Christmas in Egypt: How to Celebrate Christmas in Egypt? (2024)

Christmas in Egyptis a time of joy and happiness, and the people of Egypt love this holiday more than any other. Egypt has a long past and a lot of different cultures, so their Christmas traditions are fascinating and very different from those in the West. Christmas in Egypt is a unique experience that shows off the country’s long-standing traditions and customs, from the beautifully decorated streets to the delicious holiday food.

The date is one of the most apparent differences in how Egyptians spend Christmas. Most Christians around the world enjoy Christmas on December 25. However, Coptic Christians in Egypt use the old Julian calendar and celebrate Christmas on January 7. This difference in dates makes Egypt’s Christmas celebrations more interesting since the country is still in the Christmas mood long after festivities in the West have ended.

Egypt’s streets come to life during Christmas with bright decorations and beautiful lights. Every corner is turned into a magical wonderland, from the busy towns like Cairo to the small villages along the Nile. Egyptians are very proud of how they decorate their houses. They often add lights, wreaths, and nativity scenes. The warm smiles of the locals and the sight of these beautifully decorated houses create an atmosphere that feels like Christmas.

Families and communities are also crucial in Egyptian Christmas customs. At midnight Mass at local churches, families pray and sing songs that celebrate the birth of Jesus. After Mass, families go home to celebrate with a big meal that often includes traditional Egyptian foods like roasted lamb, stuffed pigeon, and kahk, a sweet Christmas cookie. It’s a time for family and friends to get together, give each other gifts, and laugh, making memories that will last a lifetime.

Giving gifts at Christmas is prevalent in many parts of the world, but Egyptians have their unique way of celebrating this custom. Instead of focusing on financial contributions, Egyptians often talk about how important it is to help those with less. During the holidays, many families and towns help people who are in need by giving them food and clothes. This kind act shows the true meaning of Christmas and how compassion and generosity are deeply rooted in Egyptian society.

Ultimately, the beautiful Christmas traditions in Egypt are very different from those in the West. Christmas in Egypt is a unique experience, from the precise date of the holiday to the beautifully lit streets and the focus on family and charity. By learning about these unique traditions and customs, you can get a sense of the rich culture and warm-heartedness of the Egyptian people during this magical time of the year.

Are you dreaming of a magical holiday season in a land steeped in ancient history and rich cultural heritage? Look no further than Egypt vacation packages and Egypt Christmas tours. This enchanting destination uniquely blends traditional festivities and awe-inspiring ancient wonders.

Historical and Cultural Significance of Christmas in Egypt

Christmas in Egypt: How to Celebrate Christmas in Egypt? (1)

A. Influence of Christianity in Egypt

Christmas has many historical and cultural meanings in Egypt, especially because Christianity has significantly impacted the country. Egypt has a long and exciting past of Christianity that goes back to the early days of the faith. Traditions from the time of the apostles show that Egypt was among the first places Christians lived.

B. Brief History of Coptic Orthodox Church and Its Traditions

The Coptic Orthodox Church, which is an old form of Christianity, is a big part of Christmas events in Egypt. It is one of the most senior Christian groups in the world. It was started by St. Mark the Evangelist in the first century AD. The word “Coptic” comes from the Greek word “Aigyptos,” which means “Egypt.” This shows how deeply connected the religion and the country are.

The Coptic Orthodox Church has kept many old customs and traditions alive, woven into the Christmas events in many ways. Some of these customs are liturgical hymns, prayers, and using the Coptic language in religious ceremonies. All of these give the holiday a unique and timeless feel.

C. Importance of Christmas within the Coptic Orthodox Calendar

Christmas, also called “The Feast of the Nativity” or “Eid El-Ghied,” is one of the most essential holy events in the Coptic Orthodox calendar. Based on the Coptic calendar, it happens on January 7, about two weeks after December 25 on the Gregorian calendar. This difference is because the Western and Eastern Christian churches use different ways to determine the dates on their calendars.

The Coptic Orthodox Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and is a time for Coptic Christians to think deeply about their faith and pray. The midnight Mass, also called the “Coptic Christmas Eve Service,” is a solemn and happy event where Christians from all over Egypt meet in churches. The service contains beautiful chants, hymns, and customs, like the “Raising of Incense” and the “Procession of the Holy Family.”

Christmas in Egypt is a reminder of how long Christianity has been a part of this ancient country. It also shows how Coptic customs have stayed strong through centuries of change. It is a time when Egypt’s rich Christian history is on the whole show, making it a significant and culturally enriching event.

Preparation and Festivities Leading to Christmas in Egypt

Christmas in Egypt: How to Celebrate Christmas in Egypt? (2)

A. Midnight Liturgy and the Symbolic Journey to the Birth of Christ

The Midnight Liturgy is one of Egypt’s most well-known and emotionally essential parts of Christmas Eve. This Mass at midnight is one of the most critical parts of the Coptic Orthodox Christmas celebration. Believers get together in churches often decorated with detailed nativity scenes, candles, and bright colors.

The Midnight Liturgy is a severe and moving service that usually starts late on Christmas Eve and continues until the early hours of Christmas Day. During the liturgy, the people in the church say prayers and sing songs that make them think about the birth of Jesus Christ. The Coptic Orthodox Church puts a lot of importance on keeping old customs alive. The liturgy is done in the Coptic language, which adds to the sense of continuity through time.

As the Mass goes on, a symbolic trip shows how the Holy Family fled to Egypt to escape King Herod’s persecution. This journey is followed by Bible readings and hymns, which bring the congregation closer to the events of the Nativity.

B. Traditional Egyptian Christmas Meal and Delicacies

After the Midnight Liturgy, families in Egypt get together for a special Christmas meal. This meal often includes various traditional foods and treats, each with cultural meaning. Some of the most important things at Christmas dinner are:

  • Kahk: is a sweet cake with butter, flour, sugar, and various fillings like dates, nuts, or sweet syrup. Kahk is a popular holiday treat that is often carefully decorated with powdered sugar.
  • Fatta: is a tasty dish with layers of bread, rice, and meat (usually lamb or beef), all soaked in a garlic and vinegar sauce. Fatta is known for having delicious, complex tastes and is a mainstay of Egyptian Christmas dinners.
  • Roast Goose: In some Egyptian homes, roasted goose is a special Christmas treat for plenty and celebration.
  • Candy and sweets: As part of their Christmas customs, Egyptians give each other candy and sweets. Some examples of these are nougat, chocolate, and other sweets.

C. Lighting of the Christmas Tree and Exchanging of Gifts

In recent years, painting Christmas trees as people do in the West has become more prevalent in Egypt, especially in cities. Families often gather to put ornaments, lights, and ribbons on their Christmas trees. Even though this Christmas tradition isn’t as deeply rooted in Egyptian society as some others, it has become a famous symbol of the holiday season.

Another habit that came from the West is giving and receiving gifts. On Christmas Day, families give each other gifts as a sign of love and joy. But in Egypt, the focus is still on the religious and family parts of the holiday, with the spiritual elements taking priority over the business ones.

In short, Christmas Eve in Egypt is a religiously significant time when families get together. The Midnight Liturgy, the traditional Egyptian Christmas meal, and the new customs of decorating the Christmas tree and giving gifts make Christmas in this ancient land a unique and culturally rich time.

Wrapping Up the Festive Season

Christmas in Egypt: How to Celebrate Christmas in Egypt? (3)

A. The Festive Season Extending Beyond Christmas Day

In Egypt, the holiday season doesn’t end on Christmas Day. Instead, it often lasts well into January. Different national and religious events keep the celebrations going, making the whole holiday season happy. Between Christmas and the Coptic New Year, there are many celebrations, such as church parties, family reunions, and events for the whole community.

B. Celebrations and traditions for New Year’s Eve in Egypt

Even though Coptic Christmas is on January 7, Egyptians also party hard on December 31 for the Gregorian New Year. On New Year’s Eve, people often party on the streets, set fireworks, and get together with family and friends. Big towns like Cairo and Alexandria often have colorful fireworks lighting up the night sky.

On New Year’s Eve, Egyptians also eat specific foods for good luck in the coming year. This is a habit that is unique to Egypt. Some think eating beans on New Year’s Eve will bring them wealth and luck. During this time, people often exchange well-wishes and gifts, which adds to the sense of happiness and unity.

C. Reflection on the Unique Blend of Religious and Cultural Traditions During Christmas

Christmas in Egypt is a beautiful example of how religious and cultural customs work well together. It shows how the old Christian history of the Coptic Orthodox Church and Egypt’s rich history and culture have come together to make a unique way to spend a holiday. Faith is a big part of the celebrations, and the Midnight Liturgy and other religious practices play a significant role.

But what makes Christmas in Egypt special is how it combines different parts of culture, like traditional food, and newer traditions, like painting Christmas trees and giving gifts. This mix of the holy and the secular lets Egyptians show respect for their religion while sharing the joy of the holiday season.

Ultimately, Christmas in Egypt is when the country’s Christian past and cultural identity unite in a beautiful tapestry of customs and celebrations. It shows how strong faith is and how culture can bring people together in joy and togetherness during this time of year.

Christmas Traditions in Tourist Areas

Christmas in Egypt: How to Celebrate Christmas in Egypt? (4)

Tourist destinations in Egypt, including major cities like Cairo, Aswan, and Luxor, often have their unique way of celebrating Christmas that caters to both locals and tourists.


In the central city, of Cairo, you can find a mix of Western-style celebrations and traditional Egyptian customs. Many expensive hotels and restaurants host special Christmas Eve dinners with festive decorations and entertainment. Visitors can attend Midnight Mass at famous churches like the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Mark. The city’s streets and areas are often adorned with Christmas lights and decorations, creating a festive atmosphere.


This resort town on the Red Sea has a growing number of expats, making for various Christmas parties. People can go to Christmas parties on the beach, and some hotels throw parties with traditional music and dance from the area.

Sharm El-Sheikh

Sharm Al-Sheikh is another popular place to visit on the Red Sea, and it welcomes visitors with bright Christmas lights. Tourists can celebrate Christmas Eve on the beach, where there are often bonfires, live bands, and unique seafood dinners.

Aswan and Luxor

Taking a Nile cruise during the Christmas season is a unique way to enjoy the holiday in Egypt. While on board, passengers can enjoy special Christmas-themed events and dinners with traditional Egyptian cuisine. Along the route, there are chances to visit ancient temples and tombs sites illuminated for the holiday season. Some ship companies may even arrange Christmas-themed performances and entertainment on board, allowing travelers to party while floating down the majestic Nile.

How to celebrate Christmas in Egypt?

Christmas in Egypt: How to Celebrate Christmas in Egypt? (5)

As a traveler, you might find it exciting and memorable to spend Christmas in Egypt. Egypt is primarily a Muslim country, but a small group of Christians called Copts enjoy Christmas. Here are some tips for tourists on how to spend Christmas in Egypt:

  • Churches for Coptic Christians:

Visit Coptic Christian churches like the Hanging Church (St. Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church) in Cairo or other old churches like Alexandria and Luxor. Many churches have special events and midnight Mass on Christmas Eve open to the public.

  • Find out about Christmas Markets:

Look in big towns like Cairo or Alexandria for Christmas markets or bazaars. Often, these markets have holiday displays, handicrafts from the area, and traditional Egyptian holiday foods.

  • Here are some Egyptian Christmas dishes:

Try classic Coptic Christmas dishes like “fata,” a bread-and-rice dish, and “kahk,” which are sweet cookies. You can get these treats at neighborhood restaurants and bakeries.

  • Have fun with holiday decorations:

Walk around neighborhoods and public places to look at Christmas decorations and lights, especially in areas where Christians are the majority. Some sites may have Christmas trees, and nativity sets that are very pretty.

  • Experience the hospitality of Egypt:

Egyptians are known for how friendly they are. You might want to celebrate Christmas with neighborhood families or groups if you can. You might be asked to join them for their holiday meals and customs.

  • Visit places with history:

Don’t miss the chance to learn about Egypt’s history and culture while you’re there. Visit famous places like the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the palaces along the Nile.

  • Take a cruise on the Nile River:

You might want to go on a trip down the Nile River during the holidays. Christmas-themed shows and meals are often available on cruises, so you can enjoy the holiday while taking in the beautiful scenery.

  • Respect the local habits:

Remember that Christmas is not a public holiday in Egypt; most Egyptians do not celebrate it. You can enjoy the celebrations in Christian communities, but it’s essential to be aware of local practices and religious sensitivities.

  • Make a plan:

Check the Christmas events and services schedule beforehand, especially if you want to attend church services. During these times, some churches may have special rules for people who wish to visit.

  • Participate in cultural exchange:

Learn about Coptic Christianity and Egyptian society by taking advantage of this chance. Engage with the people who live there, ask them questions, and be open to cultural exchanges that can add to your trip.

Remember that how Christmas is marked in Egypt may differ from how it is in your home country. However, participating in these celebrations can help you learn more about Egypt’s religious and cultural traditions.


Egypt’s Christmas celebrations are a colorful mix of Coptic and Western customs. From the historic churches of Cairo to the beach parties of Hurghada and the unique experiences of Nile tours, Christmas in Egypt is a truly memorable and varied holiday.

When planning your next vacation, you might want to consider going to Egypt. Immerse yourself in the beautiful mix of cultures, where you can see Coptic traditions that have been around for a long time, decorated streets, and the warm welcome of the Egyptians. Egypt offers a unique and memorable Christmas experience, whether you visit old temples, celebrate on the beach, or eat traditional food.

Christmas in Egypt shows the many different cultures and religions in the country. At this time of year, the story of Jesus’ birth brings people of different faiths together and shows how important it is to be tolerant and get along with others. The mixed combination of Coptic and Western ideas demonstrates Egypt’s ability to adapt to change while keeping its customs alive.

Christmas is more than just a holiday in Egypt. It shows the country’s past, spirituality, and determination to keep its traditions alive. It’s a call to visitors worldwide to join in the happy celebrations and make memories that will last a lifetime in a place where ancient history and modern celebrations live together in peace.

Do you wish you could visit Egypt and see its historical wonders? Egypt day trips, Nile cruises, and tour packages from the US are all you need. Start a once-in-a-lifetime adventure by immersing yourself in this country’s rich past and beautiful scenery. The Great Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Valley of the Kings are all great places to see on a Egypt day tours. These tours have been carefully planned to ensure you get the most out of your time. They are led by knowledgeable guides who will bring ancient Egypt’s stories to life. Consider going on an Egypt Nile cruise for an event you’ll never forget. Float down the famous river and look at the beautiful buildings and tombs that line its banks. As you sail from Luxor to Aswan, you can see the timeless beauty of old buildings like Karnak and Philae and visit the busy markets of Luxor and Aswan. Egypt tour packages from USA make it easy to plan your trip if you live in the USA and want to go there. These packages cover everything, from booking flights to finding places to stay and setting up guided trips, so you can focus on enjoying all Egypt’s offers. So, whether you’re a history buff or want a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, Egypt day trips, Nile cruises, and tour packages from the USA will give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience you’ll never forget.

Egypt travel blogs offer a unique and personal insight into the enchanting world of ancient pyramids, bustling markets, and breathtaking landscapes:

  • Cairo At Night: Where Dreams Illuminate in Cairo Nightlife
  • Egyptian Nightlife: Where Party and Have Fun on Vacation
  • Dos and Don’ts in Egypt: Navigating Cultural Sensitivity
  • Egypt Travel Tips: Essential for an Unforgettable Adventure
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  • Nile Cruising with Kids: Family Fun on the Nile
Christmas in Egypt: How to Celebrate Christmas in Egypt? (2024)
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