carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (2024)

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (1)

An experimental investigation on pressure response and phase transition of supercritical

carbon dioxide releases from a small-scale pipeline

Xingqing Yana, Hailong Zhua, Jianliang Yua *, Shaoyun Chenb, Haroun Mahgereftehc

a School of Chemical Machinery and Safety, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024,


b School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, China

c Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London, London WC1E 7JE, UK

Abstract: The prediction of the pressure response and phase transition in the event of an

accidental carbon dioxide (CO2) release from a ruptured pipeline is of significant importance for

understanding the depressurization behaviour and hence the fracture behaviour. This article

presented a small-scale experimental investigation on the pressure response and phase transition

of supercritical CO2 release from a pressurized pipeline with a relief orifice. High-frequency

transducers and thermocouples were used to measure the evolution of CO2 pressures and

temperatures at different locations after release. The results indicated that pressures at different

locations decreased nearly synchronously after release. No vapour bubble and pressure rebound

generated in larger-scale release experiments were found in our small-scale release experiments.

The depressurization rate was greatly affected by the phase transition. During the release process,

the supercritical CO2 firstly turned into an unstable gas with a very great depressurization rate,

then changed into the gas–liquid phase with a lower depressurization rate, and finally changed

* Corresponding author: Tel.: +86-411-84986281; Fax: +86-411-84986281.

E-mail address: [emailprotected] (J. Yu)

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (2)

into gaseous CO2. The larger the relief diameter was, the longer the gas–liquid phase state lasted.

Keywords: Supercritical CO2 release, pressure response, phase transition, small-scale pipeline

1 Introduction

One of the most difficult global environmental problems which human beings are now

facing is the increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases and the resulting global warming [1]. CO2

emitted from fossil fuel combustion is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. This

situation will not be changed in the coming decades due to the actual energy situation of the

global energy structure [2]. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology intends to capture the

released CO2 at the emission sources, and transport the captured CO2 to storage locations to

mitigate the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere [3-5].

The scale and safety requirements of CCS application determine that pipeline transportation

is the primary means of CO2 transportation, due to its high efficiency and good economy [6, 7]. It is

reported that a great deal of pipelines will need to be constructed in more densely populated

areas, where multiple anthropogenic sources exist [8]. Pipelines usually suffer from failure risks,

either puncture or full-bore rupture, caused by mechanical damage, corrosion, material defects,

or operational error [9, 10]. After failure, CO2 is released suddenly from the pipeline, causing

property loss and casualties owing to asphyxia.

CO2 released from pressurized pipelines is more complicated to deal with than other

substances, because the CO2 release process may include a combination of gaseous, liquid, and

solid state CO2 [11, 12]. During the CO2 depressurization process after accidental release from an

initially liquid or supercritical state to ambient conditions, the pressure and temperature drop

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (3)

significantly owing to the expansion and subsequent high Joule–Thomson cooling effect, which

causes the complex phase transition of CO2 [13]. There have been several large research projects

focusing on CO2 release behaviour, including COOLTRANS [14], CO2PipeTrans [15], CO2PipeHaz [8],

CO2QUEST [16], COSHER [17], and so on. This research is very helpful for understanding the safety

issues related to CO2 transportation.

Numerous publications have examined the release behaviour of CO2 based on both

experimental studies and numerical research. We have given a detailed introduction in our

recently published works [18-22] and will therefore not repeat it in this article. Despite numerous

studies nowadays, there is not yet a clear understanding of the pressure response and phase

transition of the supercritical CO2 depressurization process after accidental release from a

pressurized pipeline. We performed an experimental study on the pressure response and phase

transition of supercritical CO2 during sudden release to improve the understanding of this process

using a large-scale pipeline with a length of 258 m and an inner diameter of 233 mm from the

CO2QUEST project, and found that the complex phenomena of pressure undershoot, rebound or

slowdown occurred near the critical region [19, 20]. Moreover, we discussed the phase transitions

of CO2 in the pipeline at different diameters of relief orifices during the release process [21,22].

Medium-scale CO2 release experiments were also performed to focus on the phases in the

releases when supercritical and saturation CO2 were released from a 5 m pipe connected to a 2

m3 spherical vessel. Five stages with different depressurization rates and phase states were

analyzed [23, 24]. However, these studies are far from sufficient.

With regard to the aforementioned problems, a study was proposed to focus on the

pressure response and phase transition of supercritical CO2 released from a small-scale

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (4)

pressurized pipeline. High-frequency transducers were used to record the evolutions of fluid

pressures during release. Thermocouples were placed to measure the temperatures of fluid.

2 Experiments

2.1 Experimental set-up

To investigate the pressure response and phase transition of supercritical CO2 from a

pipeline, a small-scale experimental facility was established [18]. The schematic diagram and

photograph are shown in Figure 1. It consisted of a CO2 insulated Dewar vessel, a 10 L buffer tank,

a main pipe, a relief pipe, and a pneumatic valve driven by compressed air from a gas cylinder.

CO2 from the Dewar vessel was conditioned into the 10 L buffer tank, which was coated by a heat

band which kept the CO2 inside the buffer tank at the desired temperature, and glass wool

insulation which kept the whole leakage process inside the buffer tank under a near-adiabatic


A main pipe with an internal diameter of 25 mm and a length of 5 m was connected to the

bottom of the buffer tank by an elbow. The other end of the main pipe was connected to a

pneumatic valve. Several relief pipes with internal diameters of 25 mm and lengths of 1 m were

machined before the experiments. These pipes were all closed at one end and each had a circular

hole in the middle to simulate the leakage nozzle. When doing experiments, a selected relief pipe

with the desired circular hole diameter was assembled to the pneumatic valve. Both the main

pipe and relief pipe were coated by a heat band and glass wool insulation. The circular hole

diameters in this study were 2 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm.

The pneumatic ball valve was DQ641Y type used in low temperature conditions. It could be

used with the pressure less than 10 MPa and the temperature larger than -100 °C. Its duration

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (5)

time during value opening was about 0.1s~1s, depending on the actuating pressure.

Three pressure transducers labelled P1, P2, and P3 and three armoured K-type

thermocouples labelled T1, T2, T3 were mounted at different locations along the main pipe to

record the pressures and temperatures of CO2 inside the main pipe, as shown in Figure 2. The

accuracy and frequency of the pressure transducers were ±0.25% and 100 kHz. The response

time and uncertainty of the thermocouples are 1 s and ± 1 °C. All sensors were calibrated before

use. The data acquisition system was accomplished by the NI acquisition module and LabVIEW

software [18-22].

2.2 Experiment procedure

The following steps are involved in each test: (1) Assembling the relief pipe with the desired hole

diameter; (2) Examining the integrity of the whole pipeline set-up; (3) Debugging the testing

instruments and data acquisition system; (4) Opening the atmospheric exhaust valve of the buffer

tank, filling gas phase CO2 from the Dewar vessel to the buffer tank for about 30 s, and then

closing the exhaust valve and ending the filling process (keeping a pressure of 0.5 MPa in the

buffer tank); (5) Filling liquid phase CO2 from the Dewar vessel to the buffer tank. During this step,

the evacuation of gas CO2 in the buffer tank and the filling of liquid CO2 to the buffer tank might

be performed alternately. Experience was needed to judge the proper amount of CO2 filled; (6)

After the filling process, opening the heating system to make the pressure and temperature of

CO2 in the buffer tank meet the required experimental conditions. Evacuation might be needed in

this step; (7) Opening the data acquisition system, setting up the image device; and activating the

pneumatic valve; (8) Clearing up the experimental field.

Special attention was needed to safety issues during each step. Each test was repeated

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (6)

several times (usually three) to ensure repeatable results within the permitted error range. All

measurements were carried out under similar ambient temperature (about 15 °C) and humidity

(about 60%). The initial pressure of 9 MPa and the initial temperature of 40 °C were selected in

every experiment. Three relief diameters of the leakage nozzle were chosen: 2 mm, 4 mm, and 6


3 Results and discussions

3.1 Pressure and temperature evolutions in main pipe

Figure 3 shows the pressure evolutions at different locations inside the main pipe in the

supercritical CO2 release experiments with relief diameters of 2 mm (a), 4 mm (b), and 6 mm (c).

In every subgraph, the release began at time t1 when the pneumatic valve was activated. The

pressures inside the main pipe underwent a sharp drop due to the expansion and release of

supercritical CO2 after the pneumatic valve was opened. The precipitous declines of pressure

were slowed at time t2. Apparently stable and gentle pressure drops appeared after t2. After a

period of time, the depressurization rate changes again at time t3.

Based on the variation trend of the depressurization rate, three stages could be

distinguished during every release process. The first stage was from time t1 to time t2. The

durations were about 5.5717 s for 2 mm release diameter, 1.0365 s for 4 mm release diameter,

and 0.752 s for 6 mm release diameter. The second stage was from time t2 to time t3. The

durations were about 63.1628 s for 2 mm release diameter, 19.6248 s for 4 mm relief diameter,

and 9.3560 s for 6 mm relief diameter. The third stage was from t3 to the end time of the release.

The different stages with various depressurization rates were attributed to the phase states of

CO2 inside the main pipe, which will be discussed in detail in the next section.

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (7)

Moreover, the pressure curves were nearly synchronous at the testing locations P1, P2, and

P3 in each experiment. Though the pressure of P3 was slightly greater than that of P2, which was

slightly greater than that of P1, the pressure gradient from P3 to P1 was small. The synchronous

changes of fluid pressures at different locations were similar to those tested in large-scale

experimental pipelines with a length of 258 m and an inner diameter of 233 mm. However, no

vapour bubbles and pressure rebound [19,20] were found in the small-scale experiments. Also, the

propagation of decompression waves recorded in the large-scale experiments was harder to

estimate in this study, probably because the experimental pipeline was too short.

Figure 4 shows the temperature evolutions at different locations inside the main pipe in the

supercritical CO2 release experiments with relief diameters of 2 mm (a), 4 mm (b), and 6 mm (c).

Temperatures decreased just after the pneumatic valve was activated, due to the Joule–Thomson

effect of the expansion process. Locations near the release orifice showed lower temperatures

during the temperature decreasing process. But in these experiments, the temperature gradients

were not very large. The largest temperature drops reached at location T1 were about 38 °C for 2

mm relief diameter, 52 °C for 4 mm relief diameter, and 58 °C for 6 mm relief diameter. Larger

relief diameters brought bigger temperature drops.

3.2 Phase transformation during release

Combining the tested pressure data with the temperature data at different times, we

obtained the phase changes of CO2 during the release process, as shown in Figure 5. After the

pneumatic valve acted, the inventory properties inside the experimental main pipes (P1, T1; P2, T2;

P3, T3) passed through the supercritical region and into the gaseous region of the phase diagram,

due to the rapid pressure drop. Apparently, the supercritical state CO2 was unlikely to change to

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (8)

dense phase state because the pressure drop was more dominant than the temperature drop.

Then the curves of all the measuring points tend to be close to the saturation line, which

suggested that the unstable gaseous CO2 quickly transformed into the gas–liquid phase. For a

large part of the release, the measured pressures and temperatures of all locations followed

approximately the saturation line. After a period of time along the saturation line, the pressure–

temperature developments of all the testing points along the pipeline deviated from the

saturation line, indicating that the gas–liquid phase CO2 transformed into gaseous CO2. The phase

transition process was similar to those obtained in the large-scale experimental pipeline with a

small release orifice [19] and medium-scale CO2 releases with full bore rupture conditions [23].

The reason for the different depressurization rates in the different stages represented in

Figure 3 can be explained as below. As shown in Figure 5, during the first stage from t1 to t2, the

pressure drop was caused by the supercritical CO2 release with a large depressurization rate.

Then, during the second stage from t2 to t3, the supercritical CO2 changed into gas–liquid phase

CO2, which slowed the depressurization rate of CO2, due to the smaller density and larger

compressibility of gas–liquid phase CO2 than supercritical CO2. Finally, during the third stage from

t3 to the release end, the pressure drop was attributed to the gas phase CO2 release, during

which the depressurization rate was different compared to the process of gas–liquid phase CO2

release. In Figure 5, the valve acting time t1, the first phase transformation time t2, and the

second phase transformation time t3 were plotted. The corresponding pressures of t1, t2, and t3 in

Figure 5 were similar to those of t1, t2, and t3 in Figure 3, demonstrating that the changes of the

depressurization rate were related to the phase transformation.

3.3 Jet plume outside the relief orifice

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High pressure CO2 decompresses rapidly outside the leakage orifice, and experiences an

expansion process, leading to a typical under-expanded plume in the dispersion process, which

can be seen clearly as a white plume [25]. Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the appearance of jet

dispersion at different times after release in the experiment with the relief diameters of 2 mm

(Figure 7) and 4 mm (Figure 7). Due to the violent temperature drop caused by the J–T effect

during the release process, the extremely low temperature (usually lower than -78 °C for

supercritical CO2 release) led to a phase change of CO2 from other phase states to solid phase. As

shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, a compact core area inside the jet plume near the release orifice

was formed, where a large fraction of solid CO2 particles was generated. At 0 s after release

(Figure 6a and Figure 7a), supercritical CO2 in the pipe was released from the orifice. Then due to

the transition from supercritical CO2 to unstable gaseous CO2 in the pipe, the dimensions of the

jet plume decreased (Figure 6b, c, d and Figure 7b). Some time later, gaseous CO2 in the pipe was

transformed to gas–liquid phase, and the dimensions of the jet plume became larger and larger

(Figure 6e, f and Figure 7c, d). After the gas–liquid phase CO2 changed into gaseous CO2 in the

pipe, the dimensions of the jet plume gradually became smaller and invisible (Figure 6e, f and

Figure 7 e).

3.4 Discussions

Recently we performed both larger-scale and small-scale supercritical CO2 release

experiments to study the pressure response and phase transition of CO2 inside the experimental

pipe [19-22]. Also, the results of medium-scale supercritical CO2 release experiments can be found

in the literature [23, 24]. There were both similarities and differences among the different scale

release experiments.

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (10)

First, the pressure responses during pipeline depressurization were different. The pressure

undershoot, rebound or slowdown which occurred near the critical region in the large-scale

experiments of supercritical CO2 release [19,20] were not found in the medium-scale [23] and

small-scale supercritical CO2 release experiments. There may be a variety of possibilities for this

difference, but the following two were the most likely reasons.

(1) In larger-scale CO2 release experiments, the initiation of release was controlled by two

blasting discs [19-22], which could be fully open in several millisecond. However, in small-scale CO2

release experiments, the initiation of release was activated by a pneumatic ball valve, which had

a much lower opening speed (nearly one second for fully opening). The faster the release orifice

opened, the more severe the depressurization wave propagated and rebounded. Hence the

pressure undershoot, rebound or slowdown would occur more easily in larger-scale experiments.

(2) In large-scale CO2 release experiments, the pipe internal diameter of 243 mm was large

enough that temperature gradient existed on the same cross section at the release onset [19-20].

However, in small-scale CO2 release experiments, the internal diameter of the vent pipes was

only 25 mm, and was too small to have temperature gradient on the same cross section. Hence

the intense heat and mass transfers and the resulting pressure undershoot and rebound

phenomenon occurred in the large-scale release experiments at the release onset were not seen

in the small-scale experiments.

Second, the phase transitions of supercritical CO2 during pipeline depressurization were

similar [19, 23]. The initial supercritical CO2 transformed into gaseous CO2 (normally this stage was

transient and unstable), followed immediately by the transformation of CO2 into gas–liquid phase.

After a period of time, the pressures and temperatures successively deviated from the saturation

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (11)

line and the gas–liquid CO2 transformed into gas phase.

4 Conclusions

This article has presented the results of a small-scale experimental investigation on the

pressure response and phase transition of supercritical CO2 release from a pressurized pipeline

with a relief orifice. Some conclusions are demonstrated as follows:

(1) The pressure undershoot, rebound or slowdown which occurred near the critical region

in the large-scale experiments of supercritical CO2 release were not found in the small-scale

supercritical CO2 depressurization process.

(2) Locations near the release orifice reached lower temperatures during the temperature

decreasing process. Larger relief diameters brought bigger temperature drops.

(3) Phase transitions occurred during the supercritical CO2 release process. The supercritical

CO2 firstly turned into an unstable gas with a very great depressurization rate, then changed into

the gas–liquid phase, and finally changed into gaseous CO2.

(4) The larger the relief diameter was, the longer the gas–liquid phase lasted during the CO2

release process.

(5) Both similarities and differences in the pressure responses and the phase transitions

were found among the different scale release experiments.


The authors would like to acknowledge the funding received from the European Union

Seventh Framework Programmes FP7- ENERGY-2009-1 under grant agreement number 241346

and FP7-ENERGY-2012-1STAGE under Grant agreement 309102.


carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (12)

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carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (15)

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the supercritical phase CO2 release experimental set-up

Pneumatic value


Low temperature hose

10 L buffer tank


Main pipe(I. D. =25 mm, Length=5m)

Gas outlet Gas


Liquid outlet Liquid


CO2 insulatedDewar flask

Relief pipe (I. D. =25 mm, Length=1m)

Air cylinder

Leakage nozzleTest section

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (16)

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the leakage nozzle and testing locations on relief pipe and main



Buffer tank

5 m


T3 T2 T1 0.5 m

2 m 1.5 m

Leakage nozzle

Pneumatic valveMain pipe

Relief pipe1 m

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (17)

Figure 3 Pressure evolutions of the supercritical CO2 release experiments with different relief

diameters ( initial pressure of 9 MPa, initial temperature of 40 °C).

0 20 40 60 80 1004







t3(78.2916s): Dividing point

of depressurization rate



re (



Time (s)




(a) de=2mm

t1(15.1288s): Valve acts

t2(20.7005s): Dividing point

of depressurization rate

0 10 20 30 40 500








re (



Time (s)




t1(1.9675s): Valve acts

t2(3.004s): Dividing point of

depressurization rate

(b) de=4 mm

t3(22.6288s): Dividing point

of depressurization rate

0 5 10 15 20 25 300






t3(18.9527s): Dividing point

of depressurization rate



re (







t1(8.8447s): Valve acts

t2(9.5967s): Dividing

point of

depressurization rate

(c) de=6 mm

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (18)

Figure 4 Pressure and temperature evolutions of the supercritical CO2 release experiments with

different relief diameters (initial pressure of 9 MPa, initial temperature of 40 °C).

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 2000












re (


Time (s)

(a) de=2 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80-20










re (


Time (s)





(b) de=4mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60-20













re (


Time (s)


(c) de=6mm

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (19)

Figure 5 Pressures-temperature development of the supercritical CO2 release experiments (initial

pressure of 9 MPa, initial temperature of 40 °C).






-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

t3: Phase transformation


Temperature (°C)



re (



T1, P1

T2, P2

T3, P3

t1: Valve acts

t2: Phase transformation


(a) de=2mm






-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

t3: phase transformation


Temperature (°C)



re (



T1, P1

T2, P2

T3, P3

Saturation line

t1: Valve acts

t2: phase transformation


(b) de=4mm

-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 500






t3: Phase





re (



Temperature (°C)

T1, P1

T2, P2

T3, P3

t1: Valve acts

t2: Phase tranformation


Saturation line

(c) de=6mm

carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (20)

Figure 6 Jet flow phenomena (initial pressure of 9 MPa, initial temperature of 40 °C, and leakage

hole diameter of 2 mm)

Time after

release (

a) 0s


b) 1s


c) 5s


) 12s


) 25s


) 51s


) 73s



carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (21)

Figure 7 Jet flow phenomena (initial pressure of 9 MPa, initial temperature of 40 °C, and leakage

hole diameter of 4 mm).

(a) 0s after


(b) 2s after


(c) 4s after


(d) 22s after



(e) 28s after


carbon dioxide releases from a small scale pipeline - [PDF Document] (2024)


How many CO2 pipelines are in the US? ›

18th May 2023. The US is home to the largest number of commercial CCS facilities and CO2 pipelines around the world. There are currently 50 CO2 pipelines operating in the US through over 8,000 km which transport approximately 70 million tonnes of CO2 every year.

What is the pressure in a CO2 pipeline? ›

A typical pipeline operates at 1100 to 2200 psig and between 60° to 90°F. The attached figures indicate the movement of the phase envelope into this typical operating region.

How thick is the CO2 pipeline? ›

The mainline pipeline is being designed with a range of wall thickness from 0.189 inches to 0.750 inches thick and will be constructed with high-strength steel. The pipeline system will run approximately 2,500 miles in total with the ability to transport up to 18-million-tons of CO2 per year.

Why are there CO2 pipelines? ›

These pipelines are part of an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ethanol production plants by capturing and storing carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

What is the setback for a CO2 pipeline? ›

Residential Structures: CO2 pipelines are required to have a setback of a minimum of 1,855 feet from the lot line of existing residential structures. B.

What is the capacity of the CO2 pipeline? ›

The U.S., a global leader in carbon management and commercial deployment of CCUS, has an extensive carbon dioxide pipeline network spanning 5,385 miles with a capacity to transport 80 million tons of carbon dioxide annually. However, this network must be expanded to achieve the full potential of CCUS.

Who emits the most CO2 in the US? ›

In 2021, US transportation released more greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector: more than 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions, or 28.5% of emissions overall. Since 1990, emissions have increased for the transportation, agricultural, and residential sectors, as well as US territories.

What are the risks of carbon dioxide pipelines? ›

In order to transport the carbon dioxide via pipeline, it must be liquified under pressure three times the rate of natural gas. CO2 pipelines can, and do, rupture or leak. When this occurs, an explosive plume of CO2 gas can erupt that can travel a mile or more.

How much does a CO2 pipeline cost per mile? ›

For sizes ranging from 4 inches to 24 inches in diameter, estimated pipeline costs ranged from $51,000 per inch-mile to $119,000 per inch-mile (on a total project cost basis) where inch is the diameter of the pipeline.

At what pressure does CO2 become a gas? ›

Within a temperature range between -56.6 °C (-69,88 °F) and 31 °C (87,8 °F) and pressure greater than 5.2 bar and less than 74 bar (1'073,28 psi) respectively CO2 is in its liquid state except at very high pressures. This means that, below 5.2 bar (754,20 psi), CO2 exists only in its solid or gaseous state.

Is CO2 pipeline gas or liquid? ›

CO2 is transported in three states: gas, liquid and solid. Commercial-scale transport uses tanks, pipelines and ships for gaseous and liquid carbon dioxide. Gas transported at close to atmospheric pressure occupies such a large volume that very large facilities are needed.

At what temperature is CO2 transported? ›

Today, CO2 is transported at medium pressure (i.e. about 15 bar at –28°C) by smaller ships.

What happens when a CO2 pipeline bursts? ›

In the event of a carbon pipeline rupture or leak, an explosive plume of CO2 gas can emerge, odorless and colorless, an asphyxiant that can suffocate all living beings, and prevent combustion vehicles like cars from starting to enable an escape to safety.

What material is used for CO2 pipelines? ›

Essentially all CO2 pipelines in operation today have used conventional, carbon steel piping materials.

What pressure is a CO2 pipeline? ›

To minimize costs, commercial CO2 pipelines typically operate at pressures between 1,200 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) and 2,200 psig, with some pipelines having a maximum operating pressure of 2,500 psig to 2,800 psig.

Are there existing CO2 pipelines in the US? ›

Approximately 5,000 miles of CO2 pipeline already operate in the United States, primarily linking natural CO2 sources to oil fields for enhanced oil recovery. However, a much larger pipeline network would be needed for CCS to meet national goals for greenhouse gas reduction.

Who regulates CO2 pipelines? ›

There are regulations for CO2 pipelines at both the federal and state levels in the United States. At the federal level, CO2 pipelines are regulated by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) under the Department of Transportation (DOT).

How far away should you live from a pipeline? ›

The hazard area radius is basically the area in proximity to the pipeline within which there would be virtually no chance of survival if a pipeline rupture and fire were to happen, and it varies in size from about 100 feet to about 700 feet for a 6-inch to 42-inch pipeline, respectively.

What is the pipeline valve rule? ›

The final rule requires operators installing rupture-mitigation valves (RMVs) or alternative equivalent technologies pursuant to the final rule to identify ruptures and close valves to isolate the ruptured segment as soon as practicable, not to exceed 30 minutes from rupture identification.

Is CO2 corrosive to pipelines? ›

Pipelines, in particular, are ideal for transporting large quantities of CO₂ from industrial processes like natural gas power and hydrocarbon production. However, the transmission of this volatile gas can be highly corrosive for a pipeline, impeding its safe transport and storage.

What is the maximum allowable limit for CO2? ›

The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends an 8- hour TWA Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 5,000 ppm and a Ceiling exposure limit (not to be exceeded) of 30,000 ppm for a 10-minute period. A value of 40,000 is considered immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH value).

Can natural gas pipelines be used for CO2? ›

For safety reasons, pipelines that ship CO2 as a gas cannot operate at pressures above 1,070 psi, which as discussed below, is well within the pressure range of many existing natural gas and oil pipelines.

How much CO2 will be released? ›

Annual emissions of CO2 – from burning fossil fuels, industrial processes and land-use change – are estimated to be 42.2 Gt per year, the equivalent of 1,337 tonnes per second. With emissions at a constant level, the budget would be expected to be used up in less than six years from now.

How many pipelines exist in the United States? ›

Of the 182 pipelines in the U.S., only 160 of them are active. These 160 pipelines transport both crude and refined oil. To transform crude oil into refined products like gas or diesel crude oil must first be transported to a refinery.

How much CO2 was expected from the Keystone XL pipeline? ›

In its analysis of the Keystone XL, the State Department estimates that the pipeline will lead to between 1 million and 27 million tons of CO2 emissions annually, but it won't likely have a significant effect on climate change because if the Keystone isn't built, Canadian energy companies will find more carbon- ...

What is the largest pipeline in the US? ›

Meeting the Nation's Energy Needs

Colonial Pipeline is the largest refined products pipeline in the United States, transporting more than 100 million gallons of fuel daily to safely and reliably support communities, commerce, air travel, and our nation's security.

How much CO2 does transportation produce in us? ›

EIA estimates that in 2023, U.S. motor gasoline and diesel (distillate) fuel consumption in the U.S. transportation sector accounted for about 31% [1,489 million metric tons (MMmt)] of total U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions (4,794 MMmt).

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