEIMAN2Post-Translational Modification Enrichment, Integration, andMatching AnalysisPEIPGeophysical Inverse Theory and OptimizationPEkitPartition Exchangeability ToolkitpellData About Historic Pell Grant Distribution in the USPELVISProbabilistic Sex Estimate using Logistic Regression, Based onVISual Traits of the Human Os CoxaepemaPenalized Meta-AnalysispempiProportion Estimation with Marginal Proxy Informationpems.utilsPortable Emissions (and Other Mobile) Measurement SystemUtilitiespemultinomL1-Penalized Multinomial Regression with Statistical InferencepenAFTFit the Regularized Gehan Estimator with Elastic Net and SparseGroup Lasso PenaltiespenalizedL1 (Lasso and Fused Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) Penalized Estimationin GLMs and in the Cox ModelpenalizedcdfEstimate a Penalized Linear Model using the CDF Penalty FunctionpenalizedclrIntegrative Penalized Conditional Logistic RegressionpenalizedSVMFeature Selection SVM using Penalty FunctionspenaltyLearningPenalty LearningpencalPenalized Regression Calibration (PRC) for the DynamicPrediction of SurvivalpencopulaCondEstimating Non-Simplified Vine Copulas Using Penalized SplinesPenCoxFrailRegularization in Cox Frailty ModelspendensityDensity Estimation with a Penalized Mixture ApproachpenfaSingle- And Multiple-Group Penalized Factor AnalysisPenICSemiparametric Regression Analysis of Interval-Censored Datausing Penalized SplinespenMSMEstimating Regularized Multi-state Models Using L1 PenaltiespenPHcureVariable Selection in PH Cure Model with Time-Varying CovariatespenppmlPenalized Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood RegressionpensePenalized Elastic Net S/MM-Estimator of RegressionpensimSimulation of High-Dimensional Data and Parallelized RepeatedPenalized RegressionpensynthPenalized Synthetic Control EstimationpeopleanalyticsData Sets for Craig Starbuck's Book, "The Fundamentals of PeopleAnalytics: With Applications in R"peopleanalyticsdataData Sets for Keith McNulty's Handbook of Regression Modeling inPeople AnalyticsPEPBVSBayesian Variable Selection using Power-Expected-Posterior PriorpepeData ManipulationpeperrParallelised Estimation of Prediction ErrorpeppmPiecewise Exponential Distribution with Random Time GridspeprReading Portable Encapsulated ProjectsPepSAVImsPepSAVI-MS Data AnalysisPeptidesCalculate Indices and Theoretical Physicochemical Properties ofProtein SequencespeptoolkitA Toolkit for Using Peptide Sequences in Machine LearningperamoPermutation Tests for Randomization ModelperARMAPeriodic Time Series AnalysisPercUsing Percolation and Conductance to Find Information FlowCertainty in a Direct NetworkperccalcEstimate Percentiles from an Ordered Categorical VariablePerFitPerson FitPerfMeasPerformance Measures for Ranking and Classification TasksperformanceAssessment of Regression Models PerformancePerformanceAnalyticsEconometric Tools for Performance and Risk AnalysisperformanceEstimationAn Infra-Structure for Performance Estimation of PredictiveModelspeRiodiCSFunctions for Generating Periodic CurvesPeriodicTablePeriodic Table of the ElementsperiscopeEnterprise Streamlined 'Shiny' Application Frameworkperiscope2Enterprise Streamlined 'shiny' Application Framework Using'bs4Dash'PERKPredicting Environmental Concentration and RiskpermExact or Asymptotic Permutation TestsPermAlgoPermutational Algorithm to Simulate Survival DataPERMANOVAMultivariate Analysis of Variance Based on Distances andPermutationspermChackoChacko Test for Order-Restriction with PermutationpermGSPermutational Group Sequential Test for Time-to-Event DatapermimpConditional Permutation ImportancepermPATHPermutation Based Gene Expression Pathway AnalysispermsFast Permutation ComputationpermubiomeA Permutation Based Test for Biomarker Discovery in MicrobiomeDatapermucoPermutation Tests for Regression, (Repeated Measures)ANOVA/ANCOVA and Comparison of SignalsPermutationRConduct Permutation Analysis of Variance in RpermutationsThe Symmetric Group: Permutations of a Finite SetpermuteFunctions for Generating Restricted Permutations of DatapermutesPermutation Tests for Time Series DataperplexRA Coding Assistant using Perplexity's Large Language ModelsperryResampling-Based Prediction Error Estimation for RegressionModelsperryExamplesExamples for Integrating Prediction Error Estimation intoRegression ModelspersDxPersonalized Diagnostics Rules for Subgroup Identification andPersonalized Biomarker DiscoveryPerseusRPerseus R InteropPersianStemmerPersian Stemmer for Text AnalysisPersomicsArrayAutomated Persomics Array Image ExtractionpersonalizedEstimation and Validation Methods for Subgroup Identificationand Personalized Medicinepersonalized2partTwo-Part Estimation of Treatment Rules for Semi-Continuous DatapersonalrAutomated Personal Package SetuppersonrTest Your PersonalityperspectevPermutation of Species During Turnover EventsperturbRRandom Perturbation of Count Matricesperuflorads43Reviewed Official Classification of Endangered Wild FloraSpecies in PeruperuseA Tidy API for Sequence Iteration and Set ComprehensionperutimberCatalogue of the Timber Forest Species of the Peruvian AmazonpeselAutomatic Estimation of Number of Principal Components in PCAPesticideLoadIndicatorComputes Danish Pesticide Load IndicatorpestrInterface to Download Data on Pests and Hosts from 'EPPO'PetersenEstimators for Two-Sample Capture-Recapture StudiespetersenlabA Collection of R Functions by the Petersen LabPEtestsPower-Enhanced (PE) Tests for High-Dimensional DataPetfindeR'Petfinder' API WrapperpetitrRelative Growth RatepetrinetRBuilding, Visualizing, Exporting and Replaying Petri NetspewdataReproducible Retrieval of Pew Research Center DatasetspexmLoading a JAGS Module for the Piecewise Exponential DistributionpezPhylogenetics for the Environmental SciencespfaEstimates False Discovery Proportion Under Arbitrary CovarianceDependencepficaIndependent Components Analysis Techniques for Functional DataPFIMPopulation Fisher Information MatrixpfrInterface to the 'C++' Library 'Pf'pgPolya Gamma Distribution SamplerpgamPoisson-Gamma Additive ModelspgdrawGenerate Random Samples from the Polya-Gamma DistributionPGEEPenalized Generalized Estimating Equations in High-Dimensionpgee.mixedPenalized Generalized Estimating Equations for Bivariate MixedOutcomespgenlibrPLINK 2 Binary (.pgen) ReaderpgirmessSpatial Analysis and Data Mining for Field EcologistspgKDEsphereParametrically Guided Kernel Density Estimator for SphericalDatapglmPanel Generalized Linear ModelsPGM2Nested Resolvable Designs and their Associated Uniform DesignspgmmParsimonious Gaussian Mixture ModelspgnormThe p-Generalized Normal DistributionpGPxPseudo-Realizations for Gaussian Process ExcursionspgraphBuild Dependency Graphs using ProjectionPGRdupDiscover Probable Duplicates in Plant Genetic ResourcesCollectionspGRNSingle-Cell RNA Sequencing Pseudo-Time Based Gene RegulatoryNetwork InferencepgscComputes Powell's Generalized Synthetic Control EstimatorpgToolsFunctions for Generating PostgreSQL Statements/ScriptsPH1XBARPhase I Shewhart X-Bar Chartph2bayesBayesian Single-Arm Phase II Designsph2byePhase II Clinical Trial Design Using Bayesian Methodsph2multPhase II Clinical Trial Design for Multinomial EndpointsphackingSensitivity Analysis for p-Hacking in Meta-AnalysesPhageco*cktailDesign of the Best Phage co*cktailphangornPhylogenetic Reconstruction and AnalysisphantSEMCreate Phantom Variables in Structural Equation Models forSensitivity AnalysespharmaRTFEnhanced RTF Wrapper for Use with Existing Table PackagespharmaverseNavigate 'Pharmaverse'pharmaverseadamADaM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of PackagespharmaversesdtmSDTM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of PackagespharmrInterface to the 'Pharmpy' 'Pharmacometrics' LibraryphaseAnalyse Biological Time-Series DataPhase123Simulating and Conducting Phase 123 TrialsPhase12CompareSimulates SPSO and Efftox Phase 12 Trials with CorrelatedOutcomesphase1PRMDPersonalized Repeated Measurement Design for Phase I ClinicalTrialsphase1RMDRepeated Measurement Design for Phase I Clinical TrialphaseRPhase Plane Analysis of One- And Two-Dimensional Autonomous ODESystemsPhaseTypeInference for Phase-Type DistributionsPhaseTypeRGeneral-Purpose Phase-Type FunctionsphateRPHATE - Potential of Heat-Diffusion for Affinity-BasedTransition EmbeddingPHclustPoisson Hurdle Clustering for Sparse Microbiome DataphdPermutation Testing in High-Dimensional Linear Modelsphdco*cktailEnhance the Ease of R Experience as an Emerging ResearcherpheatmapPretty HeatmapsphebleClassifying High-Dimensional Phenotypes with Ensemble LearningPheCAPHigh-Throughput Phenotyping with EHR using a Common AutomatedPipelinephecodemapVisualization for PheCode Mapping with ICD-9 and ICD-10-CM CodesPHEindicatormethodsCommon Public Health Statistics and their Confidence IntervalsphenesseEstimate Phenological Metrics using Presence-Only DataphenexAuxiliary Functions for Phenological Data AnalysisPHENIXPhenotypic Integration IndexphenmodAuxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Processing, Modellingand Result HandlingphenModelInsect Phenology Model Evaluation Based on Daily TemperaturesphenoAuxiliary Functions for Phenological Data AnalysisphenocamrFacilitates 'PhenoCam' Data Access and Time SeriesPost-ProcessingphenoCDMContinuous Development Models for Incremental Time-SeriesAnalysisphenofitExtract Remote Sensing Vegetation PhenologyphenolocropTime-Series Models to the Crop PhenologyphenologyTools to Manage a Parametric Function that Describes Phenologyand MorephenomapProjecting Satellite-Derived Phenology in SpacephenopixProcess Digital Images of a Vegetation CoverPheNormUnsupervised Gold-Standard Label Free Phenotyping Algorithm forEHR DataPhenotypeA Tool for Phenotypic Data ProcessingPhenotypeSimulatorFlexible Phenotype Simulation from Different Genetic and NoiseModelsPHENTHAUprocPhenology Modelling of Thaumetopoea ProcessioneaphersCalculate Phenotype Risk ScoresPHevalEvaluation of the Proportional Hazards Assumption with aStandardized Score ProcessPheVisAutomatic Phenotyping of Electronic Health Record at VisitResolutionPhi2rhoOwen's T Function and Bivariate Normal IntegralphiaPost-Hoc Interaction AnalysisphiDeltaTool for Phi Delta Analysis of FeaturesphilentropySimilarity and Distance Quantification Between ProbabilityFunctionsPhilipsHueR Interface to the Philips Hue APIPHInfiniteEstimatesTools for Inference in the Presence of a Monotone LikelihoodPhitestRAnalyzing the Heterogeneity of Single-Cell PopulationsphmPhrase MiningphoenicsPathways Longitudinal and Differential Analysis in MetabolomicsphoenixThe Phoenix Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock CriteriaphonenumberConvert Letters to Numbers and Back as on a Telephone KeypadphonfieldworkLinguistic Phonetic Fieldwork ToolsphonicsPhonetic Spelling AlgorithmsphonRTools for Phoneticians and PhonologistsphonToolsTools for Phonetic and Acoustic Analysesphosphoricons'Phosphor' Icons for RphotobiologyPhotobiological CalculationsphotobiologyFiltersSpectral Transmittance and Spectral Reflectance DataphotobiologyInOutRead Spectral and Logged Data from Foreign FilesphotobiologyLampsSpectral Irradiance Data for LampsphotobiologyLEDsSpectral Data for Light-Emitting-DiodesphotobiologyPlantsPlant Photobiology Related Functions and DataphotobiologySensorsResponse Data for Light SensorsphotobiologySunData for Sunlight SpectraphotobiologyWavebandsWaveband Definitions for UV, VIS, and IR RadiationPhotosynQConnect to PhotosynQphotosynthesisTools for Plant Ecophysiology & ModelingphrasesPhrasal Verbs in English Club WebsitephreeqcR Interface to Geochemical Modeling SoftwarephsmethodsStandard Methods for Use in Public Health ScotlandPHSMMPenalised Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Hidden Semi-MarkovModelsphuassessProportional Habitat Use AssessmentphyclustPhylogenetic Clustering (Phyloclustering)phyext2An Extension (for Package 'SigTree') of Some of the Classes inPackage 'phylobase'phylepicCombined Visualisation of Phylogenetic and Epidemiological DataphylinSpatial Interpolation of Genetic DataphylobaseBase Package for Phylogenetic Structures and Comparative DataphylocanvasInteractive Phylogenetic Trees Using the 'Phylocanvas'JavaScript LibraryphyloclimIntegrating Phylogenetics and Climatic Niche ModelingphylocomrInterface to 'Phylocom'PhylogeneticEMAutomatic Shift Detection using a Phylogenetic EMPHYLOGRFunctions for Phylogenetically Based Statistical AnalysesphylogramDendrograms for Evolutionary AnalysisphylolmPhylogenetic Linear RegressionphylometricsEstimating Statistical Errors of Phylogenetic MetricsphylopathPerform Phylogenetic Path AnalysisphylorasterEvolutionary Diversity Metrics for Raster DataphyloregionBiogeographic Regionalization and MacroecologyphylosampSample Size Calculations for Molecular and Phylogenetic StudiesphylosemPhylogenetic Structural Equation ModelphyloseqGraphTestGraph-Based Permutation Tests for Microbiome DataphylosignalExploring the Phylogenetic Signal in Continuous TraitsphylotatePhylogenies with AnnotationsphylotoolsPhylogenetic Tools for Eco-PhylogeneticsphyloTopCalculating Topological Properties of PhylogeniesphylterDetect and Remove Outliers in Phylogenomics DatasetsphyrModel Based Phylogenetic AnalysisphyregThe Phylogenetic Regression of Grafen (1989)PhysActBedRestMarks Periods of 'Bedrest' in Actigraph Accelerometer DataPhysicalActivityProcess Accelerometer Data for Physical Activity MeasurementphysiologyCalculate physiologic characteristics of awake and anesthetizedadults, children and infantsPhySortRA Fast, Flexible Tool for Sorting Phylogenetic TreesphytoclassEstimate Chla Concentrations of Phytoplankton GroupsphytoolsPhylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology (and Other Things)PhytosanitaryCalculatorPhytosanitary Calculator for Inspection Plans Based on RiskspiarPrice Index AggregationpicanteIntegrating Phylogenies and EcologypicassoPathwise Calibrated Sparse Shooting AlgorithmPICBayesBayesian Models for Partly Interval-Censored DatapicClipPaste Box Input for 'Shiny'pickerPick Data Points from a ScatterplotpicRPredictive Information Criteria for Model SelectionpidProcess Improvement using DataPieceExpIntensityBayesian Model to Find Changepoints Based on Rates and CountDatapiecemakerTools for Preparing Text for TokenizerspiecepackrBoard Game GraphicsPieGlyphAxis Invariant Scatter Pie PlotspiggybackManaging Larger Data on a GitHub RepositoryPijavskiGlobal Univariate MinimizationpillarColoured Formatting for ColumnspimFit Probabilistic Index ModelspimetaPrediction Intervals for Random-Effects Meta-Analysispinfsc50Sequence ('FASTA'), Annotation ('GFF') and Variants ('VCF') for17 Samples of 'P. Infestans" and 1 'P. Mirabilis'pingersIdentify, Ping, and Log Internet Provider Connection DatapingrCheck if a Remote Computer is UpPINMAImproved Methods for Constructing Prediction Intervals forNetwork Meta-Analysispinnacle.dataMarket Odds Data from PinnaclepinochetData About the Victims of the Pinochet Regime, 1973-1990pinp'pinp' is not 'PNAS'pinsPin, Discover and Share ResourcesPINSPlusClustering Algorithm for Data Integration and Disease SubtypingPINstimationEstimation of the Probability of Informed TradingpinterestadsRAccess to Pinterest Ads via the '' APIpinyinConvert Chinese Characters into Pinyin, Sijiao, Wubi or OtherCodespipe.designDual-Agent Dose Escalation for Phase I Trials using the PIPEDesignpipebindFlexible Binding for Complex Function Evaluation with the Base R|> PipepipefittrConvert Nested Functions to PipespipelinerMachine Learning Pipelines for RpipenosticsDiagnostics, Reliability and Predictive Maintenance of PipelineSystemspipeRMulti-Paradigm Pipeline ImplementationpiqpR Interface to Proximal Interior Point Quadratic ProgrammingSolverpiratingsCalculate Pi Ratings for Teams Competing in Sport MatchespisaRTSmall Example Response and Response Time Data from PISA 2018pitonParsing Expression Grammars in RcpppivmetPivotal Methods for Bayesian Relabelling and k-Means ClusteringpivotaltrackRA Client for the 'Pivotal Tracker' APIpivoteaCreate Pivot Table EasilypivottablerCreate Pivot TablespiwikproRAccess 'Piwik Pro' Website StatisticspixarfilmsPixar Films and AchievementspixelclasserClassifies Image Pixels by ColourpixelpuzzlePuzzle Game for the R ConsolepixelsTools for Working with Image PixelspixiedustTables so Beautifully Fine-Tuned You Will Believe It's MagicpixmapBitmap Images / Pixel MapsPKBasic Non-Compartmental Pharmaco*kineticspk4adiPK for Anesthetic Depth IndicatorsPKconverterThe Parameter Converter of the Pharmaco*kinetic ModelspkdataCreates Pharmaco*kinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) DatapkgbuildFind Tools Needed to Build R PackagespkgcacheCache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R PackagespkgcondClassed Error and Warning ConditionspkgconfigPrivate Configuration for 'R' PackagespkgdependsPackage Dependency Resolution and DownloadspkgdepRStatically Determine Function Dependencies Between PackagespkgdownMake Static HTML Documentation for a PackagepkgfilecacheDownload and Manage Optional Package DatapkggraphA Consistent and Intuitive Platform to Explore the Dependenciesof Packages on the Comprehensive R Archive Network LikeRepositoriespkgGraphRGraph the Relationship Between Functions in an R PackagepkgKittenCreate Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package CheckspkgliteCompact Package RepresentationspkgloadSimulate Package Installation and AttachpkgmakerDevelopment Utilities for R PackagespkgndepAnalyze Dependency Heaviness of R PackagespkgnetGet Network Representation of an R PackagepkgnewsRetrieve R Package News FilespkgsearchSearch and Query CRAN R PackagespkgverseBuild a Meta-Package UniversePKIPublic Key Infrastucture for R Based on the X.509 StandardPKLMtestClassification Based MCAR TestpkmonLeast-Squares Estimator under k-Monotony Constraint for DiscreteFunctionsPKNCAPerform Pharmaco*kinetic Non-Compartmental AnalysisPKPDsimTools for Performing Pharmaco*kinetic-Pharmacodynamic SimulationspkrPharmaco*kinetics in RpksProbabilistic Knowledge StructurespKSEAPrediction-Based Kinase-Substrate Enrichment AnalysispksensiGlobal Sensitivity Analysis in Physiologically Based KineticModelingPL94171Tabulate P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data Summary FilesplacA Pairwise Likelihood Augmented Cox Estimator for Left-TruncatedDataplacerPLastic ACcumulation Estimate using R (PLACER)PlackettLucePlackett-Luce Models for RankingsplainviewPlot Raster Images Interactively on a Plain HTML CanvasplanTools for Project PlanningPlaneGeometryPlane GeometryPlanesmuestraFunctions for Calculating Dodge Romig, MIL STD 105E and MIL STD414 Acceptance Sampling PlanPlanetNICFIProcessing of the 'Planet NICFI' Satellite ImageryplanetsSimple and Accessible Data from all Known PlanetsplanningMLA Sample Size Calculator for Machine Learning Applications inHealthcareplanrTools for Supply Chain Management, Demand and Supply PlanningplanscorerScore Redistricting Plans with 'PlanScore'plantecophysModelling and Analysis of Leaf Gas Exchange DataplantecowrapEnhancing Capabilities of 'plantecophys'plantphysioRFundamental Formulas for Plant PhysiologyplantTrackerExtract Demographic and Competition Data from Fine-Scale MapsplaqrPartially Linear Additive Quantile RegressionplasmaPartial LeAst Squares for Multiomic AnalysisPlasmaMutationDetectorTumor Mutation Detection in PlasmaPlasmaMutationDetector2Tumor Mutation Detection in Plasma using BarcodingPlasmidprofilerVisualization of Plasmid Profile ResultsplassoCross-Validated (Post-) LassoplaterRead, Tidy, and Display Data from Microtiter PlatesplatetoolsTools and Plots for Multi-Well PlatesPlatformDesignOptimal Two-Period Multiarm Platform Design with NewExperimental Arms Added During the TrialplatoworkData from a Test of the PlatoWork tDCS HeadsetplatticeLattice Plot for Panel DataplayVisualize Sports DataPlayerChartGenerate Pizza Chart: Player Stats 0-100PlayerRatingsDynamic Updating Methods for Player Ratings EstimationpldamixturePost-Linkage Data Analysis Based on Mixture ModellingpldePenalized Log-Density Estimation Using Legendre PolynomialspleioPleiotropy Test for Multiple Traits on a Genetic MarkerpleiotestFast Sequential Pleiotropy TestpleLMAPseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Log-Multiplicative AssociationModelsPLEXIMultiplex Network AnalysisPLFDPortmanteau Local Feature Discrimination for Matrix-Variate DataplfmProbabilistic Latent Feature AnalysisplfMAA GUI to View, Design and Export Various Graphs of DataplgpParticle Learning of Gaussian ProcessesplgraphicsUser Oriented Plotting FunctionsplimanTools for Plant Image AnalysisPLindleyROCReceiver Operating Characteristic Based on Power LindleyDistributionplinkIRT Separate Calibration Linking MethodsplinkFile'PLINK' (and 'GCTA') File HelpersplinkQCGenotype Quality Control with 'PLINK'PLISMultiplicity Control using Pooled LIS StatisticplmLinear Models for Panel DataPLMIXBayesian Analysis of Finite Mixtures of Plackett-Luce Models forPartial Rankings/OrderingsPLmixedEstimate (Generalized) Linear Mixed Models with FactorStructuresplnPolytomous Logit-Normit (Graded Logistic) Model EstimationPLNmodelsPoisson Lognormal ModelsplnrA System for Planing AnalysesplogrThe 'plog' C++ Logging LibraryPLordprobMultivariate Ordered Probit Model via Pairwise LikelihoodPLORNPrediction with Less Overfitting and Robust to Noiseplot.matrixVisualizes a Matrix as Heatmapplot3DPlotting Multi-Dimensional Dataplot3DrglPlotting Multi-Dimensional Data - Using 'rgl'plot4funJust Plot for FunplotBartDiagnostic and Plotting Functions to Supplement 'bartCause'plotbbGrammar of Graphics for 'base' PlotPlotBivInvGausDensity Contour Plot for Bivariate Inverse Gaussian DistributionplotcliCommand Line Interface PlottingPlotContourPlot Contour LineplotdapEasily Visualize Data from 'ERDDAP' Servers via the 'rerddap'PackageplotDKPlot Summary Statistics as Choropleth Maps of DanishAdministrative AreasplotfunctionsVarious Functions to Facilitate Visualization of Data andAnalysisplotGMMTools for Visualizing Gaussian Mixture ModelsplothelperNew Plots Based on 'ggplot2' and Functions to Create RegularShapesplotHMMPlot Hidden Markov Modelsplotluck'ggplot2' Version of "I'm Feeling Lucky!"plotlyCreate Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'plotlyGeoAssetsRender 'Plotly' Maps without an Internet ConnectionplotMCMCMCMC Diagnostic PlotsplotMElmPlot Marginal Effects from Linear ModelsplotmmTidy Tools for Visualizing Mixture ModelsplotmoPlot a Model's Residuals, Response, and Partial Dependence PlotsplotpcPlot Principal Component Histograms Around a Scatter PlotPlotPrjNetworksUseful Networking Tools for Project ManagementplotproteinDevelopment of Visualization Tools for Protein SequenceplotrixVarious Plotting FunctionsplotROCGenerate Useful ROC Curve Charts for Print and Interactive UseplotscaleScale Graphics Devices Using Plot DimensionsplotSEMMGraphing Nonlinear Relations Among Latent Variables fromStructural Equation Mixture ModelsPlotToolsAdd Continuous Legends to PlotsplotwidgetsSpider Plots, ROC Curves, Pie Charts and More for Use in OtherPlotsplpoissonPrediction Limits for Poisson DistributionPLregPower Logit Regression for Modeling Bounded DataPLRModelsStatistical Inference in Partial Linear Regression ModelsplsPartial Least Squares and Principal Component RegressionplsdepotPartial Least Squares (PLS) Data Analysis MethodsplsdofDegrees of Freedom and Statistical Inference for Partial LeastSquares RegressionplsgenomicsPLS Analyses for GenomicsPLSiMCppMethods for Partial Linear Single Index ModelplsmmLassoVariable Selection and Inference for Partial SemiparametricLinear Mixed-Effects ModelplsmodModel Wrappers for Projection MethodsplsmselectLinear and Smooth Predictor Modelling with Penalisation andVariable SelectionplspmPartial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM)plsRbetaPartial Least Squares Regression for Beta Regression ModelsplsRcoxPartial Least Squares Regression for Cox Models and RelatedTechniquesplsRglmPartial Least Squares Regression for Generalized Linear ModelsplsVarSelVariable Selection in Partial Least SquarespltesimSimulate Probabilistic Long-Term Effects in Models with TemporalDependencepluDynamically Pluralize PhrasesplugdensityPlug-in Kernel Density EstimationplumberAn API Generator for RplumberDeployPlumber DeploymentplumbertableauTurn 'Plumber' APIs into 'Tableau' ExtensionsplumbrMutable and Dynamic Data ModelsplumeA Simple Author Handler for Scientific WritingpluscodeEncoder for Google 'Pluscodes'plusCode2Coordinates to 'Plus Code' Conversion ToolplutorUseful Functions for VisualizationplyrTools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Datapm3Propensity Score Matching for Unordered 3-Group DataPMAPenalized Multivariate AnalysisPMAPscoreIdentify Prognosis-Related Pathways Altered by Somatic MutationpmartRPanomics Marketplace - Quality Control and Statistical Analysisfor Panomics DatapmcPhylogenetic Monte CarlopmcalibrationCalibration Curves for Clinical Prediction ModelspmclustParallel Model-Based Clustering usingExpectation-Gathering-Maximization Algorithm for Finite MixtureGaussian ModelPMCMRCalculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank SumsPMCMRplusCalculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank SumsExtendedpmdPaired Mass Distance Analysis for GC/LC-MS Based Non-TargetedAnalysis and Reactomics AnalysispmetarProcessing METAR Weather ReportsPMEvapotranspirationCalculation of the Penman-Monteith Evapotranspiration usingWeather VariablespmhtutorialMinimal Working Examples for Particle Metropolis-HastingspmlbrInterface to the Penn Machine Learning Benchmarks DataRepositorypmledeconDeconvolution Density Estimation using Penalized MLEpmmlGenerate PMML for Various ModelspmmlTransformationsTransforms Input Data from a PMML PerspectivepmparserCreate and Maintain a Relational Database of Data fromPubMed/MEDLINEpmrProbability Models for Ranking DatapmsampsizeSample Size for Development of a Prediction ModelpmultinomOne-Sided Multinomial ProbabilitiespmvalsampsizeSample Size for External Validation of a Prediction ModelpmwgParticle Metropolis Within GibbsPMwRPortfolio Management with RpmxcodeCreate Pharmacometric ModelspmxcvIntegration-Based Coefficients of VariancepmxpartabParameter Tables for PMx AnalysespmxToolsPharmacometric and Pharmaco*kinetic ToolkitPNADcIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNADC MicrodataPNARPoisson Network Autoregressive ModelsPNDSIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNDS Microdata - Package inDevelopmentpngRead and write PNG imagesPNSIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNS MicrodataPNWColorsColor Palettes Inspired by Nature in the US Pacific NorthwestPoAFinds the Price of Anarchy for Routing GamespocketapiWrapper Around the 'Pocket' APIPOCREPenalized Orthogonal-Components RegressionpocrmDose Finding in Drug Combination Phase I Trials Using PO-CRMPODProbability of Detection for Qualitative PCR MethodsPoDBAYVaccine Efficacy Estimation PackagepodcleanerLegacy Scottish Post Office Directories CleanerPOETPrincipal Orthogonal ComplEment Thresholding (POET) MethodpogitBayesian Variable Selection for a Poisson-Logistic ModelPogromcyDanychDataCrunchers (PogromcyDanych) is the Massive Online Open Coursethat Brings R and Statistics to the PeoplepoibinThe Poisson Binomial DistributionPoiClaCluClassification and Clustering of Sequencing Data Based on aPoisson ModelpoilogPoisson Lognormal and Bivariate Poisson Lognormal DistributionPOINTProtein Structure Guided Local TestpointblankData Validation and Organization of Metadata for Local andRemote TablespointdensityPPoint Density for Geospatial DataPointedSDMsFit Models Derived from Point Processes to Species Distributionsusing 'inlabru'PointForeInterpretation of Point Forecasts as State-Dependent Quantilesand ExpectilespointrWorking Comfortably with Pointers and Shortcuts to R ObjectspointResAnalyzing Pointer Years and Components of ResiliencePoisBinNonNorData Generation with Poisson, Binary and Continuous ComponentspoisbinomA Faster Implementation of the Poisson-Binomial DistributionPoisBinOrdData Generation with Poisson, Binary and Ordinal ComponentsPoisBinOrdNonNorGeneration of Up to Four Different Types of VariablesPoisBinOrdNorData Generation with Poisson, Binary, Ordinal and NormalComponentspoisDoubleSampConfidence Intervals with Poisson Double SamplingpoisFErobustPoisson Fixed Effects RobustpoismfFactorization of Sparse Counts Matrices Through PoissonLikelihoodPoisNonNorSimultaneous Generation of Count and Continuous DataPoisNorSimultaneous Generation of Multivariate Data with Poisson andNormal Marginalspoisson.glm.mixFit High Dimensional Mixtures of Poisson GLMsPoissonBinomialEfficient Computation of Ordinary and Generalized PoissonBinomial DistributionsPoissonMultinomialThe Poisson-Multinomial DistributionPoissonPCAPoisson-Noise Corrected PCApoissonregModel Wrappers for Poisson RegressionpoistweediePoisson-Tweedie Exponential Family ModelspokemonPokemon Data in English and Brazilian PortuguesePolarCAPAccess the Polarization in Comparative Attitudes ProjectpolaroidCreate Hex Stickers with 'shiny'poLCAPolytomous Variable Latent Class AnalysisPolicyPortfoliosTools for Managing, Measuring and Visualizing Policy PortfoliospolicytreePolicy Learning via Doubly Robust Empirical Welfare Maximizationover TreespolimetricsR Tools for Political MeasurespoliscidataDatasets and Functions Featured in Pollock and Edwards, an RCompanion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second EditionpolishedAuthentication and Hosting for 'shiny' AppspoliteBe Nice on the WebpolitenessDetecting Politeness Features in TextpoliticsRCalculating Political System MetricspollePolicy LearningpollenAnalysis of Aerobiological DatapollimetryEstimate Pollinator Body Size and Co-Varying Ecological TraitspollsterCalculate Crosstab and Topline Tables of Weighted Survey DatapolmineRVerbs and Nouns for Corpus AnalysispolsplinePolynomial Spline RoutinespolyaAeppliImplementation of the Polya-Aeppli DistributionpolyapostSimulating from the Polya PosteriorPolychromeQualitative Palettes with Many ColorspolyclipPolygon ClippingpolycorPolychoric and Polyserial CorrelationsPolycrossDesignsPolycross Designs ("PolycrossDesigns")polyCubCubature over Polygonal DomainspolyglotrTranslate TextPolyHaplotyperAssignment of Haplotypes Based on SNP Dosages in Diploids andPolyploidspolyhedralCubatureMultiple Integration over Convex PolyhedrapolylabelrFind the Pole of Inaccessibility (Visual Center) of a PolygonpolymapRLinkage Analysis in Outcrossing PolyploidspolyMatrixInfrastructure for Manipulation Polynomial MatricespolynomA Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for UnivariatePolynomial ManipulationsPolynomFPolynomials in RPolyPatExPaternity Exclusion in Autopolyploid SpeciespolypharmacyCalculate Several Polypharmacy IndicatorspolypolyHelper Functions for Orthogonal PolynomialspolyqtlRQTL Analysis in Autopolyploid Bi-Parental F1 PopulationspolyRADGenotype Calling with Uncertainty from Sequencing Data inPolyploids and DiploidspolyregPolynomial RegressionpolysatTools for Polyploid Microsatellite AnalysispolySegratioSimulate and Test Marker Dosage for Dominant Markers inAutopolyploidspolySegratioMMBayesian Mixture Models for Marker Dosage in AutopolyploidsPolyTreeEstimate Causal Polytree from DataPolyTrendTrend Classification AlgorithmpolywogBootstrapped Basis Regression with Oracle Model SelectionPOMADEPower for Meta-Analysis of Dependent EffectsPOMaSPUAdaptive Association Tests for Multiple Phenotypes usingProportional Odds Model (POM-aSPU)pomcheckrGraphical Check for Proportional Odds AssumptionpomdpInfrastructure for Partially Observable Markov DecisionProcesses (POMDP)pomdpSolveInterface to 'pomdp-solve' for Partially Observable MarkovDecision ProcessesPomicPattern Oriented Modelling Information CriterionpomodoroPredictive Power of Linear and Tree ModelingpompStatistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov ProcessespompomPerson-Oriented Method and Perturbation on the ModelpomppPresence-Only for Marked Point ProcessPOMSPhylogenetic Organization of Metagenomic SignalspoohPartial Orders and RelationspoolObject PoolingpoolABCApproximate Bayesian Computation with Pooled Sequencing DataPoolBalBalancing Central and Marginal Rejection of Pooled p-ValuesPoolDilutionRCalculate Gross Biogeochemical Flux Rates from Isotope PoolDilution DataPooledCohortPredicted Risk for CVD using Pooled Cohort Equations, PREVENTEquations, and Other Contemporary CVD Risk CalculatorsPooledMeanGroupPooled Mean Group Estimation of Dynamic Heterogenous PanelspoolfstatComputing f-Statistics and Building Admixture Graphs Based onAllele Count or Pool-Seq Read Count DatapoolHelperSimulates Pooled Sequencing Genetic DatapoolingFit Poolwise Regression ModelspoolrMethods for Pooling P-Values from (Dependent) TestsPoolTestRPrevalence and Regression for Pool-Tested (Group-Tested) DatapoolVIMGene-Based Association Tests using the Actual Impurity Reduction(AIR) Variable ImportancepoormanA Poor Man's Dependency Free Recreation of 'dplyr'popA Flexible Syntax for Population Dynamic Modellingpop.lionModels for Simulating Lion Populationspop.wolfModels for Simulating Wolf PopulationspopbayesBayesian Model to Estimate Population Trends from Counts SeriespopbioConstruction and Analysis of Matrix Population ModelspopdemoDemographic Modelling Using Projection MatricesPoPdesignPosterior Predictive (PoP) Design for Phase I Clinical TrialsPopEDPopulation (and Individual) Optimal Experimental DesignpopEpiFunctions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population DataPopGenHelpRStreamline Population Genomic and Genetic AnalysespopgenrAccompaniment to Population Genetics with R: An Introduction forLife ScientistsPopGenReportA Simple Framework to Analyse Population and Landscape GeneticDataPOPInfAssumption-Lean and Data-Adaptive Post-Prediction InferencepopkinEstimate Kinship and FST under Arbitrary Population StructurepopPCRClassify Digital PCR Droplets by Fitting FluorescencePopulationspopprGenetic Analysis of Populations with Mixed ReproductionpopPyramidPopulation PyramidspopReconstructReconstruct Human Populations of the Recent PastpopstudyApplied Techniques to Demographic and Time Series AnalysispoptrendEstimate Smooth and Linear Trends from Population Count SurveyDatapopulationModels for Simulating PopulationsPopulationGrowthRLinear Population Growth ScenariospopulationPDXdesignDesigning Population PDX StudiespopulRPopulation Downscaling Using Areal InterpolationpoputilsDemographic Analysis and Data ManipulationPopVarGenomic Breeding Tools: Genetic Variance Prediction andCross-ValidationporridgeRidge-Type Penalized Estimation of a Potpourri of Modelsport4meGet the Same, Personal, Free 'TCP' Port over and overPortalHaciendaAcceder Con R a Los Datos Del Portal De HaciendaportalrCreate Useful Summaries of the Portal DataportesPortmanteau Tests for Time Series ModelsportfolioAnalysing Equity Portfoliosportfolio.optimizationContemporary Portfolio OptimizationPortfolioAnalyticsPortfolio Analysis, Including Numerical Methods for Optimizationof PortfoliosportfolioBacktestAutomated Backtesting of Portfolios over Multiple DatasetsPortfolioOptimSmall/Large Sample Portfolio OptimizationportionExtracting a Data PortionportnPortfolio Analysis for NaturePortRiskPortfolio Risk AnalysisportsortFactor-Based Portfolio SortsportvineVine Based (Un)Conditional Portfolio Risk Measure EstimationPOSetRPartially Ordered Sets in RPoSIValid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS RegressionposologyrIndividual Dose Optimization using Population Pharmaco*kineticsPosRatioDistQuotient of Random Variables Conditioned to the PositiveQuadrantPOSSAPower Simulation for Sequential Analyses and Multiple HypothesespostcardsCreate Beautiful, Simple Personal WebsitesPostcodesioRAPI Wrapper Around ''postdocMinimal and Uncluttered Package DocumentationposterdownGenerate PDF Conference Posters Using R MarkdownposteriorTools for Working with Posterior DistributionsPosteriorBootstrapNon-Parametric Sampling with Parallel Monte CarlopostGGIRData Processing after Running 'GGIR' for Accelerometer DatapostHocTools for Post-Hoc AnalysispostinfectiousEstimating the Incubation Period Distribution of Post-InfectiousSyndromepostlightmercuryParses Web Pages using Postlight MercurypostlogicInfix and Postfix Logic OperatorsPOSTmPhylogeny-Guided OTU-Specific Association Test for MicrobiomeDatapostpackUtilities for Processing Posterior Samples Stored in'mcmc.lists'POTGeneralized Pareto Distribution and Peaks Over ThresholdpotentialImplementation of the Potential ModelpotionsEasy Options ManagementpotoolsTools for Internationalization and Portability in R PackagespottsMarkov Chain Monte Carlo for Potts ModelsPottsUtilsUtility Functions of the Potts ModelspouldPhased or Unphased Linkage DisequilibriumPOUMMThe Phylogenetic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mixed ModelPOVPartition of Variation Variance Component Analysis MethodpovmapExtension to the 'emdi' Packagepow.intBinary ExponentiationpowdistPower and Reversal Power DistributionspowdRFull Pattern Summation of X-Ray Powder Diffraction DataPower2StagePower and Sample-Size Distribution of 2-Stage BioequivalenceStudiespowerbiRAn Interface to the 'Power BI REST APIs'powerbydesignPower Estimates for ANOVA DesignspowerCompRiskPower Analysis Tool for Joint Testing Hazards with CompetingRisks DatapowerEQTLPower and Sample Size Calculation for Bulk Tissue andSingle-Cell eQTL AnalysispowerGWASinteractionPower Calculations for GxE and GxG Interactions for GWASpowerindexRMeasuring the Power in Voting SystemspowerjoinExtensions of 'dplyr' and 'fuzzyjoin' Join FunctionspowerLATEGeneralized Power Analysis for LATEpoweRlawAnalysis of Heavy Tailed DistributionspowerlySample Size Analysis for Psychological Networks and MorepowerMediationPower/Sample Size Calculation for Mediation AnalysisPowerNormalPower Normal DistributionpowerpkgPower Analyses for the Affected Sib Pair and the TDT DesignpowerPLSPower Analysis for PLS ClassificationPowerSDICalculate Standardised Drought Indices Using NASA POWER DatapowerSurvEpiPower and Sample Size Calculation for Survival Analysis ofEpidemiological StudiesPowerTOSTPower and Sample Size for (Bio)Equivalence StudiesPowerUpRPower Analysis Tools for Multilevel Randomized ExperimentspowRICLPMPerform Power Analysis for the Random Intercept Cross-LaggedPanel ModelPPPerson Parameter EstimationPPbigdataProjection Pursuit for Big Data Based on Data NuggetsppccProbability Plot Correlation Coefficient TestPPCDTAn Optimal Subset Selection for Distributed Hypothesis TestingPPCIProjection Pursuit for Cluster IdentificationppclustProbabilistic and Possibilistic Cluster AnalysisppcorPartial and Semi-Partial (Part) CorrelationppcSpatialSpatial Analysis of Pakistan Population CensusppdiagDiagnosis and Visualizations Tools for Temporal Point ProcessesppendemicA Glimpse at the Diversity of Peru's Endemic PlantsPPforestProjection Pursuit Classification ForestppgamGeneralised Additive Point Process ModelsppgmmgaProjection Pursuit Based on Gaussian Mixtures and EvolutionaryAlgorithmsppitablesLookup Tables to Generate Poverty Likelihoods and Rates usingthe Poverty Probability Index (PPI)PPLassoPrognostic Predictive Lasso for Biomarker SelectionppmfRead Census Privacy Protected Microdata FilesppmHRPrivacy-Protecting Hazard Ratio Estimation in Distributed DataNetworksPPMissCopula-Based Estimator for Long-Range Dependent Processes underMissing DatappmlassoPoint Process Models with LASSO-Type PenaltiesPPMRProbabilistic Two Sample Mendelian RandomizationppmSuiteA Collection of Models that Employ Product PartitionDistributions as a Prior on PartitionsPPQplanProcess Performance Qualification (PPQ) Plans in Chemistry,Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) Statistical AnalysisppRepAnalysis of Replication Studies using Power PriorsPPRLPrivacy Preserving Record LinkageppsPPS SamplingppsbmClustering in Longitudinal NetworksppseqDesign Clinical Trials using Sequential Predictive ProbabilityMonitoringPPSFSPartial Profile Score Feature Selection in High-DimensionalGeneralized Linear Interaction ModelsppsrPredictive Power ScorePPTcircProjected Polya Tree for Circular DataPPtreeregVizProjection Pursuit Regression Tree VisualizationPPtreeVizProjection Pursuit Classification Tree Visualizationpqantimalarialsweb tool for estimating under-five deaths caused by poor-qualityantimalarials in sub-Saharan AfricapqlA Partitioned Quasi-Likelihood for Distributed StatisticalInferencePQLseqEfficient Mixed Model Analysis of Count Data in Large-ScaleGenomic Sequencing StudiespqrBayesBayesian Penalized Quantile RegressionpqrfePenalized Quantile Regression with Fixed Effectspraatpicture'Praat Picture' Style Plots of Acoustic DataprabclusFunctions for Clustering and Testing of Presence-Absence,Abundance and Multilocus Genetic DatapracmaPractical Numerical Math FunctionspracpacPractical 'R' Packaging in 'Docker'PracticalEquiDesignDesign of Practical Equivalence TrialspracticalSigniPractical Significance Ranking of Regressors and Exact t DensityPracToolsDesigning and Weighting Survey SamplespraisPrais-Winsten Estimator for AR(1) Serial CorrelationpraisePraise UserspraznikTools for Information-Based Feature Selection and ScoringprcbenchTesting Workbench for Precision-Recall CurvesprclustPenalized Regression-Based Clustering MethodprcrPerson-Centered AnalysisPRDAConduct a Prospective or Retrospective Design AnalysisprePrediction Rule EnsemblesPRECASTEmbedding and Clustering with Alignment for Spatial DatasetsprecintconPrecipitation Intensity, Concentration and Anomaly AnalysispRecipePrecipitation R RecipespreciselyEstimate Sample Size Based on Precision Rather than PowerprecisePlacementSuite of Functions to Help Get Plot Elements Exactly Where YouWant ThemPreciseSumsAccurate Floating Point Sums and ProductsprecmedPrecision MedicineprecommitPre-Commit HookspreconditionLightweight Precondition, Postcondition, and Sanity ChecksprecrecCalculate Accurate Precision-Recall and ROC (Receiver OperatorCharacteristics) CurvesPredCRGComputational Prediction of Proteins Encoded by Circadian GenespredfairnessDiscrimination Mitigation for Machine Learning ModelspredhyGenomic Prediction of Hybrid Performancepredhy.GUIGenomic Prediction of Hybrid Performance with Graphical UserInterfacepredict3dDraw Three Dimensional Predict Plot Using Package 'rgl'PredictABELAssessment of Risk Prediction ModelspredictionIntervalPrediction Interval Functions for Assessing Replication StudyResultsPredictionRPrediction for Future Data from any Continuous DistributionpredictMeVisualize Individual Prediction PerformancepredictmeansPredicted Means for Linear and Semiparametric ModelspredictNMBEvaluate Clinical Prediction Models by Net Monetary BenefitpredictoRPredictive Data Analysis SystempredictracePredict the Race and Gender of a Given Name Using Census andSocial Security Administration DatapredictsSpatial Prediction ToolspredievalAssessing Performance of Prediction Models for PredictingPatient-Level Treatment BenefitpredintPrediction IntervalspredkmeansCovariate Adaptive ClusteringPredPsychPredictive Approaches in PsychologypredReliabilityEstimates Reliability of Individual Supervised LearningPredictionspredRupdatePrediction Model Validation and UpdatingpredtoolsPrediction Model ToolspredtoolsTSTime Series Prediction ToolsprefPreference Voting with Explanatory GraphicsprefeRR Package for Pairwise Preference ElicitationpreferablyA 'pkgdown' Templatepreference2-Stage Preference Trial Design and AnalysisprefioStructures for Preference DataprefmodUtilities to Fit Paired Comparison Models for PreferencesPreKnitPostHTMLRenderPre-Knitting Processing and Post HTML-Rendering ProcessingPReMiuMDirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering, Profile RegressionprenomsNames Given to Babies in Quebec Between 1980 and 2020prepdatPreparing Experimental Data for Statistical AnalysispRepDesignsPartially Replicated (p-Rep) DesignsprepplotPrepare Figure Region for Base GraphicsPreProcessBasic Functions for Pre-Processing MicroarraysPreProcessingVarious Preprocessing Transformations of Numeric Data MatricesPreProcessRecordLinkagePreprocessing Record LinkagePREPShinyInteractive Document for Preprocessing the DatasetpreputilsUtilities for Preparation of Data AnalysispreregR Markdown Templates to Preregister Scientific StudiespreregrSpecify (Pre)Registrations and Export Them Human- AndMachine-ReadablyPresenceAbsencePresence-Absence Model EvaluationpresensInterface for PreSens Fiber Optic DatapresenterPresent Data with StylepresentesRegistry of Victims of State Terrorism in ArgentinapreseqRPredicting Species Accumulation CurvesPResidualsProbability-Scale Residuals and Residual CorrelationspresizePrecision Based Sample Size CalculationpresmTPMethods for Transition ProbabilitiesPressPurtIndeterminacy of Networks via Press PerturbationspressuReImports, Processes, and Visualizes Biomechanical Pressure DatapretestA Novel Approach to Predictive Accuracy Testing in NestedEnvironmentsprettifyAddins'RStudio' Addins to Prettify 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Python', andMoreprettyBPretty Base GraphicsprettycodePretty Print R Code in the TerminalPrettyColsPretty Colour PalettesprettydocCreating Pretty Documents from R MarkdownprettyglmPretty Summaries of Generalized Linear Model CoefficientsprettyGraphsPublication-Quality GraphicsprettymaprScale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in RprettyRPretty Descriptive StatsprettyunitsPretty, Human Readable Formatting of QuantitiesprevalenceTools for Prevalence Assessment StudiesprevedererWrapper for the 'Prevedere' APIpreventrAn Implementation of the AHA PREVENT Equationsprevisionio'' R SDKPrevMapGeostatistical Modelling of Spatially Referenced Prevalence DataprevREstimating Regional Trends of a Prevalence from a DHS andSimilar SurveysprevtoincPrevalence to Incidence Calculations for Point-PrevalenceStudies in a Nosocomial SettingpRFPermutation Significance for Random ForestsPriceIndicesCalculating Bilateral and Multilateral Price IndexespricelevelsSpatial Price Level ComparisonspriceREconomics and Pricing ToolspricesensitivitymeterVan Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter AnalysisprimPatient Rule Induction Method (PRIM)PRIMALParametric Simplex Method for Sparse LearningprimateTools and Methods for Primatological Data ScienceprimefactrUse Prime Factorization for ComputationsprimePCAProjected Refinement for Imputation of Missing Entries in PCAPRIMEplusStudy Design for Immunotherapy Clinical TrialsprimerFunctions and Data for the Book, a Primer of Ecology with RprimerTreeVisually Assessing the Specificity and Informativeness of PrimerPairsprimesFast Functions for Prime NumbersPRIMMEEigenvalues and Singular Values and Vectors from Large MatricesprincurveFit a Principal Curve in Arbitrary DimensionPrInDTPrediction and Interpretation in Decision Trees forClassification and RegressionprintrAutomatically Print R Objects to Appropriate Formats Accordingto the 'knitr' Output FormatprinvarsPrincipal VariablesprioGeneCandidate Gene Prioritization for Non-Communicable DiseasesBased on Functional InformationPriorGenGenerates Prior Distributions for ProportionsprioriactionsMulti-Action Conservation PlanningprioritizrSystematic Conservation Prioritization in RprioritizrdataConservation Planning DatasetsprioritylassoAnalyzing Multiple Omics Data with an Offset ApproachprismAccess Data from the Oregon State Prism Climate ProjectPRISM.forecastPenalized Regression with Inferred Seasonality Module -Forecasting Unemployment Initial Claims using 'Google Trends'DataPRISMAProtocol Inspection and State Machine AnalysisPRISMA2020Make Interactive 'PRISMA' Flow DiagramsprismadiagramRCreates a Prisma Diagram using 'DiagrammeR'PRISMAstatementPlot Flow Charts According to the "PRISMA" StatementprismaticColor Manipulation ToolsprismjsServer-Side Syntax HighlightingprisonbriefDownloads and Parses World Prison Brief DataprithulibPerform Random ExperimentsPrivateLRDifferentially Private Regularized Logistic RegressionPRNGA Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorprnsamplrPermanent Random Number SamplingproPoint-Process Response Model for OptogeneticsProAEPRO-CTCAE Scoring, Analysis, and Graphical ToolsprobablyTools for Post-Processing Predicted ValuesProbBayesProbability and Bayesian ModelingProbBreedProbability Theory for Selecting Candidates in Plant BreedingprobeSparse High-Dimensional Linear Regression with PROBEProbeDeveloperDevelop Hybridization ProbesProbitSpatialProbit with Spatial Dependence, SAR, SEM and SARAR ModelsProbMargComputing Logit & Probit Predicted Probabilities & MarginalEffectsproboutUnsupervised Multivariate Outlier Probabilities for LargeDatasetsProbSamplingIProbabilistic Sampling Design and StrategiesPROBShinyInteractive Document for Working with Basic Probabilityprobstats4econCompanion Package to Probability and Statistics for Economicsand BusinessProbYXInference for the Stress-Strength Model R = P(Y<X)pROCDisplay and Analyze ROC CurvesproccalibradExtraction of Bands from MODIS Calibrated Radiances MOD02 NRTProcDataProcess Data AnalysisproceduralnamesSeveral Methods for Procedural Name GenerationprocessanimateRProcess Map Token Replay AnimationprocesscheckRRule-Based Conformance Checking of Business Process Event DataprocessmapRConstruct Process Maps Using Event DataprocessmonitRBuilding Process Monitoring DashboardsprocesspredictRProcess PredictionprocessxExecute and Control System ProcessesproclhmmLatent Hidden Markov Models for Response Process DataprocmapsPortable Address Space MappingProcModInformative Procrustean Matrix CorrelationprocsRecreates Some 'SAS®' Procedures in 'R'ProDenICAProduct Density Estimation for ICA using Tilted Gaussian DensityEstimatesprodestProduction Function EstimationprodigenrResearch Project Directory GeneratorprodlimProduct-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History AnalysisproductivityIndices of Productivity Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)productplotsProduct Plots for RProFASTProbabilistic Factor Analysis for Spatially-Aware DimensionReductionProfessRGrades Setting and Exam MakerprofExtremaCompute and Visualize Profile Extrema FunctionsprofferProfile R Code and Visualize with 'Pprof'profileRead, Manipulate, and Write Profiler DataProfileLikelihoodProfile Likelihood for a Parameter in Commonly Used StatisticalModelsprofileModelProfiling Inference Functions for Various Model ClassesprofileRProfile Analysis of Multivariate Data in RprofiplotsProfinit Plotting ThemeprofmemSimple Memory Profiling for RprofocProbabilistic Forecast Combination Using CRPS LearningProfoundDataDownloading and Exploring Data from the PROFOUND DatabaseprofrAn Alternative Display for Profiling InformationprofrepProfile RepeatabilityproftoolsProfile Output Processing Tools for RprofvisInteractive Visualizations for Profiling R CodeprogenyClustFinding the Optimal Cluster Number Using Progeny ClusteringProgModuleIdentification of Prognosis-Related Mutually Exclusive ModulesprogressTerminal Progress BarsprogressrAn Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress UpdatesPROJGeneric Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'proj4A simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projectionslibraryProjectionBasedClusteringProjection Based ClusteringprojectionsProject Future Case IncidenceProjectManagementManagement of Deterministic and Stochastic ProjectsprojectsA Project Infrastructure for ResearchersProjectTemplateAutomates the Creation of New Statistical Analysis ProjectsprojmgrTask Tracking and Project Management with GitHubprojpredProjection Predictive Feature SelectionProliferativeIndexCalculates and Analyzes the Proliferative Indexprolific.apiA User-Friendly Interface for Accessing the Prolific APIprolsirmProcrustes Matching for Latent Space Item Response ModelpromePatient-Reported Outcome Data Analysis with StanPROMETHEEPreference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment ofEvaluationspromethee123PROMETHEE I, II, and III MethodsPrometheeToolsPROMETHEE and GLNF for Ranking and Sorting ProblemspromisesAbstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous ProgrammingpromorProteomics Data Analysis and Modeling ToolspromoteClient for the 'Alteryx Promote' APIpromotionImpactAnalysis & Measurement of Promotion EffectivenesspromptDynamic 'R' PromptprompterAdd Tooltips in 'Shiny' Apps with 'Hint.css'promrPrometheus 'PromQL' Query Client for 'R'prop.comb.RRAnalyzing Combination of Proportions and Relative RiskpropagatePropagation of UncertaintyPropCIsVarious Confidence Interval Methods for ProportionsPropClustPropensity Clustering and DecompositionpropertiesParse 'Java' Properties Files for 'R Service Bus' ApplicationsprophetAutomatic Forecasting ProcedureproporzProportional ApportionmentpropOverlapFeature (gene) selection based on the Proportional OverlappingScoresPropScrRandPropensity Score Methods for Assigning Treatment in RandomizedTrialsproPubBills'ProPublica' U.S. Congress Bills API WrapperProPublicaRAccess Functions for ProPublica's APIsPROregPatient Reported Outcomes Regression AnalysisPROscorerFunctions to Score Commonly-Used Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO)Measures and Other Psychometric InstrumentsPROscorerToolsTools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and OtherPsychometric MeasuresPROsettaLinking Patient-Reported Outcomes MeasuresProSGPVPenalized Regression with Second-Generation P-ValuesprospectrMiscellaneous Functions for Processing and Sample Selection ofSpectroscopic DataPROSPERSimulation of Weed Population DynamicsprotagSearch Tagged Peptides & Draw Highlighted Mass Spectraprotein8kPerform Analysis and Create Visualizations of ProteinsProteoBayesBayesian Statistical Tools for Quantitative ProteomicsproteomicsCVCalculates the Percentage CV for Mass Spectrometry-BasedProteomics DataproteusMultiform Seq2Seq Model for Time-Feature AnalysisprotHMMProtein Feature Extraction from Profile Hidden Markov ModelsprotoPrototype Object-Based ProgrammingprotoclustHierarchical Clustering with PrototypesprotoliteHighly Optimized Protocol Buffer SerializersprotonThe Proton GameprotoshinyInteractive Dendrograms for Visualizing Hierarchical Clusterswith PrototypesprototestInference on Prototypes from Clusters of FeaturesprotrGenerating Various Numerical Representation Schemes for ProteinSequencesProTrackRManipulate and Play 'ProTracker' ModulesprottiBottom-Up Proteomics and LiP-MS Quality Control and DataAnalysis ToolsprotVizVisualizing and Analyzing Mass Spectrometry Related Data inProteomicsproustrTools for Natural Language Processing in FrenchprovDebugRA Time-Travelling DebuggerprovenanceStatistical Toolbox for Sedimentary Provenance AnalysisproverbsPrint a Daily Bible Proverb to ConsoleprovExplainRCompare Provenance Collections to Explain Changed Script OutputsprovGraphRCreates Adjacency Matrices for Lineage SearchesprovParseRPulls Information from Prov.Json FilesprovSummarizeRSummarizes Provenance Related to Inputs and Outputs of a Scriptor Console CommandsprovTraceRUses Provenance to Trace File Lineage for One or more R ScriptsprovVizProvenance VisualizerproxirrAlpha and Beta Proximity to IrreplaceabilityproxyDistance and Similarity MeasuresproxyCComputes Proximity in Large Sparse MatricesprozorMinimal Protein Set Explaining Peptide Spectrum MatchesPRPBayesian Prior and Posterior Predictive Replication AssessmentprqlrR Bindings for the 'prqlc' Rust LibraryprrdParallel Runs of Reverse DependsPRROCPrecision-Recall and ROC Curves for Weighted and Unweighted DataPRSimStochastic Simulation of Streamflow Time Series using PhaseRandomizationPRSPGxConstruct PGx PRSpRSRTest of Periodicity using Response Surface RegressionprtTabular Data Backed by Partitioned 'fst' FilesPRTreeProbabilistic Regression TreesprWarpWarping Landmark ConfigurationspryrTools for Computing on the LanguagePrzewodnikDatasets and Functions Used in the Book 'Przewodnik po PakiecieR'psList, Query, Manipulate System ProcessesPSAbootBootstrapping for Propensity Score AnalysisPSAgraphicsPropensity Score Analysis GraphicsPSAWR'Pushshift' API Wrapper for 'Reddit' Submission and CommentSearchpsBayesborrowBayesian Information Borrowing with Propensity Score MatchingpsbcGroupPenalized Parametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Survival Modelswith Shrinkage and Grouping PriorspsbcSpeedUpPenalized Semiparametric Bayesian Cox ModelspsborrowBayesian Dynamic Borrowing with Propensity Scorepsborrow2Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing Analysis and SimulationPSCBSAnalysis of Parent-Specific DNA Copy NumberspsclPolitical Science Computational LaboratorypscoreStandardizing Physiological Composite Risk EndpointsPScrEstimation for the Power Series Cure Rate ModelpsdAdaptive, Sine-Multitaper Power Spectral Density and CrossSpectrum EstimationpsDataDownload Regularly Maintained Political Science Data SetsPSDistrDistributions Derived from Normal DistributionpsdrUse Time Series to Generate and Compare Power Spectral DensitypseudoComputes Pseudo-Observations for ModelingpseudohouseholdsGenerate Pseudohouseholds on Road Networks in RegionspsevalMethods for Evaluating Principal Surrogates of TreatmentResponsePSFForecasting of Univariate Time Series Using the PatternSequence-Based Forecasting (PSF) AlgorithmpsfmiPrediction Model Pooling, Selection and Performance EvaluationAcross Multiply Imputed DatasetsPSGDProjected Subset Gradient DescentPSGoftModified Lilliefors Goodness-of-Fit Normality TestpsgpProjected Spatial Gaussian Process MethodspsicaDecision Tree Analysis for Probabilistic Subgroup Identificationwith Multiple TreatmentspsidRBuild Panel Data Sets from PSID Raw DatapsidreadStreamline Building Panel Data from Panel Study of IncomeDynamics ('PSID') Raw FilesPSIndependenceTestIndependence Tests for Two-Way, Three-Way and Four-WayContingency TablesPSinferenceInference for Released Plug-in Sampling Single Synthetic DatasetPSLM2015Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey 2014-15psm3mkvEvaluate Partitioned Survival and State Transition ModelspsmineRPerformance Spectrum Miner for Event DatapsoParticle Swarm OptimizationpsoptimParticle Swarm OptimizationpspParameter Space Partitioning MCMC for Global Model EvaluationpspatregSpatial and Spatio-Temporal Semiparametric Regression Modelswith Spatial LagspspearmanSpearman's Rank Correlation TestpsplinePenalized Smoothing SplinesPSPManalysisAnalysis of Physiologically Structured Population ModelspsqnPartially Separable Quasi-NewtonPSS.HealthPower and Sample Size for Health Researchers via ShinyPSSIMTest of Independence & Image Structural Similarity Measure PSSIMPSSMCOOLFeatures Extracted from Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM)pssmoothFlexible and Efficient Evaluation of PrincipalSurrogates/Treatment Effect ModifierspsSubpathwayFlexible Identification of Phenotype-Specific SubpathwaysPSTProbabilistic Suffix Trees and Variable Length Markov ChainsPstatAssessing Pst StatisticspstestSpecification Tests for Parametric Propensity Score ModelsPStrataPrincipal Stratification Analysis in RPSWPropensity Score Weighting Methods for Dichotomous TreatmentsPSweightPropensity Score Weighting for Causal Inference withObservational Studies and Randomized TrialspsyVarious Procedures Used in PsychometricspsycCleaningData Cleaning for Psychological AnalysespsychProcedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and PersonalityResearchpsychmetaPsychometric Meta-Analysis ToolkitpsychoEfficient and Publishing-Oriented Workflow for PsychologicalSciencepsychometricApplied Psychometric TheorypsychomixPsychometric Mixture ModelspsychonetricsStructural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Network AnalysispsychotoolsPsychometric Modeling InfrastructurepsychotreeRecursive Partitioning Based on Psychometric ModelspsychReportReproducible Reports in PsychologypsychrolibPsychrometric Properties of Moist and Dry AirpsychToolsTools to Accompany the 'psych' Package for PsychologicalResearchPsychWordVecWord Embedding Research Framework for Psychological SciencepsycModelIntegrated Toolkit for Psychological Analysis and Modeling in RPsyControlCUSUM Person Fit StatisticspsymetadataOpen Datasets from Meta-Analyses in Psychology ResearchpsynturHelper Tools for Teaching Statistical Data AnalysispsyphyFunctions for Analyzing Psychophysical Data in RpsyverseDecentralized Unequivocality in Psychological ScienceptableGeneration of Perturbation Tables for the Cell-Key MethodPTAkPrincipal Tensor Analysis on k ModesPTEPersonalized Treatment EvaluatorPTERPPTE and RP for Optimally-Transformed SurrogateptinpolyPoint-in-Polyhedron Test (2D and 3D)pTITAN2Permutations of Treatment Labels and TITAN2 AnalysisptmAnalyses of Protein Post-Translational ModificationsptmixedPoisson-Tweedie Generalized Linear Mixed ModelptoolsTools for Poisson DataPtProcessTime Dependent Point Process ModellingptspotterHelper Functions for Use with "ProjectTemplate"PTSRPositive Time Series RegressionpttstabilityParticle-Takens StabilityptvapiAccess the 'Public Transport Victoria' Timetable APIptwParametric Time WarpingptwikiwordsWords Used in Portuguese WikipediaPTwinsPercentile Estimation of Fetal Weight for Twins by ChorionicityPTXQCQuality Report Generation for MaxQuant and mzTab ResultsptychoBayesian Variable Selection with Hierarchical PriorsPubChemRInterface to the 'PubChem' Database for Chemical Data RetrievalpubhA Toolbox for Public Health and Epidemiologypublic.ctn0094dataDe-Identified Data from CTN-0094public.ctn0094extraHelper Files for the CTN-0094 Relational DatabasePublicationBiasSensitivity Analysis for Publication Bias in Meta-AnalysesPublicWorksFinanceITSoil Defense Investments in Italy: Data Retrieval, Analysis,VisualizationpubliphaBayesian Meta-Analysis with Publications Bias and P-HackingPublishFormat Output of Various Routines in a Suitable Way for Reportsand Publicationpubmed.mineRText Mining of PubMed AbstractsPubMedMiningText-Mining of the 'PubMed' RepositorypubmedRGathering Metadata About Publications, Grants, Clinical Trialsfrom 'PubMed' Databasepubmedtk'Pubmed' ToolkitPubMedWordcloud'Pubmed' Word CloudspubtatordbCreate and Query a Local 'PubTator' DatabasePUGMMParsimonious Ultrametric Gaussian Mixture ModelsPUlassoHigh-Dimensional Variable Selection with Presence-Only DatapullwordR Interface to Pullword ServicepulsPartitioning Using Local SubregionspulsarParallel Utilities for Lambda Selection along a RegularizationPathpumilioRPumilio in RPUMPPower Under Multiplicity ProjectpuniformMeta-Analysis Methods Correcting for Publication BiasPUPAIMA Collection of Physical and Chemical Adsorption Isotherm ModelsPUPAKParameter Estimation, and Plot Visualization of AdsorptionKinetic ModelsPupillometryRA Unified Pipeline for Pupillometry DataPupilPrePreprocessing Pupil Size DataPUPMCRImage-Based Identification of Color Based on Rayner (1970)Terminology and Known Fungal PigmentsPUPMSIMoisture Sorption Isotherm Modeling ProgrampuremoePubmed Unified REtrieval for Multi-Output ExplorationpureseqtmrPredict Transmembrane Protein TopologypurgePurge Training Data from ModelspurgeRInbreeding-Purging Estimation in Pedigreed PopulationspurgingSimple Method for Purging Mediation Effects among IndependentVariablespurrrFunctional Programming ToolspurrrlyrTools at the Intersection of 'purrr' and 'dplyr'PursuitProjection PursuitpushbarCreate Sliders for 'Shiny'pushoverrSend Push Notifications using 'Pushover'puzzleAssembling Data Sets for Non-Linear Mixed Effects ModelingPVAClonePopulation Viability Analysis with Data CloningpvaluefunctionsCreates and Plots P-Value Functions, S-Value Functions,Confidence Distributions and Confidence DensitiespvarCalculation and Application of p-VariationpvclassP-Values for ClassificationpvclustHierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale BootstrapResamplingpvcurveanalysisAnalysis of Pressure Volume CurvespvdaDisproportionality Functions for PharmacovigilancepvldcurveSimplifies the Analysis of Pressure Volume and Leaf DryingCurvespvLRTLikelihood Ratio Test-Based Approaches to PharmacovigilancePVplrPerformance Loss Rate Analysis PipelinePVRPhylogenetic Eigenvectors Regression and PhylogenticSignal-Representation CurvePWEALLDesign and Monitoring of Survival Trials Accounting for ComplexSituationsPWEVPSO Based Weighted Ensemble Algorithm for Volatility ModellingPWEXPPiecewise Exponential Distribution Prediction ModelPWIRProvides a Function to Calculate Prize Winner Indices Based onBibliometric DatapwlmmPWIGLS for Two-Level Multivariate and Multilevel Linear ModelspwrBasic Functions for Power Analysispwr2Power and Sample Size Analysis for One-way and Two-way ANOVAModelspwr2pplPower Analyses for Common Designs (Power to the People)pwrABPower Analysis for AB TestingpwrFDRFDR PowerPwrGSDPower in a Group Sequential DesignpwrRaschStatistical Power Simulation for Testing the Rasch ModelpwrssStatistical Power and Sample Size Calculation ToolspwtPenn World Table (Versions 5.6, 6.x, 7.x)pwt10Penn World Table (Version 10.x)pwt8Penn World Table (Version 8.x)pwt9Penn World Table (Version 9.x)pxRPC-Axis with RpxwebR Interface to PXWEB APIsPxWebApiDataPX-Web Data by APIpycnoPycnophylactic InterpolationpyinitPena-Yohai Initial Estimator for Robust S-RegressionpylintRLint 'Python' Files with a R Command or a 'RStudio' AddinpyMTurkRA Client for the 'MTurk' Requester APIpyramidDraw Population Pyramidpysd2rAPI to 'Python' Library 'pysd'pysparklyrProvides a 'PySpark' Back-End for the 'sparklyr' PackagepzfxRead and Write 'GraphPad Prism' Files Q2qInterpolating Age-Specific Mortality Rates at All AgesQ7Types and Features for Object Oriented ProgrammingqacBaseFunctions to Facilitate Exploratory Data AnalysisqadQuantification of Asymmetric DependenceQAIGAutomatic Item Generator for Quantitative Multiple-Choice ItemsqapHeuristics for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)qapeQuantile of Absolute Prediction ErrorsQapproxApproximation to the Survival Functions of Quadratic Forms ofGaussian VariablesqbldQuantile Regression for Binary Longitudinal DataQBMSQuery the Breeding Management System(s)qboxplotQuantile-Based BoxplotqbrAccess the 'Quickbase' JSON APIQCAQualitative Comparative AnalysisQCAclusterTools for the Analysis of Clustered Data in QCAqcapowerEstimate Power and Required Sample Size in QCAQCAproAdvanced Functionality for Performing and Evaluating QualitativeComparative AnalysisQCAtoolsHelper Functions for QCA in RqcauchyregQuantile Regression Quasi-CauchyqCBAQuantitative Classification by Association RulesqccQuality Control ChartsqccrsQuality Control Charts under Repetitive SamplingQCEWASFast and Easy Quality Control of EWAS Results FilesQCGWASQuality Control of Genome Wide Association Study ResultsqchQuery Composite HypothesesqcpmQuantile Composite Path ModelingqcQpcrHistone ChIP-Seq qPCR AnalyzerqcrQuality Control ReviewQCSimulatorA 5-Qubit Quantum Computing SimulatorQCSISSure Independence Screening via Quantile Correlation andComposite Quantile CorrelationqcvQuantifying Construct ValidityqdapBridging the Gap Between Qualitative Data and QuantitativeAnalysisqdapDictionariesDictionaries and Word Lists for the 'qdap' PackageqdapRegexRegular Expression Removal, Extraction, and Replacement ToolsqdapToolsTools for the 'qdap' PackageQDComparisonModern Nonparametric Tools for Two-Sample Quantile andDistribution ComparisonsQDiabetesType 2 Diabetes Risk CalculatorqdmFitting a Quadrilateral Dissimilarity Model to Same-DifferentJudgmentsqeMLQuick and Easy Machine Learning ToolsQestQuantile-Based EstimatorQFDensity, Cumulative and Quantile Functions of Quadratic FormsqfaQuantile-Frequency Analysis (QFA) of Time SeriesQFASAQuantitative Fatty Acid Signature AnalysisqfasarQuantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis in RqfratioMoments and Distributions of Ratios of Quadratic Forms UsingRecursionQFRMPricing of Vanilla and Exotic Option ContractsQGAQuantum Genetic AlgorithmqgamSmooth Additive Quantile Regression ModelsQGameTheoryQuantum Game Theory SimulatorqGaussianThe q-Gaussian DistributionqgcompQuantile G-ComputationqgcompintQuantile G-Computation Extensions for Effect MeasureModificationqggStatistical Tools for Quantitative Genetic AnalysesQGglmmEstimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from GeneralisedLinear Mixed ModelsqgisprocessUse 'QGIS' Processing AlgorithmsqgraphGraph Plotting Methods, Psychometric Data Visualization andGraphical Model EstimationqgshinyA 'shiny' Application for Active Learning Instruction inIntroductory Quantitative GeneticsQHOTQTL Hotspot DetectionQHScrnomoConstruct Nomograms for Competing Risks Regression ModelsQIQuantity-Intensity Relationship of Soil PotassiumqichartsQuality Improvement Chartsqicharts2Quality Improvement ChartsqifQuadratic Inference FunctionqiitrR Interface to Qiita APIQindexContinuous and Dichotomized Index Predictors Based onDistribution QuantilesQindex.dataData for Package 'Qindex'qkerntoolQ-Kernel-Based and Conditionally Negative Definite Kernel-BasedMachine Learning ToolsqlcalR Bindings to the Calendaring Functionality of 'QuantLib'qlcMatrixUtility Sparse Matrix Functions for Quantitative LanguageComparisonQLearningReinforcement Learning using the Q Learning AlgorithmqlifetableManaging and Building of Quarterly Life TablesqmapStatistical Transformations for Post-Processing Climate ModelOutputqmdQuantification of Multivariate DependenceqmethodAnalysis of Subjective Perspectives Using Q MethodologyqMRIMethods for Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging ('qMRI')qmrparserParser Combinator in RqmvsQueueing Model of Visual SearchqoiRead and Write QOI ImagesQoLMissScales Score Calculation from Quality of Life DataqpcRModelling and Analysis of Real-Time PCR DataqPCRhelperqPCR Ct Values to Expression ValuesqPCRtoolsTools for qPCRqpdfSplit, Combine and Compress PDF FilesqpmadrInterface to the 'qpmad' Quadratic Programming SolverqpNCANoncompartmental Pharmaco*kinetic Analysis by qPharmetraqqboxplotImplementation of the Q-Q BoxplotqqconfCreates Simultaneous Testing Bands for QQ-PlotsqqmanQ-Q and Manhattan Plots for GWAS DataqqplotrQuantile-Quantile Plot Extensions for 'ggplot2'qqtestSelf Calibrating Quantile-Quantile Plots for Visual TestingqqvasesAnimated Normal Quantile-Quantile PlotsQRQR Factorization without PivotingqraQuantal Response Analysis for Dose-Mortality DataQRAGadgetA 'Shiny' Gadget for Interactive 'QRA' VisualizationsQRankA Novel Quantile Regression Approach for eQTL DiscoveryqrcmQuantile Regression Coefficients ModelingqrcmNPNonlinear and Penalized Quantile Regression CoefficientsModelingqrcodeGenerate QRcodes with RQregBBBlock Bootstrap Methods for Quantile Regression in Time SeriesQRegVCMQuantile Regression in Varying-Coefficient ModelsqrencoderQuick Response Code (QR Code) / Matrix Barcode CreatorqreportStatistical Reporting with 'Quarto'QRIpkgQuantile Regression Index ScoreqrisQuantile Regression Model for Residual Lifetime Using an InducedSmoothing ApproachQRISK310-Year Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculator (QRISK3 2017)qrjointJoint Estimation in Linear Quantile RegressionqrlabelrGenerate Machine- And Human-Readable Plot Labels for ExperimentsqrLMMQuantile Regression for Linear Mixed-Effects ModelsQRMProvides R-Language Code to Examine Quantitative Risk ManagementConceptsqrmdataData Sets for Quantitative Risk Management PracticeqrmixQuantile Regression Mixture ModelsqrmtoolsTools for Quantitative Risk Managementqrng(Randomized) Quasi-Random Number GeneratorsqrNLMMQuantile Regression for Nonlinear Mixed-Effects ModelsqrnnQuantile Regression Neural NetworkqsQuick Serialization of R ObjectsQSARdataQuantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) Data SetsqsimulatRA Quantum Computer SimulatorqsliceImplementations of Various Slice SamplersqsortScoring Q-Sort DataqsplinesQuaternions SplinesqsprayMultivariate Polynomials with Rational CoefficientsqstStore Tables in SQL DatabaseqsubRunning Commands Remotely on 'Gridengine' ClustersqteQuantile Treatment EffectsQTE.RDQuantile Treatment Effects under the Regression DiscontinuityDesignqtlTools for Analyzing QTL ExperimentsQTL.gCIMappingQTL Genome-Wide Composite Interval MappingQTL.gCIMapping.GUIQTL Genome-Wide Composite Interval Mapping with Graphical UserInterfaceqtl2Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping in Experimental Crossesqtl2convertConvert Data among QTL Mapping Packagesqtl2fstDatabase Storage of Genotype Probabilities for QTL Mappingqtl2ggplotData Visualization for QTL Experimentsqtl2patternPattern Support for 'qtl2' Packageqtl2pleioTesting Pleiotropy in Multiparental PopulationsqtlbookDatasets for the R/qtl BookqtlcDensitometric Analysis of Thin-Layer Chromatography PlatesqtlchartsInteractive Graphics for QTL ExperimentsqtlDesignDesign of QTL (Quantitative Trait Locus) ExperimentsQTLEMMQTL Mapping and Hotspots DetectionqtlhotInference for QTL HotspotsqtlmtTools for Mapping Multiple Complex TraitsqtlnetCausal Inference of QTL NetworksqtlpolyRandom-Effect Multiple QTL Mapping in AutopolyploidsQTLRelTools for Mapping of Quantitative Traits of Genetically RelatedIndividuals and Calculating Identity Coefficients fromPedigreesQTOCenQuantile-Optimal Treatment Regimes with Censored DataQtoolsUtilities for QuantilesqtwAcademic'Quarto' Website Templates for AcademicsquadcleanRCleanup and Visualization of Quadrat DataquadformEfficient Evaluation of Quadratic FormsquadmatrixSolving Quadratic Matrix EquationsquadmeshQuadrangle MeshquadprogFunctions to Solve Quadratic Programming ProblemsquadprogXTQuadratic Programming with Absolute Value ConstraintsquadraticSDVisualizing the SD using a Quadratic CurveQuadratiKCollection of Methods Constructed using Kernel-Based QuadraticDistancesQuadRootQuadratic Root for any Quadratic EquationquadrupenSparsity by Worst-Case Quadratic PenaltiesquadtreeRegion Quadtrees for Spatial DataqualitycontrolUnified Framework for Data Quality ControlqualmapOpinionated Approach for Digitizing Semi-Structured QualitativeGIS DataqualpalrAutomatic Generation of Qualitative Color PalettesqualtRicsDownload 'Qualtrics' Survey DataqualVQualitative Validation MethodsqualvarImplements Indices of Qualitative Variation Proposed by Wilcox(1973)QUALYPSOPartitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble ofClimate ProjectionsQuandlAPI Wrapper for Quandl.comQuantBondCurvesCalculates Bond Values and Interest Rate Curves for FinancequantCurvesEstimate Quantiles CurvesquantdatesManipulate Dates for FinancequantdrDimension Reduction Techniques for Conditional QuantilesquantedaQuantitative Analysis of Textual Dataquanteda.textmodelsScaling Models and Classifiers for Textual Dataquanteda.textplotsPlots for the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Dataquanteda.textstatsTextual Statistics for the Quantitative Analysis of Textual DataquantificationQuantification of Qualitative Survey DataquantileDAQuantile ClassifierQuantileGHQuantile Least Mahalanobis Distance Estimator for Tukey g-&-hMixtureQuantileGradeRQuantile-Adjusted Restaurant GradingQuantileNPCINonparametric Confidence Intervals for QuantilesquantilogramCross-QuantilogramquantitiesQuantity Calculus for R VectorsquantkrigingQuantile Kriging for Stochastic Simulations with ReplicationquantmodQuantitative Financial Modelling FrameworkQuantNormMitigating the Adverse Impact of Batch Effects in Sample PatternDetectionquantoptrAlgorithms for Quantile- And Mean-Optimal Treatment RegimesQuantPsycQuantitative Psychology ToolsquantregQuantile Regressionquantreg.nonparNonparametric Series Quantile RegressionquantregForestQuantile Regression ForestsQuantRegGLassoAdaptively Weighted Group Lasso for Semiparametric QuantileRegression ModelsquantregGrowthNon-Crossing Additive Regression Quantiles and Non-ParametricGrowth ChartsquantregRangerQuantile Regression Forests for 'ranger'quantspecQuantile-Based Spectral Analysis of Time SeriesQuantumOpsPerforms Common Linear Algebra Operations Used in QuantumComputing and Implements Quantum AlgorithmsquarksSimple Methods for Calculating and Backtesting Value at Risk andExpected ShortfallquarrintInteraction Prediction Between Groundwater and Quarry ExtensionUsing Discrete Choice Models and Artificial Neural NetworksQuartetComparison of Phylogenetic Trees Using Quartet and SplitMeasuresquartetsDatasets to Help Teach StatisticsquartoR Interface to 'Quarto' Markdown Publishing SystemquaxnatEstimation of Natural Regeneration PotentialQuCluQuantile-Based Clustering AlgorithmsqueryparserTranslate 'SQL' Queries into 'R' ExpressionsqueryupQuery the 'UniProtKB' REST APIquestPrepare Questionnaire Data for AnalysisquestionrFunctions to Make Surveys Processing EasierQuESTrConstructing Quantitative Environment Sensor usingTranscriptomesqueuecomputerComputationally Efficient Queue SimulationqueueingAnalysis of Queueing Networks and ModelsquickblockQuick Threshold BlockingquickcheckProperty Based TestingquickcodeQuick and Essential 'R' Tricks for Better ScriptsQuickJSRInterface for the 'QuickJS' Lightweight 'JavaScript' EnginequickmatchQuick Generalized Full MatchingquickNmixAsymptotic N-Mixture Model FittingquickPlotA System of Plotting Optimized for Speed and ModularityquickpsyFits Psychometric Functions for Multiple GroupsquickPWCRQuickly construct and rating large binary pairwiesd comparisonsquickRegBuild Regression Models Quickly and Display the Results Using'ggplot2'quickregressionQuick Linear RegressionquidBayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual DifferencesquiddichQUick IDentification of DIagnostic CHaractersquietRSimplify Output VerbosityquiltrQualtrics for Labelling Text using RquincunxREST API Client for the 'PGS' CatalogquintQualitative Interaction TreesquollrVisualising How Nonlinear Dimension Reduction Warps Your DataquoradsRGet 'Quora' Ads Data via the '' APIquotedargsA Way of Writing Functions that Quote their ArgumentsquRanComplete Text of the Qur'anQurvERobust and User-Friendly Analysis of Growth and FluorescenceCurvesQvalThe Q-Matrix Validation Methods FrameworkqvcalcQuasi Variances for Factor Effects in Statistical ModelsqwalkrHandle Continuous-Time Quantum Walks with RQWDAPQuantum Walk-Based Data Analysis and Predictionqwraps2Quick Wraps 2QZGeneralized Eigenvalues and QZ Decomposition r.blipBayesian Network Learning Improved ProjectR.cacheFast and Light-Weight Caching (Memoization) of Objects andResults to Speed Up ComputationsR.devicesUnified Handling of Graphics DevicesR.filesetsEasy Handling of and Access to Files Organized in StructuredDirectoriesR.hugeMethods for Accessing Huge Amounts of Data [deprecated]r.jivePerform JIVE Decomposition for Multi-Source DataR.matlabRead and Write MAT Files and Call MATLAB from Within RR.methodsS3S3 Methods SimplifiedR.ooR Object-Oriented Programming with or without Referencesr.proxySet Proxy in R ConsoleR.rspDynamic Generation of Scientific ReportsR.temisIntegrated Text Mining SolutionR.utilsVarious Programming UtilitiesR0Estimation of R0 and Real-Time Reproduction Number fromEpidemicsr02proR Programming: Zero to ProR1magicCompressive Sampling: Sparse Signal Recovery UtilitiesR2AddhazR2 Measure of Explained Variation under the Additive HazardsModelR2admb'ADMB' to R Interface FunctionsR2BayesXEstimate Structured Additive Regression Models with 'BayesX'R2BEATMultistage Sampling Allocation and Sample Selectionr2countryCountry Data with Names, Capitals, Currencies, Populations,Time, Languages and so onr2d2Bivariate (Two-Dimensional) Confidence Region and FrequencyDistributionr2d3Interface to 'D3' Visualizationsr2dictionaryA Mini-Dictionary for 'R', 'Shiny' and 'Rmarkdown' Documentsr2dii.analysisMeasure Climate Scenario Alignment of Corporate Loansr2dii.dataDatasets to Measure the Alignment of Corporate Loan Books withClimate Goalsr2dii.matchTools to Match Corporate Lending Portfolios with Climate Datar2dii.plotVisualize the Climate Scenario Alignment of a FinancialPortfolioR2DTTranslation of Base R-Like Functions for 'data.table' Objectsr2fireworksEnhance Your 'Rmarkdown' and 'shiny' Apps with DazzlingFireworks Celebrationsr2glmmComputes R Squared for Mixed (Multilevel) ModelsR2HTMLHTML Exportation for R ObjectsR2jagsUsing R to Run 'JAGS'r2mlmR-Squared Measures for Multilevel ModelsR2MLwiNRunning 'MLwiN' from Within RR2OpenBUGSRunning OpenBUGS from Rr2pmmlConvert R Models to PMMLR2PPTSimple R Interface to Microsoft PowerPoint using RDCOMClientr2pptxObject Oriented R -> PowerPointr2rR-Object to R-Object Hash Mapsr2reduxR2 Statisticr2resizeIn-Text Resizer for Images, Tables and Fancy ResizableContainers in 'shiny', 'rmarkdown' and 'quarto' DocumentsR2ROCAUC Statisticsr2rtfEasily Create Production-Ready Rich Text Format (RTF) Table andFigureR2sampleTwo Sample Problem Routines using Permutationr2shortcodeShorten Function Names of Functions in Another Package andCreate an Index to Make Them Accessibler2socialSeamless Integration of Sharing and Connect Buttons in Markdownand Appsr2spssFormat R Output to Look Like SPSSr2stlVisualizing Data using a 3D Printerr2sundialsWrapper for 'SUNDIALS' Solving ODE and Sensitivity ProblemR2SWFConvert R Graphics to Flash Animationsr2symbolsSymbols for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny' ApplicationR2ucareGoodness-of-Fit Tests for Capture-Recapture ModelsR2wdWrite MS-Word documents from RR2WinBUGSRunning 'WinBUGS' and 'OpenBUGS' from 'R' / 'S-PLUS'r3dmolCreate Interactive 3D Visualizations of Molecular Datar3js'WebGL'-Based 3D Plotting using the 'three.js' Libraryr3PGSimulating Forest Growth using the 3-PG ModelR3portReport Functions to Create HTML and PDF FilesR4CouchDBA R Convenience Layer for CouchDB 2.0r4ds.tutorialsTutorials for "R for Data Science"r4googleads'Google Ads API' Interfacer4lineupsStatistical Inference on Lineup Fairnessr4ssR Code for Stock Synthesisr5rRapid Realistic Routing with 'R5'R6Encapsulated Classes with Reference SemanticsR62S3Automatic Method Generation from R6R6causalR6 Class for Structural Causal ModelsR6DSR6 Reference Class Based Data Structuresr6extendedExtension for 'R6' Base Classr6methodsMake Methods for R6 ClassesR6PDesign Patterns in Rra4bayesmetaReference Analysis for Bayesian Meta-AnalysisrabiGenerate Codes to Uniquely and Robustly Identify Individuals forAnimal Behavior StudiesRABRSimulations for Response Adaptive Block Randomization DesignRACR Package for Aqua CultureracademyoceanClient for 'AcademyOcean API'RaceIDIdentification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, andPrediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq DataracelandPattern-Based Zoneless Method for Analysis and Visualization ofRacial TopographyracirRapid A/Ci Response (RACiR) Data AnalysisRacmacsAntigenic Cartography MacrosractivecampaignLoading Data from 'ActiveCampaign API v3'rADAStatistical Analysis and Cut-Point Determination of ImmunoassaysradarFundamental Formulas for RadarradarBoxplotImplementation of the Radar-BoxplotradarchartRadar Chart from 'Chart.js'RadDataNuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations - ICRP 107RadialVisGadgetsInteractive Gadgets for Radial Visualization ApproachesradiantBusiness Analytics using R and Shinyradiant.basicsBasics Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shinyradiant.dataData Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shinyradiant.designDesign Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shinyradiant.modelModel Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shinyradiant.multivariateMultivariate Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R andShinyRadioSondeTools for Plotting Skew-T Diagrams and Wind ProfilesradirInverse-Regression Estimation of Radioactive DosesradlibsBuild Your Own Madlibs!RadOncAnalytical Tools for Radiation OncologyradousQuery Random User Data from the Random User Generator APIradsaferRadiation SafetyRADstackshelpROptimize the De Novo Stacks Pipeline via RRadvizProject Multidimensional Data in 2D SpaceRAdwordsLoading Google Adwords Data into RrafalibConvenience Functions for Routine Data ExplorationRAFSRobust Aggregative Feature SelectionRageLife History Metrics from Matrix Population ModelsraggGraphic Devices Based on AGGRagGridA Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'agGrid'rags2ridgesRidge Estimation of Precision Matrices from High-DimensionalDataragtopPricing Equity Derivatives with Extensions of Black-ScholesraiRevisiting-Alpha-Investing for Polynomial RegressionrainbowBagplots, Boxplots and Rainbow Plots for Functional DataRAINBOWRGenome-Wide Association Study with SNP-Set MethodsraincinRanking with Incomplete InformationrainetteThe Reinert Method for Textual Data ClusteringRainfallErosivityFactorThe Rainfall-Runoff Erosivity FactorrainfarmrStochastic Precipitation Downscaling with the RainFARM MethodrairtableEfficient Wrapper for the 'Airtable' APIRaJIVERobust Angle Based Joint and Individual Variation ExplainedrakeREasy Spatial Microsimulation (Raking) in RralgerEasy Web ScrapingRALSAR Analyzer for Large-Scale AssessmentsRamanMPAnalysis and Identification of Raman Spectra of MicroplasticsRambleParser Combinator for RrAmChartsJavaScript Charts ToolrAmCharts4Interface to the JavaScript Library 'amCharts 4'ramchoiceRevealed Preference and Attention Analysis in Random LimitedAttention ModelsRAMClustRMass Spectrometry Metabolomics Feature Clustering andInterpretationramcmcRobust Adaptive Metropolis Algorithmrameritrade'TD Ameritrade' API Interface for RramifyAdditional Matrix FunctionalityramlegacyDownload and Read RAM Legacy Stock Assessment DatabaseRAMPRegularized Generalized Linear Models with Interaction EffectsRAMpathStructural Equation Modeling Using the Reticular Action Model(RAM) NotationrampsBayesian Geostatistical Modeling with RAMPSRaMSR Access to Mass-Spec DataramsvmReinforced Angle-Based Multicategory Support Vector MachinesrandChecksCovariate Balance Checks: Randomization Tests and GraphicalDiagnosticsrandcorrGenerate a Random p x p Correlation MatrixrandgeoGenerate Random 'WKT' or 'GeoJSON'RandMetaEfficient Numerical Algorithm for Exact Inference in MetaAnalysisrandnetRandom Network Model Estimation, Selection and Parameter TuningrandoContext Aware Random NumbersrandomTrue Random Numbers using RANDOM.ORGrandom.cdisc.dataCreate Random ADaM Datasetsrandom.polychor.paA Parallel Analysis with Polychoric Correlation MatricesrandomcoloRGenerate Attractive Random ColorsrandomForestBreiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification andRegressionrandomForestExplainerExplaining and Visualizing Random Forests in Terms of VariableImportanceRandomForestsGLSRandom Forests for Dependent DatarandomForestSRCFast Unified Random Forests for Survival, Regression, andClassification (RF-SRC)randomForestVIPTune Random Forests Based on Variable Importance & Plot ResultsrandomGLMRandom General Linear Model PredictionrandomizationInferenceFlexible Randomization-Based InferencerandomizeBECreate a Random List for Crossover StudiesrandomizeRRandomization for Clinical TrialsrandomizrEasy-to-Use Tools for Common Forms of Random Assignment andSamplingrandomLCARandom Effects Latent Class AnalysisrandomMachinesAn Ensemble Modeling using Random MachinesrandomNamesGenerate Random Given and SurnamesRandomProjectionTestTwo-Sample Test in High Dimensions using Random ProjectionrandomUniformForestRandom Uniform Forests for Classification, Regression andUnsupervised LearningRandomuseragentFiltering and Randomly Sampling Real User-Agent StringsRandProRandom Projection with ClassificationrandquotesGet Random Quotes from Quotes on Design APIrandtestsTesting Randomness in RrandtoolboxToolbox for Pseudo and Quasi Random Number Generation and RandomGenerator TestsRandVarImplementation of Random VariablesrangReconstructing Reproducible R Computational EnvironmentsrangeBuilderOccurrence Filtering, Geographic Standardization and Generationof Species Range PolygonsrangeMapperA Platform for the Study of Macro-Ecology of Life History TraitsrangeModelMetadataProvides Templates for Metadata Files Associated with SpeciesRange ModelsrangerA Fast Implementation of Random ForestsRanglaPunjabDisplays Palette of 5 ColorsRankAggregWeighted Rank AggregationRankAggregatorAggregation of (Partial) Ordinal RankingsRankAggSIgFURPolynomially Bounded Rank Aggregation under Kemeny's AxiomaticApproachRankclusterModel-Based Clustering for Multivariate Partial Ranking DatarankCorrTotal, Between-, and Within-Cluster Spearman Rank Correlationsfor Clustered DatarankdifferencetestKornbrot's Rank Difference TestrankdistDistance Based Ranking ModelsrankFDRank-Based Tests for General Factorial DesignsrankhazardRank-Hazard PlotsrankICCRank Intraclass Correlation for Clustered DataRankingProjectThe Ranking Project: Visualizations for Comparing PopulationsrankinmaRank in Network Meta-AnalysisrankinPlotConvenient Plotting for the Modified Rankin Scale and OtherOrdinal Outcome DataRankPCARank of Variables Based on Principal Component Analysis forMixed Data TypesrankrateJoint Statistical Models for Preference Learning with Rankingsand RatingsRankResponseRanking Responses in a Single Response Question or a MultipleResponse QuestionRANKSRanking of Nodes with Kernelized Score FunctionsranktreeEnsembleEnsemble Models of Rank-Based Trees with Extracted DecisionRulesRANNFast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps ANN Library) Using L2MetricRapiInterface for Multiple Data Providers 'EDDS' and 'FRED'rapiclientDynamic OpenAPI/Swagger ClientRApiDatetimeR API for 'Date' and 'Datetime'rapidjsonr'Rapidjson' C++ Header FilesrapidocGenerates 'RapiDoc' Documentation from an 'OpenAPI'SpecificationRapidoPGSA Fast and Light Package to Compute Polygenic Risk ScoresrapidphyloRapidly Estimates Phylogeny from Large Allele Frequency DataUsing Root Distances MethodRapidPolygonLookupPOLYGON LOOKUP USING KD TREESrapidrakerRapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) Algorithmrapidxmlr'Rapidxml' C++ Header FilesRApiSerializeR API SerializationRappEasily Build Command Line ApplicationsRAppArmorBindings to AppArmor and Security Related Linux ToolsrappdirsApplication Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches,and LogsrapportA Report Templating SystemrapportoolsMiscellaneous (Stats) Helper Functions with Sane Defaults forReportingrappsflyerWork with AppsFlyer APIrapsimngAPSIM Next GenerationRAPTORRow and Position Tracheid OrganizerraptrRepresentative and Adequate Prioritization Toolkit in RraqsInterface to the US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) APIRAQSAPIA Simple Interface to the US EPA Air Quality System Data MartAPIRaquiferEstimate the Water Influx into Hydrocarbon ReservoirsrarRisk-Adjusted RegressionrareLinear Model with Tree-Based Lasso Regularization for RareFeaturesRareCombCombinatorial and Statistical Analyses of Rare EventsrareNMtestsEcological and Biogeographical Null Model Tests for ComparingRarefaction CurvesrarestRRarefaction-Based Species Richness EstimatorRARfreqResponse Adaptive Randomization with 'Frequentist' ApproachesRarityCalculation of Rarity Indices for Species and Assemblages ofSpeciesrarmsAccess Data from the USDA ARMS Data APIrARPACKSolvers for Large Scale Eigenvalue and SVD ProblemsRARtrialsResponse-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical TrialsRaschSamplerRasch SamplerrasciidocCreate Reports Using R and 'asciidoc'rasclassSupervised Raster Image ClassificationRaSEnRandom Subspace Ensemble Classification and Variable ScreeningrasstaRaster-Based Spatial Stratification AlgorithmsrasterGeographic Data Analysis and ModelingrasterbcAccess Forest Ecology Layers for British Columbia in 2001-2018rasterdivDiversity Indices for Numerical MatricesrasterDTFast Raster Summary and ManipulationrasterImageAn Improved Wrapper of image()rasterizeRasterize Graphical OutputrasterKernelEstimatesKernel Based Estimates on in-Memory Raster ImagesrasterListA Raster Where Cells are Generic ObjectsrasterpdfPlot Raster Graphics in PDF FilesrasterpicConvert Digital Images into 'SpatRaster' ObjectsrasterVisVisualization Methods for Raster DataRATResearch Assessment ToolsRataAutomated Test AssemblyratdatPortal Project Teaching DatabaseratelimitrRate Limiting for RratematrixBayesian Estimation of the Evolutionary Rate MatrixraterStatistical Models of Repeated Categorical Rating Datarateratio.testExact Rate Ratio TestratersA Modification of Fleiss' Kappa in Case of Nominal and OrdinalVariablesratesciConfidence Intervals for Comparisons of Binomial or PoissonRatesRATestRandomization TestsRAthenaConnect to 'AWS Athena' using 'Boto3' ('DBI' Interface)RatingScaleReductionRating Scale Reduction ProcedureRationalExpRationalizing Rational Expectations. Tests and DeviationsrationalfunManipulation of Rational FunctionsRationalMatrixExact Matrix Algebra for Rational MatricesratioOfQspraysFractions of Multivariate Polynomials with Rational CoefficientsratiosCalculating Ratios Between Two Data Sets and Correction forAdhering Particles on PlantsrATTAINSAccess EPA 'ATTAINS' DatarattleGraphical User Interface for Data Science in RRavagesRare Variant Analysis and Genetic SimulationsravelRyAn Interface to the 'Ravelry' APIraven.rdfAn R Interface for Raven DataFrames (Beta0)RavenRRaven Hydrological Modelling Framework R Support and AnalysisrAverageParameter Estimation for the Averaging Model of InformationIntegration TheoryravetoolsSignal and Image Processing Toolbox for Analyzing IntracranialElectroencephalography DatarawR Actuarial WorkshopsRawHummusRaw Data Quality Control Tool for LC-MS SystemrawKSEasily Get True-Positive Rate and False-Positive Rate and KSStatisticraws.profileManaging Profiles on Amazon Web ServiceraybevelGenerates Polygon Straight Skeletons and 3D BevelsrayimageImage Processing for Simulated CamerasraymoleculeParse and Render Molecular Structures in 3DrayrenderBuild and Raytrace 3D ScenesrayshaderCreate Maps and Visualize Data in 2D and 3DraytracingRossby Wave Ray Tracingrayvertex3D Software Rasterizerrb3Download and Parse Public Data Released by B3 ExchangerbaconAge-Depth Modelling using Bayesian StatisticsrBahadurAssortative Mating Simulation and Multivariate BernoulliVariatesRBaseX'BaseX' ClientrBayesianOptimizationBayesian Optimization of HyperparametersrbbnpA Bias Bound Approach to Non-Parametric InferencerbcbR Interface to Brazilian Central Bank Web ServicesrbccRisk-Based Control ChartsrbchExtraction and Analysis of Data from the Bitcoin Cash (BCH)BlockchainrBDATImplementation of BDAT Tree Taper Fortran FunctionsRBE3Estimation and Additional Tools for Quantile Generalized BetaRegression ModelRbeastBayesian Change-Point Detection and Time Series DecompositionrbedrockAnalysis and Manipulation of Data from Minecraft Bedrock EditionrbenchmarkBenchmarking routine for RRbentRobust Bent Line RegressionRBesTR Bayesian Evidence Synthesis ToolsrBeta2009The Beta Random Number and Dirichlet Random Vector GeneratingFunctionsRBFRobust BackfittingrbgmTools for 'Box Geometry Model' (BGM) Files and Topology for theAtlantis Ecosystem ModelrbiInterface to 'LibBi'rbi.helpers'rbi' Helper FunctionsrBiasCorrectionCorrect Bias in DNA Methylation AnalysesrbibutilsRead 'Bibtex' Files and Convert Between Bibliography FormatsrbinTools for Binning DatarbioaccInference and Prediction of Toxico*kinetic (TK) ModelsrbioapiUser-Friendly R Interface to Biologic Web Services' APIrbiomRead/Write, Transform, and Summarize 'BIOM' DatarbioumlInteract with BioUML ServerrbitBinary Indexed TreeRblDataLicenseR Interface to 'Bloomberg Data License'RblpapiR Interface to 'Bloomberg'rbltBio-Logging ToolboxrBMFBoolean Matrix FactorizationrbmiReference Based Multiple ImputationrbmnHandling Linear Gaussian Bayesian NetworksRBNZDownload Data from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand WebsiterboosterAdaBoost Framework for Any ClassifierRboristExtensible, Parallelizable Implementation of the Random ForestAlgorithmrboundsPerform Rosenbaum Bounds Sensitivity Tests for Matched andUnmatched DataRBPcurveThe Residual-Based Predictiveness CurverbridgeRestricted Bridge EstimationrbscCIBlyth-Still-Casella Confidence IntervalrbtcBitcoin APIRBtestRegression-Based Approach for Testing the Type of Missing DatarbttAlternative Bootstrap-Based t-Test Aiming to Reduce Type-I Errorfor Non-Negative, Zero-Inflated DatarbwResidual Balancing Weights for Marginal Structural ModelsRbyExampleData for the Book "R by Example"RCARelational Class AnalysisrcaimanCAnopy IMage ANalysisRCALRegularized Calibrated EstimationRCALICalculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles Between PolygonsRcanCancer Registry Data Analysis and VisualisationRcaptureLoglinear Models for Capture-Recapture ExperimentsRCarbDose Rate Modelling of Carbonate-Rich SamplesrcarbonCalibration and Analysis of Radiocarbon Datesrcartocolor'CARTOColors' PalettesRcatch22Calculation of 22 CAnonical Time-Series CHaracteristicsRcausalEGMA General Causal Inference Framework by Encoding GenerativeModelingrCBACBA ClassifierrcbalanceLarge, Sparse Optimal Matching with Refined Covariate BalancercbayesEstimate Rogers-Castro Migration Age Schedules with BayesianModelsRCBRRandom Coefficient Binary Response EstimationrcbsubsetOptimal Subset Matching with Refined Covariate BalancerccParametric Bootstrapping to Control Rank Conditional CoveragercccdClass Cover Catch Digraph ClassificationrccolaSafely Manage API Keys and Load Data from a REDCap or OtherSourceRCCPCA"Retained Component Criterion for Principal Component Analysis"rcddComputational GeometryrcDEARobust and Conditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)rcdkInterface to the 'CDK' LibrariesrcdklibsThe CDK Libraries Packaged for RRCDTFast 2D Constrained Delaunay TriangulationRCEIMR Cross Entropy Inspired Method for OptimizationrcensGenerate Sample CensoringRcerealC++11 Header Files for 'cereal'RcextToolsAnalytical Procedures in Support of Brazilian Public SectorExternal AuditingRCGLSDownload and Open Data Provided by the Copernicus Global LandServicerchallengeA Simple Data Science Challenge SystemrchemoDimension Reduction, Regression and Discrimination forChemometricsrcheologyData on Base and Recommended Packages for Current and PreviousVersions of RRChestLocating Distributional Changes in Highly Dependent Time SeriesRchivalTagAnalyzing and Interactive Visualization of Archival Tagging DataRchoiceDiscrete Choice (Binary, Poisson and Ordered) Models with RandomParametersrChoiceDialogs'rChoiceDialogs' CollectionRChronoModelPost-Processing of the Markov Chain Simulated by ChronoModel orOxcalrciplotPlot Jacobson-Truax Reliable Change IndicesRCircosCircos 2D Track PlotrcitesR Interface to the Species+ DatabaseRCLabelsManipulate Matrix Row and Column Labels with EaseRClickhouse'Yandex Clickhouse' Interface for R with Basic 'dplyr' SupportRClimacellR Wrapper for the 'Climacell' APIrclipboardShiny/R Wrapper for 'clipboard.js'RclusToolGraphical Toolbox for Clustering and Classification of DataFramesrCMAR-to-Java Interface for 'CMA-ES'rcmdcheckRun 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture ResultsRcmdrR CommanderRcmdrMiscR Commander Miscellaneous FunctionsRcmdrPlugin.aRnovaR Commander Plug-in for Repeated-Measures ANOVARcmdrPlugin.BiclustGUI'Rcmdr' Plug-in GUI for BiclusteringRcmdrPlugin.BWS1R Commander Plug-in for Case 1 Best-Worst ScalingRcmdrPlugin.BWS2R Commander Plug-in for Case 2 Best-Worst ScalingRcmdrPlugin.BWS3R Commander Plug-in for Case 3 Best-Worst ScalingRcmdrPlugin.cpdR Commander Plug-in for Complex Pearson DistributionsRcmdrPlugin.DCCVR Commander Plug-in for Dichotomous Choice Contingent ValuationRcmdrPlugin.DCER Commander Plug-in for Discrete Choice ExperimentsRcmdrPlugin.depthToolsR Commander Depth Tools Plug-inRcmdrPlugin.DoER Commander Plugin for (Industrial) Design of ExperimentsRcmdrPlugin.EACSPIRPlugin de R-Commander para el Manual 'EACSPIR'RcmdrPlugin.EBMRcmdr Evidence Based Medicine Plug-in PackageRcmdrPlugin.EcoVirtualRcmdr EcoVirtual PluginRcmdrPlugin.ExportExport R Output to LaTeX or HTMLRcmdrPlugin.EZRR Commander Plug-in for the EZR (Easy R) PackageRcmdrPlugin.FactoMineRGraphical User Interface for FactoMineRRcmdrPlugin.GWRMR Commander Plug-in for Fitting Generalized Waring RegressionModelsRcmdrPlugin.HHRcmdr Support for the HH PackageRcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2R Commander Plug-in for Data Visualization with 'ggplot2'RcmdrPlugin.MAGraphical User Interface for Conducting Meta-Analyses in RRcmdrPlugin.MPAStatsR Commander Plug-in for MPA StatisticsRcmdrPlugin.NMBUR Commander Plug-in for University Level Applied StatisticsRcmdrPlugin.orlocaA GUI for Planar Location ProblemsRcmdrPlugin.PcaRobustR Commander Plug-in for Robust Principal Component AnalysisRcmdrPlugin.RiskDemoR Commander Plug-in for Risk DemonstrationRcmdrPlugin.RMTCJagsR MTC Jags 'Rcmdr' PluginRcmdrPlugin.ROCRcmdr Receiver Operator Characteristic Plug-in PackageRcmdrPlugin.sosEfficiently search the R help pagesRcmdrPlugin.survivalR Commander Plug-in for the 'survival' PackageRcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemosRcmdr Teaching Demos Plug-inRcmdrPlugin.TeachStatR Commander Plugin for Teaching Statistical MethodsRcmdrPlugin.temisGraphical Integrated Text Mining SolutionRcmdrPlugin.UCAUCA Rcmdr Plug-inRcmdrPlugin.WorldFloraR Commander Plug-in for the 'WorldFlora' PackageRCMinificationRandom Coefficient Minification Time Series ModelsrCNVDetect Copy Number Variants from SNPs DatarcoThe R Code OptimizerrcoderLightweight Data Structure for Recoding Categorical Data withoutFactorsRColetumAccess your Coletum's Data from APIRColorBrewerColorBrewer PalettesRColorConesaConesa Colors Palettercolors270 'NCL' Color Tables in R LanguageRcompadreUtilities for using the 'COM(P)ADRE' Matrix Model DatabasercompanionFunctions to Support Extension Education Program EvaluationrcompendiumCreate a Package or Research Compendium StructurerconfigManage R Configuration at the Command LineRConicsComputations on ConicsrcontrollIndividual-Based Forest Growth Simulator 'TROLL'rcorporaA Collection of Small Text Corpora of Interesting DataRCPAConsensus Pathway AnalysisRCPA3Data and Functions for R Companion to Political Analysis 3rd EdRcplexR Interface to CPLEXRcppSeamless R and C++ IntegrationRcpp11R and C++11RcppAlgosHigh Performance Tools for Combinatorics and ComputationalMathematicsRcppAnnoy'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Annoy', a Library for Approximate NearestNeighborsRcppAPT'Rcpp' Interface to the APT Package ManagerRcppArmadillo'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Armadillo' Templated Linear AlgebraLibraryRcppArray'Rcpp' Meets 'C++' ArraysRcppBDT'Rcpp' Bindings for the Boost Date_Time LibraryRcppBigIntAlgosFactor Big Integers with the Parallel Quadratic SieveRcppBlaze'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Blaze' High-Performance 'C++' MathLibraryRcppCCTZ'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' LibraryRcppCensSpatialSpatial Estimation and Prediction for Censored/Missing ResponsesRcppCGAL'Rcpp' Integration for 'CGAL'RcppClassicDeprecated 'classic' 'Rcpp' 'API'RcppClassicExamplesExamples using 'RcppClassic' to Interface R and C++RcppClockSeamless 'Rcpp' BenchmarkingRcppCNPyRead-Write Support for 'NumPy' Files via 'Rcpp'RcppColorsColor Mappings and 'C++' Header Files for Color ConversionRcppCWB'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')RcppDate'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time FunctionalityRcppDEGlobal Optimization by Differential Evolution in C++RcppDist'Rcpp' Integration of Additional Probability DistributionsRcppDynProg'Rcpp' Dynamic ProgrammingRcppEigen'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Eigen' Templated Linear AlgebraLibraryRcppEnsmallenHeader-Only C++ Mathematical Optimization Library for'Armadillo'RcppExamplesExamples using 'Rcpp' to Interface R and C++RcppFarmHashInterface to the Google 'FarmHash' Family of Hash FunctionsRcppFastAD'Rcpp' Bindings to 'FastAD' Auto-DifferentiationRcppFastFloat'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'fast_float' Header-Only Library forNumber ParsingRcppGetconf'Rcpp' Interface for Querying System Configuration VariablesRcppGreedySetCoverGreedy Set CoverRcppGSL'Rcpp' Integration for 'GNU GSL' Vectors and MatricesRcppHMMRcpp Hidden Markov ModelRcppHNSW'Rcpp' Bindings for 'hnswlib', a Library for Approximate NearestNeighborsRcppHungarianSolves Minimum Cost Bipartite Matching ProblemsRcppInt64'Rcpp'-Based Helper Functions to Pass 'Int64' and 'nanotime'Values Between 'R' and 'C++'RcppJaggerAn R Wrapper for JaggerRcppLbfgsBlaze'L-BFGS' Algorithm Based on 'Blaze' for 'R' and 'Rcpp'RcppMeCab'rcpp' Wrapper for 'mecab' LibraryRcppMLRcpp Machine Learning LibraryRcppMsgPack'MsgPack' C++ Header Files and Interface Functions for RRcppNLoptExample'Rcpp' Package Illustrating Header-Only Access to 'NLopt'RcppNumerical'Rcpp' Integration for Numerical Computing LibrariesRcppParallelParallel Programming Tools for 'Rcpp'RcppProgressAn Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in RPackagesRcppQuantucciaR Bindings to the Calendaring Functionality of 'QuantLib'RcppRedis'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Redis' using the 'hiredis' LibraryRcppRollEfficient Rolling / Windowed OperationsRcppSimdJson'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'simdjson' Header-Only Library for'JSON' ParsingRcppSMCRcpp Bindings for Sequential Monte CarloRcppSpdlogR and C++ Interfaces to 'spdlog' C++ Header Library for LoggingRcppStreams'Rcpp' Integration of the 'Streamulus' 'DSEL' for StreamProcessingRcppThreadR-Friendly Threading in C++rcpptimer'Rcpp' Tic-Toc Timer with 'OpenMP' SupportRcppTNRcpp-Based Truncated Normal Distribution RNG and FamilyRcppTOML'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for "Tom's Obvious Markup Language"RcppUUIDGenerating Universally Unique IdentificatorsRcppXPtrUtilsXPtr Add-Ons for 'Rcpp'RcppXsimdXsimd C++ Header-Only Library FilesRcppXtsInterface the 'xts' API via 'Rcpp'RcppZiggurat'Rcpp' Integration of Different "Ziggurat" Normal RNGImplementationsRcrawlerWeb Crawler and ScraperRCreliabilityCorrect Bias in Estimated Regression CoefficientsrcrimeanalysisAn Implementation of Crime Analysis MethodsRCriteoLoading Criteo Data into RRcriticorPierre-Goldwin CorrelogramRCRnormAn Integrated Regression Model for Normalizing 'NanoStringnCounter' DatarcrossrefClient for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'RcsdpR Interface to the CSDP Semidefinite Programming LibraryRCSFAirborne LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Cloth SimulationrcssciVisualization of Restricted Cubic SplinesRcssplotStyling of Graphics using Cascading Style SheetsRCTAssign Treatments, Power Calculations, Balances, ImpactEvaluation of ExperimentsRCT2Designing and Analyzing Two-Stage Randomized Experimentsrct3Predict Fish Year-Class Strength from Survey DataRCTrepValidation of Estimates of Treatment Effects in ObservationalDataRCTSClustering Time Series While Resisting OutliersrcubeSimulations and Visualizations of Rubik's Cube (with Mods)RCurlGeneral Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for RRcurvepConcentration-Response Data Analysis using CurvepRCytoGPSUsing Cytogenetics Data in RRCzechiaSpatial Objects of the Czech RepublicRd2mdMarkdown Reference ManualsRd2roxygenConvert Rd to 'Roxygen' DocumentationrD3plotInteractive Networks, Timelines, Barplots, Galleries with'D3.js'rdaShrunken Centroids Regularized Discriminant Analysisrdacca.hpHierarchical and Variation Partitioning for Canonical AnalysisrdaisiR Client for the Daisi Microservice PlatformrdataciteClient for the 'DataCite' APIrDataPipelineFunctions to Interact with the 'FAIR Data Pipeline'rdataretrieverR Interface to the Data RetrieverrdbnomicsDownload DBnomics DatarddRegression Discontinuity EstimationrddappRegression Discontinuity Design ApplicationrddensityManipulation Testing Based on Density DiscontinuityrddiR Interface to DDI Codebook 2.5rddtoolsToolbox for Regression Discontinuity Design ('RDD')rdeReproducible Data EmbeddingrDEARobust Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for RrdecisionDecision Analytic Modelling in Health EconomicsrDecodeDescent-Based Calibrated Optimal Direct EstimationrdepsIdentify External Packages Used in a ProjectrdflibTools to Manipulate and Query Semantic DatardfpAn Implementation of the 'DoubleClick for Publishers' APIRDHonestHonest Inference in Regression Discontinuity DesignsrdhsAPI Client and Dataset Management for the Demographic and HealthSurvey (DHS) DatardiRepertoire Dissimilarity IndexRdiagnosislistManipulate SNOMED CT Diagnosis ListsrdianClient Library for The GuardianRdiceA Collection of Functions to Experiment Dice RollsRDieHarderR Interface to the 'DieHarder' RNG Test SuiteRdimtoolsDimension Reduction and Estimation MethodsrdistCalculate Pairwise DistancesRdistanceDistance-Sampling Analyses for Density and Abundance EstimationrdiversityMeasurement and Partitioning of Similarity-SensitiveBiodiversityrdlocrandLocal Randomization Methods for RD DesignsRDMQuantify Dependence using Rearranged Dependence MeasuresRDMLImporting Real-Time Thermo Cycler (qPCR) Data from RDML FormatFilesrdmultiAnalysis of RD Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or ScoresrDNAseGenerating Various Numerical Representation Schemes of DNASequencesrdnbR Interface to the 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German NationalLibrary) API'RDnpRobust Test for Complete Independence in High-DimensionsrdomainsGet the Category of Content Hosted by a DomainRDota2An R Steam API Client for Valve's Dota2rdoxygenCreate Doxygen Documentation for Source CodeRDPThe Ramer-Douglas-Peucker AlgorithmRdpackUpdate and Manipulate Rd Documentation ObjectsrdpowerPower Calculations for RD DesignsrdracorAccess to the 'DraCor' APIrdrobustRobust Data-Driven Statistical Inference inRegression-Discontinuity DesignsRdrwUnivariate and Multivariate Damped Random Walk ProcessesrdryadAccess for Dryad Web ServicesRDSRespondent-Driven SamplingRdsdpR Interface to DSDP Semidefinite Programming LibraryRDSsamplesizeRDS Sample Size Estimation and Power CalculationRDStreebootRDS Tree Bootstrap MethodRdtaData Transforming Augmentation for Linear Mixed ModelsrdtLiteProvenance CollectorRduinoA Microcontroller InterfaceRduinoiot'Arduino Iot Cloud API' R ClientrdwdSelect and Download Climate Data from 'DWD' (German WeatherService)rdwplusAn Implementation of IDW-PLUSre2R Interface to Google RE2 (C++) Regular Expression LibraryreactReactivity Helper for 'shiny'reactableInteractive Data Tables for Rreactable.extrasExtra Features for 'reactable' PackagereactablefmtrStreamlined Table Styling and Formatting for ReactablereactCheckboxCheckbox Group Input for 'Shiny'reactlogReactivity Visualizer for 'shiny'reactRReact HelpersReacTranReactive Transport Modelling in 1d, 2d and 3dReADPowerful Replicability Analysis of Genome-Wide AssociationStudiesread.dbcRead Data Stored in DBC (Compressed DBF) Filesread.gbOpen GenBank Filesread.gt3xParse 'ActiGraph' 'GT3X'/'GT3X+' 'Accelerometer' DatareadABFLoads Axon Binary FilesreadabsDownload and Tidy Time Series Data from the Australian Bureau ofStatisticsreadbitmapSimple Unified Interface to Read Bitmap Images(BMP,JPEG,PNG,TIFF)readBrukerFlexDataReads Mass Spectrometry Data in Bruker *flex FormatreadbulkRead and Combine Multiple Data FilesReadDIMRead ESA SNAP Processed Raster Format in RreaderSuite of Functions to Flexibly Read Data from FilesreadHACRead Acoustic HAC FormatreaditEffortlessly Read Any Rectangular DatareadJDXImport Data in the JCAMP-DX FormatreadmetRead some less Popular Formats Used in MeteorologyreadmissionHospital Readmission Data for Patients with DiabetesreadMLDataReading Machine Learning Benchmark Data Sets in DifferentFormatsreadmoReUtilities for Importing and Manipulating Biomedical Data FilesreadMzXmlDataReads Mass Spectrometry Data in mzXML FormatreadNSxRead 'Blackrock-Microsystems' Files ('NEV', 'NSx')readobjFast Reader for 'Wavefront' OBJ 3D Scene FilesreadODSRead and Write ODS FilesreadOfficeRead Text Out of Modern Office FilesreadrRead Rectangular Text DatareadrbaDownload and Tidy Data from the Reserve Bank of AustraliareadroperSimply Read ASCII Single and Multicard Polling DatasetsreadsdmxRead SDMX-XML DatareadsdrTranslate Models from System Dynamics Software into 'R'readsparseRead and Write Sparse Matrices in 'SVMLight' and 'LibSVM'Formatsreadstata13Import 'Stata' Data FilesreadtextImport and Handling for Plain and Formatted Text FilesreadtextgridRead in a 'Praat' 'TextGrid' FilereadwritesqliteEnhanced Reading and Writing for 'SQLite' DatabasesreadxlRead Excel FilesreadxlsbRead 'Excel' Binary (.xlsb) Workbooksready4Implement Modular and Open-Source Health Economic ModelsrealtestWhere Expectations Meet Reality: Realistic Unit TestingrealTimeloadsAnalyte Flux and Load from Estimates of Concentration andDischargeRealVAMSMultivariate VAM FittingreappraisedStatistical Tools for Assessing Publication Integrity of Groupsof TrialsRearrangementMonotonize Point and Interval Functional Estimates byRearrangementrearrrRearranging DatareasonabletoolsClean Water Quality Data for NPDES Reasonable Potential AnalysesREATRegional Economic Analysis ToolboxREBayesEmpirical Bayes Estimation and InferencerebibConvert and Aggregate BibliographiesrebirdR Client for the eBird Database of Bird ObservationsrebmixFinite Mixture Modeling, Clustering & ClassificationrebusBuild Regular Expressions in a Human Readable Wayrebus.baseCore Functionality for the 'rebus' Packagerebus.datetimesDate and Time Extensions for the 'rebus' Packagerebus.numbersNumeric Extensions for the 'rebus' Packagerebus.unicodeUnicode Extensions for the 'rebus' PackageRECARelevant Component Analysis for Supervised Distance MetricLearningrecalibratiNNQuantile Recalibration for Regression ModelsrecaprTwo Event Mark-Recapture ExperimentRecAssoRulesRecursive Mining for Frequent Pattern and Confident AssociationRulesreceptivitiText Analysis Through the 'Receptiviti' APIrecexcavAAR3D Reconstruction of Archaeological ExcavationsrechaRgeHydroBudget – Groundwater Recharge ModelrechonestR Interface to Echo Nest APIrecipesPreprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modelingreclin2Record Linkage ToolkitreclusterOrdination Methods for the Analysis of Beta-Diversity IndicesrecmapCompute the Rectangular Statistical CartogramrecmetricsPsychometric Evaluation Using Relative Excess CorrelationsRecocropEstimating Environmental Suitability for PlantsrecodeflowInterface Functions for PMML Creation, and Data RecodingrecogitoInteractive Annotation of Text and ImagesrecolorizeColor-Based Image SegmentationrecombinatorRecombinate Nested Lists to DataframesrecometricsEvaluation Metrics for Implicit-Feedback Recommender SystemsrecommenderlabLab for Developing and Testing Recommender AlgorithmsrecommenderlabBXBook-Crossing Dataset (BX) for 'recommenderlab'recommenderlabJesterJester Dataset for 'recommenderlab'ReconComputational Tools for EconomicsreconstructKMReconstruct Individual-Level Data from Published KM PlotsreconstructrSession Reconstruction and AnalysisrecorderToolkit to Validate New Data for a Predictive ModelRecordLinkageRecord Linkage Functions for Linking and Deduplicating Data SetsRecordsRecord Values and Record TimesRecordTestInference Tools in Time Series Based on Record StatisticsrecosystemRecommender System using Matrix FactorizationrecurrentpseudoCreates Pseudo-Observations and Analysis for Recurrent EventDatarecurseComputes Revisitation Metrics for Trajectory DataredIUCN Redlisting ToolsredaRecurrent Event Data AnalysisReDaMoRRelational Data ModelerREdaSCompanion Package to the Book 'R: Einführung durch angewandteStatistik'redbookperuAccess and Analyze the Data from the Red Book of Endemic Plantsof PeruredcapAPIInterface to 'REDCap'REDCapCASTREDCap Castellated Data HandlingREDCapDM'REDCap' Data ManagementREDCapExporterAutomated Construction of R Data Packages from REDCap ProjectsREDCapRInteraction Between R and REDCapREDCapTidieRExtract 'REDCap' Databases into Tidy 'Tibble'sredditadsRGet Reddit Ads Data via the '' APIRedditExtractoRReddit Data Extraction ToolkitreddPrecReconstruction of Daily Data - PrecipitationREddyProcPost Processing of (Half-)Hourly Eddy-Covariance MeasurementsREddyProcNCDFReading Data from NetCDF Files for 'REddyProc'REDIRobust Exponential Decreasing IndexReDirectionPredict Dominant Direction of Reactions of a Biochemical NetworkRedisBaseContainerThe Container for the DockerParallel PackageRediscoverIdentify Mutually Exclusive MutationsredistSimulation Methods for Legislative RedistrictingredistmetricsRedistricting MetricsredlandRDF Library Bindings in RredlistrTools for the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems and SpeciesrEDMEmpirical Dynamic Modeling ('EDM')RedmonderMicrosoft(r)-Inspired Color PalettesredocGenerates 'Redoc' Documentation from an 'OpenAPI' SpecificationreduxR Bindings to 'hiredis'REEMtreeRegression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel)Dataref.ICARObjective Bayes Intrinsic Conditional Autoregressive Model forAreal DataREFARobust Exponential Factor AnalysisrefdbA DNA Reference Library ManagerreferCreate Object ReferencesreferenceIntervalsReference IntervalsREffectivePredPandemic Prediction Model in an SIRS FrameworkrefineRReference Interval Estimation using Real-World DatarefinrCluster and Merge Similar Values Within a Character VectorrefitMEMeasurement Error Modelling using MCEMreflectRAutomatic Scoring of the Cognitive Reflection TestreflimRReference Limit Estimation Using Routine Laboratory DataRefManageRStraightforward 'BibTeX' and 'BibLaTeX' Bibliography ManagementreformulasMachinery for Processing Random Effect FormulasrefregConditional Multivariate Reference RegionsrefreshrWork with Refreshable Datasets that Update their DataAutomaticallyrefseqRCommon Computational Operations Working with RefSeq Entries(GenBank)refsetSubsets with Reference SemanticsrefugeLocate Trans and Intersex-Friendly ToiletsrefugeesUNHCR Refugee Population Statistics DatabaserefundRegression with Functional Datarefund.shinyInteractive Plotting for Functional Data AnalysesRegAssureStreamlined Integration of Regression AssumptionregclassTools for an Introductory Class in Regression and ModelingRegCombinPartially Linear Regression under Data CombinationregdaRegularised Discriminant AnalysisregDIFRegularized Differential Item FunctioningREGENTRisk Estimation for Genetic and Environmental TraitsregexPipesWrappers Around 'base::grep()' for Use with PipesregexSelectRegular Expressions in 'shiny' Select ListsreghelperHelper Functions for Regression AnalysisregionalIntra- and Inter-Regional SimilarityregioncodeConvert Region Names and Division Codes of China Over YearsregionsProcessing Regional StatisticsregistrCurve Registration for Exponential Family Functional DataregistryInfrastructure for R Package RegistriesRegKinkRegression Kink with a Time-Varying ThresholdreglogitSimulation-Based Regularized Logistic RegressionregmedRegularized Mediation AnalysisregmedintRegression-Based Causal Mediation Analysis with Interaction andEffect Modification Termsregmhmm'regmhmm' Fits Hidden Markov Models with RegularizationregnetNetwork-Based Regularization for Generalized Linear ModelsregoAutomatic Time Series Forecasting and Missing Value ImputationregplotEnhanced Regression Nomogram PlotregportRegression Model Processing Portregr.easyEasy Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Regression ModelsregrapReverse Graphical ApproachesregressGaussian Linear Models with Linear Covariance StructureregressinatorSimulate and Diagnose (Generalized) Linear ModelsRegressionFactoryExpander Functions for Generating Full Gradient and Hessian fromSingle-Slot and Multi-Slot Base DistributionsregressoRRegression Data Analysis SystemregrrrToolkit for Compiling, (Post-Hoc) Testing, and PlottingRegression ResultsregRSMRandom Subspace Method (RSM) for Linear RegressionRegSDCInformation Preserving Regression-Based Tools for StatisticalDisclosure ControlregsemRegularized Structural Equation ModelingregspecNon-Parametric Bayesian Spectrum Estimation for Multirate DataregsubseqDetect and Test Regular Sequences and SubsequencesregtomeanRegression Toward the MeanregtoolsRegression and Classification ToolsrehhSearching for Footprints of Selection using 'Extended Haplotypehom*ozygosity' Based Testsrehh.dataData Only: Searching for Footprints of Selection using Haplotypehom*ozygosity Based TestsrehydratoRDownloads Tweets from a List of Tweet IDsReinforcementLearningModel-Free Reinforcement LearningReInsFunctions from "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects"reinstallrSearch and Install Missing PackagesreinsureRReinsurance Treaties ApplicationrelaimpoRelative Importance of Regressors in Linear ModelsrelatableFunctions for Mapping Key-Value Pairs, Many-to-Many,One-to-Many, and Many-to-One RelationsRelatednessMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Relatedness using EM AlgorithmrelationsData Structures and Algorithms for RelationsrelcircleDraw Regulatory Relationships Between GenesreldistRelative Distribution MethodsRelDistsEstimation for some Reliability DistributionsRelectoralElectoral AnalysisrelevanceCalculate Relevance and Significance MeasuresreleventRelational Event ModelsrelgamReluctant Generalized Additive ModelsreliabilitydiagReliability Diagrams Using Isotonic RegressionReliabilityTheoryStructural Reliability AnalysisrelimpRelative Contribution of Effects in a Regression ModelRelimpPCRRelative Importance PCA RegressionrellipticalThe Truncated Elliptical Family of DistributionsrelMixRelationship Inference for DNA MixturesrelSimRelative SimulatorrelsurvRelative SurvivalremRelational Event Models (REM)remaRare Event Meta AnalysisremaCorRandom Effects Meta-Analysis for Correlated Test StatisticsremapRegional Spatial Modeling with Continuous BordersrematchMatch Regular Expressions with a Nicer 'API'rematch2Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matchingremedy'RStudio' Addins to Simplify 'Markdown' WritingReMFPCARegularized Multivariate Functional Principal Component AnalysisremifyProcessing and Transforming Relational Event History DataremindRInsert and Extract "Reminders" from Function CommentsremiodReference-Based Multiple Imputation for Ordinal/Binary ResponseREMLARobust Expectation-Maximization Estimation for Latent VariableModelsrEMMExtensible Markov Model for Modelling Temporal RelationshipsBetween ClustersremmyAPI Client for 'Lemmy'remoteEmpirical Orthogonal Teleconnections in RremotePARTSSpatiotemporal Autoregression Analyses for Large Data SetsremotesR Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including'GitHub'rempsycConvenience Functions for PsychologyremssRefining Evaluation Methodology on Stage SystemremstatsComputes Statistics for Relational Event History DataremstimateOptimization Frameworks for Tie-Oriented and Actor-OrientedRelational Event ModelsrENAEpistemic Network AnalysisREndoFitting Linear Models with Endogenous Regressors using LatentInstrumental VariablesRenextRenewal Method for Extreme Values ExtrapolationrenpowRenewable Power Systems and the Environmentrentrez'Entrez' in RrenvProject EnvironmentsRenvlpComputing Envelope EstimatorsRenvModuleInterface to Allow Full Use of the Environment Modules Systemfor UnixrenzR-EnzymologyrepairDataOpen Repair Alliance Datasets 2021repanaRepeatable Analysis in RRepaymentPlanCalculation of Mortgage Plan or Repayment PlanrepeatedNon-Normal Repeated Measurements ModelsRepeatedHighDimMethods for High-Dimensional Repeated Measures DatarepecAccess RePEc Data Through APIrepelloReports from Trello in RRepertoiRRepertoire Graphical VisualizationrepfdrReplicability Analysis for Multiple Studies of High DimensionreplacerA Value Replacement UtilityREPLesentRPresentations in the REPLReplicateStatistical Metrics for Multisite Replication StudiesreplicateBEAverage Bioequivalence with Expanding Limits (ABEL)replicatedpp2wTwo-Way ANOVA-Like Method to Analyze Replicated Point PatternsReplicationSuccessDesign and Analysis of Replication StudiesRepliscopeReplication Timing Profiling using DNA Copy NumberrepmisMiscellaneous Tools for Reproducible ResearchrepmodCreate Report Table from Different ObjectsrepoA Data-Centered Data Flow ManagerRepoGeneratorGenerates a Project and Repo for Easy Initialization of aWorkshoprepolrRepeated Measures Proportional Odds Logistic RegressionreportAutomated Reporting of Results and Statistical ModelsreporterCreates Statistical ReportsrepoRter.nihR Interface to the 'NIH RePORTER Project' APIReporterScoreGeneralized Reporter Score-Based Enrichment Analysis for OmicsDatareportfactoryLightweight Infrastructure for Handling Multiple R MarkdownDocumentsreportrA General Message and Error Reporting SystemreportRegAn Easy Way to Report Regression AnalysisreportRmdTidy Presentation of Clinical ReportingreportROCAn Easy Way to Report ROC AnalysisreporttoolsGenerate "LaTeX"" Tables of Descriptive StatisticsREPPlabR Interface to 'EPP-Lab', a Java Program for ExploratoryProjection PursuitREPPlabShiny'REPPlab' via a Shiny ApplicationreprSerializable RepresentationsrepresentDetermine How Representative Two Multidimensional Data Sets arerepresentrCreate Representative Records After Entity ResolutionreprestoolsReproducible Research ToolsreprexPrepare Reproducible Example Code via the ClipboardreproducerReproduce Statistical Analyses and Meta-AnalysesreproducibleEnhance Reproducibility of R CodereprojCoordinate System Transformations for Generic Map DatarepsdRoot Expected Proportion Squared Difference for Detecting DIFREPTILERegulatory DNA Element PredictionrepurrrsiveExamples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data FramesreqresPowerful Classes for HTTP Requests and ResponsesREQSR/EQS InterfacerequestHigh Level 'HTTP' ClientRequireInstalling and Loading R Packages for Reproducible WorkflowsrequiRementsHelper Package to Install Packages for RrequireRR Source Code ModularizerrerandPowerPower and Sample Size Calculations for Completely Randomized andRerandomized ExperimentsrerddapGeneral Purpose Client for 'ERDDAP' ServersrerddapXtractoExtracts Environmental Data from 'ERDDAP' Web ServicesreRegRecurrent Event RegressionresampleResampling FunctionsresampledataData Sets for Mathematical Statistics with Resampling in Rresampledata3Data Sets for "Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R"(3rd Ed)resdeEstimation in Reducible Stochastic Differential EquationsResearchAssociateRetrieving Publications from PubMed Database Based on User QueryresembleMemory-Based Learning in Spectral ChemometricsreservoirTools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water SupplyStoragesreservoirnetReservoir Computing and Echo State NetworksreservrFit Distributions and Neural Networks to Censored and TruncatedDataRESETReconstruction Set TestresevolSimulate Agricultural Production and Evolution of PesticideResistancereshapeFlexibly Reshape Datareshape2Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape PackageRESIRobust Effect Size Index (RESI) EstimationResidentialEnergyConsumptionResidential Energy Consumption DataresiliencePredictors of Resilience to a Stressor in a Single-Arm StudyResINResponse Item Networks ('ResIN')ResistorArrayElectrical Properties of Resistor NetworksreslifeCalculate Mean Residual Life (MRL) and Related Values forDifferent DistributionsreslrModelling Relative Sea Level DataresmushOptimize and Compress Image Files with ''resourcerResource ResolverResourceSelectionResource Selection (Probability) Functions for Use-AvailabilityDataResPBIBD"Resolvable Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs(PBIBDs)"RespirAnalyzerAnalysis Functions of Respiratory DatarespirometryTools for Conducting and Analyzing Respirometry ExperimentsresponsePatternsScreening for Careless Responding PatternsrespRImport, Process, Analyse, and Calculate Rates from RespirometryDataRESSIntegrates R and EssentiarestatapiSearch and Retrieve Data from Eurostat DatabaserestatisWeb API Client for the German Federal Statistical OfficeDatabaserestaurantRestaurant Data for Entity ResolutionrestezCreate and Query a Local Copy of 'GenBank' in RrestfulrR Interface to RESTful Web ServicesrestimizeapiFunctions for Working with the '' Web ServicesRESTKAn Implementation of the RESTK AlgorithmrestoptrEcological Restoration PlanningRestoreNetRandom-Effects Stochastic Reaction NetworksrestriktorRestricted Statistical Estimation and Inference for LinearModelsRestRserveA Framework for Building HTTP APIresultResult Type for Safely Handling Operations that can Succeed orFailresumerBuild Resumes with RretelRegularized Exponentially Tilted Empirical LikelihoodrethinkerRethinkDB ClientrethnicityPredicting Ethnic Group from NamesreticulateInterface to 'Python'retrieverGenerate Disease-Specific Response Signatures from theLINCS-L1000 DataretrodesignTools for Type S (Sign) and Type M (Magnitude) ErrorsretroharmonizeEx Post Survey Data HarmonizationretrosheetImport Professional Baseball Data from 'Retrosheet'retryRepeated EvaluationreutilsTalk to the NCBI EUtilsrevalArgument Table Generation for Sensitivity AnalysisrevdbayesRatio-of-Uniforms Sampling for Bayesian Extreme Value AnalysisrevealedPrefsRevealed Preferences and Microeconomic RationalityrevealjsR Markdown Format for 'reveal.js' PresentationsRevEcoRReverse Ecology Analysis on MicrobiomereveneraRConnect to Your 'Revenera' (Formerly 'Revulytics') DatarevengcReverse Engineering Summarized DatareverseRLinear Regression Stability to Significance ReversalrevertReversion Mutation Identifier for Sequencing DataRevGadgetsVisualization and Post-Processing of 'RevBayes' AnalysesrevgeoReverse Geocoding with the Photon Geocoder for OpenStreetMap,Google Maps, and BingReviewRA Light-Weight, Portable Tool for Reviewing Individual PatientRecordsrevprefTools for Computational Revealed Preference AnalysisRevSDVisualizing the Standard Deviation via RevolutionrevssRobust Estimation in Very Small SamplesRevticulateInteraction with "RevBayes" in RrevtoolsTools to Support Evidence SynthesisrevulyticsRConnect to Your 'Revulytics' DatarewieData Preparation and Diagnostics for Random Effects WithinEstimatorrexFriendly Regular ExpressionsrexerRandom Exercises and Exams GeneratorRexperigenR Interface to ExperigenrexpokitR Wrappers for EXPOKIT; Other Matrix FunctionsrextendrCall Rust Code from R using the 'extendr' CrateRfacebookAccess to Facebook API via RrfacebookstatLoad Data from Facebook API MarketingrfactsR Interface to 'FACTS' on Unix-Like SystemsrfarsDownload and Analyze Crash DataRfastA Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R FunctionsRfast2A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions IIRFCCARandom Forest with Canonical Correlation AnalysisRFclustRandom Forest Cluster AnalysisRfEmpImpMultiple Imputation using Chained Random ForestsrFernsRandom Ferns ClassifierrfieldclimateClient for the 'FieldClimate' APIrfigshareAn R Interface to 'figshare'rfintervalPredictive Inference for Random ForestsrfishbaseR Interface to 'FishBase'RFishBCBack-Calculation of Fish LengthrfishdrawAutomatically Generated Fish Drawings via JavaScriptrfisheries'Programmatic Interface to the '' API'rfishnet2Exploratory Data Analysis for FishNet2 DataRfitRank-Based Estimation for Linear ModelsrflashtextFlashText Algorithm for Finding and Replacing WordsrflexscanThe Flexible Spatial Scan StatisticRFlocalfdrSignificance Level for Random Forest Impurity Importance ScoresRFlocalfdr.dataData for the Vignette and Examples in 'RFlocalfdr'RFLPtoolsTools to Analyse RFLP DatarflsgenNeutral Landscape Generator with Targets on Landscape IndicesrfmRecency, Frequency and Monetary Value AnalysisRfmtoolFuzzy Measure ToolsrfoaasR Interface to 'FOAAS'RFOCGraphics for Spherical Distributions and Earthquake FocalMechanismsrfoldWorking with many R Folders Within an R PackageRfoldingThe Folding Test of UnimodalityrfordummiesCode Examples to Accompany the Book "R for Dummies"RforestryRandom Forests, Linear Trees, and Gradient Boosting forInference and InterpretabilityRFormatterR Source Code FormatterrfPermuteEstimate Permutation p-Values for Random Forest ImportanceMetricsRFPMFloating Percentile ModelRFpredIntervalPrediction Intervals with Random Forests and Boosted ForestsRfractranA 'FRACTRAN' Interpreter and Some Helper FunctionsrFSAFeasible Solution Algorithm for Finding Best Subsets andInteractionsRfssaFunctional Singular Spectrum AnalysisrFUSIONInterface to FUSIONrfVarImpOOBUnbiased Variable Importance for Random ForestsrfvimptestSequential Permutation Testing of Random Forest VariableImportance MeasuresrfvizInteractive Visualization Tool for Random ForestsrgabrielGabriel Multiple Comparison Test and Plot the ConfidenceInterval on BarplotRGANGenerative Adversarial Nets (GAN) in RRGAPProduction Function Output Gap EstimationRgbThe R Genome BrowserrgbifInterface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility APIRGBMLS-TreeBoost and LAD-TreeBoost for Gene Regulatory NetworkReconstructionRgbpHierarchical Modeling and Frequency Method Checking onOverdispersed Gaussian, Poisson, and Binomial DataRGCCARegularized and Sparse Generalized Canonical CorrelationAnalysis for Multiblock DataRGCxGCPreprocessing and Multivariate Analysis of Bidimensional GasChromatography DatargdaxWrapper for 'Coinbase Pro (erstwhile GDAX)' CryptocurrencyExchangeRGEResponse from Genotype to EnvironmentrgeeR Bindings for Calling the 'Earth Engine' APIrgeedimSearch, Composite, and Download 'Google Earth Engine' Imagerywith the 'Python' Module 'geedim'rgenRandom Sampling Distribution C++ Routines for ArmadilloRGenDataGenerates Multivariate Nonnormal Data and Determines How ManyFactors to RetainRGENERATETools to Generate Vector Time SeriesRGENERATEPRECTools to Generate Daily-Precipitation Time SeriesRGeneticsR packages for genetics researchrgeniusGet 'Genius' API LyricsrgenoudR Version of GENetic Optimization Using DerivativesrgeoboundariesgeoBoundaries ClientrgeodaR Library for Spatial Data AnalysisRGeodeGeometric Density EstimationrgeomstatsInterface to 'Geomstats'rgeopat2Additional Functions for 'GeoPAT' 2rgexfBuild, Import and Export GEXF Graph FilesRGFRegularized Greedy ForestRgffR Utilities for GFF FilesrGhanaCensus2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census Results as Data FramesrghoAccess WHO Global Health Observatory Data from RRGIFTCreate Quizzes in GIFT Formatrgl3D Visualization Using OpenGLrgl.cry'cry' and 'rgl' — Applications in Crystallographyrgl2gltfRead and Write '.gltf' and '.glb' FilesrglobiInterface to Global Biotic InteractionsRglpkR/GNU Linear Programming Kit InterfacerglplusExtension of the 'rgl' 3D Visualization PackagergmAdvanced Inference with Random Graphical ModelsRGMMRobust Mixture ModelRGNRobust-Gauss Newton (RGN) Optimization of Sum-of-SquaresObjective FunctionrgnoisefiltElimination of Noisy Samples in Regression Datasets using NoiseFiltersrgnparserParse Scientific NamesRgof1d Goodness of Fit TestsrgoogleadsLoading Data from 'Google Ads API'RGoogleAnalyticsPremiumUnsampled Data in R for Google Analytics Premium AccountsrgoogleclassroomAPI Wrapper for Google Classroom and Google FormsRGoogleFitR Interface to Google Fit APIRgoogleMapsOverlays on Static MapsrgoogleslidesR Interface to Google SlidesrgplatesR Interface for the GPlates Web Service and Desktop Applicationrgraph6Representing Graphs as 'graph6', 'digraph6' or 'sparse6' StringsRGraphicsData and Functions from the Book R Graphics, Third EditionRGraphSpaceA Lightweight Interface Between 'ggplot2' and 'igraph' ObjectsrgrassInterface Between 'GRASS' Geographical Information System and'R'RGreenplumInterface to 'Greenplum' DatabaseRGremlinsConjointEstimate the "Gremlins in the Data" Model for Conjoint StudiesrGroovyGroovy Language IntegrationrgspRepetitive Group Sampling Plan Based on CpkrgTestRobust Graph-Based Two-Sample TestrgtmxManage GTmetrix Tests in RrgugikSearch and Retrieve Spatial Data from 'GUGiK'rGVAnalysis of Continuous Glucose Monitor DatargwGoodman-Weare Affine-Invariant SamplingRH2DBI/RJDBC Interface to H2 DatabaserhandsontableInterface to the 'Handsontable.js' LibraryRHawkesRenewal Hawkes ProcessRHclustVector in PartitionrhcoclustRobust Hierarchical Co-Clustering to Identify SignificantCo-ClusterrheroiconsA Zero Dependency 'SVG' Icon Library for 'Shiny'rhierbapsClustering Genetic Sequence Data Using the HierBAPS AlgorithmrhinoA Framework for Enterprise Shiny ApplicationsrhmcHamiltonian Monte CarloRHMSHydrologic Modelling System for R UsersrhnermRandom Heteroscedastic Nested Error RegressionrhoneycombAnalysis of Honeycomb Selection DesignsrhoRRho for Inter Rater ReliabilityrhosaHigher-Order Spectral AnalysisrhospSide Effect Risks in Hospital : Simulation and EstimationRHPCBenchmarkBenchmarks for High-Performance Computing EnvironmentsRhpcBLASctlControl the Number of Threads on 'BLAS'RHRTHeart Rate Turbulence AnalysisRHRVHeart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG DataRHSDBRyan-Holm Step-Down Bonferroni or Sidak ProcedurerhubTools for R Package DevelopersRHybridFinderIdentification of Hybrid Peptides in Immunopeptidomic AnalysesrhymerWrapper for the 'Datamuse' API to Find Rhyming and AssociatedWordsrhypeWork with Hypergraphs in Rri2Randomization Inference for Randomized ExperimentsRI2by2Randomization Inference for Treatment Effects on a BinaryOutcomeRIARadiomics Image Analysis Toolbox for Medial ImagesriAFTBARTA Flexible Approach for Causal Inference with MultipleTreatments and Clustered Survival OutcomesribAn Implementation of 'Interactive Brokers' APIribdPedigree-based Relatedness CoefficientsRIbenchBenchmark Suite for Indirect Methods for RI EstimationricegeneannGene Annotation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.spp.japonica)riceidconverterConvert Biological ID from RAP or MSU to SYMBOL for Oryza SativaricewareA Diceware Passphrase ImplementationRicrtRandomization Inference of Clustered Randomized TrialsricuIntensive Care Unit Data with RridMultiple Change-Point Detection in Multivariate Time SeriesRIdeogramDrawing SVG Graphics to Visualize and Map Genome-Wide Data onIdiogramsridgeRidge Regression with Automatic Selection of the PenaltyParameterridgetorusPCA on the Torus via Density RidgesridgregextraRidge Regression Parameter EstimationridigbioInterface to the iDigBio Data APIridittoolsUseful Functions for Ridit AnalysisriemAccesses Weather Data from the Iowa Environment MesonetRiemannLearning with Data on Riemannian ManifoldsRiemBaseFunctions and C++ Header Files for Computation on ManifoldsRiexIEX Stocks and Market DatarifleSparse Generalized Eigenvalue ProblemrifregEstimate Recentered Influence Function RegressionRIFSRandom Iterated Function SystemRigmaAccess to the 'Figma' APIrigrRegression, Inference, and General Data Analysis Tools in RriingoAn R Interface to the 'Tiingo' Stock Price APIRilostatILO Open Data via Ilostat Bulk Download FacilityrimInterface to 'Maxima', Enabling Symbolic ComputationRImageJROIRead 'ImageJ' Region of Interest (ROI) FilesRImagePaletteExtract the Colors from ImagesRImpactCalculates Measures of Scholarly ImpactrimuResponses in MultiplexrinatAccess 'iNaturalist' Data Through APIsrineqConcentration Index and Decomposition for Health InequalitiesringCircular / Ring BuffersringostatLoad Data from 'Ringostat API'RInnoAn Installation Framework for Shiny AppsRInsideC++ Classes to Embed R in C++ (and C) ApplicationsRInSpR Individual SpecializationrintcalRadiocarbon Calibration CurvesrIntervalTreeAn Interval Tree Tool for Real NumbersrintimgView Images on Full Screen in 'RMarkdown' Documents and 'shiny'ApplicationsrintrojsWrapper for the 'Intro.js' LibraryrioA Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/OriojaAnalysis of Quaternary Science DataripcDownload and Tidy IPC and CH DataripserrCalculate Persistent hom*ology with Ripser-Based EnginesrirodsR Client for 'iRODS'RirtData Analysis and Parameter Estimation Using Item ResponseTheoryRISCACausal Inference and Prediction in Cohort-Based AnalysesriseConduct RISE AnalysisrIsingHigh-Dimensional Ising Model SelectionRiskComputes 26 Financial Risk Measures for Any ContinuousDistributionriskclustrFunctions to Study Etiologic HeterogeneityriskCommunicatorG-Computation to Estimate Interpretable Epidemiological EffectsriskmetricRisk Metrics to Evaluating R PackagesriskParityPortfolioDesign of Risk Parity PortfoliosRiskPortfoliosComputation of Risk-Based PortfoliosriskPredictClustDataAssessing Risk Predictions for Clustered DatariskRegressionRisk Regression Models and Prediction Scores for SurvivalAnalysis with Competing RisksrisksEstimate Risk Ratios and Risk Differences using RegressionriskscoresOptimized Integer Risk Score ModelsRiskScorescvdCardiovascular Risk Scores CalculatorrisksetROCRiskset ROC Curve Estimation from Censored Survival DatariskSimulRisk Quantification for Stock Portfolios under the T-CopulaModelriskyrRendering Risk Literacy more TransparentRISmedDownload Content from NCBI DatabasesRitaAutomated Transformations, Normality Testing, and ReportingRitcIsothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) Data AnalysisRITCHR Parser for the ITCH-ProtocolritisIntegrated Taxonomic Information System ClientRItoolsRandomization Inference ToolsrivRobust Instrumental Variables EstimatorRiverBuilderRiver Generation for Given Data SetsriverconnFragmentation and Connectivity Indices for RiverscapesriverdistRiver Network Distance Computation and ApplicationsrivernetRead, Analyze and Plot River NetworksRivivcIn Vitro in Vivo Correlation Linear Level "A"rivnetExtract and Analyze Rivers from Elevation DatarivrSteady and Unsteady Open-Channel Flow ComputationRivRetrieveRetrieve Global River Gauge DatarjadeA Clean, Whitespace-Sensitive Template Language for Writing HTMLRJafrocArtificial Intelligence Systems and Observer PerformancerjagsBayesian Graphical Models using MCMCrJavaLow-Level R to Java InterfaceRJclusterA Fast Clustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Data Based onthe Gram Matrix DecompositionRJDBCProvides Access to Databases Through the JDBC InterfaceRJDemetraInterface to 'JDemetra+' Seasonal Adjustment Softwarerjdmarkdown'rmarkdown' Extension for Formatted 'RJDemetra' OutputsrjdqaQuality Assessment for Seasonal AdjustmentrjdworkspaceManipulate 'JDemetra+' WorkspacesrjeMiscellaneous Useful Functions for StatisticsrjmcmcReversible-Jump MCMC Using Post-ProcessingrjqpdThe Johnson Quantile-Parameterised DistributionRJSDMXR Interface to SDMX Web ServicesrjsonJSON for RrjsonconsQuery, Pivot, Patch, and Validate 'JSON' and 'NDJSON'RJSONIOSerialize R Objects to JSON, JavaScript Object NotationRJSplotInteractive Graphs with RrjstatHandle 'JSON-stat' Format in RrjtoolsPreparing, Checking, and Submitting Articles to the 'R Journal'rjwsacruncherInterface to the 'JWSACruncher' of 'JDemetra+'rkafkajarsExternal Jars Required for Package 'rkafka'RKEAR/KEA InterfaceRKEAjarsR/KEA Interface JarsRKEELUsing 'KEEL' in R CodeRKEELdataDatasets from 'KEEL' for it Use in 'RKEEL'RKellyTranslate Odds and ProbabilitiesrKenyaForexHistorical Data for Kenya Foreign Exchange PricesRKHSMetaModRidge Group Sparse Optimization Problem for Estimation of a MetaModel Based on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert SpacesrKIN(Kernel) Isotope Niche EstimationRkMetricsHybrid Mortality EstimationrKoladaAccess Data from the 'Kolada' DatabaserKOMICSMinicircle Sequence Classes (MSC) AnalysesRKorAPClient'KorAP' Web Service Client PackagerktMann-Kendall Test, Seasonal and Regional Kendall TestsRKUMRobust Kernel Unsupervised MethodsrkvoRead Key/Value Pair ObservationsRlabFunctions and Datasets Required for ST370 ClassRlabkeyData Exchange Between R and 'LabKey' ServerrLakeAnalyzerLake Physics ToolsrlandfireInterface to 'LANDFIRE Product Service' APIrlangFunctions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' FeaturesrlasRead and Write 'las' and 'laz' Binary File Formats Used forRemote Sensing DatarlcCreate Interactive Linked Charts with Minimal CoderlcvRobust Likelihood Cross Validation Bandwidth SelectionrLDCPText Generation from DatarleCommon Functions for Run-Length Encoded VectorsRLeafAngleEstimates, Plots and Evaluates Leaf Angle DistributionFunctions, Calculates Extinction CoefficientsrleafmapInteractive Maps with R and LeafletrlecuyerR Interface to RNG with Multiple StreamsrlemonR Access to LEMON Graph AlgorithmsrlessLeaner Style SheetsrlfsmSimulations and Statistical Inference for Linear FractionalStable MotionsrLFTProcessing Linear FeaturesRlgtBayesian Exponential Smoothing Models with Trend ModificationsRlibeemdEnsemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Its CompleteVariant (CEEMDAN)RlibkdvA Versatile Kernel Density Visualization Library for GeospatialAnalytics (Heatmap)rlibkrigingKriging Models using the 'libKriging' LibraryrligerLinked Inference of Genomic Experimental RelationshipsRlinkedinAccess to the LinkedIn API via RrlinkedinadsLoad Data from 'Linkedin Advertising API'RlinsolveIterative Solvers for (Sparse) Linear System of EquationsrlistA Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data ManipulationrlistingsClinical Trial Style Data Readout ListingsrllamaAccess and Analyze Data from 'DeFiLlama'rlmDataDrivenRobust Regression with Data Driven Tuning ParameterrlmeRank-Based Estimation and Prediction in Random Effects NestedModelsRlofR Parallel Implementation of Local Outlier Factor(LOF)rlogA Simple, Opinionated Logging UtilityRLogicalOpsProcess Logical OperationsRLRsimExact (Restricted) Likelihood Ratio Tests for Mixed and AdditiveModelsRLTReinforcement Learning TreesrLTPR Interface to the 'LTP'-Cloud ServiceRLumCarloMonte-Carlo Methods for Simulating Luminescence PhenomenaRLumModelSolving Ordinary Differential Equations to UnderstandLuminescenceRLumShiny'Shiny' Applications for the R Package 'Luminescence'rlyTools to Create Formal Language ParserRM.weightsWeighted Rasch Modeling and Extensions using Conditional MaximumLikelihoodRM2006RiskMetrics 2006 Methodologyrma.exactExact Confidence Intervals for Random Effects Meta-AnalysesRMaCzekCzekanowski's DiagramsrmakeMakefile Generator for R Analytical ProjectsRMallowFit Multi-Modal Mallows' Models to Ranking DataRmalschainsContinuous Optimization using Memetic Algorithms with LocalSearch Chains (MA-LS-Chains)rmapshaperClient for 'mapshaper' for 'Geospatial' OperationsrmapzenClient for 'Mapzen' and Related Map APIsrmarchingcubesCalculate 3D Contour Meshes Using the Marching Cubes AlgorithmrmargintRobust Marginal Integration ProceduresRMariaDBDatabase Interface and MariaDB DriverRmarineHeatWavesDetect Marine Heat Waves and Marine Cold SpellsRMarkR Code for Mark AnalysisrmarkdownDynamic Documents for Rrmass2Repeated Measures with Attrition: Sample Sizes and Power Levelsfor 2 GroupsRMATRandom Matrix Analysis ToolkitrmatioRead and Write 'Matlab' FilesRMAWGENMulti-Site Auto-Regressive Weather GENeratorrmBayesPerforming Bayesian Inference for Repeated-Measures DesignsRMBCRobust Model Based ClusteringRMCCAirborne LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Multiscale CurvaturermcfsThe MCFS-ID Algorithm for Feature Selection and InterdependencyDiscoveryrmcorrRepeated Measures CorrelationrmdaRisk Model Decision AnalysisRmdConcordConcordances for 'R Markdown'rmdfiltr'Lua'-Filters for R MarkdownrmdformatsHTML Output Formats and Templates for 'rmarkdown' DocumentsrmdHelpersHelper Functions for Rmd DocumentsrmdlLanguage to Manage Many ModelsrmdpartialsPartial 'rmarkdown' Documents to Prettify your ReportsrmdplugrPlugins for R Markdown FormatsrmdwcCount Words, Chars and Non-Whitespace Chars in R Markdown DocsrMEASynchrony in Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) Time-SeriesRmecabKoAn 'Rcpp' Interface for Eunjeon ProjectRMediationMediation Analysis Confidence IntervalsrmerecMEREC - Method Based on the Removal Effects of CriteriarmetaMeta-AnalysisrmetalogThe Metalog DistributionrmfanovaRepeated Measures Functional Analysis of VariancermgarchMultivariate GARCH ModelsrmiMutual Information EstimatorsrMIDASMultiple Imputation with Denoising AutoencodersrminerData Mining Classification and Regression MethodsrminizincR Interface to 'MiniZinc'rminqaDerivative-Free Optimization in R using C++rmioProvides 'mio' C++11 Header FilesRmiscRyan MiscellaneousRmixmodClassification with Mixture ModellingRMixpanelAPI for MixpanelRMixtCompMixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing DataRMixtCompIOMinimal Interface of the C++ 'MixtComp' Library for MixtureModels with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing DataRMixtCompUtilitiesUtility Functions for 'MixtComp' OutputsRMKdiscreteSundry Discrete Probability DistributionsRMLPCAMaximum Likelihood Principal Component AnalysisRMMRevenue Management ModelingRMOAConnect R with MOA for Massive Online AnalysisRMOAjarsExternal jars Required for Package RMOARmoduleAutomated Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Arbitrarily StructuredCorrelation MatricesRmoltGraphic Visualization of the Birds' MoltRmonizeSupport Retrospective Harmonization of DatarmooMulti-Objective Optimization in RRMOPIRisk Management and Optimization for Portfolio InvestmentRmosekThe R to MOSEK Optimization InterfacerMOSTEstimates Pareto-Optimal Solution for Hiring with 3 ObjectivesrmpRounded Mixture PackageRmpfrR MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point ReliableRmpiInterface (Wrapper) to MPI (Message-Passing Interface)RMPSHRecursive Modified Pattern Search on Hyper-RectanglermpwCausal Mediation Analysis Using Weighting ApproachrMRImporting Data from Loligo Systems Software, CalculatingMetabolic Rates and Critical TensionsrmsRegression Modeling StrategiesrmsbBayesian Regression Modeling StrategiesRMSDRefined Modified Stahel-Donoho Estimators for Outlier DetectionrmsfactAmazing Random Facts About the World's Greatest HackerrmsfunsQuickly View Data Frames in 'Excel', Build Folder Paths andCreate Date VectorsRMSNumpress'Rcpp' Bindings to Native C++ Implementation of MS NumpressRMSSRobust Multi-Model Subset SelectionRmstComputerized Adaptive Multistage TestingrmstcompsensComparing Restricted Mean Survival Time as Sensitivity AnalysisrmtRestricted Mean Time in Favor of TreatmentRMT4DSComputation of Random Matrix ModelsRMThresholdSignal-Noise Separation in Random Matrices by using EigenvalueSpectrum AnalysisRMTLRegularized Multi-Task LearningRMTstatDistributions, Statistics and Tests Derived from Random MatrixTheoryrMultiNetMulti-Layer Networks AnalysisrmumpsWrapper for MUMPS LibraryrmutilUtilities for Nonlinear Regression and Repeated MeasurementsModelsRMVLMappable Vector Library for Handling Large DatasetsrMVPMemory-Efficient, Visualize-Enhanced, Parallel-Accelerated GWASToolrmweatherTools to Conduct Meteorological Normalisation and CounterfactualModelling for Air Quality DataRMySQLDatabase Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for RrmytargetLoad Data from 'MyTarget API v2 and v3'rmzqcCreation, Reading and Validation of 'mzqc' FilesrnamesRecursive Display of Items in Nested ListsRNAmfRecursive Non-Additive Emulator for Multi-Fidelity DataRnanoflannExtremely Fast Nearest Neighbor SearchRNAseqNetLog-Linear Poisson Graphical Model with Hot-Deck MultipleImputationRNAseqQCQuality Control for RNA-Seq DatarnassqsAccess Data from the NASS 'Quick Stats' APIrnaturalearthWorld Map Data from Natural EarthrnaturalearthdataWorld Vector Map Data from Natural Earth Used in 'rnaturalearth'RnavGraphImageDataImage Data Used in the Loon Package DemosrnbpWrapper for the National Bank of Poland APIRNCBIEUtilsLibsEUtils libraries for use in the R environmentRNCEPObtain, Organize, and Visualize NCEP Weather DatarnclAn Interface to the Nexus Class LibraryRNDRisk Neutral Density Extraction PackagerNeighborGWASTesting Neighbor Effects in Marker-Based RegressionsrNeighborQTLInterval Mapping for Quantitative Trait Loci Underlying NeighborEffectsRNentropyEntropy Based Method for the Detection of Significant Variationin Gene Expression DatarneosXML-RPC Interface to NEOSRnestNext Eigenvalue Sufficiency TestrnetcartoFast Network Modularity and Roles Computation by SimulatedAnnealing (Rgraph C Library Wrapper for R)RNetCDFInterface to 'NetCDF' DatasetsRNetLogoProvides an Interface to the Agent-Based Modelling Platform'NetLogo'RNewsflowTools for Comparing Text Messages Across Time and MediaRNeXMLSemantically Rich I/O for the 'NeXML' FormatRNGforGPDRandom Number Generation for Generalized Poisson DistributionrngSetSeedSeeding the Default RNG with a Numeric VectorrngtoolsUtility Functions for Working with Random Number GeneratorsrngWELLToolbox for WELL Random Number GeneratorsRNHANESFacilitates Analysis of CDC NHANES DataRNiftiFast R and C++ Access to NIfTI ImagesRNiftyRegImage Registration Using the 'NiftyReg' LibraryRnightlyA Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'Nightly'rnmamodBayesian Network Meta-Analysis with Missing ParticipantsRnmr1DPerform the Complete Processing of a Set of Proton NuclearMagnetic Resonance SpectrarnnRecurrent Neural NetworkrnndescentNearest Neighbor Descent Method for Approximate NearestNeighborsrNOMADSAn R Interface to the NOAA Operational Model Archive andDistribution SystemRNOmniRank Normal Transformation Omnibus TestrnpnInterface to the National 'Phenology' Network 'API'rnrRosenbaum and Rubin SensitivityrnrfaUK National River Flow Archive Data from RRnumeraiInterface to the Numerai Machine Learning Tournament APIRnvd3An Incomplete Wrapper of the 'nvd3' JavaScript LibraryroadoiFind Free Versions of Scholarly Publications via UnpaywallroadsRoad Network ProjectionroahdRobust Analysis of High Dimensional DataROAuthR Interface For OAuthRobAStBaseRobust Asymptotic StatisticsRobAStRDAInterpolation Grids for Packages of the 'RobASt' - Family ofPackagesrobberUsing Block Model to Estimate the Robustness of EcologicalNetworkrobCompositionsCompositional Data AnalysisrobcorRobust CorrelationsrobenRobust Bayesian Variable Selection for Gene-EnvironmentInteractionsRobExtremesOptimally Robust Estimation for Extreme Value DistributionsrobfilterRobust Time Series FiltersrobflregRobust Functional Linear RegressionRobGARCHBootRobust Bootstrap Forecast Densities for GARCH ModelsrobinROBustness in NetworkRobinCarRobust Estimation and Inference in Covariate-AdaptiveRandomizationRobinHoodInterface for the No Commission Investing PlatformrobisOcean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) ClientRobKFInnovative and/or Additive Outlier Robust Kalman FilteringRobLoxOptimally Robust Influence Curves and Estimators for Locationand ScaleRobLoxBioCInfinitesimally Robust Estimators for Preprocessing -Omics DataRoBMARobust Bayesian Meta-Analysesrobmed(Robust) Mediation AnalysisrobmedExtraExtra Functionality for (Robust) Mediation AnalysisrobmixglmRobust Generalized Linear Models (GLM) using MixturesRobMixRegRobust Mixture RegressionrobnptestsRobust Nonparametric Two-Sample Tests for Location/ScaleroboBayesRobust Online Bayesian MonitoringrobomitRobustness Checks for Omitted Variable BiasrobotoolboxClient for the 'KoboToolbox' APIrobotstxtA 'robots.txt' Parser and 'Webbot'/'Spider'/'Crawler'Permissions CheckerRobPerRobust Periodogram and Periodicity Detection Methodsrobreg3SThree-Step Regression and Inference for Cellwise and CasewiseContaminationrobregccRobust Regression with Compositional CovariatesRobRegressionRobust Multivariate RegressionRoBSARobust Bayesian Survival AnalysisrobselRobust Selection AlgorithmrobservableImport an Observable Notebook as HTML WidgetrobslopesFast Algorithms for Robust SlopesRobStatTMRobust Statistics: Theory and MethodsrobStepSplitRegRobust Stepwise Split Regularized RegressionrobsurveyRobust Survey Statistics EstimationRoBTTRobust Bayesian T-TestrobumetaRobust Variance Meta-RegressionrobustPort of the S+ "Robust Library"robust2slsOutlier Robust Two-Stage Least Squares Inference and TestingRobustAFTTruncated Maximum Likelihood Fit and Robust Accelerated FailureTime Regression for Gaussian and Log-Weibull CaseRobustANOVARobust One-Way ANOVA Tests under Heteroscedasticity andNonnormalityrobustbaseBasic Robust StatisticsRobustBayesianCopasRobust Bayesian Copas Selection ModelrobustbetaregRobust Beta RegressionRobustBFRobust Solution to the Behrens-Fisher ProblemrobustBLMERobust Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models using ABCRobustCalibrationRobust Calibration of Imperfect Mathematical ModelsrobustcovCollection of Robust Covariance and (Sparse) Precision MatrixEstimatorsrobustDARobust Mixture Discriminant AnalysisrobustETMRobust Methods using Exponential Tilt ModelrobustfaObject Oriented Solution for Robust Factor AnalysisRobustGaSPRobust Gaussian Stochastic Process EmulationrobustHDRobust Methods for High-Dimensional DataRobustIVRobust Instrumental Variable Methods in Linear ModelsRobustLinearRegRobust Linear RegressionsrobustlmRobust Variable Selection with Exponential Squared LossrobustlmmRobust Linear Mixed Effects ModelsrobustmatrixRobust Matrix-Variate Parameter EstimationrobustmetaRobust Inference for Meta-Analysis with Influential OutlyingStudiesrobustrankRobust Rank-Based TestsRobustRankAggregMethods for Robust Rank AggregationrobustraoAn Extended Rao-Stirling Diversity Index to Handle Missing DatarobustregRobust Regression FunctionsrobustsaeRobust Bayesian Small Area EstimationrobustsurRobust Estimation for Seemingly Unrelated Regression ModelsrobustvarCompRobust Estimation of Variance Component ModelsrobustX'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust StatisticsrobvisVisualize the Results of Risk-of-Bias (ROB) AssessmentsRobynSemi-Automated Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) from Meta MarketingScienceROCaggregatorAggregate Multiple ROC Curves into One Global ROCrocbcStatistical Inference for Box-Cox Based Receiver OperatingCharacteristic CurvesroccROC Based ClassificationroccvROC for Cross Validation ResultsROCFTP.MMSPerfect SamplingROCitPerformance Assessment of Binary Classifier with VisualizationrockReproducible Open Coding KitrockchalkRegression Estimation and PresentationrockerDatabase Interface ClassROCketSimple and Fast ROC CurvesRockFabRock Fabric and Strain Analysis Toolsrockr'Rock' R Server ClientroclangFunctions for Diffusing Function Documentations into 'Roxygen'CommentsrocNITNon-Inferiority Test for Paired ROC CurvesrocnpWork with Romanian Personal Numeric Codes PNC / CNPROCnRegROC Curve Inference with and without CovariatesrococoRobust Rank Correlation Coefficient and TestROCpsychCompute and Compare Diagnostic Test Statistics Across GroupsROCRVisualizing the Performance of Scoring ClassifiersROCSIReceiver Operating Characteristic Based Signature Identificationrocsvm.pathThe Entire Solution Paths for ROC-SVMrocTreeReceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-Guided Classificationand Survival TreeRODBCODBC Database AccessRODBCDBIProvides Access to Databases Through the ODBC InterfaceroddOptimal Discriminating DesignsrODEOrdinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solvers Written in R UsingS4 ClassesrodeoA Code Generator for ODE-Based ModelsrofanovaRobust Functional Analysis of VariancerogerAutomated Grading of R ScriptsRogueIdentify Rogue Taxa in Sets of Phylogenetic TreesROIR Optimization InfrastructureROI.models.globalOptTests'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'globalOptTests'ROI.models.miplib'ROI' Access to 'MIPLIB' 2010 Benchmark InstancesROI.models.netlib'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'NETLIB-LP'ROI.plugin.alabama'alabama' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.clarabel'clarabel' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.cplexROI Plug-in CPLEXROI.plugin.deoptim'DEoptim' and 'DEoptimR' Plugin for the 'R' OptimizationInterfaceROI.plugin.ecos'ECOS' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.glpk'ROI' Plug-in 'GLPK'ROI.plugin.highs'HiGHS' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.ipop'ipop' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InterfaceROI.plugin.lpsolve'lp_solve' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.msbinlp'Multi-Solution' Binary Linear Problem Plug-in for the 'R'Optimization InterfaceROI.plugin.neos'NEOS' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InterfaceROI.plugin.nloptr'nloptr' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.optimx'optimx' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.osqp'osqp' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.qpoases'qpOASES' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.quadprog'quadprog' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.scs'SCS' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InfrastructureROI.plugin.symphony'SYMPHONY' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization InterfacerolapObtaining Star Databases from Flat TablesrollRolling and Expanding StatisticsrollamaCommunicate with 'Ollama'rollbarError Tracking and LoggingrolldownR Markdown Output Formats for StorytellingrollingldaConstruct Consistent Time Series from Textual DatarollmatchRolling Entry MatchingrolocConvert Colour Specification to Colour NamerolocISCCNBSA Colour List and Colour Metric Based on the ISCC-NBS System ofColor DesignationrologQuery 'SWI'-'Prolog' from RROlogitFit Rank-Ordered Logit (RO-Logit) ModelrolrFinding Optimal Three-Group Splits Based on a Survival OutcomeRolWinMulCorSubroutines to Estimate Rolling Window Multiple CorrelationRolWinWavCorEstimate Rolling Window Wavelet Correlation Between Two TimeSeriesROMDBGet 'OMDB' API Multiple InformationromicR for High-Dimensional Omic DataRonFHIRRead and Search Interface to the 'HL7 FHIR' REST APIRookHTTP Web Server for RROOPSDR Object Oriented Programming for Statistical DistributionrootsReconstructing Ordered Ontogenic TrajectoriesRootsExtremaInflectionsFinds Roots, Extrema and Inflection Points of a CurverootSolveNonlinear Root Finding, Equilibrium and Steady-State Analysis ofOrdinary Differential EquationsropeModel Selection with FDR Control of Selected VariablesropenblasDownload, Compile and Link 'OpenBLAS' Library with RROpenCVLiteHelper Package for Installing OpenCV with RropendataQuery and Download 'Rapid7' 'Cybersecurity' Data SetsROpenDotaAccess OpenDota Services in RROpenFIGIR Interface to OpenFIGIropensecretsapiR Package for the APIROpenWeatherMapR Interface to OpenWeatherMap APIroperatorsAdditional Operators to Help you Write Cleaner R CoderopercenterReproducible Data Retrieval from the Roper Center Data ArchiveRopjImport Origin(R) Project FilesROptEstOptimally Robust EstimationroptimGeneral Purpose Optimization in R using C++ROptimusA Parallel General-Purpose Adaptive Optimisation EngineroptionsOption Strategies and ValuationROptSpaceMatrix Reconstruction from a Few EntriesROracleOCI Based Oracle Database Interface for RrorcidInterface to the '' APIrorqual.morphoMorphological Allometry of RorqualsROSERandom Over-Sampling ExamplesRosenbrockExtended Rosenbrock-Type Densities for Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) Sampler BenchmarkingrosettaParallel Use of Statistical Packages in TeachingrosetteApi'Rosette' APIrosmPlot Raster Map Tiles from Open Street Map and Other SourcesrosmiumBindings for 'Osmium Tool'rospcaRobust Sparse PCA using the ROSPCA AlgorithmrosvClient to Access and Operate on the 'Open Source Vulnerability'APIrotasymTests for Rotational Symmetry on the HypersphererotationForestFit and Deploy Rotation Forest ModelsrotationsWorking with Rotation DatarotatogramA Non-Axis-Dominant Association Plotting ToolrotlInterface to the 'Open Tree of Life' APIrotorLog Rotation and Conditional BackupsroughnetVisualize Networks using 'roughjs'RoughSetsData Analysis Using Rough Set and Fuzzy Rough Set TheoriesroughsfVisualize Spatial Data using 'roughjs'roundRounding to Decimal DigitsRoundAndRoundPlot Objects Moving in OrbitsroundhouseRandom Chuck Norris FactsroundyhRound DataframeRoutliersRobust Outliers DetectionroutrA Simple Router for HTTP and WebSocket RequestsroxutDocument Unit Tests Roxygen-Styleroxygen2In-Line Documentation for Rroxygen2md'Roxygen' to 'Markdown'roxyglobals'Roxygen2' Global Variable DeclarationsroxylintLint 'roxygen2'-Generated DocumentationroxytestVarious Tests with 'roxygen2'roxytypesTyped Parameter Tags for Integration with 'roxygen2'rPACIPlacido Analysis of Corneal IrregularityrPackedBarPacked Bar Charts with 'plotly'rpactConfirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and AnalysisRpadrinoInteract with the 'PADRINO' IPM DatabaserPAexAutomatic Detection of Experimental Unit in PrecisionAgriculturerpaleoclimDownload Paleoclimate Data from 'PaleoClim'RPANDAPhylogenetic ANalyses of DiversificAtionrpanelSimple Interactive Controls for R using the 'tcltk' PackagerPanglaoDBDownload and Merge Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data from the PanglaoDBDatabaserpartRecursive Partitioning and Regression Treesrpart.LADLeast Absolute Deviation Regression Treesrpart.plotPlot 'rpart' Models: An Enhanced Version of 'plot.rpart'rpartScoreClassification Trees for Ordinal ResponsesrPBKInference and Prediction of Generic Physiologically-BasedKinetic ModelsrpcaRobustPCA: Decompose a Matrix into Low-Rank and SparseComponentsRpdbRead, Write, Visualize and Manipulate PDB FilesrPDBapiA Comprehensive Interface for Accessing the Protein Data BankrpdoPacific Decadal Oscillation Index DataRPDTestA New Type of Test Statistic and Method for MultinomialGoodness-of-Fit TestRpeakChromTools for Chromatographic Column Characterization and ModellingChromatographic PeakRPEGLMENGamma and Exponential Generalized Linear Models with Elastic NetPenaltyRPEIFComputation and Plots of Influence Functions for Risk andPerformance MeasuresRPEnsembleRandom Projection Ensemble ClassificationRPESEEstimates of Standard Errors for Risk and Performance MeasuresRPEXE.RPEXTReduced Piecewise Exponential Estimate/Test SoftwarerpfResponse Probability FunctionsRPhosFateSoil and Chemical Substance Emission and Transport ModelRphyloparsPhylogenetic Comparative Tools for Missing Data andWithin-Species VariationrphylopicGet Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPicrpinterestAccess Pinterest APIrpivotTableBuild Powerful Pivot Tables and Dynamically Slice & Dice yourDatarplotengineR as a Plotting EnginerplsRobust Partial Least SquaresrplumBayesian Age-Depth Modelling of Cores Dated by Pb-210rpmModeling of Revealed Preferences MatchingsRPMGGraphical User Interface (GUI) for Interactive R AnalysisSessionsRPMMRecursively Partitioned Mixture ModelrpmodelP-ModelrpmsRecursive Partitioning for Modeling Survey DatarpnfPoint and Figure PackageRpoet'PoetryDB' API WrapperRpolyhedraPolyhedra DatabaseRpopplerPDF Tools Based on PopplerrportfolioPortfolio TheoryrpostgisR Interface to a 'PostGIS' DatabaseRPostgresC++ Interface to PostgreSQLRPostgreSQLR Interface to the 'PostgreSQL' Database SystemrPowerSampleSizeSample Size Computations Controlling the Type-II GeneralizedFamily-Wise Error RateRPPairwiseDesignResolvable partially pairwise balanced design and Space-fillingdesign via association schemeRPPanalyzerReads, Annotates, and Normalizes Reverse Phase Protein ArrayDataRPPASPACEReverse-Phase Protein Array Super Position and ConcentrationEvaluationrpqlRegularized PQL for Joint Selection in GLMMsrPraatInterface to PraatrpredictitInterface to the 'PredictIt' APIrPrefDatabase Preferences and Skyline ComputationRPrestoDBI Connector to PrestorprevEstimating Disease Prevalence from Registry DatarprimeFunctions for Working with 'Eprime' Text FilesrprintfAdaptive Builder for Formatted StringsRprobitBBayesian Probit Choice ModelingRProbSupCalculates Probability of SuperiorityRprofetWOE Transformation and Scorecard BuilderrprofileLoad Both User-Global and Project-Specific R ProfileConfigurationsrprojrootFinding Files in Project SubdirectoriesrprojtreeCreate Folders and Files Structure for Data Science ProjectsRProtoBufR Interface to the 'Protocol Buffers' 'API' (Version 2 or 3)RPscoringRelative Placement AlgorithmrpsftmRank Preserving Structural Failure Time ModelsRPtestsGoodness of Fit Tests for High-Dimensional Linear RegressionModelsrptRRepeatability Estimation for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian DataRPublicaProPublica API ClientRPushbulletR Interface to the Pushbullet Messaging ServicerpyANTsAn Alternative Advanced Normalization Tools ('ANTs')RPyGeoArcGIS Geoprocessing via PythonrpymatEasy to Configure an Isolated 'Python' EnvironmentrQCCRobust Quality Control Chartrqdatatable'rquery' for 'data.table'RQdeltaCTRelative Quantification of Gene Expression using Delta CtMethodsRQEntangleQuantum Entanglement of Bipartite SystemrqlmModified Poisson and Least-Squares Regressions for BinaryOutcomerqPenPenalized Quantile RegressionrQSARQSAR Modeling with Multiple Algorithms: MLR, PLS, and RandomForestrqtiCreate Tests According to QTI 2.1 StandardRquakeSeismic Hypocenter DeterminationRQuantLibR Interface to the 'QuantLib' LibraryRqueftsQuantitative Evaluation of the Native Fertility of TropicalSoilsrqueryRelational Query Generator for Data Manipulation at ScalerrStatistical Methods for the Randomized Response Techniquerr2R2s for Regression ModelsRramasMatrix Population ModelsrrandvecGenerate Random Vectors Whose Components Sum Up to OnerRAPReal-Time Adaptive Penalization for Streaming Lasso ModelsrrapplyRevisiting Base RapplyrratRobust Regression with Asymmetric Heavy-Tail Noise DistributionsRRateEstimating Replication Rate for Genome-Wide Association StudiesRravenConnecting R and 'Raven' Sound Analysis SoftwarerrBLUPRidge Regression and Other Kernels for Genomic SelectionRRBoostA Robust Boosting AlgorithmrrcovScalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Pointrrcov3wayRobust Methods for Multiway Data Analysis, Applicable also forCompositional DatarrcovHDRobust Multivariate Methods for High Dimensional DatarrcovNAScalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point forIncomplete DataRrdapRDAP Server QueryingrrecsysEnvironment for Evaluating Recommender Systemsrredlist'IUCN' Red List ClientRRedshiftSQLR Interface to the 'Redshift' Databaserrefiner Client for OpenRefine APIrregVisualization for Norwegian Health Quality RegistriesrrepastInvoke 'Repast Simphony' Simulation ModelsRrepestAn Analyzer of International Large Scale Assessments inEducationrresRealized Relatedness Estimation and SimulationRRFRegularized Random ForestRRIResidual Randomization Inference for Regression ModelsrriskDistributionsFitting Distributions to Given Data or Known QuantilesrrMixtureReduced-Rank Mixture ModelsRRMLRfMCReduced-Rank Multinomial Logistic Regression for Markov ChainsRRNASecondary Structure Plotting for RNArrnniManipulate with RNNI Tree SpacerroadRoad Condition AnalysisrrpackReduced-Rank RegressionRRphyloPhylogenetic Ridge Regression Methods for Comparative StudiesRRPPLinear Model Evaluation with Randomized Residuals in aPermutation ProcedurerrrReduced-Rank RegressionRRregCorrelation and Regression Analyses for Randomized Response DataRRRROnline Robust Reduced-Rank Regression EstimationrrscaleRobust Re-Scaling to Better Recover Latent Effects in DatarrtableReproducible Research with a Table of R CodesRRTCSRandomized Response Techniques for Complex SurveysrrumBayesian Estimation of the Reduced Reparameterized Unified Modelwith Gibbs SamplingRSAResponse Surface AnalysisRSADBEData related to the book "R Statistical Application Developmentby Example"rsaeRobust Small Area EstimationrSAFESurrogate-Assisted Feature ExtractionRSAGASAGA Geoprocessing and Terrain AnalysisRsagacmdLinking R with the Open-Source 'SAGA-GIS' SoftwarersampleGeneral Resampling InfrastructureRsamplingPorts the Workflow of "Resampling Stats" Add-in to RrsatDealing with Multiplatform Satellite ImagesrsatscanTools, Classes, and Methods for Interfacing with 'SaTScan'Stand-Alone SoftwareRSauceLabsR Wrapper for 'SauceLabs' REST APIRSBJsonHandle R Requests from R Service Bus Applications with JSONPayloadsRSCRobust and Sparse Correlation MatrixrSCAAn R Package for Stepwise Cluster AnalysisRSCATShadow-Test Approach to Computerized Adaptive TestingrsccR Source Code Similarity Evaluation by Variable/Function NamesRScelestialScelestial: Steiner Tree Based Single-Cell Lineage TreeInferenceRSclientClient for RserveRsconctdplyDeploys Multiple 'Shiny' Apps using Configuration FilersconnectDeploy Docs, Apps, and APIs to 'Posit Connect', '',and 'RPubs'rscontractGeneric implementation of the 'RStudio' connections contractrscopusScopus Database 'API' InterfacerscorecardA Method to Download Department of Education College ScorecardDataRSDAR to Symbolic Data AnalysisrsdepthRay Shooting Depth (i.e. RS Depth) Functions for BivariateAnalysisrSDISpatial Dispersion Index (SDI) Family of Metrics forSpatial/Geographic NetworksRSDKSudoku with RrsdmxTools for Reading SDMX Data and MetadatarsdNEResponse Surface Designs with Neighbour Effects (rsdNE)RSENumber of Newly Discovered Rare Species EstimationrSEASimultaneous Enrichment AnalysisrseedcalcEstimating the Proportion of Genetically Modified Seeds inSeedlots via Multinomial Group TestingRSEISSeismic Time Series Analysis ToolsRSeleniumR Bindings for 'Selenium WebDriver'rsemRobust Structural Equation Modeling with Missing Data andAuxiliary VariablesRSentimentAnalyse Sentiment of English SentencesRserveBinary R serverrsetseStrain Elevation Tension Spring EmbeddingrsfReport of Statistical Findings in 'bookdown'rSFASlow Feature AnalysisRsfarSeasonal Functional Autoregressive ModelsrsgeoAn Interface to Rust's 'geo' LibraryRsgfSGF (Smart Game File) File Format ImportRSGHBFunctions for Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation: A FlexibleApproachrSHAPESimulated Haploid Asexual Population EvolutionrshiftPaleoecology Functions for Regime Shift AnalysisrsiEfficiently Retrieve and Process Satellite ImageryRSienaSiena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network AnalysisRsimMosaicR Simple Image Mosaic Creation LibraryrsimsumAnalysis of Simulation Studies Including Monte Carlo ErrorrsinaicaDownload Data from Mexico's Air Quality Information SystemRSizeBiasedHypothesis Testing Based on R-Size Biased SamplesRSKCRobust Sparse K-MeansrskeyCreate Custom 'Rstudio' Keyboard ShortcutsrslpA Stemming Algorithm for the Portuguese LanguagerslurmSubmit R Calculations to a 'Slurm' ClusterrsmResponse-Surface AnalysisRSmallTelescopesEmpirical Small Telescopes AnalysisRSmartlyIOLoading Facebook and Instagram Advertising Data from''rsmatchMatching Methods for Time-Varying Observational StudiesrsmatrixMatrices for Repeat-Sales Price IndexesRsmlxR Speaks 'Monolix'rsnellSnell ScoringRSNNSNeural Networks using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator(SNNS)rsocialwatcher'Facebook Marketing API' Social WatcherRSocrataDownload or Upload 'Socrata' Data SetsrsoiImport Various Northern and Southern Hemisphere Climate IndicesRsolnpGeneral Non-Linear OptimizationrsolrR to Solr InterfaceRsomocluSomocluRSP'shiny' Applications for Statistical and Psychometric AnalysisrspaAdapt Numerical Records to Fit (in)Equality RestrictionsrSPARCSSites, Population, and Records Cleaning SkillsrsparklingR Interface for H2O Sparkling WaterrsparseStatistical Learning on Sparse MatricesRspcNelson Rules for Control ChartsrSPDERational Approximations of Fractional Stochastic PartialDifferential EquationsRSpectraSolvers for Large-Scale Eigenvalue and SVD ProblemsrSpectralSpectral Modularity ClusteringRSpincalcConversion Between Attitude Representations of DCM, EulerAngles, Quaternions, and Euler VectorsrspiroImplementation of Spirometry Equationsrspm'RStudio' Package ManagerRspotifyAccess to Spotify APIrsppfpR's Shortest Path Problem with Forbidden Subpathsrsprite2Identify Distributions that Match Reported Sample Parameters(SPRITE)rsqR-Squared and Related MeasuresRSQLDatabase Agnostic Package to Generate and Process 'SQL' Queriesin RRSQLiteSQLite Interface for RRSqlParserParse 'SQL' StatementsRsqMedTotal Mediation Effect Size Measure for High-DimensionalMediatorsrSRDSum of Ranking Differences Statistical TestRssaA Collection of Methods for Singular Spectrum AnalysisRSSamplingRanked Set SamplingRsSimulxExtension of 'lixoftConnectors' for 'Simulx'RSSLImplementations of Semi-Supervised Learning Approaches forClassificationRSSOPSimulation of Supply Reservoir Systems using Standard OperationPolicyRSStestTesting the Equality of Two Means Using RSS and MRSSRSSthemesRSS Palettes and ThemesrstacClient Library for SpatioTemporal Asset CatalogrstackStack Data Type as an 'R6' ClassrstackdequePersistent Fast Amortized Stack and Queue Data StructuresrstanR Interface to StanrstanarmBayesian Applied Regression Modeling via StanrstanbdpBayesian Deming Regression for Method ComparisonrstanemaxEmax Model Analysis with 'Stan'rstantoolsTools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with 'Stan'RStataA Bit of Glue Between R and StatarstatixPipe-Friendly Framework for Basic Statistical TestsrstatscnR Interface for China National DataRstgSTG : Feature Selection using STochastic GatesrstiefelRandom Orthonormal Matrix Generation and Optimization on theStiefel ManifoldRStoolboxRemote Sensing Data Analysisrstpm2Smooth Survival Models, Including Generalized Survival ModelsrStravaAccess the 'Strava' APIrstreamStreams of Random Numbersrstudio.prefsSet 'RStudio' PreferencesrstudioapiSafely Access the RStudio APIrsubgroupSubgroup Discovery and AnalyticsrsurfaceDesign of Rotatable Central Composite Experiments and ResponseSurface AnalysisRsurrogateRobust Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment EffectExplained by Surrogate Marker InformationrsurvRandom Generation of Survival DataRSurveillanceDesign and Analysis of Disease Surveillance ActivitiesrsurveyctoInteract with Data on 'SurveyCTO'rsvdRandomized Singular Value DecompositionrsvddpdRobust Singular Value Decomposition using Density PowerDivergencersvgRender SVG Images into PDF, PNG, (Encapsulated) PostScript, orBitmap ArraysrswiplEmbed 'SWI'-'Prolog'RsymphonySYMPHONY in RrsyncrosimThe R Interface to 'SyncroSim'rsyntaxExtract Semantic Relations from Text by Querying and ReshapingSyntaxrsyslogInterface to the 'syslog' System LoggerrtInterface to the 'Request Tracker' APIrt.testRobustified t-Testrt3Tic-Tac-Toe Package for RrTableICCRandom Generation of Contingency TablesrtablesReporting TablesrtapeManage and manipulate large collections of R objects stored astape-like filesRtauchenDiscretization of AR(1) ProcessesRTaxometricsTaxometric AnalysisRTCCDetecting Trait Clustering in Environmental GradientsrTCRBCRrRepertoire Analysis of the Detected ClonotypeRTDSimple TD API ClientRTDERobust Tail Dependence EstimationrtdistsResponse Time DistributionsrtematresThe rtematres API packagertempsR Templates for Reproducible Data AnalysesrTensorTools for Tensor Analysis and DecompositionrTensor2MultiLinear AlgebrarTephraTephra Transport ModelingrternA Ternary Conditional Operator for RRTextToolsAutomatic Text Classification via Supervised LearningrtfRich Text Format (RTF) OutputRTFARobust Factor Analysis for Tensor Time SeriesrTGMethods to Analyse Seasonal Radial Tree Growth DatartgstatClient for 'TGStat API'Rthingsboard'ThingsBoard' APIrticlesArticle Formats for R MarkdownrticulateUltrasound Tongue ImagingrtiddlywikiR Interface for 'TiddlyWiki'rtideTide HeightsrtiesModeling Interpersonal DynamicsRTIGERHMM-Based Model for Genotyping and Cross-Over IdentificationrtikaR Interface to 'Apache Tika'rtipInequality, Welfare and Poverty Indices and Curves using theEU-SILC DatartistA Color Palette GeneratorrtkRarefaction Tool Kitrtkore'STK++' Core Library Integration to 'R' using 'Rcpp'RTLRisk Tool Library - Trading, Risk, 'Analytics' for CommoditiesRTLknitrRight to Left Dynamic Documents Using 'knitr'rtlrPrint Right-to-Left Languages CorrectlyrTLsDeepPost-Hurricane Damage Severity Classification from TLS and AIRTMB'R' Bindings for 'TMB'rtmptFitting (Exponential/Diffusion) RT-MPT ModelsrtmsR Toolkit for Mass SpectrometryRtnminTruncated Newton Function Minimization with Bounds ConstraintsrtodoistCreate and Manage Todolist using '' APIrtootCollecting and Analyzing Mastodon DatartopInterpolation of Data with Variable Spatial SupportrTorchR Bindings to 'PyTorch'rTPCFitting and Analysing Thermal Performance CurvesrtpcrqPCR Data AnalysisRtrackSpatial Navigation Strategy AnalysisRTransferEntropyMeasuring Information Flow Between Time Series with Shannon andRenyi Transfer EntropyrtrekData Analysis Relating to Star TrekrtrendTrend Estimating ToolsrtrendsAnalyze Download Logs from the CRAN RStudio MirrorRTriangleTriangle - A 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay TriangulatorrTRIPLEXCWFluxCarbon-Water Coupled ModelrTRNGAdvanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via 'TRNG'RtropicalData Analysis Tools over Space of Phylogenetic Trees UsingTropical GeometryrtryPreprocessing Plant Trait DatartsRaster Time Series Analysisrts2Real-Time Disease SurveillanceRTSA'Trial Sequential Analysis' for Error Control and Inference inSequential Meta-AnalysesrtsdataR Time Series Intelligent Data StorageRtsneT-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding using a Barnes-HutImplementationrtsonTyped JSONrtsplotTime Series PlotRttf2pt1'ttf2pt1' ProgramRTTWebClientWeb Client to 'TickTrader'RtumblrCollecting and Analyzing 'Tumblr' DataRtwalkThe R Implementation of the 't-walk' MCMC AlgorithmrtweetCollecting Twitter DatarTwigRealistic Quantitative Structure ModelsRtwobitlib'2bit' 'C' LibraryrtypeA strong type system for RrtypeformInterface to 'typeform' ResultsrubiasBayesian Inference from the Conditional Genetic StockIdentification ModelrucmImplementation of Unobserved Components Model (UCM)rucrdtwR Bindings for the UCR SuiterugarchUnivariate GARCH ModelsruijterTechnical Data 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(2004)ruvDetect and Remove Unwanted Variation using Negative ControlsRVARNAseq Visualization AutomationRVAideMemoireTesting and Plotting Procedures for BiostatisticsrvaluesR-Values for Ranking in High-Dimensional SettingsRvcgManipulations of Triangular Meshes Based on the 'VCGLIB' APIrvcheckR/Package Version CheckRVCompareCompare Real Valued Random VariablesrvecVector Representing a Random VariableRvegDigitization of Phytosociological RelevésRVennSet Operations for Many SetsRVerbalExpressionsCreate Regular Expressions EasilyrversionsQuery 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'rvertnetSearch 'Vertnet', a 'Database' of Vertebrate Specimen RecordsrvestEasily Harvest (Scrape) Web PagesrvgR Graphics Devices for 'Office' Vector Graphics OutputrvHPDTCalling Haplotype-Based and Variant-Based PedigreeDisequilibrium Test for Rare Variants in PedigreesRViennaCL'ViennaCL' C++ Header FilesrviewgraphAnimated Graph Layout ViewerrvifCollinearity Detection using Redefined Variance Inflation Factorand Graphical MethodsrvinecopulibHigh Performance Algorithms for Vine Copula ModelingRVIpkgRegional Vulnerability IndexrvisidataWrapper for 'Visidata', an Interactive Multitool for TabularDatarvkstatR Interface to API ''rvmethodRadial Velocity Method for Detecting ExoplanetsrvMFFast Generation of von Mises-Fisher Distributed Pseudo-RandomVectorsrwaPerform a Relative Weights AnalysisrwalkrAPI to Melbourne Pedestrian DatarwarriorR Warrior - An AI Programming GameRwaveTime-Frequency Analysis of 1-D SignalsrwaveletWavelet AnalysisrwcRandom Walk Covariance ModelsRwclustRandom Walk Clustering on Weighted GraphsrWCVPGenerating Summaries, Reports and Plots from the World Checklistof Vascular PlantsRWDataPlyrRead and Manipulate Data from 'RiverWare'RweaveExtraSweave Drivers with Extra Tricks Up their SleeverwebstatDownload Data from the Webstat APIRWekaR/Weka InterfaceRWekajarsR/Weka Interface JarsrwfecR Wireless, Forward Error CorrectionRWgraphRandom Walks on Graphs Representing a Transactional NetworkrwhatsappImport and Handling for 'WhatsApp' Chat LogsRwhoisWHOIS Server QueryingrwiccRegression with Interval-Censored CovariatesRWienerWiener Process Distribution FunctionsRWildbookInterface for the 'Wildbook' Wildlife Data Management FrameworkRWinEdtR Interface to 'WinEdt'rWishartRandom Wishart Matrix GenerationrwispWISP Multiple Criteria Sorting MethodRWmiscMiscellaneous Spatial FunctionsRwofostWOFOST Crop Growth Simulation ModelrworkflowsTest, Document, Containerise, and Deploy R PackagesrworldmapMapping Global DatarworldxtraCountry boundaries at high resolutionRWsearchLazy Search in R Packages, Task Views, CRAN, the Web. All-in-OneDownloadrwstatsChinese Character Frequency in Real WorldRwtssClient for Web Time-Series ServicerwtyR We There Yet? Visualizing MCMC Convergence in PhylogeneticsrwundergroundR Interface to Weather Underground APIRXKCDGet XKCD Comic from RRxnSimFunctions to Compute Chemical and Chemical Reaction Similarityrxode2Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Modelsrxode2etEvent Table Functions for 'rxode2'rxode2llLog-Likelihood Functions for 'rxode2'rxode2parseParsing and Code Generation Functions for 'rxode2'rxode2randomRandom Number Generation Functions for 'rxode2'rxSeqCombined Total and Allele Specific Reads Sequencing StudyRXshrinkMaximum Likelihood Shrinkage using Generalized Ridge or LeastAngle RegressionrxylibImport XY-Data into RRyacasR Interface to the 'Yacas' Computer Algebra SystemRyacas0Legacy 'Ryacas' (Interface to 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System)ryandexdirectLoad Data From 'Yandex Direct'RYandexTranslateR Interface to Yandex Translate APIrymR Interface to Yandex Metrica APIrYoutheriaAccess to the YouTheria Mammal Trait DatabaserytstatWork with 'YouTube API'RZabbixR Module for Working with the 'Zabbix API'rzentraClient for the 'ZENTRA Cloud' APIRZigZagZig-Zag SamplerrzmqR Bindings for 'ZeroMQ'RZooRoHPartitioning of Individual Autozygosity into Multiplehom*ozygous-by-Descent Classes s2Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Librarys20xFunctions for University of Auckland Course STATS 201/208 DataAnalysiss2dvA Set of Common Tools for Seasonal to Decadal Verifications2netThe Generalized Semi-Supervised Elastic-Nets3Download Files from 'AWS S3's3.resourcerS3 Resource Resolvers3fs'Amazon Web Service S3' File Systems4vdBiclustering via Sparse Singular Value DecompositionIncorporating Stability SelectionS7An Object Oriented System Meant to Become a Successor to S3 andS4saasCNVSomatic Copy Number Alteration Analysis Using Sequencing and SNPArray DatasabreSpatial Association Between RegionalizationssacSemiparametric Analysis of Change-PointsaccadrExtract Saccades via an Ensemble of Methods ApproachSACCRSA Counterparty Credit Risk under CRR2sacRebleuMetrics for Assessing the Quality of Generated TextsadVerify the Scale, Anisotropy and Direction of Weather ForecastsSADEGStability Analysis in Differentially Expressed GenesSADISASpecies Abundance Distributions with Independent-SpeciesAssumptionsad*stsSome Additional DistributionssadsMaximum Likelihood Models for Species Abundance DistributionssaeSmall Area Estimationsae.propSmall Area Estimation using Fay-Herriot Models with AdditiveLogistic Transformationsae2Small Area Estimation: Time-Series ModelssaeBestSelecting Auxiliary Variables in Small Area Estimation (SAE)ModelsaebnocovSmall Area Estimation using Empirical Bayes without AuxiliaryVariablesaecziSmall Area Estimation for Continuous Zero Inflated DatasaeebSmall Area Estimation for Count DatasaeHBSmall Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian MethodsaeHB.MESmall Area Estimation with Measurement Error using HierarchicalBayesian MethodsaeHB.ME.betaSAE with Measurement Error using HB under Beta DistributionsaeHB.panelSmall Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method for RaoYu ModelsaeHB.panel.betaSmall Area Estimation using HB for Rao Yu Model under BetaDistributionsaeHB.unitBasic Unit Level Model using Hierarchical Bayesian ApproachsaeHB.ZIBSmall Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian under ZeroInflated Binomial DistributionsaekernelSmall Area Estimation Non-Parametric Based Nadaraya-WatsonKernelsaeMESmall Area Estimation with Measurement ErrorsaemixStochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization (SAEM)AlgorithmsaeMSPECompute MSPE Estimates for the Fay Herriot Model and NestedError Regression ModelsaensSmall Area Estimation with Cluster Information for Estimation ofNon-Sampled AreassaePseudoSmall Area Estimation using Averaging Pseudo Area Level ModelsaeRobustRobust Small Area EstimationsaeSimSimulation Tools for Small Area EstimationsaeTrafoTransformations for Unit-Level Small Area ModelsSAEvalSmall Area Estimation EvaluationSAFARIShape Analysis for AI-Reconstructed ImagesSAFDStatistical Analysis of Fuzzy DatasafejoinPerform "Safe" Table JoinssaferEncrypt and Decrypt Strings, R Objects and FilessafestatsSafe Anytime-Valid InferencesafetensorsSafetensors File FormatsafetyChartsCharts for Monitoring Clinical Trial SafetysafetyDataClinical Trial DatasafetyGraphicsInteractive Graphics for Monitoring Clinical Trial SafetySafeVoteElection Vote Counting with Safety FeaturessageRApplied Statistics for Economics and Management with RSAGMSpatial Autoregressive Graphical ModelSAGMMClustering via Stochastic Approximation and Gaussian MixtureModelssahpmVariable Selection using Simulated AnnealingsAICAkaike Information Criterion for Sparse EstimationSailoRAn Extension of the Taylor Diagram to Two-Dimensional VectorDataSAiVEFunctions Used for SAiVE Group Research, Collaborations, andPublicationsSALESThe (Adaptive) Elastic Net and Lasso Penalized Sparse AsymmetricLeast Squares (SALES) and Coupled Sparse Asymmetric LeastSquares (COSALES) using Coordinate Descent and ProximalGradient AlgorithmssalesforcerAn Implementation of 'Salesforce' APIs Using Tidy PrinciplessalsoSearch Algorithms and Loss Functions for Bayesian ClusteringSALTSamplerEfficient Sampling on the SimplexsaltyTurn Clean Data into Messy DataSAMSparse Additive ModellingsamadbSouth Africa Macroeconomic Database APISAMBASelection and Misclassification Bias Adjustment for LogisticRegression ModelssambiaA Collection of Techniques Correcting for Sample Selection BiassamcSpatial Absorbing Markov ChainsSAMESeamless Adaptive Multi-Arm Multi-Stage EnrichmentSAMGEPA Semi-Supervised Method for Prediction of Phenotype Event TimessamonSensitivity Analysis for Missing DatasampbiasEvaluating Geographic Sampling Bias in Biological CollectionssamplerSample Design, Drawing & Data Analysis Using Data FramessampleSelectionSample Selection ModelssamplesizeSample Size Calculation for Various t-Tests and Wilcoxon-TestSampleSize4ClinicalTrialsSample Size Calculation for the Comparison of Means orProportions in Phase III Clinical Trialssamplesize4surveysSample Size Calculations for Complex SurveyssamplesizeCMHPower and Sample Size Calculation for theCochran-Mantel-Haenszel TestsamplesizeestimatorCalculate Sample Size for Various ScenariossamplesizelogisticcasecontrolSample Size and Power Calculations for Case-Control StudiesSampleSizeMeansSample Size Calculations for Normal MeansSampleSizeProportionsCalculating Sample Size Requirements when Estimating theDifference Between Two Binomial ProportionssampleVADIRDraw Stratified Samples from the VADIR DatabasesamplingSurvey SamplingSamplingBigDataSampling Methods for Big DatasamplingbookSurvey Sampling ProceduressamplingDataCRTSampling Data Within Different Study Designs for ClusterRandomized TrialssamplinginDynamic Survey Sampling SolutionssamplingRSampling and Estimation MethodsSamplingStrataOptimal Stratification of Sampling Frames for MultipurposeSampling SurveyssamplingVarEstSampling Variance EstimationSAMpriorSelf-Adapting Mixture (SAM) PriorssampsizevalSample Size for Validation of Risk Models with Binary OutcomessamrSAM: Significance Analysis of MicroarrayssamsMerge-Split Samplers for Conjugate Bayesian Nonparametric ModelsSAMtoolStock Assessment Methods ToolkitSAMTxSensitivity Assessment to Unmeasured Confounding with MultipleTreatmentsSAMURStochastic Augmentation of Matched Data Using RestrictionMethodssamuraisStatistical Models for the Unsupervised Segmentation ofTime-Series ('SaMUraiS')sandStatistical Analysis of Network Data with R, 2nd EditionsandboxProbabilistic Numerical Modelling of Sediment PropertiessandwichRobust Covariance Matrix EstimatorsSanFranBeachWaterDownloads and Tidies the San Francisco Public UtilitiesCommission Beach Water Quality Monitoring Program DataSangerToolsTools for Population Health Management AnalyticssanicSolving Ax = b Nimbly in C++sanitizersC/C++ Source Code to Trigger Address and Undefined BehaviourSanitizerssanityTrackerKeeps Track of all Performed Sanity CheckssanketphonetictranslatorPhonetic Transliteration Between Hindi and EnglishsankeyIllustrate the Flow of Information or MaterialsankeywheelCreate Dependency Wheels and Sankey DiagramssanonStratified Analysis with Nonparametric Covariable AdjustmentSANpleFitting Shared Atoms Nested Models via Markov Chains Monte CarlosansaSynthetic Data Generation for Imbalanced Learning in 'R'santaRShort Asynchronous Time-Series AnalysissantokuA Versatile Cutting ToolSANviFitting Shared Atoms Nested Models via Variational BayessanzoColor Palettes Based on the Works of Sanzo WadasaotdSentiment Analysis of Twitter DataSAPStatistical Analysis and ProgrammingsapevomGroup Ordinal Method for Multiple Criteria Decision-MakingsapfluxnetrWorking with 'Sapfluxnet' Project DataSAPPStatistical Analysis of Point ProcessessaqgetrImport Air Quality Monitoring Data in a Fast and Easy WaySARSmart Adaptive Recommendationssara4rAn R-GUI for Spatial Analysis of Surface Runoff using theNRCS-CN MethodsarimaSimulation and Prediction with Seasonal ARIMA ModelssarosSemi-Automatic Reporting of Ordinary SurveysSARP.compoNetwork-Based Interpretation of Changes in Compositional DataSARP.moodleXML Output Functions for Easy Creation of Moodle Questionssarp.snowprofileSnow Profile Analysis for Snowpack and Avalanche Researchsarp.snowprofile.alignmentSnow Profile Alignment, Aggregation, and Clusteringsarp.snowprofile.pyface'python' Modules from Snowpack and Avalanche ResearchsarsFit and Compare Species-Area Relationship Models UsingMultimodel InferencesarsopApproximate POMDP Planning Softwaresas7bdatsas7bdat Reverse Engineering DocumentationSASciiImport ASCII Files Directly into R using Only a 'SAS' InputScriptSASdatesConvert the Dates to 'SAS' FormatssasfunclustSparse and Smooth Functional ClusteringsasLM'SAS' Linear ModelSASmarkdown'SAS' MarkdownSASmixedData sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models"sasr'SAS' InterfacesassSyntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')sassyMakes 'R' Easier for EveryonesatdadSensitivity Analysis Tools for Dependence and AsymptoticDependencesateScientific Analysis of Trial Errors (SATE)satelliteHandling and Manipulating Remote Sensing DatasatinVisualisation and Analysis of Ocean Data Derived from SatellitessatresGrouping Satellite Bands by Spectral and Spatial ResolutionsaturninSpanning Trees Used for Network InferenceSAutomataInference and Learning in Stochastic AutomataSAVERSingle-Cell RNA-Seq Gene Expression RecoverysavonliquideAccessibility Toolbox for 'R' UserssavvyrSurvival Analysis for AdVerse Events with VarYing Follow-UpTimessawnutiComparing Sequences with Non-Uniform Time IntervalssawsSmall-Sample Adjustments for Wald Tests Using SandwichEstimatorssazedRParameter-Free Domain-Agnostic Season Length Detection in TimeSeriesSBAGMSearch Best ARIMA, GARCH, and MS-GARCH ModelSBCKStatistical Bias Correction KitsbdSize Biased DistributionssbdeSemiparametric Bayesian Density EstimationSBdecompEstimation of the Proportion of SB Explained by ConfounderssbfcSelective Bayesian Forest ClassifiersbgcopSemiparametric Bayesian Gaussian Copula Estimation andImputationSBISimple Blinding Index for Randomized Controlled TrialssBICComputing the Singular BIC for Multiple ModelsSBICgraphStructural Bayesian Information Criterion for Graphical ModelssblSparse Bayesian Learning for QTL Mapping and Genome-WideAssociation StudiessbmStochastic BlockmodelsSBmedianScalable Bayes with Median of Subset PosteriorssbmSDPSemidefinite Programming for Fitting Block Models of Equal BlockSizesSBMSplitMergeInference for a Generalised SBM with a Split Merge SamplerSBNGenerate Stochastic Branching NetworkssboText Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram ModelssboostMachine Learning with AdaBoost on Decision StumpssbrlScalable Bayesian Rule Lists ModelSBSDiffSatorra-Bentler Scaled Chi-Squared Difference TestsbtoolsUSGS ScienceBase ToolssbwStable Balancing Weights for Causal Inference and Missing DataSC.MEBSpatial Clustering with Hidden Markov Random Field usingEmpirical BayesSC2APIBlizzard SC2 API Wrappersc2scSpatial Transfer of Statistics among Spanish Census SectionsscaSimple Component AnalysisscaffolderScaffolding Interfaces to Packages in Other ProgrammingLanguagesscagnosticsCompute scagnostics - scatterplot diagnosticsscaleAlignScale Alignment for Between-Items Multidimensional Rasch FamilyModelsscalebootApproximately Unbiased P-Values via Multiscale BootstrapScalelinkCreate Scale Linkage ScoresscalesScale Functions for VisualizationScaleSpikeSlabScalable Spike-and-SlabscalpelProcesses Calcium Imaging DatascalregScaled Sparse Linear RegressionscamShape Constrained Additive ModelsscanSingle-Case Data Analyses for Single and Multiple BaselineDesignsscAnnotateAn Automated Cell Type Annotation Tool for Single-CellRNA-Sequencing DatascanstatisticsSpace-Time Anomaly Detection using Scan StatisticsscapeStatistical Catch-at-Age Plotting EnvironmentscaperSingle Cell Transcriptomics-Level Cytokine Activity Predictionand EstimationscapesClassificationUser-Defined Classification of Raster SurfacesscapGNNGraph Neural Network-Based Framework for Single Cell ActivePathways and Gene Modules AnalysisscarShape-Constrained Additive Regression: a Maximum LikelihoodApproachscaRabeeOptimization Toolkit for Pharmaco*kinetic-Pharmacodynamic ModelsscatrCreate Scatter Plots with Marginal Density or Box PlotsscatterD3D3 JavaScript Scatterplot from RScatterDensityDensity Estimation and Visualization of 2D Scatter PlotsscattermoreScatterplots with More PointsscatterpieScatter Pie Plotscatterplot3d3D Scatter PlotscatterPlotMatrix'Htmlwidget' for a Scatter Plot MatrixSCBiclustIdentifies Mean, Variance, and Hierarchically ClusteredBiclustersscBioSingle Cell Genomics for Enhancing Cell Composition Inferencefrom Bulk Genomics DataSCBmeanfdSimultaneous Confidence Bands for the Mean of Functional DatascBSPA Fast Tool for Single-Cell Spatially Variable GenesIdentifications on Large-Scale DatascburstsSingle Channel Bursts AnalysisscCATCHSingle Cell Cluster-Based Annotation Toolkit for CellularHeterogeneityscccaSingle-Cell Correlation Based Cell Type AnnotationSCCIStochastic Complexity-Based Conditional Independence Test forDiscrete DatascclustSize-Constrained ClusteringsccoreCore Utilities for Single-Cell RNA-SeqsccrThe Self-Consistent, Competing Risks (SC-CR) AlgorithmsSCCSThe Self-Controlled Case Series MethodscCustomizeCustom Visualizations & Functions for Streamlined Analyses ofSingle Cell SequencingSCDBEasily Access and Maintain Time-Based Versioned Data(Slowly-Changing-Dimension)scDECOEstimating Dynamic CorrelationSCdeconRDeconvolution of Bulk RNA-Seq Data using Single-Cell RNA-SeqData as ReferencescdensityShape-Constrained Kernel Density EstimationscDHASingle-Cell Decomposition using Hierarchical AutoencoderscdhlmEstimating Hierarchical Linear Models for Single-Case DesignsscDiffComDifferential Analysis of Intercellular Communication fromscRNA-Seq DatascDIFtestItem-Wise Score-Based DIF DetectionscdtbSingle Case Design ToolsscellpamApplying Partitioning Around Medoids to Single Cell Data withHigh Number of CellsSCEMSplitting-Coalescence-Estimation MethodscenesSwitch Between Alternative 'shiny' UIsSCEntSingle Cell Entropy Analysis of Gene Heterogeneity in CellPopulationsSCEPtERStellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRidSCEPtERbinaryStellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid for Binary SystemsscGateMarker-Based Cell Type Purification for Single-Cell SequencingDataSCGLRSupervised Component Generalized Linear RegressionscGOclustMeasuring Cell Type Similarity with Gene Ontology in Single-CellRNA-SeqscgwrScalable Geographically Weighted RegressionschemrConvert Images to Usable Color SchemesschoenbergTools for 12-Tone Musical CompositionscholarAnalyse Citation Data from Google ScholarSchoolDataITRetrieve, Harmonise and Map Open Data Regarding the ItalianSchool SystemschoolmathFunctions and Datasets for Math Used in SchoolschoRschTools for Analyzing Factorial ExperimentsschruteThe Entire Transcript from the Office in Tidy FormatschtoolsSchloss Lab Tools for Reproducible Microbiome ResearchschumakerSchumaker Shape-Preserving SplineSCIStandardized Climate Indices Such as SPI, SRI or SPEISCIBERSingle-Cell Integrator and Batch Effect RemoverscicoColour Palettes Based on the Scientific Colour-MapsscicomptoolsTools Developed by the NCEAS Scientific Computing Support TeamscidesignRData Sets from Design and Analysis of Experiments andObservational Studies using RscientificHighly Customizable 'rmarkdown' Theme for Scientific ReportingscientoTextText & Scientometric AnalyticsscifigureVisualize 'Reproducibility' and 'Replicability' in a Comparisonof Scientific StudiesscimoExtra Recipes Steps for Dealing with Omics DataSCINAA Semi-Supervised Category Identification and Assignment ToolscINSIGHTInterpretation of Heterogeneous Single-Cell Gene Expression DatasciplotScientific Graphing Functions for Factorial DesignsscipubSummarize Data for Scientific PublicationsciRmdThemeUpgraded 'Rmarkdown' Themes for Scientific WritingscISRSingle-Cell Imputation using Subspace RegressionscistreerMaximum-Likelihood Perfect Phylogeny Inference at ScalescitbProvides Some Useful Functions for Making Statistical TablesscITDSingle-Cell Interpretable Tensor DecompositionSciViewsSciViews - Main packagescLinkInferring Functional Gene Co-Expression Networks from SingleCell DatasclrScaled Logistic RegressionsClustR Toolbox for Unsupervised Spectral ClusteringSCMASingle-Case Meta-AnalysisscMappRSingle Cell MapperscModelsFitting Discrete Distribution Models to Count DatascOntoMatchAligning Ontology Annotation Across Single Cell Datasets with'scOntoMatch'scoperSpectral Clustering-Based Method for Identifying B Cell ClonesSCOPROScore Projection Between in 'Vivo' and in 'Vitro' DatasetsSCORSpherically Constrained Optimization RoutinescoreA Package to Score Behavioral QuestionnairesscorecardCredit Risk ScorecardscorecardModelUtilsCredit Scorecard Modelling UtilsScoreEBScore Test Integrated with Empirical Bayes for Association StudyscorematchingadScore Matching Estimation by Automatic DifferentiationscorepeakPeak Functions for Peak Detection in Univariate Time SeriesScorePlusImplementation of SCORE, SCORE+ and Mixed-SCOREscoringProper Scoring RulesscoringfunctionsA Collection of Scoring Functions for Assessing Point ForecastsscoringRulesScoring Rules for Parametric and Simulated DistributionForecastsscoringutilsUtilities for Scoring and Assessing PredictionsSCORNETSemi-Supervised Calibration of Risk with Noisy Event TimesSCORPIONSingle Cell Oriented Reconstruction of PANDA IndividualOptimized NetworksSCORPIUSInferring Developmental Chronologies from Single-Cell RNASequencing DataScottKnottThe ScottKnott Clustering AlgorithmScottKnottESDThe Scott-Knott Effect Size Difference (ESD) TestscoutImplements the Scout Method for Covariance-RegularizedRegressionSCOUTerSimulate Controlled OutliersSCperfFunctions for Planning and Managing Inventories in a SupplyChainscperturbRE-Statistics for Seurat ObjectsscpiPrediction Intervals for Synthetic Control Methods with MultipleTreated Units and Staggered AdoptionscPloidyInfer Ploidy of Single CellsscplotPlot Function for Single-Case Data FramesscpoissonSingle Cell Poisson Probability ParadigmSCpubrGenerate Publication Ready Visualizations of Single CellTranscriptomics DatascqeStability Controlled Quasi-ExperimentationscquantumEstimate Ploidy and Absolute Copy Number from Single CellSequencingscraEPScrape the Web with Extra PowerscrapeRThese Functions Fetch and Extract Text Content from SpecifiedWeb PagesscrappyA Simple Web ScraperScreenCleanScreen and clean variable selection proceduresScreeNOT'ScreeNOT': MSE-Optimal Singular Value Thresholding inCorrelated NoisescreenshotTake Screenshots (Screen Capture) from R CommandscribeCommand Argument ParsingscrimeAnalysis of High-Dimensional Categorical Data Such as SNP DataSCRIPAn Accurate Simulator for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing DatascriptIdentify Script NamescriptexecExecute Native ScriptsscriptlocGet the Location of the R Script that is Being Sourced/ExecutedScriptMapRR Script Visualization in CytoscapescriptNameDetermine a Script's Filename from Within the Script ItselfscriptuRsComplete Text of the LDS ScripturesscrmSimulating the Evolution of Biological SequencesScRNAIMMPerforming Single-Cell RNA-Seq Imputation by Using Mean/MedianImputationscRNAstatA Pipeline to Process Single Cell RNAseq DatascRNAtoolsSingle Cell RNA Sequencing Data Analysis ToolsscrobblerDownload 'Scrobbles' from ''scrollrevealRAnimate 'shiny' Elements when They Scroll into View using the'scrollrevealjs' LibraryscROSHIRobust Supervised Hierarchical Identification of Single CellsSCRTSingle-Case Randomization TestsscrutinyError Detection in SciencescryptKey Derivation Functions for R Based on ScryptscryrAn Interface to the 'Scryfall' APIscsSplitting Conic SolverscSorterImplementation of 'scSorter' AlgorithmscSpatialSIMA Point Pattern Simulator for Spatial Cellular DatascTenifoldKnkIn-Silico Knockout Experiments from Single-Cell Gene RegulatoryNetworksscTenifoldNetConstruct and Compare scGRN from Single-Cell Transcriptomic DataSCtoolsExtensions for Synthetic Controls AnalysissctransformVariance Stabilizing Transformations for Single Cell UMI DatascubaDiving Calculations and Decompression ModelsscUtilsUtility Functions for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing DatascutrBalancing Multiclass Datasets for Classification TasksSCVASingle-Case Visual AnalysissdaShrinkage Discriminant Analysis and CAT Score Variable SelectionSDaASampling: Design and AnalysissdafilterSymmetrized Data AggregationsdamSocial Dynamics and Complexity in the Ancient MediterraneansdamrStatistics: Data Analysis and ModellingSDARStratigraphic Data AnalysisSDAResourcesDatasets and Functions for 'Sampling: Design and Analysis, 3rdEdition'sdcHierarchiesCreate and (Interactively) Modify Nested HierarchiessdcLogTools for Statistical Disclosure Control in Research DataCenterssdcMicroStatistical Disclosure Control Methods for Anonymization of Dataand Risk EstimationSDCNwayTools to Evaluate Disclosure RisksdcSpatialStatistical Disclosure Control for Spatial DatasdcTableMethods for Statistical Disclosure Control in Tabular DatasdeSimulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential EquationsSDEFSRSubgroup Discovery with Evolutionary Fuzzy SystemssdetorusStatistical Tools for Toroidal DiffusionsSDGdetectorDetect SDGs and Targets in TextSDLfilterFiltering and Assessing the Sample Size of Tracking DatasdmSpecies Distribution ModellingsdmpredictorsSpecies Distribution Modelling Predictor DatasetssdmTMBSpatial and Spatiotemporal SPDE-Based GLMMs with 'TMB'SDMtuneSpecies Distribution Model SelectionsdmvspeciesCreate Virtual Species for Species Distribution ModellingSDPDmodSpatial Dynamic Panel Data ModelingsdpdthM-Estimator for Threshold Spatial Dynamic Panel Data ModelsdPriorScale-Dependent Hyperpriors in Structured AdditiveDistributional RegressionsdpriskMeasures of Risk for the Compound Poisson Risk Process withDiffusionSDPrism2DVisualizing the Standard Deviation as the Size of a Prismsdpt3rSemi-Definite Quadratic Linear Programming SolversdrtEstimating the Sufficient Dimension Reduction Subspaces in TimeSeriesSDTSelf-Determination Theory MeasuressdtmvalValidate SDTM DomainssdwdSparse Distance Weighted DiscriminationSE.EQSE-Test for EquivalenceSEASegregation AnalysisseacarbSeawater Carbonate ChemistrySEAGLEScalable Exact Algorithm for Large-Scale Set-BasedGene-Environment Interaction TestsSEAHORSSpatial Exploration of ArcHaeological Objects in R ShinysealassoStandard Error Adjusted Adaptive LassosearcherQuery Search InterfacesSearchTreesSpatial Search TreesSEARSSeamless Dose Escalation/Expansion with Adaptive RandomizationSchemeseasSeasonal Analysis and Graphics, Especially for ClimatologyseasonSeasonal Analysis of Health DataseasonalR Interface to X-13-ARIMA-SEATSseasonalityPlotSeasonality Variation Plots of Stock Prices and CryptocurrenciesseasonalviewGraphical User Interface for Seasonal AdjustmentseastestsSeasonality TestsSeaValValidation of Seasonal Weather ForecastsseawaveQSEAWAVE-Q ModelSeBRSemiparametric Bayesian Regression AnalysisSecDimThe Second Dimension of Spatial AssociationSECFISHDisaggregate Variable CostsSECPStatistical Estimation of Cluster ParameterssecrSpatially Explicit Capture-RecapturesecrdesignSampling Design for Spatially Explicit Capture-RecapturesecretShare Sensitive Information in R PackagessecretbaseCryptographic Hash and Extendable-Output FunctionssecrettextEncrypt Text Using a Shifting Substitution CiphersecrlinearSpatially Explicit Capture-Recapture for Linear HabitatssecsseSeveral Examined and Concealed States-Dependent Speciation andExtinctionsectorgapConsistent Economic Trend Cycle DecompositionsecureSequential Co-Sparse Factor RegressionsecuTrialRHandling of Data from the Clinical Data Management System'secuTrial'sedproxySimulation of Sediment Archived Climate Proxy RecordsseeModel Visualisation Toolbox for 'easystats' and 'ggplot2'seeclickfixrAccess Data from the SeeClickFix Web APIseecolorView Colors Used in R Objects in the ConsoleSeedCalcSeed Germination and Seedling Growth IndexesseedCCASeeded Canonical Correlation AnalysisseededldaSeeded Sequential LDA for Topic ModelingSeedImbibitionSeed Imbibition PercentageSeedMatchRFind Matches to Canonical SiRNA Seeds in Genomic FeaturesseedrHydro and Thermal Time Seed Germination Models in RseedregRegression Analysis for Seed Germination as a Function ofTemperatureseedsEstimate Hidden Inputs using the Dynamic Elastic NetSeedVigorIndexSeed Vigor IndexseekerSimplified Fetching and Processing of Microarray and RNA-SeqDataseerFeature-Based Forecast Model SelectionSEERaBombSEER and Atomic Bomb Survivor Data Analysis ToolsseewaveSound Analysis and Synthesissegclust2dBivariate Segmentation/Clustering Methods and ToolsSegCorrDetecting Correlated Genomic RegionssegenSequence Generalization Through Similarity NetworksegmagDetermine Event Boundaries in Event Segmentation ExperimentssegmentedRegression Models with Break-Points / Change-Points Estimation(with Possibly Random Effects)segmenTierSimilarity-Based Segmentation of Multidimensional SignalssegmentrSegment Data With Maximum LikelihoodsegmetricMetrics for Assessing Segmentation Accuracy for Geospatial DatasegMGarchMultiple Change-Point Detection for High-Dimensional GARCHProcessessegRDAModeling Non-Continuous Linear Responses of Ecological DatasegregationEntropy-Based Segregation IndicessegregatrSegregation Analysis for Variant InterpretationseguidSequence Globally Unique Identifier (SEGUID) ChecksumssehrnettA Very Nice Interface to 'WordNet'SEICalculating Standardised IndicesSEIRfansyExtended Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovery ModelseismicPredict Information Cascade by Self-Exciting Point ProcessseismicRollFast Rolling Functions for Seismology using 'Rcpp'sejmRPAn Information About Deputies and Votings in Polish Diet fromSeventh to Eighth Term of OfficeSejongKoNLP static dictionaries and Sejong project resourcesSELSemiparametric ElicitationselcorrPost-Selection Inference for Generalized Linear ModelsSelectDetermines Species Probabilities Based on Functional TraitsselectaprefAnalysis of Field and Laboratory ForagingSelectBoostA General Algorithm to Enhance the Performance of VariableSelection Methods in Correlated Datasetsselection.indexAnalysis of Selection Index in Plant BreedingSelectionBiasCalculates Bounds for the Selection Bias for Binary Treatmentand Outcome VariablesselectiongainA Tool for Calculation and Optimization of the Expected Gainfrom Multi-Stage SelectionselectiveInferenceTools for Post-Selection InferenceselectMetaEstimation of Weight Functions in Meta AnalysisselectrTranslate CSS Selectors to XPath ExpressionsselectspmSelect Point Pattern Models Based on Minimum Contrast, AIC andGoodness of FitSeleMixSelective Editing via Mixture ModelsseleniderConcise, Lazy and Reliable Wrapper for 'chromote' and 'selenium'seleniumLow-Level Browser Automation InterfaceseleniumPipesR Client Implementing the W3C WebDriver SpecificationSELFA Structural Equation Embedded Likelihood Framework for CausalDiscoveryselfingTreeGenotype Probabilities in Intermediate Generations of InbreedingThrough SelfingsemStructural Equation Modelssemantic.assetsAssets for 'shiny.semantic'semantic.dashboardDashboard with Fomantic UI Support for ShinySemblanceA Data-Driven Similarity Kernel on Probability Spacessemdrw'SEM Shiny'semdsStructural Equation Multidimensional ScalingsemEffAutomatic Calculation of Effects for Piecewise StructuralEquation ModelssemfindrInfluential Cases in Structural Equation ModelingsemgramExtracting Semantic Motifs from Textual DataSEMgraphNetwork Analysis and Causal Inference Through StructuralEquation ModelingsemhelpinghandsHelper Functions for Structural Equation ModelingsemiArtificialGenerator of Semi-Artificial DatasemicmprskcoxmsmUse Inverse Probability Weighting to Estimate Treatment Effectfor Semi Competing Risks DataSemiCompRisksHierarchical Models for Parametric and Semi-Parametric Analysesof Semi-Competing Risks DatasemicontMANOVAMultivariate ANalysis of VAriance with Ridge Regularization forSemicontinuous High-Dimensional DataSEMIDIdentifiability of Linear Structural Equation ModelssemidistMeasure Dependence Between Categorical and Continuous VariablesSemiEstimateSolve Semi-Parametric Estimation by Implicit ProfilingSemiMarkovMulti-States Semi-Markov ModelsseminrBuilding and Estimating Structural Equation ModelsSemiParSemiparametic RegressionSemiPar.depCensCopula Based Cox Proportional Hazards Models for DependentCensoringsemlbciLikelihood-Based Confidence Interval in Structural EquationModelssemmcciMonte Carlo Confidence Intervals in Structural Equation ModelingsemmcmcBayesian Structural Equation Modeling in Multiple Omics DataIntegrationsemnarConstructing and Interacting with Databases of PresentationsSemNeTMethods and Measures for Semantic Network AnalysisSemNetCleanerAn Automated Cleaning Tool for Semantic and Linguistic DataSemNetDictionariesDictionaries for the 'SemNetCleaner' PackagesemnovaLatent Repeated Measures ANOVAsemPlotPath Diagrams and Visual Analysis of Various SEM Packages'OutputsemPowerPower Analyses for SEMsemptoolsCustomizing Structural Equation Modelling PlotsSEMsensA Tool for Sensitivity Analysis in Structural Equation ModelingsemsfaSemiparametric Estimation of Stochastic Frontier ModelssemTestsGoodness-of-Fit Testing for Structural Equation ModelssemToolsUseful Tools for Structural Equation ModelingsemtreeRecursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Modelssemver'Semantic Versioning V2.0.0' ParsersemverutilsSemantic Version UtilitiessendgridrMail Sender Using 'Sendgrid' ServicesendigREnable Cross-Study Analysis of 'CDISC' 'SEND' DatasetssendmailRSend Email Using RsenseAutomatic Stacked Ensemble for Regression TaskssensemakrSensitivity Analysis Tools for Regression Modelssensibo.skyAccess to 'Sensibo Sky' API V2 for Air Conditioners RemoteControlsensiPhySensitivity Analysis for Comparative MethodssensitivityGlobal Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputs and ImportanceMeasuressensitivity2x2xkSensitivity Analysis for 2x2xk Tables in Observational StudiessensitivityCalibrationA Calibrated Sensitivity Analysis for Matched ObservationalStudiesSensitivityCaseControlSensitivity Analysis for Case-Control StudiessensitivityfullSensitivity Analysis for Full Matching in Observational StudiessensitivitymultSensitivity Analysis for Observational Studies with MultipleOutcomessensitivitymvSensitivity Analysis in Observational StudiessensitivitymwSensitivity Analysis for Observational Studies Using WeightedM-StatisticsSensMapSensory and Consumer Data MappingsensmediationParametric Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Direct andIndirect EffectssensobolComputation of Variance-Based Sensitivity IndicesSensoMineRSensory Data AnalysissensorySimultaneous Model-Based Clustering and Imputation via aProgressive Expectation-Maximization AlgorithmSenSpeEstimating Specificity at Controlled Sensitivity, or Vice VersasensRThurstonian Models for Sensory DiscriminationSenSrivastavaDatasets from Sen & SrivastavasenstratSensitivity Analysis for Stratified Observational StudiesSensusRSensus AnalyticssentencepieceText Tokenization using Byte Pair Encoding and Unigram Modellingsentiment.aiSimple Sentiment Analysis Using Deep LearningSentimentAnalysisDictionary-Based Sentiment AnalysissentimentrCalculate Text Polarity SentimentSenTinMixtParsimonious Mixtures of MSEN and MTIN DistributionssentometricsAn Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time SeriesAggregation and PredictionsentopicsTools for Joint Sentiment and Topic Analysis of Textual DatasentryRSend Errors and Messages to SentrySEofMStandard Error of MeasurementSEPaLSShrinkage for Extreme Partial Least-Squares (SEPaLS)sEparaTeMaximum Likelihood Estimation and Likelihood Ratio TestFunctions for Separable Variance-Covariance StructuresseparationplotSeparation PlotssephoraStatistical Estimation of Phenological ParameterssepkoskiSepkoski's Fossil Marine Animal Genera CompendiumSeqAlignRSequence Alignment and Visualization ToolSeqAllocSequential Allocation for Prospective ExperimentsseqDesignSimulation and Group Sequential Monitoring of RandomizedTwo-Stage Treatment Efficacy Trials with Time-to-EventEndpointsSeqDetectSequence and Latent Process DetectorseqestSequential Method for Classification and Generalized EstimatingEquations ProblemSeqExpMatchSequential Experimental Design via Matching on-the-FlySeqFeatRA Tool to Associate FASTA Sequences and FeaturesseqgendiffRNA-Seq Generation/Modification for SimulationseqhandbookMiscellaneous Tools for Sequence AnalysisseqHMMMixture Hidden Markov Models for Social Sequence Data and OtherMultivariate, Multichannel Categorical Time SeriesseqICPSequential Invariant Causal PredictionseqimputeImputation of Missing Data in Sequence AnalysisseqinrBiological Sequences Retrieval and AnalysisSeqKatDetection of KataegisSeqMADENetwork Module-Based Model in the Differential ExpressionAnalysis for RNA-SeqseqmagickSequence Manipulation UtilitiesseqminerEfficiently Read Sequence Data (VCF Format, BCF Format, METALFormat and BGEN Format) into RseqmonGroup Sequential Design Class for Clinical TrialsSeqNetGenerate RNA-Seq Data from Gene-Gene Association NetworksseqSHPBuilding Sequences from SHP WavesseqtestSequential Triangular TestseqtrieRadix Tree and Trie-Based String DistancesSequenceSpikeSlabExact Bayesian Model Selection Methods for the Sparse NormalSequence ModelSequentialExact Sequential Analysis for Poisson and Binomial DataSequentialDesignObservational Database Study Planning using Exact SequentialAnalysis for Poisson and Binomial DatasequoiaPedigree Inference from SNPssergeantTools to Transform and Query Data with Apache DrillserialThe Serial Interface PackageseriationInfrastructure for Ordering Objects Using SeriationserieslcbLower Confidence Bounds for Binomial Series SystemserpSmooth Effects on Response Penalty for CLMserpstatr'Serpstat' API WrapperserrsBayesBayesian Modelling of Raman SpectroscopyservosphereRAnalyze Data Generated from Syntech Servosphere TrialsservrA Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic DocumentssesemSpatially Explicit Structural Equation ModelingSEsetComputing Statistically-Equivalent Path ModelsSESrasterRaster Randomization for Null Hypothesis TestingsessioninfoR Session InformationsetSet OperationsetartreeSETAR-Tree - A Novel and Accurate Tree Algorithm for Global TimeSeries ForecastingSetMethodsFunctions for Set-Theoretic Multi-Method Research and AdvancedQCAsetRNGSet (Normal) Random Number Generator and SeedsetsSets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and IntervalsSetTestGroup Testing Procedures for Signal Detection andGoodness-of-FitsettingsSoftware Option Settings Manager for RSeuratTools for Single Cell GenomicsSeuratObjectData Structures for Single Cell Datasevenbridges2The 'Seven Bridges Platform' API ClientseverCustomise 'Shiny' Disconnected Screens and Error MessagessewageA Light-Weight Data Pipelining ToolsfSimple Features for RsfadvAdvanced Methods for Stochastic Frontier AnalysissfaRStochastic Frontier Analysis RoutinessfarrowRead/Write Simple Feature Objects ('sf') with 'Apache' 'Arrow'sfcSubstance Flow ComputationsfcentralSpatial Centrality and Dispersion StatisticssfcrSimulate Stock-Flow Consistent ModelssfdSpace-Filling Design LibrarysfdctConstrained Triangulation for Simple FeaturessfdepSpatial Dependence for Simple FeaturessFFLHDSequential Full Factorial-Based Latin Hypercube DesignsfheadersConverts Between R Objects and Simple Feature ObjectssfhotspotHot-Spot Analysis with Simple FeaturessfinxStraightforward Filtering Index for AP-MS Data Analysis (SFINX)sfislandsStreamlines the Process of Fitting Areal Spatial ModelssfnetworksTidy Geospatial NetworkssfoSan Francisco International Airport Monthly Air PassengersSFSSimilarity-First Search Seriation AlgorithmsfsmiscUtilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH ZurichsftFunctions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of DatasftimeClasses and Methods for Simple Feature Objects that Have a TimeColumnSFtoolsSpace Filling Based Tools for Data MiningsftrackModern Classes for Tracking and Movement DatasgapiAid Querying 'nomis' and 'Office for National Statistics OpenGeography' APIssgatExtract Information from Google's "Popular Times"SGBSimplicial Generalized Beta RegressionsGBJSurvival Extension of the Generalized Berk-Jones TestsgboostSparse-Group BoostingsgdStochastic Gradient Descent for Scalable EstimationSGDinferenceInference with Stochastic Gradient DescentsgeeStagewise Generalized Estimating EquationssgeostatAn Object-Oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+SGLFit a GLM (or Cox Model) with a Combination of Lasso and GroupLasso RegularizationsglassoLasso Method for RCON(V,E) ModelssglgFitting Semi-Parametric Generalized log-Gamma Regression ModelssglrSequential Generalized Likelihood Ratio Decision BoundariesProposed by Shih, Lai, Heyse and Chen (2010,<doi:10.1002/Sim.4036>)sgmodelSolves a Generic Stochastic Growth Model with a RepresentativeAgentsGMRFmixSparse Gaussian Markov Random Field Mixtures for AnomalyDetectionsgoSimple Geographical Operations (with OSGB36)sgofMultiple Hypothesis TestingsgolayEfficient Savitzky-Golay FilteringSGPStudent Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth TrajectoriesSGPdataExemplar Data Sets for Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) AnalysessgPLSSparse Group Partial Least Square MethodsSGPRSparse Group Penalized Regression for Bi-Level VariableSelectionsgpvCalculate Second-Generation p-Values and Associated MeasuressgrSample Generation by ReplacementsgraphGraph Visualization Using 'sigma.js'sgsSparse-Group SLOPE: Adaptive Bi-Level Selection with FDR ControlsgsRStructurally Guided SamplingsgstarSeasonal Generalized Space Time Autoregressive (S-GSTAR) ModelsgtSkewed Generalized T Distribution TreeshadesSimple Colour ManipulationshadowrSelenium Plugin to Manage Multi Level Shadow Elements on WebPageshadowtextShadow Text Grob and LayerShapDoEApproximation of the Shapley Values Based on ExperimentalDesignsshapeFunctions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, ColorsShapeChangeChange-Point Estimation using Shape-Restricted SplinesshapefilesRead and Write ESRI ShapefilesshapeNAM-Estimation of Shape for Data with Missing ValuesShapePatternTools for Analyzing Shapes and PatternsshapeRCollection and Analysis of Otolith Shape DataShapeRotatorStandardised Rigid Rotations of Articulated Three-DimensionalStructuresshapesStatistical Shape AnalysisShapeSelectForestShape Selection for Landsat Time Series of Forest DynamicsSHAPforxgboostSHAP Plots for 'XGBoost'shapleyWeighted Mean SHAP for Feature Selection in ML Grid and EnsembleShapleyOutlierMultivariate Outlier Explanations using Shapley Values andMahalanobis DistancesShapleyValueShapley Value Regression for Relative Importance of AttributesshapperWrapper of Python Library 'shap'shaprPrediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley ValuesshapvizSHAP VisualizationssharSpecies-Habitat AssociationsSharkDemographyShark Demographic Analyses Using Leslie Matrix ModelssharpStability-enHanced Approaches using Resampling ProceduressharpDataData SharpeningSharpeRStatistical Significance of the Sharpe RatiosharpeRratioMoment-Free Estimation of Sharpe RatiossharpPenPenalized Data Sharpening for Local Polynomial Regressionsharpr2Estimating Regulatory Scores and Identifying ATAC-STARR DatasharpshootRA Soil Survey ToolkitsharxModels and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area RelationshipsshatteringEstimate the Shattering Coefficient for a Particular DatasetshazamImmunoglobulin Somatic Hypermutation AnalysisSheetReaderParse xlsx FilesSHELFTools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation FrameworkShellChronBuilds Chronologies from Oxygen Isotope Profiles in ShellsshelltraceBivalve Growth and Trace Element Accumulation 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SpreadshinystanInteractive Visual and Numerical Diagnostics and PosteriorAnalysis for Bayesian ModelsshinyStorePlusSecure in-Browser Storage for 'Shiny' Inputs, Outputs andVariablesshinysurveysCreate and Deploy Surveys in 'Shiny'shinyTempSignalExplore Temporal and Other Phylogenetic SignalsshinytestTest Shiny Appsshinytest2Testing for Shiny ApplicationsShinyTesterFunctions to Minimize Bonehead Moves While Working with 'shiny'shinythemesThemes for ShinyshinyTimeA Time Input Widget for ShinyshinytitleUpdate Browser Window Title in 'shiny' SessionshinyToastifyPretty Notifications for 'Shiny'shinytoastrNotifications from 'Shiny'shinyTreejsTree Bindings for ShinyshinyvalidateInput Validation for Shiny AppsshinyWidgetsCustom Inputs Widgets for ShinyshinyXYpadXY Controller for 'Shiny'shipunovMiscellaneous Functions from Alexey ShipunovshockSlope Heuristic for Block-Diagonal Covariance Selection in HighDimensional Gaussian Graphical ModelsshopifyadsRGet 'Shopify' Ads Data via the '' APIshopifyrAn R Interface to the Shopify APIshoredateShoreline Dating Coastal Stone Age SitesshortcutsUseful Shortcuts to Interact with 'RStudio' ScriptsShortFormAutomatic Short Form CreationshortIRTProcedures Based on Item Response Theory Models for theDevelopment of Short Test FormsshortsShort SprintsshotGroupsAnalyze Shot Group DatashowimageShow an Image on an 'R' Graphics DeviceshowtextUsing Fonts More Easily in R GraphsshowtextdbFont Files for the 'showtext' Packageshp2graphConvert a 'SpatialLinesDataFrame' -Class Object to an'igraph'-Class ObjectshrinkGlobal, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage Factor EstimationShrinkCovMatShrinkage Covariance Matrix EstimatorsshrinkDSMEfficient Bayesian Inference for Dynamic Survival Models withShrinkageshrinkTVPEfficient Bayesian Inference for Time-Varying Parameter Modelswith ShrinkageshroomDKAccessing the Flipside Crypto ShroomDK APISHTStatistical Hypothesis Testing ToolboxshuffleThe Shuffle Estimator for Explainable VarianceshuffleCIConfidence Intervals Compared via ShufflingshutterplotThe R Shutter Plot PackageSIStochastic IntegratingSIAmodulesModules for 'ShinyItemAnalysis'SIAtools'ShinyItemAnalysis' Modules Development ToolkitSIBERStable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in RSIBERGSystematic Identification of Bimodally Expressed Genes UsingRNAseq DatasicegarAnalysis of Single-Cell Viral Growth CurvessiconvrFetch Data from Plataforma +Brasil (SICONV)SIDStructural Intervention DistanceSIDESSubgroup Identification Based on Differential Effect SearchsidierSubstitution and Indel Distances to Infer EvolutionaryRelationshipssidrarAn Interface to IBGE's SIDRA APISie2ntsSieve Methods for Non-Stationary Time SeriessiebanxicorQuery Data Series from Bank of MexicoSiERSignal Extraction Approach for Sparse Multivariate ResponseRegressionSieveNonparametric Estimation by the Method of SievessievePHSieve Analysis Methods for Proportional Hazards ModelssievetestLaboratory Sieve Test Reporting FunctionssiftIntelligently Peruse DatasigPrint Function SignaturessigclustStatistical Significance of ClusteringSightabilityModelWildlife Sightability ModelingsigIntEstimate the Parameters of a Discrete Crisis-Bargaining GamesigmajsInterface to 'Sigma.js' Graph Visualization LibrarysigminerExtract, Analyze and Visualize Mutational Signatures for GenomicVariationssigmoidSigmoid Functions for Machine LearningSIGNSimilarity Identification in Gene ExpressionSignacAnalysis of Single-Cell Chromatin DataSignacXCell Type Identification and Discovery from Single Cell GeneExpression DatasignalSignal ProcessingsignalHsmmPredict Presence of Signal PeptidessignatureSurvivalSignature Survival Analysissigned.backbonesExtract the Signed Backbones of Weighted NetworkssigniboxStatistical Significance Marks on BoxplotsSignifRegConsistent Significance Controlled Variable Selection inGeneralized Linear RegressionsignnetMethods to Analyse Signed NetworkssignsInsert Proper Minus SignsSigOptRR API Wrapper for SigOptsigoraSignature Overrepresentation AnalysissigQCQuality Control Metrics for Gene SignaturessigrSuccinct and Correct Statistical Summaries for ReportsSigTreeIdentify and Visualize Significantly Responsive Branches in aPhylogenetic TreeSIHRStatistical Inference in High Dimensional RegressionsiieSuperior Identification Index and Its ExtensionssilandSpatial Influence of LandscapeSILGGMStatistical Inference of Large-Scale Gaussian Graphical Model inGene NetworkssilicateCommon Forms for Complex Hierarchical and Relational DataStructuresSillyPuttySilly Putty ClusteringSILMSimultaneous Inference for Linear Modelssim.BASimulation-Based Bias Analysis for Observational StudiesSim.DiffProcSimulation of Diffusion ProcessesSim.PLFNSimulation of Piecewise Linear Fuzzy Numberssim1000GGenotype Simulations for Rare or Common Variants UsingHaplotypes from 1000 Genomessim2DpredictrSimulate Outcomes Using Spatially Dependent Design MatricessimaerepFind Clinical Trial Sites Under-Reporting Adverse EventsSimBIIDSimulation-Based Inference Methods for Infectious Disease ModelssimbootSimultaneous Inference for Diversity IndicessimCATImplements Computerized Adaptive Testing SimulationssimcausalSimulating Longitudinal Data with Causal Inference ApplicationssimcdmSimulate Cognitive Diagnostic Model ('CDM') DataSimCompSimultaneous Comparisons for Multiple EndpointsSimCopSimulate from Arbitrary CopulaeSimCorMultResSimulates Correlated Multinomial ResponsesSimCorrMixSimulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable TypesIncluding Continuous and Count Mixture DistributionssimcrossSimulate Experimental CrossessimctestSafe Implementation of Monte Carlo TestssimDAGSimulate Data from a DAG and Associated Node InformationsimddSimulation of Fisher Bingham and Related DirectionalDistributionsSimDesignStructure for Organizing Monte Carlo Simulation DesignsSimDissolutionModeling and Assessing Similarity of Drug Dissolutions ProfilessimdistrAssessment of Data Trial Distributions According to theCarlisle-Stouffer MethodsimDNAmixturesSimulate Forensic DNA MixturessimecolSimulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic SystemssimEdSimulation EducationSimEngineA Modular Framework for Statistical Simulations in RsimerData Simulation for Life Science and BreedingsimestConstrained Single Index Model EstimationsimETTools for Simulation of Evapotranspiration of Field Crops andSoil Water BalanceSimEUCartelLawSimulation of Legal Exemption System for European Cartel LawsimexSIMEX- And MCSIMEX-Algorithm for Measurement Error ModelssimexaftsimexaftsimExamGenerate Simulated Data for IRT-Enabled ExamsSIMEXBoostBoosting Method for High-Dimensional Error-Prone DatasimfamSimulate and Model Family Pedigrees with Structured FounderssimfinapiAccessing 'SimFin' DatasimfitTest Model Fit with SimulationsimFrameSimulation FrameworksimglmSimulate Models Based on the Generalized Linear ModelsimgofSimultaneous Goodness-of-Fits TestsSimHazSimulated Survival and Hazard Analysis for Time-DependentExposuresimhelpersHelper Functions for Simulation StudiesSIMICOSet-Based Inference for Multiple Interval-Censored OutcomessimIDMSimulating Oncology Trials using an Illness-Death ModelSimilaRR Source Code Similarity EvaluationSimilarityMeasuresTrajectory Similarity MeasuresSimileInteract with Simile ModelsSimInfA Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease SpreadSimulationssimIReffStochastic Simulation for Information Retrieval Evaluation:Effectiveness ScoressimitationSimplified SimulationssimITSAnalysis via Simulation of Interrupted Time Series (ITS) DataSimJointSimulate Joint DistributionsimlandrSimulation-Based Landscape Construction for Dynamical SystemsSIMleEstimation and Inference for General Time Series RegressionsimmerDiscrete-Event Simulation for Rsimmer.bricksHelper Methods for 'simmer' Trajectoriessimmer.plotPlotting Methods for 'simmer'simMetricMetrics (with Uncertainty) for Simulation Studies that EvaluateStatistical MethodssimmlSingle-Index Models with Multiple-LinkssimMPSimulate Somatic Mutations in Cancer Genomes from MutationalProcessessimmrA Stable Isotope Mixing ModelSIMMSSubnetwork Integration for Multi-Modal SignaturessimMSMSimulation of Event Histories for Multi-State ModelsSimMultiCorrDataSimulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable TypesSimNPHSimulate Non-Proportional HazardssimodeStatistical Inference for Systems of Ordinary DifferentialEquations using Separable Integral-MatchingsimodelsFlexible Framework for Developing Spatial Interaction ModelssimPHSimulate and Plot Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazards ModelssimphonySimulating Large-Scale, Rhythmic DatasimplaceInterface to Use the Modelling Framework 'SIMPLACE'simplanonymConsistent Anonymisation Across DatasetsSIMPLE.REGRESSIONMultiple Regression and Moderated Regression Made SimplesimplebootSimple Bootstrap RoutinessimpleCacheSimply Caching R ObjectssimplecolorsAccess Color Names Using a Standardized NomenclaturesimpleFDRSimple False Discovery Rate CalculationsimplegraphSimple Graph Data Types and Basic AlgorithmssimplegraphdbA Simple Graph DatabasesimpleMHSimple Metropolis-Hastings MCMC AlgorithmsimpleMLPSimple Multilayer Perceptron Neural NetworksimpleNeuralAn Easy to Use Multilayer PerceptronsimplePHENOTYPESSimulation of Pleiotropic, Linked and Epistatic PhenotypessimpleRCacheSimple R CachesimplermarkdownSimple Engine for Generating Reports using RsimpleSetupSet Up R Source Code Files for Use on Multiple MachinessimplexregRegression Analysis of Proportional Data Using SimplexDistributionsimplextreeProvides Tools for Working with General Simplicial ComplexesSimplicialCubatureIntegration of Functions Over SimplicessimplifyNetNetwork SparsificationSimplyAgreeFlexible and Robust Agreement and Reliability AnalysesSIMplyBee'AlphaSimR' Extension for Simulating Honeybee Populations andBreeding ProgrammessimPopSimulation of Complex Synthetic Data InformationsimprFlexible 'Tidyverse'-Friendly SimulationssimputationSimple ImputationsimrPower Analysis for Generalised Linear Mixed Models by SimulationsimrecSimulation of Recurrent Event Data for Non-Constant BaselineHazardSimRegSimilarity RegressionsimrelSimulation of Multivariate Linear Model DatasimRestoreSimulate the Effect of Management Policies on RestorationEffortsSiMRivSimulating Multistate Movements in River/HeterogeneousLandscapessimsSimulate Data from R or 'JAGS' CodesimsalaparTools for Simulation Studies in ParallelsimsemSIMulated Structural Equation ModelingSimSeqNonparametric Simulation of RNA-Seq DatasimslSingle-Index Models with a Surface-LinkSimSSTSimulated Stop Signal Task DatasimstandardGenerate Standardized DatasimStateSpaceSimulate Data from State Space ModelssimstudySimulation of Study DatasimsurvSimulate Survival DataSimSurveyTest Surveys by Simulating Spatially-Correlated PopulationsSimSurvNMarkerSimulate Survival Time and MarkerssimTargetCovData Transformation or Simulation with Empirical CovarianceMatrixsimtimerDatetimes as Integers for Discrete-Event SimulationsSimTimeVarSimulate Longitudinal Dataset with Time-Varying CorrelatedCovariatessimToolConduct Simulation Studies with a Minimal Amount of Source CodesimtraitSimulate Complex Traits from GenotypessimtrialClinical Trial SimulationsimtsTime Series Analysis ToolssimuclustfactorSimultaneous Clustering and Factorial Decomposition of Three-WayDatasetssimukdeSimulation with Kernel Density EstimationsimulariatoolsSimularia Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution DatasimulatorAn Engine for Running SimulationssimuleA Constrained L1 Minimization Approach for Estimating MultipleSparse Gaussian or Nonparanormal Graphical ModelssimulMGFSimulate SNP Matrix, Phenotype and Genotypic EffectsSimVitDSimulation Tools for Planning Vitamin D StudiessinaplotAn Enhanced Chart for Simple and Truthful Representation ofSingle Observations over Multiple ClassessinarConditional Least Squared (CLS) Method for the Model SINAR(1,1)sindyrSparse Identification of Nonlinear DynamicssinewPackage Development Documentation and Namespace ManagementsingcarComparing Single Cases to Small SamplesSingleCaseESA Calculator for Single-Case Effect SizessingleCellHaystackA Universal Differential Expression Prediction Tool forSingle-Cell and Spatial Genomics DatasingleRcaptureSingle-Source Capture-Recapture ModelssingRSimultaneous Non-Gaussian Component AnalysissinibSum of Independent Non-Identical Binomial Random VariablesSINRELEF.LDReliability and Relative Efficiency in Locally-DependentMeasuresSIPDIBGECollection of Household Survey Packages Conducted by IBGESIPEToolSIFT-MS and CPET Data ProcessorSiPhyNetworkA Phylogenetic Simulator for Reticulate EvolutionsiplabSpatial Individual-Plant ModellingSIPmgStatistical Analysis to Identify Isotope Incorporating MAGssiqrAn R Package for Single-Index Quantile RegressionsiradFunctions for Calculating Daily Solar Radiation andEvapotranspirationSIREFinding Feedback Effects in SEM and Testing for TheirSignificancesirenHybrid FA-CFA for Controlling Acquiescence in RestrictedFactorial SolutionsSIRmcmcCompartmental Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) Model ofCommunity and Household InfectionsirtSupplementary Item Response Theory ModelsSIRthresholdedSliced Inverse Regression with ThresholdingsirusStable and Interpretable RUle SetSISSure Independence ScreeningsisalSequential Input Selection AlgorithmSISIRSelect Intervals Suited for Functional RegressionsisiregSign-Simplicity-Regression-SolversistecTools to Analyze 'Sistec' DatasetssistiReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Sisti et al. (2010)sistmrA Collection of Utility Function from the Inserm/Inria SISTMTeamsisVIVESome Invalid Some Valid Instrumental Variables EstimatorSITAssociation Measurement Through Sliced Independence Test (SIT)sitarSuper Imposition by Translation and Rotation Growth CurveAnalysissitepickRTwo-Level Sample Selection with Optimal Site ReplacementsiteymlgenAutomatically Generate _site.yml File for 'R Markdown'SITHA Spatial Model of Intra-Tumor HeterogeneitysitmoParallel Pseudo Random Number Generator (PPRNG) 'sitmo' HeaderFilessitoolsFormat a number to a string with SI prefixsitreeSingle Tree SimulatorsitreeESitree ExtensionssitsSatellite Image Time Series Analysis for Earth Observation DataCubessivsStable Iterative Variable SelectionSixSigmaSix Sigma Tools for Quality Control and ImprovementSizeEstimationEstimating the Sizes of Populations at Risk of HIV Infectionfrom Multiple Data Sources Using a Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsizeMatEstimate Size at Sexual MaturitySiZerSignificant Zero CrossingssjdbcJDBC Driver InterfacesjlabelledLabelled Data Utility FunctionssjmiscData and Variable Transformation FunctionssjPlotData Visualization for Statistics in Social SciencesjSDMScalable Joint Species Distribution ModelingsjstatsCollection of Convenient Functions for Common StatisticalComputationssjtable2dfConvert 'sjPlot' HTML-Tables to R 'data.frame'SK4FGAScott-Knott for Forensic Glass AnalysisSKATSNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association TestskaterUtilities for SNP-Based Kinship AnalysisskedasticHandling Heteroskedasticity in the Linear Regression ModelskeletorAn R Package Skeleton GeneratorskellamDensities and Sampling for the Skellam DistributionsketchInteractive SketchessketcherPencil Sketch EffectsketchingSketching of Data via Random Subspace EmbeddingssketchyCreate Custom Research CompendiumsSkewHyperbolicThe Skew Hyperbolic Student t-DistributionskewlmmScale Mixture of Skew-Normal Linear Mixed ModelsskewMLRMEstimation for Scale-Shape Mixtures of Skew-Normal DistributionsskewsampEstimate Sample Sizes for Group Comparisons with SkewedDistributionsskewtThe Skewed Student-t DistributionSKFCPDFast Online Changepoint Detection for Temporally Correlated DataSkillings.MackThe Skillings-Mack Test Statistic for Block Designs with MissingObservationsskilljaRConnect to Your 'Skilljar' DataskimrCompact and Flexible Summaries of DataskipTrackA Bayesian Hierarchical Model that Controls for Non-Adherence inMobile Menstrual Cycle TrackingsklarsomegaMeasuring Agreement Using Sklar's Omega CoefficientskmSelective k-MeansskmeansSpherical k-Means ClusteringSKNNA Super K-Nearest Neighbor (SKNN) Classification AlgorithmskprDesign of Experiments Suite: Generate and Evaluate OptimalDesignsskylightA Simple Sky Illuminance ModelskynetGenerates Networks from BTS DataskyscapeRData Analysis and Visualization for Skyscape ArchaeologyslackrSend Messages, Images, R Objects and Files to 'Slack'Channels/UsersslamSparse Lightweight Arrays and MatricesslanterSlanted Matrices and Ordered ClusteringslapSimplified Error HandlingSlaPMEGPathway Testing for Longitudinal OmicsslassoS-LASSO Estimator for the Function-on-Function Linear RegressionSLBDDStatistical Learning for Big Dependent DataslcaStructural Modeling for Multiple Latent Class VariablesSLCARESemiparametric Latent Class Analysis of Recurrent EventsslcmSparse Latent Class Model for Cognitive DiagnosissldEstimation and Use of the Quantile-Based Skew LogisticDistributionSLDAssaySoftware for Analyzing Limiting Dilution Assayssleekts4253H, Twice SmoothingSleepCyclesSleep Cycle DetectionsleeperapiWrapper Functions Around 'Sleeper' (Fantasy Sports) APIsleeprAnalyse Activity and Sleep BehavioursleepwalkInteractively Explore Dimension-Reduced EmbeddingssleevSemiparametric Likelihood Estimation with Errors in VariablesSLEMIStatistical Learning Based Estimation of Mutual InformationslendrA Simulation Framework for Spatiotemporal Population GeneticsSleuth2Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (2ndEd)"Sleuth3Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (3rdEd)"slfmFitting a Bayesian Sparse Latent Factor Model in Gene ExpressionAnalysisSLFPCASparse Logistic Functional Principal Component AnalysisslgfBayesian Model Selection with Suspected Latent Grouping FactorsSLHDMaximin-Distance (Sliced) Latin Hypercube DesignsSlicedLHDSliced Latin Hypercube DesignsslickRCreate Interactive Carousels with the 'JavaScript' 'Slick'LibrarySLIDESingle Cell Linkage by Distance Estimation is SLIDEsliderSliding Window FunctionsslideviewCompare Raster Images Side by Side with a SliderSlidingWindowsMethods for Time Series AnalysisslimSingular Linear Models for Longitudinal DataslimrecSparse Linear Method to Predict Ratings and Top-NRecommendationsslippymathSlippy Map Tile ToolsslmStationary Linear ModelsSLModelsStepwise Linear Models for Binary Classification Problems underYouden Index OptimisationsloopHelpers for 'OOP' in RSLOPESorted L1 Penalized EstimationslopeOPChange-in-Slope OP Algorithm with a Finite Number of StatesslouchStochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Comparative HypothesesslowrakerA Slow Version of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE)AlgorithmslpDiscrete Prolate Spheroidal (Slepian) Sequence RegressionSmoothersSLPresElectionPresidential Election Data of "Sri Lanka" from 1982 to 2015slrSemi-Latin RectanglesSLSEdesignOptimal Regression Design under the Second-Order Least SquaresEstimatorSLTCAScalable and Robust Latent Trajectory Class AnalysisslurmRA Lightweight Wrapper for 'Slurm'smSmoothing Methods for Nonparametric Regression and DensityEstimationsmaaStochastic Multi-Criteria Acceptability AnalysissmacofMultidimensional ScalingsmacofxFlexible Multidimensional Scaling and 'smacof' ExtensionssmacpodStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Case-Control Point DatasmallareaFits a Fay Herriot ModelSmallCountRoundingSmall Count Rounding of Tabular DatasmallsetsVisual Documentation for Data PreprocessingsmallstuffDr. Small's FunctionssmamStatistical Modeling of Animal MovementsSMARTbayesRBayesian Set of Best Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Sample Sizein SMARTs for Binary OutcomessmartDesignSequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial DesignSmartEDASummarize and Explore the DataSmarterPolandTools for Accessing Various Datasets Developed by the FoundationSmarterPoland.plsmartmapSmartly Create Maps from R ObjectsSmartMeterAnalyticsMethods for Smart Meter Data AnalysisSMARTpSample Size for SMART Designs in Non-Surgical Periodontal TrialssmartsheetrAccess and Write 'Smartsheet' Data using the 'Smartsheet' API2.0smartsizerPower Analysis for a SMART DesignsmartsnpFast Multivariate Analyses of Big Genomic DataSmartSVAFast and Robust Surrogate Variable Analysissmatr(Standardised) Major Axis Estimation and Testing RoutinessmbinningScoring Modeling and Optimal BinningSmCCNetSparse Multiple Canonical Correlation Network Analysis ToolsmcfcsMultiple Imputation of Covariates by Substantive ModelCompatible Fully Conditional SpecificationSMCRMData Sets for Statistical Methods in Customer RelationshipManagement by Kumar and Petersen (2012)smcryptoRShangMi(SM) Cryptographic Algorithms(SM2/SM3/SM4)smcureFit Semiparametric Mixture Cure ModelssmdCompute Standardized Mean DifferencessmdataData to Accompany Smithson & Merkle, 2013smdiPerform Structural Missing Data InvestigationsSMDICIdentification of Somatic Mutation-Driven Immune CellssmdockerBuild 'Docker Images' in 'Amazon SageMaker Studio' using 'AmazonWeb Service CodeBuild'smercStatistical Methods for Regional CountssmetliteRead and Write SMET FilesSMFilterFiltering Algorithms for the State Space Models on the StiefelManifoldsmfishHmrfHidden Markov Random Field for Spatial Transcriptomic DatasmfsbStochastic Modelling for Systems BiologysmicdStatistical Methods for Interval-Censored DatasmidmStatistical Modelling for Infectious Disease ManagementsmirnovProvides two taxonomic coefficients from E. 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Smirnov"Taxonomic analysis" (1969) bookSMITIDstructData Structure and Manipulations Tool for Host and ViralPopulationSMITIDvisuVisualize Data for Host and Viral Population from 'SMITIDstruct'using 'HTMLwidgets'SMLEJoint Feature Screening via Sparse MLEsmlePHSieve Maximum Full Likelihood Estimation for the Right-CensoredProportional Hazards ModelsmlmkalmanGeneration and Tracking of Super-Resolution Filamentous DatasetsSMLoutliersOutlier Detection Using Statistical and Machine Learning MethodsSMMSimulation and Estimation of Multi-State Discrete-TimeSemi-Markov and Markov ModelsSMMASoft Maximin Estimation for Large Scale Array-Tensor ModelsSMMESoft Maximin Estimation for Large Scale Heterogeneous DatasmmRSimulation, Estimation and Reliability of Semi-Markov ModelsSMMTThe Swiss Municipal Data Merger Tool Maps Municipalities OverTimeSMNCensRegFitting Univariate Censored Regression Model Under the Family ofScale Mixture of Normal DistributionssmofScoring Methodology for Ordered FactorssmokeSmall Molecule Octet/BLI Kinetics ExperimentsmoofSingle and Multi-Objective Optimization Test FunctionssmoothForecasting Using State Space ModelssmoothAPCSmoothing of Two-Dimensional Demographic Data, Optionally Takinginto Account Period and Cohort EffectssmoothedLassoA Framework to Smooth L1 Penalized Regression Operators usingNesterov SmoothingsmootherFunctions Relating to the Smoothing of Numerical DataSmoothHazardEstimation of Smooth Hazard Models for Interval-Censored DatasmoothHRSmooth Hazard Ratio Curves Taking a Reference ValuesmoothicVariable Selection Using a Smooth Information CriterionsmoothieTwo-Dimensional Field SmoothingsmoothmestSmoothed M-Estimators for 1-Dimensional LocationsmoothrSmooth and Tidy Spatial FeaturessmoothROCtimeSmooth Time-Dependent ROC Curve EstimationsmoothSurvSurvival Regression with Smoothed Error DistributionsmoothtailSmooth Estimation of GPD Shape ParameterSmoothTensorA Collection of Smooth Tensor Estimation MethodsSmoothWinSoft Windowing on Linear RegressionsmoothyAutomatic Estimation of the Most Likely Drug Combination usingSmooth AlgorithmsmootsNonparametric Estimation of the Trend and Its Derivatives in TSsmosrAcquire and Explore BEC-SMOS L4 Soil Moisture Data in RsmotefamilyA Collection of Oversampling Techniques for Class ImbalanceProblem Based on SMOTESMOTEWBImbalanced Resampling using SMOTE with Boosting (SMOTEWB)smovieSome Movies to Illustrate Concepts in StatisticssmpicCreates Images Sized for Social Mediasmplot2Creating Standalone and Composite Plots in 'ggplot2' forPublicationsSMPracticalsPracticals for Use with Davison (2003) Statistical ModelsSMRExternally Studentized Midrange DistributionsmsSpatial MicrosimulationsMSROCAssessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic MarkerssmssDatasets for Agresti and Finlay's "Statistical Methods for theSocial Sciences"sMTLSparse Multi-Task LearningsmurfSparse Multi-Type Regularized Feature ModelingSMUTMulti-SNP Mediation Intersection-Union TestSMVarStructural Model for VariancessmvgraphVarious Multivariate Graphics with Variable Choice in Shiny AppssnThe Skew-Normal and Related Distributions Such as the Skew-t andthe SUNsnaTools for Social Network Analysissnahelper'RStudio' Addin for Network Analysis and VisualizationSnakeGame of SnakesnakecaseConvert Strings into any CaseSnakesAndLaddersAnalysisPlay and Analyse the Game of Snakes and LadderssnapSimple Neural ApplicationsnapchatadsRGet Snapchat Ads Data via the '' APIsnapKrigFast Kriging and Geostatistics on Grids with KroneckerCovariancesnapshotGadget N-body cosmological simulation code snapshot I/OutilitiesSNBdataDownload Data from the Swiss National Bank (SNB)snemEM Algorithm for Multivariate Skew-Normal Distribution withOverparametrizationsnfaSmooth Non-Parametric Frontier AnalysisSNFtoolSimilarity Network FusionsnhaCreating Correlation Networks using St. Nicolas House AnalysissnnStabilized Nearest Neighbor ClassifiersnotelrCalculate and Visualize 'SNOTEL' Snow Data and SeasonalitysnowSimple Network of WorkstationsSnowballCSnowball Stemmers Based on the C 'libstemmer' UTF-8 LibrarysnowbootBootstrap Methods for Network InferencesnowfallEasier Cluster Computing (Based on 'snow')snowflakesRandom Snowflake GeneratorsnowFTFault Tolerant Simple Network of WorkstationssnowqueryQuery 'Snowflake' Databases with 'SQL'snpAIMeRAssess the Diagnostic Power of Genomic Marker CombinationsSNPannotatorInvestigating the Functional Characteristics of Selected SNPsand Their Vicinity Genomic RegionSNPassocSNPs-Based Whole Genome Association StudiesSNPfiltRInteractively Filter SNP DatasetsSNPknockKnockoffs for Hidden Markov Models and Genetic DatasnplinkageSingle Nucleotide Polymorphisms Linkage DisequilibriumVisualizationssnplistTools to Create Gene SetssNPLSNPLS Regression with L1 PenalizationsnpReadyPreparing Genotypic Datasets in Order to Run Genomic AnalysissnpsettestA Set-Based Association Test using GWAS Summary StatisticssnsStochastic Newton Sampler (SNS)SNSchartSequential Normal Scores in Statistical Process ManagementSNSegSelf-Normalization(SN) Based Change-Point Estimation for TimeSeriesSNSequateStandard and Nonstandard Statistical Models and Methods for TestEquatingSNSFdatasetsDownload Datasets from the Swiss National Science Foundation(SNF, FNS, SNSF)snSMARTSmall N Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial MethodssnvecRCalculate Earth’s Obliquity and Precession in the PastSNVLFDREmpirical Bayes Single Nucleotide Variant CallingSOARMemory management in R by delayed assignmentsSOAsCreation of Stratum Orthogonal ArrayssobolnpNonparametric Sobol Estimator with Bootstrap BandwidthSobolSequenceSobol Sequences with Better Two-Dimensional Projectionssoc.caSpecific Correspondence Analysis for the Social SciencessocceREvaluating Sport Tournament PredictionssocialSocial AutocorrelationsocialhRank and Social Hierarchy for Gregarious AnimalssocialmixrSocial Mixing Matrices for Infectious Disease ModellingsocialrankingSocial Ranking Solutions for Power Relations on CoalitionssocialriskIdentifying Patient Social Risk from Administrative Health CareDatasociomeOperationalizing Social Determinants of Health Data forResearcherssocvizUtility Functions and Data Sets for Data VisualizationsodavisSODA: Main and Interaction Effects Selection for LogisticRegression, Quadratic Discriminant and General Index ModelssodiumA Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto LibrarysofaConnector to 'CouchDB'SofiInterfaz interactiva con fines didacticosSOFIAMaking Sophisticated and Aesthetical Figures in RSoftBartImplements the SoftBart AlgorithmsoftbibSoftware Bibliographies for R ProjectssoftclassvalSoft Classification Performance MeasuresSoftClusteringSoft Clustering AlgorithmssoftImputeMatrix Completion via Iterative Soft-Thresholded SVDSOHPIEStatistical Approach via Pseudo-Value Information and EstimationSOILSparsity Oriented Importance LearningsoilassessmentAssessment Models for Agriculture Soil Conditions and CropSuitabilitysoilchemistryComputation of Properties Related to Soil Chemical Environmentand Nutrient AvailabilitySoilConservationSoil and Water ConservationsoilDBSoil Database InterfaceSoilFDAFractal Dimension Analysis of Soil Particle Size DistributionsoilfoodwebsSoil Food Web AnalysisSoilFunctionalitySoil Functionality MeasurementSoilHyPSoil Hydraulic PropertiessoilhypfitModelling of Soil Water Retention and Hydraulic ConductivityDatasoilphysicsSoil Physical AnalysisSoilRModels of Soil Organic Matter DecompositionSoilTaxonomyA System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting SoilSurveyssoiltestcorrSoil Test Correlation and CalibrationSoilTestingOrganic Carbon and Plant Available Nutrient Contents in SoilsoiltextureFunctions for Soil Texture Plot, Classification andTransformationsoilwaterImplementation of Parametric Formulas for Soil Water Retentionor Conductivity CurveSojourn.DataSupporting Objects for Sojourn Accelerometer MethodssokobanSokoban GamesolaRRadiation and Photovoltaic SystemssolarPosSolar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation ApplicationssolartimeUtilities Dealing with Solar Time Such as Sun Position and Timeof SunrisesolitudeAn Implementation of Isolation ForestsolradCalculating Solar Radiation and Related Variables Based onLocation, Time and Topographical ConditionssolriumGeneral Purpose R Interface to 'Solr'solvebioThe Official SolveBio API ClientSolveSAPHESolver Suite for Alkalinity-PH EquationssomSelf-Organizing Mapsom.nnTopological k-NN Classifier Based on Self-Organising MapssomaGeneral-Purpose Optimisation with the Self-Organising MigratingAlgorithmSomaDataIOInput/Output 'SomaScan' DataSOMbreroSOM Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational OutputssomeMTPSome Multiple Testing ProceduresSOMEnvSOM Algorithm for the Analysis of Multivariate EnvironmentalDatasommerSolving Mixed Model Equations in RsomspaceSpatial Analysis with Self-Organizing MapssonarFundamental Formulas for SonarSongEvoAn Individual-Based Model of Bird Song EvolutionsonicLengthEstimating Abundance of Clones from DNA Fragmentation DatasonicscrewdriverBioacoustic Analysis and Publication ToolssonifyData Sonification - Turning Data into SoundSOPGeneralised Additive P-Spline Regression Models EstimationSOPCThe Sparse Online Principal Component Estimation AlgorithmSOPIENon-Parametric Estimation of the Off-Pulse Interval of a PulsarsoptdmaeASequential Optimal Designs for Two-Colour cDNA MicroarrayExperimentssoqlHelps Make Socrata Open Data API CallsSOREstimation using Sequential Offsetted RegressionsorceringSoil Organic Carbon and CN Ratio Driven Nitrogen ModellingFrameworksorocsA Bayesian Semiparametric Approach to Correlated ROC SurfacesSorptionAnalysisStatic Adsorption Experiment Plotting and AnalysissortableDrag-and-Drop in 'shiny' Apps with 'SortableJS'SortedEffectsEstimation and Inference Methods for Sorted Causal Effects andClassification AnalysissorviFunctions for Finnish Open DatasosSearch Contributed R Packages, Sort by PackagesotkanetSotkanet Open Data Access and AnalysissotuUnited States Presidential State of the Union AddressessoundA Sound Interface for RsoundClassSound Classification Using Convolutional Neural NetworkssoundecologySoundscape EcologySoundexBRPhonetic-Coding for PortuguesesoundgenSound Synthesis and Acoustic AnalysisSoundShapeSound Waves Onto Morphometric DataSoupXSingle Cell mRNA Soup eXterminatorsourcetoolsTools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R CodeSouthParkRshinyData and 'Shiny' Application for the Show 'SouthPark'sovereignState-Dependent Empirical AnalysissoxStructured Learning in Time-Dependent Cox ModelsSoyNAMSoybean Nested Association Mapping DatasetSoyURTUSDA Northern Region Uniform Soybean Tests DatasetspClasses and Methods for Spatial DataSP2000Catalogue of Life Toolkitsp23designDesign and Simulation of Seamless Phase II-III Clinical TrialsspaaSPecies Association AnalysisspAbundanceUnivariate and Multivariate Spatial Modeling of SpeciesAbundancespacefillrSpace-Filling Random and Quasi-Random SequencesspacejamrSimulate Spatial Bernoulli NetworksspaceNetLatent Space Models for Multidimensional NetworksspacesRGBStandard and User-Defined RGB Color Spaces, with ConversionBetween RGB and CIE XYZspacesXYZCIE XYZ and some of Its Derived Color SpacesspacetimeClasses and Methods for Spatio-Temporal DataSpaceTimeBSSBlind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatio-Temporal DataSpaCOAPHigh-Dimensional Spatial Covariate-Augmented OverdispersedPoisson Factor ModelspacyrWrapper to the 'spaCy' 'NLP' LibrarySPADARSpherical Projections of Astronomical DataspAddinsA Set of RStudio AddinsSpadeRSpecies-Richness Prediction and Diversity Estimation with RSpaDESDevelop and Run Spatially Explicit Discrete Event SimulationModelsSpaDES.coreCore Utilities for Developing and Running Spatially ExplicitDiscrete Event ModelsSpaDES.toolsAdditional Tools for Developing Spatially Explicit DiscreteEvent Simulation (SpaDES) ModelsspaeroSoftware for Project AEROspagmixArtificial Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Densities on BoundedWindowsspamSPArse Matrixspam6464-Bit Extension of the SPArse Matrix R Package 'spam'spaMMMixed-Effect Models, with or without Spatial Random EffectsspanishTranslate Quantities from Strings to Integer and Back. MiscFunctions on Spanish DataspANOVAAnalysis of Field Trials with Geostatistics & Spatial AR ModelsspantMR Spectroscopy Analysis ToolssparclPerform Sparse Hierarchical Clustering and Sparse K-MeansClusteringspark.sas7bdatRead in 'SAS' Data ('.sas7bdat' Files) into 'Apache Spark'sparkavroLoad Avro file into 'Apache Spark'sparkbqGoogle 'BigQuery' Support for 'sparklyr'sparkhailA 'Sparklyr' Extension for 'Hail'sparkline'jQuery' Sparkline 'htmlwidget'sparklyrR Interface to Apache Sparksparklyr.flintSparklyr Extension for 'Flint'sparklyr.nestedA 'sparklyr' Extension for Nested DatasparktexGenerate LaTeX sparklines in RsparktfInterface for 'TensorFlow' 'TFRecord' Files with 'Apache Spark'sparkwarcLoad WARC Files into Apache SparksparkxgbInterface for 'XGBoost' on 'Apache Spark'sparrSpatial and Spatiotemporal Relative RiskSPARRAfairnessAnalysis of Differential Behaviour of SPARRA Score AcrossDemographic GroupssparrpowRPower Analysis to Detect Spatial Relative Risk ClusterssparseBCSparse Biclustering of Transposable DataSparseBiplots'HJ-Biplot' using Different Ways of Penalization Plotting with'ggplot2'SparseCholSparse Matrix C++ Classes Including Sparse Cholesky LDLDecomposition of Symmetric MatricessparseCovSparse Covariance Estimation Based on ThresholdingSparseDCImplementation of SparseDC AlgorithmsparseDFMEstimate Dynamic Factor Models with Sparse LoadingssparsediscrimSparse and Regularized Discriminant AnalysissparseEigenComputation of Sparse Eigenvectors of a MatrixsparseFLMMFunctional Linear Mixed Models for Irregularly or SparselySampled DataSparseFunClustSparse Functional ClusteringsparseGAMSparse Generalized Additive ModelssparseglSparse Group LassoSparseGridSparse grid integration in RsparseHessianFDNumerical Estimation of Sparse HessianssparseIndexTrackingDesign of Portfolio of Stocks to Track an IndexsparseinvComputation of the Sparse Inverse SubsetsparseLDASparse Discriminant AnalysisSparseLPMThe Sparse Latent Position Model for Nonnegative InteractionDatasparseLRMatrixRepresent and Use Sparse + Low Rank MatricessparseLTSEigenRcppEigen back end for sparse least trimmed squares regressionSparseMSparse Linear AlgebrasparseMatEstSparse Matrix Estimation and InferenceSparseMDCImplementation of SparseMDC AlgorithmSPARSEMODrSPAtial Resolution-SEnsitive Models of Outbreak DynamicsSparseMSE'Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data'sparseMVNMultivariate Normal Functions for Sparse Covariance andPrecision MatricessparsenetFit Sparse Linear Regression Models via Nonconvex OptimizationsparsepcaSparse Principal Component Analysis (SPCA)sparsepp'Rcpp' Interface to 'sparsepp'sparseRVariable Selection under Ranked Sparsity Principles forInteractions and PolynomialssparseregSparse Bayesian Models for Regression, Subgroup Analysis, andPanel DatasparseSEMElastic Net Penalized Maximum Likelihood for Structural EquationModels with Network GPT FrameworksparsestepSparseStep RegressionsparsesvdSparse Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (from 'SVDLIBC')sparseSVMSolution Paths of Sparse High-Dimensional Support Vector Machinewith Lasso or Elastic-Net RegularizationSparseTSCGMSparse Time Series Chain Graphical ModelssparsevarSparse VAR/VECM Models EstimationsparsevbSpike-and-Slab Variational Bayes for Linear and LogisticRegressionsparsevctrsSparse Vectors for Use in Data FramesSparseVFCSparse Vector Field Consensus for Vector Field LearningsparsioI/O Operations with Sparse MatricesspartaSparse TablesSPARTAASStatistical Pattern Recognition and daTing using ArchaeologicalArtefacts assemblageSsparvarideVariance Identification in Sparse Factor AnalysisSPASStratified-Petersen Analysis SystemspassStudy Planning and Adaptation of Sample SizespateSpatio-Temporal Modeling of Large Data Using a Spectral SPDEApproachSpatEntropySpatial Entropy MeasuresSPAtestScore Test and Meta-Analysis Based on Saddlepoint ApproximationSpatGCBayesian Modeling of Spatial Count DataspatgeomGeometric Spatial Point AnalysisspatgraphsGraph Edge Computations for Spatial Point PatternsSpatGRIDSpatial Grid Generation from Longitude and Latitude ListspathialEvolutionary AnalysisspathsShortest Paths Between Points in GridsspatialFunctions for Kriging and Point Pattern AnalysisSpatialAccSpatial Accessibility MeasuresSpatialBSSBlind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatial DataspatialCovarianceComputation of Spatial Covariance Matrices for Data onRectanglesSpatialDDLSDeconvolution of Spatial Transcriptomics Data Based on NeuralNetworksspatialEcoSpatial Analysis and Modelling UtilitiesSpatialEpiMethods and Data for Spatial EpidemiologySpatialExtremesModelling Spatial ExtremesSpatialfdaRSpatial Functional Data AnalysisSpatialGEVFit Spatial Generalized Extreme Value ModelsSpatialGraphThe SpatialGraph Class and UtilitiesspatialisingIsing Model for Spatial DataSpatialKDEKernel Density Estimation for Spatial DataSpatialKWDSpatial KWD for Large Spatial MapsSpatialMLSpatial Machine LearningSpatialNPMultivariate Nonparametric Methods Based on Spatial Signs andRanksSpatialPackTools for Assessment the Association Between Two SpatialProcessesSpatialPOPGeneration of Spatial Data with Spatially Varying ModelParameterSpatialPositionSpatial Position ModelsspatialprobitSpatial Probit ModelsSpatialRDDConduct Multiple Types of Geographic Regression DiscontinuityDesignsspatialregSpatial Regression AnalysisSpatialRegimesSpatial Constrained Clusterwise RegressionspatialRFEasy Spatial Modeling with Random ForestspatialriskCalculating Spatial RiskSpatialRoMLERobust Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Error ModelspatialsampleSpatial Resampling InfrastructurespatialTIMESpatial Analysis of Vectra Immunoflourescent DataSpatialToolsTools for Spatial Data AnalysisSpatialVSSpatial Variable SelectionSpatialVxSpatial Forecast VerificationspatialwarningsSpatial Early Warning Signals of Ecosystem DegradationspatialwidgetFormats Spatial Data for Use in HtmlwidgetsSpatMCARegularized Spatial Maximum Covariance AnalysisSpaTopicTopic Inference to Identify Tissue Architecture in MultiplexedImagesSpatPCARegularized Principal Component Analysis for Spatial DataspatPompInference for Spatiotemporal Partially Observed Markov ProcessesSpATSSpatial Analysis of Field Trials with SplinesspatsocGroup Animal Relocation Data by Spatial and TemporalRelationshipspatstatSpatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Testsspatstat.dataDatasets for 'spatstat' Familyspatstat.exploreExploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Familyspatstat.geomGeometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Familyspatstat.guiInteractive Graphics Functions for the 'spatstat' Packagespatstat.KnetExtension to 'spatstat' for Large Datasets on a Linear Networkspatstat.linnetLinear Networks Functionality of the 'spatstat' Familyspatstat.localExtension to 'spatstat' for Local Composite Likelihoodspatstat.modelParametric Statistical Modelling and Inference for the'spatstat' Familyspatstat.randomRandom Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Familyspatstat.sparseSparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilitiesspatstat.univarOne-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the'spatstat' Familyspatstat.utilsUtility Functions for 'spatstat'spatsurvBayesian Spatial Survival Analysis with Parametric ProportionalHazards ModelsSPBSimple Progress Bars for Procedural CodingspbabelConvert Spatial Data Using Tidy TablesspbalSpatially Balanced Sampling AlgorithmsspBayesUnivariate and Multivariate Spatial-Temporal ModelingspBayesSurvBayesian Modeling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated SurvivalDataspBFASpatial Bayesian Factor AnalysisSpbsamplingSpatially Balanced SamplingspcStatistical Process Control – Calculation of ARL and OtherControl Chart Performance Measuresspc4stsStatistical Process Control for Stochastic Textured SurfacesspcadjustFunctions for Calibrating Control ChartsSPCALDAA New Reduced-Rank Linear Discriminant Analysis MethodSPCAvRPSparse Principal Component Analysis via Random Projections(SPCAvRP)SPCDAnalyzeDesign and Analyze Studies using the Sequential ParallelComparison DesignSPComputeCompute Power or Sample Size for GWAS with Covariate EffectspcosaSpatial Coverage Sampling and Random Sampling from CompactGeographical StrataspcovSparse Estimation of a Covariance MatrixspCPSpatially Varying Change PointsspcrSparse Principal Component RegressionspdSemi Parametric DistributionspDataDatasets for Spatial AnalysisspDatesAnalysis of Spatial Gradients in Radiocarbon DatesspdepSpatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, StatisticsspdesignDesigning Stated Preference ExperimentsspdlEasier Use of 'RcppSpdlog' Functions via WrapperspdownscaleSpatial Downscaling Using Bias Correction ApproachspdurationSplit-Population Duration (Cure) RegressionspdynmodSpatio-Dynamic Wetland Plant Communities ModelspeakrA Wrapper for the Phonetic Software 'Praat'speaqTools for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra Alignment,Peak Based Processing, Quantitative Analysis and VisualizationsspearmanCIJackknife Euclidean / Empirical Likelihood Inference forSpearman's RhospecA Data Specification Format and InterfacespeccurvieREasy, Fast, and Pretty Specification Curve AnalysisSpecDetecChange Points Detection with Spectral ClusteringSpecHelpersSpectroscopy Related UtilitiesSPECIESStatistical Package for Species Richness EstimationspecieschromThe Species ChromatogramSPECKReceptor Abundance Estimation using Reduced Rank Reconstructionand Clustered ThresholdingspecklestarReduction of Speckle Data from BTA 6-m TelescopespecrConducting and Visualizing Specification Curve AnalysesspecsSingle-Equation Penalized Error-Correction Selector (SPECS)SpecsVerificationForecast Verification Routines for Ensemble Forecasts of Weatherand ClimatespectaclesStoring, Manipulating and Analysis Spectroscopy and AssociatedDataspectatorInterface to the 'Spectator Earth' APIspectrCalculate the Periodogram of a Time-CoursespectralCommon Methods of Spectral Data AnalysisspectralAnalysisPre-Process, Visualize and Analyse Spectral DataSpectralClMixedSpectral Clustering for Mixed Type DataspectralGPApproximate Gaussian Processes Using the Fourier BasisspectralGraphTopologyLearning Graphs from Data via Spectral ConstraintsSpectralMapDiffusion Map and Spectral MapspectralRObtain and Visualize Spectral Reflectance Data for Earth SurfacePolygonsSpectranVisual and Non-Visual Spectral Analysis of LightspectrePredict Regional Community CompositionspectrinoSpectra Viewer, Organizer, Data Preparation and Property BlocksSpectrumFast Adaptive Spectral Clustering for Single and Multi-View DataspedMulti-Gene Descent ProbabilitiesspedeconSmoothness-Penalized Deconvolution for Density Estimation UnderMeasurement ErrorSPEDInstabREstimation of the Relative Importance of Factors AffectingSpecies Distribution Based on Stability ConceptspeechLegislative SpeechesspeechbrAccess the Speechs and Speaker's Informations of House ofRepresentatives of BrazilspeedglmFitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to Large Data SetsspeedycodeAutomate Code for Adding Labels, Recoding and RenamingVariables, and Converting ASCII FilesspeedytaxRapidly Import Classifier Results into 'phyloseq'spefSemiparametric Estimating Functionsspeff2trialSemiparametric Efficient Estimation for a Two-Sample TreatmentEffectSPEICalculation of the Standardized Precipitation-EvapotranspirationIndexspellcheckrCorrect the Spelling of a Given Word in the English LanguagespellingTools for Spell Checking in RspemdA Bi-Dimensional Implementation of the Empirical ModeDecomposition for Spatial DatasperichAuxiliary Functions to Estimate Centers of BiodiversitysperrorestPerform Spatial Error Estimation and Variable ImportanceAssessmentSpeTestNPNon-Parametric Tests of Parametric SpecificationsSPEVUnsmoothed and Smoothed Penalized PCA using Nesterov SmoothingspexSpatial Extent ToolsspfaSemi-Parametric Factor AnalysisspfdaFunction-on-Scalar Regression with Group-Bridge PenaltyspfilteRSemiparametric Spatial Filtering with Eigenvectors in(Generalized) Linear ModelsspFSRFeature Selection and Ranking via Simultaneous PerturbationStochastic ApproximationspFWHierarchical Spatial Finlay-Wilkinson ModelspGARCHSpatial ARCH and GARCH Models (spGARCH)spgsStatistical Patterns in Genomic SequencesspgwrGeographically Weighted RegressionSphereOptimizeOptimization on a Unit SpherespherepcSpherical Principal CurvessphereplotSpherical PlottingspheresmoothPiecewise Geodesic Smoothing for Spherical DatasphereTessellationDelaunay and Voronoï Tessellations on the SphereSphericalCubatureNumerical Integration over Spheres and Balls in n-Dimensions;Multivariate Polar CoordinatessphetEstimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models with and withoutHeteroskedastic InnovationssphunifUniformity Tests on the Circle, Sphere, and HypersphereSpiceFPSparse Method to Identify Joint Effects of Functional PredictorsspiderSpecies Identity and Evolution in RspiderbarParse and Test Robots Exclusion Protocol Files and RulesspidRSpider Knowledge OnlineSPIGACompute SPI Index using the Methods Genetic Algorithm andMaximum LikelihoodspikesDetecting Election Fraud from Irregularities in Vote-ShareDistributionsspikeslabPrediction and Variable Selection Using Spike and SlabRegressionspikeSlabGAMBayesian Variable Selection and Model Choice for GeneralizedAdditive Mixed ModelsSpilloverSpillover/Connectedness Index Based on VAR ModellingSPINAStructure Parameter Inference ApproachspINAR(Semi)Parametric Estimation and Bootstrapping of INAR ModelsspinBayesSemi-Parametric Gene-Environment Interaction via BayesianVariable SelectionspindSpatial Methods and IndicesspinifexManual Tours, Manual Control of Dynamic Projections of NumericMultivariate DataspinnerAn Implementation of Graph Net Architecture Based on 'torch'spinyRegSparse Generative Model and Its EM AlgorithmspiralizeVisualize Data on SpiralsspiritRTemplate for Clinical Trial ProtocolspiroManage Data from Cardiopulmonary Exercise TestingsplancsSpatial and Space-Time Point Pattern AnalysissplashSimple Process-Led Algorithms for Simulating HabitatsspldvSpatial Models for Limited Dependent VariablesSPLICESynthetic Paid Loss and Incurred Cost Experience (SPLICE)Simulatorsplines2Regression Spline Functions and ClassessplinetreeLongitudinal Regression Trees and ForestsSplinetsFunctional Data Analysis using Splines and Orthogonal SplineBasesSPlitSplit a Dataset for Training and TestingsplitfngrCombined Evaluation and Split Access of FunctionsSplitGLMSplit Generalized Linear ModelssplithalfCalculate Task Split Half Reliability EstimatessplithalfrEstimate Split-Half ReliabilitiesSplitKnockoffSplit Knockoffs for Structural SparsitySplitRegSplit Regularized RegressionsplitSelectBest Split Selection Modeling for Low-Dimensional DataSplitSofteningSoftening Splits in Decision TreesSplitSplitPlotAnalysis of Split-Split-Plot Experiments (Analise DeExperimentos Em Parcela Subsubdividida)splitstackshapeStack and Reshape Datasets After Splitting Concatenated ValuessplitToolsTools for Data SplittingsplmEconometric Models for Spatial Panel DatasplmmSimultaneous Penalized Linear Mixed Effects ModelssplotSimplified Plotting for Data ExplorationsplsSparse Partial Least Squares (SPLS) Regression andClassificationsplus2RSupplemental S-PLUS Functionality in RsplutilUtility Functions for Common Base-R Problems Relating to ListsspmSpatial Predictive Modelingspm2Spatial Predictive ModelingspMapsEurope SpatialPolygonsDataFrame BuilderspMCContinuous-Lag Spatial Markov ChainsSPmlficmcmSemiparametric Maximum Likelihood Method for InteractionsGene-Environment in Case-Mother Control-Mother DesignsspmodelSpatial Statistical Modeling and PredictionspmoranFast Spatial Regression using Moran EigenvectorsspnafSpatial Network Autocorrelation for Flow DataSpNMFSupervised NMFspnnScale Invariant Probabilistic Neural NetworksspNNGPSpatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using NearestNeighbor Gaussian ProcessesspoccInterface to Species Occurrence Data SourcesspOccupancySingle-Species, Multi-Species, and Integrated Spatial OccupancyModelsspoilerBlur 'HTML' Elements in 'Shiny' Applications Using'Spoiler-Alert.js'spongebobSpongeBob-Case Converter : spOngEboB-CASe CoNVertERspongecakeTransform a Movie into a Synthetic PicturespookyTime Feature Extrapolation Using Spectral Analysis andJack-Knife ResamplingsporkGeneralized Label FormattingsportSequential Pairwise Online Rating TechniquesSPORTSCausalSpillover Time Series Causal InferenceSportsTourDisplay Tournament Fixtures using Knock Out and Round RobinTechniquessportyRPlot Scaled 'ggplot' Representations of Sports Playing SurfacesspotidyProviding Convenience Functions to Connect R with the SpotifyAPIspotifyrR Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web APIspotorooSpatiotemporal Clustering of Satellite Hot Spot DataSPOUSEScatter Plots Over-Viewed Using Summary EllipsesSPPcombCombining Different Spatial Datasets in Cancer Risk EstimationSpPOPGeneration of Spatial Population under Different Levels ofRelationships among VariablesspraySparse Arrays and Multivariate PolynomialsspreadrSimulating Spreading Activation in a NetworkSPREDAStatistical Package for Reliability Data AnalysisSPregBias Reduction in the Skew-Probit Model for a Binary ResponsesprevalEvaluation of Sprinkler Irrigation Uniformity and EfficiencysprexCalculate Species Richness and Extrapolation MetricsspringerSparse Group Variable Selection for Gene-EnvironmentInteractions in the Longitudinal StudyspringphenoSpring Phenological IndicesspRingsteenAll Things Data and SpringsteensprintrSparse Reluctant Interaction ModelingsprttSequential Probability Ratio Tests ToolboxspsSequential Poisson SamplingspsComps'systemPipeShiny' UI and Server ComponentsspselectSelecting Spatial Scale of Covariates in Regression ModelsspshEstimation and Prediction of Parameters of Various SoilHydraulic Property ModelsSPSLSite Percolation on Square Lattices (SPSL)SPSPSelection by Partitioning the Solution PathsspsurSpatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression ModelsspsurvBernstein Polynomial Based Semiparametric Survival AnalysisspsurveySpatial Sampling Design and AnalysisspsUtil'systemPipeShiny' Utility FunctionssptSierpinski Pedal TrianglespTDynSpatially Varying and Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Linear ModelsSpTe2MNonparametric Modeling and Monitoring of Spatio-Temporal DataspThinFunctions for Spatial Thinning of Species Occurrence Records forUse in Ecological ModelsspTimerSpatio-Temporal Bayesian ModellingsptotalPredicting Totals and Weighted Sums from Spatial DataspupSpatial Uncertainty Propagation AnalysisspuRsFunctions and Datasets for "Introduction to ScientificProgramming and Simulation Using R"SPUTNIKSpatially Automatic Denoising for Imaging Mass SpectrometryToolkitSPYvsSPYSpy vs. Spy DataSQISoil Quality IndexSQLExecutes 'SQL' Statementssqlcaser'SQL' Case Statement GeneratorsqldfManipulate R Data Frames Using SQLsqlhelperEasier 'SQL' IntegrationsqlHelpersCollection of 'SQL' Utilities for 'T-SQL' and 'Postgresql'sqliterConnection wrapper to SQLite databasessqliteutilsUtility Functions for 'SQLite'SQLoveExecute 'SQL' Scripts in 'R' Containing Multiple QueriessqlparseRWrapper for 'Python' Module 'sqlparse': Parse, Split, and Format'SQL'SqlRenderRendering Parameterized SQL and Translation to DialectssqlscoreUtilities for Generating SQL Queries from Model ObjectssqlstringsMap 'SQL' Code to R ListssqltargetsTargets Extension for 'SQL' QueriesSQMtoolsAnalyze Results Generated by the 'SqueezeMeta' PipelineSQNSubset Quantile NormalizationSQRLEnhances Interaction with 'ODBC' DatabasessquantSubgroup Identification Based on Quantitative ObjectivesSQUAREMSquared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like MonotoneAlgorithmssquashColor-Based Plots for Multivariate VisualizationsquatStatistics for Quaternion Temporal DataSqueakRAn Experiment Interface for 'DeepSqueak' Bioacoustics ResearchsqueezyGroup-Adaptive Elastic Net Penalised Generalised Linear ModelssquidStatistical Quantification of Individual DifferencessrSmooth Regression - The Gamma Test and ToolssraSelection Response AnalysissrcpkgsR Source Packages ManagersrcrSimplify Connections to Database SourcesSRCSStatistical Ranking Color Scheme for Multiple PairwiseComparisonssRDASparse Redundancy AnalysissRdpDataStrategies of Resistance Data ProjectsregsurveySemiparametric Model-Assisted Estimation in Finite PopulationssrlarsSplit Robust Least Angle RegressionsrlTSSparsity-Ranked Lasso for Time SeriessrmStructural Equation Modeling for the Social Relations ModelsRNAGeneticAnalysis of Small RNA Expression Changes in Hybrid PlantssrpSmooth-Rough Partitioning of the Regression CoefficientsSRSScaling with Ranked SubsamplingsrtRead Subtitle Files as Tabular DataSRTsimSimulator for Spatially Resolved TranscriptomicsSRTtoolsAdjust Srt File to Get Better Experience when Watching Moviesrvyr'dplyr'-Like Syntax for Summary Statistics of Survey Datass3simFisheries Stock Assessment Simulation Testing with StockSynthesisssaBSSStationary Subspace AnalysisssanvSample Size Adjusted for Nonadherence or Variability of InputParametersSSBtoolsStatistics Norway's Miscellaneous ToolssscSemi-Supervised Classification MethodssscorRobust Correlation Estimation and Testing Based on Spatial Signsssd4mosaicWeb Application for the SSD Module of the MOSAIC PlatformssddataSpecies Sensitivity Distribution DataSSDforRFunctions to Analyze Single System DataSSDMStacked Species Distribution ModellingsSDRTools Developed for Structured Sufficient Dimension Reduction(sSDR)ssdtoolsSpecies Sensitivity DistributionssseSample Size EstimationSSEparserParse Server-Sent EventsssevSample Size Computation for Fixed N with Optimal RewardssfaSpatial Stochastic Frontier AnalysisssfitFitting of Parametric Models using Summary StatisticsSSGLSpike-and-Slab Group Lasso for Group-Regularized GeneralizedLinear ModelsssgraphBayesian Graph Structure Learning using Spike-and-Slab PriorssshSecure Shell (SSH) Client for RSSHAARPSearching Shared HLA Amino Acid Residue PrevalenceSshapedNonparametric, Tuning-Free Estimation of S-Shaped FunctionssshipTool for Secure Shipment of ContentssifsStochastic Search Inconsistency Factor SelectionSSIMmapThe Structural Similarity Index Measure for MapsssimparserStandard Schedules Information Parserssize.fdrSample Size Calculations for Microarray ExperimentsssizeRNASample Size Calculation for RNA-Seq Experimental DesignSSLASSOThe Spike-and-Slab LASSOSSLRSemi-Supervised Classification, Regression and ClusteringMethodsSSMFit and Analyze Smooth Supersaturated ModelsssmnSkew Scale Mixtures of Normal DistributionsssmodelsSample Selection ModelsssMousetrackBayesian State-Space Modeling of Mouse-Tracking Experiments viaStanssMRCDSpatially Smoothed MRCD EstimatorssmrobRobust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection ModelsssmsnScale-Shape Mixtures of Skew-Normal DistributionsssMutPASingle-Sample Mutation-Based Pathway AnalysisSSN2Spatial Modeling on Stream NetworksSSNbayesBayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis in Stream NetworksSSOSVMStream Suitable Online Support Vector MachinesSSPSimulated Sampling Procedure for Community EcologySSplotsStock Status Plots (SSPs)sspseEstimating Hidden Population Size using Respondent DrivenSampling DatassrSemi-Supervised Regression MethodsSSRASakai Sequential Relation AnalysisSSratTwo-Dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with RatingScalesssrm.logmerSample Size Determination for Longitudinal Designs with BinaryOutcomeSSRMSTSample Size Calculation using Restricted Mean Survival TimessrnScan Statistics for Railway NetworkSSRTcalcEasy SSRT CalculationsssImport Files in the Triple-s (Standard Survey Structure) FormatssscSame Species Sample Contamination DetectionSSsimpleState Space ModelsSstackBootstrap Stacking of Random Forest Models for HeterogeneousDatasstvarsToolkit for Reduced Form and Structural Smooth Transition VectorAutoregressive ModelsSSVSFunctions for Stochastic Search Variable Selection (SSVS)ssymFitting Semi-Parametric log-Symmetric Regression ModelsstShrinkage t Statistic and Correlation-Adjusted t-ScorestaSeasonal Trend Analysis for Time Series Imagery in RstabiliserStabilising Variable SelectionstabilityStability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)StabilizedRegressionStabilizing Regression and Variable SelectionstabiloStabilometric Signal QuantificationstableProbability Functions and Generalized Regression Models forStable DistributionsstabledistStable Distribution FunctionsStableEstimEstimate the Four Parameters of Stable Laws using DifferentMethodsstableGRA Stable Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic for Markov Chain Monte CarlostablelearnerStability Assessment of Statistical Learning MethodsstablespecStable Specification Search in Structural Equation ModelsstabmStability Measures for Feature SelectionstabregLinear Regression with the Stable DistributionstabsStability Selection with Error ControlstackgbmStacked Gradient Boosting MachinesStackImputeTools for Analysis of Stacked Multiple ImputationsstackingBuilding Predictive Models with StackingstacksTidy Model StackingstacomiRFish Migration MonitoringstacomirtoolsConnection Class for Package stacomiRstagedtreesStaged Event TreesstagePopModelling the Population Dynamics of a Stage-Structured Speciesin Continuous TimestaggeredEfficient Estimation Under Staggered Treatment TimingStakeholderAnalysisMeasuring Stakeholder InfluenceStAMPPStatistical Analysis of Mixed Ploidy PopulationsstamprSpatial Temporal Analysis of Moving Polygonsstan4bartBayesian Additive Regression Trees with Stan-Sampled ParametricExtensionsSTANDStatistical Analysis of Non-DetectsstandardizeTools for Standardizing Variables for Regression in RstandardlastprofileData Package for BDEW Standard Load Profiles in ElectricitystandartoxEcotoxicological Information from the Standartox DatabasestandbyAlerts, Notifications and Loading Screen in 'Shiny'StanHeadersC++ Header Files for StanStanMoMoBayesian Mortality Modelling with 'Stan'staplerSimultaneous Truth and Performance Level EstimationstaplrA Toolkit for PDF FilesstaRdomPARAFAC Analysis of EEMs from DOMSTAREGAn Empirical Bayes Approach for Replicability Analysis AcrossTwo StudiesstargazerWell-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics TablesstarmSpatio-Temporal Autologistic Regression ModelstarmaModelling Space Time AutoRegressive Moving Average (STARMA)ProcessesstarnetStacked Elastic NetstarryExplore Data with Plots and TablesstarsSpatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data CubesstarschemarObtaining Stars from Flat TablesstarsExtraMiscellaneous Functions for Working with 'stars' RastersstarsTileServerA Dynamic Tile Server for RSTARTdesignSingle to Double Arm Transition Design for Phase II ClinicalTrialsstarterStarter Kit for New ProjectsstartRAutomatically Retrieve Multidimensional Distributed Data SetsSTARTSFunctions for the STARTS ModelstartupFriendly R Startup ConfigurationstartupmsgUtilities for Start-Up MessagesstarvarsVector Logistic Smooth Transition Models Estimation andPredictionstarvzR-Based Visualization Techniques for Task-Based ApplicationsstarwarsdbRelational Data from the 'Star Wars' API for Learning andTeachingSTATInteractive Document for Working with Basic Statistical AnalysisSTAT2Interactive Document for Working with Basic Statistical AnalysisStat2DataDatasets for Stat2Statamarkdown'Stata' MarkdownstatarTools Inspired by 'Stata' to Manipulate Tabular DatastatBasicsBasic Functions to Statistical Methods CoursestatcanRClient for Statistics Canada's Open Economic DatastatcheckExtract Statistics from Articles and Recompute P-ValuesstatcodelistsUse Standardized Statistical CodelistsstatcompStatistical Complexity and Information Measures for Time SeriesAnalysisstatConfRModels of Decision Confidence and MetacognitionStatDAStatistical Analysis for Environmental DataStatDataMLRead and Write StatDataML FilesstatebinsCreate United States Uniform Cartogram HeatmapsStateLevelForestHistorical State-Level Forest Cover Data in the United StatesstatesCreate Panels of Independent StatesstatespacerState Space Modelling in 'R'statgenGWASGenome Wide Association StudiesstatgenGxEGenotype by Environment (GxE) AnalysisstatgenHTPHigh Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) Data AnalysisstatgenIBDCalculation of IBD ProbabilitiesstatgenMPPQTL Mapping for Multi Parent PopulationsstatgenQTLxTMulti-Trait and Multi-Trial Genome Wide Association StudiesstatgenSTASingle Trial Analysis (STA) of Field TrialsstatGraphStatistical Methods for GraphsstationaRyDetailed Meteorological Data from Stations All Over the WorldstationeryWorking Examples for Reproducible Research DocumentsstatipStatistical Functions for Probability Distributions andRegressionstatisfactoryStatistical and Geometrical ToolsStatMatchStatistical Matching or Data FusionstatmodStatistical ModelingstatnetSoftware Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Network Datastatnet.commonCommon R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet ProjectSoftwarestatnetWebA Graphical User Interface for Network Modeling with 'Statnet'statnipokladnaUse Data from the Czech Public Finance DatabaseStatPerMeCoStatistical Performance Measures to Evaluate Covariance MatrixEstimatesstatprogramsGraduate Statistics Program DatasetsstatpsychStatistical Methods for PsychologistsstatquotesQuotes on Statistics, Data Visualization and ScienceStatRankStatistical Rank Aggregation: Inference, Evaluation, andVisualizationstats19Work with Open Road Traffic Casualty Data from Great Britainstats4teachingSimulate Pedagogical Statistical DatastatsearchanalyticsrAn Interface for the 'STAT Search Analytics' 'API'statsExpressionsTidy Dataframes and Expressions with Statistical DetailsStatsomatShiny Apps for Automated Data Analysis and AutomatedInterpretationstatsrCompanion Software for the Coursera Statistics with RSpecializationstatswalesrEasily Extract Data from 'StatsWales'statVisualStatistical Visualization ToolsSTBSimultaneous Tolerance BoundsstblStabilize Function ArgumentsstcosSpace-Time Change of SupportstcovStein's Covariance EstimatorstcpR6Sequential Test and Change-Point Detection Algorithms Based onE-Values / E-DetectorsstddiffCalculate the Standardized Difference for Numeric, Binary andCategory VariablesstdmodStandardized Moderation Effect and Its Confidence IntervalstdRegRegression StandardizationstdvectorsC++ Standard Library Vectors in RsteadyICAICA and Tests of Independence via Multivariate DistanceCovariancesteepnessTesting Steepness of Dominance HierarchiesSteinIVSemi-Parametric Stein-Like Estimator with Instrumental VariablesstelfiHawkes and Log-Gaussian Cox Point Processes Using Template ModelBuilderstellaREvolutionary Tracks and Isochrones from Pisa Stellar EvolutionDatabaseStemAnalysisReconstructing Tree Growth and Carbon Accumulation with StemAnalysis DatastemmatologyStemmatological Analysis of Textual TraditionsStempCensSpatio-Temporal Estimation and Prediction for Censored/MissingResponsesstencilaschemaBindings for Stencila SchemastenRStandardization of Raw Discrete Questionnaire ScoresStepBetaStepwise Procedure for Beta, Beta-Binomial and Negative BinomialRegression ModelsSTEPCAMABC-SMC Inference of STEPCAMstepdownfdpA Step-Down Procedure to Control the False Discovery ProportionstepgbmStepwise Variable Selection for Generalized Boosted RegressionModelingStepGWRA Hybrid Spatial Model for Prediction and Capturing SpatialVariation in the DatastepjglmVariable Selection for Joint Modeling of Mean and DispersionstepmixrInterface to 'Python' Package 'StepMix'steppSubpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP)SteppedPowerPower Calculation for Stepped Wedge DesignsstepPenalStepwise Forward Variable Selection in Penalized RegressionstepPlrL2 Penalized Logistic Regression with Stepwise VariableSelectionstepRMultiscale Change-Point InferenceStepRegStepwise Regression AnalysissteprfStepwise Predictive Variable Selection for Random ForeststepsSpatially- and Temporally-Explicit Population SimulatorStepSignalMargiLikeStep-Wise Signal Extraction via Marginal LikelihoodstepSplitRegStepwise Split Regularized RegressionStepwiseTestMultiple Testing Method to Control Generalized Family-Wise ErrorRate and False Discovery ProportionStereoMorphStereo Camera Calibration and ReconstructionstevedataSteve's Toy Data for Teaching About a Variety of Methodological,Social, and Political TopicsstevedoreDocker ClientstevemiscSteve's Miscellaneous FunctionsstevetemplatesSteve's R Markdown TemplatesstevethemesSteve's 'ggplot2' Themes and Related Theme ElementsstfitSpatio-Temporal Functional Imputation ToolSTFTSStatistical Tests for Functional Time SeriesSTGSGenomic Selection using Single TraitstickyPersist Attributes Across Data OperationsstickyrData Frames with Persistent Columns and AttributesSticsRFilesRead and Modify 'STICS' Input/Output FilesstiltSeparable Gaussian Process Interpolation (Emulation)stimIncorporating Stability Information into Cross-SectionalEstimatesstimaSimultaneous Threshold Interaction Modeling AlgorithmstinepackStineman, a Consistently Well Behaved Method of InterpolationstlARIMASTL Decomposition and ARIMA Hybrid Forecasting ModelstlELMHybrid Forecasting Model Based on STL Decomposition and ELMstlnppSpatio-Temporal Analysis of Point Patterns on Linear NetworksstlplusEnhanced Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by LoessstlTDNNSTL Decomposition and TDNN Hybrid Time Series ForecastingstmEstimation of the Structural Topic ModelstmCorrVizA Tool for Structural Topic Model VisualizationsstmgpRapid and Accurate Genetic Prediction Modeling for Genome-WideAssociation or Whole-Genome Sequencing Study DatastmguiShiny Application for Creating STM ModelsStMoMoStochastic Mortality ModellingStMoSimQuantile-Quantile Plot with Several Gaussian SimulationsSTMotifDiscovery of Motifs in Spatial-Time SeriesSTMrStrength Training Manual R-Language FunctionsstoccFit a Spatial Occupancy Model via Gibbs SamplingStochBlockStochastic Blockmodeling of One-Mode and Linked NetworksstochLABStochastic Collision Risk ModelstochQNStochastic Limited Memory Quasi-Newton OptimizersstochvolEfficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV)ModelsstochvolTMBLikelihood Estimation of Stochastic Volatility ModelsstockAnalystEquity Valuation using Methods of Fundamental AnalysisStockDistFitFit Stock Price DistributionsstockRIdentifying Stocks in Genetic DatastocksStock Market AnalysisstodomEstimating Consistent Tests for Stochastic DominancestoichcalcR Functions for Solving Stoichiometric EquationsstokesThe Exterior CalculusstopdetectionStop Detection in Timestamped Trajectory Data usingSpatiotemporal ClusteringSTOPESSelection Threshold Optimized Empirically via SplittingstoppSpatio-Temporal Point Pattern Methods, Model Fitting,Diagnostics, Simulation, Local TestsstoppingruleCreate and Evaluate Stopping Rules for Safety MonitoringstopsStructure Optimized Proximity ScalingstopwordsMultilingual Stopword ListsStormWrite Storm Bolts in R using the Storm Multi-Language ProtocolStormRAnalyzing the Behaviour of Wind Generated by Tropical Storms andCyclonesstorrSimple Key Value StoresstortingscrapeAccess Data from the Norwegian Parliament APIstoRyDownload, Explore, and Analyze Literary Theme Ontology DatastorywranglrExplore Twitter Trends with the 'Storywrangler' APIstosimStochastic Simulator for Reliability Modeling of RepairableSystemsSTPGASelection of Training Populations by Genetic AlgorithmstplanrSustainable Transport PlanningstpmStochastic Process Model for Analysis of Longitudinal andTime-to-Event OutcomesstppSpace-Time Point Pattern Simulation, Visualisation and AnalysisstpphawkesMissing Data for Marked Hawkes ProcessstppSimSpatiotemporal Point Patterns SimulationstRSTR Decompositionstr2strConvert R Objects from One Structure to AnotherStrainRankingRanking of Pathogen StrainsstrandA Framework for Investment Strategy SimulationstranslateSimple Translation Between Different LanguagesstrapStratigraphic Tree Analysis for PalaeontologystratAn Implementation of the Stratification Indexstrata.MaxComboStratified Max-Combo TeststratalloOptimum Sample Allocation in Stratified SamplingstratamatchStratification and Matching for Large Observational Data SetsstratastatsStratified Analysis of 2x2 Contingency TablesstratbrOptimal Stratification in Stratified SamplingstrategicplayersStrategic PlayersStrategyGeneric Framework to Analyze Trading StrategiesstratEstStrategy EstimationStrathE2E2End-to-End Marine Food Web ModelstratificationUnivariate Stratification of Survey PopulationsStratifiedBalancingStratified Covariate BalancingStratifiedMedicineStratified MedicineStratifiedRFBuilds Trees by Sampling Variables in GroupsstratifyROptimal Stratification of Univariate PopulationsStratigrapheRIntegrated StratigraphyStratSelStrategic Selection EstimatorSTraTUSEnumeration and Uniform Sampling of Transmission Trees for aKnown PhylogenystratvnsOptimal Stratification in Stratified SamplingstraweibStratified Weibull Regression ModelstrawrFast Implementation of Reading/Dump for .hic FilesstrayAnomaly Detection in High Dimensional and Temporal DataSTREAKReceptor Abundance Estimation using Feature Selection and GeneSet ScoringstreamInfrastructure for Data Stream MiningstreambugsParametric Ordinary Differential Equations Model of Growth,Death, and Respiration of Macroinvertebrate and Algae TaxastreamConnectConnecting Stream Mining Components Using Sockets and WebServicesstreamDAGAnalytical Methods for Stream DAGsstreamDepletrEstimate Streamflow Depletion Due to Groundwater PumpingStreamMetabolismCalculate Single Station Metabolism from Diurnal Oxygen CurvesstreamMOAInterface for MOA Stream Clustering AlgorithmsstreamRAccess to Twitter Streaming API via RstreetscapeCollect And Investigate Street Views For Urban ScienceStRegStudent's t Regression ModelsstressadditionModelling Tri-Phasic Concentration-Response RelationshipsstressorAlgorithms for Testing Models under StressstressrFetch and plot financial stress index and component dataStressStrengthComputation and Estimation of Reliability of Stress-StrengthModelsstrexExtra String Manipulation FunctionsstriderStrided Iterator and RangeString2AdjMatrixCreates an Adjacency Matrix from a List of Stringsstring2pathRendering Font into 'data.frame'stringdistApproximate String Matching, Fuzzy Text Search, and StringDistance FunctionsstringfishAlt String ImplementationstringformattrDynamic String FormattingstringiFast and Portable Character String Processing FacilitiesstringmagicCharacter String Operations and Interpolation, Magic EditionstringrSimple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String OperationsstringstaticDependency-Free String OperationsstringxReplacements for Base String Functions Powered by 'stringi'stripLighten your R Model OutputsstriplessStructured Trellis Displays Without Strips for Lattice GraphicsstriprtfExtract Text from RTF FileSTRMPSAnalysis of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Massively ParallelSequencing (MPS) DatastRokeClinical Stroke ResearchStroupGLMMR Codes and Datasets for Generalized Linear Mixed Models: ModernConcepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. StroupstrucchangeTesting, Monitoring, and Dating Structural ChangesstrucchangeRcppTesting, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes: C++ VersionStrucDivSpatial Structural Diversity Quantification in Raster DataStructFDRFalse Discovery Control Procedure Integrating the PriorStructure InformationstructreeTree-Structured ClusteringStructuralDecomposeDecomposes a Level Shifted Time SeriesStructureMCStructured Matrix CompletionstrvalidatorProcess Control and Validation of Forensic STR KitsstuartSubtests Using Algorithmic Rummaging TechniquesstudentlifeTidy Handling and Navigation of the Student-Life DatasetstudyStrapStudy Strap and Multi-Study Learning AlgorithmsSTVSingle Transferable Vote CountingstxploreExploration of Spatio-Temporal DatastylerNon-Invasive Pretty Printing of R Codestylest2Estimating Speakers of TextsstyloStylometric Multivariate Analysessubcopem2DBivariate Empirical SubcopulasubdetectDetect Subgroup with an Enhanced Treatment EffectsubformulaCreate Subformulas of a FormulasubgroupMethods for exploring treatment effect heterogeneity in subgroupanalysis of clinical trialsSubgrpIDPatient Subgroup Identification for Clinical Drug DevelopmentsubgxeCombine Multiple GWAS by Using Gene-Environment InteractionssubmaxEffect Modification in Observational Studies Using the SubmaxMethodSubpathwayLNCEIdentify Signal Subpathways Competitively Regulated by LncRNAsBased on ceRNA TheorysubplexUnconstrained Optimization using the Subplex AlgorithmsubrankComputes Copula using Ranks and SubsamplingsubscoreComputing Subscores in Classical Test Theory and Item ResponseTheorysubscreenSystematic Screening of Study Data for Subgroup EffectssubselectSelecting Variable SubsetssubsembleAn Ensemble Method for Combining Subset-Specific Algorithm FitssubspaceInterface to OpenSubspaceSubTiteSubgroup Specific Optimal Dose AssignmentSubTSPositive Tempered Stable Distributions and Related SubordinatorsSubtypeDrugPrioritization of Candidate Cancer Subtype Specific DrugsSubVisVisual Exploration of Protein Alignments Resulting from MultipleSubstitution MatricessuccessSurvival Control Charts Estimation SoftwaresudachirR Interface to 'Sudachi'suddengainsIdentify Sudden Gains in Longitudinal DatasudokuSudoku Puzzle Generator and SolversudokuAltTools for Making and Spoiling Sudoku GamesSuessRSuess and Laws Corrections for Marine Stable Carbon Isotope DatasufficientForecastingSufficient Forecasting using Factor ModelssugarbagCreate Tessellated Hexagon MapssuggestsDeclare when Suggested Packages are NeededsugrrantsSupporting Graphs for Analysing Time SeriessumFREGATFast Region-Based Association Tests on Summary StatisticssummariserEasy Calculation and Visualisation of Confidence IntervalsSummaryLassoBuilding Polygenic Risk Score Using GWAS Summary StatisticssummarytoolsTools to Quickly and Neatly Summarize DatasummclustModule to Compute Influence and Leverage Statistics forRegression Models with Clustered ErrorsSUMMERSmall-Area-Estimation Unit/Area Models and Methods forEstimation in RsumRApproximate Summation of SeriessumSomePermutation True Discovery Guarantee by Sum-Based TestssunburstRSunburst 'Htmlwidget'suncalcCompute Sun Position, Sunlight Phases, Moon Position and LunarPhaseSunclarcoSurvival Analysis using CopulasSUNGEOSub-National Geospatial Data Archive: Geoprocessing ToolkitSunsVocConstructing Suns-Voc from Outdoor Time-Series I-V CurvessuntoolsCalculate Sun Position, Sunrise, Sunset, Solar Noon and TwilightsupcThe Self-Updating Process Clustering AlgorithmssupclustSupervised Clustering of Predictor Variables Such as GenessuperbSummary Plots with Adjusted Error BarssuperbiclustGenerating Robust Biclusters from a Bicluster Set (EnsembleBiclustering)supercellsSuperpixels of Spatial DatasupercompressSupervised Compression of Big DatasuperdiagA Comprehensive Test Suite for Testing Markov ChainNonconvergenceSuperExactTestExact Test and Visualization of Multi-Set IntersectionsSuperGaussSuperfast Likelihood Inference for Stationary Gaussian TimeSeriessuperheatA Graphical Tool for Exploring Complex Datasets Using HeatmapsSuperLearnerSuper Learner PredictionsuperMICESuperLearner Method for MICEsupermlBuild Machine Learning Models Like Using Python's Scikit-LearnLibrary in RsupernovaJudd, McClelland, & Ryan Formatting for ANOVA OutputsuperpcSupervised Principal ComponentsSuperpixelImageSegmentationSuperpixel Image SegmentationSuperpowerSimulation-Based Power Analysis for Factorial DesignsSuperRankerSequential Rank AgreementsupervisedPRIMSupervised Classification Learning and Prediction using PatientRule Induction Method (PRIM)SupMZDetecting Structural Change with HeteroskedasticitysuppdataDownloading Supplementary Data from Published ManuscriptsSuppDistsSupplementary Distributionssupport.BWSTools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scalingsupport.BWS2Tools for Case 2 Best-Worst Scalingsupport.BWS3Tools for Case 3 Best-Worst Scalingsupport.CEsBasic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of ChoiceExperimentssupportRSupport Functions for Wrangling and VisualizationsurCompanion to "Statistics Using R: An Integrative Approach"surbayesBayesian Analysis of Seemingly Unrelated Regression ModelssureSurrogate Residuals for Ordinal and General Regression ModelssureLDAA Novel Multi-Disease Automated Phenotyping Method for the EHRSuRF.vsSubsampling Ranking Forward Selection (SuRF)surfaceFitting Hansen Models to Investigate Convergent EvolutionSurfaceTortoiseFind Optimal Sampling Locations Based on Spatial Covariate(s)SurrogateEvaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical TrialsSurrogateBMAFlexible Evaluation of Surrogate Markers with Bayesian ModelAveragingSurrogateOutcomeEstimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained bySurrogate Outcome InformationSurrogateRankRank-Based Test to Evaluate a Surrogate MarkerSurrogateRegressionSurrogate Outcome Regression AnalysisSurrogateRsqGoodness-of-Fit Analysis for Categorical Data using theSurrogate R-SquaredSurrogateTestEarly Testing for a Treatment Effect using Surrogate MarkerInformationsurrosurvEvaluation of Failure Time Surrogate Endpoints in IndividualPatient Data Meta-AnalysessurrosurvROCSurrogate Survival ROCsuRtexLaTeX descriptive statistic reporting for survey datasurtvepCox Non-Proportional Hazards Model with Time-VaryingCoefficientssurv2sampleCompInference for Model-Free Between-Group Parameters for CensoredSurvival DatasurvAHSurvival Data Analysis using Average HazardsurvAUCEstimators of Prediction Accuracy for Time-to-Event DatasurvAWKMT2Two-Sample Tests Based on Differences of Kaplan-Meier CurvessurvBootOutliersConcordance Based Bootstrap Methods for Outlier Detection inSurvival AnalysissurvC1C-Statistics for Risk Prediction Models with Censored SurvivalDatasurvcompareCompares Cox and Survival Random Forests to QuantifyNonlinearitySurvCorrCorrelation of Bivariate Survival TimessurvCurvePlots Survival Curves Element by ElementSurvDiscDiscrete Time Survival and Longitudinal Data AnalysissurveilTime Series Models for Disease SurveillancesurveillanceTemporal and Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring of EpidemicPhenomenasurvELtestComparing Multiple Survival Functions with Crossing HazardsSurvEvalMethods for the Evaluation of Survival ModelssurvexExplainable Machine Learning in Survival Analysissurvexp.frRelative Survival, AER and SMR Based on French Death RatessurveyAnalysis of Complex Survey SamplessurveybootstrapBootstrap with Survey DataSurveyCCCanonical Correlation for Survey DatasurveyCVCross Validation Based on Survey DesignsurveydataTools to Work with Survey DatasurveyexplorerQuickly Explore Complex Survey DatasurveygraphNetwork Representations of AttitudessurveyplanningSurvey Planning ToolssurveyPrevMapping the Prevalence of Binary Indicators using Survey Data inSmall AreassurveysdSurvey Standard Error Estimation for Cumulated Estimates andtheir Differences in Complex Panel DesignssurveytableFormatted Survey EstimatessurveyvoiSurvey Value of InformationsurvHESurvival Analysis in Health Economic EvaluationSurvHiDimHigh Dimensional Survival Data AnalysissurvIDINRIIDI and NRI for Comparing Competing Risk Prediction Models withCensored Survival DatasurvidmInference and Prediction in an Illness-Death ModelSurviMChdHigh Dimensional Survival Data Analysis with Markov Chain MonteCarlosurvivalSurvival Analysissurvival.svbFit High-Dimensional Proportional Hazards Modelssurvival666Eliminate the Influence of Co-Expression Genes on Target GenessurvivalAnalysisHigh-Level Interface for Survival Analysis and Associated PlotsSurvivalClusteringTreeClustering Analysis Using Survival Tree and Forest AlgorithmssurvivalmodelsModels for Survival AnalysissurvivalMPLPenalised Maximum Likelihood for Survival Analysis ModelssurvivalMPLdcPenalised Likelihood for Survival Analysis with DependentCensoringsurvivalRECNonparametric Estimation of the Distribution of Gap Times forRecurrent EventssurvivalROCTime-Dependent ROC Curve Estimation from Censored Survival DatasurvivalSLSuper Learner for Survival Prediction from Censored DatasurvivalsvmSurvival Support Vector AnalysisSurvivalTestsSurvival Tests for One-Way LayoutsurvivalVignettesSurvival Analysis Vignettes and Optional DatasetssurvivoRData from all Seasons of Survivor (US) TV Series in Tidy FormatSurvLongAnalysis of Proportional Hazards Model with Sparse LongitudinalCovariatesSurvMetricsPredictive Evaluation Metrics in Survival AnalysisSurvMIMultiple Imputation Method in Survival AnalysissurvminerDrawing Survival Curves using 'ggplot2'survMiscMiscellaneous Functions for Survival DatasurvmixerDesign of Clinical Trials with Survival Endpoints Based onBinary ResponsessurvMLFlexible Estimation of Conditional Survival Functions UsingMachine LearningsurvobjObjects to Simulate Survival TimessurvoutExcel Conversion of R Surival Analysis OutputsurvParamSimParametric Survival Simulation with Parameter UncertaintysurvPenMultidimensional Penalized Splines for Survival and Net SurvivalModelssurvPresmoothPresmoothed Estimation in Survival AnalysisSurvRegCensCovWeibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint withInterval-Censored CovariatesurvRM2Comparing Restricted Mean Survival TimesurvRM2adaptFlexible and Coherent Test/Estimation Procedure Based onRestricted Mean Survival TimessurvRM2permPermutation Test for Comparing Restricted Mean Survival TimesurvSensSensitivity Analysis with Time-to-Event OutcomessurvsimSimulation of Simple and Complex Survival DatasurvSNPPower Calculations for SNP Studies with Censored OutcomesSurvSparseSurvival Analysis with Sparse Longitudinal CovariatessurvSpearmanNonparametric Spearman's Correlation for Survival DatasurvstanFitting Survival Regression Models via 'Stan'SurvTruncAnalysis of Doubly Truncated DatasusieRSum of Single Effects Linear RegressionsusographqlComprehensive Interface to the Survey Solutions 'GraphQL' APISUSYSurrogate SynchronysValuesMeasures of the Sturdiness of Regression CoefficientssvarsData-Driven Identification of SVAR ModelssvdInterfaces to Various State-of-Art SVD and EigensolverssvDialogs'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes for Windows, MacOS andLinuxessvDialogstcltk'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes using Tcl/TkSVDNFDiscrete Nonlinear Filtering for Stochastic Volatility ModelssvenssonmSvensson's MethodsvgliteAn 'SVG' Graphics DevicesvgPanZoomR 'Htmlwidget' to Add Pan and Zoom to Almost any R GraphicsvgtoolsManipulate SVG (Template) Files of ChartssvGUISciViews - Manage GUIs in RsvgViewR3D Animated Interactive Visualizations Using SVG and WebGLsvHttp'SciViews' - HTTP ServersvIDEFunctions to Ease Interactions Between R and IDE or Code EditorssvinesStationary Vine Copula ModelssvKomodo'SciViews' - Functions to Interface with Komodo IDEsvMisc'SciViews' - Miscellaneous FunctionssvmpathThe SVM Path AlgorithmSVNStatistically Validated NetworkssvplotsSample Variance Plots (Sv-Plots)svrepTools for Creating, Updating, and Analyzing Survey ReplicateWeightssvrpathThe SVR Path AlgorithmsvsTools for Semantic Vector SpacessvSocket'SciViews' - Socket ServersvSweave'SciViews' - 'Sweave', 'Knitr' and R Markdown CompanionFunctionssvToolsWrappers for Tools in Other Packages for IDE FriendlinesssvUnit'SciViews' - Unit, Integration and System TestingsvWidgetsManagement of GUI Widgets, Windows, and Other GUI ResourcessvydiagsRegression Model Diagnostics for Survey DatasvylmeLinear Mixed Models for Complex Survey DataSvyNomNomograms for Right-Censored Outcomes from Survey DesignssvyVGAMDesign-Based Inference in Vector Generalised Linear ModelssvyweightQuick and Flexible Survey WeightingswaSubsampling Winner Algorithm for ClassificationswagSparse Wrapper AlgorithmswaggerDynamically Generates Documentation from a 'Swagger' CompliantAPIswampVisualization, Analysis and Adjustment of High-Dimensional Datain Respect to Sample AnnotationsswaprincSwap Principal Components into Regression ModelsswaRmProcessing Collective Movement DataswaRmverseSwarm Space CreationswatchesRead, Inspect, and Manipulate Color Swatch FilesswCRTdesignStepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial (SW CRT) DesignswdftSliding Window Discrete Fourier Transform (SWDFT)swdpwrPower Calculation for Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized TrialssweaterSpeedy Word Embedding Association Test and Extras Using RsweepTidy Tools for ForecastingSweepDiscoverySelective Sweep Discovery ToolsweidnumbrHandling of Swedish Identity NumbersswephRHigh Precision Swiss EphemerisswfscAirDASSouthwest Fisheries Science Center Aerial DAS Data ProcessingswfscDASSouthwest Fisheries Science Center Shipboard DAS Data ProcessingswfscMiscMiscellaneous Functions for Southwest Fisheries Science CenterswgeeSimulation Extrapolation Inverse Probability WeightedGeneralized Estimating EquationsSWIMScenario Weights for Importance MeasurementSwimmeRData Import, Cleaning, and Conversions for Swimming ResultsswimplotTools for Creating Swimmers Plots using 'ggplot2'swipeRCarousels using the 'JavaScript' Library 'Swiper'swirlLearn R, in RswirlifyA Toolbox for Writing 'swirl' CoursesSwissAirAir Quality Data of Switzerland for One Year in 30 MinResolutionswissparlInterface to the Webservices of the Swiss ParliamentswitchboardAn Agile Widget Engine for Real-Time, Dynamic VisualizationsswitchcaseA Simple and Flexible Switch-Case Construct for the 'R' LanguageswitchrInstalling, Managing, and Switching Between Distinct Sets ofInstalled PackagesswitchSelectionEndogenous Switching and Sample Selection Regression ModelsSWMPrRetrieving, Organizing, and Analyzing Estuary Monitoring DataSWMPrExtensionFunctions for Analyzing and Plotting Estuary Monitoring DataSWToolsHelper Tools for Australian HydrologistssylcountSyllable Counting and Readability MeasurementssyllabifyrSyllabifier for CMU Dictionary TranscriptionssyllogiCollection of Data Sets for Teaching PurposessyllyHyphenation and Syllable Counting for Text Analysissylly.enLanguage Support for 'sylly' Package: Englishsym.armaAutoregressive and Moving Average Symmetric Modelssymbol.equation.gptPowerful User Interface to Build Equations and Add SymbolssymbolicDAAnalysis of Symbolic DataSymbolicDeterminantsSymbolic Representation of Matrix DeterminantsymbolicQsprayMultivariate Polynomials with Symbolic Parameters in theirCoefficientssymDMatrixPartitioned Symmetric MatricessymengineInterface to the 'SymEngine' LibrarysymmetryTesting for Symmetry of Data and Model ResidualssymmomentsSymbolic Central and Noncentral Moments of the MultivariateNormal DistributionsymphonyEfficient and Precise Single-Cell Reference Atlas MappingsymptomcheckRAnalyzing and Visualizing Symptom Checker PerformancesymSEMSymbolic Computation for Structural Equation ModelsSymTSSymmetric Tempered Stable DistributionssynCreates Synonyms From Target WordssynchronicityBoost Mutex Functionality in RsynchronyMethods for Computing Spatial, Temporal, and SpatiotemporalStatisticsSynchWaveSynchrosqueezed Wavelet TransformSyncMoveSubsample Temporal Data to Synchronal Events and Compute the MCISyncRNGA Synchronized Tausworthe RNG for R and PythonSYNCSAAnalysis of Functional and Phylogenetic Patterns inMetacommunitiesSynDISynthetic Data IntegrationsynlikSynthetic Likelihood Methods for Intractable LikelihoodssynMicrodataSynthetic Microdata GeneratorsynrExplore and Process Synesthesia Consistency Test DatasyntaxrAn 'SPSS' Syntax Generator for Multi-Variable ManipulationsyntenyPlotteRGenome Synteny VisualizationSynthSynthetic Control Group Method for Comparative Case StudiessynthACSSynthetic Microdata and Spatial MicroSimulation Modeling for ACSDatasynthesisGenerate Synthetic Data from Statistical ModelssynthesisrImport, Assemble, and Deduplicate Bibliographic DatasetsSynthETICSynthetic Experience Tracking Insurance ClaimssynthpopGenerating Synthetic Versions of Sensitive Microdata forStatistical Disclosure ControlSynthToolsTools and Tests for Experiments with Partially Synthetic DataSetssysPowerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in RSyScSelectionSystematic Scenario Selection for Stress TestingsysfontsLoading Fonts into RsysidSystem Identification in RsyslognetSend Log Messages to Remote 'syslog' ServerSysreconSystematical Metabolic ReconstructionsystemfitEstimating Systems of Simultaneous EquationssystemfontsSystem Native Font FindingSystemicRMonitoring Systemic RisksystemicriskSystemic Risk and Network ReconstructionsytYoung TableauxsyuzhetExtracts Sentiment and Sentiment-Derived Plot Arcs from Text T2DFitTailorTailor the Exercise Plans and Visualize the Outcome for T2DPatientsT2EQFunctions for Applying the T^2-Test for EquivalenceT2QvControl Qualitative VariablesT4clusterTools for Cluster AnalysisT4transportTools for Computational Optimal TransporttabCreate Summary Tables for Statistical ReportsTabaTaba Robust CorrelationstabbycatTabulate and Summarise Categorical DatataberSplit and Recombine Your DatatabitSimple Tabulation Made SimpletablaxlsxWrite Formatted Tables in Excel Workbookstable.expressBuild 'data.table' Expressions with Data Manipulation Verbstable.glueMake and Apply Customized Rounding Specifications for Tablestable1Tables of Descriptive Statistics in HTMLTable1HeatmapTable 1 HeatmaptablecompareCompare Data FramestabledownCreate Publication Quality Tables and PlotstableeasyTables of Clinical StudyTableHCHigher Criticism Test of Two Frequency Counts TablestableHTMLA Tool to Create HTML TablestableMatrixCombines 'data.table' and 'matrix' ClassesTableMonsterTable MonstertableoneCreate 'Table 1' to Describe Baseline Characteristics with orwithout Propensity Score WeightstablerDash'Tabler' API for 'Shiny'tablesFormula-Driven Table Generationtableschema.rTable Schema 'Frictionless Data'tablesggPresentation-Quality Tables, Displayed Using 'ggplot2'tabletTabulate Descriptive Statistics in Multiple FormatsTableToLongFormAutomatically Convert Hierarchical for-Human Tables toMachine-Readable LongForm DataframestablexlsxExport Data Frames to Excel WorkbooktabnetFit 'TabNet' Models for Classification and RegressiontaboolaRGet Data from 'Taboola' via the '' APItabrMusic Notation Syntax, Manipulation, Analysis and Transcriptionin RtabshiftrReshape Disorganised Messy DatatabulaAnalysis and Visualization of Archaeological Count DatatabulapdfExtract Tables from PDF DocumentstabularasterTidy Tools for 'Raster' DatatabularmapsCreate Tile-Grid Geographical MapstabularMLCTabular Maximum Likelihood ClassifiertabulatePretty Console Output for TablestabulatorEfficient Tabulation with Stata-Like OutputtabulogParsing Semi-Structured Log Files into Tabular FormattabuSearchTabu Search Algorithm for Binary ConfigurationstabxplorUser-Friendly Tables with Color Helpers for Data ExplorationtacmagicPositron Emission Tomography Time-Activity Curve AnalysistactileNew and Extended Plots, Methods, and Panel Functions for'lattice'tadaSupporting Tools for Tada ScienceTAFTransparent Assessment Framework for Reproducible ResearchTAGTransformed Additive Gaussian ProcessestagcloudTag CloudstagrTagging and Organizing Objects in RtagtoolsWork with Data from High-Resolution Biologging TagsTailClassifierTail ClassifiertailDepFunMinimum Distance Estimation of Tail Dependence ModelstaillossEstimate the Probability in the Upper Tail of the Aggregate LossDistributionTailRankThe Tail-Rank StatistictailTransformSymmetric Transformation of Tails for Plotting DifferencestaipanTool for Annotating Images in Preparation for AnalysistakosAnalysis of Differential Calorimetry ScansTAMTest Analysis ModulestameTiming, Anatomical, Therapeutic and Chemical Based MedicationClusteringtanakaDesign Shaded Contour Lines (or Tanaka) MapsTANDEMA Two-Stage Approach to Maximize Interpretability of DrugResponse Models Based on Multiple Molecular Data TypesTangledFeaturesFeature Selection in Highly Correlated SpacesTangPoemRWrite Chinese Tang PoemstangramThe Grammar of Tablestangram.pipeRow-by-Row Table BuildingTapeRFlexible Tree Taper Curves Based on Semiparametric Mixed ModelsTapeSTree Taper Curves and Sorting Based on 'TapeR'tapkeeWrapper for 'tapkee' Dimension Reduction LibrarytapnetTrait Matching and Abundance for Predicting Bipartite NetworksTAQMNGRManage Tick-by-Tick Transaction DataTARBayesian Modeling of Autoregressive Threshold Time Series ModelstarchetypesArchetypes for TargetstardisText Analysis with Rules and Dictionaries for InferringSentimenttargetedTargeted InferencetargetsDynamic Function-Oriented 'Make'-Like Declarative PipelinesTariffReplicate Tariff Method for Verbal AutopsyTAShiny'Text Analyzer Shiny'tashuAnalysis and Prediction of Bicycle Rental AmounttaskscheduleRSchedule R Scripts and Processes with the Windows Task SchedulertastypieEasy Pie ChartstatestTwo-Group Ta-TesttatooCombine and Export Data FramestauText Analysis UtilitiestauProcessTau Measure with Right-Censored DatatauturriGet Data Out of 'Tautulli' (Formerly 'PlexPy')taxaClasses for Storing and Manipulating Taxonomic DatataxadbA High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database InterfacetaxalightA Lightweight and Lightning-Fast Taxonomic Naming InterfaceTaxaNormFeature-Wise Normalization for Microbiome Sequencing DataTaxicabCATaxicab Correspondence AnalysistaxizeTaxonomic Information from Around the WebtaxizedbTools for Working with 'Taxonomic' DatabasestaxlistHandling Taxonomic ListstaxonbridgeCreate Custom Taxonomies Based on the NCBI Taxonomy and GBIFBackbone TaxonomytaxonomizrFunctions to Work with NCBI Accessions and TaxonomytaxotoolsTaxonomic List ProcessingtaylorLyrics and Song Data for Taylor Swift's DiscographyTaylorRussellA Taylor-Russell Function for Multiple PredictorstayloRswiftColor Palettes Generated by Taylor Swift AlbumstbdEstimation of Causal Effects with Outcomes Truncated by DeathtbeaPre- And Post-Processing in Bayesian Evolutionary AnalysesTBESTTree Branches Evaluated Statistically for TightnessTBFmultinomialTBF Methodology Extension for Multinomial Outcomestbl2xtsConvert Tibbles or Data Frames to Xts EasilytbmTransformation Boosting MachinestbootTilted BootstrapTBoxUseful Functions for Programming and Generating DocumentsTBRDistRearrangement Distances Between Unrooted Phylogenetic TreestbrfTime-Based Rolling FunctionsTCATensor Composition AnalysistcfttTwo-Sample Tests for Skewed DataTCGAretrieverRetrieve Genomic and Clinical Data from CBioPortal IncludingTCGA DatatcgaVizVisualization Tool for the Cancer Genome Atlas Program (TCGA)TcGSATime-Course Gene Set AnalysisTCHazaRdsTropical Cyclone (Hurricane, Typhoon) Spatial Hazard ModellingtciTarget Controlled Infusion (TCI)TCIApathfinderClient for the Cancer Imaging Archive REST APITCIUSpacekime Analytics, Time Complexity and Inferential UncertaintytclTesting in Conditional Likelihood Contexttcltk2Tcl/Tk AdditionstclustRobust Trimmed ClusteringTcompData from the 2010 Tourism Forecasting CompetitiontcplToxCast Data Analysis Pipelinetcplfit2Concentration-Response Modeling of HTS or Transcriptomics DataTCPMORTwo Cut-Points with Maximum Odds RatiotdAccess to the 'twelvedata' Financial Data APITDAStatistical Tools for Topological Data AnalysisTDAkitToolkit for Topological Data AnalysisTDAppliedMachine Learning and Inference for Topological Data AnalysisTDAstatsPipeline for Topological Data AnalysistdataPrepare Your Time-Series Data for Further AnalysistdaunifUniform Manifold Samplers for Topological Data AnalysisTDAvecVector Summaries of Persistence DiagramsTDbookCompanion Package for the Book "Data Integration, Manipulationand Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees" by Guangchuang Yu(2022, ISBN:9781032233574)TDboostA Boosted Tweedie Compound Poisson ModelTDCMThe Transition Diagnostic Classification Model FrameworktdcmStanAutomating the Creation of Stan Code for TDCMsTDCorGene Network Inference from Time-Series Transcriptomic DatatdigestWicked Fast, Accurate Quantiles Using t-DigestsTDLMSystematic Comparison of Trip Distribution Laws and ModelsTDPanalysisGranier's Sap Flow Sensors (TDP) AnalysistdrTarget DiagramtdROCNonparametric Estimation of Time-Dependent ROC, Brier Score, andSurvival Difference from Right Censored Time-to-Event Data withor without Competing RiskstdsaTime-Dependent Sensitivity AnalysistdscTime Domain Signal CodingTDSTNNTime Delay Spatio Temporal Neural NetworktdthapTDT Tests for Extended HaplotypesTEInsertion/Deletion Dynamics for Transposable ElementsteaThreshold Estimation ApproachesTeachHistA Collection of Amended Histograms Designed for TeachingStatisticsTeachingDemosDemonstrations for Teaching and LearningTeachingSamplingSelection of Samples and Parameter Estimation in FinitePopulationTeachNetFits Neural Networks to Learn About BackpropagationtealExploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trials Datateal.codeCode Storage and Execution Class for 'teal' Applicationsteal.dataData Model for 'teal' Applicationsteal.loggerLogging Setup for the 'teal' Family of Packagesteal.modules.clinical'teal' Modules for Standard Clinical Outputsteal.modules.generalGeneral Modules for 'teal' Applicationsteal.reporterReporting Tools for 'shiny' Modulesteal.sliceFilter Module for 'teal' Applicationsteal.transformFunctions for Extracting and Merging Data in the 'teal'Frameworkteal.widgets'shiny' Widgets for 'teal' ApplicationstealeavesSolve for Leaf Temperature Using Energy BalanceTEAMMultiple Hypothesis Testing on an Aggregation Tree MethodteamcolorsColor Palettes for Pro Sports TeamsteamrSend Formatted Messages, Images and Objects to Microsoft 'Teams'tectonicrAnalyzing the Orientation of Maximum Horizontal StresstedaAn Implementation of the Typicality and Eccentricity DataAnalysis FrameworktehtunerFit and Tune Models to Detect Treatment Effect HeterogeneityteigenModel-Based Clustering and Classification with the Multivariatet DistributionTejapiAPI Wrapper for Taiwan Economic Journal Data ServicetelefitEstimation and Prediction for Remote Effects Spatial ProcessModelstelegramR Wrapper Around the Telegram Bot APItelegram.botDevelop a 'Telegram Bot' with RtelemetRFilter and Analyze Generalised Telemetry Data from OrganismsTELPSocial Representation Theory Application: The Free Evocation ofWords TechniquetelraamStatsRetrieval and Visualization of Mobility Data from 'Telraam'SensorsTempContTemporal Contributions on Trends using Mixed ModelstempdisaggMethods for Temporal Disaggregation and Interpolation of TimeSeriestemperatureresponseTemperature ResponsetemplateICArEstimate Brain Networks and Connectivity with ICA and EmpiricalPriorstemplatesA System for Working with TemplatestemplrMASCOTNUM Algorithms Template ToolsTemporalParametric Time to Event AnalysisTemporalGSSAOutputs Temporal Profile of Molecules from Stochastic SimulationAlgorithm Generated DatasetstempRTemporal Sensory Data AnalysisTempStableA Collection of Methods to Estimate Parameters of DifferentTempered Stable DistributionstemptedTemporal Tensor Decomposition, a Dimensionality Reduction Toolfor Longitudinal Multivariate DataTendrilCompute and Display Tendril PlotstenispolaRProvides ZENIT-POLAR Substitution Cipher Method of EncryptiontensorTensor product of arraystensorAAdvanced Tensor Arithmetic with Named IndicestensorBFBayesian Tensor FactorizationtensorBSSBlind Source Separation Methods for Tensor-Valued ObservationsTensorClusteringModel-Based Tensor ClusteringTensorCompleteTensor Noise Reduction and Completion MethodstensorEVDA Fast Algorithm to Factorize High-Dimensional Tensor ProductMatricestensorflowR Interface to 'TensorFlow'tensorMissHandle Missing Tensor Data with C++ IntegrationTensorPreAveRank and Factor Loadings Estimation in Time Series Tensor FactorModelstensorregressSupervised Tensor Decomposition with Side InformationtensorsparseMultiway Clustering via Tensor Block ModelsTensorTest2DFitting Second-Order Tensor DatatensorTSFactor and Autoregressive Models for Tensor Time SeriestensrCovariance Inference and Decompositions for Tensor DatasetsTEQRTarget Equivalence Range DesigntergmFit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based onExponential-Family Random Graph ModelstergmLiteFast Simulation of Simple Temporal Exponential Random GraphModelstermCreate, Manipulate and Query Parameter TermsterminaldigitsTests of Uniformity and Independence for Terminal DigitsternCreate Common TLGs Used in Clinical Trialstern.geeTables and Graphs for Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE)Model Fitstern.mmrmTables and Graphs for Mixed Models for Repeated Measures (MMRM)TernaryCreate Ternary and Holdridge PlotsternvisVisualisation, Verification and Calibration of TernaryProbabilistic ForecaststerraSpatial Data AnalysisterrainmeshrTriangulate and Simplify 3D Terrain MeshesterrainrLandscape Visualizations in R and 'Unity'TesiproVCalculation of Reliability and Failure Probability in CivilEngineeringTESSDiversification Rate Estimation and Fast Simulation ofReconstructed Phylogenetic Trees under Tree-WideTime-Heterogeneous Birth-Death Processes IncludingMass-Extinction EventstessellationDelaunay and Voronoï TessellationstesselleEasily Install and Load 'tesselle' PackagestesseractOpen Source OCR Enginetest2normNormative Standards for Cognitive TestsTestAnaAPPA 'shiny' App for Test Analysis and VisualizationtestargumentsTest (Multiple) Arguments of a User-Defined Prediction AlgorithmtestassayA Hypothesis Testing Framework for Validating an Assay forPrecisiontestCompareRComparing Two Diagnostic Tests with Dichotomous Results usingPaired DataTestCorFWER and FDR Controlling Procedures for Multiple CorrelationTeststestcorrTesting Zero CorrelationtestdatData Unit Testing for RTestDataImputationMissing Item Responses Imputation for Test and Assessment DataTestDesignOptimal Test Design Approach to Fixed and Adaptive TestConstructionTestDimorphAnalysis of the Interpopulation Difference in Degree of SexualDimorphism Using Summary StatisticstestDriveRTeaching Data for Statistics and Data SciencetestequavarBootstrap Tests for Equality of 2, 3, or 4 Population VariancestesterTests and Checks Characteristics of R ObjectstestexAdd Tests to ExamplestestforDEPDependence Tests for Two VariablesTestFunctionsTest Functions for Simulation Experiments and EvaluatingOptimization and Emulation AlgorithmsTestGardenerInformation Analysis for Test and Rating Scale DataTestGeneratorIntegration Unit Tests for Pharmacoepidemiological StudiesTestIndVarsTesting the Independence of Variables for Specific CovarianceStructuresTestingSimilarityBootstrap Test for the Similarity of Dose Response CurvesConcerning the Maximum Absolute DeviationtestitA Simple Package for Testing R PackagesTestScorerGUI for Entering Test Items and Obtaining Raw and TransformedScoresTestsSymmetryTests for Symmetry when the Center of Symmetry is UnknowntestthatUnit Testing for RtestthatmultiTesting for R Packages with Multiple Attempts for Noisy TeststestthisUtils and 'RStudio' Addins to Make Testing Even More FuntesttwiceTesting One Hypothesis Twice in Observational StudiestetraclasseSatisfaction Analysis using Tetraclasse Model and Llosa MatrixtetragonAutomatic Sequence Prediction by Expansion of the DistanceMatrixtetrascattAcoustic Scattering for Complex Shapes by Using the DWBATex4examsGenerating 'Sweave' Code for 'R/exams' Questions in MathematicsTeXCheckRParses LaTeX Documents for ErrorsTexExamRandomizerPersonalizes and Randomizes Exams Written in 'LaTeX'texmexStatistical Modelling of Extreme ValuestexorConverting 'LaTeX' 'R Journal' Articles into 'RJ-web-articles'TExPositionTwo-Table ExPositiontexPreviewCompile and Preview Snippets of 'LaTeX'texregConversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML TablestextAnalyses of Text using Transformers Models from HuggingFace,Natural Language Processing and Machine Learningtext.alignmentText Alignment with Smith-Watermantext2mapR Tools for Text Matrices, Embeddings, and Networkstext2sdgDetecting UN Sustainable Development Goals in Texttext2sdgDataContains the Trained 'text2sdg' Ensemble Model Datatext2speechText to Speech Conversiontext2vecModern Text Mining Framework for RtextabCreate Highly-Customized 'LaTeX' TablestextBoxPlacementCompute a Non-Overlapping Layout of Text Boxes to Label MultipleOverlain PlotstextcatN-Gram Based Text CategorizationtextcleanText Cleaning ToolstextdataDownload and Load Various Text DatasetstexteffectDiscovering Latent Treatments in Text Corpora and EstimatingTheir Causal EffectstexterAn Easy Text and Sentiment Analysis LibraryTextForecastRegression Analysis and Forecasting Using Textual Data from aTime-Varying DictionarytextgRidPraat TextGrid Objects in RtextileTextile ImagestextirInverse Regression for Text AnalysistextmineRFunctions for Text Mining and Topic ModelingTextMiningGUIText Mining GUI InterfacetextometryTextual Data Analysis Package Used by the TXM SoftwaretextplotText PlotstextrankSummarize Text by Ranking Sentences and Finding KeywordstextrarInterface to 'TexTra' from RtextrecipesExtra 'Recipes' for Text Processingtextregn-Gram Text Regression, aka Concise Comparative SummarizationtextreuseDetect Text Reuse and Document SimilaritytextshapeTools for Reshaping TexttextshapingBindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' Libraries for TextShapingtextstemTools for Stemming and Lemmatizing TexttextTinyRText Processing for Small or Big Data FilestextToolsFunctions for Text Cleansing and Text AnalysistextutilsUtilities for Handling Strings and TexttfS3 Classes and Methods for Tidy Functional DataTFactSREnrichment Approach to Predict Which Transcription Factors areRegulatedtfaddonsInterface to 'TensorFlow SIG Addons'tfarimaTransfer Function and ARIMA ModelstfautographAutograph R for 'Tensorflow'tfCoxFits Piecewise Polynomial with Data-Adaptive Knots in Cox ModeltfdatasetsInterface to 'TensorFlow' DatasetstfdeployDeploy 'TensorFlow' ModelstferForensic Glass Transfer ProbabilitiestfestimatorsInterface to 'TensorFlow' EstimatorstfeventsWrite Events for 'TensorBoard'tfhubInterface to 'TensorFlow' HubtfioInterface to 'TensorFlow IO'TFisherOptimal Thresholding Fisher's P-Value Combination MethodTFMPvalueEfficient and Accurate P-Value Computation for Position WeightMatricestfNeuralODECreate Neural Ordinary Differential Equations with 'tensorflow'tfplotTime Frame User UtilitiestfprobabilityInterface to 'TensorFlow Probability'tframeTime Frame Coding KerneltframePlusTime Frame Coding Kernel ExtensionsTFREA Tuning-Free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-DimensionalRegressiontfrmtApplies Display Metadata to Analysis Results Datasetstfrmtbuilder'shiny' App Companion to the 'tfrmt' PackagetfrunsTraining Run Tools for 'TensorFlow'TFunHDDCClustering of Functional Data via Mixtures of t-DistributionstgamthemeGlobe and Mail Graphics Theme for 'ggplot2'tgcdThermoluminescence Glow Curve DeconvolutiontggdThe Standard Distribution Functions for the TruncatedGeneralised Gamma DistributiontglkmeansEfficient Implementation of K-Means++ AlgorithmtgpBayesian Treed Gaussian Process ModelstgramCompute and Plot TracheidogramsTGSRapid Reconstruction of Time-Varying Gene Regulatory NetworksTGSTTargeted Gold Standard TestingtgstatAmos Tanay's Group High Performance Statistical UtilitiestgverTuring Geovisualization Engine R packageTH.dataTH's Data ArchivethaipdfR Markdown to PDF in Thai LanguagethamesTruncated Harmonic Mean Estimator of the Marginal LikelihoodthankrFind Out Who Maintains the Packages you UseThankYouStarsGive your Dependencies Stars on GitHub!theftTools for Handling Extraction of Features from Time SeriestheftdlcAnalyse and Interpret Time Series FeaturestheiaRDownload and Manage Data from TheiathematicUnified and Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2', 'lattice', and'base' R GraphicsthemisExtra Recipes Steps for Dealing with Unbalanced DataTheOpenAIRIntegrate 'OpenAI' Large Language Models into Your 'R' WorkflowsThermalSampleRCalculate Sample Sizes Required for Critical Thermal LimitsExperimentsThermimageThermal Image AnalysisThermIndexCalculate Thermal IndexesThermistorThe Simulation of the Thermistor NetworkthermocoupleTemperature Measurement with Thermocouples, RTD and IC SensorsTheSFACEThe Subtype Free Average Causal EffectthestatsR Package for Exploring Turkish Higher Education StatisticsthgeneticsGenetic Rare Variants TeststhiefTemporal Hierarchical ForecastingthinkrTools for Cleaning Up Messy Filesthis.pathGet Executing Script's PathThomasJeffersonUnivHandy Tools for TJU/TJUH EmployeesthorInterface to 'LMDB'thorn'HTMLwidgets' Displaying Some 'WebGL' ShadersTHRECTree Height Response Calibration for Swedish ForeststhreddsCrawler for Navigating THREDDS CatalogsThreeGroupsML Estimator for Baseline-Placebo-Treatment (Three-Group)ExperimentsthreejsInteractive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and GlobesthreesixtygivingDownload Charitable Grants from the '360Giving' PlatformThreeWayThree-Way Component AnalysisThreeWiseMonkeysThe Japanese Pictorial Maxim "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, SpeakNo Evil"threewordsRepresent Precise Coordinates in Three WordsthregThreshold RegressionthregIThreshold Regression for Interval-Censored Data with a Cure RateOptionThresherThreshing and Reaping for Principal ComponentsThresholdROCOptimum Threshold EstimationThresholdROCsurvivalDiagnostic Ability Assessment with Right-Censored Data at aFixed Time tthreshrThreshold Selection and Uncertainty for Extreme Value AnalysisthriftrApache Thrift Client ServerthunderComputation and Visualisation of Atmospheric ConvectiveParametersThurModThurstonian CFA and Thurstonian IRT ModelingthurstonianIRTThurstonian IRT ModelstibbleSimple Data FramestibbletimeTime Aware TibblestibblifyRectangle Nested ListstictactoeTic-Tac-Toe GametictocFunctions for Timing R Scripts, as Well as Implementations of"Stack" and "StackList" StructuresTideCurvesAnalysis and Prediction of TidesTideHarmonicsHarmonic Analysis of TidesTidesQuasi-Periodic Time Series CharacteristicsTideTablesTide Analysis and Prediction of Predominantly Semi-Diurnal TidestidierEnhanced 'mutate'tidyAMLAutomatic Machine Learning with 'tidymodels'tidybayesTidy Data and 'Geoms' for Bayesian ModelstidyBdEDownload Data from Bank of SpaintidybinsMake Tidy BinstidybootTidyverse-Compatible BootstrappingtidycatExpand Tidy Output for Categorical Parameter EstimatestidyCDISCQuick Table Generation & Exploratory Analyses on ADaM-IshDatasetstidycensusLoad US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as 'tidyverse' and'sf'-Ready Data FramestidychartsGenerate Tidy Charts Inspired by 'IBCS'tidyclustA Common API to ClusteringtidycmprskCompeting Risks EstimationtidycodeAnalyze Lines of R Code the Tidy WaytidycommData Modification and Analysis for Communication ResearchTidyConsultantTidy Consultant UniversetidyCppTidy C++ Header-Only Definitions for Parts of the C API of RtidycwlTidy Common Workflow Language Tools and WorkflowstidydannAdd the 'dann' Model and the 'sub_dann' Model to the TidymodelsEcosystemtidydatatutorSend Your R Code to 'Tidy Data Tutor'tidyDenovixCleans Spectrophotometry Data Obtained from the Denovix DS-11InstrumentTidyDensityFunctions for Tidy Analysis and Generation of Random DatatidydiceSimulates Dice Rolls and Coin FlipstidydrUnify Dimensionality Reduction ResultstidyedgarTidy Fundamental Financial Data from 'SEC's 'EDGAR' 'API'tidyEdSurveyIntegration of 'dplyr' and 'ggplot2' with 'EdSurvey'tidyEmojiDiscovers Emoji from TexttidyestimateA Tidy Implementation of 'ESTIMATE'tidyfastFast Tidying of DatatidyfinanceTidy Finance Helper FunctionstidyfitRegularized Linear Modeling with Tidy DatatidyformulaBuild Formulas Using Tidy Selection HelperstidyfstTidy Verbs for Fast Data ManipulationtidyftFast and Memory Efficient Data Operations in Tidy SyntaxtidygamTidy Prediction and Plotting of Generalised Additive ModelstidygapminderEasily Tidy Gapminder DatasetstidygenomicsTidy Verbs for Dealing with Genomic Data FramestidygeocoderGeocoding Made EasytidygeoRSSTidy GeoRSStidygraphA Tidy API for Graph ManipulationtidyHeatmapA Tidy Implementation of HeatmaptidyheatmapsHeatmaps from Tidy DatatidyhteTidy Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment EffectstidyhydatExtract and Tidy Canadian 'Hydrometric' DatatidyindexA Tidy Data Pipeline to Construct, Compare, and Analyse IndexestidyjsonTidy Complex 'JSON'tidyldaLatent Dirichlet Allocation Using 'tidyverse' ConventionstidyloWeighted Tidy Log Odds RatiotidylogLogging for 'dplyr' and 'tidyr' FunctionstidyLPAEasily Carry Out Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) Using Open-Sourceor Commercial SoftwaretidyMCMonte Carlo Simulations Made Easy and TidytidymodelsEasily Install and Load the 'Tidymodels' PackagesTidyMultiqcConverts 'MultiQC' Reports into Tidy Data FramestidymvTidy Model Visualisation for Generalised Additive ModelstidyncA Tidy Approach to 'NetCDF' Data Exploration and ExtractiontidypaleoTidy Tools for Paleoenvironmental ArchivestidyplateTransform Microplate Data into Tidy DataframestidyplusAdditional 'tidyverse' FunctionstidypmcParse Full Text XML Documents from PubMed CentraltidyposteriorBayesian Analysis to Compare Models using Resampling StatisticstidypredictRun Predictions Inside the DatabasetidyquantTidy Quantitative Financial AnalysistidyqueryQuery 'R' Data Frames with 'SQL'tidyrTidy Messy DatatidyratesTidy Epidemiological RatestidyREDCapHelper Functions for Working with 'REDCap' Datatidyrgee'tidyverse' Methods for 'Earth Engine'tidyRSSTidy RSS for RtidyrulesObtain Rules from Rule Based Models as Tidy DataframetidysdmSpecies Distribution Models with TidymodelstidyselectSelect from a Set of StringstidySEMTidy Structural Equation ModelingtidyseuratBrings Seurat to the TidyversetidysmdTidy Standardized Mean DifferencestidysqTidy Processing and Analysis of Biological SequencestidystatsSave Output of Statistical TeststidystopwordsCustomisable Stop-Words in 110 LanguagestidystringdistString Distance Calculation with Tidy Data PrinciplestidysynthA Tidy Implementation of the Synthetic Control MethodtidytableTidy Interface to 'data.table'tidyterra'tidyverse' Methods and 'ggplot2' Helpers for 'terra' ObjectstidytextText Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy ToolstidytidbitsA Collection of Tools and Helpers Extending the TidyversetidytlgCreate TLGs using the 'tidyverse'tidytransitRead, Validate, Analyze, and Map GTFS FeedstidytreatmentTidy Methods for Bayesian Treatment Effect ModelstidytreeA Tidy Tool for Phylogenetic Tree Data ManipulationtidytuesdayRAccess the Weekly 'TidyTuesday' Project DatasettidyUSDAA Minimal Tool Set for Gathering USDA Quick Stat Data forAnalysis and VisualizationtidyverseEasily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'tidyvpcVPC Percentiles and Prediction IntervalstidywikidatarExplore 'Wikidata' Through Tidy Data FramestidyxlRead Untidy Excel FilestiffRead and Write TIFF ImagestigerhitteRPre-Process of Time Series Data Set in RTIGERrTechnical Variation Elimination with Ensemble LearningArchitecturetigersIntegration of Geography, Environment, and Remote SensingtigerstatsR Functions for Elementary StatisticstiggerInfers Novel Immunoglobulin Alleles from Sequencing DatatightClustTight ClusteringtightenBlockTightens an Observational Block Design by Balanced SubsetMatchingtigreBrowserWriter'tigreBrowser' Database WritertigrisLoad Census TIGER/Line ShapefilestiktokadsRAccess to TikTok Ads via the '' APItikzDeviceR Graphics Output in LaTeX FormattiledbModern Database Engine for Complex Data Based onMulti-Dimensional ArraystilegramsRR Spatial Data for TilegramstilemapsGenerate Tile MapstilerCreate Geographic and Non-Geographic Map TilestiltingVariable Selection via Tilted Correlation Screening AlgorithmtimbeRCalculate Wood Volumes from Taper FunctionstimbrForest/Tree Data Framestime.slotsDisplay Data in a Weekly Calendar ViewtimechangeEfficient Manipulation of Date-TimestimeDateRmetrics - Chronological and Calendar ObjectstimedelayTime Delay Estimation for Stochastic Time Series ofGravitationally Lensed QuasarstimedepparInfer Constant and Stochastic, Time-Dependent Model ParameterstimeDFSubset and Flag Data Frames with Times by the Use of PeriodstimelessFast General Purpose Date/Time ConvertertimeLineGraphicsHTML with Horizontal Strips Symbolizing Events in a Person'sLifetimelineSTimeline and Time Duration-Related ToolstimeorderedTime-Ordered and Time-Aggregated Network AnalysestimeperiodsRSimple Definition Of Time IntervalstimeplyrFast Tidy Tools for Date and Date-Time ManipulationtimeRTime Your CodestimeregFlexible Regression Models for Survival DatatimeROCTime-Dependent ROC Curve and AUC for Censored Survival DatatimeSeriesFinancial Time Series Objects (Rmetrics)timeseriesdbA Time Series Database for Official Statistics with R andPostgreSQLtimetkA Tool Kit for Working with Time SeriestimetoolsSeasonal/Sequential (Instants/Durations, Even or not) TimeSeriesTimeVarConcurrentModelConcurrent Multivariate Models with Time-Varying CoefficientstimevarcorrTime Varying CorrelationtimevisCreate Interactive Timeline Visualizations in RTimeVizProDynamic Data Explorer: Visualize and Forecast with 'TimeVizPro'TimeVTreeSurvival Analysis of Time Varying Coefficients Using aTree-Based ApproachTIMPFitting Separable Nonlinear Models in Spectroscopy andMicroscopytimsacTime Series Analysis and Control PackageTinflexA Universal Non-Uniform Random Number GeneratortinkrCast '(R)Markdown' Files to 'XML' and Back AgaintinselTransform Functions using Decoratorstint'tint' is not 'Tufte'tinterGenerate a Monochromatic PalettetinyarrayExpression Data Analysis and VisualizationtinycodetFunctions to Help in your Coding EtiquettetinylabelsLightweight Variable LabelstinyProjectA Lightweight Template for Data Analysis ProjectstinyscholarGet and Show Personal 'Google Scholar' ProfiletinysnapshotSnapshots for Unit Tests using the 'tinytest' FrameworktinyspotifyrTinyverse R Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web APItinytableSimple and Configurable Tables in 'HTML', 'LaTeX', 'Markdown','Word', 'PNG', 'PDF', and 'Typst' FormatstinytestLightweight and Feature Complete Unit Testing Frameworktinytest2JUnitConvert 'tinytest' Output to JUnit XMLtinytexHelper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and CompileLaTeX DocumentstinythemesLightweight Repackaging of 'Themes' for 'ggplot2'tinytigerLightweight Interface to TIGER/Line ShapefilestipBayesian Clustering Using the Table Invitation Prior (TIP)tipaTau-Independent Phase Analysis for Circadian Time-Course DataTipDatingBeastUsing Tip Dates with Phylogenetic Trees in BEASTtipitakaData and Tools for Analyzing the Pali CanontipmapTipping Point Analysis for Bayesian Dynamic BorrowingtippyAdd Tooltips to 'R markdown' Documents or 'Shiny' AppstiprTipping Point AnalysesTiPSTrajectories and Phylogenies SimulatortipsaeTools for Handling Indices and Proportions in Small AreaEstimationtisTime Indexes and Time Indexed SeriesTITAN2Threshold Indicator Taxa AnalysistitanicTitanic Passenger Survival Data SetTITEgBOINTime-to-Event Dose-Finding Design for Multiple Toxicity GradestiteIRIsotonic Designs for Phase 1 Trials with Late-Onset ToxicitiestitrationCurvesAcid/Base, Complexation, Redox, and Precipitation TitrationCurvesTKCatTailored Knowledge CatalogtkImgRSimple Image Viewer for R Using the 'tcltk' PackagetkrplotTK RplottkRplotRDisplay Resizable PlotstLagInterimInterim Monitoring of Clinical Trials with Time-Lagged OutcometLagPropOddsProportional Odds Model with Censored, Time-Lagged CategoricalOutcometlarsThe T-LARS Algorithm: Early-Terminated Forward VariableSelectionTlassoNon-Convex Optimization and Statistical Inference for SparseTensor Graphical ModelsTLCARComputation of Topp-Leone Cauchy Rayleigh (TLCAR )distribution's propertiestldrT Loux Doing R: Functions to Simplify Data Analysis andReportingtlmEffects under Linear, Logistic and Poisson Regression Modelswith Transformed VariablesTLMomentsCalculate TL-Moments and Convert Them to Distribution ParameterstlrmvnmvtLow-Rank Methods for MVN and MVT ProbabilitiestlsTools of Total Least Squares in Error-in-Variables ModelstmText Mining Packagetm.plugin.alcesteImport Texts from Files in the 'Alceste' Format Using the 'tm'Text Mining Frameworktm.plugin.dcText Mining Distributed Corpus Plug-intm.plugin.europresseImport Articles from 'Europresse' Using the 'tm' Text MiningFrameworktm.plugin.factivaImport Articles from 'Factiva' Using the 'tm' Text MiningFrameworktm.plugin.koRpusFull Corpus Support for the 'koRpus' Packagetm.plugin.lexisnexisImport Articles from 'LexisNexis' Using the 'tm' Text MiningFrameworktm.plugin.mailText Mining E-Mail Plug-intm1rThe Integration Between 'IBM COGNOS TM1' and RtmapThematic MapstmaptoolsThematic Map ToolsTMBTemplate Model Builder: A General Random Effect Tool Inspired by'ADMB'tmbstanMCMC Sampling from 'TMB' Model Object using 'Stan'TmCalculatorMelting Temperature of Nucleic Acid SequencestmcnA Text Mining Toolkit for ChineseTMDbAccess to TMDb APITmiscTurner MiscellaneousTMLTropical Geometry Tools for Machine LearningtmleTargeted Maximum Likelihood EstimationtmodFeature Set Enrichment Analysis for Metabolomics andTranscriptomicstmplateCode Generation Based on TemplatestmpmTrauma Mortality Prediction ModeltmsensSensitivity Analysis Using the Trimmed Means EstimatortmtEstimation of the Rasch Model for Multistage TeststmvmixnormSampling from Truncated Multivariate Normal and t DistributionstmvnsimTruncated Multivariate Normal SimulationtmvtnormTruncated Multivariate Normal and Student t DistributiontmvtnsimTruncated Multivariate Normal and t Distribution SimulationTNCTemporal Network Centrality (TNC) MeasurestnetWeighted, Two-Mode, and Longitudinal Networks Analysistnl.TestNon-Parametric Tests for the Two-Sample ProblemTNRSTaxonomic Name Resolution ServicetntprData Analysis Tools Customized for TNTPtoastuiInteractive Tables, Calendars and Charts for the WebTOCTotal Operating Characteristic Curve and ROC CurvetodorFind All TODO Comments and Moretogglr'' Api for 'Rstudio'TOHMTesting One Hypothesis Multiple TimestokFast Text TokenizationtokenbrowserCreate Full Text Browsers from Annotated Token ListstokenizersFast, Consistent Tokenization of Natural Language Texttokenizers.bpeByte Pair Encoding Text TokenizationtoleranceStatistical Tolerance Intervals and RegionstombaOfficial R Library for Tomba Email FinderTOmicsVisTranscriptome Visualization Process SchemetongfenMake Data Based on Different Geographies ComparabletoolboxList, String, and Meta Programming Utility FunctionstoolmaRkTests for Same-Source of Toolmarkstools4upliftTools for Uplift ModelingToolsForCoDaMultivariate Tools for Compositional Data AnalysistoolStabilityTool for Stability Indices CalculationTooManyCellsRAn R Wrapper for 'TooManyCells'toOrdinalCardinal to Ordinal Number & Date ConversionToothnrollDental Tissues Landmarking Measuring and MappingtopChefTop Chef DataTopDomAn Efficient and Deterministic Method for IdentifyingTopological Domains in GenomestopdowntimeratioTop-Down Time Ratio Segmentation for Coordinate TrajectoriestopicdocTopic-Specific Diagnostics for LDA and CTM Topic ModelstopicmodelsTopic Modelstopicmodels.etmTopic Modelling in Embedding SpacesTopicScoreThe Topic SCORE Algorithm to Fit Topic ModelsTopKListsInference, Aggregation and Visualization for Top-K Ranked ListsTopKSignalA Convex Optimization Tool for Signal Reconstruction fromMultiple Ranked ListstopmodelImplementation of the Hydrological Model TOPMODEL in RtopoDistanceCalculating Topographic Paths and DistancestopologyGSAGene Set Analysis Exploiting Pathway TopologytoposortTopological Sorting AlgorithmstoprCreate Custom Plots for Viewing Genetic Association ResultstoprdataGene and Exon Data from EnsembltopsisTOPSIS method for multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM)TopSisWMMulti-Criteria Method for Decision (TOPSIS)torImport Multiple Files From a Single Directory at OncetorchTensors and Neural Networks with 'GPU' AccelerationtorchaudioR Interface to 'pytorch”s 'torchaudio'torchdatasetsReady to Use Extra Datasets for TorchtorchoptAdvanced Optimizers for TorchtorchvisionModels, Datasets and Transformations for ImagestorchvisionlibAdditional Operators for Image ModelsTORDsThird Order Rotatable Designs (TORDs)tornadoPlots for Model Sensitivity and Variable ImportancetoscaTools for Statistical Content AnalysistoscmaskImproved Versions of Base FunctionstoscutilUtility FunctionsTOSITwo-Directional Simultaneous Inference for High-DimensionalModelstosrCreate the Tree of Science from WoS and ScopusTOSTERTwo One-Sided Tests (TOST) Equivalence TestingtotalcensusExtract Decennial Census and American Community Survey DataTotalCopheneticIndexQuantify the Balance of Phylogenetic TreesTOUTransformed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model for Adsorption KineticstouchTools of Utilization and Cost in HealthcaretouRnamentofchampionsTournament of Champions DatatourrTour Methods for Multivariate Data VisualisationtoweranNAA Method for Handling Missing Values in Prediction ApplicationsToxCritCalculates Safety Stopping Boundaries for a Single-Arm Trialusing BayestoxEvalExploring Biological Relevance of Environmental ChemistryObservationstoxpiRCreate ToxPi Prioritization ModelstoxSummaryVisualize and Summarize Repeat-Dose Toxicology Study ResultsTP.idmEstimation of Transition Probabilities for the Illness-DeathModelTPACTissue-Adjusted Pathway Analysis of Cancer (TPAC)TPACDataHuman Protein Atlas Data for Tissue-Adjusted Pathway Analysis ofCancer (TPAC)tpAUCEstimation and Inference of Two-Way pAUC, pAUC and pODCtpcTiered PC AlgorithmTPCselectVariable Selection via Threshold Partial CorrelationTPDMethods for Measuring Functional Diversity Based on TraitProbability DensityTPEAA Novel Topology-Based Pathway Enrichment Analysis ApproachTPESTumor Purity Estimation using SNVstpfpCounts the Number of True Positives and False PositivesTPLSrThresholded Partial Least Squares Model for Neuroimaging DataTplyrA Traceability Focused Grammar of Clinical Data SummarytpmFHWA TPM Score Calculation FunctionsTPMpltTool-Kit for Dynamic Materials Model and Thermal Processing MapsTPmsmEstimation of Transition Probabilities in Multistate ModelstpnTruncated Positive Normal Model and ExtensionstprTemporal Process RegressiontpwbThe Three Parameter Weibull DistributiontqkGet Financial Data in Koreatr.iatgenTranslate 'iatgen' Generated QSF FilesTR8A Tool for Downloading Functional Traits Data for Plant SpeciesTraceAssistNonparametric Trace Regression via Sign Series RepresentationtraceeEasily Save Output and Trace it Back to CodetracenmaDatabase for Developing Transitivity Methodology in NetworkMeta-AnalysistracerSlick Call StackstracererTracer from RtracheideRStandardize Tracheidogramstrack2KBAIdentifying Important Areas from Animal Tracking DatatrackdemParticle Tracking and DemographytrackdfData Frame Class for Tracking DatatrackdownCollaborative Editing of Rmd (or Rnw) Documents in Google DrivetrackeRInfrastructure for Running, Cycling and Swimming Data fromGPS-Enabled Tracking DevicestrackeRappInterface for the Analysis of Running, Cycling and Swimming Datafrom GPS-Enabled Tracking DevicesTrackReconstructionReconstruct Animal Tracks from Magnetometer, Accelerometer,Depth and Optional Speed Datatractor.baseRead, Manipulate and Visualise Magnetic Resonance ImagestradeTools for Trade PractitionerstradepolicyReplication of 'An Advanced Guide To Trade Policy Analysis'TRADERTree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in RtradestatisticsOpen Trade Statistics API Wrapper and Utility ProgramTradingCCR, Advanced Correlation & Beta Estimates, Betting StrategiesTrafficBDETraffic Predictions Using Neural NetworkstrafoEstimation, Comparison and Selection of TransformationstraineRPredictive (Classification and Regression) Models hom*ologatortrainRAn Interface to the National Rail Enquiries SystemstrainsplitSplit a Dataframe, Tibble, or Data.table into Training and TestSetstraipseShared Tools for Tracking DatatraitsSpecies Trait Data from Around the WebtraitstrapBootstrap Trait Values to Calculate MomentstrajClustering of Functional Data Based on Measures of ChangetrajectoriesClasses and Methods for Trajectory DatatrajmsmMarginal Structural Models with Latent Class Growth Analysis ofTreatment TrajectoriestrajrAnimal Trajectory AnalysistramTransformation ModelstramicpModel-Based Causal Feature Selection for General Response TypesTraMineRTrajectory Miner: a Sequence Analysis ToolkitTraMineRextrasTraMineR ExtensiontramMETransformation Models with Mixed EffectstramnetPenalized Transformation ModelstrampolineMake Functions that Can Recurse InfinitelyTRAMPR'TRFLP' Analysis and Matching Package for RtramvsOptimal Subset Selection for Transformation ModelstransforEmotionSentiment Analysis for Text, Image and Video using TransformerModelsTransformStatistical Transformationstransform.hazardsTransforms Cumulative Hazards to Parameter Specified by ODESystemtransformerImplementation of Transformer Deep Neural Network with VignettestransformmosTransform MOS Values to be Robust for using Rank BasedStatisticstransformrPolygon and Path TransformationstransfRTransfer of Hydrograph from Gauged to Ungauged CatchmentsTransGraphTransfer Graph Learningtranslate.logitTranslation of Logit Regression Coefficients into PercentagestranslatedSimple and Robust Translation SystemtransmdlSemiparametric Transformation ModelstransmemTreatment of Membrane-Transport DataTransModelFit Linear Transformation Models for Right Censored DataTransPImplementation of Transportation Problem AlgorithmsTransPhyloInference of Transmission Tree from a Dated PhylogenytransplantrAudit and Research Functions for TransplantationtransPlotRVisualize Transcript Structures in Elegant WaytransportComputation of Optimal Transport Plans and Wasserstein DistancestransregPenalised Regression with Multiple Sets of Prior EffectsTransTGGMTransfer Learning for Tensor Graphical ModelstranSurvTransformation Model Based Estimation of Survival and RegressionUnder Dependent Truncation and Independent CensoringtransxTransform Univariate Time SeriestrapezoidThe Trapezoidal DistributionTratamentos.adPacote Para Analise De Experimentos Com Testemunhas AdicionaistraudemUse TauDEMtraveltimeRInterface to 'Travel Time' APItrawlEstimation and Simulation of Trawl ProcessesTRDTransmission Ratio DistortiontreasuryUS Treasury XML Feed WrapperTreatmentPatternsAnalyzes Real-World Treatment Patterns of a Study Population ofInterestTreatmentSelectionEvaluate Treatment Selection BiomarkerstreatsTrees and Traits SimulationstreeClassification and Regression Treestree.interpreterRandom Forest Prediction Decomposition and Feature ImportanceMeasuretree3d3D Tree ModelstreebalanceComputation of Tree (Im)Balance IndicestreebaseDiscovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' PhylogeniesTreeBUGSHierarchical Multinomial Processing Tree ModelingtreeClustCluster Distances Through TreestreeDATree-Based Discriminant Analysistreedata.tableManipulation of Matched Phylogenies and Data using 'data.table'treedaterFast Molecular Clock Dating of Phylogenetic Trees with RateVariationtreeDbalanceComputation of 3D Tree ImbalanceTreeDepAir Pollution Removal by Dry Deposition on TreesTreeDiagramTree DiagramtreediffTesting Differences Between Families of TreesTreeDimensionTestTrajectory Presence and Heterogeneity in Multivariate DataTreeDistCalculate and Map Distances Between Phylogenetic TreestreefitThe First Software for Quantitative Trajectory InferencetreeheatrHeatmap-Integrated Decision Tree VisualizationstreemapTreemap VisualizationtreemapifyDraw Treemaps in 'ggplot2'TreeMineRTree-Based Scan StatisticstreenomialComparison of Trees using a Tree Defining PolynomialtreePlotAreaCorrection Factors for Tree Plot Areas Intersected by StandBoundariesTreeRingShapeRecording Tree-Ring Shapes of Tree Disks with Manual Digitizingand Interpolating ModelTreeSearchPhylogenetic Analysis with Discrete Character DatatreeshapCompute SHAP Values for Your Tree-Based Models Using the'TreeSHAP' AlgorithmTreeSimSimulating Phylogenetic TreesTreeSimGMSimulating Phylogenetic Trees under General Bellman Harris andLineage Shift ModeltreesliceRTo Slice Phylogenetic Trees and Infer Evolutionary Patterns OverTimetreespaceStatistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic TreestreestartrGenerate Starting Trees for Combined Molecular, Morphologicaland Stratigraphic DatatreestatsPhylogenetic Tree StatisticstreestructureDetect Population Structure Within Phylogenetic TreesTreeToolsCreate, Modify and Analyse Phylogenetic TreestrekcolorsStar Trek Color PalettestrekfontStar Trek Fonts CollectiontrelliscopejsCreate Interactive Trelliscope DisplaystrelloRAccess the Trello APItremendousrEasily Send Rewards and Incentives with 'Tremendous' from RTrenchRTools for Microclimate and Biophysical EcologytrendNon-Parametric Trend Tests and Change-Point DetectiontrendchangeInnovative Trend Analysis and Time-Series Change Point AnalysistrendevalEvaluate Trending ModelstrendingModel Temporal TrendsTrendInTrendOdds Ratio Estimation and Power Calculation for the Trend inTrend ModelTrendLSWWavelet Methods for Analysing Locally Stationary Time SeriestrendsegmentRLinear Trend SegmentationTrendSLREstimating Trend, Velocity and Acceleration from Sea LevelRecordsTrendTMTrend of High-Dimensional Time Series Matrix EstimationTrendtwosubTwo Sample Order Free Trend Nonparametric InferencetrendyyA Tidy Wrapper Around 'gtrendsR'TRESTensor Regression with Envelope StructureTRexSelectorT-Rex Selector: High-Dimensional Variable Selection & FDRControlTri.Hierarchical.IBDsTri-Hierarchical IBDs (Tri- Hierarchical Incomplete BlockDesigns)triactAnalyzing the Lying Behavior of Cows from Accelerometer DataTriadSimSimulating Triad Genomewide GenotypesTrialEmulationCausal Analysis of Observational Time-to-Event DatatrialrClinical Trial Designs in 'rstan'TrialSizeR Functions for Chapter 3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 of Sample SizeCalculation in Clinical ResearchtriangleDistribution Functions and Parameter Estimates for the TriangleDistributiontriangulationDetermine Position of ObservertriangulrHigh-Performance Triangular Distribution FunctionstricoloreA Flexible Color Scale for Ternary CompositionsTriDimRegressionBayesian Statistics for 2D/3D Transformationstriebeard'Radix' Trees in 'Rcpp'triggerstrategyTrigger Strategy in Clinical TrialstRigonToolbox for Integrative Pathomics AnalysistrigpointsData Set of Trig Points in Great Britain in British NationalGrid CoordinatesTriMatchPropensity Score Matching of Non-Binary TreatmentstrimclusterCluster Analysis with TrimmingtrimetStopsInformation on all of the TriMet Stops in the Portland MetroAreatrimmerTrim an ObjecttrimrAn Implementation of Common Response Time Trimming MethodstrinROCStatistical Tests for Assessing Trinormal ROC DataTrioSGLTrio Model with a Combination of Lasso and Group LassoRegularizationtripTracking DatatripackTriangulation of Irregularly Spaced DatatripEstimationMetropolis Sampler and Supporting Functions for EstimatingAnimal Movement from Archival Tags and Satellite FixesTripleRSocial Relation Model (SRM) Analyses for Single or MultipleGroupstriplesmatchMatch Triples Consisting of Two Controls and a Treated Unit orVice VersatriplotExplaining Correlated Features in Machine Learning ModelstripsAndDipRIdentification of 2n and 3n Samples from Amplicon SequencingDatatriptychDiagnostic Graphics to Evaluate Forecast PerformancetriversityDiversity Measures on Tripartite GraphsTRMFTemporally Regularized Matrix FactorizationtRnslateTranslate R Code in Source FilestroopdataTools for Analyzing Cross-National Military Deployment andBasing DatatropAlgebraTropical Algebraic FunctionsTropFishRTropical Fisheries AnalysistrotterPseudo-Vectors Containing All Permutations, Combinations andSubsets of Objects Taken from a VectortrouBBlme4SolveRTroubles Solver for 'lme4'TroublemakeRGenerates Spatial Problems in R for 'AMPL'TrtCombo.FactorialExp.SRGeneration of Treatment Combination (in Standard Order) in 2^nFactorial ExperimenttrtfTransformation Trees and ForeststrueliesBayesian Methods to Estimate the Proportion of Liars in CoinFlip ExperimentsTrueSkillThroughTimeSkill Estimation Based on a Single Bayesian NetworktruhTwo-Sample Nonparametric Testing Under HeterogeneityTrumpetPlotsVisualization of Genetic Association StudiestruncAIPWDoubly Robust Estimation under Covariate-Induced Dependent LeftTruncationTruncatedNormalTruncated Multivariate Normal and Student DistributionstruncdistTruncated Random VariablesTruncExpFamTruncated Exponential FamilytruncnormTruncated Normal DistributiontruncnormbayesEstimates Moments for a Truncated Normal Distribution using'Stan'truncregTruncated Gaussian Regression ModelstruncSPSemi-parametric estimators of truncated regression modelstrustTrust Region OptimizationtrustedtimestampingCreate Trusted Timestamps of Datasets and FilestrustOptimTrust Region Optimization for Nonlinear Functions with SparseHessianstryCatchLogAdvanced 'tryCatch()' and 'try()' FunctionstryrClient/Server Error Handling for HTTP API FrameworksTSATime Series AnalysistsallisqexpTsallis q-Exp DistributionTSANNTime Series Artificial Neural NetworktsappTime Series, Analysis and ApplicationtsboxClass-Agnostic Time SeriestsBSSBlind Source Separation and Supervised Dimension Reduction forTime SeriesTSCITools for Causal Inference with Possibly Invalid InstrumentalVariablesTSclustTime Series Clustering UtilitiestscopulaTime Series Copula ModelstscountAnalysis of Count Time SeriesTSCSTime Series Cointegrated SystemtsdataleaksExploit Data Leakages in Time Series Forecasting CompetitionstsdbTerribly-Simple Data Base for Time SeriestsdecompDecomposition of Time Series DataTSdeeplearningDeep Learning Model for Time Series ForecastingtsdfTwo-/Three-Stage Designs for Phase 1&2 Clinical TrialsTSDFGSTraining Set Determination for Genomic Selectiontsdisagg2Time Series DisaggregationTSdisaggregationHigh-Dimensional Temporal DisaggregationTSdistDistance Measures for Time Series DatatsdistributionsLocation Scale Standardized DistributionsTSDTTreatment-Specific Subgroup Detection TooltsDynNonlinear Time Series Models with Regime SwitchingTSETotal Survey ErrorTSEALTime Series Analysis LibraryTSEindTotal Survey Error (Independent Samples)tsensemblerDynamic Ensembles for Time Series ForecastingtsentimentFetching Tweet Data for Sentiment AnalysisTSEntropiesTime Series EntropiestseriesTime Series Analysis and Computational FinancetseriesChaosAnalysis of Nonlinear Time SeriestseriesEntropyEntropy Based Analysis and Tests for Time SeriesTSeriesMMAMultiscale Multifractal Analysis of Time Series DatatseriesTARMAAnalysis of Nonlinear Time Series Through TARMA ModelsTSEtoolsManage Data from Stock Exchange MarketsTSEwgtTotal Survey Error Under Multiple, Different Weighting SchemesTSFTwo Stage Forecasting (TSF) for Long Memory Time Series inPresence of Structural BreaktsfeaturesTime Series Feature ExtractiontsfgrnnTime Series Forecasting Using GRNNtsfknnTime Series Forecasting Using Nearest NeighborstsfngmTime Series Forecasting using Nonlinear Growth ModelstsgarchUnivariate GARCH ModelsTSGSTrait Specific Gene Selection using SVM and GATSGSISTwo Stage-Grouped Sure Independence ScreeningTSHRCTwo Stage Hazard Rate ComparisontsibbleTidy Temporal Data Frames and ToolstsibbledataDiverse Datasets for 'tsibble'tsibbletalkInteractive Graphics for Tsibble ObjectstsintermittentIntermittent Time Series ForecastingtsiRAn Implementation of the TSIR ModelTSLSTMLong Short Term Memory (LSTM) Model for Time Series ForecastingTSLSTMplusLong-Short Term Memory for Time-Series Forecasting, EnhancedtsLSTMxPredict Time Series Using LSTM Model Including ExogenousVariable to Denote Zero ValuestsmethodsTime Series MethodsTSMNTruncated Scale Mixtures of Normal DistributionstsModelTime Series Modeling for Air Pollution and HealthtsmpTime Series with Matrix ProfileTSMSNTruncated Scale Mixtures of Skew-Normal DistributionstsnaTools for Temporal Social Network AnalysistsneT-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding for R (t-SNE)tsnetFitting, Comparing, and Visualizing Networks Based on TimeSeries DatatsoutliersDetection of Outliers in Time SeriesTSPTraveling Salesperson Problem (TSP)tsPIImproved Prediction Intervals for ARIMA Processes and StructuralTime SeriestspmetaInstance Feature Calculation and Evolutionary InstanceGeneration for the Traveling Salesman ProblemTSPredFunctions for Benchmarking Time Series PredictiontspreditTime Series Prediction Integrated TuningtsqnApplications of the Qn Estimator to Time Series (Univariate andMultivariate)TSreprTime Series RepresentationstsriadditiveTwo Stage Residual Inclusion Additive Hazards EstimatortsrobprepRobust Preprocessing of Time Series DataTSS.RESTRENDTime Series Segmentation of Residual TrendstsSelectExecution of Time Series ModelstssimSimulation of Daily and Monthly Time SeriesTSsmoothingTrend Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Time Series withControlled SmoothnessTSSSTime Series Analysis with State Space ModelTSstudioFunctions for Time Series Analysis and ForecastingTSSVMTime Series Forecasting using SVM ModeltstestsTime Series Goodness of Fit and Forecast Evaluation TestststoolsA Time Series Toolbox for Official StatisticsTSTutorialFitting and Predict Time Series Interactive LaboratorytsutilsTime Series Exploration, Modelling and ForecastingTSVCTree-Structured Modelling of Varying CoefficientstsvioSimple Utilities for Tab-Separated-Value (TSV) FilestsvizEasy and Interactive Time Series VisualizationtsvrTimescale-Specific Variance Ratio for Use in Community EcologytswgeTime Series for Data SciencetsxtremeBayesian Modelling of Extremal Dependence in Time SeriesTTDisplay Tree Structured Data using Datatable Widget (DT)TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysisTemporal Trend Analysis Graphical InterfacettbaryBarycenter Methods for Spatial Point PatternsttbbeerUS Beer Statistics from TTBTTCATranscript Time Course AnalysisttcgThree-Term Conjugate Gradient for Unconstrained OptimizationttdoExtend 'tinytest' with 'diffobj'tthTeX-to-HTML/MathML Translators TtH/TtMtTOlrLikelihood Ratio Statistics for One or Two Sample T-TestsTTRTechnical Trading RulesTTSMaster Curve Estimates Corresponding to Time-TemperatureSuperpositionttScreeningGenome-Wide DNA Methylation Sites Screening by Use of Trainingand Testing SamplesttserviceA Service for Tidy Transcriptomics Software SuitetttThe Table TooltttplotTime to Target PlotttutilsUtility FunctionstuberClient for the YouTube APItubernR Client for the YouTube Analytics and Reporting APItuckerR.mmggThree-Mode Principal Components AnalysisTUFLOWRHelper Functions for 'TUFLOW FV' ModelstufteTufte's Styles for R Markdown DocumentstufterhandoutTufte-style html document format for rmarkdownTukeyCConventional Tukey TestTukeyGH77Tukey g-&-h DistributionTukeyRegionTukey Region and MediantukeytrendTukeys Trend Test via Multiple Marginal ModelsTULIPA Toolbox for Linear Discriminant Analysis with PenaltiestumgrTumor Growth Rate AnalysistuneTidy Tuning ToolsTuneParetoMulti-Objective Parameter Tuning for ClassifierstuneRAnalysis of Music and SpeechtuneRangerTune Random Forest of the 'ranger' PackagetupleFind every match, or orphan, duplicate, triplicate, or otherreplicated valuesturboEMA Suite of Convergence Acceleration Schemes for EM, MM and OtherFixed-Point AlgorithmsturkeyelectionsThe Most Comprehensive R Package for Turkish Election ResultsturnerTurn Vectors and Lists of Vectors into Indexed StructuresTurtleGraphicsTurtle GraphicsTushareInterface to 'Tushare Pro' APItutorial.helpersHelper Functions for Creating TutorialsTUWmodelLumped/Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model for EducationPurposestvTools for Creating Time-Varying DatasetstvemTime-Varying Effect ModelstvgarchTime Varying GARCH ModellingtvgeomThe Time-Varying (Right-Truncated) Geometric DistributiontvmTime Value of Money FunctionstvmCompDiscounting and Compounding Calculations for Various ScenariostvmediationTime Varying Mediation AnalysisTVMMMultivariate Tests for the Vector of MeanstvRTotal Variation RegularizationtvRegTime-Varying Coefficient for Single and Multi-EquationRegressionstvthemesTV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' GraphicstwangToolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent GroupstwangContinuousToolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups -Continuous ExposurestwangMediationTwang Causal Mediation Modeling via WeightingtwangRDCGradient Boosting for Linkage Failure in FSRDCstwdtwTime-Weighted Dynamic Time WarpingtweedieEvaluation of Tweedie Exponential Family ModelstweenrInterpolate Data for Smooth AnimationstweetcheckParse and Validate Tweet Texttwenty48Play a Game of 2048 in the ConsoletwfyDrive the API for TheyWorkForYoutwilioAn Interface to the Twilio API for RtwinningData TwinningTwitmoTwitter Topic Modeling and Visualization for RtwitteRR Based Twitter ClienttwitteradsRGet Twitter Ads Data via the '' APITwitterAutomatedTradingAutomated Trading Using TweetstwitterwidgetRender a Twitter Status in R Markdown PagestwlTwo-Way Latent Structure Clustering ModeltwnTaxa Waterbeheer Nederland voor RTwoArmSurvSimSimulate Survival Data for Randomized Clinical TrialstwopartmTwo-Part Model with Marginal EffectstwopexpThe Two Parameter Exponential DistributionTwoPhaseIndEstimate Gene-Treatment Interaction Exploiting RandomizationtwosamplesFast Permutation Based Two Sample TestsTwoSampleTest.HDA Two-Sample Test for the Equality of Distributions forHigh-Dimensional DatatwosigmaDE Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing DataTwoStepCLogitConditional Logistic Regression: A Two-Step Estimation MethodtwowayAnalysis of Two-Way TablesTwoWayFEWeightsEstimation of the Weights Attached to the Two-Way Fixed EffectsRegressionstwowaytestsTwo-Way Tests in Independent Groups DesignstwoxtwoWork with Two-by-Two TablestxshiftEfficient Estimation of the Causal Effects of StochasticInterventionstxtplotText Based PlotstxtqA Small Message Queue for Parallel ProcessestypedSupport Types for Variables, Arguments, and Return ValuestypehintAuto-Check Types, Dimensions, and Values of Function ArgumentstypesType AnnotationstypetracerTrace Function Parameter TypestzdbTime Zone Database InformationtzupdaterTime Zone Database Updater u5mrUnder-Five Child Mortality EstimationuaparserjsParse 'User-Agent' StringsuavRmpUAV Mission PlannerUBayFSA User-Guided Bayesian Framework for Ensemble Feature SelectionUBCRMSimulate and Conduct Dose-Escalation Phase I StudiesubiquityPKPD, PBPK, and Systems Pharmacology Modeling ToolsUBLAn Implementation of Re-Sampling Approaches to Utility-BasedLearning for Both Classification and Regression TasksubmsBayesian Models for Data from Unmarked Animals using 'Stan'uciUrban Centrality IndexucieMapping 3D Data into CIELab Color SpaceuclustClustering and Classification Inference with U-StatisticsucminfGeneral-Purpose Unconstrained Non-Linear OptimizationUCompAutomatic Unobserved Components and Other Time Series ModelsUCR.ColumnNamesFixes Column Names for Uniform Crime Report "Offenses Known andClearance by Arrest" DatasetsUCSCXenaShinyInteractive Analysis of UCSC Xena DataUCSCXenaToolsDownload and Explore Datasets from UCSC Xena Data HubsUdderQuarterInfectionDataUdder Quarter Infection DataudpipeTokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization andDependency Parsing with the 'UDPipe' 'NLP' Toolkitudunits2Udunits-2 Bindings for RufRiskRisk Measure Calculation in Financial TSufsA Collection of UtilitiesugatsdbUganda Time Series Database APIuGMAREstimate Univariate Gaussian and Student's t MixtureAutoregressive ModelsugomquantregQuantile Regression Modeling for Unit-Gompertz ResponsesUHMUnified Zero-Inflated Hurdle Regression ModelsuHMMConstruct an Unsupervised Hidden Markov ModeluiUncertainty Intervals and Sensitivity Analysis for Missing Datauiucthemes'R' 'Markdown' Themes for 'UIUC' Documents and Presentationsuk2usConvert Words Between UK and US EnglishUKB.COVID19UK Biobank COVID-19 Data Processing and Risk Factor AssociationTestsukbabynamesUK Baby Names DataukbnmrRemoval of Unwanted Technical Variation from UK Biobank NMRMetabolomics Biomarker DataukbtoolsManipulate and Explore UK Biobank DataUKFEUK Flood EstimationukgasapiAPI for UK Energy Market InformationUKgridThe UK National Electricity Transmission System DatasetuklrClient to United Kingdom Land RegistryukpoliceDownload Data on UK Police and CrimeulidGenerate Universally Unique 'Lexicographically' 'Sortable'IdentifiersulrbUnsupervised Learning Based Definition of Microbial RareBiosphereUltimixtBayesian Analysis of Location-Scale Mixture Models using aWeakly Informative PriorumapUniform Manifold Approximation and ProjectionUmatrixVisualization of Structures in High-Dimensional DataumbridgeIntegration for the UM-Bridge ProtocolumiAnalyzerTools for Analyzing Sequencing Data with Unique MolecularIdentifiersUmomentsUnbiased Central Moment EstimatesumpUniformly Most Powerful TestsUmpireSimulating Realistic Gene Expression and Clinical DataumxStructural Equation Modeling and Twin Modeling in RUnalRUna implementación de funciones de uso internounbalhaarFunction Estimation via Unbalanced Haar WaveletsUncDecompUncertainty DecompositionuncertaintyUncertainty Estimation and Contribution AnalysisuncmbbUNC Men's Basketball Match Results Since 1949-1950 SeasonuncorbetsUncorrelated Bets via Minimum Torsion AlgorithmUNCOVERUtilising Normalisation Constant Optimisation via Edge Removal(UNCOVER)understandBPMNCalculator of Understandability Metrics for BPMNunglueExtract Matched Substrings Using a PatternungroupPenalized Composite Link Model for Efficient Estimation ofSmooth Distributions from Coarsely Binned DataunhcrthemesUNHCR 'ggplot2' Theme and Colour PalettesunheadrHandle Data with Messy Header Rows and Broken Valuesuni.survival.treeA Survival Tree Based on Stabilized Score Tests forHigh-dimensional CovariatesuniahUnimodal Additive Hazards ModelUnicoUnified Cross-Omics DeconvolutionUnicodeUnicode Data and UtilitiesunicolThe Colors of your UniversityUniExactFunTestUniform Exact Functional Tests for Contingency TablesunifDAGUniform Sampling of Directed Acyclic GraphsunifedThe Unifed DistributionUnifiedDoseFindingDose-Finding Methods for Non-Binary OutcomesunifirA Unifying API for Calling the 'Unity' '3D' Video Game EngineuniformlyUniform SamplingunigdUniversal Graphics DeviceUniIsoRegressionUnimodal and Isotonic L1, L2 and Linf RegressionuniknGraphical Elements of the University of Konstanz's CorporateDesignunineUnine Light StemmerUniprotRRetrieving Information of Proteins from UniprotuniqtagAbbreviate Strings to Short, Unique IdentifiersuniRegUnimodal Penalized Spline Regression using B-SplinesunisensRRead 'Unisens' DataunisetDynamic Settings FileuniswappeRInteract with the Uniswap PlatformUnitCircleCheck if Roots of a Polynomial Lie Outside the Unit CircleunitedRAssessment and Evaluation of Formations in UnitedunitizerInteractive R Unit TestsunitquantregParametric Quantile Regression Models for Bounded DataunitsMeasurement Units for R VectorsUnitStatPerforms Unit Root Test StatisticsunittestTAP-Compliant Unit TestingunivalAssessing Essential Unidimensionality Using External ValidityInformationunivariateMLMaximum Likelihood Estimation for Univariate DensitiesUniversalCVIHard and Soft Cluster Validity IndicesuniversalsS3 Generics for Bayesian AnalysesunivOutlDetection of Univariate OutliersUnivRNGUnivariate Pseudo-Random Number GenerationunixPOSIX System UtilitiesunjoinSeparate a Data Frame by NormalizationunmarkedModels for Data from Unmarked AnimalsunmconfModeling with Unmeasured ConfoundingunnestUnnest Hierarchical Data StructuresUNPaCNon-Parametric Cluster Significance Testing with Reference to aUnimodal Null DistributionunpivotrUnpivot Complex and Irregular Data LayoutsunrepxAnalysis and Graphics for Unreplicated ExperimentsunrtfExtract Text from Rich Text Format (RTF) DocumentsunstruwwelDetect and Parse Historic DatesunsystationStationarity Test Based on Unsystematic Sub-SamplinguntbEcological Drift under the UNTBunusualprofileCalculates Conditional Mahalanobis DistancesunvotesUnited Nations General Assembly Voting DatauotmUncertainty of Time Series Model Selection MethodsUpAndDownPlotsDisplays Percentage and Absolute ChangesUPCMUncertainty in Partial Credit ModelsupdatemeInformative Messages About Outdated PackagesupdaterUtilities for Updating RupdogFlexible Genotyping for PolyploidsUpDownDetecting Group Disturbances from Longitudinal ObservationsUPGEfficient Bayesian Algorithms for Binary and Categorical DataRegression ModelsupndownUtilities and Design Aids for Up-and-Down Dose-Finding Studiesupsetjs'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'UpSet.js' for Exploring Large SetIntersectionsUpSetRA More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams forVisualizing Intersecting SetsUpSetVPAn Alternative Visualization of VPA and HP in Canonical AnalysisupstartrUtilities Powering the Globe and Mail's Data Journalism TemplateUPSvarApproxApproximate the Variance of the Horvitz-Thompson Total EstimatoruptasticsearchGet Data Frame Representations of 'Elasticsearch' ResultsuptimeRobotAccess the UptimeRobot Ping APIuraMonitoring Rater ReliabilityurbinUnifying Estimation Results with Binary Dependent VariablesurcaUnit Root and Cointegration Tests for Time Series DataurlcheckerRun CRAN URL Checks from Older R VersionsurlshorteneRR Wrapper for the '' and ''/'' URL ShorteningServicesurltoolsVectorised Tools for URL Handling and ParsingurootUnit Root Tests for Seasonal Time SeriesURooTabTabular Reporting of 'EViews' Unit Root TestsursaNon-Interactive Spatial Tools for Raster Processing andVisualizationus.census.geoheaderUS 2010 Census SF2 Geographic Header Summary Levels 010-050usaUpdated US State Facts and FiguresUSA.state.boundariesWGS84 Datum Map of the USA, Including Puerto Rico and the U.S.Virgin IslandsuscoauditlogUnited States Copyright Office Product Management Division SRAudit Data Dataset Cleaning AlgorithmsusdamprRequest USDA MPR Historical Data via the 'LMR' APIusdarnassUSDA NASS Quick Stats APIusdataData on the States and Counties of the United StatesusdmUncertainty Analysis for Species Distribution ModelsusedistDistance Matrix UtilitiesusedtheseSummarises Package & Function UsageusefulA Collection of Handy, Useful FunctionsusefunA Collection of Useful Functions by JohnusemodelsBoilerplate Code for 'Tidymodels' AnalysesusethisAutomate Package and Project SetupusfertilizerCounty-Level Estimates of Fertilizer Application in USAUSgasThe Demand for Natural Gas in the USUSgridThe Demand and Supply for Electricity in the USushrUnderstanding Suppression of HIVusincometaxesCalculate Federal and State Income Taxes in the United StatesUsingRData Sets, Etc. for the Text "Using R for IntroductoryStatistics", Second EditionuskewFactorsModel-Based Clustering via Mixtures of Unrestricted Skew-tSactor Analyzer ModelsuslAnalyze System Scalability with the Universal Scalability LawusmapUS Maps Including Alaska and HawaiiusmapdataMapping Data for 'usmap' PackageUSPU-Statistic Permutation Tests of Independence for all Data TypesUSpopcentersUnited States Centers of Population (Centroids)ussherRUssher Data Set Drawn from 1658 ChronologyUStatBookABSCA Companion Package to the Book "U-Statistics, M-Estimation andResampling"ustfdAPI Client for US Treasury Fiscal DataustycFetch US Treasury yield curve datautcCoordinated Universal Time Transformationsutf8Unicode Text Processingutile.tablesBuild Tables for Publicationutile.toolsSummarize Data for Publicationutile.visualsCreate Visuals for PublicationutilityConstruct, Evaluate and Plot Value and Utility FunctionsUtilityFrailtyPH12Implementing EFF-TOX and Monotone Utility Based Phase 12 TrialsutilityFunctionToolsP-Spline Regression for Utility Functions and Derived MeasuresutilsIPEAIPEA Common FunctionsutimlUtilities for Multi-Label LearninguuidTools for Generating and Handling of UUIDsuwedragonData Research, Access, Governance Network : StatisticalDisclosure ControlUWHAMUnbinned Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (UWHAM)uwotThe Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) Methodfor Dimensionality ReductionuxrUser Experience Research V8Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for RvaccineStatistical Tools for Immune Correlates Analysis of VaccineClinical Trial DatavacuumTukey's Vacuum CleanervaderValence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER)vaersNDvaxNon-Domestic Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)Vaccine Data for PresentvaersvaxUS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Vaccine Datafor PresentvagalumeRAccess to the 'Vagalume' APIvagamVariational Approximations for Generalized Additive ModelsVAJointSurvVariational Approximation for Joint Survival and Marker ModelsvaladdinFunctional Input ValidationvalectionSampler for Verification StudiesvalentineSpread the Love for R Packages with PoetryVALERIEVisualising Splicing at Single-Cell ResolutionvaletProvide R Client to the Bank of Canada's Valet APIvalhallrA Tidy Interface to the 'Valhalla' Routing EnginevalidannValidation Tools for Artificial Neural NetworksvalidataValidate Data FramesvalidateData Validation InfrastructurevalidateItValidating Topic Coherence and Topic LabelsvalidatesuggestGenerate Suggestions for Validation RulesvalidatetoolsChecking and Simplifying Validation Rule SetsVALIDICLUSTVALID Inference for Clusters Separation TestingvalidmindInterface to the 'ValidMind' PlatformvalmetricsMetrics and Plots for Model EvaluationvalorateVelocity and Accuracy of the LOg-RAnk TEstvalotteryResults from the Virginia Lottery Draw GamesvalrGenome Interval ArithmeticvalueEQ5DScoring EQ-5d Descriptive SystemvaluemapMaking Choropleth MapvalueSetCompareComparing HRQoL Instrument Value SetsVAMVariance-Adjusted MahalanobisvamcA Monte Carlo Valuation Framework for Variable AnnuitiesvampyrFactor Analysis Controlling the Effects of Response BiasVancouvRAccess the 'City of Vancouver' Open Data APIvandalicoEvaluation of Presence-Absence ModelsvangoghA Vincent Van Gogh Color Palette GeneratorvannstatsSimplified Statistics for PA 606vanquishVariant Quality Investigation HelpervapourAccess to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL')VAR.etpVAR Modelling: Estimation, Testing, and PredictionvarbandVariable Banding of Large Precision MatricesvarbinOptimal Binning of Continuous and Categorical VariablesvarbvsLarge-Scale Bayesian Variable Selection Using VariationalMethodsvarclustVariables ClusteringVARDetectMultiple Change Point Detection in Structural VAR ModelsvardiagVariogram DiagnosticsvardpoorVariance Estimation for Sample Surveys by the Ultimate ClusterMethodVarEDVariance Estimation using Difference-Based MethodsVaRESComputes Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall for over 100Parametric DistributionsvarEstVariance EstimationvarhandleFunctions for Robust Variable HandlingvariabilityGenetic Variability Analysis for Plant Breeding ResearchvariablesVariable DescriptionsVariableScreeningHigh-Dimensional Screening for Semiparametric LongitudinalRegressionvarianVariability Analysis in RVarianceGammaThe Variance Gamma DistributionvariantsparkA 'Sparklyr' Extension for 'VariantSpark'variationalDCMVariational Bayesian Estimation for Diagnostic ClassificationModelsvarImpRF Variable Importance for Arbitrary MeasuresvariosigTesting Spatial Dependence Using Empirical VariogramvaRiskScoreVA CVD Risk ScorevaritasVariant Calling in Targeted Analysis Sequencing DatavarjmcmEstimations for the Covariance of Estimated Parameters in JointMean-Covariance ModelsvarocValue Added Receiver Operating Characteristics CurvevarrankHeuristics Tools Based on Mutual Information for VariableRankingVarRedOptA Framework for Variance ReductionVarRegSemi-Parametric Variance RegressionvarsVAR ModellingvarSelSequential Forward Floating Selection using Jeffries-MatusitaDistanceVARSELECTEXPOSUREVariable Selection Methods Including an Exposure VariableVarSelLCMVariable Selection for Model-Based Clustering of Mixed-Type DataSet with Missing ValuesvarSelRFVariable Selection using Random ForestsvarsExploreSearchable Variable Explorer with Labelled VariablesVARshrinkShrinkage Estimation Methods for Vector Autoregressive ModelsvartestTests for Variance hom*ogeneityvarTestnlmeVariance Components Testing for Linear and Nonlinear MixedEffects ModelsvarycoefModeling Spatially Varying CoefficientsvasicekMiscellaneous Functions for Vasicek DistributionvasicekregRegression Modeling Using Vasicek DistributionvatcheckapiClient for the '' VAT Validation APIvaultrVault Client for Secrets and Sensitive DatavaxpmxVaccines PharmacometricsVBelVariational Bayes for Fast and Accurate Empirical LikelihoodInferenceVBJMVariational Inference for Joint ModelVBLPCMVariational Bayes Latent Position Cluster Model for NetworksVBsparsePCAThe Variational Bayesian Method for Sparse PCAVBTreeVector Binary Tree to Make Your Data Management More EfficientVBVThe Generalized Berlin Method for Time Series DecompositionVC2copulaExtend the 'copula' Package with Families and Models from'VineCopula'VCAVariance Component AnalysisvccpVine Copula Change Point Detection in Multivariate Time SeriesvcdVisualizing Categorical DatavcdExtra'vcd' Extensions and AdditionsvcfppRRapid Manipulation of the Variant Call Format (VCF)vcfRManipulate and Visualize VCF DatavcmetaVarying Coefficient Meta-AnalysisvcovVariance-Covariance Matrices and Standard ErrorsvcPBLongitudinal PB Varying-Coefficient Groupwise Disparity ModelvcpenPenalized Variance Components AnalysisvcrRecord 'HTTP' Calls to DiskvcrpartTree-Based Varying Coefficient Regression for Generalized Linearand Ordinal Mixed ModelsvctrsVector HelpersvctsfrVisualizing Collections of Time Series ForecastsvcvCompComparison of Variance - Covariance PatternsVDAPPeptide Array Analysis ToolsvdarDiscriminant Analysis Incorporating Individual UncertaintiesvdgVariance Dispersion Graphs and Fraction of Design Space PlotsVdgraphVariance Dispersion Graphs and Fraction of Design Space Plotsfor Response Surface DesignsvdiffrVisual Regression Testing and Graphical DiffingvDiveRVisualization of Viral Protein Sequence Diversity DynamicsVDJgermlinesVariable, Diversity and Joining Sequences from Various SpeciesVDSMVisualization of Distribution of Selected ModelVDSPCalibrationStatistical Methods for Designing and Analyzing a CalibrationStudyvec2dtransf2D Cartesian Coordinate TransformationveccomparePerform Set Operations on Vectors, Automatically Generating Alln-Wise Comparisons, and Create Markdown OutputVeccTMVNMultivariate Normal Probabilities using Vecchia ApproximationvecsetsLike Set Tools in 'Base' Package but Keeps Duplicate ElementsvectorbitopsVector Bitwise OperationsVectorCodeREasily Analyze Your Gait Patterns Using Vector Coding TechniquevectorsurvRData Access and Analytical Tools for 'VectorSurv' UsersvectorwaveletVector Wavelet Coherence for Multiple Time SeriesVedicDateTimeVedic Calendar SystemvegaliteTools to Encode Visualizations with the 'Grammar ofGraphics'-Like 'Vega-Lite' 'Spec'veganCommunity Ecology Packagevegan3dStatic and Dynamic 3D and Editable Interactive Plots for the'vegan' Packagevegawidget'Htmlwidget' for 'Vega' and 'Vega-Lite'vegclustFuzzy Clustering of Vegetation DatavegdataAccess Vegetation Databases and Treat TaxonomyvegperiodDetermine Thermal Vegetation PeriodsvegtableHandling Vegetation Data SetsveinVehicular Emissions InventoriesvekPredicate Helper Functions for Testing Simple Atomic VectorsvelociraptrFossil AnalysisvembedrEmbed Video in HTMLvennDraw Venn DiagramsVennDiagramGenerate High-Resolution Venn and Euler PlotsvenneulerVenn and Euler DiagramsvennplotVenn Diagrams in 2D and 3DverbaliseRMake your Text Mighty FineverbalisrDescribe Pedigree Relationships in WordsverhoeffImplementation of the 'Verhoeff' Check Digit AlgorithmverificationWeather Forecast Verification UtilitiesvermeulenBiomarker Data Set by Vermeulen et al. (2009)versioningSettings and File I/O using a Configuration YAML FileversionsQuery and Install Specific Versions of Packages on CRANversionsortSort and Order Version CodesversusCompare Data FramesVertexSimilarityCreates Vertex Similarity Matrix for an Undirected GraphVeryLargeIntegersStore and Operate with Arbitrarily Large IntegersvesselrGradient and Vesselness Tools for Arrays and NIfTI ImagesvetiverVersion, Share, Deploy, and Monitor ModelsvetrTrust, but VerifyVetResearchLMMLinear Mixed Models - An Introduction with Applications inVeterinary ResearchVEwaningVaccine Efficacy Over TimeVEwaningVariantVaccine Efficacy Over Time - Variant AwarevfcpComputation of v Values for U and Copula C(U, v)vfinputsVisual Filter Inputs for ShinyVFPVariance Function ProgramvfprogressionVisual Field (VF) Progression Analysis and Plotting MethodsVFSVegetated Filter Strip and Erosion ModelVGAMVector Generalized Linear and Additive ModelsVGAMdataData Supporting the 'VGAM' PackageVGAMextraAdditions and Extensions of the 'VGAM' PackagevglmerVariational Inference for Hierarchical Generalized Linear ModelsvhcubVirus-Host Codon Usage Co-Adaptation AnalysisvhicaVertical and Horizontal Inheritance Consistence AnalysisviaVirtual ArraysviafrInterface to the 'VIAF' ('Virtual International Authority File')APIVIC5The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Hydrological ModelvICCVarying Intraclass Correlation CoefficientsviciVaccine Induced Cellular Immunogenicity with Bivariate ModelingVicmapRAccess Victorian Spatial Data Through Web File Services (WFS)VicusExploiting Local Structures to Improve Network-Based Analysis ofBiological Datavideo'Shiny' Extension of 'video.js'vietnamcodeConvert Vietnam Provincial CodesvietnameseConverterConvert Vietnamese EncodingsViewPipeStepsCreate View Tabs of Pipe ChainsviewpolyA Shiny App to Visualize Genetic Maps and QTL Analysis inPolyploid SpeciesviewscapeViewscape AnalysisVIGoRVariational Bayesian Inference for Genome-Wide RegressionvikingState-Space Models Inference by Kalman or VikingvillagerA Framework for Designing and Running Agent Based ModelsVIMVisualization and Imputation of Missing ValuesVIMeanVariability Independent of MeanvimpPerform Inference on Algorithm-Agnostic Variable ImportancevimpclustVariable Importance in ClusteringVIMPSCalculate Variable Importance with Knock Off VariablesvindecodrProvides an Interface to the Department of Transportation VINDecoderVineCopulaStatistical Inference of Vine CopulasvineregD-Vine Quantile RegressionvinesMultivariate Dependence Modeling with VinesviolinplotterPlotting and Comparing Means with Violin PlotsvioplotViolin PlotvipVariable Importance PlotsviporPlot Categorical Data Using Quasirandom Noise and DensityEstimatesviraldomainApplicability Domain Methods of Viral Load and CD4 LymphocytesviralmodelsViral Load and CD4 Lymphocytes Regression ModelsviralxExplainers for Regression Models in HIV ResearchVIRFComputation of Volatility Impulse Response Function ofMultivariate Time SeriesviridisColorblind-Friendly Color Maps for RviridisLiteColorblind-Friendly Color Maps (Lite Version)virtualPollenSimulating Pollen Curves from Virtual Taxa with Different Lifeand Niche TraitsVirtualPopSimulation of Populations by Sampling Waiting-Time DistributionsvirtualspeciesGeneration of Virtual Species DistributionsvirtuosoInterface to 'Virtuoso' using 'ODBC'virustotalR Client for the VirusTotal APIvisaVegetation Imaging Spectroscopy AnalyzervisachartRWrapper for 'Visa Chart Components'visaeVisualization of Adverse EventsvisaOTRValid Improved Sparsity A-Learning for Optimal TreatmentDecisionVisCollinVisualizing Collinearity DiagnosticsviscompVisualize Multi-Component Interventions in Network Meta-AnalysisviscomplexrPhase Portraits of Functions in the Complex Number PlanevisdatPreliminary Visualisation of DataViSeVisualizing SensitivityViSiElseA Visual Tool for Behavior Analysis over TimevisitVaccine Phase I Design with Simultaneous Evaluation ofImmunogenicity and ToxicityVisitorCountsModeling and Forecasting Visitor Counts Using Social MediavismeteorAnalysis of Visual Meteor DatavisNetworkNetwork Visualization using 'vis.js' LibraryvisOmopResultsGraphs and Tables for OMOP ResultsvisRClinical Graphs and Tables Adhering to Graphical PrinciplesvisregVisualization of Regression ModelsvisStatisticsAutomated Visualization of Statistical TestsvistimePretty Timelines in RvistlaDetecting Influence Paths with Information TheoryvisTreeVisualization of Subgroups for Decision TreesvistributionsVisualize Probability DistributionsVisualDomVisualize Dominant Variables in Wavelet Multiple CorrelationvisualFieldsStatistical Methods for Visual FieldsvisualizeGraph Probability Distributions with User Supplied Parametersand StatisticsVisualize.CRAN.DownloadsVisualize Downloads from 'CRAN' PackagesVisualizeSimon2StageVisualize Simon's Two-Stage DesignvisualpredVisualization 2D of Binary Classification ModelsvisvowVisible Vowels: Visualization of Vowel VariationvisxhclustA Shiny App for Visual Exploration of Hierarchical ClusteringvitaVariable Importance Testing ApproachesvitaeCurriculum Vitae for R MarkdownvitalTidy Analysis Tools for Mortality, Fertility, Migration andPopulation DatavitalityFitting Routines for the Vitality Family of Mortality ModelsvivainsightsAnalyze and Visualize Data from 'Microsoft Viva Insights'vivaldiViral Variant Location and DiversityvividVariable Importance and Variable Interaction DisplaysvivoVariable Importance via OscillationsvizdrawsVisualize Draws from the Prior and Posterior DistributionsvkRAccess to VK API via RVLFFrequency Matrix Approach for Assessing Very Low FrequencyVariants in Sequence RecordsVLMCVariable Length Markov Chains ('VLMC') ModelsVLMCXVariable Length Markov Chain with Exogenous CovariatesVLTimeCausalityVariable-Lag Time Series Causality Inference FrameworkVMDecompVariational Mode DecompositionVMDMLVariational Mode Decomposition Based Machine Learning ModelsvmdTDNNVMD Based Time Delay Neural Network ModelvmeasurQuantify the Contractile Nature of Vessels Monitored under anOperating MicroscopevMFSampling from the von Mises-Fisher DistributionvmrVirtual Machines for RvntrsVariable Neighborhood Trust Region SearchvocaldiaCreate and Manipulate Vocalisation DiagramsvoiExpected Value of InformationvoiceTools for Voice Analysis, Speaker Recognition and Mood InferencevoiceRVoice Analytics for Social Scientistsvol2birdRVertical Profiles of Biological Signals in Weather Radar DatavolatilityTraderHigh Volatility Environment Option Trading Strategies Graphsvolcano3D3D Volcano Plots and Polar Plots for Three-Class DatavolcanoPlotVolcano Plot for Clinical Trial Adverse EventsvolestiVolume Approximation and Sampling of Convex PolytopesvolkerHigh-Level Functions for Tabulating, Charting and ReportingSurvey DatavolleystatDetailed Statistics on Volleyball MatchesvoluModelModeling Species Distributions in Three DimensionsvoronoiTreemapVoronoi Treemaps with Added Interactivity by ShinyVorteksExportExport Dataframes to 'Vorteks' SoftwarevortexRdataExample Data for R Package 'vortexR'voson.tcnTwitter Conversation Networks and AnalysisVOSONDashUser Interface for Collecting and Analysing Social NetworksvosonSMLCollecting Social Media Data and Generating Networks forAnalysisVossGeneric Voss Algorithm (Random Sequential Additions)voteElection Vote CountingvoteogramUnited States House and Senate Voting Cartogram GeneratorsvoteSimGenerate Simulated Data for Voting Rules using EvaluationsvotesmartWrapper for the Project 'VoteSmart' APIvotesysVoting Systems, Instant-Runoff Voting, Borda Method, VariousCondorcet MethodsvottransVoter Transition AnalysisvovCSS Animations for 'shiny' ElementsvowelsVowel Manipulation, Normalization, and PlottingvoxelMass-Univariate Voxelwise Analysis of Medical Imaging DataVoxRTrees Geometry and Morphology from Unstructured TLS DatavpcCreate Visual Predictive ChecksVPdtwVariable Penalty Dynamic Time WarpingvprrProcessing and Visualization of Video Plankton Recorder DatavrnmfVolume-Regularized Structured Matrix FactorizationvroomRead and Write Rectangular Text Data QuicklyvrtestVariance Ratio Tests and Other Tests for Martingale DifferenceHypothesisvsccVariable Selection for Clustering and ClassificationvsdGraphical Shim for Visual Survival Data AnalysisvsgoftestGoodness-of-Fit Tests Based on Kullback-Leibler DivergencevsmiVariable Selection for Multiple Imputed DataVSOLassoBagVariable Selection Oriented LASSO Bagging AlgorithmvspVintage Sparse PCA for Semi-Parametric Factor AnalysisvstdctNonparametric Estimation of Toeplitz Covariance MatricesvstsrAccess to 'Azure DevOps' API via RVSURFVariable Selection Using Random ForestsvtableVariable Table for Variable DocumentationvtreatA Statistically Sound 'data.frame' Processor/ConditionervtreeDisplay Information About Nested Subsets of a Data FrameVTShinyInteractive Document for Working with Variance AnalysisvtypeEstimates the Variable Type in Error Afflicted DatavudcVisualization of Univariate Data for ComparisonvueR'Vuejs' Helpers and 'Htmlwidget'VulnToolkitAnalysis of Tidal DatasetsVUROCSVolume under the ROC Surface for Multi-Class ROC AnalysisvvauditorCreates Assertion Testsvvcanvas'Canvas' LMS API IntegrationvvconverterApply Transformations to DatavvdoctorStatistical Test App with R 'shiny'vvfillerFill Data PointsvvmoverRead and Write DatavvsculptorApply Manipulations to Data FramesvvshinyCreate Complex Shiny Apps More EasilyvvtableauR Interface for 'Tableau' ServicesvvtermtimeInterface for 'Semestry TermTime' ServicesvwlineDraw Variable-Width LinesVWPreTools for Preprocessing Visual World Data W2CWM2CA Graphical Tool for Wavelet (Cross) Correlation and WaveletMultiple (Cross) Correlation AnalysisW3CMarkupValidatorR Interface to W3C Markup Validation ServicesW4MRUtilsUtils List for W4M - Workflow for MetabolomicsWAWhile-Alive Loss Rate for Recurrent Event in the Presence ofDeathwacolorsColorblind-Friendly Palettes from Washington StateWACSMultivariate Weather-State Approach Conditionally Skew-NormalGeneratorwactorWord Factor VectorswaffleCreate Waffle Chart VisualizationswaiterLoading Screen for 'Shiny'wakefieldGenerate Random Data SetswalRead and Write 'wal' Bitmap Image Files and Other 'Quake' AssetswaldoFind Differences Between R ObjectswalkboutrGenerate Walk Bouts from GPS and Accelerometry DatawalkerBayesian Generalized Linear Models with Time-VaryingCoefficientswalkscoreA Tidy Interface to the 'Walk Score' APIwalkscoreAPIWalk Score and Transit Score APIwallaceA Modular Platform for Reproducible Modeling of Species Nichesand DistributionsWallomicsDataDatasets for Multi-Omics Integration in a Plant Abiotic StressContextwallyThe Wally Calibration Plot for Risk Prediction ModelswalmartAPIWalmart Open API WrapperwalrusRobust Statistical MethodsWALSWeighted-Average Least Squares Model AveragingWaMaSimSimulate Rehabilitation Strategies for Water DistributionSystemswandRetrieve 'Magic' Attributes from Files and DirectorieswarabandiRoster Generation of Turn for Weekdays:'warabandi'warbleRStreamline Bioacoustic AnalysisWARNWeaning Age Reconstruction with Nitrogen Isotope AnalysiswarpGroup DateswarpMixMixed Effects Modeling with Warping for Functional Data UsingB-SplinewashdataUrban Water and Sanitation Survey DatasetwasheRTime Series Outlier DetectionwashexWashington State Legislative ExplorerwashiWashington Soil Health Initiative BrandingWASPWavelet System PredictionwaspasRTool Kit to Implement a W.A.S.P.A.S. Based Multi-CriteriaDecision Analysis SolutionwasprWasserstein Barycenters of Subset PosteriorswaterDataRetrieval, Analysis, and Anomaly Calculation of Daily HydrologicTime Series DatawaterfallWaterfall ChartswaterfallsCreate Waterfall Charts using 'ggplot2' SimplywaterqualitySatellite Derived Water Quality Detection AlgorithmswaterYearTypeSacramento and San Joaquin Valley Water Year TypesWatsWrap Around Time Series GraphicswatsonFitting and Simulating Mixtures of Watson DistributionswavRead and Write WAV FileswavebandComputes Credible Intervals for Bayesian Wavelet ShrinkagewavedWavelet DeconvolutionWaveletANNWavelet ANN ModelWaveletArimaWavelet-ARIMA Model for Time Series ForecastingWaveletCompComputational Wavelet AnalysisWaveletETSWavelet Based Error Trend Seasonality ModelWaveletGARCHFit the Wavelet-GARCH Model to Volatile Time Series DataWaveletGBMWavelet Based Gradient Boosting MethodWaveletKNNWavelet Based K-Nearest Neighbor ModelWaveletLSTMWavelet Based LSTM ModelWaveletMLWavelet Decomposition Based Hybrid Machine Learning ModelsWaveletMLbestFLThe Best Wavelet Filter-Level for Prepared Wavelet-Based ModelsWaveletRFWavelet-RF Hybrid Model for Time Series ForecastingwaveletsFunctions for Computing Wavelet Filters, Wavelet Transforms andMultiresolution AnalysesWaveletSVRWavelet-SVR Hybrid Model for Time Series ForecastingwavemulcorWavelet Routines for Global and Local Multiple Regression andCorrelationwaverCalculate Fetch and Wave EnergyWaverideRExtracting Signals from Wavelet SpectraWaverRData Estimation using Weighted Averages of Multiple RegressionswavesVis-NIR Spectral Analysis WrapperWaveSamplingWeakly Associated Vectors (WAVE) SamplingwaveslimBasic Wavelet Routines for One-, Two-, and Three-DimensionalSignal ProcessingwavethreshWavelets Statistics and TransformswavScalogramWavelet Scalogram Tools for Time Series AnalysiswaydownComputation of Approximate Potentials for Weakly Non-GradientFieldsWayFindRComputing Graph Structures on WikiPathwayswaywiserErgonomic Methods for Assessing Spatial ModelswbaconWeighted BACON AlgorithmswbsWild Binary Segmentation for Multiple Change-Point DetectionwbsdWild Bootstrap Size DiagnosticswbstatsProgrammatic Access to Data and Statistics from the World BankAPIwbstsMultiple Change-Point Detection for Nonstationary Time SerieswcdeDownload Data from the Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital DataExplorerWCEWeighted Cumulative Exposure ModelswcepSurvival Analysis for Weighted Composite EndpointsWClusterClustering and PCA with Weights, and Data Nuggets ClusteringWCMWater Cloud Model (WCM) for the Simulation of Leaf Area Index(LAI) and Soil Moisture (SM) from Microwave BackscatteringWcompoSemiparametric Proportional Means Regression of WeightedComposite EndpointwconfWeighted Confusion MatrixwCorrWeighted CorrelationswcoxWeights to Correct for Outcome Dependent Sampling in Time toEvent DataWDIWorld Development Indicators and Other World Bank DatawdmWeighted Dependence Measureswdman'Webdriver'/'Selenium' Binary ManagerwdnetWeighted and Directed Networkswdnr.gisPull Spatial Layers from 'WDNR ArcGIS REST API'wdparInterface to the World Database on Protected AreasweaanaAnalysis the Weather DataweakARMATools for the Analysis of Weak ARMA ModelswearablesTools to Read and Convert Wearables DataweatherindicesCalculate Weather IndicesweathermetricsFunctions to Convert Between Weather MetricsWebAnalyticsWeb Server Log AnalysiswebchemChemical Information from the WebwebdeveloperFunctions for Web Developmentwebdriver'WebDriver' Client for 'PhantomJS'webexercisesCreate Interactive Web Exercises in 'R Markdown' (Formerly'webex')webfakesFake Web Apps for HTTP TestingWebGestaltRGene Set Analysis Toolkit WebGestaltRwebglobe3D Interactive GlobeswebmapCreate Interactive Web Maps Using 'The National Map' ServiceswebmockrStubbing and Setting Expectations on 'HTTP' RequestswebpA New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image CompressionWebPowerBasic and Advanced Statistical Power AnalysiswebrData and Functions for Web-Based AnalysiswebreadrTools for Reading Formatted Access Log FileswebSDMIncluding Known Interactions in Species Distribution ModelswebsearchrAccess Domains and Search Popular WebsiteswebshotTake Screenshots of Web Pageswebshot2Take Screenshots of Web Pageswebsocket'WebSocket' Client LibrarywebtrackRPreprocessing and Analyzing Web Tracking DatawebuseImport Stata 'webuse' DatasetswebutilsUtility Functions for Developing Web ApplicationswecWeighted Effect CodingweedWrangler for Emergency Events DatabaseWEGEA Metric to Rank Locations for Biodiversity ConservationwehoopAccess Women's Basketball Play by Play DataWeibullFitFits and Plots a Dataset to the Weibull Probability DistributionFunctionweibullnessGoodness-of-Fit Test for Weibull Distribution (Weibullness)WeibullRWeibull Analysis for Reliability EngineeringWeibullR.ALTAccelerated Life Testing Using 'WeibullR'WeibullR.learnrAn Interactive Introduction to Life Data AnalysisWeibullR.plotlyInteractive Weibull Probability Plots with 'WeibullR'WeibullR.shinyA 'Shiny' App for Weibull Analysis from 'WeibullR'weibulltoolsStatistical Methods for Life Data AnalysisWeighted.Desc.StatWeighted Descriptive StatisticsweightedCLEfficient and Feasible Inference for High-Dimensional NormalCopula Regression ModelsWeightedClusterClustering of Weighted DataWeightedEnsembleWeighted Ensemble for Hybrid ModelweightedGCMWeighted Generalised Covariance Measure Conditional IndependenceTestWeightedPortTestWeighted Portmanteau Tests for Time Series Goodness-of-FitweightedRankSensitivity Analysis Using Weighted Rank StatisticsWeightedROCFast, Weighted ROC CurvesweightedScoresWeighted Scores Method for Regression Models with Dependent DataWeightedTreemapsGenerate and Plot Voronoi or Sunburst Treemaps from HierarchicalDataWeightItWeighting for Covariate Balance in Observational StudiesweightQuantWeights for Incomplete Longitudinal Data and Quantile RegressionweightrEstimating Weight-Function Models for Publication BiasweightsWeighting and Weighted StatisticsWeightSVMSubject Weighted Support Vector MachinesweirdFunctions and Data Sets for "That's Weird: Anomaly DetectionUsing R" by Rob J HyndmanweirsA Hydraulics Package to Compute Open-Channel Flow over WeirswelchADFWelch-James Statistic for Robust Hypothesis Testing underHeterocedasticity and Non-NormalityweloWeighted and Standard Elo RatesWeMixWeighted Mixed-Effects Models Using Multilevel Pseudo MaximumLikelihood EstimationwesandersonA Wes Anderson Palette GeneratorwevidQuantifying Performance of a Binary Classifier Through Weight ofEvidenceweylThe Weyl AlgebrawfeWeighted Linear Fixed Effects Regression Models for CausalInferencewfgWeighted Fast Greedy AlgorithmwfindrCrossword, Scrabble and Anagram SolverwfloData Set and Helper Functions for Wind Farm Layout OptimizationProblemswgaimWhole Genome Average Interval Mapping for QTL Detection andEstimation using ASReml-RWGCNAWeighted Correlation Network AnalysisWGScanA Genome-Wide Scan Statistic Framework for Whole-Genome SequenceData AnalysisWgtEffFunctions for Weighting EffectsWHEnhanced Implementation of Whittaker-Henderson SmoothingWhatIfSoftware for Evaluating CounterfactualsWhatsRParsing, Anonymizing and Visualizing Exported 'WhatsApp' ChatLogswhatthreewordsWork with the 'what3words' API for Easy Location ReferencingwheatmapIncrementally Build Complex Plots using Natural SemanticswhenDefinition of Date and Time Dimension TableswhereamiReliably Return the Source and Call Location of a CommandwhereportGeolocalization of IATA CodeswhipprTools for Manipulating Gas Exchange Datawhisker{{mustache}} for R, Logicless Templatingwhitebox'WhiteboxTools' R FrontendwhitechapelRAdvanced Policing Techniques for the Board Game "Letters fromWhitechapel"whiteningWhitening and High-Dimensional Canonical Correlation AnalysiswhitestrapWhite Test and Bootstrapped White Test for HeteroskedasticityWhiteStripeWhite Matter Normalization for Magnetic Resonance ImageswhitewaterParallel Processing Options for Package 'dataRetrieval'whoaEvaluation of Genotyping Error in Genotype-by-Sequencing DatawhoamiUsername, Full Name, Email Address, 'GitHub' Username of theCurrent UserwhomdsCalculate Results from WHO Model Disability Survey DatawhSampleUtilities for SamplingwidalsWeighting by Inverse Distance with Adaptive Least Squareswidgetframe'Htmlwidgets' in Responsive 'iframes'widyrWiden, Process, then Re-Tidy DataWienRDerivatives of the First-Passage Time Density and CumulativeDistribution Function, and Random Sampling from the (Truncated)First-Passage Time DistributionwiesbadenAccess Databases from the Federal Statistical Office of GermanywigImport WIG Data into R in Long FormatwikibooksFunctions and Datasets of the German WikiBook "GNU R"WikidataQueryServiceRAPI Client Library for 'Wikidata Query Service'WikidataRRead-Write API Client Library for WikidatawikifactsGet Facts and Data from Wikipedia and WikidatawikilakeScrape Lake Metadata Tables from WikipediaWikipediRA MediaWiki API Wrapperwikiprofiler'WikiPathway' Based Data Integration and VisualizationwikitaxaTaxonomic Information from 'Wikipedia'wikiToolsTools for Wikidata and WikipediawikkitidyTidy Analysis of WikipediawilcoxmedComputes Values for the 1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test forMedianswildcardTemplates for Data FrameswildlifeDICalculate Indices of Dynamic Interaction for Wildlife TrackingDatawildmetaCluster Wild Bootstrapping for Meta-AnalysiswildpokerBest Hand Analysis for Poker Variants Including WildcardswilsonWeb-Based Interactive Omics VisualizationwinchPortable Native and Joint Stack TraceswindACArea Correction MethodsWindCurvesTool to Fit Wind Turbine Power CurveswindexAnalysing Convergent Evolution using the Wheatsheaf Indexwindows.plsSegmentation Approaches in ChemometricswindsoraiRAccess the '' APIwINEQInequality Measures for Weighted DatawinfapReaderInteract with Peak Flow Data in the United KingdomwingenContinuous Mapping of Genetic DiversitywinputallVariable Input Allocation Among CropsWinRatioWin Ratio for Prioritized Outcomes and 95% Confidence IntervalWINSThe R WINS PackagewiqidQuick and Dirty Estimates for Wildlife PopulationswISAMWeighted Inbred Strain Association MappingwithdotsPut ... in a Function's Argument ListwithrRun Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global StatewkLightweight Well-Known Geometry ParsingwkbConvert Between Spatial Objects and Well-Known Binary GeometrywktmoConverting Weekly Data to Monthly DatawkutilsUtilities for Well-Known Geometry VectorsWLogitVariable Selection in High-Dimensional Logistic RegressionModels using a Whitening ApproachWLregRegression Analysis Based on Win Loss EndpointswmmWorld Magnetic ModelwmwpowPrecise and Accurate Power of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank-SumTest for a Continuous VariableWMWsspWilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Sample Size PlanningwnlMinimization Tool for Pharmaco*kinetic-Pharmacodynamic DataAnalysiswNNSelWeighted Nearest Neighbor Imputation of Missing Values usingSelected VariableswnominateRoll Call Analysis SoftwarewoddsCalculates Whisker OddswoeComputes Weight of Evidence and Information ValueswoeBinningSupervised Weight of Evidence Binning of Numeric Variables andFactorswomblRSpatiotemporal Boundary Detection Model for Areal Unit DataWoodburyMatrixFast Matrix Operations via the Woodbury Matrix IdentityWoodSimulatRGenerate Simulated Sawn Timber Strength Grading DatawoodValuationDEWood Valuation Germanywooldridge115 Data Sets from "Introductory Econometrics: A ModernApproach, 7e" by Jeffrey M. WooldridgeworcsWorkflow for Open Reproducible Code in Scienceword.alignmentComputing Word Alignment Using IBM Model 1 (and Symmetrization)for a Given Parallel Corpus and Its Evaluationword2vecDistributed Representations of WordswordcloudWord Cloudswordcloud2Create Word Cloud by 'htmlwidget'wordlerThe 'WORDLE' GameWordListsAnalyticsMultiple Data Analysis Tools for Property Listing TaskswordnetWordNet InterfaceWordOfMouthEstimates Economic Variables for Word-of-Mouth-CampaignswordpieceR Implementation of Wordpiece Tokenizationwordpiece.dataData for Wordpiece-Style TokenizationWordPoolsWord Pools Used in Studies of Learning and MemorywordpredictorDevelop Text Prediction Models Based on N-GramswordPuzzleRWord Puzzle GameWordRRendering Word Documents with R Inline CodewordsList of English Words from the Scrabble DictionarywordsaladProvide Tools to Extract and Analyze Word VectorswordspaceDistributional Semantic Models in RworkflowrA Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data ScienceworkflowsModeling WorkflowsworkflowsetsCreate a Collection of 'tidymodels' WorkflowsworkloopRAnalysis of Work Loops and Other Data from Muscle PhysiologyExperimentsWorldFloraStandardize Plant Names According to World Flora OnlineTaxonomic BackboneworldfootballRExtract and Clean World Football (Soccer) DataWorldMapRWorldwide or Coordinates-Based Heat MapsworldmetImport Surface Meteorological Data from NOAA Integrated SurfaceDatabase (ISD)WormTensorA Clustering Method for Time-Series Whole-Brain Activity Data of'C. elegans'worrmsWorld Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) ClientworrrdGenerate Wordsearch and Crossword PuzzleswosrClients to the 'Web of Science' and 'InCites' APIsWOTPLYPlot Connectivity Between Cells from Different Time PointswowaWeighted Ordered Weighted AveragewpaTools for Analysing and Visualising Viva Insights DatawPermPermutation TestsWPKDEWeighted Piecewise Kernel Density Estimationwpp2008World Population Prospects 2008wpp2010World Population Prospects 2010wpp2012World Population Prospects 2012wpp2015World Population Prospects 2015wpp2017World Population Prospects 2017wpp2019World Population Prospects 2019wppExplorerExplorer of World Population ProspectsWpProjLinear p-Wasserstein ProjectionswqlExploring Water Quality Monitoring DatawqsWeighted Quantile Sum RegressionwqsptPermutation Test for Weighted Quantile Sum RegressionwqtrendsAssess Water Quality Trends with Generalized Additive ModelsWRWin Ratio Analysis of Composite Time-to-Event OutcomeswrangleA Systematic Data Wrangling IdiomwrappedtoolsUseful Wrappers Around Commonly Used FunctionswrapprA Collection of Helper and Wrapper FunctionswraprWrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric ProgrammingwrasspInterface to the 'ASSP' LibraryWrensBookshelfA Collection of Palettes and Some Functions to Help Use ThemWRestimatesSample Size, Power and CI for the Win RatiowrGraphGraphics in the Context of Analyzing High-Throughput DataWRIWasserstein Regression and InferenceWrightMapIRT Item-Person Map with 'ConQuest' Integrationwrite.snnsFunction for exporting data to SNNS pattern fileswritexlExport Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' FormatWriteXLSCross-Platform Perl Based R Function to Create Excel 2003 (XLS)and Excel 2007 (XLSX) FileswrMiscAnalyze Experimental High-Throughput (Omics) DatawrProteoProteomics Data Analysis FunctionsWRS2A Collection of Robust Statistical MethodsWRSSWater Resources System SimulatorwrswoRWeighted Random Sampling without ReplacementWRTDStidalWeighted Regression for Water Quality Evaluation in Tidal WaterswrTopDownFragInternal Fragment Identification from Top-Down Mass SpectrometrywruWho are You? Bayesian Prediction of Racial Category UsingSurname, First Name, Middle Name, and GeolocationwsbackfitWeighted Smooth Backfitting for Structured ModelswsjplotStyle Time Series Plots Like the Wall Street JournalwskmWeighted k-Means ClusteringwsprvWeighted Selection Probability for Rare Variant AnalysiswsrfWeighted Subspace Random Forest for ClassificationwsynWavelet Approaches to Studies of Synchrony in Ecology and OtherFieldswtestThe W-Test for Genetic Interactions TestingWtTopsisWeighted Method for Multiple-Criteria Decision MakingWufooRR Wrapper for the '' - The Form Building ServicewvWavelet VarianceWVPlotsCommon Plots for AnalysisWWGbookFunctions and Datasets for WWGbookwwntestsHypothesis Tests for Functional Time SerieswxgenRA Stochastic Weather Generator with Seasonalitywyz.code.metaTestingWizardry Code Meta Testingwyz.code.offensiveProgrammingWizardry Code Offensive Programmingwyz.code.rdocWizardry Code Offensive Programming R Documentationwyz.code.testthatWizardry Code Offensive Programming Test Generation x.enteXtraction of ENTityx12Interface to 'X12-ARIMA'/'X13-ARIMA-SEATS' and Structure forBatch Processing of Seasonal Adjustmentx13binaryProvide the 'x13ashtml' Seasonal Adjustment Binaryx3ptoolsTools for Working with 3D Surface MeasurementsxadmixSubsetting and Plotting Optimized for Admixture DataxaringanPresentation NinjaxaringanExtraExtras and Extensions for 'xaringan' SlidesxaringanthemerCustom 'xaringan' CSS ThemesXBRLExtraction of Business Financial Information from 'XBRL'DocumentsxdcclargeEstimating a (c)DCC-GARCH Model in Large DimensionsxefunX-Engineering or Supporting FunctionsxegaExtended Evolutionary and Genetic AlgorithmsxegaBNFCompile a Backus-Naur Form Specification into an R GrammarObjectxegaDerivationTreesGenerating and Manipulating Derivation TreesxegaDfGeneGene Operations for Real-Coded GenesxegaGaGeneBinary Gene Operations for Genetic AlgorithmsxegaGeGeneGrammatical EvolutionxegaGpGeneGenetic Operations for Grammar-Based Genetic ProgrammingxegaPermGeneOperations on Permutation GenesxegaPopulationGenetic Population Level FunctionsxegaSelectGeneSelection of Genes and Gene Representation Independent Functionsxergm.commonCommon Infrastructure for Extensions of Exponential Random GraphModelsxesreadRRead and Write XES FilesxfunSupporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'xgb2sqlConvert Trained 'XGBoost' Model to SQL QueryxgboostExtreme Gradient BoostingxgroveExplanation GrovesxgxrExploratory Graphics for PharmacometricsxhazExcess Hazard Modelling Considering Inappropriate MortalityRatesXICORAssociation Measurement Through Cross Rank IncrementsXiMpLeA Simple XML Tree Parser and GeneratorxkcdPlotting ggplot2 Graphics in an XKCD StylexkcdcolorsColor Names from the XKCD Color SurveyXKCDdataGet XKCD Comic DataxlchartsCreate Native 'Excel' Charts and Work with Microsoft 'Excel'FilesXLConnectExcel Connector for RxlcutterParse Batches of 'xlsx' Files Based on a TemplatexlinkGenetic Association Models for X-Chromosome SNPS on Continuous,Binary and Survival OutcomesxLLiMHigh Dimensional Locally-Linear MappingXLSA Modeling Approach that Optimizes Future Errors in LeastSquaresxlsxRead, Write, Format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Filesxlsx2dfsRead and Write 'Excel' Sheets into and from List of Data FramesxlsxjarsPackage required POI jars for the xlsx packagexmetaA Toolbox for Multivariate Meta-AnalysisXMLTools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plusxml2Parse XMLXML2REasier XML Data Collectionxml2relationalConverting XML Documents into Relational Data ModelsxmlconvertComfortably Converting XML Documents to Dataframes and ViceVersaxmlparsedataParse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' TreexmlrRead, Write and Work with 'XML' Dataxmlrpc2Implementation of the Remote Procedure Call Protocol ('XML-RPC')xmpdfEdit 'XMP' Metadata and 'PDF' Bookmarks and Documentation InfoxmrrGenerate XMR Control Chart Data from Time-Series DataxnetTwo-Step Kernel Ridge Regression for Network PredictionsXNomialExact Goodness-of-Fit Test for Multinomial Data with FixedProbabilitiesxoiTools for Analyzing Crossover InterferencexopenOpen System Files, 'URLs', AnythingxpectrGenerates Expectations for 'testthat' Unit TestingxplainProviding Interactive Interpretations and Explanations ofStatistical ResultsxplorerrTools for Interactive Data ExplorationXplortextStatistical Analysis of Textual DataxportrUtilities to Output CDISC SDTM/ADaM XPT FilesxposeDiagnostics for Pharmacometric Modelsxpose.nlmixr2Graphical Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models: Extension to'nlmixr2'xpose4Diagnostics for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect ModelsXRA Structure for Interfaces from RxrayX Ray Vision on your DatasetsxrfeXtreme RuleFitxRingIdentify and Measure Tree Rings on X-Ray Micro-Density ProfilesXRJuliaStructured Interface to JuliaxrnetHierarchical Regularized RegressionXRPythonStructured Interface to 'Python'XRSCCStatistical Quality Control SimulationxsltExtensible Style-Sheet Language TransformationsxspThe Chi-Square PeriodogramxSubCross-National Data on Sub-National ViolencextableExport Tables to LaTeX or HTMLxtranatNetwork Metrics Based on Random WalksxtseXtensible Time SeriesxtsumSummary Statistics for Panel DataxtuneRegularized Regression with Feature-Specific PenaltiesIntegrating External InformationxutilsUtility Functions of Fangzhou XiexVACalculates Credit Risk Valuation AdjustmentsxwfExtrema-Weighted Feature ExtractionxxdiCalculate Expertise IndicesxxhashliteExtremely Fast Hashing of R Objects, Raw Data and Files using'xxHash' AlgorithmsxxIRTItem Response Theory and Computer-Based Testing in R yaccaYet Another Canonical Correlation Analysis PackageyaConsensusConsensus Clustering of Omic DatayagerYet Another General Regression Neural NetworkyahoofinancerFetch Data from Yahoo Finance APIyaImputeNearest Neighbor Observation Imputation and Evaluation ToolsYaleToolkitData Exploration Tools from Yale UniversityyamlMethods to Convert R Data to YAML and BackyamletVersatile Curation of Table MetadatayamlmeWriting 'YAML' Headers for 'R-Markdown' DocumentsyardstickTidy Characterizations of Model PerformanceyarrYet Another 'ARFF' ReaderyarrrA Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!: The Pirate's Guide to R"yaspString Functions for Compact R CodeyatahYet Another TAxonomy HandlerYatchewTestYatchew (1997), De Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024)Linearity TestYatesAlgo.FactorialExp.SRYates' Algorithm in 2^n Factorial ExperimentycevoNonparametric Estimation of the Yield Curve EvolutionyesnoAsk Yes-No QuestionsyfRDownloads and Organizes Financial Data from Yahoo FinanceyhatInterpreting Regression EffectsyhatrR Binder for the Yhat APIYieldCurveModelling and Estimation of the Yield CurveyllCompute Expected Years of Life Lost (YLL) and Average YLLymdParse 'YMD' Format Number or String to DateYmiscMiscellaneous FunctionsymlthisWrite 'YAML' for 'R Markdown', 'bookdown', 'blogdown', and MoreympesCollection of Helper FunctionsyodelA General Bayesian Model Averaging HelperyorkrAnalyze Cricket Performances Based on Data from CricsheetyoungSwimmersYoung Swimmers DatasetYPBPYang and Prentice Model with Baseline Distribution Modeled byBernstein PolynomialsYPInterimTestingInterim Monitoring Using Adaptively Weighted Log-Rank Test inClinical TrialsYPmodelThe Short-Term and Long-Term Hazard Ratio Model for SurvivalDataYPmodelPhregThe Short-Term and Long-Term Hazard Ratio Model withProportional AdjustmentYPPEYang and Prentice Model with Piecewise Exponential BaselineDistributionyprYield Per RecruitypsscYeast-Proteome Secondary-Structure CalculatorYRmiscY&R Miscellaneous R FunctionsYTAnalyticsWrapper for 'YouTube Analytics' APIyuimaThe YUIMA Project Package for SDEsyuimaGUIA Graphical User Interface for the 'yuima' Packageyulab.utilsSupporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'YuLab-SMU'yumUtilities to Extract and Process 'YAML' FragmentsyyjsonrFast 'JSON', 'NDJSON' and 'GeoJSON' Parser and Generator Z10Simple Ecological Statistics from the NEON NetworkzalphaRun a Suite of Selection StatisticszCompositionsTreatment of Zeros, Left-Censored and Missing Values inCompositional Data SetszctaCrosswalkCrosswalk Between 2020 Census ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs),States and CountieszcurveAn Implementation of Z-CurveszdeskRConnect to Your 'Zendesk' DatazeallotMultiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring AssignmentZeBookWorking with Dynamic Models for Agriculture and EnvironmentzebuLocal Association MeasureszeitgebrAnalysis of Circadian Behaviourszen4RInterface to 'Zenodo' REST APIzendeskRZendesk API WrapperzendownAccess Files from 'Zenodo' DepositszenplotsZigzag Expanded Navigation PlotszenstatsStatistics from 'Zenodo' DepositszeroEQpartZero Order vs (Semi) Partial Correlation Test and CIzerotradeflowAn Implementation for the Gravitational Models of TradezetadivFunctions to Compute Compositional Turnover Using Zeta DiversityZetaSuiteAnalyze High-Dimensional High-Throughput Dataset and QualityControl Single-Cell RNA-SeqzfaZoom-Focus AlgorithmzfitFit Models in a 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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.